HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Rental Housing Survey: Open Window Consulting, Submittal February 17, 2014 City Clerk's Office Suite 2Q8, City Hall P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, &4TS8771 HE! Rental Housing Survey RFP DearMwdam/Slr: Please find attached a proposal to conducta Rental Houising Survey for the city of Bozeman, in response 10 the subject RPP. Attachment&contains our submission, including a Fee Proposal,Summary mf Related Experience, and References. Asa local firm, Open Window Consulting, LU, looks forward tmthe opportunity to carry out this work for you. Because this is the first year that Bozeman has conducted a stand-alone annual Rental Housing Survey per its Affordable Housing Action Plan,we propose to provide the rental housing data that you seek for 2014 and to do so in a way that lays the groundworkfor effective and offordable annual surveys goimgƒbnmon± VVe have attached a notional draft data table that would be populated with data from the survey, because we feel that this element is central to successful performance of the work (see Attachment B). This notional draft can serve as a starting point, but we fully expect to work with you—the sponsor—to establish a final data table that is optimally structured for your use in this and future Rental Housing Surveys.The result will be a structure that will allow you to sort,filter, cross-tabulate, and otherwise analyze the data. it will also aHow for easy longitudinal analysis of the data as future surveys are conducted, As reflected in the notional data table, we suggest including the abi)ityto analyze the data at two levels —rental properties and unit type (e.g., 2-bedn7omunits; 3-bedroom subsidized uni1s). We also suggest collecting data regarding any specific demographic limitations on eligible/intended renters, specifically seniors orstudents,to facilitate analysis of affordable workforce housing. Open Window Consulting LLC,Bozeman, Montana,406-624-6972,julie@openwindowconsulting.NET RENTAL HOLISM SURVEY l 'FP RESPONSE PAGE 2 OF We thank you for your consideration and look forward to the possibility of working with you on this project. Nease feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. Sincerely, Julie erenzia President Open Window Consulting, LLC 229 Silver Cloud Circle Bozeman, MT 5975 (406) 624-6972 Julie OpenWindowConsulting.NET ww_w.tJpenWindowConsultin ,NET Open Window Consulting LL C,Bozeman,Montana,4016-624-6972,`toille enwindowconsulting.NET RENTAL HOUSING SURVEY R' IP RESPONSE PAGE 3 of 7" Attachment A. Response F or Rental Housing Survey Open Window Consulting, LLC, proposes to conduct a Rental Housing'Survey for the City of Bozeman, as defined by the scope of work, for a fixed fee of$4,{7i�(1.�J4�. Sb�.aA,kY,: YIN,'W'h,I�.A'i.4ry 1 o L R �.�IL t V'm.l'e Experience The principles of Open Window Consulting, LLC, have strong backgrounds and experience in each element of the 'Housing Survey scope of work, including: primary source data collection, data management and presentation, report writing,and tailloring what we produce to best meet the needs of the client. Both principles have extensive professional experience that has involved the collection, management, analysis, and reporting of data. Below are specific examples of past projects that offer the most similar experience, as well as a summary of relevant experience for the firm and each of its principles.. Specific similar projects Led project that included collection of significant primary data on U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and Customs and Border Protection aviation assets to evaluate organizations, information technology systems, operations,training, maintenance, and logistics. Led project that included interviewing over 500 stakeholders to collect primary data and information to analyze the Coast Guard's marine safety and environmental protection programs. * Led project that included collecting and analyzing cost, schedule„ and performance data on the $30 billion Coast Guard acquisition program to provide recommendations to USCG leadership. U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force headquarters—responsible for collecting and tracking weapons/armaments data and overseeing and reporting on arms control treaties; overseeing compliance for destruction of chemical and biological weapons, and contributing to clata- intensive treaty development and data and information reporting mechanisims. Led project that included collecting significant budget and other primary data to analyze in preparation of a blueprint for the significant reorganization of a U.S. intelligence agency. Graduate and Post-Graduate Research: Both principles have conducted data collection (including primary source, managed data, and presented data in the context of research in the fields of economics, public policy,and engineering. * Produced the annual Export Programs Guide:A Business Guide to Federal Export Assistance— collected,compiled, edited, and published program information and data for each federal assistance program. Collection involved identifying and contacting each program office, often multiple times,with a 100%m success rate achieved within a short span of time, Open Window Consulting LLC,Bozeman,Montana,406-624-6972,jtdle@openw1ndowconsultln NET RENTAL HOUSING SURVEY IM P RESPONSE PACE 4 OE' Open Window Consulting, LLC Providing Research, Analysis, and Advisory Services, (2009--present). We founded our small Bozeman based consulting firm in 2009.The firm brings critical thinking, thorough analysis, and multi-disciplinary methodologies to bear for local and regional clients in the public and private sectors.As a local firm, our clients are also our neighbors and we are dedicated to making a meaningful contribution to the success of each client, the community, and Montana. The firm recently developed the 203-2017 Montana Tourism and Recreation Strategic Flan under contract to the Montana Office of Tourism. This project involved extensive outreach to collect information using telephone calls, online surveys, and community outreach sessions. Open Window Consulting has also done work for the Montana Women's Lobby and Montana Heritage Commission, including the collection and analysis of data. The firm has a research-based approach and routinely collects and uses data to support work done for small and medium businesses in the Gallatin valley. Julie Cerenzia PhD in Public Policy(expected Sprang 2014). Julie is currently completing a doctoral degree in public policy. Both the doctoral coursework and the dissertation research process have incorporated a great deal of data coilection (including primary source data collection), data management, statistical analysis using large and small data sets, and reporting of data findings using narrative, summary data tables, and graphic presentation of data. Other education includes a B.A. in Political Science from Montana State University and an M.A. in Economics and International Relations from Johns Hopkins University. Analyst, U.S. Department of Commerce(1995.2 006). Julie served in several offices of the U,S. Department of Commerce, including the Trade information Center,the (International)Advocacy Center, and the Office of(International) Finance. In each position,the collection, management,and presentation of data were central to identifying and tracking trends. A significant job responsibility was the production of informative briefing materials, including effective presentation of data,for senior officials including multiple Cabinet Secretaries and the Board of[Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Jinn Cerenzia Principal Analyst, Homeland Security institute (2007-2012). Jim was a private sector management consultant leading evaluations of acquisition, science,technology, and engineering organizations, programs, and projects for senior leaders in the Coast Guard,. Customs and Border Protection, and other UHS entities.All work required extensive collection, analysis, and presentation of data so that effective and supportable decisions could be made by clients. pen Window Consulting LIC Bozeman,Montana,406-624-6972,julle enwin owconsulting„NET i Analytic Services and SAIC/19,98-20071. Jim -served on the headquarters staff of the U,S. Army and U.5. Air Force, responsible for arms control treaty negotiation, compliance, and implementation and policy development, J]nn holds M.S. in Civil Engineering, M.A. in Economics and international Relations, B.A. in Political Science, and B.Sc. in Biochemistry, Open Window Consulting LLC,Bozernan,Montana,406-624-6972,julle@openwindowconsulting.NET RENTAL HOUSING SURVEY RFP RESPONSE PAGE 6 OF 7 i ie i�p°en ce Ms.Jeri Duran Division Administrator Montana Office of Tourism (406)841-2872 iduran mt,gov Mr. Geoffrey (Geoff)Abbott. ('Formerly of Homeland Security Institute) U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (212)551-4152 AbbottG SEC. ov Open Window Consulting LLiC, Sozernan,Montana,ntana,406-624-6972, ulie peniwindowconsulting.' ET ................ ICU tv ........... z 0 cu E n I z E ca ro C3, 1 E z S: > cm a Q 0 1 0 a° , -z u M J7 r r lz -0 k-A o 4z Z3 ul z -Q IbB L6 < D 0 ............... a s,. v 4 (3 � LU 0i 0. 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