HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1420 Removal of Noxious Weeds 97 ',' . "''''1 .,~I".r~ -~ ...~~ ...'...",.......~. CO!1MISSIC"N RESOLUTION :rW. Ih20 ~-<'~:. ~ ..... ',')V:,"1(" r '" ", TT"} ~,'! /I ~f~~ ., ~~ ("\......, "'\ TT-, rn.,. f'\ 1 f'71:"TI,,!';' ~l',T IiI . Ij'; ~,'t "no 'r"Lf""I(; ., 1. . Iu"c> OLF rr (I,.! OJ< TL I', CO,!LI, 1 Col '-l' ,L, C L '/ "l' B 06 ,~-"".L" L.}iY n,., "",1, D ",: >_11',,:,.) IN(r 1, SFECHL n~SES'";rE}!T OF TIXES UP 0]\: CEJTrH IROPERTIES H TIn: CITY OF BOZL!:"AF. COmiTY (IF G-!,J,L/TU'. STAT}: OF l,T01.-1'] NA. TO DEFPJ; Y THE COST OF EXTEH1\,iH'ITION ,~ND Rli;;!,OV/,L OF !WXI0US WF:EDS FOR THE YEhf, 1969, PlTH:)TJiNT TO THE l-ROVIS IONS OF CBIPrEF~ 6.50 OF THE BOZl;>.-lE : nnncIPiII, corE. I 1/i1Jr;RJ!lJ\S. the City Council oftrle City of Bozeman heretofore duly and r~)[;ule.rly phssed OrdinHnce ITo. L~23, entitled: "AN OImn',L]\:CE DEFIIHNG l.ND FROVIDHiG FOli. TEE PTJt\ISHLiENT ALiD AEITEIIENT OF CERTAIN NUISITvCES". AND 1iIFERELS . Seotion 11-985 R.C.M.. 1947. provides the Ci-'::;y or Town Council has power to declare and determine whnt v8.r,:etttion within the City or Town shall be noxious weeds, and to provide the manner in which the;l shell be exterminnbed, and to require the ovmer or owners of any property within said City or 'Pown, to extorminf.,te or remove noxious weeds from their prer.-lises, and one-half of any roed or street lyinC next so the lands or boulevard abutting thoreon, and to provide, in the event the owners or owner of eny said premises neglect to extermimd:;e or remove noxious weeds therefrom, for levyins the cas':; of such extermination or remove 1 as special assessr.1ont against the property; and "iEEHEhS, mmers of premises in svid Cit" have neglected to exterminate and remove noxious weeds therefroM. durin/.:: -!-;1'1e year 1969 and '~he City of Bozeman, pursuant to Section 11-985 R. C.Y~., 1947, and Section 6.50.020 of ;he Bozeman Municipal Code, hf.ve exterminated and removed noxious weeds from the prerli s es of s fdd owne('s 8.ndthe total cost of the exterminnti on and re!novs.l thereof is c1'1flrg8eble to the property as hereinafter set forth. pursuant to ~te provisions of said Section 11-985, Political Code, R.C.M.. 1947, and said Section 6.50.020 of the Bozemnn rEunioipal Code. I BE IT RESOLVED OJD IT IS EEHEBY ORDEmED BY THE CmniISSIOr OF TEE CITY OF BOZEMl-JJ. STITE: OF IiI:ONTMJA: Section 1: That durine; the year 1969. the City of Bozeman h~s exterminated and removed noxious weeds from the prop8r~ies i~ t1'1e City of Bozeman Bnd defrayed t1'1e cost thereof BS set fort1'1 in the Schedule hereto a~tRohed and made B pert 1'1ereof. Section 2: T}let to defni;' the cost Ol:E THOF~'fNn SIX HTT"DRF:D SIXTY FIVE .AND 05/100ths ($1.665.05) Dollars of extermim\t.inr, find ren,ovin.s sBid noxious weeds from said premises B& set forth in said schedule, hereto ettached und made a part hereof, for the yeer 1969. thereby, and ~here is hereby levied Bnd Bssessed a special tax ae;ainst said prpperty as set forth in said sohedule, hereto attached and made a part hereof; ':.het n particular description of each lot and pfJroel of land with I:;he name of !;he OVlner and the sum assessed agf\inst him or it is set forth in the Hssessment list hereto attached marked "Schedule One", and mAde a pGrt hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners and the descriptions of the lots and pEroels of land be, and the same [,re hereby levied rwd ~ssessed upon Gnd a[Ginst said lots and parcels of land; thEtthe sever",l sums be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, "Schedule One", as required by law; the.t s aid sums shall be pv.id and the colleotion thereof shall be m~de in the manner in accordance with the law gc.vernins the collection of spocial improvement taxes; that I failure to pay suoh assessments when Sl\m8 shall l)ecoL1e due am; prcyable shall make suoh persons and such lots and parcels of !ond li8.111e to '-;he penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Sect ion 3: That the reroulr.r session of -the Commission of the City of Bozerwnto be held on the 2l~th day of ;;eptember. 1 C) 69 , at she Commission Hoom, City Hall Building. be nnd the S [\rlO is hereby desi~net0d as the time and plaoe at which objections to t~e final adoption of this resolution will be hocrd by the COT'1II1ission. Section h: That +;1'10 Clerk of the Commission be. and she is hereby ordered and directed to publish COrTI'ISSION RESOLUTION NO. llf20 ----.-.--..- ...._, - ---... --.-.-- 98 in the Bozema.n Daily Chronicle, a dail;] newspeper prin~~ed and published in the s oid City of Bozeme.n, B. notice sir;ned byl;he Clerk of the Cormnission stf.\tinC thut a resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to defre.y the cost of exterT:'.inFtinr; 5nd removing noxious weeds from ccrtE,in properties in The City of Bozeman for the yeer 1969, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Coml:lis s ion subject to inspocbion for a pcriod of five days; that scid notice shdl state the tine and plece at which objections will be heLrd by the Cornr:1ission to tho finel adoption of this Resolution; the,t it shall I be pubHshed at; leGst five (5) deys before the date S €It by the Commiss ion for heAring objections, and the final adoption of this resolution. Provisionally passed by the Comnission of The City of Bozeman, at a regular session thereof il held on the 2Lj.th day of September, 1969. . ;Z/~"--r-I~ A'ITEST: ssion Finally pessed b:, the Commission of The Cit? of Bozemnn at El regular session thereof held on 1 . the 1st day of October. 1969. ..' .'. .~.' ..' ." ~ ;;L'I . /,- /' 'I. Y/". ..If ,/ . ..- ..' /'L--y<zA1 t{",^-{----r7V VIayor ,/ I ATTEST: ( , \........../ NOT ICE ------ HErRING FIRA.L ADOPTION COFJ';'ISqOIT RESOLUTION NO. 1420 LEVYING SPECIAL I AS:'-;E~'~:;:'::EITT OF TAxm:; TO DEFRtY TITF: COST OF EXTER;nlJ.8TING iND REIWVING NOXIOUS. .VI"E:EDS ON CI:jHTAIN r'HOPFInH:~: n: TIm CITY OF BOEJ::LN Fan TIm YEi'.R 1969. NOTICE IS nEHEBY GIVEN. thf:t at a regulGr session ofl-;ho Commission of the City of Bozeman held on the 2l.j.trJ day of September, 1969. Commission Resolution No. 1420 was duly passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution No. 11,120 levies and assesses a speciel assessment of taxes upon certain properties in tho City of Bozeman for the year 19()9 to defrey the cost of extermirH\ting and removing noxious weeds for -':;he yef,r 1969. Th&t. se.id COMrlission Resolution rOe lL,20 is now OD file in the office of the Cled: of the COm- mission of said City of BozeMCD subject to inspection of ell persons interested for a period of five days; that 'Nednesc1f"y the 1st day of October, 1969, at 1:00 o'clock p.m., of sdd day at e.reguhlr session of !~he Comrnission of The City of Bozeman, City He,ll, Building, has been desigm,ted as the time and pIece when [;,nd where SGid Cormnj.ssion will het,I" e.nd pbSS upon any Hnd all objections that may be mnde to the final passage and adoption of snid Comr:,is"ion llesolution No. 1J120 and the levying of said assessment; that. said Resolution will be finall? passed end adopted at said refulBr session of seid Commiss ion subject to such corrections !'end ammendments as yqa~r be made upon objections made and filed within ";he five days limit as provided by law. Dated this 24th day of September, 1969. . I \~ss lon COM1HSSION RESOLUTION NO. 1420 - "'.-- -- 99 " stnte of Montana ) County of Gallntin : ss City of Bozeman ) I I, Erna V. Hsrding, Cle:'k of the Commiss ion of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregdnr; lTotice Vf[,S published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed fH1d published in s aid City in the issue of the 25th day of September, 1969, end due proof of such publication is on file in my office. n:;YITNE:S~; 'i{f-IEREOF I hereunto set P.l;! hr,nd and 'affix +;he corronte so[,l of my hand and affixl:;he corporete s0/:',1 of mv office this 31'd day of November, 1969. ((;;~{ te~~'ion State of T::ontnna ) County of Gallatin : ss City of Bozeman ) I, Erne. V. Ht:,rding, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify ths.t the forer;oine; Resolution No. 1420 was published by title and number in the BOZ8'nan Dliily Chronicle, a newSpaper of (~cneral circul€:\:;ion printed and published in sdd Cit;i in the issue of October, 7th, 1969, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN'~"HT1n:;S) "T::':REOF I hereunto Get my }lBnd and ~dfix the corporate s eel of my fl!'nd nnd uffix the corponte s eel of 1T1:" office!,his 3rd day of Novembor, 1969. c0d tC~-6'ion I I CmiG/lS'~ Icm Tn:~:OUTmION roo 1420 ...._n.'.