HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1386 Creates SID No. 489 499 COHMISS ION ?ESOLUTION NO. 1386 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO}f!lISS ION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO HE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY O~~ I30ZEli\N TO CREATE A SPECIAL IHPRQVEHENT DISTRICT TO BE K1\JO\'lN AS SPECIAL UfPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 489 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTn,UCTTON A1\TD INSTALLATIO~J OF A SIX (6) INCH CAST IRON HATEl;M'AIN ON EAST CLEVEL\ND STIlliET FR0!1 THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 8 OF BLOCK 5, UNIVERSITY SUBDIVISION TO PDUSE !\VENUE, A SIX (6) INCH Cl\ST IRON UATERH,-<\IN ON ~;GUTH MONT:\N.^. ,\VENUE FROM Et-ST LINCOLN STREET TO E[\ST CLEVELAND STREET, A FOUT',- I TEEN (1!.) INCH CI\ST I'lON VfATERP..AIN ON A PORTION OF EAST GARFIELD STllliET FROM A POINT 100 FEET E.'\STERLY OF saUTI'! HONTANI\ AVENUE TO A POINT 100 FEET I]ESTERLY TFtEREOf, ,\ SIX (6) INCH CAST IRON ~'JATEill:!i\IN ON A I'ORTION OF E},S T LINCO:SN ST)\E[1" r~"Z(m I, POINT 100 FEET EASTERLY OF SOUTH HONTANP. AVEnUE TO A POINT lon F;:;:':T 'i.JES'rEELY TIIEItEOFj L\LSO TO CONST~UC'r AND INSTALL AN ETGHT INCH L,\TEPJ\L ~)ANI'T'!\RY SE'.J::R ON SOUTH MONTL\NA AVENUE FROM TIm CENTERLINE OF EAST LINCOLN S":'T'J::ET TO THE CENTEItLTN'';; OF EAST CLEVEL!\ND STREET 1\WJ ON A PORTlflN :YF EAST LINSC'L:<r STREET l.TOH A POINT 100 FEET EASTERLY OF SOUTH HONTL\Nt, AV;~NUE TO A POINT 100 FEET ;{ESTERLY THEREOF. Tl-lE CONS TRUCTION OF Sl,ID HATEr. MAIN AND SANITARY smmn TO INCLUDE TPENCH EXCAVATION AND 3/\CKFILL, INSTt.1T,,'\TTON OF C1\ST FWN PIPE AND VIT~IFIED TILE SEHER, NEC- ESSAIlY vlYES i\ND TEEf:;, ;3ERVICE STUBS, PIPE BEDDING Mi\TERIfJ" NECESSARY }Li\N~ HOLES, FIRE HYDRANT~~, VALVES ANT.) OTHER APPURTENANT HORK THERETO. HHERCAS, there !1as been filed \}i.th the Clerk of the City Commission of t~1C' (;ity of Bozeman, Hont3:la, a petition in due for1" of certain O'.,.'ners of propeytif's situated within the boundaries of Spedi1l Improvement District No. (i39 a:: hereinafter more sped fica By desf.'ri1)cu, asking th2 t 8 cpeciaJ i:c\provemcnt l:i.,c;tri,ct he crc2ted for the purpose of con~3tructing and i.nstalling \Jatcnnain,o: 1 . t 1 t ) . to proviJc water and sanitary sewers tQ lots uithin the dLtritt. anc. ~~a'!',\. ,~ar)'" ~'-;2\-:er _.0 era.. rn2:..TIS 'J!IEH.Ei\S, ~:ha!' at a regular ",ceting of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman ~1clc: on the 18tb day of September, 1968, the aEoresaid petition was respectively considered and grantedj NO:,] , TI-lE!mFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COHMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE~1AN: Section 1 Declaration of Intention That it is hereby cecli1re~ to 8e the intention of the City of Bozeman to cn::atc 8 special improvement district to be known and designated as Special Improvement Dist~ict No. (:39 () f the I City of 3o;:~eman for the purpose of constructing and installing v;atermains amI sanitary sewer lst- c1::"c.l n:ains; said pYO.,~ccL to 1nclude all ",-ppllrten01nt \forI,_ for tne cons truc ti on D;:]d iTl,S ta11a t i on of 'O:atcr i~1ain0 ,,111e1 f;(,,;cr,,\ge system l.o i"rDvic1e water and sanitary sewers for a 11 lot s,.,,; th ;_n tbe disL~"ict. Section 2 Boundaries The 1)O'\,1daries of ::aid SpC'dal IT'lprOvement Distri.ct No. 4R9 arc described as follo"'8: Beginning 8t the northeast corner of the University Subdivision of the Cit)' of Bozeman, Montana; thence westerly along the north line of said subdivision a distance of one hundred thirty feet (130ft.) to the centerline of South Rouse Avenue, being the true point of beginning; thence southerly along the ~enterlinc of South Rouse Avenue a distance of two hundred fifty-eight and forty-nine hundredths feet (25S.~9 ft.); thence westerly a distance of thirty feet (30ft. ) to the southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 3, University Suhdivision No. ') . thcnce continuing ',vesterly along the south line of saiel Lot 2 il c1is- '-, tanre of one hundred feet (100ft. ) to the southI'Jest corner of sai(l l-<i;)t 2; thence southerly along the ea~)ter1y line of Lots 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 "md 13 of Block 3 of said ",:ubdivision a distance of fo~:r hundred thirty fee t (1+30 ft.) to the sot\th- east corner of Lot 1:'3, Blo:lc 3 ()f said subdivision. Thence continuing s011therly across East Garfield Street a distance of sixty feet (60ft. ) to the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 4 of said subdivision; thence southerly along the easterly line of Lots 1 through 12 of nlock 4 of said subdivision a distance of nine hundred eighty-nine and forty hundredths fee t (989.{~O ft.) to the southeast corner of Lot 12 of Block 4 of said subdivision; thence southerly across East Lincoln Street a distance of sixty and eighty-three hundredths feet (60.83 [t.) more: or less to the northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 7 of said subdivision, thence southerly along the easterly line of said lot 3, a distance of onE> hund red tHen ty-nine and seven hundredths feet (129.07 ft.) to the southeast corner of I ~3ajd Lot 3, thence westerly along the southerly line of Lots J, 2 and 1 of said ]lock 7 a distance of :\':0 hundred seventy feet (270 feet) to the $o1..1tl1\':cs t: corner of ~;3il} Lot 1 . thence northerly along the westerly line of said lot 1 of Blod, 7 ~ , a d'istanrc of OtiC hl!nc1:-ed tHcn ty-six and forty-five hundredths feet (121).(..") to -'~ , ..... the :lorth"cst corner" Df said Lot l' thence continuing northerly across East , Lincoln Strect a distance of sixty feet (SO ft.) to the southwest corner of Lot 2~, Dlod~ 2 oC said subdjvisio~~j thence cO:ltinuing northerly along the westerly line of Lot,-; 2-', through 13 of said Block 2 a distance of nine hundred eighty-nine and fifty eight ~undrcdths fee t (989.58 ft. ) to the north'W'est corner of said Lot 13; thence continuing northerly a distance' of sixty feet (60 ft:.), across East GarCield 3trect to the southwest corner of Lot 14 of Block 1 of said University Subdivision No. ? thcr.ce cODti:ndng liort:lerly along the v;este]~ly line of Lots U:, 1 'J 10 or -, -'-, S81d :31-oc'., 1 n cli,:;t;:lpr'c of t;.;o 11'md~cd t\-.!cn t:y fee t (220 ft.) to the s011thea"t cor:,.cr o:~ T..Jo L 7 o'~ ~lock J. uf :aid st~1)divisi,OT1; thence \-;cs ted)' along the sou::h(';~1y 1 i '1e 0" :ODirl Lot 7 ;.i. d-i~;t'cnc:e or 0;1(' ~lllndJ:ed feet (100 ;Ct.) t:J th,c s 0',"1 tl'-::.\.) L:] ~,: <: n!~>l,C -,." () [' CC':11HS::O :!:C'N R=:snLlTTICN NO. 13~CJ 500 c L~ i ..: lG .!~ 7. ~hcncc ~~C~3':c'-1_)' 3C~QSS ~:; 0' 1 t,. ~ l Du ;::: 2"'''1 :~.~~ r-: ".~,.'\,~ e"'~ L; 2 .3 JiStQ.11CC O,~ , , .s.;. ::5 t..:1rcc &~(l t'dC:i. ~.,:i'- ;1 'r~ :'~~,.nlc1 ~'L:(~ t:'l:':: r=, '" I- (r'J.25 [t. ):-.'ore or les~ to LL '"...: L the southeast corner of Lot 8. Block 5 of the lJ!~j.'\,rcrsi t""y Stlbclivi.sio!1; t~,d~~ ,~\.: \\"C s tQr 1..y ~ 1. ::.)~g ,-hc ~C)~.' t':l"?,crJy 1, i '; [' o.r ~'_; c'). i (1 ~J)t- f. a di.stLlnr:'L~ ,)F ~~ 5.. ~:. ';',;, 'r- c,y"_ f 1. '\"' C: J.n"l n i'~ c 'i: :,"'. :,~ ~ ~.: ::': 11 ~1,~~~ rf~ (~ ~~ :'1 S [C2 ~: Ir"r r"r ft. ) to t~:p ~; 0'..1. th~,; c:. >.J ~: \,.J .' * ,'") r: :':"';3.:f,d ~~t Q. the ~,: ~~, c ~,~] yo t~'lC ~r 1 ~- (,~ l'.);,"'!.Z':! ~~hp ~'2s~e~1.)~ 1.~ne o~ L()~'s " ...~~, .' (,~ I.') :( -n ~:::: ~~ , f.-1.', ~u, '] C.: ;33ici ~~lnc1~. .r:; ~1 (' ~i s +- anr.~ C i)..c one ;.1 ~in,~1 ~~,~;:d ~:.~ i ~"= t :; 7 ~f c c.: t (1 (:Q:-~~ .) ::8 -t-J"C"\ :; 0"'.1, I~t:C ~~ 1 :'!' I-t nc: 0; L () '~~ In 0~ saiJ ~la~k ., . :~~e-'" c c ~;C: ~ '~..:c~,-:-1. y 21 CH1 t~ ~:- h. e ;:; f.')11 :-' ~-~ c. .~~~ 1. y . , 1i ',e c:)f sail: LDt 1.,n ::.. c;istsncQ :):E~ s i.:.:tjr- ~~:t~ t'c.e 211(1 :'=-.'/0'1. t y - ,: j, ~.J (,: 1:': u n ;~_; ..".. (~~~, ~~', h:3 E L.'~~:;': ~,. (F')~~,S '-r- ' to ~:hf' :.;0':t'''::C8 t rtl )~1,'1e r G'~ 2 c.~ ~,.G tD t 10 ; t~~~ncc Yl()~thcaz~cr~_; I :: . . ) ~~ 1 'W ~: ~t1P ~':csterl': line of said T,ot 10 a (~i0tD.ncc of O;iC ;.l1.1.ndrcd s :L::tcen ~i.nd .~~J",f~y-~~i.}: h')nd}~e(;,t~'l3 fee: i-:- (110. SC; ~ i- \ ~ the'~cc SO~}t~c33tcrly a1.ong ~hc leJt ;_ L . j , 1,1n0':1[ c~J.id Lot 10 D (1i:::'~cncc 0'<: t~<~<::n t y~ fi vc rC(.'\. t Ir") r:; .F ~.. \ . tl":c~cc; po~: tl:.:,~ J,. \~ .:.. ..,. '.-..1 , 2..2:.: 1:::,:;:1 y c.long the n')~:tl'l\'C::: te;-1)' ~..ot lines ~) f u ::'')~,,~ ~-i()n [) f to t lO, and D iJor:::i,0TI () f ~r..ot- 11 o ':.~ :.:~ a i ':-~ .;}1.oc~~, .S, a di.ctan2C of ~)n~ :~l1n,~: ~'~c.c1 t-..len tj~-t~:.~:c:c ~1'1d fi,fty-si:z: hundrcd !~hs :C2e := (l23.')(, ft.) ::0 ~hc ?:)~tn ~ c).:: c 11T'!a tl1rc () f ~1 ~,1"lr"'\",,?c to the right; thcn.cc northcDstcrly J.lang '.:hc rWT t:1'>:(' s te ,: 1y 1; nee" of a poc I:;on of La t 11 Lot 1 ') 3nd a po~-t:inn of tot 1 ') Block S on 3n arc dis- . ~- , ._to." -,.,,' , ~:a'tl c:c :Jf t"o h11nd red - thi.rl:y-five and forty seven l:unc~Tcd thE> fe:e t (?') r; /.7 rt.) ; ...~._.r..! .,.." t~encc easterly along the northerly line of a portion of Lot 13, I,Ot8 1/ 15, ~- , , 1.C .1 17. of said ::\lock S, ~ di.stancc Df three h_unc1rcd forty-nine and ~:e~Jen ty I., ,) an,-, :Ci'TC~ ~l~...1'r1d yed ths feet (::v: 9. 7.5 Pt.) , to the no~theast norner of said Lot 17 ; the'1ce easterly a diHtance of thirty feet (30 ft: . ) to 1:~hc cen 1~C'rline of S01Jtl1 ::.:.()~1S e. .,\vcnt.l2 -; said point also ~eiryc the trlle point of1wsi'1ni'lg. ContAining w1thin the above described exterio~ boundaries the follouinr. Lots and Blocks. to-Hit: Lots R 9~ 10, ll, l2, 1'1 l' . 1" 16 & 17 of 3lock 5, TJni,vcrsit'] ~.)tl;)divi..si.o''1.s: '.,' , .- -' , . ._)" I,ote.: l, ') ':) (1, 5, r; 7, 8, 10, 12 and Ifl of Bl0Ck 1 of lbiversity S;I'xl"Tision \;0. 2. ~, ,) . .. . L\)ts 13, Ill. 15, IS, 17, IS. 19, 20, 11 22, 2: and ?/, ~f Bloc~ 2 of University ~ .,.., S11;xlivision No. 2. Lots I , ') ..., 5. 7. 0 11 & 13 of 3lock :; of Un;vcrsi ty Sl1bdivis::ion 1:::0. 2. ~. , ~. ~" , L () ~ '. ~':'~ , 2, " I c: 6. 7. 8. 0 10. 11. 12 of nlock 4 of University Subdivisior" .. . .~ , 'f, .j , -,. , No. ') ,;... . Lots 1 2 and 3 of r,lod' 70E University SU:,Jdivision ~To . ') '., "-. Section ') Character of Improvetpents I The Charac te": 0 f the imptovenents to be ~ade 1..8 the installation and cons t ':uc':ion 0 f six (6) ~._ .n_.. ... ....._ - - 501 interest :: ~ ()T"~ the (~.C1 tc of ~:h('iT n'Sic;;:'~<1ti()n until called ;'0:':- pl:::.{r~~::~n t , at (} rate pot to c:<cCC(~ ~; j.~,,: pc 1~"- c.~;, i~ ((,0/.) ~H.:- ,3.n1.11HI1, \vhi C~\ i.r~ tc ,rc~'; i shall be chLlrgE2hlc as ,"'" ... 1~ t' of the cc' c' t ;)f COT18tnl"tiOIl ;._,0.).. , and i.~:;; ro. 11a ti on of ~) a if,; j rnp-;'~OV2'i"'ncn !,.:S.. The bonds \..;ill bc j.ssl1cd and Gold ~n acCc."'rdc.1ncc ui !,:~~. the pY"Q'rJ.si.on[~ 02 Scc.t;,QTl 1, 1.-22~'~ nnci See ~" -1 ~)~ 11-2271, }~E'vised Codes of l'lont:ane" 1 <)',7, {.1nd 211 at-hee applicable pr:.)vi.si.ons of Ti tlc 11 of the T'J'viscd Codes of "fontana, l')f+7, relating to ~~pcc i.~11, :_111- - I pyovement dis'ricts 1.':"1 citi(':s (~nd ~~)"J/n s , and any a1C1cndmen ts thc,~c(,r or the '.'C to . Section 7 p~() te~; ts <1nd NDticc: T~'~G. ;': ;_~le ;~c[}lTa,. sc ~,~s i J:l r tIle C~. +:y Cuml~'1.tssion of the Ci ty 0 F 3ozcr:i.ln, tCI b(~ ~le 1(1 <1 l: (:he C~)n;'[P.:L~)si.o~l" ShJm~...:;~~1~, I~ -t. :~ / H tIll ~,: "\ 1, i. 1. c1 i n z~:: , P,uzcm<Jn. T'lon tan2, on ~'~cdncsd:J.Y, th,- 9th C~y of CctoLcr, 1 nr,8 . ,..' '"I':, at. the h()llY' of ,~T'\C o",:lr}ck p.~:. of :;;::i(1 tlay~ 1 s the time ape} pl~cc, ",-,hc'n n rld '.:he rc t:11C> C it.)' C Q;tl1P ~. r~, [3 i ~)r' \,,-j, ~,.1. '1(.<1 ~~ and pa:,:)s upon all prot2:-; r-s duly "me] reg111A~~ly Tl1aJC' <:\n(1 riled ~~.'.ca i, n.[:; t the crc;Jti.o'r'l .yf said p L-apo L~ C~(: S~)CC faJ.. Improvement District No. !f89, the improvements proposed 1:rl be made p'lrSU;lnt then~to Z\rhl L~(' extent ano ~h(1 rac 'Ley thereof, or either thereof, antI the Clerk of the r~ity COlT11"C1-" i f; ;) i on he, aw1 she is he '-e by c; iJ"'~: " t cd to zive notice in the m<'1nner iJnd r'H the t ;\1:C as by 1.. o.\J r.::quirecl, ;)[ ~_.,lLc ih;OP tio,.., or thL f,e::;ollltion of Intention. Adopted LJY th(' r:o:nmission of the City of Bozeman, Hontana, at a regular "mc1 stated :..;eSSJ_on of said ComTl~ission held on the 18th day of September, 1968. .\TTEST: r.!~~ #. Cl.orI' of the NOTICE IN RE I CO~1}nS S TON RESOLUTION NO. 133C OF THE CITY OF BOZE1'l\N DECLARING THE INTENTION SF 'fliT: CITY OF DCZEl!.c\N TO Cr:.E,\TE i\ SPECL'.L Tl1Pn.OVElf'.2NT DI~;T1UCT TO:)): KlI01JN .."':.,ND DI:S !.C >r~\ ~~:D .:\8 "~:PE(~!:\L IHP:::OVP1ENT DISTRICT NO. !;89 -" NOTICE IS HERETIY GIVEN t;n.:lt on the 18th day of Septcm1Jcr, 196n, at: " regular session ~, of the C01"'1::1'7:;;')I1 of tbp Ci, t'le :)f no:?cr:n~,. COliffil i.. 35 i on Resoluti.on No. 1386. cnti tl cd: ,^, IG::jOI.UnOr<,T OIl THL r'J":'Y Cm~n3SION OF 'TIlE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO m: 'TIre TNT,:';'TTTON OF 'rI-E ':lTY OF B()ZEl1AN TO CREATE 11 SPECL\L IHPRDVEMENT DTE:iTTIICT ..LiL. TO ::jE KT1\!]\T .\8 SI'ECIM, HfP:WVET'fENT DISTRICT NO. 489 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- S TRlJc;'T':':ON ANJ INS TALLA 'l'1001 OF I\ 3 IX (6) lNCH CL\ST IRON h'ATERHAIN ON 2A3T CLEVE- T..\~m STm:I:~~ FP,OH THE SOUTH LUTE: OF LOT 8 OF BLOCK 5, UNIVERSITY SUBDIVISION TO l\DUSE :\VI:;NUE, A SIX (6) INCH C!\S'T' IRON HATImMATN ON SOUTH HONTANA AVE1\TtJE F~~m! L\ST LTN\,QUT STT:EET TO EAST CLEVELAND STrEET, A FOURTEEN (If:) INCH ClIST IRO"1 ',;YI'~~pJL.\IN ON II, pop-nON OF EAST CAnFIELD STREET FI;.OH A POINT 100 2tET ~tSrERT,Y OF ~)OUTH HONTMT,\ ,WE!\llJE TO A POINT 100 FEET 'VJESTERLY THEREOF f .\ GD~ If:;) INCH Cl\ST IRON \JATErJ>L\IN ON A PORTION OF Ef.ST LINCOLN STREET FROH \ . 1\ rOPJT lUG FEET 2:\STERLY OF SOUTH "fONTANA AVENUE TO ,\ POINT 100 FEET ,mSTER- T;Y TIl;:r:;::(};; ,\LSO TO C0'\TSTRlTCT AND INSTALL AN EIGHT (8) INCH Lt,T~RAL S,\NITL\;lY ~'~,~~I'~.:'::~ C.;i'"t :;l~."prn.q =~(~\r~~\',"!:'.. ..\"\/I::~,;r.L.~': ~:).C~,1f r:1.!E CENTE1J .L~N~:~ CI' ~ol\~=T L T1<,~C":'JI'~~~ ~:rT1~-:';~~,~'T ~~'~',~ ~,~TT:~ ~,>.:':,:\rT~'~--.'~ :r-,r~: ~F :~';;.\:=~~ C_~l:c',r~~:-,/~~:rJ :=TI~Er::T i\ND O!\J J.\ ro:r.~TO\~ ()~;' :::::~ST LTN'~,:OLT'~ ~.:r:~,~~E':r ..c"'ln,...........1f , :\=-~1\1T 100 ?~-::~fT~ ~~_\~T=.~.~.T...'\7 or ~.)01TT~1 :,~ON'TANA ~\':/~T.!PE T0 :'. FC PF J. C r: ~;'EI:: T ~:';E;:,j'r.:..::Tl~~.Jy Y::::~.::n'2. TTI:~ sC'~r~~!~~~i~T!~~)T\~ C:? S/\ ID :,J~.\Tr::'t ~,".~\ !~'T L\~m :;L\~\~T"rA ~~{ :':';'.~';::~::, rc~ I~~r~L~lJ;..: :?~:'~JSTl E::C~\~-'~~,:~:.!~~f\" .:.\NJ r,.\~YJ?IL!J, INSTL\IJ_d.\~Icn 01? ~..\ST ~RC1\.J rT~'~= .:\\E) ~II~~~!"7T~:J TILE ~~~=:]El~, ~!:~~~~~~:.\ ~,'}' "',.JYI:S /\ND T~~=S, oI:RVICE ~: TTJ3S, 1) T PT? 13::DDpTS .r .to.L ,--4 1l,{,\ "T"I,'T'IT ,\ T :Tl=C:~":~~j~,\ n,Y ~:~~\N1-10L~~S, FlEE HYD"?ANTS, .VAL~Ir:~: i\ND CJ!Hym ,\Ppm~'T'~~rr;\~T'T' .;., _. . ,____. ,. ~ .1..... ,,_" , ~".J0T)"I( r\!.~::::;.'~_~rJ1'l. . .-.------...- 502 :l:::J J. the ~)ns ~1.~'1ctinn and ; n s t 0.11 a HC)n ;.).f \~,'8 terr,iaif!.~; {IT"\-' D C~~"";,}2 :'-Cgf~ sys f::crr" t..o ?~,-:--o"\I1J_'c \,,:::1 tc:~ ~nd (. ',,'A ['.~ [1 n i. t a "'::" ~ ~ s c '~,~. c ~~~; fo:. .::111 1 () t S \! i l' h in the ,ji"t'.ict. 1'i:-'t C: 'i:~ s t :1..n1o. t c (} "OS j" of :3,,] i(l, f,rl~~-O'7(1~'c~ts wit\,j,n t:"iC cl i,:"; t~'''i ~.~~.. il1cl1~Jfns c~8i.n~~'~r5,nL, 12gJ.l an,d f~~,'lnti,11::;L~,nc.y is $ 7? oaf) . 00, :) (:" ~..,' ~'1 i ("' h t ~l r C',.J~;t of t:}P !,','.'1 te r iP.lprrnTen~en 1~ :f s c.~:~ :',~j',t~la tCft c::t :;. 30. "~().I)O ,mc1 the sanitary S2'JC~ csti,~ntc2 cost ' ,.~ $::'3.0;00.00. ,c ';,.> f:')r t: desr:d.i)tion of the boundaries of [3oid :;pecial Imr)]-'we1H'nt DifitriC't 'To. ~.R (\ ,.t"cfcr- I r ',.' ~' , C. t!, (~ ('\ -; ,I; 1"'J!rc rnc.Je to R2 ., 0 111 t.i ,HI "10. 1186 (\ f the CDmn' i 03 S ion :) r tr,e Ci.~y of JOZcm~:ln dcr1aring t~'-:,P it' tell t i 0" !~o (,~re3.tc. SBiJ' ':: i~; t'':"i'';. t, \;lh, i.. (',~1 is ~)O file in tile offi co of ~-' h, Q 1,J"0...1 ~." ::: ~,) i g ~"1 C (~ Clerk ,:) f sa j,[:. :.~ orr~~.11, ~.~ s i 0"1 in the ::1 ty lI,-ell cd' sa id Cfty of 3ozc~an, StetL' of HontDna. 30 r1 open for inspection to nll intercsted parties and the public gener.?1}:,'. ;:'h 1.. ~:'; :'.0 t i (:l'~ is given pl1r~;\1,:mt 1:0 ~~hc provjsion~,; '):i 3Ccf,~i()n 11-220!, . ~2\yi~~:e(:!. CDdcs of !:on tan8.. 1%7, Dated this 18th day of September, 1968. 111mi s s i.)'1 First published in the Bozeman Drli.ly ':~1-Jronicle :'londay. tt.lC 2Jrd clay of Scpt0mbcr, 1 %8. :;taLe oE i10ntanp , I County of Gallatin : Sity of Hozcm3n ) T. Erna V. T-fard ing. Clerk of the ~ommi2sion of the City of BOZ~T~O. {J () hereby ~ertify the forcgoing Notice in net Comnlission Ilesolution \To. '138,G~ '>las published at 1engt11 in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. a neFspapcr of general circulation printed and published in said City in the Issue or I September 23rd thru Soptember 27th. 19G8. and due proof of such publi- cation 1.S on file in '11Y office. '"' I~ \HTNESS vJHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and <:ffb: the corporate sC'a1 of my oUice this 1st day of Octo~er. 1%8. I