HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix I_Qualifications APPENDIX I QUALIFICATIONS DAPHNE DIGRINDAKIS Senior Environmental Scientist/Environmental Planner EDUCATION BA, Geology (Environmental Geology), University of Montana, 1979 EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Ms. Digrindakis has over 25 years of professional experience in environmental consulting with Tetra Tech in the fields of site characterization, public relations, and hazard mitigation. Her areas of expertise include preparation performing brownfields assessments, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) site investigations, Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) hazard mitigation plans, Resource Management Plans (RMPs), and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental impact statements (EISs) and environmental assessments. She has served as public outreach coordinator on numerous projects, facilitating public involvement and conducting public meetings. Ms. Digrindakis routinely develops and implements field sampling plans to investigate potential impacts at sites, interprets chemical laboratory data, and prepares cost estimates for environmental cleanups. She has managed numerous large and complex projects. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Brownfields ■ Lewis & Clark County Brownfields Project, Helena, Montana. Prepared successful grant application and was awarded the projects to implement a $200,000 brownfields community-wide hazardous substance assessment grant (2008-2010) and a $400,000 petroleum and hazardous substance grant (2011-2013). Performed community outreach, site inventory, brownfields eligibility, and site selection. Developed stakeholder list, organized task force meeting, planned and facilitated public meetings, developed fact sheets, and managed content of project website. Completed Phase I ESAs and Area- Wide Assessments of potential redevelopment properties. Prepared project-wide Quality Assurance Project Plan, Sampling and Analysis Plans and Health and Safety Plans for Phase II investigations. Provided educational outreach and redevelopment planning to community groups and local government. Prepared cleanup plan and cost estimate. Sites have included Montana Department of Transportation Fairgrounds Shop, Former Smith's Grocery, Former U.S. Army Reserve Center (Sheridan Hall), 61h Ward Neighborhood Assessment, and Caird Engineering Works. (2007-ongoing) ■ Brownfields Phase I and Phase 11 Investigation Services, Montana. Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) targeted brownfield contractor responsible for Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments for the following facilities: Former Malta Airport, Kalispell Feed and Grain Supply, Lewistown Nurses Home, Lewistown Paris Laundry, Deer Lodge Passenger Refueling Area of the Milwaukee Roundhouse, Shields Valley Branch Line Railroad Rails-to-Trails site, and Savage Fertilizer Plant. (2007-2009) ■ Brownfield Grant Support Services, Southwest Montana. Facilitator for Headwaters Resource, Conservation, and Development public meetings in seven Montana counties in their planning area for input on two Brownfield grant applications submitted to the EPA. (2005) Environmental Site Assessments ■ Phase I Environmental Site Assessments — Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico. Environmental Scientist responsible for performing over 100 Phase I ESAs for real estate buyers/sellers and financial institutions to evaluate environmental liability associated with past use. Investigations include ownership research, aerial photograph interpretation, historic map review, interviews, site reconnaissance and regulatory database review. Prepare reports to comply with ASTM Standard E-1527 and EPA's All Appropriate Inquiry and developed recommendations for further investigation. (1990-ongoing) ■ Phase l/ Environmental Site Assessments, Montana. Environmental Scientist responsible for performing Phase II assessments to confirm or deny and/or determine extent and magnitude of soil and groundwater impacts. Utilized soil vapor detection instruments in conjunction with backhoe test pits, Tetra Tech Page 1 DAPHNE DIGRINDAKIS direct-push and hollowstem auger drill rigs to collect soil and groundwater samples for chemical analysis. Responsible for developing environmental testing plans, site safety plans, waste characterization, data interpretation and remedial action recommendations and costs, and report preparation. Significant projects have included: General Mills/Cargill grain elevators state-wide, Montana Recycling facilities state- wide, Circle K facilities state-wide, American Timber sawmill (Olney), former refinery (Great Falls), American Dental plating facility (Missoula) (1995-ongoing) ■ Phase I and Phase 11 Right-of-Way Evaluations, Montana Department of Transportation. Environmental Scientist tasked with identifying areas of soil and groundwater contamination impacting highway reconstruction projects. Utilized direct push technology to collect samples along right-of-way for laboratory analysis. Projects include: US Highway 93: Hamilton to Lolo, Evaro to Poison, Somers to Whitefish; Great Falls: Central Ave. West, 10th Ave. South, Northeast Bypass, 14th and 15th Streets from 1st Ave. North to River, and 6th St. Northwest; Kalispell: Meridian Rd.; Poison: Poison Bypass; Helena: N. Montana and Railroad, Benton and Lyndale, and N. Main St. and Railroad Spur (1992 to 2000) • Helena Solvent Site, Helena, Montana. Completed well inventory, hydrogeologic review, identification of potential sources and preferential pathways, and reporting associated with a four square mile area within the Helena city limits. Project goal was to better define extent and magnitude of the solvent-contaminated groundwater under Helena to help the Montana DEQ determine potential risks to human health and the environment and identify monitoring points, identify potential sources, and identify preferential pathways for contaminant migration. (2009) ■ Upper Lochsa Land Exchange, Clearwater, Nez Perce, and Idaho Panhandle National Forest. Conducted Phase I ESAs to support proposed land exchange between US Forest Service and Western Pacific Timber of approximately 40,000 acres of former Plum Creek Timber Company "checkerboard" lands in the Upper Lochsa River drainage for approximately 28,000 acres of scattered National Forest lands located in the Idaho Panhandle, Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests. Prepared hazardous material section of environmental impact statement. (2008-2009) Environmental Baseline Surveys ■ Montana Department of Military Affairs, Fort Harrison, Montana. Completed environmental baseline surveys for Montana National Guard at Fort Harrison firing ranges, specific Fort Harrison military facilities, and Glasgow National Guard training center. Scope of work was similar to Phase I ESA but included evaluation of risk according to specified categories. (2007-ongoing) CERCLA Environmental Site Investigations ■ Abandoned Mine Reclamation Projects, USDA-Forest Service Region 1, Montana. Environmental Scientist on projects following the EPA's non-time-critical removal process for site cleanup and reclamation. Responsible for baseline investigations in drainage basins impacted by tailings deposits and mine damage. Tasks included characterization of groundwater and surface water quality, identification of metals sources and evaluation of groundwater/surface water interactions. Prepared potentially responsible party reports and ecological risk assessments. Projects have included: Ontario Mine and Upper Little Blackfoot Mines (Helena NF), Basin and Cataract Small Mines and Uncle Sam Gulch (Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF), and Carpenter Creek/Snow Creek (Lewis and Clark NF). (2004-2007) ■ Streamside Tailings Operable Unit, Subarea 2, Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area NPL Site, Montana. Environmental Scientist responsible for field characterization of tailings/impacted soils to support Remedial Investigation of federal Superfund site. Completed backhoe test pit investigation on Ramsey Flats using x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer to field screen for metals. ( 2001-2002) • Beal Mountain Mine Abandoned Mine Reclamation Project, Anaconda, Montana. Project Manager. US Forest Service, Region 1 project following EPA non-time-critical removal process for cleanup and reclamation of 100-acre footprint heap leach pad and associated waste rock dump. Responsible for evaluating ambient water sources to heap leach pad, site dewatering for geotechnical stability, and remedial planning. Project manager for reverse-osmosis system for removing nitrate/nitrite, cyanide, ammonia, and metals from water stored in heap leach facility. (2007-2009) Tetra Tech Page 2 DAPHNE DIGRINDAKIS Emergency Management and Hazard Mitigation ■ All-Hazard Mitigation Plans, Montana and Idaho. Responsible for development of hazard mitigation plans for 20 Counties, 4 Tribal Nations and 8 campuses of the Montana University system. Identified critical facilities and vulnerable populations; profiled hazard events for risk assessment; established hazard mitigation goals and projects; developed strategy to implement mitigation measures; and developed procedure for plan maintenance to comply with FEMA requirements, and the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. (2003—ongoing) • Update to the State of Montana Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan and Statewide Hazard Assessment. Project Manager for the triennial update to the Montana State Hazard Mitigation Plan. The update required assembling a stakeholders group for an extensive scoping period and series of public meetings. All hazard profiles were updated with recent information to analyze and measure risks and determine the populations and resources most vulnerable to these hazards. State-wide mitigation strategies and plan maintenance procedures were updated based on public input.A significant component of the project was integration of 56 county and 4 tribal plans into the state plan document. (2006-2007 and 2009-2010). ■ Emergency Operations Plans, Lake and Sanders Counties and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Montana. Completed Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) for three local jurisdictions using the Comprehensive Preparedness Guidance (CPG)-100. The EOPs utilized the Emergency Support Function (ESF) format which included a Basic Plan, 15 ESF Annexes, Support Annexes, and Incident Annexes in support of the National Response Framework. A project website was utilized to post content and receive comments from project stakeholders (www.eop update.com). (2009-2010) • Montana Seismic Project. On behalf of the Montana Department of Administration, Architecture and Engineering Division wrote a successful grant to FEMA to fund a critical facility evaluation and hazard reduction project. An inventory of state-owned buildings within the state capitol complex, state hospital and prison, and three universities was developed. Using HAZUS-MH, building vulnerability was evaluated based on year and type of construction, number of stories, and occupancy. Facility managers selected buildings for Tier 1 seismic evaluation based on high occupancy (potential of significant loss of life), importance for continuity of government operations, building used for first response, elevated historic value, and "other" values. Tier 2 evaluations were completed on select buildings to support grant applications to FEMA for seismic retrofit. A seismic plan was prepared summarizing the results of the project. (2009-2010) NEPA Process and Documentation (EISs and EAs) • Upper Lochsa Land Exchange. Clearwater, Nez Perce, and Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Idaho. Conducted scoping meetings in three Idaho communities to solicit comments on proposed exchange of 40,000 acres of former timber company land in the upper Lochsa River drainage for 28,000 acres of scattered lands in the Clearwater, Nez Perce, and Idaho National Forests. Prepared hazardous material technical report to support EIS. (2008-2009) • Idaho Corridor Environmental Scan - SH-34, SH-36, SH-33, SH-28 and US-93. Completed highway corridor studies to characterize existing environmental conditions and identify whether there were significant biological, physical and cultural issues, resource constrains, or fatal flaws along the route that could influence alternatives identification or require additional review under NEPA. (2005) ■ Rocky Mountain Front Oil and Gas Exploration (Blackleaf Project) EIS, Montana. Assistant Project Manager responsible for coordination of scoping activities on a controversial project to increase oil and gas development of the Rocky Mountain Front in Montana. Participated in internal meetings between the BLM, cooperating agencies and contractor personnel. Worked with the BLM to refine the proposed action, public meeting format and methodology used to respond to public comments. Reviewed environmental data, prepared responses to public comments, and managed schedule and labor resources. (2004) ■ Noxious Weed Program Programmatic EIS (PSIS), Montana. Project Manager for the Montana Department of Agriculture's PEIS for their Noxious Weed Trust Fund Program. Conducted scoping and coordinated with numerous local and county agricultural agencies, surveyed program participants and researched weed control techniques in different environmental settings. Coordinated multi-disciplinary analysis of impacts of program (1995-1996 and 2008-2009) Tetra Tech Page 3 DAPHNE DIGRINDAKIS Land Use Planning and Resource Management ■ Yuma RMP and EIS, Southwestern Arizona and Southeastern California. Assistant Project Manager and Environmental Coordinator for all resource analyses for federal land use planning process for 1.6 million acres managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Yuma Field Office. Resources and issues identified for assessment were included in an EIS. All management actions determined during that process formed the basis of the revised RMP. Responsible for schedule management, record keeping, and managing labor resources. (2004 to 2005) ■ BLM RMP and EIS, Butte, Montana. Project Manager responsible for coordinating all resource analyses for federal land use planning process for approximately 311,000 acres of public land surface and 656,000 acres of federal mineral estate in eight counties in western Montana. The RMP addressed management concerns and provided a comprehensive framework for managing public land and resources within the Butte Field Office. A supporting EIS addressed a wide variety of issues and analyzed a reasonable range of alternatives for resource management in the planning area. (2005 to 2007) ■ BLM Travel Management Plans, Helena, Montana. Facilitator for Lewis and Clark County-sponsored working group meetings organized to help the BLM Butte Field Office develop travel management plans for BLM routes in the Helena area. Two nine-member citizen advisory groups representing different segments of the public and area users met over a two-month period to review existing route network status. Facilitation resulted in consensus recommendations regarding the status and use of each route relative to open, closed, seasonal or administrative motorized use and other restrictions. (2006) Abandoned Mine Reclamation ■ Abandoned Mine Reclamation Bureau's Non-Coal Inventory, Montana. As Project Manager, coordinated staff schedules, equipment procurement, quality control and budgets for this three-year, $750,000 mine inventory project. Developed a program to systematically investigate, verify and document environmental and safety hazards at abandoned non-coal mines throughout Montana. Conducted field work and was responsible for documentation. Developed a computerized database to track locations and environmental problems at over 3,000 hard rock mine sites in Montana. (1984 to 1991) ■ Hazardous Mine Opening Abatement, Montana. Project Coordinator for more than 25 reclamation construction projects to abate hazardous mine openings at abandoned hard rock mine sites. Responsible for site selection and eligibility determination; land ownership research; liaison with owners and government agencies for reclamation consent and clearances; database management; preparation of grant applications, technical reports, and construction bid documents; and project management. Prepared bid documents for several reclamation construction projects. (1984 to 1991) Building Evaluations ■ US Postal Service Facility Inspections, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Arizona. Conducted inspections of postal facilities for asbestos-containing materials and lead-based paint. Developed and implemented sampling plans. Reviewed analytical results and prepared reports utilizing a Microsoft Access reporting format. Estimated quantities and costs for abatement (1993-1999) ■ Building Evaluations, Various Properties, Montana. Conducted assessments for asbestos-containing materials, lead-based paint, radon, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and mercury. Responsible for developing and implementing sampling plans, analyzing data and reporting, and estimating quantities and costs for abatement. Significant projects include: Montana Developmental Center, Boulder (1994), Crazy Mountain Ranch, Clyde Park (1999), Capital Hall Mall, Helena (2005), and Sheridan Hall, Helena (2009) Professional Instruction ■ Hazardous Waste in Real Estate Seminars, Montana. Environmental Scientist invited by the Montana Bar Association to represent the environmental consulting industry in a panel discussion on Hazardous Waste in Real Estate. Other participants included representative from Montana DEQ and private industry. Also presented seminars on the same topic to realtors, bankers, and civic groups. (1995-2005) • DRU and You, Montana's Planning Efforts to Create Disaster Resistant Universities, Bozeman, Montana. Workshop presented to the University Risk Management and Insurance Association describing the approach to identify and quantify university assets; identify natural and man-made hazards; conduct a the single-point risk assessment; and develop mitigation strategies. (2008) Tetra Tech Page 4 NICHOLAS S. SOVNER Environmental Scientist EDUCATION BS, Rangeland Resources &Wildland Soils, Wildland Soils Option, Humboldt State University, 2005. BA, Speech Communications with a Minor in Outdoor Recreation, Ithaca College, 1999. Geographic Information Systems Certificate, Carroll College, 2011 REGISTRATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS Safety and Health Services-Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) 40 hour course, HAZWOPER 8 hour refresher Helena College of Technology- Emergency Medical Technician (National Registry of EMTs) Great Divide Ski Patrol-Outdoor Emergency Care (National Ski Patrol) EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Mr. Sovner has nearly five years of project management experience working on Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) remediation projects. Remediation work involved the spending of state Petroleum Funds, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant, and the EPA Brownfields grant. He has written grant proposals, managed budgets, and completed reporting requirements for federal grants. Field work experience includes supervisory positions on conservation projects such as trail building, home weatherization, wildlife exclusionary fencing, historical building restoration, and tree planting. He has soil and vegetation surveying experience, and has worked extensively in the backcountry. PROJECT EXPERIENCE ■ Lewis and Clark County Brownfields Task Force, Helena, Montana. Mr. Sovner works closely with Lewis and Clark County, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and the EPA researching potential Brownfields sites, working with landowners, and attending Task Force public meetings. He also writes Sampling Analysis Plans, Phase I, and Phase II reports, and conducts general project management tasks as required to perform remedial investigations and move sites toward redevelopment. ■ Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) Mr. Sovner conducts site assessment research and field work according to ASTM All Appropriate Inquiries rule for properties undergoing due diligence. He is also responsible for writing final reports. ■ Petroleum Brownfields Grant Management, Montana. While employed by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Mr. Sovner prepared annual petroleum Brownfields grant proposals, regularly reported program accomplishments to the EPA Region 8 Denver Office, and ensured grant requirements were maintained by the program. He conducted oversight of the Brownfields budget, provided oversight of temporary employees that were conducting the Brownfields inventory project, and approved petroleum Brownfields spending for competitive grant recipients. He wrote Sampling Analysis Plans/Quality Assurance Project Plans (SAPP/QAPPs) and task orders for the direct cleanup of petroleum release sites. ■ American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Grant Management, Montana. While employed by the MDEQ Mr. Sovner Managed the $1.3 million 2009 ARRA grant awarded to the MDEQ LUST Brownfields Section for the cleanup and assessment of petroleum releases eligible for Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Trust Funds. Duties included a thorough knowledge of grant requirements to ensure that all reporting needs were met. He generated reports for the MDEQ Director's Office, the Governor's Office, the EPA, and the Federal Office of Management and Budget, on weekly, quarterly, and semiannual schedules. Other duties included ensuring that site work was completed in a timely manner, that contractors submitted grant specific documentation, provided public outreach and press releases, and maintained the program specific web site. ■ Geographic Information Systems(GIS)for Petroleum Sites, Montana. While employed by the MDEQ Mr. Sovner worked with the Department GIS Developers to implement a geodatabase that enhances the spatial data associated with petroleum sites throughout Montana. He generated figures for remediation projects, provided statewide maps to managers that were used in presentations to the State Legislature and at conferences around the country, assisted other staff with GIS projects, and participated in division- wide database planning. ■ Petroleum Release Site Assessment, Montana. While employed by the MDEQ Mr. Sovner managed up to 200 petroleum release sites in Montana that were either self-funded, eligible for the Petroleum Tank Tetra Tech Page 1 NICHOLAS S SOVNER Release Compensation Fund, or eligible for the LUST Trust Fund. He wrote formal letters requiring and approving work, prepared site closure forms, reviewed site closure forms, and developed a Groundwater Management program. Field work included collecting soil samples, groundwater samples, and conducting residential/commercial air sampling using the most current methods for sub-slab soil gas, indoor air, and outdoor air to investigate the vapor intrusion pathway for petroleum releases. He also conducted public outreach during the 2011 Yellowstone River Silvertip Pipeline spill by interviewing local residents about potential impacts to their property and collecting soil and groundwater samples on behalf of the State of Montana. ■ Soil Monitoring for Helena National Forest, Townsend, Montana. While employed by the US Forest Service Mr. Sovner lead a field crew tasked with implementing a soil quality survey on the Townsend Ranger District of the Helena National Forest. The study was primarily concerned with the effects of soil compaction and disturbances in timber harvest sites from the 1970's, 80's and 90's. The survey included the use of a cone penetrometer, GPS, maps and aerial photos, two bulk density sampling methods, the Brown's/Lute's method for sampling dead woody debris, Howe's disturbance classes, infiltration rings. Secondary tasks included weed mapping, data entry, and weighing moist and dry soil bulk density samples. (2005) ■ Vegetation Surveys of Donnelly Training Area, Delta Junction, Alaska. While employed by the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML) Mr. Sovner implemented a plant survey the Donnelly Training Area at Fort Greely, Delta Junction, Alaska. He accessed remote tundra, wetland, and boreal forest settings to conduct the survey. Sampling techniques included the use of GPS, handheld computers, Daubermier quads, aerial photographs, transect pacing, plant identification keys, and soil surface analysis. Bear safety and unexploded ordinance training was provided. (2004) • Montana Conservation Corps. During his second term of AmeriCorps service Mr. Sovner completed 1700-hours as a Senior Crew Leader with the Montana Conservation Corps (MCC). He was involved with hiring crew leaders and crewmembers, planning and implementing orientation, educational scheduling and training, adherence to MCC policy, organizing travel logistics, and providing project oversight. Other duties included administrative support, project sponsor relations, communicating with government agencies and other nonprofit organizations, assisting the volunteer coordinator plan and execute volunteer projects, and interpersonal conflict resolution. Project types included trail maintenance and construction, historical building restoration, tree planting, low-income home weatherization, and exclusionary fence building. (2007)During his first term of AmeriCorps service Mr. Sovner completed 1700-hours with the MCC as a Field Crew Leader, leading work crews throughout remote areas of Montana and Idaho. He participated in three months of preseason training that included leadership skills, Wilderness Advanced First Aid, hand tool and chainsaw use, backcountry travel, MCC policies, and general project administration. Job requirements included working in the backcountry and front will completing trail maintenance and construction, historical building restoration, tree planting, low-income home weatherization, and exclusionary fence building. The position served as the liaison between crewmembers, the Regional Supervisor, the general public, private landowners, and a variety of public land management agencies. (2006) CONTINUING EDUCATION Northwest Environmental Training Center- Contaminant Chemistry Fate and Transport, and Monitored Natural Attenuation of Petroleum and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Series EPA Region 8- Institutional Controls and Quality Assurance training US Army-Unexploded Ordinance training Montana Conservation Corps- Chainsaw Use & Safety Safety and Health Services- Lead Awareness and Safety PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Environmental Scientist, Tetra Tech, 2012 to Present Petroleum Brownfields Coordinator, MT DEQ, 2011-2012 ARRA Grant Coordinator, MT DEQ, 2009-2011 Project Manager, MT DEQ, 2007-2009 Senior Crew Leader, MT Conservation Corps, 2007 Field Crew Leader, MT Conservation Corps, 2006 Soil Monitoring Crew Leader, US Forest Service, 2005 Field Botanist, Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML), 2004 Tetra Tech Page 2 MARK F. PEARSON Geology: Environmental Scientist EDUCATION MS, Geology, Minor: Geophysics, University of Texas-El Paso, 1985 BS, Geology, University of Montana, 1978 REGISTRATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS Asbestos Inspector: Montana (#20051006-4, 2005) EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Mr. Pearson is an environmental scientist and geologist with 28 years of professional experience in a variety of environmental, geotechnical, and mineral exploration and development projects. He has extensive experience conducting environmental site investigations of metals, petroleum hydrocarbon, and solvent contamination. Mr. Pearson has been involved in the development, design, and implementation of surface and subsurface monitoring, remediation, and bioremediation systems. He has conducted environmental sampling and sampling program development, analytical data interpretation, and modeling of surface and subsurface contaminant transport and fate. He is also licensed in the State of Montana as an asbestos inspector. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact ■ Sociologic and Economic Impact Studies, Spanish Translation and Interpretation, Peru. Project Scientist responsible for reviewing sociologic and economic impact reports written in Spanish, translating the reports into English, and interpreting sociologic and economic impact studies pertaining to a mining project near Cajamarca, Peru. (2003) ■ Marsh Estuary System Hydrologic Study Evaluation, Venezuela. As Project Scientist, participated in an evaluation of hydrologic studies of a marsh-estuary system for expansion of a solar salt production facility. Responsible for translation of technical documents from Spanish to English, data interpretation and client liaison. (1998) Environmental Site Assessments ■ Real Estate Transaction Services, Central Montana. As Environmental Scientist, develop investigations, conduct research and fieldwork, and prepare Phase I and II environmental site assessments. (1992 to Present) Forensic Investigation • Tower and Building Foundation Investigations, South-central Montana. As Geologist, conducted logging and interpreted hollow-stem auger drilling samples for foundation investigations. (2005 to 2007) Groundwater Modeling ■ Feasibility Study and Infiltration Basin Design of Sewage Drain Field, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Project Scientist responsible for modeling, reporting, infiltration testing (using various techniques) and field collection of soil and groundwater data at Canyon Village for the National Park Service. (1992) Groundwater Supply • Groundwater Baseline Studies, Southeast Idaho. As Environmental Scientist, developed and implemented field drilling and monitoring programs as part of baseline studies at two proposed phosphate mine sites in Caribou County. (2001 to 2002) Mine Hydrology ■ Surface and Groundwater Monitoring, South-central Montana. As Environmental Scientist, implement field programs to monitor surface and groundwater conditions and the effectiveness of reclamation activities at a metal mining district in the Beartooth Mountains. Conduct data reduction and interpretation and prepare (2001 to Present) Tetra Tech Page 1 MARK F. PEARSON ■ Treatment and Land Application Discharge Field Operations, Western and Central Montana. Environmental Scientist responsible for developing and directing field operations for treatment and land application discharge of process effluent for base metal and precious metal mines in the Cabinet and Tobacco Root Mountains. (1989) ■ Surface and Groundwater Baseline Studies, Northwest Montana. As Environmental Scientist, developed monitoring plans for surface and groundwater resources in two proposed metal mine sites in the Cabinet Mountains. Implemented field monitoring programs, conducted watershed and floodplain mapping, conducted data reduction and interpretation, and prepared reports. (1988 to 1990) Mine Permitting/Development ■ Exploration and Mining Permits, Montana, Nevada, and Australia. As Geologist, prepared exploration and mining permits for feasibility studies for an Australian minerals exploration and mining company. (1986 to 1988) ■ Minerals Exploration and Mining Feasibility Project Management, Alaska, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Utah, and Australia, Western US. Geologist/ Project Manager for mining companies' exploration programs. Responsible for sampling and drilling programs for metals exploration, drill core logging, geochemical soil sampling, geologic mapping, data interpretation, and presentation of results. (1978 to 1988) Mineral Resource Inventory ■ Preparation of Mineral Resource Inventories, Central Montana and Northwest Nevada. As Geologist, conducted research and prepared reports detailing mineral deposits and development as part of resource management plans for the Bureau of Land Management. (2005) ■ Minerals Exploration Programs and Geophysical Surveys, Alaska, Colorado, and Nevada. As Geologist, performed field surveys, reduced data and interpreted gamma, magnetic, self-potential and resistivity geophysical surveys pertaining to minerals exploration programs. (1980 to 1985) Remedial Design • Design and Implementation of Chemical Oxidation Remediation Pilot Tests, Eastern Montana. Project Manager responsible for design and implementation of remediation pilot tests using hydrogen peroxide to treat gasoline and diesel impacted soil and groundwater at former and active fueling facilities. (1997 to 1999) • Enhanced Bioremediation System Design and Implementation, Eastern Montana. Project Manager responsible for design and implementation of an enhanced bioremediation system at a former fuel bulk plant facility. (1997) ■ Design and Operation of In Situ Remediation Systems, Eastern Montana. Project Manager responsible for design and implementation of in situ remediation systems for petroleum hydrocarbon- impacted soil and groundwater for four hydrocarbon/LUST projects. (1991 to 2000) Risk Assessment ■ Preliminary Exposure Pathway Assessment, Petroleum Products Terminal, Bozeman, Montana. As Environmental Scientist, conducted research, field reconnaissance, and prepared reports evaluating surface water and groundwater pathways for emergency planning at a petroleum products terminal. (2001 to 2002) Roadway/Highway/Bridge ■ Seismic Retrofit of Highway Bridge, South-central Montana. As Geologist, conducted logging and interpreted rotary and core drilling samples for a bridge replacement project near Logan. (2007) Site Investigations Tetra Tech Page 2 MARK F. PEARSON ■ Petroleum Hydrocarbon Release Investigations and Monitoring, Montana. Project Manager responsible for development and implementation of investigations and water and soil monitoring of sites with petroleum hydrocarbon releases. (1990 to Present) Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures ■ Solvent Release Site Investigation and Monitoring, Bozeman and Billings, Montana. As Environmental Scientist, conducted investigations, monitoring, and reporting at two solvent release sites in Bozeman and Billings. Implemented field programs to monitor surface and groundwater conditions, conducted data reduction, interpreted data, and prepared reports. (2000 to 2005) CONTINUING EDUCATION OSHA 40-hr HAZWOPER, 1988 OSHA 8-hr HAZWOPER Refresher, 2007 OSHA 8-hr HAZWOPER Supervisor Training, 1992 Course: Database Management (CIT 205) (Montana State University), 2007 Course: Groundwater Supply and Remediation (BREN 434) (Montana State University), 2006 Course: Soil Remediation (LRES 460) (Montana State University), 2005 PUBLICATIONS Ore mineralogy and silver distribution at Real de Angeles, Zacatecas, Mexico, In: Silver: Exploration, Mining and Treatment, 1998. Mineralogy, fluid characteristics and silver distribution at Real de Angeles, Zacatecas, Mexico, Econ. Geol, Issue: 83, 1988. Mineralogia y distribucion de plata en Real de Angeles, Zacatecas, Mexico, Associacion de Ingenieros, Mineros, Metallurgistas, y Geologos de Mexico, Memoir Tecnica, Issue: XVI, 1985. Geology, mineralogy, and sulfur isotope studies of the Real de Angeles silver deposit, Zacatecas, Mexico [unpublished Master's thesis, Available from: University of Texas at El Paso, 1985. PRESENTATIONS Western coalbed methane development, Gallatin Association of Realtors, Bozeman, MT, 2003. Gallatin Association of Realtors Predicting selenium release from phosphate overburden using column leaching tests [abstract], In: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23rd Annual Meeting in North America, proceedings, 2002. In: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23rd Annual Meeting in North America Regulations, environmental characteristics and cleanup of perchloroethylene [abstract], In: Reflections on the Rockies, American Association of Professional Geologists, Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, 1996. In: Reflections on the Rockies Design and operation of land application discharge systems for mineral processing effluents, In: 5th Billings Symposium on Disturbed Land Rehabilitation, proceedings, 1990. In: 5th Billings Symposium on Disturbed Land Rehabilitation Ore mineralogy, sulfur isotopes and distribution of silver at Real de Angeles, Zacatecas, Mexico [abstract], In: Geological Society of America , abstracts with programs , 1984. In: Geological Society of America PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Environmental Scientist, Tetra Tech, 1988 to Present Geologist, Pangea Resources, Helena, MT and Sidney, Australia, 1986 to 1988 Consulting Geologist/Geologist, Pioneer Nuclear Corporation , 1982 to 1985 Geologist, American Copper& Nickel Company, 1981 to 1982 Geologist, St. Joe American Corporation, 1980 to 1981 Geologist, Homestake Mining Company, 1979 to 1980 Geologist, GeoAssociates, 1978 to 1979 Tetra Tech Page 3