HomeMy WebLinkAbout14- Task Order 1-31-14 Tetra Tech, Inc. Bozeman Landfill Work Plan for Winter Air quality Investigation Task Order Work Plan for Winter Air Quality Investigation Bozeman Landfill Bozeman, Montana January 31. 2O14 CLIENT: CONSULTANT; The City of Bozeman Tetra Tech Inc. P.O. Box 1230 851 Bridger Drive, Ste 6 Bozeman, Montana 59711-1230 Bozeman, MT 59715 Attention: Mr. Rick Hixson Attention: Mr. Mark F. Pearson INTRODUCTION This winter air quality investigation work plan has been prepared for the purpose of evaluating the potential for vapor intrusion into residential structures in the Bridge[ Creek Phase 3 Subdivision and four residential structures in the B[|dge[ Creek Phase 2 Subdivision during winter conditions. In addition, quarterly operation monitoring of mitigation systems installed by the City will be conducted. This work plan was prepared by Tetra Tech at the request of the City of Bozeman, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in soil gas at the south boundary of the Bozeman Landfill in 2012. Follow-up investigations have included a soil gas investigation in the Phase 3 Subdivision and air sampling of indoor, subg|ab, orcrow4spaog or outdoor locations. These samples have also been collected in four residential structures in the BridgerC[eeh Phase Subdivision. Mitigation systems have been installed and are operating in 24 homes in the Bddger Creek Phase& Subdivision. Air quality information gained from this proposed monitoring event will contribute to the conceptual site model, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the mitigation systems /in homes vvhBna they exist) and provide preliminary information as to the temporal variation of VOCs in soil gas and in the subs|ab or sealed cnavvVspoog locations. The evaluation of vapor intrusion in winter is considered by Montana Department of Environmental Clua|ib/ ([)EC)) 10 be the most optimal time period because homes are closed up and operating their heating systems. In addition, the ground is frozen reducing the escape Vf soil gas into the atmosphere. The information gained from this indoor air investigation will a||ovv Tetra Tech to confirm or modify its conceptual model of soil gea1ronoporL Tetra Tech's current model identifies landfill gas migration directly from the Unlined Cell an the primary transport mechanism fnrVDCs into the adjacent residential neighbo[hOVd. The data from this investigation could also support the development and comparison of remedial alternatives during @ Revised Corrective Measures Assessment (CKHA) process within the Bozeman Landfill property. Mitigation systems have been installed in 26 homes in the Br|dgwr Creek Phase ||| neighborhood, to date. These need to be monitored quarterly for the first year of operation, semiannually for the second yeer, and annually thereafter. This YvV[k plan includes four operational quarterly monitoring events. Task Order—Winter Air Quality Investigation Bozeman Landfill, Bozeman, Montana January B1. 2O14 SCOPE OF WORK This work plan proposes one monitoring event consisting of the following: Field Investigation The collection of air samples will be conducted by Tetra Tech field personnel from nine Phase III homes and four Phase || homes. Two field crews will be used to shorten the sample period. The types Of air samples collected will consist Of the following: M A eubs}ab or sealed nrawVepmce air sample will be collected from each residence. In residences with operating mitigation SV8teno6^ one air sample will be collected from the mitigation system exhaust pipe. This sample will be considered the GUb8|abair sernpUa or sealed c[avv|spaoe air sample. In residences that d0 not have @ mitigation syobern' one sample will be collected from the previously installed vapor monitoring point. M One indoor air sample will be COU9Cted from the lowest living level of each residence. We do not feel it is necessary to ou||eut the nnuM|p|e indoor air samples as was the case during previous sample events. 0 One ambient outdoor air sample will be collected during each day that indoor air sampling ia being conducted inoresidence. a Air samples will be collected from methane monitoring vveU8 BLG-3, 4, 5` and 10 and nine soil gas probes (to be selected from primarily, the shallower depth intervals of BSV- 1 through 12\. a Ten percent Vfthe sampling train will consist of duplicate samples. a Samples will collected in 6-liter S0K8M/\ canisters with 24-hour and '/?-hnU[ flow contno||ero, depending on whether the sample is an indoor or ambient and system exhaust n[aubs[absample. 0 Sampling equipment will be obtained from Eurofina AirToxios Laboratories (ATL). Each piece of sampling equipment (canisters and flow controllers) will be individually certified bvATL for TO-15 8|yW method analysis. M Following sample collection, canisters and flow controllers will be shipped back t0A[L for laboratory analysis of selected VDCs in accordance with the TO-15 S|W1 method. The V[JCGtVhe analyzed will be consistent with past indoor air sampling. 0 Work will be conducted in accordance with Tetra Tenh`e Sampling and Analysis Plan prepared for air monitoring activities conducted on the Bozeman Landfill project. As mentioned above, air in indoor, ombs|ab, and system exhaust has been C0DGCted for |@bDrGtD[y 8DG|yole on a scheduled basis 0.e. following nlUt|AGti8D system installation). This work plan will assume that residences with air sampling conducted in January 2014 or oobedU|od t0 have the post-mitigation air sampling conducted in February or yWarCh, will not be included in this event because those samples already qualify as satisfying OEO"a winter Page 2of4 Task Order—Winter Air Quality Investigation Bozeman Landfill, Bozeman, Montana January 31, 2014 monitoring requirement. Table 1 provides information on the status of mitigation systems for Phase 3 and the homes that would be sampled as part of this work plan. It is proposed that all of the monitoring take place during the month of February and efforts will be made to collect the samples during as short a time period as possible. Samples collected assume that homeowners will be present and cooperate with this investigation. Mitigation.,System Operational Monitoring Mitigation systems have been installed in 26 homes in the Bridger Creek Phase Ill neighborhood, to date. The operation of these systems will be monitored quarterly for the first year of operation. Monitoring consists of a visual inspection of the entire system, measurement of vacuum at the extraction point and any vacuum monitoring points installed in the home, identification and repair of leaks in the structure stab or the system itself, and inspection of the exhaust or discharge point to verify no air intakes have been located nearby. This work plan includes four operational quarterly monitoring events. System repairs will be made as needed. The scope of system repairs (e.g., repair cracked pipes, replace damaged monitoring"points, replace faulty fans) is difficult to predict, therefore, for costing purposes we have developed a rough estimate. Project and Database Management and Reporting Tetra Tech's management team for this work plan will consist of Kirk Miller as the Project Manager and Mark Pearson as the Assistant Project Manager and field team leader. Project management will consist of sampling equipment and materials procurement; site preparation; client, public, and regulatory liaison; review/approval of invoicing, and scheduling Tetra Tech personnel and access to residences among other activities. Data management will include validation of analytical data and entry of the analytical data into the project database (Microsoft Access) along with all of the other air quality data for the project, This will in turn support generation of data tables, maps and GIS analysis as needed throughout this work plan and other phases of the project, Reporting Individual results letters will be prepared for each homeowner using a similar format as the post mitigation letters currently being produced. These results will also be incorporated in an air quality investigation report,that includes all post mitigation sampling results, when such report is produced later in 2014. The quarterly operational monitoring will entail just a few vacuum measurements and a few notes about system status. Since, that data does not need to be validated, we propose to create a system inspection form that is left with the homeowner at the time of the inspection. This form will include the vacuum data, status of system, any repairs made or recommended, any cracks grouted close etc. Schedule Tetra Tech's anticipated schedule to complete the field portion of the winter air quality investigation in February will be dependent upon approvals from the City of Bozeman, the availability of sampling equipment from ATL and homeowner access. Following completion of the field activities, the air quality results letters would be submitted to homeowners within six weeks sample collection. The performance monitoring will be conducted at the same time as the indoor air sampling, then on a quarterly basis thereafter. Page 3 of 4 Task Order-Winter Air Quality Investigation Bozeman Landfill, Bozeman, Montana January 31, 2014 Compensation Estimated costs to complete the foregoing scope of services are not to exceed $58,364. A breakdown of these proposed expenditures is contained in the attached cost estimate. The services will be conducted on a time and materials basis. Special Conditions Execution of this Task Order constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions contained in Tetra Tech's Professional Services Agreement with the City of Bozeman, dated January 3, 1994 and Amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Professional Services Agreement dated July 31, 1995; January 1, 1996; March 17, 1997; and December 10, 2001, respectively. CLIENT: CONSULTANT: City of Bozeman Tetra Tech A (I.By: Nv)� A By: Its: T 7-V 6,-n o, Its: Sr. Proiect Manager ............ Date: Date: January 31, 2014 NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY This Task Order(including attachments) contains information confidential to Tetra Tech Inc., its subsidiaries, and subcontractors, it is intended only for City of Bozeman to consider Tetra Tech providing professional seMces at the Bozeman Landfill. Any other use is prohibited, without the prior written consent of Tetra Tech. Page 4 of 4 Table 1 Residence Count for Winter Air Quality Investigation Bozeman Landfill, Bozeman, Montana Mitigation Post-Mitigation Collection of Collection of Residences to be System Installed Samples Post-Mitigation Post-Mitigation Sampled in Resident Site ID /Operating Collected Samples in 2013 Samples in 2014 February 2014 Bridger Creek Subdivision Phase 3 Moriarity SAI-1 v Steckmest SAI-2 .... Keller Trust SAI-3 J L... Beebe SAI-4 ...... ....... - v Vanuka SAI-5 Cook SAI-6 ..._... _. �. Olsen SAI-7 Out of town .. _....... .. ............. . . until April 2014 Rostad SAI-8 .... ....... . Bottcher/Leep SAI-9 Kitowski SAI-10 ... ..... ..... Hokanson/Spitzer SAI-11 Fischer SAI-12 Wilson SAI-13 McNally SAI-14 Kelleher SAI-15 ... .,.. ...... �..... Bowen SAI-16 Qaenen SAI-17 .. . Verellen SAI-18 McClaughry SAI-10 !(1) Woloszyn SAI-20 Perkins TI-1 Hoy TI-2 Russell TI-3 Slate T14 ........... .. �. McGovern TI-5 Ryd'berg CI-1 Bowman C1-2 (1) Schutter SMl-1 .,. .,., _.. . .. ....... . ........ .. .. ....... �..... . ,...,... Bridger Creek Subdivision Phase 2 Letang AI-1J..... . Bottcher Al-6 Racow Al-7 Carne AI-11 Number of Residences: 13 (1) :Mitigation system under construction, post-mitigation sampling pending Tetra Tech ESTIMATED BUDGET WORKPLAN FOR WINTER AIR QUALITY INVESTIGATION AND MITIGATION SYSTEM OPERATIONAL MONITORING BOZEMAN LANDFILL BOZEMAN,MONTANA Date Submitted 113112014 Field Investigation Field Work Units Rate cost Project ManagerlSenior Hydrogeologist,per hour 4 $150.00 $600.00 Assistant Project Manager/Hydrogeologi st,per hour 24 $95,00 $2,280.00 Environmental Scientist.per hour 80 $95.00 $7,600.00 Field Technician,per flour 50 $65.00 $5,200.00 Clerical,per hour 4 $55.00 $220.00 Subtotal $15,900.00 DIRECT COSTS Tetra Tech Vehicle Mileage.per mile 6D8 $0,56 $340.48 Per Diern and Lodging,per person per day 10 $140.00 $1,400.00 Sampling media and Analytical Costs 51-SUMMA Canister,certification&rental,each 53 $55,00 $2,915.00 24-hr Flow Controller,certification&rental,each 20 $20.00 $400.00 1/2-hi Flow Controller,ceriffication&rental,each 33 $15.00 $495.00 TO-15 Analysis,each 53 $140-00 $7,420.00 Client Specific FDQ.each 4 $15.00 $20,00 Duplicate Sampling T,certification&rental,each 4 $8.00 $32.00 Sampling Disposables -Miscellaneous,each 33 $1000 $330,00 Helium Meter,per week 1 $375.00 $375.00 Helium,estimate 1 $30000 $300.00 Miscellaneous Shipping,estimate 1 $100.00 $100.00 Lab Sample Shipping(overnight to lab),estimate 1 $1,325,00 $1,325.00 TelraTech Subcontractor Markup(1011,) $1,371.20 Subtotal $16,623.68 TOTAL $32,723.68 Mitigation System Operational Monitoring(4 events) Project ManagerlSenior Hydrogeologisi,per hour 16 $150.00 $2,400.00 Assistant Project ManagerfHydrogeologist,per hour 80 $9500 $7,600re0 Fielif Technician,per hour 80 $6500 $5,200.00 Administrative Personnel,per hour 12 $5500 $660.00 Subtotal $15,860.00 TOTAL $15,860,00 Field Equipment Vacuum,meter,per day 20 $25.00 $50000 Vehicle,mileage 500 $0.60 $300.00 TeiraTech Subcontractor Markup(101A) $80.00 Subtotal $880.00 TOTAL $16,740.00 Project Management,Database Management and Data Validation Project Monager/Senior Hydrogeclogist,per hour 24 $150.00 $3,600.00 Assistant Project Manager/Hydrogeologist,per hour 24 $95.00 $2,280.00 Environmental Chemist,per hour 24 $110.00 $2,640.00 DallabaselGIS Analyst,per hour 28 $95.00 $2,660.00 Administrative Personnel,per hour 4 $55.00 $220.00 Subtotal $11,400.00 TOTAL $11,400.00 Reporting indoor air and operational monitoring) Tetra Tech Project Manager/Seninr Hydrogeologist,per hour 16 $150.00 $2,400.00 Assistant Project ManagerlHydrogeologist,per hour 40 $95.00 $3,80000 Environmental Scientist,per hour 24 $110.00 $2.640.00 OatahasetGIS Ani per hour 24 $95.00 $2,280.00 Fi=eld Technician..per hour 32 $65.00 $2,080.00 Administrative Personnel,per hour 12 $55.00 $660.00 DIRECT COSTS Photocopies,estimate 800 $0.10 $80.00 Reprographics,estimate 6 $50.00 $300.00 Subtotal $14,240.00 TOTAL. $14.,240.00 TOTAL OF ALL TASKS $58,363.6$ Tetr a Tech