HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Master Plan for a Community Fiber Optic Network: Request for Proposals CITY OF BOZEMAN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR DEVELOPING A COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN FOR A COMMUNITY FIBER OPTIC NETWORK. Purpose: The City of Bozeman is seeking technical assistance in its effort to increase access to affordable, high-speed, fiber optic delivered broadband services throughout the city. The City seeks proposals assessing the feasibility of various courses of action, including fiscally sustainable business models, broadband infrastructure construction planning, and broadband facilitation strategies, based on an assessment of community needs. PART I A. Requirements for Submission of City Proposals. 1. RFP deadline: a. 5:00 p.m. Friday, March 28, 2014 b. Mail to: City Clerk Stacy Ulmen P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 An electronic version (PDF) of the response should be emailed to the City Clerk, agenda@bozeman.net with the subject line, “COMMUNITY BROADBAND MASTER PLAN PROPOSAL." 2. To be eligible to qualify as a qualified broadband master planning vendor, the following minimum requirements must be met: a. The firm must be of widely recognized ability and standing, and authorized to conduct business in Montana. b. The firm must employ at least one principle who holds a terminal degree in computer science, engineering, or physics. c. The firm must have created broadband master plans for similar governmental units. d. The proposed master plan shall propose outcomes that are in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. e. The firm must include a statement of the all- inclusive fee for which the work that will be done. A statement of the estimated total number of hours required for each phase of planning process and the cost of those staff hours is also required. f. Agree to the terms of the City’s contracting requirements including filing a non-discrimination statement. 3. The Selection Committee will schedule oral presentations by selected firms if deemed necessary. 4. The final deliverable will be submitted to the City by September 26, 2014. The master planning work can be commenced by the successful firm at any time after the contract is awarded. 5. The master plan contract will be between the master plan firm, the City, and Gallatin Development Corporation DBA Prospera Business Network (Prospera). B. Scope of the Master Plan. The successful individual or firm will provide the City with services including, but not necessarily limited to: Primary Services: 1. Facilitate Onsite Assessment Meetings with Key Stakeholders a. The proposal should specify agendas for onsite meetings for the firm to meet with stakeholders to discuss the stakeholders’ project vision, motivations, goals, and objectives. b. The agendas for the proposed meetings should include, at minimum, the following discussion topics. The proposed agendas may not be limited to these topics. • Review the project schedule, key milestones and deliverables • Review economic development and other benefits of enhanced connectivity • Identify growth areas and emerging companies in the region • Identify potential service gaps and markets • Review the range of potential business models • Discuss potential product development, market positioning, and customer segments • Develop a comprehensive list of stakeholders for inclusion in the planning process c. The agenda should demonstrate that the firm understands the importance of stakeholder engagement in gathering relevant data to meet the service and financial needs of stakeholders and the community at large. 2. Assess the existing market for regional connectivity a. Discuss how the proposed master plan will assess existing community connectivity resources. This analysis should include how the assessment will identify particular market needs and how a community broadband network will fill a niche that meets those needs. 3. Develop Construction Standards for City Streets and Right-of-Way to Facilitate Public and Private Fiber Construction. a. Review the City of Bozeman’s engineering and development processes and standards and make recommendations on how to implement fiber optic construction. b. Develop a formal “dig-once policy” and construction specifications to facilitate placement of conduit throughout the community as part of City construction standards. c. Develop a formal building standards policy and construction specifications to facilitate in-building access for wireline infrastructure in new construction and major remodels. 4. Analyze Service Models, Ownership, and Operations a. The proposal should discuss how various potential service models will allow the community to meet its objectives. The proposal should delineate the approach of the master plan for addressing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats posed by potential service models. Private-public partnerships and open- access models must be included. The proposal should include a business case analysis for each of its recommended models. The report should recommend a particular service model that the firm believes best meets community goals. 5. Develop a Build Plan a. Build Plan for the Fiber Ring: Based on a thorough analysis of community needs propose methods for determining a high-level design for network infrastructure to meet the region’s goals. The proposed Build Plan for the Fiber Ring section should include, at minimum, the following attributes: • Fiber Ring Characteristics Development • Fiber Ring Path Planning for Initial Sites including City Offices, County Offices, Bozeman School District No. 7, Downtown Bozeman Tax Increment Financing District, and Bozeman Deaconess Hospital • Planning for Future Expansion • Discuss how open access considerations affect the proposed build plan b. Build Plan for a Network Facility: Discuss the process for locating and planning a network facility. The proposed Build Plan for the Network Facility section should include, at minimum, the following attributes: • Location Characteristics • Power Considerations • Carrier Access • Physical Security • Explore potential partnerships with existing and developing network facilities c. Propose a timeline for the various components of the proposed build plan. 6. Financial Sustainability Plan a. The proposer should articulate the full scope of its proposed comprehensive business planning process. The proposal should present strategies for addressing, at minimum, the following financial considerations within a comprehensive business plan: • Revenue targets, resources required to meet those targets, and return on investment analysis • Cost/benefit analysis that follows accounting standards • Pricing and tiered revenue structures • Financing the Fiber Ring and Network Facility • Outline Operational Considerations: 1. Maintenance 2. Operation 3. Administration • Outline Service Considerations: 1. Discuss how the characteristics of the service levels provided will affect operating costs. • Partnership Opportunities for Funding • Outline how E-Rate funding can be used to support the cost of network construction. • Outline potential grant opportunities and other sources of funding. 7. Benefits Analysis a. Discuss benefits of the proposed network for the following stakeholders: • Public Education Sector • Research Activities • Technology Sector • New Business Startup Activities • Enhancing Government and Civic Engagement • Economic Development 8. Outline Next Steps for Implementation of the Master Plan a. Outline the next steps for implementing the Master Plan upon its adoption by the City Commission. • Estimate the cost for each of the proposed implementation steps. 9. Final Deliverable a. The final deliverable will include all elements of a traditional business plan, and will encompass the strategic plan and all other data and insights developed in the previous deliverables. b. Maps and specific location data provided in the Master Plan should be GIS compatible, so that construction can be coordinated with other City infrastructure and projects. c. The final deliverable should be presented at a public meeting. Additional Services Upon Request by City: 1. Attend meetings, if requested, with employees and officials to refine and clarify components of the master plan. 2. Assist the City, if requested, in implementing any part of the proposed master plan. 3. Assist in the development, if requested, of City-wide policies, regulations, procedures, and engineering standards needed to implement the master plan or facilitate the building of broadband infrastructure. C. City Responsibilities 1. The City will provide: a. Consultation, as needed, with Planning, Economic Development, Finance and Public Works (which includes the Engineering and GIS Divisions). b. Coordination of stakeholder meetings and identification of initial stakeholders. 2. The City will provide access to all files and records of the City departments. 3. The City staff will not prepare any of the deliverables listed in the scope other than what may be agreed mutually agreed upon. D. Proposer Responsibilities 1. The proposer will: a. Prepare a comprehensive master plan for a community fiber optic network. b. Submit a draft copy of the master plan to the City at least two weeks prior to the final report date to enable city officials to review its contents for possible changes. c. Provide the city with an electronic copy of the master plan. 2. If there is a substantial change in the firm's staff (i.e. principal assigned to the master plan, etc.) prior to or during the master planning process, the city reserves the right to void the contract. E. Information to be Requested from the Proposer To provide for a uniform review process and to obtain comparability, it is required that proposals be organized in the manner specified below. 1. Title Page Show the RFP subject, the name of the firm, address, telephone number, name of the contact person, and the date. 2. Letter of Transmittal Limit to two pages. a. Briefly state the proposer's understanding of the work to be done and make a positive commitment to perform the work within the time period. b. Describe the proposer’s approach to broadband master planning and explain the strengths of that approach. c. Give the names of the persons who will be authorized to make representations for the proposer, their titles, addresses and telephone numbers. 3. Profile of the Proposer a. State whether the firm is local, regional, or national. b. Give the location of the office from which the work is to be done and the number of partners, managers, supervisors, seniors, and other professional staff employed at that office. 4. Professional Qualifications to be Addressed in Response: a. Identify the partners, managers and supervisors who will work on the master plan. Resumes for each supervisory person to be assigned to the master plan should be included. The resumes may be included as an appendix. b. Describe experience similar to the type of master plan requested and give the names and telephone numbers of client officials who can be contacted as references. c. Describe experience related to providing broadband master planning services to public entities. d. Three references of which must have knowledge of your work advising public entities with respect to implementing broadband strategies. e. Examples of your successes representing public entities. f. A copy of any required professional federal and/or state licenses to perform the required activities. g. Provide samples of deliverables for similar services; and h. Any other information the interested individual or firm deems relevant. 5. Scope Section Describe your firm's approach to completing the Scope of the Master Plan as described above, demonstrating an understanding of the tasks and the level of effort required. 6. Additional Data Since data not specifically requested must not be included in the foregoing proposal sections, give any additional information considered essential to the proposal in this section. If there is no additional information to present, state in this section, "There is no additional information we wish to present". Section 2 - Compensation Estimate the total hours and the resulting all-inclusive maximum fee for the requested work. An appendix stating the hourly rates to be charged for each staff classification is required. The proposer will not be reimbursed for any travel, per diem, photo copying, telephone bills, or other related expenses of the proposal unless incurred at the specific request of the City. PART II Evaluation of Proposals Proposals will be evaluated using a predetermined method to ascertain which proposer best meets the needs of the City. In some circumstances, proposals may be so similar in quality that oral interviews may have to be arranged to assist in making the final selection. Evaluation considerations will include the following. 1. Professional Qualifications: a. Relevant broadband master planning experience (governmental), including experience successfully implementing broadband master plans in communities in which city government, county government, public schools, and a public university were principle partners. b. Experience and References c. Qualifications of principal three (3) personnel to be assigned in conducting the relevant technical and business master planning for community fiber optic networks (experience, training, communication skills.) 2. Technical Approach: a. Ability to clearly articulate technical solutions and policy recommendations. b. Ability to clearly delineate the characteristics of a financially sustainable funding model including a functional business plan. c. Ability to communicate the master plan proposal in an organized, clear and convincing manner. 3. Fees: a. Estimated cost as compared with other bids. Staff Contact for Additional Information: Questions regarding this Request For Proposals may be directed to David Fine, City of Bozeman Economic Development Specialist, at dfine@bozeman.net or 406-582-2973. Part III Reservation of Rights The issuance of this RFP and the receipt of proposals by the City shall not constitute an agreement or representation by the City that a contract for the work will actually be entered into by the City. The City reserves the right to issue written notice of changes to the submittal process should the City determines in its sole and absolute discretion that such changes are necessary or desirable. In addition and notwithstanding any other provision of this RFP, the City reserves the right to: a. Waive any immaterial defect or informality in a submittal; b. Extend or otherwise revise the submittal date; c. Reject any or all submissions or portions thereof; d. Select proposals that are in the best interest of the City considering experience of the firm, workload of the firm, and other qualifications evaluation criteria as well as any other factor the City determines in its sole discretion to be reasonable; e. Negotiate terms and conditions of a contract; f. Reissue a new or revised RFP or cancel this RFP; and g. Request additional information from one or more respondents. Employment Restriction and Indemnity No person who is an owner, officer, employee, contractor or consultant of a respondent shall be an officer or employee of the City. No rights of the City’s retirement or personnel rules accrue to a respondent, its officers, employees, contractors, or consultants. Respondents shall have the responsibility of all salaries, wages, bonuses, retirement, withholdings, worker’s compensation and occupational disease compensation, insurance, unemployment compensation other benefits and taxes and premiums appurtenant thereto concerning its officers, employees, contractors, and consultants. Each respondent shall save and hold the City harmless with respect to any and all claims for payment, compensation, salary, wages, bonuses, retirement, withholdings, worker’s compensation and occupational disease compensation, insurance, unemployment compensation other benefits and taxes and premiums in any way related to each respondent’s officers, employees, contractors and consultants. Submittal Rejection/Right to Disqualify Submittal of terms, condition and/or agreements may result in rejection if such terms, conditions, or agreements are deemed unacceptable by the City in its sole discretion. The City reserves the right to disqualify any respondent who fails to provide information or data specifically requested herein or who provides materially inaccurate or misleading information or data or who attempts to influence the selection process outside the procedures established herein. The City reserves the right to disqualify any respondent on the basis of any real or apparent conflict of interest. This disqualification is at the sole discretion of the City. Discrimination Discrimination in the performance of any agreement awarded under this RFP on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability is prohibited. This prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the awarded entity’s employees and to all subcontracts. As such, each entity submitting under this notice shall include a provision wherein the submitting entity, or entities, affirms in writing it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and which also recognizes the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the submitting entity’s employees and to all subcontracts. Failure to comply with the above shall be cause for the City to deem the submittal non- responsive. Accessibility Upon reasonable notice, the City will provide assistance for those persons with sensory impairments. For further information please contact the ADA Coordinator James Goehrung at 406-582-3232 or the City’s TTY line at 406-582-2301. Governing Law This RFP and any disputes arising hereunder or under any future agreement for the sale and purchase of shares, interests, or rights shall be governed hereafter and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana, without reference to principles of choice or conflicts of laws. Miscellaneous No conversations or agreements with any officer, employee, or agent of the City shall affect or modify any term of this RFP. Oral communications or any written/email communication between any person and the designated contact City staff shall not be considered binding.