HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1419 Improves SID No. 492 9zl // " CON1:ISS ION RES OLUT TCN :f\TO. Ih19 ,~ "/ ~~ ,.- A RT~SOLUTION OF 'rIIT' COM1,IS"IrI'[ OF TYE CI'ry OF BOZ'~fJdi, r;OJ,~rANA, LI~VYn:G .AND ASSESSIJ"G ,/" ./1/' A SPECIALP"S':C:F;S'3'\n;~NT OF TAXES lTPOE iLL '1';TE: r'rrOT'El::?T'Y IE SPECILL H:IFROVEJ/IEI\1T i~ISTRICT ')" I~/IY NO. h92 IN TEI~ CITY OF B07rl~'!,~.l'!, COnNTY OF GALT./TIN, ST,I\TE OF I,TClrTANA. TO DEFIi.A':' THE /..,} COST CF CONST:tHJCTING r}'D ~UJnNG TEE IMF'H.O'vi';'D;;:Wr'j'"crrHH Sf ID SPECIAL HlPROVE!\':EIJT 1" DISTRICT NO. 492. ,,' ViII EREAS , The City Commission of The City of Bozeman, did on the 22nd day of January 1969, duly I and regularly pass COr:1!TIission Resolution No. 1399, ent it led: A RBSOLUTIOl: OF' 'nTE CITY CO)~T~~IO;J OF TIm CITY OF BOZl<],IAN DECLiRING IT 'ro BE THE IJ\'TE::.\TION OF TEE r:ITY OF BOZ:<:'AK '1'0 CHE/ TE A SFECIAL nlFIWVi"',~EN'r L'ISTHICT ''LO :m KNOViiN AS SP:t;;CIAL n~FIWVT~:L:;:;!'IT Dr:;TIUCT NO. L~92 FOR THE: PURFOSE OF TEi';; cr'r~TRUC'I'IOTT A~m HTSTALLf,'l' 1m; OF AN EIGHT (8) HIGT"! SMUTtIlY SF]':!J;;R IL! TEE ALLEY OF BLOCY 12, SPIUi'TGBROOE ATJDITIOlJ 'ro THE CITY OF POZ~:J:'lT TO SERVE LOTS NINE (9) THIm 'UATEEN (16) INCUJS IIlE. and thereafter, aftor due and legul proceedings had, the Commission of The City of Bozeman did on the 13th day of February, 1969. duly pass ComrniS3 ion ::\es olution No. 1l~00 . enr, it led: A HESOIJJTION OF THE CITY COlvD,USSIm( OF 'rEi!; CITY OF BOZF:,\LhN CRSjj,TING L SPECIAL IMFROVf:',iENT DISTf{IGT TO BE In.JOmJ AS SPECIAL IET'ROVE;':TENT DISTRICT NO. h92 OF TnT!; CIT~! OF' BOZ};rru.J~ FOR THE PURPOSE OF C(11:fSlrRUCTIO}; IND nSTALLLTIC~ OF iJ! EIGHT (8) INCH SAlUTARY SE','lETt n: TEE /,LL8Y OF BLOCK 12, 8PRU!GBROOK IDDITIOE TO 'rIlE CITY OF BO/~IC.~'~AF 1'0 ~)J<:nVE: Lars Nn~I;; (9) TFRU SIXTEEN (16) INCLUSIVE. which Commission Resolution Nos. 1399 and 11+00, passed as aforesai.d, are hereby referred to and made a part of this resolution for fur~her particulars in respect to t~e boundaries of said district, the chHrectar of improvement to be constructed +;herein. the estimated cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the co~t against the property within aaid district; and 'J"'ll ER FJ18 . said improvements as contev\pla!:;ed in said Commission Resolution Nos. 1399 and 1400 h~ve Deen constructed and comple':;ed' in accordance with the r,err.1s rind conditions of Co!T['1ission Itesolution 1'os. 13q9 and 1400. and the total cost of ssid improvements so cons tructed is I.:;he sum of T'NO I 1'P(11T" um FIV';' HTTtTTlR"'Tl ~pr NO/lOa D 11" rs U~2,500.00) . .'" ,l, ,,' _ .:),~,~ .,'" tJ" ~.L u,',,~ "I,J,,~.' ." 0 :t::A "- NUN. nIJ:';JlEF'ORE. pursuant to the provisions of Sec+;ions 11-2201 to 11-2273 and 11-3301. R.C.M., 19L~7 and amendments ';hereto. BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERl':D 13'/ TITi~ emn/ISSION OF 'rHE CITY OF BOZEr'~AN. S'rI~TE OF MONTANA: section 1: That to defray the cost f)nd expense of constructin[; fmd making the improvements in said Special Improvement No. }+92, there be. and there is hereby levied find assessed a tRx amounting to +:he SUrl of TWO TPOUSLND FIVE HUNDRED l.'!IID nO/lOO Dollars ($2,500.00) upon 0.11 the property in said Special Improvement ::)istrict ~\o. 1+92, Bnd that a pBr~icu18r description of euch lot and porcel of land with";1:e nDme of -'-;he owner 8:1d';he sun assessed aguinst; him or it for such improvements Fmd the an ount of each partiel p8;T1J1_ent to 'be made end the dE\;! when the SU1\e shall be delinquent is set forth in deteil in the assessment lisl-; hereto attfJched. marked Schedule "A", lOme' Y:1ade H part hereof; that the several sums set oppos ite :'}le names of the owners und ':;1'10 described lots and parcels of land be. and the same are hereby respectivel;! levied Bnd assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of h'nd to defray the cos t 8nd expense of cons truc I:;:i.nr; tend makinf';'-;he improve1l1en-l:;s wi thin s aiel Distri ct; that the several sumS so assessed be collected froI1 the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land de3criDed in sKid aSSossment list, Schedule "A", as required by law; ,t hat the I payment of scid sums shall De r\sde in 20 installmEmts and the payment of snid install":1cnt sh!~11 extend over a period of 19 years; that the payment of the respective annual inst~llment shall be made on or before the ~Oth day of Novomber of each year until pa;rment of all ins tullments together with the interest thereon, shall be made; ~h&t said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governinG the colledion of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when ~he same become due und payable shall COI,:;r'.nSSrmJ RESOLUTION NO. 1419 .---..-.... .._.,.~._- -....-- -..- -..,... 95 make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liablebo the penalties provided by law relative bo delinquent taxes. . Section 2: That the regular session of the Conmission of The City of Bozeman to be held in the Commission Chanber in the Cit;! Edl of said City on the 2hth day of Septenber 1969, at 1:00 o'clock I p~m.,. be, and ~he same i~ h9r~'bY desie;nnted aS~he!::;:im~ a~d pl~J.Ce a':.; which objections to the final aoopb.on oft;hlS Resolubon wlll be heard by Bald COmnllSSlon. Section 3: That the Clerk of the Comr:1ission of The City of Bozeman be, and she is hereby ordered and direct.ed to publish in +;ho Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed tind published in the sa.id City of Bozeman, a nol;ice sip:ned by the Clerk of the Commission and stating t;hat a. Resolution levying and assessing a special Bssess~ent of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing Bnd making I;he improvements in ~he said Special Improvement District No. 492 is on file in the office of the Cle;'k of the COr1r.lis3ion subject to inspection for a period of five (5) daysj that said Notice shall sts.te the ti:ne and place at which objections will be heard by the Cor:nnission to the final adoption of this Resolutionj that it shall be published at least five (5) days before the day set by the Commission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session -thereof held on +;he 17th day of September 1969. /7 /;/ /- ~'M~1-j _ Mayor /- ATTEST: ( [~ /~ I Cle~f th ity ~issTon Finally passed and adopted bV the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 2hth day of September 1969. //;7/ / ~. . _ -L{~0L 1(ef~f-r(/ Mayor A T'r :~,s T : ~ ~~ Clel~ the Clty 0, ssion NOT ICE ------ HEi,RING, FIlU,-L I\DOPTION OF COIvTI.u~;S ION RESOLUTION NO. 11.+19 LEVYING ASSES3MENT SPECIAL HIPJ.OVE:\"ENT :lISTRICT NO. 492 CITY OF' BOZEMAN. CON"STRUCT ING AND IJTSTALLnm },JJ SP.T<TI'l\RY SEm'.R III Ti:-E ALLEY OF BLOCK 12, SPRINGBROOK ADDITION TO TEE CITY OF BOZE,iLJ.~,T TO SEHVt<; LOTS NINE (9) TERn SIXTEEN (16). NOTICE IS E;mEBY GIVEN. that at a re,O'u1er session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, held on the 17th day of September. 1969, Commission Resolution No. 1419 was provisionally passed and adopted; thfit scid Commission Hesolution levies end assesses a special assessment of taxes upon all the property in Specibl Improvement District No. h92, in said City, to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements within s~id District, to-wit: I Bep;inning atr.he sou~hwesr.erly corner of Block 12, Springbrook Addition to the City of Bozeman, Montana, thence northerly along the westerly line of SGid Block 12 to the northwosterl:r corner. of s~id Dlock 12; t.honce continuinr, nor~herly along s sid wes terly line of Block 12 extended across ~est Beall street to the sou~herlv line of Block 4 of the Brunton-PalrEy He-arrangement of Durston Subdivision to Bozeman, ::.Contuna; thence easterly along said southerly line of Block 4 and sfiid line extended to the easterly line of 1~})e north-south alley of s~>id Block 4, being also the southwesterly corner of lot 5 of said Block LJjr,hence southerl~' across Beell Street to the northwesterly corner of lot 1 of Block 12 of s tdd Springbrook Addition; thence continuing southerly along; the easterly line of1::he nor'jh-south alley of said Block 12 ilnd said line extended to a point of in-;;ersec tion v,1th tho centerline ofilest Lamme S'::;reet; thence westerly along the centerline of slodd West LE,mme Street to a point of intersection withl~h0 0Gsterly line of Eleventh Avenue North; thence northerly to the point of beginning. COIIITv!IS:3ION RESOLUTIOK NO. 1.1./.19 -.. --.... - -- 96 T!l~ t, said Commission Resolution No. 11+19 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commis 13 ion, subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days by Bny persons interested. The,tWednes d aythe a~th day of September, 1069, a~ 1:00 o'clock p.m., of seid day at tho ro~ular session of the said Com.mission of The City of Bozeman, at the Commis s ion Room, in the City naIl Building of ssid City, has been desi,l=nated as the tiJCl8 and plB-ce where the sniel Commission will heHr and pess upon any and I all objections that may be made to ";118 final pe,ssar,e and adoption of sLid Resolu!~ion 1',[0. lLL19, and the lev:ling of sLid assessIT'cnt. Bnd that said Resolution will be fin&lly passed and adopted at said re~ular session. All persons interested a.re referred to CO"lmission Heso1ution Ko. 1399 declaring it!:;o be the intention of the Commission to crecte 2pecial Improvement District No. Lf92. and Commission Resolubion no. 1l.LOO, Crehting Special Improvement Dis~rict No. h02, for constructinG and making the improvements therein. Dated the 17th dElY of September 1969. --7 /:?{~ ~-A'?--""'/ ,-' t:1 ~ _ ,lerk of the City C mrnission state of Eontana ) County of Ga1l&tin : 66 City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. IInrding, Clerk of the Conmission of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the forer,oin~ Notice was published at length in thp Bozeme.n Daily Chronicle, a newspnper of general circulation printed and publish.ed in sLid Cit;T in the issue of "~,he 18th day of Septembor, 1969, [lnd due proof of SUCrl publication is on file in my office. IN WITNF.~?':; ~i\'In:RF::OB' I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seDl of W;f hand and affix the I corporate seal of m;.' office this 3rd day of November, 1969. State of Montane. ) County of Gallatin : ss City of BozemflD ) I, Erna V. Hard ing, Clerk of !~ho Cot'UC\iss ion of The CiG;' of Bozeme.n do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 11119 W8.S published by title and number in the Boz6rwn Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of ~enerBl oirculGtion printed and published in said City in the issue of September, 29!:;h, 1969, Bnd due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IP WITNESSmI~REOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my hand and affix the corporGte seal of my office this 3rd day of November, 1969. I COlil!,lI~j ,; ICYK l{ES OLUT I ON NO. 1419 -. ~,-- -.-- . -.. --. -.--...-.--