HomeMy WebLinkAboutNon-Discrimination Public Comment from James and Dalla Weaver 2-14 Bozeman Committee for Freedom & Safety In partnership with iONTANA What is a Pion-Discrimination Ordinance and why now? The Bozeman City Commission will soon be considering a Non-Discrimination Ordinance(NDO),which lists the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender(LGBT) community as a uniquely protected class, in municipal code. The NDO would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Protection from discrimination—sounds innocent enough, particularly when we are talking about housing or employment. But serious problems exist with NDOs that present public safety risks and restrict 1 st amendment rights. An NDO passed in Missoula 3 years ago,in Helena a year ago, and is currently being considered in Butte. Supporters plan to eventually leverage the passage of a number of city NDOs in order to pressure the state legislature to pass a statewide law. Why should I be concerned? If passed,the ordinance would require schools,as well as businesses and churches, to provide transgender bathroom,dressing room,and locker-room accommodations. It will allow boys and men to use girls and women's restrooms and locker rooms. Your right to privacy will be trumped by the ordinance and it will put younggirls and women at risk of becomina the victim of vo eudsm or Wproposed NDO is an assault on religious freedom, and paves the way for law suits against businesses,churches and schools. A wedding planner who refuses to plan a same-sex ceremony because of their sincerely held religious beliefs could be sued fo6giscriminatbri. Or a Christian school or religious acTycare might be sued for re sing to hire someone who does not adhere to their religious beliefs. This NDO effort is a huge step in redefining our moral and scriptural tenants as"hate speech' Indeed,it seeks to criminalize the belief that homosexual behavior is wrong. You or your pastor may soon be accused of hate-speech while quoting the Gospel. Unfortunately,in recent litigation, non-discrimination laws have trumped religious liberty as protected in the United States and Montana constitutions. /,Y�/../ What problem is the Bozeman commission tryin4 to solve? That's the problem,there IS no problem. In Bozeman,there are no known instances of homelessness,unemployment,or other social disability based solely on a person's sexual orientation or identity. In fact, Bozeman is an incredibly open-mindedClearly,ith a no publicized instances of such discrimination in anyone's recent memory. Bozeman NDO is a solution in search of a problem.The Bozeman NDO is not what it appears to be. Its intended function is punitive,not preventative and it will impact public safety and religious freedom in the Bozeman community. What can!do? GET INVOLVED! 1. STAY INFORMED: Sign up for email updates at montanafamily.org 2. PRAY: We meet regularly to pray together,email action(a montanafamily.org for prayer times and location. 3. SPREAD THE WORD: Discuss this issue within your circle of influence. To schedule a speaker from the Montana Family Foundation,email actio=anafamily.org 4. ENGAGE: Contact Mayor Krauss and each individual Commissioner and to sa no to the NDO. Please be well-mannered and respectful in your communica o . MEMBER EMAIL VOICE MAIL CITY CELL Jeff Krauss jkrauss@bozeman.net (406)582-2341 Chris Mehl cmehl@bozeman.net (406)582-2342 Cynthia Andrus candrus@bozeman.net (406)582-2383 (406)600-0987 Carson Taylor ctaylor@bozeman.net (406)582-2347 I-Ho Pomeroy ipomeroy@bozeman.net (406)582-2343 (406)58H824' Mailing Address: Attn:0.Box 1230 a Bozeman,MT 5977ty of Bozeman 5. ATTEND COMMISSION MEETINGS AND in EARLgreat GS:num Politicians respond favorably on issues when people