HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1421 Sewerage System Revenue Bonds -.... .. 100 ~ /' 1~~i// ,/ COT,rj',Is::rnn ~n~sOLT1n(1[i ]\)0. lL)21 . ~y RESOLUTION ChLLUO FOF. FUBLIC snB OF $1.400.000 SEWERA.GE SYSTEJi REVENUB BONDS. /1 i;V "/" BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cor:unission of the City of Bozeman, I,lont!'.\na, the__\; it is in the best intecest of the City ':;0 proceed forthwith to offer aGain at public sale the Sewerage System Revenue I'onds of t'he Ci t:' in t;he principal sum of $1,1100,000. The bonds 'hflving been previous ly offered e.t I a public sl)le held August 19, on the basis of bonds mnturinc serially in the years 1970 through 1969, but no bids having been received for the purchase of bones on ";hat llns is, it is now expecient that t'he ~)onds be off8red for sale on I:;he be.sesthe,tthe bonds will mature in the year 1970 through 1980, the 1980 mdurity being in the principal sum of $900,000, nnd wi-'::h bonds rnaturinE; in the ye&rs 1977 throup;h 1930 being t;he subject to redemption and prepayment at tne option of the City on July 1, 1976 ~\J1.d Hny in1:;eres+; peyment dstebherenfter at par and accrued inl,crest plus a premium of 2;'10 of pa,r value if so redee~ed before January 1, 1979, or a premium of 1% of per v8.1ue if so redeemed on January 1 or July 1, 1979, or a premium of 1/2 of l/{; of par value if redeemed on JVDuary 1, 1980. Except as herein provided, the bonds shall be offered for sole upon tne SHYne terms f)S those prescribed in the notice of sale previously published. The Clerk is hereby ~lthorized and directed to cause the new notice of se.le to be published in accordance with law, and tnis Comlnis3 ion snaIl meet on 1 October, 1969, at 1:30 o'clock p.m. to consider bids received in response to such notice. Passed by the City Comnission and appro_ad l)y the Mayor this 17th day of September, 1969 . ''I / /(/huuU! 7/tr-rrr7c/ ?!oayor // I ATTEST: ss 101'1 St!J.te of iJEontane. ) County of Gallatin Ci ty of Bozemon ) I, Erna V. Hf1rding, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify the!:; !';he for(J/!,oing I\.esolution No. 11121 was publisned by title and number in the Dozemc.n Dnily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed und publisned in said City in \he issue of the 29th day of September, 1969 end due proof of such publication is on file in my office. DJWITNESS/'i}:::EREOF' I hereunto set my hund and affix the corpOrti te seal of my hfind and affix the corpor(,te seal of my office this 3rd day of November, 1969. ~t~Ton I CO:'IT!TISC:ION EESOUJrIOF }W. 11+21 .-....