HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Rental Housing Survey: Affidavit for RFP AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 321119 1041982 STATE OF MONTANA ) )SS. LEGAL#4445 CITY OF BOZEMAN County of Gallatin PO BOX 1230 BOZEMAN MT 59771 JQ being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/she ... is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, City of Bozeman, Montana a newspaper of general circulation, printed and Request for Proposals published in Bozeman, Galtatin County, Montana; For and that the notice here unto annexed Rental Housing Survey CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN RFP RENTAL HOUSING SURVEY )q that the City of Bozeman's Af- has been correctly published in the regular and o( fordable Housing Advisory entire issues of every number of said paper for u( Board (CAHAB)is seeking pro- 2 insertions. posals to conduct a Rental Housing Survey, in obser- vance of Section 4.2 of the LW City's Affordable Housing Plan, 6, referenced below, A 4.2 Obtain and share current rental market data Lftj Said notice was published on: l 14., Goall. Annually, the City Plan- 02/02/2014 02/09/2014 D ning Department in cooperation Jn: with local housing industry or- ganizations, will conduct a suir� I vey of rental housing. This will Identify the prevailing rent lev- els and shortages indicated by j(F low vacancy rates, See Ap- I pendix E for a suggested 2J lA scope of work for the survey. Subscribed and sworn to before me this k onsiderations: While ma 12th day of February , 2014 aq, Cny ?i cities benefit from rental hous- ing surveys conducted by state or local government-or indus- Tj._ try organizations - Bozeman does This makes it difficult for private sector developers to Notary Public for the State of Montana odetermine what types of rental Residing at Bozeman, Montana w, housing, at what rent levels, fare needed, Thus, the knowl- e edge gap can be a deterrent to needed housing production - — 11i !q%,,, AMANDA KUNZ s; both subsidized and unsubsk MOTARY FPUBUC for the �Tv dized, irg R�S'009,,�Elolgrad�,Montana rxpras Sa0l3nber 28,2014 EJ