HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1418 Improves SID No. 488 91 <, "', '. '<:.(:<~ COMKISS Ion RESOLUTWN NO. lL.j.18 ~(if ....~'-\:t c"~J. "",,,:>":1 "'!Y;" '....... '. A RESOLUTIOJlT OF THi'; COI,}LISSWl; OF THE CITY OF' BOZI],';AN,MONTANA, LE.'VYING AND "'>'-' ......... """, . ". AS:'.:;:E.;snJG A SPECIAL ASS;':S:)l!ElIT OF' TJ\Xt;S UPON ALL 'rIlE prrOIEI\TY IN SPECIAL "'.., nPHOVE~;;.8NT DISTInCT IIC. L.j.ee n; TI~E (;1T)' OF Boa;;UJ-:, " COTTTY OF GALLP.TIN, STITE OF ~~m!Tj\NA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF CONSTHUCTING J.ND r.iAEnw THE nIFROVE~,:LT':TS WITlIIN S[:ID srr:cHL I}]'HOVE:,:ENT DISTRICT lIO. 488. I WHr::HEAS, The City COJ:1,-.,liss ion of The City of Bozer:w.n, did on tne 8th d~\y of ~lay 1968, duly and reEuler1y pass Commission Resolution No. 1367, entitled: It RFSOLUTlm! OF TITE: CITY CC]i~.TTSSI0r 01" TFF: CITY OF BOZ~<,~':IIT fiF:r:LARIl::G IT TO BE THE DJTBIITION OF TPE CITY OF BOZElL)lN, rWNTAXA, TO GREITE A SPECIAL I2:F'ROV12,"E11T DISTRICT T0 BE KNOWN AS ,~)P~':GI1\L DrPFWVE':<,E:NT DIST!nCT NO. 1~8.::, FCR THE PURl'C'SE OF CON~:;TH.UCTING AND I::'.JSTJ LLING AN j\n~)n!LTIC-C(Yi:CTmTE P!I,VB:VEJ,TT, H)T:REGJ,L CQI:CHJ':TE CUHBS/-ND GUTTET(S AND lILC;';~'.sJ,HY APP1JRTETAl1CES THERETO; ALSO COlJ'3TRUCT n,G STOm,] DRJ\HIf.(;E :: YSTJ;;T.,: /',ND':J1JT!OLES, C(\FS T3.UCT IONkND RECOI:STHlJCTICIJ OF NE;Cl\:~SlRv DRP.nll\GT~ IlITSr~' lI'D f.lfrrRTEyrl~1':CE~~ THI\EETO OIY T:r"AT PORTION OF EAST BtBCOCl( STREET PET":Et<;); SOlJTTJ cnmer IVENTTE i:;r: ('OUTRW/LLJ,CE l\,VENTJE tIT[) ON TIU,T PORTION OF SOUTH '/;ALL/;CE f.VF1\:ur: BE:TV'iEEN EjlST E/BCOCK STREET MID EAST MAnT STREET. and thoreafter, after due end legel proceedine;s had, the Commission of The City of Bozeman did on the 12th day of June, 1968, duly pnss Commission Hesolution No. 1369, entitled: A RESOL:JTI0N OF 'rIcE CITY COJl.l1dI::(~IC'l! OF 'T'HE CITY OF BOZE!'.~AN CRE/TING j, SF~;CIAL IIviPROVt;tl};rT DISTHICT TO m; F}IOV\1fPS SFECIA L IMPROVFl<,IENT DISTRICT NO. 488 OF TIiE CITY OF' BOZEIvlI.JJ FOH THE PURFOSE OF CONSTRUGTINGnm ITJ~;Ti..LLING AN P,SFHALTIC-CONCRETE P1WE]\'iENT, INTHEGPL COTTGRETE CtmBs AIm GUTTEHS LND NE;cr;"SI,::W APP1JRTENfJ,TC:'::-;f; TPERETO; ALSO CONSTHUCTING s~roRM DRAn'I-GE: SYSTEli AND j'iIJJEOLES, COl:STRUCTIOT' tNI' RECONSTRUCTI('N OF NECESSi'RY DRJ\INPGE nU,;TS J\lrD AFPtmT l;}:ANCEE; TE),cI.ETO ON TEbT FCTtT IClJ OF ;:;1\3T E"BCOCK STm:ET Eli;T'r!EE:'j SOVTH CnUHCH LVE:NI}!:; AND SO~l'rE '/'.!}LLJ,(;]!; IV8I11m M~D ON TE},T POInTCr OF SOmB 'j'.jlcLLLCE AVENUE BLT"iIEEN f:j:.ST E'~ DCOn STRi:;ET n'D BleST ?.cUN STREET. which Corrmlission Resolution Nos. 1367 and 1369, pessed as aforesaid, a.re hereby referred to end made a part of this resolution for further p&rticulars in respect to ':;he boundaries of said district, the character of improvement to be consr,rucf;edJ-;}lerein, the estimated cost of ~Hdd improvements and the I met~6d of css8ssin~ t~e cos~ a~cins~ the property witnin said djstrict; and "'rrpREJ1_S, sr:id improveMents DS conteMplated in sr:d,d Commission Resolution Eos. 1367 and 1369 hlwe been constructid and completed in Lccordnnce with the terms and conditions of Cmr::mission Resolution Nos. 1367 and 1369, and the total cost of :::hid improvements so cons r.ructed is the sum of T\~'ENTY NINE TFOUSI,:rm NINE HTTI":JRED ONE firm 50/100 Dolbrs ($29,901.50). NOW, TIEREFOHE, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 11-2201 to 11-2273 and 11-3301, R. C.M., 1947 and amendments thereto. BE IT :n~~;CL\::,'D AIm IT IS Hr:-rn;B'1 ORT:ERE;i BY 'rTTF; COMMISS ION OF THE CITY OF BOZE:,'AN, STATE OF i-;T(1!/TANA: Section 1: That to defray tho cost and expense of constructing and makint the improve~ents in sElid Special improvement no. 488, there be, and there is hereby levied and !c:..ssessed a thX amounting to the sum of TWENTY NINE 'rnOUSJJ:D NINE mnmIU;D ONE AND 50/100 Dollbrs ($29,901.50) upon all the property ir. suid Special Improvement District No. 488, and the estimated assessment of 31,000.00 reported on August 28, 1968, hereby abcted, and that a particular description of ef.cn lo+; and parcel of land with the nDme of tne owner and the sum assessed aGe.inst him or it for such improvements and the amount of Becn pnrtial pS)'TD.ent to be ,rJc1e 8nd the dey when the Sfime shall be delinquent is set I forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attBched, marked Schedule "A", and mnde a part hereof; that the severf'.l sums set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same ~re hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of land to defrc;' the cost and expense of constructinE; Emd makinE; the improvements within suid District; thet the several sums so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots [jnd pe.rcels of lnnd described in sLid assessment list, Schedule "A", as required by law; the the pa~'T!\ent of sLid sums sh811 be ffi8de in 20 installments 8nd the payment of sb.id installment she.ll COVDdS,';ION RESOLUTION NO. 1418 -. -.-.. 92 extend over a period of 19 ye~rs; that the payment of the respective annual instnllr:wnt shall be made on or before the 30th dny of November of ench yeDr until pHyment of all installments top;ether with the interest thereon, shall be r,'lflde; that sBid sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shp,ll be made in the manner cnd in accord&nce with t;ho lew f';overnin(j t}je colloction of speoial improvement taxes; that failure to P"'Y such assessr::ents when the same become due and payable shall I make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the pen&lties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 2: That the rer:ular session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman to be hold in the Commissj.on Chamber in the City He,ll of said City onbhe ?lLth day of September 1969, st 1: 00 o'clock p.m., be, and the same is hereby des igns_ted as the time Bnd place at w~ich objections to the fine,l o.doptior. of this Hesolution will be heE'rd by said Commission. Section 3: That the Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozemon be, Rnc she is hereby ordered end directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, e- daD)! newspaper printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice si,r;ned by the Clerk of the Commission and stf_ting1;hat a Resolution levyint-, and assessing a special f,s'3essment of ta:xesto defrey the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in the said Specie.l Improvement District No. L~fJ8, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; thE.t said Notice shall ste.te the time and plnee at which objections will be hecrd by I:; he CommiSsion to the finnl adoption of this Resolution; thot it shall be published at lea.st five (5) days before the day set by the Commission for she he&ring; of objections and the final adoption of this Hesolution. Provisiom:.lly pas~3ed lmd ccdopted b' the Commission of The City of Bozeman at fJ. regu1!'\r session I thereof held on the 17th day of September 1969. /fti1-7"-"'l- I / ATTEST: ~~d/ /~~~ C er of the..lty 0 s ion Finally pessed an!' adopted by the Corm'Jission of The City of Bozeman at H rep:ulal' session thereof held on "':;he 24th day of C;eptember 1969. ( ./ I '/" { , { t:7-j"-r'--;/---c ... ATTbST: ft~ / ~2 C e;k~he Ci Y ~o~on NOT ICE ------ HEflR1EG, FIN.AL ADOPTI(:N OF Cm},T::;:-; 1rlT RESOLUTION 1::0. 1418 LF'VYTNG A""8""""JT I " '..J ~"_ ,,,:l '~.~~ c,> ".' ,):) j, l.r.L~." SPECIAL n'PROV~';,'F.NT DISTInCT Fa. Ij.es CITY OF BOZL';MJ\N, CONSTRUCTInG AND INSTI,LLDW AN ASI'ITAJ.'l'IC-CONCRETE PAVJ~'lL1.1T, nTTREGIL COYCRETI<: CURrw t.v:n GUTTERS },J>fD NECE~~~:J,RY APrURr~':NJJ~CES Tln'~RETO; ALSO cm~STRUC'rIFG STORl:1 DRJ:INAGE SYSTEr' AIm lTtJT1WLY;;S , CONTI'11UC'l'ION .?ND RECC':r7S'I'RTTCTIrn OT;' 1,:E:CE~~':1~RY D-:U,INtGL: INLE;TS AND M)F'URTEl'UJ~C":S 'I'lnmETO ON TEAT FORTIm~ OF ;;:/,~:T P/BCOCK STREET KT,'iI:;EN sorTE crlURcn AVE1:UE LND :JOtTH WALLACE AVENUE Jc:;:JD ON THfT FORTIO}! OF' S(}LJTH ',NALTJ,CE _AVHrUE BETiNEEN EA(~T BABCOCK STREET AND EAST T:tUF STi{EET. NOTICE IS EEHERY GIVEN, that nt a rei3:u1~lr session oft-he Commission of the City of Bozema.n, held on the 17th day of September, 1969, Commission Resolution no. 1418 was provisionally passed Bnd a.dop~d; COM}\~ISS ION RESOLUTION NO. 11.+18 ..- 93 th8t said Commission Resolution levies ~,nd assesses a special assessment of t;nxes upon all the property in Special Improvement Dis trict No. 1-1-88, in s8id City, to defray the cost and expense of constructing end mflking the improvements within said District, to-wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of -the centerlines of South Church Avenue and East Babcock Street; thence sou-':;herly alonG the centerline of South Church Avenue a I distance of 90 feet, thence easterly, parallel to Bnd 90 feet distant southerly fror.l the oenterline of East Baboock Street B distance of 542 feet to B point, s e.id point being 90 feet distant eE'sterly from tne centerline of South Y\'allace Avenue; thence northerly par&llel to and 90 feet distant easterl~r frcmthe centerline of South '/:,e.llace Avenue a distEnce of Ld--I-6.50 feet to the centerline of East Main Street; thence westerly along s!dd centerline a distance of 180 feet; thence southerly parellel to and 90 feet distant westerly from bhe centerline of South ~allace Avenue 8 distance of 266.50 feet to 8 point, s !lid point being; 90 feet distant northerly from the centerline of East Babcock Street; thence westerly parallel to and 90 feet distant northerly from the centerline of East Babcock Street 8. distance of 334 feet to the centerline of South Church Avenue; thence southerly along suid centerline a distance of 90 feet to the point of begin~ing. Containing wi thin the above descr! bed exterior boundr,riesthe following lots, blocks, tracts, and parcels of land, to-wit: East Lj. feet of Lot 12; all of lots 13, 111-, 15 and 16; East 4 feet and South 60 feet of Lot 17; 80ut11 60 feet of Lots 18 through 28 of Block B, Rouse's Addition; all of Lots I, 2, 27 nnd 28; East 4 foet of Lots 3 end 26 of Block C, Rouse's Addition; North 60 feet of Lot 1; all of Lots 15 and 16 of Block A, Rouse's Second Addition; North 60 feet of Lot 1; North 60 feet and 'Hest 28 feet of Lot 2, Block B, Rouse's Second Addition; Viest 60 feet of vacE,ted East Babcock Street lying between Block C, Rouse's Addition and Block B, Rouse's Second Addition. That, add Commission Eesolution No. 11118 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days by any pers ons interested. That Wednesday the 21.j.th da? of September 1969, at 1:00 o'clock p.m., of said doy at the regular session of the said Commission of The City of Bozeman, at the Commission Room, in the City Hall Building of said City, I has been designated as the time and place where the said Comr.lission will hear und pass upon any and all objections thE,t r.lay be ma.de to the final passage and adoptior: of said Eesolution No. 1418, and {~he levying of s~id ess8ssment, Hnd that said Resolution will be fim,lly pa.ssed and adopted at said regular session. All persons interested are referred to Commission Resolution No. 1367, declaring it to be the intention of the Commission to create Special Improvement District No. 488, and Cormnission Hesolution No. 1369, creetinp; Special Improvement District No. 488. for constructing; and makinr,1:;he improvements t;herein. Dated 11'!ednesday. the 17th day of September 1969. ) ~~,eK~Sion St~ite of }:ontana County of Gallatin : ss City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. llording, Clerk of the Commission of 'rhe City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice was publi3hed wt len~th in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the is sue of the 18th dey of 3eptember, 1969, und due proof of such publication is on file in my office. I IN WITN~S:S "'IlU:;:~EOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 3rd day of November, 1969. State of Honbana ) c{~ ~*~ion County of Gallatin : ss City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozenan do hereby certify that the foref,oine; Resolution No. lh13 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of genera.l circulation printed and published in sdd City in the issue of September, 29th, 1969, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN \VITNESS.\'EREOF I hereunto set m~r hFnd seal of my hand Gnd affix the corporate seal of my officej~his 3rd day COMnS;rOF RESOLfTTION 1\~O. 1418