HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1384 Removal of Snow -_._---_._---~".__.,,_..__.__. ..-. . 4&5 COl1MISSION P~SOLUTION NO. 1 18L)- A PJ::SOLUTTON OF TIIE COH:tUSSION OF THE CITY OF 130ZEM..'\N' LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSl1F.nT OF TAXE;) UPON CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF nO~~EM1\N, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF HONTANA, TO DEFPJ\Y THE COST OF REMOVAL OF SNmi FOR 11fE YEAR 1967-1968 PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE No. 502 ENTITLED: "AN OmHNANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE FP.oM THE SIDEHALKS IN THE CITY OF BOZEMc'\N AND REPEM,ING ORDINANCE NO. 385, ENTITLED: 'AN QIillINANCE PROVIDING FOn. nm REMOVAL OF SNOH AND ICE, DInT, FILTH AND OTIIER OBSTRUCTION I FROH SIDE\lALKS ON !'fAIN ::;TREET BEThTEEN HALLACE AVENUE AND FOURTH AVENUE IN TIlE CITY OF BOZEH..<\N' " . ~.JHEB..E~t.~; j the ~ity ~ouncil of the City of Bozeman heretofore duly and regularly passed On1:inance No. 502, entitled: "AN ORDT1\fANCE PROVmUTG FOR THE REMOVAL OF SNm.J FROM 'TIlE STDEHALKS V,f THE CITY OF no ZEI/L\N AND REPEl\LTNG O'RDINANCE NO. 385, ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE Pl',O'JTDTNG FOR THE REMOVAL OF SNml AND ICE, DIRT, FILTH AND OTHER OBSTPJJr,TlON PROM SIDE- ~1ALKS ON HA TN STREET nETIJEEN HALLACE AVENUE liND FOURTII AVENUE IN TIm CITY OF BOZEMAN''', anu HHEREAS, Section 11-909, R.C .11., 19l,7, provides; "The City or TO\1n Council has pm.;rer to regulate the use of sidewalks and to require ~he owners of the premises adjoining to keep same free from sno\} xx xx :{X; and to provide for levying the cost of removal as a special tax against the property x x x ", and :mEREAS, owners of premises in said City have neglected to remove the 5nO\! from the :-;idewa1ks adjoining:hcrcto dllring the year 1967-19fj8 and the City of Bozeman, pursuant tn ~;ect:ion 11-909 R.C.H. , 19': 7, and Ordinance No. 502 has removed the snow from the sidewalks adjoining the premises of said owners and the total cost of the removal thereof is chargeable to the property as ;le-re- in3fter set forth, pursuant to provisions of said Section 11-909, political Code, R.C .M., 1.9Lf 7, and said Ordinance No. 502. I NOW TI-tmmFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. That: during the: year 1967-1968, the City of Bozeman has removed the sn()\;) [rom sidewalks and adjoining premises in The Ci ty of Bozeman and defrayed the cost thereof as set forth in schedule "One" hereto attached and made a part hereof. Section 2. Tha t to de fray the cos t ONE THOUSAND AND 56/100ths ($1,000.56) dollars of removing ~>aic1 snm] from side\iIalks adjoininr; said premises as set forth in said Schedule "one", hereto attached and made a part hereof, for th~ year 1907-1968, the:;:e be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a special tax against road property as set forth in said Schedule "One", hereto attached nnd made a part hereof; that: a parti~ular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and the sum asse~;sec1 against him or it is set forth in assessment list hereto attached ma'd,ec1 Schedule "One, and made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the narne~, of the owners and the description of the lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and agains t said lots and parcels of land; that the several sums be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of lands described in said assessment list, SchE~ dule "One", as required by law; that sahl sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the can""er and in accordance with the la\;) governing the collection of special improvement I taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when ~"ame shall become due and payable shall make such person and such lots and ~arcels of land liable to the penalties provided by the law relative to delinquent taxes.. Section 3. That the regular session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman to be held on the 25th day of September 19G8, at: the Commission Room, City Hall Building, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and ?lace at which objection to the final adoption of this Resolution \"Jill be heard by the COffiITlission. cownss I00J RESOLUTION NO. 133(: __..u."m_. __..__ 496 ;:;c~:tiO'l '>. That :.:he Clerk of the Commission ~)l', .::\11(1 ~;hc i.s here~lY dir-ccted and ordered to publ:L;:;!i ;:, t!1c :302e111$.n D:dly ChrDnic~_e, a daily nC\'lspapcr printed and p'lbl:ished .h said City of Bozeman, c: :lotice signed by tho clerk. of the =of'irrli:;~;jon, and s~ating that a resol'.!tJ_o:1 le".,'ying a sperial assessment of taxes to defray the cost of removal of snow and lce from ujdewalks ad- join:ing ce:::i~ain. permiscs in ]'\10 City of Bozeman for 'he year 1967-1968 i.s on .::ile l.r: ':hp office ()E th::c ClI21:'; oC ~:Le Comnd_ssion, sU;lject: to inspection Cor G ?2::..'io(: ::Jt '::1'.'e (5) days; tllE!~: Gilic1 I \-.'")+-J-ro".\ {"\.1')1' (~~-.;.'It(,~ !'-'",n. ~~-irtlt.~'. a'1,.1 ......1..,((..:;. ~f,- '.""1.'........1 Ot)';C1('t-!f")11r~ 1:dil1 ~"1 1.\...,~11J~,J .')\/ ~"1-',(:; ,......O':"'..1"r~1.qf:'1..' ""\;I ~-0 tt"'le . .1,\.. _,."."t; ,;;)!" "_.', L;.i"_Ct.._ ...,).~..~ ...,._<.1........ (.1,,,1.,.1 l.)""-~ ,t:_ "::';'1..- V'l\~."."'_. ;..j\........ ..-.', , WI ....'_" _ :...JC ~!~.Gi..U I,.; ',_.J,~""'. ....... <'",.., .....0..v.,;. \_\.1 n,; [i~"!.o.] DG0;? t 5.:,)';.: ().~ [Jlis :?-.c~ol1.1,t5.0~; t-h&t ft shall tc: PU;)~.i..;,::;L(:~.',~ Jt l.ca~;;~~ .:i~,"L c:,ays ~c-='~):,~l' the (';ate cot .Jy ~l.:p ("'.J':)",c~ss:iO'l [:)1:' ltea,:in0 obiec'."io'l:': and ':l:c..: ;:':':1.:1.1.. ~lduption ;)f this :'"('s:)lut"i<:''l. ~)':ovi,;i,")':<~l' y passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular meeting ~c "'"i..' ("Jnlm1'<'''l'~n 011 r'l" l<'j-l'."'l" Or Qc.'n t"",l)""1" lQ(-.Q .J~ I ,,,~ _a~' ,,' , ,,,' o,~" ..0.' ,.>, .", ,," "',, ~ L 0'~ ~"''T',-n,.". "'-'V.'''' ~ "... ..,.,..' ~. ...~lo U ,. (j :'~~.n[l~..l,y p~sD.:.~d 2nd [!doptcG by !,"hc Comtl.~j,,~,si.on of the City -;).1 Iiozc~a11~ 1"'~ontaf"!2, ~,tt a Tcg1,Jlo.T" '''>:'cti.,T1r: i."Jf the t~2id C'~)~;:T\~,.ssi,o~ ,')n t1.lC 25t~; day Df SCptC'~l:'CI", .~)--- ~ 'T''T'~' (' 'T' . ~, . J" ,.;....I....J....) ". . ~'!!JTICE "::.,r:r-TG, FPT.\I, ,\DOI'TIO"'T C:C'>'~~ISSTI')N ctESOLTTTTON ~m, 1.?8/: L:::::VYINC /\SS;:::3~; ~ ~1:2:>\TT TO DEITJI.Y THE COST CF P.;::~'!OVAL OF SNO~'J r':'f)~! "i"HE SIJE\L\T.KS "\DJOINTNG I. SE::1.TAHT ?r..EHISES T1\T TIlE CITY OF ~OZE~1.t.,N FOR 'TItS YEl,'?" 196 7 -1. 968. """T{V'rT(""I~::' T(~ 1- VD.I~' r, 't~"", m~." 1- . t- ' rc,(; 1 _,,- C' . r t:'"..I ('1- ''fI). l~C. (.- ~~h, ri~, (.."T) _ ":) ",.~\", ~..~..L"',"3..Y "Ir~,J, deL oa"'_1.,ua,. ,-("SSl.on 0.. tn.. .,.)l'.LL.lon.Jf ".J' ,.ty Jf,ozenk.n hell:.: 0r'J, ;_~hL 1.S~~~.:. cL:~y ,)f ~~c:ptc~.:~,!~:c"-, 1._9r;.~~ J Cort~,~J1J.;3sion "!?1.0so1utj,on ~7o. 1.3P/J ~..r{1~) (>,1.1./ :Ja~:scJ e.nc1 <:l~10p::C(;; ::~.'.at said CO':'1mission DJ,:soll1tion No. 1 Jf\!: levies <'l'ld <'l~;sCS~;cs Cl Spccinl .\,,:SCSS1'1ent of t8XCS Ilpon certain properties in Tho Cf.ty of 30zeman fo- ttc ;~3r 1967-1968 to 2ef~3Y the cost OF rc~oval of snow for the year 19~7-1068. The ~;aid Commission '{esolution J"~o. 138.': is nO\-7 on [5. Ie 111 ~:hC' office of t!", (;l(,,~l\ of the Commission of sai~ Sity of Bozeman subject to inspcct:ion of all persons interested for a period of five (5) days, hy any person interested; that Wednesday the 25th day of September, 1962, at 1:00 o'clod, ;).111, of sDid day at a rC2;u1Dr ,,('ssian of t~le Commission of T!le Citj' ')f Bozeman, Cmn'111s,dC)n :?"oom. City Hall :3uildin,s, has been desir;nated ,1[, the time and place Hhcn and \Vhere said Comll:ission\'lill hear and I'ass upon any and aU obicctions ::hat may be made to L.he final E!doption and passage of said C()mmi::~sionR.eso1ution No. 1~:8!:, and the levyinc of said assCSf;mcnt; that said Resolution Hill finally bo passed and adopted at :,aid ,egular session of said Comm- ission, subject to such corrections and amendments as may be ~ade upon objections made and filed Hi thin five c1ays limi t as prov:i.ded by 1m-!. Dated this 18th day of September, 1968. J:~~~ d~~~ ,.... -1.-, ('1 ~ J'- T ,r'! t ~~(:.- Clc,.k of t,..C.,l..)' ~o Lh10n State of Hontana ) County of Gallatin: ss C1 ty of Bozeman ) I 1, EnlH V. Harding, Clerk of the Cor,lmission of The [ity of Eozeman, do hen'by certify, t 1 1- l' , . ,. a- . (r 1) - . ( T .,' , 1"'" 1. c ,. ". r 1,,., ~ -. t- ,., ., 1 1 1- "II"'; I~. n r"'I F7. an _,la..... t...1E' fore,>o~no. "eSOl11L)_0\1... No. 138.. ,,3", Plh)l].".I.Od 'lY. t1..,.10 ant, fnm.Jc..1.......n .h.C ."""em, Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printc,c) and published in said Ci ty in the issue of September the: 27th, 1908, and due proof of: such pui)lication is on file in my office, IN HITI\"lESS HHEREOF T hereunto set ~y hand and affix the corporate ~;ea1 cf '11)' hano and afr:h~ the corporate seal of my office thi.s 27th day of September, 1968. COT.-1llISS ION RESOLUTION No, 138l"