HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1403 Bonds for SID No. 492 46 ...;!.,c. (;mv'll\HS:HON rni:SOI/;'1'TON NO. 1403 ~~"i1" ..,/' fA cIT"i'SOLTT'rTON 01:;' '1'H~ (~T'TY c;mn'T,c':'3TON 0'" 'T'f.1 Ii: r; TTY 0'" BOZ:"TvL4N ,1>0 . // 1J1 T X n,w T 11'\ f) A 'T'i=<~ , '~A TTTt? T rry !, A '1'E .1'\ ]\"'1 T Tj r~ prnNCIPAL Ar/~O/TNT OF " .' /',.," BONT,S TO PP. TSSTWI\ T]\: Sp'!"(;TA L TlVFPOVRNI';'NT TF~-.; rpr?Tr;T N0. 492. / WHSP1~AS, a t ~1 r fJP'U 18 r ses8ion of tbe C omrrJ S 3 ~. on of the Clty of Bozeman , S ta te of Man tans, h i'~ In on the 13th ri8 Y of Peb1"llaY"T, 1969, th~ 8a:id CIty .':;omJ11is:c'ion 'July passed Cornm~ss1on Pesolutjon No. 1400, creatTnr: Special Tmprove~8nt District No. 192, I entlt18d: A '7" S ::H.. fiT T '" N 0 Ti' 'I'm? GT'T'V cmnn2.STON Oc,~ 'T'Wi CPr',T OP BOZ'i'MAN ("7~/\rrTNG A SPT<'(~TAL n~pT;:Jir:'~~Ti'Nrr T\T(~'f")TrHr '1'0 p ri' Kl\T OWN II S ,<.'JDTi'(;TAL Tl\FP'POYc~P~NT DT2,'T'r:U;'1' FO. 49? 0'!7' 'I'HS' (:Trr'\T OF nOZ:7'~U\N T~" 0 -q 'T'lJ'" PTTf=?DOS'R r)~;' THT<' r;OnS'rPTTC1'TON }'\1\1n TNS'TALT!\ rrTON 01.' AN EIGHT ( 8) "NOH SANTTAT?Y <::''R\,yrr=< TN 'T'HF A LLEY OF BLO:;K l?, SpDTNn~DoOK A~~T'TTON '1'0 rr'f-TT;"' C T'T'"'{ () P q :J 7.-~M ANT c) S'R1=\ ifF: LOTS T\JTNR (9) 'i,}I":?F S TX'T"!7'[\T ( 16) TNCLTI;QTir:~, '~:!;rT;'<RI\ S , 0111" SlJ an t to 88irl Re::'olut1oYl 381,-'1 STice:ia 1 improvement T!:istr:ict was duly c y, 12", ted, bins for the () ons trl1 c tl on of sr.J. 10 lmprovement were c a lIen for, con trac ts for the ('onstrllct~()n of sa i r1 imnrOvAment we~e let 8nr1 Boecial I~provAment nistrict bonds for the 01'1 ymen t of S'", 1/1 improvement wore sold. NOW, rr'I-mRE"'om~~ , J31;' IT nRSOL\mn pv 'THR COMMISSTON OF WE CITY OF BOZ'f<~1\1AN: 'Th.<j t the bonds to be issued under said Spe cia 1 Tmprovemen t 'i1 s tr 1e t No. 492 of the City of Boz""maD .shall bear the da to of Ma y 1. s t , 1969, shall have a ma tur1 ty da te of .T8nuar y l, 1977, and tha t the total principal amount of the bonds to be issued 11Dc18r SB:1rl SUAcial Tmprovement District is ~;2,.500.00, and the attached c on Dons rua y be,qr the fae8~_mile s i.R'n,<, turf) of the Ma ;Tor 8 nd the Clerk of the CommIssion. pa sse d and B':loDtec1 by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at B rea:u1ar I session thereof helrl on the :,;,Otr1 r-ja y of Ani' j 1 , 1969. /1 I .. 1 ' ILl:- k(f '} k-r'-r-rJ"/ A "'TES'1': Ma yor >+.----.---'"..---.--- ~------- ~'o~~mrss1on S t'3 te of ~lon tans ) COlmty of Gallatin : ctty of nozeman ) T, r.~~1".1 'l H . Ha r(~ lng, ClArk of the Commission of thA CJty of nOzAman rio hereby C8" tifv th,q t the ~o~ea:oinr: ~esolut1on No. 1403 was publIshed by tltle and HIJmber in the Bozeman Daily Chronjcle, a newspa par of ~oneral circulation nr in tej and nubU shed in S!'Jj/! Cit:,-' in t:-lP l8 R1J e of 5 May 1969 and due nr 0 0 f is on file In my office. TN WT 'l'N~SS WI{T"PEOF T hereun to set my band and affix the r:orDora to seal of my hand aWl <"3. ff Ix thp (' or "(101" 8 tp peal of my officA thls 10th ,4 a y 0 f M 8 Y 196 9 . I o L c:;.-' _.~.~~ C ~rk of the city COMT0TS:;TON ql~SOLTT'1'TON NO. 1403 -.-