HomeMy WebLinkAbout14- Memorandum of Understanding between Gallatin County, City of Bozeman, Motnana DNRC, FEMA for a Risk Map Project on Bozeman Creek MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN GAL LATIN COUNTY, CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA DNRC, AND FEMA FOR A RISK MAP PROJE ZEMAN CREEK Risk MAP Project Charter Working together on a Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning (Risk MAP) project, FEMA Region VIII the State of Montana DNRC, Gallatin County, and the City of Bozeman will identify, assess, communicate, plan for, and mitigate against flood risk. The hood risk information provided by this project can be used by the communities to enhance hazard mitigation plans, make informed decisions to improve resilience to flooding, and raise awareness about local flood risks. This project charter: Describes the mapping, assessment, and planning information, products, and assistance that FEMA will provide Summarizes the communities'flooding concerns and indicates areas where floodplain changes are expected Describes the roles and responsibilities of FEMA, the State of Montana DNRC and the communities. Mapping and Assessment Detailed riverine floodplain mapping studies are being done on Bozeman Creek and tributaries for Gallatin County and the City of Bozeman. Risk MAP product deliverables will be created for these communities and the watersheds they encompass. Flood Risk Products To show where and why floodplains have changed and quantify the risks associated with those changes, FEMA will work closely with the communities to produce the products listed below. The communities can use these updated data and products to make informed hazard mitigation, land use and development, and emergency management decisions. Flood Risk Report: Details the flood hazards and risk exposure within the community, watershed, or other geographic area. It also explains the risk assessment methodology used and results. Flood Risk Map: Depicts county and community boundaries in relation to the areas of risk within the study area, emphasizing that risk reduction activities may have an impact well beyond the site. Flood Risk Database; Provides access to the data collected, created, and analyzed during the project. Flood Risk Datasets FEMA will also provide access to the following datasets that underpin the Flood Risk Products described, Changes Since Last FIRM: Identifies areas where the floodplain, floodway, and/or flood zone designations have changed since the previous flood study. Engineering factors that may have contributed to any changes will also be identified. The built environment affected by the change will be quantified and summarized. " Flood Depth and Analysis Grids: Indicate the communities' 1U percent, 4 percent, 2percent, 1 percent, and O.2 percent annual chance flood events. They will also be used todepict the percent chance nf flooding over 30 years, the typical length ofa home mortgage. ~ Flood Risk Assessment: Highlights areas where risk reduction actions may produce the highest return on investment. A refined HAZUS loss estimation analysis will be conducted for flooding sources using default HAZUG building stock information. ~ Areas of Mitigation Interest: Identifies conditions that may contribute to the severity of the flood hazard and associated losses. These include areas with a history of flood claims, hydraulic or other structures that contribute to backwater and areas experiencing land use change or development. Regulatory Products FEMA and the State of Montana DNRC will provide the communities with the following regulatory products to support floodp|ain management and flood insurance ratings. ~ Flood Insurance Study(FkS) Report� Describes the communities'flood history and provides technical information nn the study. ~ Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DF|R0V): Identifies the communities'flood zones, base flood elevations, and flmodp|minboundaries. This map ia also used to determine where flood insurance ;o required. Planning There is a Gallatin County Hazard Mitigation Plan for GaHatin County and the City of Bozeman. The plan was approved byFE[WAom September 18. 2012. The flood risk information developed during this project will provide local governments with analyses they can use to develop or update local and State mitigation plans, The communities can use this data to identify risks and vulnerabilities associated with floods, evaluate the areas of high mitigation value, and develop long-term strategies for protecting peopSe and property from future flood o*eohn, In addition, FEMA will share mitigation planning and/or implementation best practices, resources available to support flood mitigation actions, and assist in the deve�opment of an action item list to facilitate local mitigation activities, F'EMA Resources to Support Flood Mitigation Actions FEMA encourmgomfloodplain management activities that exceed minimum requirements through programs such as the Community Rating System. FEMA also offers Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant that fund a|kgiNomihgotianaot�|�esthat reduce disaster losses and protect Ufeand property from future disaster damages. Information on these programs will be provided along with other related Stoto. Federal, and association resources throughout the project. Communication and Coordination 2 ~ - FEMA and the State of Montana,DNRC will work together to establish aconsistent flow of information about project bma|inm. status, and next o1opo. |n addition 10 regular status reports, FEMA and the State ofMontana DNRC will coordinate with Gallatin County and the City of Bozeman to hold a minimum of four oeetinOo as demombedbe|mw. FEMA and the State of Montana DNRC will also work with the communities to enhance their ability to communicate about the hazard and the associated rlsk to people who live and work within Gallatin County and the City of Bozeman, and the watershed that encompasses these jurisdictions. • Discovery Meeting. Held prior to the development of this charter, the meeting focused on introducing the PMT, setting project expectations, roles and responsibilities, and validating and gathering data, • Resilience Meeting:Will provide local officials with the Flood Risk Products described above and describe how to incorporate this new information into existing hazard mitigation plans. Resources available from State and Federal governments and professional associations that support planning and implementation activities will behighlighted. The meeting vvU|result im action items developed by Gallatin County and the City of Bozeman in encourage mitigation activities, • Flood Study Review Meeting (sneak peak): Will provide local officials the opportunity to view and comment un drafts of the engineering mo2|yoea and flood risk data, • Community Coordination Officer(CCO) MeetinglOpen House: Wilt provide local officials with the FIS and FIRM and information on ordinance requirements for map adoption. The meeting win bmclosely followed byan open house where FEKXA and the State of Montana DNRC officials will' present project nnmuhm to local citizens and explain the impact that the results will have on development, p/annimg, and flood insurance. Roles and Responsibilities This Project Charter represents a good-faith effort by all parties to share data, communicate findings, and plan mitigation activities to protect Gallatin County and the City of Bozeman from flood risk. It is NOT legally binding nor does it preclude Gallatin County orthe City of Bozeman from participating inthe DFURKM appea| pmocemm, The parties listed in the signature block below will collaborate on flood hazard identification activities, risk analysis products, and will consult with each other to integrate contributions into flood hazard identification efforts, It is intended to provide a common strategy to address flood hazards and increase neeM|anoexWthim the watershed. FEMA and the State of Montana DNRC will provide community officials with regular project status updates, the data and products described above, and outreach guidance to increase /ocal awareness of flood risk. These efforts will better enable the communities to take action to reduce risk, through the adoption of the maps, development, or enhancement of mitigation plans, and increased communication with citizens to inform them about their risk and the steps they can take tn mitigate that risk. Au referenced above, FEk4Aur its representative and the State of Montana ONRC officials will communicate ot �east four times over the course of the project to review project milestones, outcomes, and impacts. This Memorandum of Understanding shall be in effect until December 31, 2017. 3 Sean McNabb Steve Story, PE, CFM Risk. MAP program Specialist State Floodptain Engineer FEMA Region Vlll State of Montana DNRC Date: Date: City of Bozema Caiiatin County Date: Date: 4