HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Substantial Completion of City Hall Masonry Repair A 'Mum AIA Document G704" - 2000 Certificate of Substantial Completion PROJECT: PROJECT NUMBER: 13/1 4) OWNER:❑ (Name rand adcb-css) CONTRACT FOR:General COnStrUCtiOn City of Bozeman-City]-tall Masonry CONTRACT DATE: ARCHITECT:❑ Repair CONTRACTOR:0 TO OWNER: TO CONTRACTOR: FIELD:❑ (Naine and ciddress') (A"ame and L&0•ess) OTHER:❑ CitN of Bozeman R&R'fai Ior Construction, Inc P.O, Box 1230 P.O. Box 1234 Bozeman,MT 59771 Bozeman, NIT 59771-1234 PROJECT OR PORTION OF THE PROJECT DESIGNATED FOR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE SHALL INCLUDE: All work according to contract dOC1.1111CIlts, excluding punchlist itenis dated 11/18/2013, or additional work reqUeSted by owner. The.Work performed tuider this Contract has been reviewed and t6tuid.to the Architeet's best knom,led-if, information and befief. to be substantially complete. Substantial Completion is the stage in the pro-gress of Work i%hen the Work or desi-liated portion is sufficiently complete in accordance Nvith the Contract Doeunientsso that the Owner can OCCLIPy or utilize.the Work.for its intended use. The date otSubstantial Completion of the ProJect or portion designated aboN e is the date Of iSSUCHICe established by this Certificate,which is also the date of coinnienceineilt of'applicable warranties required b� the Contract DoCUMCInS.Q\cept as stated below: Warranty Date of Commencement I Year 11/19/2013 Comma- Q Architecture, Inc, ARCHITECT BY DATE iOF ISSUANCE A list ofitemsto tie completed or corrected is attached hereto.Tile liliku•C to include ant items can such list does not after the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all Work in accordance kcith the Contract Documents,Unless otherwise agreed to in writing,the date of commencement of warranties t6i-items can the alta0ed list will he the date of issuance of the final Ceilificate of Payment or the date of final payment. Cost estimate of Work that is incomplete or defective:s imoomo Tile Contractor will complete or correct tile Work-n the list of items attached hereto within Zero(0)dais from the aboc e date(it' Substantial Completion. R&R'Va1 Ior Construction, Inc CONTRACTOR By DATE The Owner accepts d ie Work or desi v wated portion as substantially complete and X611 assume roll possession at 8:00 ant(time)oil 11/1.8/2013(date). City of Bozeman z—11.1k. OWNER Y DATE/ I The responsibilities of the Owner and Contractor for security, maintenance_heat,utilities,damage to the Work and ill'Air,111CC Shull he as 1­6110Nvs: None designated =1 AIA Document G7047"—2000.Copyright Ca 1963, 1978,1992 and 2000 by The American Institute of Architects.All rights reserved,WARNIiNG:7hils Ahi%' Docurnent is protecled by LLS,Copyright Law and international TreaHes,Lhlautho6zed reproduction or Wstdijuldriii of this AW Docurnent,or any portioii of it,mays resufli.in severe cWH sand crivninal penalfles:,and will be pimserimeqj to the rriaxlrnurn extent POSSib1L Umderthe Mm.This document was produced by AIA software at 14:4821 on 12/04/2013 under Order No.91389467651 which expires on 0511712014,and is not for resale User Notes: (1397049166)