HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1410 Taxable Property, Year 1970
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A '7T:'~",Jt'TTTfYr\~ O~";' rr'rT7
COT\""n:C,"H")N ore 'T't",' CTTv (1f~' ~.1()7;'l\ntd\T m"'1'r'"Q~n~:nTG
'T'FJ:<' !'J, Nt 0 'Till'T'
'J" CT'T'V rrp, X r:,'S
"CO" fJ.Lt
~TqPO:~,.~S , (' "l\T:'~R A L A l\TI, S 'PCTAL,
TO ~",> "'"
LF'/TJ:<'n ^ Nn /\? ST( (.~, ~':~T!~T~
'IN Tt\XABU~ 1'";T?()PT,~1:iTY
pT rr}w C T TV CI T;' L3()i, ~<'MAN ,
~?, fli!\ rT~ (1[<1
~I'OT'Ffl,^, Y'il. , ',"OT?
rl'Hl,~ ]"ISCAL Y:<;P,,"? ;~1IT'T) TN G ;) 0 .T TTJ\r,~ ,
Section 1 =
Tria t, nil r SlJ.8. n t to
the p""ovlsions
of SRC ti on Hj-4701, PoLItical Code,
I Pevlnod COl4es I) f 1V' 0;: VF1 R"
19!j7, thcTe
i.8 herpb\' levied
and 8.SSn8S~~c1, on
the taxable
CJercen turn of th P 8. S?P ~,:; ,''d
'.Ta 11.1 r, of
the taxabl8 property of
j-he Cl ty of
Bozeman, ::3 ta tc
of ~~ontana, '1.C;
ftxAQ and f01Jnd by
thF-) Boa rd of (;ol'r,t;/
Comml~sionc!'8 of 1":8.118 tin
C01]nty, ~rron t8na ,
~l i t t :1nG' .') 9
'1 Cocmty SoaNl
of l~qua ] i?;R. ti on for
the current flr'cR.l
ye8.r enel:1 DC ~T'.1:0P
::<'0, 1 S' 7 0,
11 tax ofL,d.O m'lls
for r:Anera 1 !hmic ipal anI" AdminlstrattvA
Dl1rDOSr;S, which lc~vy 9hsll
!-J is tr i blJ ted as fol10wf:=
r:e1leral ~lnici~a] an'l ArJrninis
tra t".1 ve l.'nr-:Josf'Js,
(~0('.+:tOD G-1-J7CH,
Pnlittcal CO'lc, q . C . ~, . , 1'?47. )
( 9 ) '~)U'('." t:t ve.
Dolice, f1rf~
8.W~ OthAl" ~llJr()OSe3 '/?O !5ills
(t) S tr r; e t an-4
JU 1", Y Pl..1T'r-OS8S
1?0 ~,I'j.11s
(' ~ ~~ c. ~ :I. orl ;)'/-'/01, ':;J.C.V.,
'1'ota1 ~()","M j } ] s
<::'.':c +~ion ":
'T'h 8. t , T'l} rsu an t to
thn -nT'ovisionCl of
Soetion 44-":-01, Pol i +:lc81 (>Y;8,
p (' ~f 1947, th PT' I'
i~ hereby Ipvie~ '3.Dn
a"SPSSC<l on triP
taxnblc r<Jrccn bJm of the
. ,..I . J.' .,
asspsserl va 11.10
of th" taxable
rroD~rty of the City of Rozeman,
rj ta tc of ~,ron tB na ,
the ~lJrren t fiscal
YABY' ,;:~"lin(r ,T1JDP 00,
1970, foT'
the SUDport and maintenance of
free D11 b 1 i c 1 i b"'g r Y CJ f
mil 0 Cit;! of
'30zeman d :Jpeeia1
tax of 3.4 Mills on nael'l cio:Llar
of taxable ,'ern",n tIJIT.
of' the., 8S8~8sen
va Iu 8 Ulsreof and
the money dnriv~d tbcrefroM.
I s h8l1 be ~8 i/I in to
thG 'Jibrar 'J!'1J cd
a nrl shall be disburserl
as nT'C"Irir'erl
b~T ('C'(~ t ion
0.en .000 of t118 Pnz f'~m<q n tJ'u n 1."', i tJal
(' 0(1 e =
,Section 0:
'T'}-'. ~l t. l)'.Jr ,'11J,'1r: t
to the or ovi 8:i '))18
of Section 84-4701, ?olitical Code,
"7evised Codes ')f MOD t8n8
10,47, thsY',"
'j s hereby levier) and asseSS8rl
on t'lf]
pprcenbHr of the
3 s,::e8qr.,~,(4 val.e !)f
shAll b8 [:'3.10
~nto th~~ "Police
"R 8 f, (:~ Y' 'IT (1 T"n n:-1
Ci'.lr [,,1 IH: t to thn
prnvi ~:i orl'" (.....r.. " . .
, ! ,O)Tim 1. SS J_ on
-q p 90111 t 1 on No.
S8(~tion 6
: 'Tb 8. t , ,:>1Jr81]3Y\ t
to III ,';
-or ovj s jons of C:<,f;("~ t j on
9-706, -;'r;vic,pr'! Cod AS of
~tOIi t8.na, 1')117, the"'f
i. s n. e .~p 1) ";~. 10Vj('>(1
<) Y'" ,<] 9 [-' "-, 8 " 1'" rl
'IDor-, th(' t8Y8blp
'-v'rc~('nt'J1n of the
HE'E'.nss8rJ, ,-:') 1:' I" of
nIl 0T'OCC'Y'ty w-tthJr;
l1'h .(' ,";:i.tv of Bozeman
for the
C11T'Y'8"'lt fiscal
~;rc 8 T' Emd in;r .T lJ n n
~o, }C1 70, 8 sn"'ei81
tax 0f'
1.6 '11111s 8nrl thr~
mcm0V n~~r:iVPrl there- I
fr om S1l.<"i 1 1 be
08 j " . +
thn ('pmptp"'y T11nrl
a110 sha 11 b{"I
en 0' bn r ~1 p rl 8S nl~ <.) ''\7:i. ,c.~, H ("1 by
c:<pctj,Yrl ?Jf,.IPC) 'Jf
the P.07F"mnT1 ~r" n -j !",j ra 1
"ectlon 7
: fT1t'a t, nlJrst~ant
to th,:,
')rovi.sjons of "petion 1]-1011,
'?evised Codes
of' 1\lion tan a , 1947, there
js hereby Ipvjed
and at! P,C'SSE::(~
on thp t~\.xable
nrrcn11t'1ill of
the f). ~ SP;.~ ?~n"1 va 11.1 E:
the t.';1 x ['11] 1e rJr oor' Y' t 'I v'i t_h j r m!,'3
(:1 t,-, of' P,oz
emn n, "\fon tl:ma, :1"01'
the: cur"'sn ~- f'12r;81
'Ie 8. l' "'n4~nf! JlJ~(;
30. , ItJ7o.,
f' 01'"' ths n:]1"CO~E: of
s1"ovir'in0' band
ccnce1"ts -POl'
the pY' tor t8.i nrren t of
th8 n(~ 8D18 of S8 t'J
(~jt:T, 8 9":Jcial
tax of 0..5 0;1il1s
on "'8ch Gollar
of' t[1F, taxable'
1) "v'cen t'l1"1 of
the" 8 'J ~~ ,-:; ~.., '"", f:'). :-1. ",/[.11,'1 n
of th':' tn:'\oh1e nronertv
0(' '""h:, C:ltv nf' Poz '"'('18. n
an-'J thc; rr:onp'V :-lp-rived
th f':'8 fY' om ~~ hA 11
'Je .~)n 1. rT ~ n to
thc P'4nd
-r~'11rd of sa i'"l
C:lt-~; anc'1 s ha 11
h"" '~'~ 8hll~~0rj ,q:c: "rOVl
flod b" ~) .c; ~. t ~. 0 n
8.04.030 0-(' tbp
"70'7J'man ~,1" n l r;j D8 1 Corle;
0Pr;t;cm Q
: rr}-\ at, D'.1r 21:,"1 Y1 t
to t:rlt'~
orOVl 2j"m~-) nf S9,~t:jnn
61-60~1; , T") C "\1 i. ,r'J e ~~ '":o4es
01' 'Iff 01"1 tB Yl8 , 1()47,
.t h cOY> ", i s h ",,"(> '; r' v
It~~ '(l'~ ~r~ 81'-1 R\~S~~,S,C;G
',.: T) I) T'1 iJ'" t8X8. r Ie
r;srccn tlJm of
the 8 ? ,~:'. c:: ~ (. ,:) ["1 'In Iv s
() f'
8]1 nr OD(-,1" t'T '1\1 ~1 t'-! ~ n fT1hp
'"::ty 0f p()?;sma1'
for t~h8 C1Jrrent -:.''i.scal
VIC' 8. T' pn'l j m:r ,Tnr8
;,(1, 1970, [] S-()p~'1al
t8.X of
1.7 mil1,\ :::n.--1 tht",
!'110:1 (.:~~.T d c::,~ y~ ~ \7 ','~.' (~ trAr e 1'1" om
ph All h'- I~.n -r r~
-1nt0 +-1:-'", r:l~
'h 1'~~. "'1'"nr' 1 0 'TH '" ? :-? "" t ; l' I-'me II t
('v,~ i~r>r: '-"I ]l ," 3 Del shn 11
l' (;' (~ j 2bllY' 0) e n I
to ~\a :! tr"" "-1t.Y'3
~:h8re of c~m,::'1(")'F;(
'<1 y, C"\ t'~ '" '.1'""';1l t n11(-1
a ,'1 mj n i s tr n t 1 v'- C02. t'i tr)
D,}rJ_-;(' CC''D c: 1 e, Y" ["1 Dpt5r0"'mcnt
S lTc, t::ml .
?; ~ !~, t. ,: rf1
(] . "1r,Q'1-
'~'1rS',)~111t tn t! e
c;,r c '7-1. :,~ ,~~. o-r-.::~ (IF ""('t.'-'n
"-1-;)00-9, T) ':; ,r-l. E1 ~~ (1, ~oc1es
.. . ..', ,..,
of n"Oll tan", 10J'7 ;'l-, ,"1"
e i '" \-j'ireby Ipvi n(~
A. n,-l 8. ;.:, r; ,~.~ ,\.~~ ~~ I,: ,...1
" l)n(1 thp
q :::.. :~~ (; :'~; ..-~ '.'! ,; yn IF C f' 8. 1.1
....., .'
thp t"1<" r~ :i 1 p nr "0 c; r t:'J W l t h 1 }1
thc 1i "'~ t '"
()f I-h c;
r; -1 t'\,I of Pc> 7,.-'''''n n
for the ~I1"rAnt f:tsea1
;.rcG,r en:1 'j n-" _T ~'C
~-;O. 1970, 8. s
()(-~~, ~i .~11 tax
of' (' 1"\ m-111'" ('1'1 th
,.-' '1011ar ('. P PI1!"); 8,3~e8spd
.,j *'",
\"8] 1..18. t1 on fnY'
tf'P O1')rTiose of' ""18 in
h11 n-1 nO' 8.
:'a(' c 18 1 TmDPovpm~nt n-1st1"~et
f"1e;vol vini:r
Pt'nd 8:'", DT' ovir'J c;cl
by Chapter 07."';
Of' the: PO? ~~man
~'1)n1c~.n81 '"'n'l"':
10 : rJ1h 8. t, D'lT' S'1 qr; t
to tt"" 1'1" o"':? i on ~
"If' '"0"'t40n l'i-:1"R05,
T)"'V"j;'] Pr) ,"onp ,,1
(If' ~/TO]l tAna , lOll?, th'CY"c;
-j '.:' }~P1""'r--~!
1.<'\7:18(1 aY1" a~~9P~:)e,,.,~
111)On the; ~j ~;-' r.; R ~ c::~d.
'/Hlne of' all
trIP taxabl"~ 01" OD p Y' t:v 'rJi th~ Y'
t}w 1 .1"" t,'-'
10) f' rJ1h <c,
,...-' tv ()f' T1 cO) 7, - ]"'8 n
f()~ J.'h~ (;llY'y>c,r t f'~?C8.}
(),p ~~ontan8, 191,'7, th;Y'" is h'-'r'pb\1 Ipv~_p~ a1'4 D,S:~('3;-,r~ IJoon thn H88eS[~ed vah'i') of ,"111
the tax::1bJ,,,~ 'iY'o'y-'rt:" within the 1::_rrd.te> of "'h8 ';~t" of TJ,OZE''1IRT' F'or the fi8cal year
e'nding J"De> ;O-;(), 1::170,3 sn0"~al tny of 0.11"'1)_.'1 on th" rioJlf3r of f~:,'("h 8 ".'10?SfH'
rrallJation foT' Hp D11rno~F' of malnt9'nincr anr'j ()per8t~:n0' en Airnort. nw'l shalJ be' ,H",_
I h~1Y>8er3 82 "l::Y'o('t,-,~ by H-,I"> ""'or.1mi.";'.;on nf thp "-It;! nr T)O'7;"'man~
"e,,,tiol1 1:": 'T'h8 t, r'nT'f"18r,t to tr'iP nrovj""i ons of ."f'lct,ion Q,~-171")9. f?(?VI p.pr) ('Olp~",
(~f' Montan8, lr,JA'7, thr' tot81 l"v\T of t8XC''1 for' the r'llT'Y'nnt fiscs] Y08r ~n'lin()' ,T';Y1n ?,O.
}CV70, b'T r""lson oT fornCJ'')lnr'' ,-1cd'F~Y'rr'nat-jrm. wLLl ,O:)Y1'-' "halJ b'" as followf1:
1\.11' 1 11, s
('{'y, ('''''''11 TI.f'ln leI "81 .9, ;\'~m~ n " .'" tr'1 t1 VP D"Y'nOR P 8 : -'--
( 8 \ T'Cx e ,,11 t~ v,,: ,r::: 0 1 i ~ "', f' j r san <l () t h c~ 1" rY'l r D 0 ~ r" ,:>, c. 1) 0~) . ()
(h\ ~,tY'L'r.t, 8YJr1,^',11Fn; 'l"Y':';OSGS ('"'P'.}\ ]?()
~"81::,tc>Tlqll(;'-' of l-Y>n'" "'ll)l:,~ r,~bT'8T'Y I("",~.?) ;~.t
~1n -1 n t'" r'!1 D(; , ,r ::'111:111. (' -,-, S Y' 1.;:-,,' ! (; ~<:. :" \ 6 . E~
l."gli1t.n;n"n^" T'.; <'30:11-i t'T 8n.1 r"::n,<'nn ~11Dr3 (S'''c. I)) "1.0
(p~r'e T;r('8rtfYIPnt; Dro1:l"f^19?OC-iat10n)
,") C :'~ i. <~:: 'c, ,.':'; ;,::. ~ ':~r ve ."711..lr1:1 ( [.:~, c; C~ 4 r= '\ J.. ..?;
~f" ~ ::' tc'1" ,'ill C ""j f '; (;m" tel";1 ( ::: () ::. 6) 1.6
'1. (1'" ,-.1 ,.., on ~ <c' y, t ~ (-r:, ,1) 1 -~ ,"; ) ( "" " '7 \ 0 S
,~. ,..J .,..L t, , J . . .. .~.. .l. ,~ \ \ I ..' I.,"" 'I ." .. '_"
onbl',: ~t":)lC)\'P('<C D('t~r"'mnnt (~'cc. >=1.) 1..7
C' '" ,C> (' .~, 8. 1. T'I')'1 f)1" 0 '7 ,c,;-11 n n t 'Ii ~'" +-1" i ('. t :') T7 e vol vi niT 1.,">u n d ( :-; e c. 9 ) () . F:
n13~n-in~ 9n8r~ (qpo.lO) 0.2
'-Hnk-inc" D'lrJr4 (-''-~n~n'''al ,r-,1;1-i7at,~on Donr9S) (3'-c.]1,) ;>'.?
!'..:iroort (Q,("c.l?) !;.1
~omAL 54.0
Passe:l ,9n'-'I 8'lontf)1j bv j.he ';ornm12Q-;on of rrne City of Bozr'mR.n at '-1 Y',c;)'1J1al" pt).']."1ion
thoT'eof hole on ihe 11th "BY Of~"O"8t, 1969'J
I ,_II ( .
.. . . . .' .'-. {....~. ~~(jL~I'u/~J'U.."..'..._)l0~':::;.'::at- j
~. 8 \T0Y'. '--
,~,_1TrrT-i"...;r~: ./
~~?tcG- (/~' C .' gI
....' '" ~k-.-f'- . ",; <~~~.~.r; 1: ~',,-~--
. ",r . 0__ .U.., .' '/. r/".IT,.,.,,,, on
Qt'1 tn nf' ~c'Onb1r,g '\
"'onnty of "'9 llf', tin :ss
~lt~ of P070man ,
T ~rn8 'T. 'TaY'4~n'r, ih'J'Jly anpointcd, q11alificn 8.nd 8.ctin!7 21('rk of th8 C';lty
';nmrn:i8;~:Ol", ')f tiv -;~t\l of n07,'man, Montana, ann 8S sl~ch ';lcrk h'nrirw the' ~u8tod'.'
and control or th~ ofr~c~al ~ecor~8 of t~(' Droceedin~3 of 8al~ r:itv ~0mm18s1on Bnd
of' rf1hn -;1 t:~ nY-'l-j nan(:08 8;'-4 ';ommls8 -i on '?esol') tions of 'T'b.e ';1 tv of TJo7.cman.~
T;:> nr'pE'ny (~",'n'[;rv: that +:h0 'lttnr:h'''4 r;ommi,~slnn -r:>(>soJ'ltlnn l'JC). 1410~s 8 +"111, tT"1H7
and COT"''';ct conv nP ::'.'3-ir" D'''C;CJl1Jt:~nn 81""; ;1."18 bc?Y1 COmT!f~re'} b' me; w; th the ')~j('''nf)l
nn fi1e jn mv ofT~cP 8.8 r;ler~ OR efoY'esaid.
p,Ti'''''li".TTC~(' ".":'-,T);;'01:1 T hF'Y'r"JClh) sr,t w;" hand and affix, the cornorate 2:"81 of 'T'he C.:ty
of Po~nrr8n th~~ 11th '-18\,- of' tI')cr'J:"1t, 1969.
I .~. "._'C:.?';~'_"__. - /.....~ ?~.--.'. --~.".-.~. *...'.'--".'.'-.
c,;rna V. P~l~~~
Clerk of tho r1ty 0o~rrjq2!on
St8te of Vontare )
CC)l)ntv of r~811i-1t:i.n :~',-'
C~ty ~f ~07err8n \
T, ~4~rna V. Tln-r'i:nIT, Clerk <)f tJ,', C0YJ1'111~J."~on or '1'he Cit;! of 1/0z:Jman. i!o hCY':o,t)' ceY't1fy
U'f3 t tbe) forci701n::<> n'~so11't:i.oll 1\'0. 1410. W3~~ r,_1b15 shed by tt t1e ann numbl"r in the
Poz,"omen T1a51y phroYJ'Glo, a YJ"~W~:;D[-'!Dcr of' :r',:ncral 'JJrclllatton }Jrlntcr'; ar:d "111bli!.,hcd in
RSjCl rlt~T ic th,~ 5:,':,,','" of LZ,th Of' .^,l;CJ'Uqt anlj dlJe proof of .sl'ch pubLication j,'3 on file
j_r my off tee.
COWr.J1r::-"ON '-<I:;'SOLTT""!~(JN NO. ] 410
..... T"[\' "IH rr'~m;', C,,:1fT'!,: ~)-p.:Yf:1 T h "Cr Cll!1 to .set my ~-;arl .9n4 affix
the c 0r oora te Real of my office
th j 8 l?th ('Jay of^lJP"lst, 19F~ 9 .
~.-F~~-- -~
C erk 0 th0. 1t C0m~"P8~on
C ONIMT :;~,: TOl-1 ') c":,';OL'''qJ}iJ NO. 1410