HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1402 Creates SID No. 493 -"",. 42 COM~n ~,'-;T~N pT;'SOL'HT'T tiP NO. 1402 --- A PPSOLTT'T'TON OP 'T'r-r'" (;T1',r O-fi"1 ",O?:'M;~N 'YC'(~T,A"?rN:' TT 'T'O EI;; ~J> ,/ TH Po TNT1,~ N TT :::Y 0'" 'T'TTT~ r; -, cr-',' I) ;-~ Ol.~ l';I\fi /A l'T .' M01\T TA NA, '1'0 ~ P"E/\ r,rE A SF ~cC T !~ L n~F (\ ; , --",-:: 'i 'T' Ii T ~:' T r) T (; IT1 TO R~ 1NOWN AS S~RcrAL tf"!. #, / n,,,):=( 0 in!' ~n;:N '1' n T S 'T''Q T r; 'T' NO. 493 RO'Q 1'fT':;' :-)~r-;::'(y":" 01" CON- '; . _,-,'1/" srj''iTTC'T'TNCi- ANn TNS'T'ALr:rNS AY /\SpL!I\.LTIC-CO}Jcr~STE FA j.r':~'TEN'T', Ji. / /,/1.,/ TN rr"'.c r; ALe DNC 0-p '1';;' (; T8 W;; .'~. i'J r) Ii n'T''T'';" S A -- '-, 'T :C';.'", - PI ',v,^>, P c:;-r T '(- .- . '1/ TENANCES THE'iETO, ALSO CONSTRUCTION ANT) RECON2,ry-,prrr;rpTON " . Y' o 1,' N~ C'i' ;:; S A T7Y T) QAT N A ri 11' TTi:"Lr''T'~; I'll"" O'T'fr'I'-' AP::'1T?rrQ;>F"'.NCT,'3 'T'O I '11~r~ STORM ',-q A -':]\]1\0 . SYSTa,~ , OF 'T'F-U\'T' POP'T'T01\ OT;' SO :"JTH MONTANA A\:-G'NTTF LYTNG ;:<E'T'1J'tT5:EN LTNCOLN S'T'P~'T' AND 90 ~RPT NORTH 01=i' nA RFIT4;U, S'T'R;-,:TI~T, 'T'HA~ PORTT8N OP ~AR1=i'TEr~ S IT'cFi'1'i'rp LVHJG 100 14''':F.T T~ACTT :::'TDE 014' MONTANA A '\r:'lIHm AJlID TR AT POR'T'T81',' 01'i' L INCO LN S 'T'STn~'T' J.,'/TNS 100 -prTcT T~ACF STD'H; OF M8N TA NA A VF:~JTT-;:;~. Wm<~RRAS . there has been f -n 8d wl th the Clerk of the City Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana. a petition in d11 e form of cB"'tain own er s of properties situated on that Dor t ion of S011 th Mon tana A. vem1 e lying between Lincoln Street and 90 feet North of narf1eld Str8F:'t, tha t DOr ti on of rarLi e Id S tre f' t l;d np: 100 feAt each slde of Tlfon tan8 6,venue an"'l that r:ortion of Li nc oln Strpr"t l'TinFt 100 feet each side of Mon tana 1\ vem.Ie . askin2' t ha t a special 1mp~ovement district be crea tert for the pl1rpose of con s tnJ c ti ng H nrJ installinF an asphaltic-concpote pavement, lntrcga1 concrete clJrbs and ITutters 8. n d n e c e s sa r y a nClJ r ten a n c e s th8 re to, a 1 s 0 con s trlJ c t j on anrJ re- construction of necAsP8ry rlratnage i nIp ts ane' other applJr tenan CP S to thA storm dralnai:!'B s ys tern ; and w~rr;' REA S , at a regular mecttnIT of the, City Comrrission of the Cl ty of fjoZf'iman he Id on the 30th day of Anril, 1969. the aforesaid petition was resD8ctlvs)y considered and rrranter'j : I NOW, THEr<r,~r;lORE , f3P 11' PT~SOL1}E') BY THT.; CITY C8MI\flTs:qm~ 01<' THE CITY OF RO,!:I-"l\IfAN: SectIon 1 Ti8clara tion of Tn ten ti on 'T'hat it is hereby declared to be the :i.ntention of t he City of Eozeman to cre8 te a sOGcIal jwnrovement -llstrict to be known ann n8~d(J'nat8d as Snec:ial Im- nrovpment nistr1ct No. 4g~ for the plJrpOSe o~ constructing an~ installing an Asphaltic- concretp navpment project on that portion of South Montana l\ 18m, e 1 yin,,. between Lincoln Street ann 90 feet North of narfield S tr e 8 t , tha t pOl" t ion of Garfield ~,tre8t lying 100 feet each side of Montana Avenue an;] that portion of Llncoln S tree t 1 Y ing 100 feet each side of Montana Avenue. Said pavement pro~ect to :include cons truction and reconstruction of npcesRary dralnage Inlets ann other a opur tenancp:" to the storm drainagA sys tern. Section 2 Roundaries 'Tha t th e bOlJnna ri 8 S of 8aid Sppc:ia I Tmprov8rnent District No. 493 are described as fol1ows: I Eer!1nn ing at the northwestcr'Ly corner of Lot 14 of Block nne ( 1 ). TTniversity Sl1bdlvislon N'Jmber ?, b'3in9: the corner common to Lots 11. 1? , 13 and 14 of said Plock One ( 1) ; thence 8m) ther l~T a long: the wA~ter1v line of Lot 14 to thp SO)) thwe s t corner of said Lot 14; thence sm;therly 8,":1"088 ~8. 3 t Garfield ~:',tr e p t to the nor thwe s t corner of Lot 13 of Plock Two (2) of TTnivorsJ tv SlJbr1ivision l\Tumber 'T'WO ( ?) ; thence sontherlyalong th ewe s t e 1" 1;7 10 t 15 ne s of Lots l~'\ thru ? -1 1 n c Ins i ve of 88 }r1 R loc k "r'WO (? ) to the southwest corner of sa io Lot t1Jl!An ty-fmlr ( ?4) ; thence so,-thprlv ac"'oss East Lincoln Street to the northwest corner of 43 !Tni Ver'S i t Y Sllbrl:t vis Ion 1\T'lmbpr 'TWo ( ~) ; thenc:e con ti nu inp: SOl) the 1-' 1 Y a 10m! the westeYOly line of sa td La tOn e ( l) to the southwest corner of s rd, d Lo t On e ( l) ; thence 88:3 t::cr ]'Y a lomr the sOlJthe-rl;' Itne of said Plock Seven ( 7) to the sOlJtheastcrly corDRr of Lot three ( .) ) of said Block Seven (7) ; thence northerly 8 long the easterly line of said Lot three (:3 ) to the northeast corner of '. said Lot '1'hree ( :'1) ; thence northwesterly across East L:lncoln S tr e e t to the . s01~theast corner of Lot 'T'we 1 ve (l?) of Block "'our ( 4) of 89id TTniversi ty Snbr3 ivision Nnmbe1" 'TVvo ( ?) ; thence northerly alonp the oAsterly lot lines of Lots One (1) thrll '1'we1ve ( l?) inclusive of 8a in Bloc kl';1onr (4) to the I northeast corner of s 8 io Lot One ( l) of sa in. Block Pour ( 4) ; tbence cont:inuinU' northe1"ly across East Garfield street to the southeast corner of 1.,0 t Thirte en (12)) of Hloc k '1'hree ( 3) ; thence contimJing northerly along the e8 s ter 1 y 11ne of sa in Lot thirteen (13) to the northeast c:OT'ner of sa 1d La t thir teem ( 13) ; thence westerly along the northerly line of ~", id Lot thlr teen (J.;:)), across SO:J th 1VTOD ta na A ven ue and a long the northerly lIne of Lo t four teen (14) of '310ck One C 1) to the point of be~inntng. Contalnin~ within the above rlescribed exterior boundB1'ies tre fnllowinp; lots, blocks, tra'~ ts :'3,n(\ pa1"cels of land, to-wit: Lot 14 of Block 1, TTniversj,ty 81Jbr11.vision Number 2; Lots 13 thru 24 inc lus Ive of Block 2, Tini versi ty Subdivision 1'hJmber 2; Lots 13 of Block ;~), University SlJbdivlsion N11mher 2; Lots 1 thru 12 :tnc hl s ive of ~3loek 4, tTnive""sity SubrHvision Number 2,: Lots 1 th1'l1 :) in c hu'1 tve of Rloc'K 7, r~ive1"sJty Subdivision Number 2. Sectjon 3 r;ha 1"9 c tel' of Tmprovements Cons true t ion of an asphaltic-concrete pavem~nt project with tntreQal concrete curb and Q:l.Jtters, Incll1rlinv excavation an4 backfill and neces~ary appurtenances tr'eY'e to; construct10n 8n4 rAconstruction of r'!rainaCte inle ts and othRr appurtenances to present storm rlralnap:p, s ":18 V~m . Sectlon 4 r~ s tlma te of Cost The pre 1 imJnar yes tima to of the COAt of the tmprovpmen ts in this dlst,1'lct I inc lud inG!: ma terla Is, cons trlJctJon Gnp::i ne er lnR, leg8 I, admlnis tra ti 'Ie and con t inftenc y co S ts is ~: 5?,OOO.OO. Section 5 ~~e thod of ARse8sment The cas t of SIJ ch improvement is to be assessed aITainst tbe en t i1' e n. is tr :i c t, each lot or parcel of IDnd with1n ~)\1ch '-Hr'trict will be assessed for that p8rt of the whole eost which "its 81"0313. bears to the; area of the entire c1istrict, exclusive of s tr e e t s , aVeni.'f s, a J Ie ys and pl1bl ic places, and further eacb. SqlJ a 1'e foot of land with1.n th e d -j p, tr :i c t lyincr withIn ?5 feet of the line of the s tr e e t on wh5 ch the ~1""DrOVpment here in nrovi .<IF;rl f' or ("\ Y'?> mq 0 e , 8ha 11 bear r4 onbl", the am01JD t of the costs of 811 ch imDrOVAmAn ts DBY' 80lJ 8Y' P foot of 811eb 19. l1'-1 tha t ,-08 eh SQll8re foot 44 mlJ 1 t i "P 1 e s of ~lOO.OO wh~re nocess8ry, to h'- 1 ,"'f'ncrl nrd ch~~Y'l!e8ble ap-ainst a flmd to be krown and r1esirrna ted as Special Improvement ryistrict No. 493 1",1') n i of the Si ty of Bozeman. 'T'h"'? bonds wlll b0 rA'l pcm~\ b II'" at the option of the ~lty, sinr: 1 y or in mv 1 t i Ie 1 e s , 8n1 iIl th ., or (1 CO," of tne1r rAiJ"is tT8 L: on, whenevpr I'und s EI r p, a va :i lab 1 e for the t DlJrOOPB in sri il4 C'DPcla1 Tmorovem"Jnt r-istrict No. 493. Saic3 bonri '3 will draw a s -1rrplo in tor e s trr om the r) a te of their reqLstration \1Iitjl callAd for pA yment, a t a I T'8 te not to excerv') s:ix OPY' cen t (6%) DPr Annum, wh -tcr1 :intr~rest s hB. 1 J 1JA C[)8, rgel)~le as a oaT't of the cost of c 0n s trn c t i on r) nr) ins tal1a tlon of sq ld irrnrovr:mc:nts. The bonr4s will be 1.'1811 ed anrl solrl in accor'4r:mcA wl tlj the prov:i.slons of SectIon 11-2232 and c:<ect'on Il-I)'?'?l, "'evlser'J r:ooo ,S of uon tana, 1947, and all other ap01icable nrov:i;:oinns of 'Title 11 of th8 P8 vi 8cd (~Or1C]S of ~r)n tana, 1947, re1a UDR: to special im~rovement ~istricts in r;.-J tJ 8:'1 aDl town ~" an,-1 an:; amendments the::'Aof or thereto. SAetion '7 :?rotes ts ani ]\Totlce fT1ha t th e reiJ""\J l(1r s e S~, ~"on of th0 ;itv r;0rnm1ss10n of the r:jty of Tlozeman to be 1'1 el') at thiS r:ommlssion r:hamber, r;lt;T Hall Pull'Unp, :~o2eman , ~fontana , on 'N:-:c"ne sda y, the ?lst da;! of Yay, 1969, at the hmlr Ijf ODP ofcloek p.m. of 8 a ,if"} ,") a y, i "; the time anr4 p18,r",8, when aD'] wherf' ths ~lt\[ r;0"Ylmt8~lon will hear and pess upon all protests duly anr1 rreQ'"\Jlarlv manre and f:i.1e'1 a0'nlnst tho crf:'at~on of 88 id pl'OnoC!8r1 ~~'P"~ cia 1 TmDY'ovpment ~i8trjct 1\10. 49:", th0 irrnrovemen ts nro"osp.r1 1-0 hre mBrJe 1)111" 81. J 8 n t there to Brd ths f):,ctcnt ano cbBracte1" th prof, or either thore of, and the r;ll"rk of th (-'- C:!.ty r: omm { p :'.1 on bp, ,q nr" ShA I 8 h j-:" Yi r.. b ~r -'I i r ,~ ~ t F) r'] to fTiv" nljt1'Jp, i._I' i-hI? manr.''"Y' anr'1 for the I tiY"iP as hy law reauired, of the HI) or' ti on of +h j" r A " o1v t -t () r; of i nten HOD. /', 1:} l' 'pq'"" :.JY TTIfc "OMMTQSTO}\T OF' 'rnT;~ r:T'1Y (I"H' "P,07FM4N, M01\TTA N~. , f:.' t a r',wu1ar and ~ ta ter'J s(~pslon of sa 1rl C amm I ~1 S ion he 11') on the ;')Oth cla:r of April, 1969. (-) / / /.- ! /,1 i ( pqj_ll L,-r--,~n/ . ~a yor ATTEST: ~-~-- C crk 0 th.. (;1 ty Co. misslon WOTICS TN T{P r;mff1'HS;-'Ton "SSOLTrrrTON NO. 140? Or' TIT I.' r: T 'TV OF' nO'7T"MAN TlY'r:L!\,T7TT\Tr;. 'T'Hh' TlI1'r"'NrrTOJl: 01:' 'T'nr' .'"; T rry (If" P. () '7,-, M ~,N fT10 r: DP.A 'Pi-I' A SpvCTAL TMP~nuP~PNT nTsrp~TCrp rro n~ KNOWN ANT) 11 17 S T 1',,' A rrr;>'\A c, " 0) r) l;;C T /-\ L T 11fT' T7 0 iJTi' M~N-T T\ T ", '1'17 T (' rT1 F () . 40:". . " ~"O'rT (;r~ T:) T-T:'~i.)"~R\,r ~T '~n~N that on the ~Oth Gay of AorlJ, 1969, at a rAP:ular. copssior of the Caromi'" 8 ion of the C i tv of ').0~em8n , r:orrrri~slon ~psol~tion No. l4Cj? 8n t:i tIer'] : A DP;:ci) ,l!rr--:-')}T OT( rrrT'-;-r ~ .-;- rY'1"'i{ J T;.l ";') 0'"/ (~~"/~ 1\ 1'J 'n D ~ T J\ 1."") .,.- \: n "f" rp rp () !f~-' 'lH.n,' -r ~T 'T'--,' }T 'T't nrT :' l' fT1U (;' runy (\ 1,' -') n 7, "M{I, N . r,~ () ]IT 'r,~ T\r.CJ. . fT1(1 r;n ~\.~ '1',,' 45 was passerl ,qnc1 a'-'o"ted. 'T'ha t ','!'34n 8sna y, the ?18t day of ~,ray, 1969, a tone 0' c 10c k p.m.. at the Com- mi. s sIan 'Q oom of' the r: j t y Ha 11 . Pozeman, r' 0 n ta 11 a , is (1p:sl'mAted by R8Poluti_on T\~o_ 1402 38 the -<-l'q~ when and the nlace wherG trf~ r:ommission ('If f: hc~ r;-1tv of '3cz;:man w1l1 hear ann Dass l;pon all ')1" 0 t est. s that may b3 made arra'inc1t the ma k: DP' of S',Jch im- I or 0 VCJ:TIGn ts, or thA ('1" f,' a t j OJ' oF' 98'1 r'j (~ls tr i ct. Pro to ,s L" ITn)s t b' made iD wr 1. +: j D_C" and ri~,1:jv8rer'l to the- "l'~rkof thn ~itv r:ovm1nslon within flftepn (} ,') ) cJ B. ~~ a f her '48 tH of the first D1] b 11 c a t~ on of th 1co 110Hce. 'TIhe r:eDeY'nl chaY'act8Y' of the 'i mrrr OVAJ:TIe n t s prODoseel to b,::e ma'le Ie; ths con :.' true t -1 on Anel in:3 ta 111" t'i OD of an 8sDhalttc-concrete DR vement, inc 1v!l in!! AxeD va tiOD, O'rav81 back- fill, gravel cn sn:ion cour SA, 8sphaltic-concretR base 8n"~ r:;~.Jr fa c e COlJrS8S, eoncre te In trecra 1 tYDe c';rbs 8 r:~l ~)'11tt8rs , :;oncrete ("1;ros, m8'Jians, 9nd neCGSS9ry lnch1nntaJ.s necPs8ary to a ;~.qtisf8(;t:orv na'llinp' Dr 0 .1 e c t, i ncllv'! :Ina tho constrlJction 8nd re- cons true tl on o f ?l':~ C e P :'3 R r ::,---1 r 13.'_ ns 0' c' in1e ts an'1 other appurtenancef', to the storm (1ra inarr8 system, on th8 t Dortion of South Montana Avenue 1 yinq, be bye en Lincoln S tr e e t and 90 feet North of ';Brfjnld ~:aY' e (> t , tha t POl" tion of narfie1,J 2 tree t lyinrr 100 feet eac!" 31 cl e oi' Von tans ,A. ven;;e an'l that porti.on of Lincoln Stroet 1 y in p: 100 feet each s 10 e of 1Von tana A VE;n'le . 'T'he ':,"stimateo cost of S8 in j morovemen ts is ~l'5:?, 000 .OC), in e lud1 n ,r a 11 s tr e '0, t exeavation, all materials, installa tion cos ts and en.2'ineer 1ng aD" inciden tals. vor a c.~ef;criDt:ton of the bOlJnrlarles of' saic'l Special Improvement ~istrict No. I 4~;~, re fe "ene: A j s h " r p b V rra r'j 8 to Desolution No. 1402 of th~> Comm:1ss10n of th8 ('ity of 'Pozem8n "'Aclarlnr: thE' lntcnt10n to erea tA ::18 i (1 r, i co tr ~ c t , which ts on file 1.n tho of' fice of' the uniersignecl Clerk of AaH Comm;8s10n in the Cit:! f18l1 of sa id CIty of P07eman, S t8 te o f U 0 n ta n a , an'l ODen for -jnsD8ct-i on to a 11 in teren ten parties and the nu b II c 9'cn'3rnl1y. This notice j :'1 '-"1 ven Dl1r 8l18n t to the nrovisions of Section 11-?204, Revised Codes of ~lon tana, 194 7 _ Da ten this 30th (iay of /\nrl1, 1969. ~r4~-ion 'Pir:"1 t P1J bl ished :in t'!;. c, Ro~eman ~aily Chronicle rFonda y, Ma y 5, 1969. S ta te of lilT on tana ) County of CallA tin : 83 r; l ty of PO? r,)man ) T Frna IT. Harr'l:1.DP' , (':l"'rk of the ,;ommi S 8.10n of the r<jty of Bozr:man, no hpreby , , eel" tify th e fo:re~?'oinrr },Tot'i 08 in De, ~ommi ssion Tl8sohlt-'Lon MO. 1402, was [nib - I 1'1 sheri at len cr th -in th,-' POZ0men ~eily Chronicle, 8 npwspaper of p:enera1 e1r- 01.118 U on rr:ln t;p--'l Bnr~ D1J b 1 i 8 he rl -in 8ajiJ ';:lty of Bozeman in the, i~sue of tho 5th thrl) the 9th of l~a':T, 1969 8nrl nlJe Droof of sI1ch Dubl j ca tioD is on file In my office. TN V1fT'T'1'TR S 2 I.n.r~-Tr;''':' <70'G' T b or 8'1 D t 0 se t my hanrl 8,",'i 8 ffix the cor pors te seal of my office th :i 3 10th clay of Ma ";1 1969. c~~~~mjSSiOli