HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1417 Improves SID No. 487 --,.- <)Q tJo ~ // cm.:iJ'.ns~:; ICK HESOUTT ION KO. Ih17 ~$ ; j./ A EESOLUTHi!J OF 'T'IJ"E COi,J'US';I(iN OF' TITE CITY OF FOZL:Mi\N, ]LONTiJJA, LEVYING AND ASJES:'inW ~~ .1 ,;... T'.. J..... A SPECILLM:SES;JIEET OF TAXES UT'Ol~ lLL TV I.. FHOF'F:nTv IE ~WLCIi~L It;:PlWVGIIEHT DISTEICT NO. J~'/ ('+ LIB7 n~ TEE CITY OF B()7.:1~;lJ, CC,lTr'r':' 0P GLTLATIF, STiTE OF I'lONTtNA, TO I)LFtU,~' TIE:; COST OF , , .,., (. It roNSTHUC7IHG AnD T'.'il,}:DFJ THE Ii'IT'RO'lT.;T:';,TTS ;!iITEDI S..ID :iPECIAL I:.TTWVKCEJ'JT DISTInCT NO. L,D 7 . -';']1TEltE.AS, The City Commission of The CHy of Bozeman, did on the 13th day of March, 1968. duly and re~u18rl;T pass Com'nission Resolution No. 1363. enl; it led: I , AIIF':Sm:'TICN O'i '''':"1': cr" C01';;"F:SION 0',' -"Fi: CI'T'Y nF FOZ, lO;)5I,N I/OEVNA, "ECL1JUI:G I'r TO BE TEl': nrrENTI()~) OF TEl:': CITY OF BOZ'J,:nJ, :EONTANI, T8 C1\1':I,T81. ::;PECIAL IEFTWVEUENT DISTHICT TO [) FT(YiiN i.(~;?FF:CIAL nilrROYf~L:ENT DISTRICT iW. L~87 FOJ\ '1'In..: PURFOSE: OF COW3'rRUGI'IHG pND I1TTtLLINGM1 ASF'IIJoLTIC-CONCJmTE TYFE FI.'.'!2'::X:T to:}ET:'ER V:ITH D:TRECL.L COIICEi.ETE CUIms AND GUTT;:;;nS/'.ND rr.;cr';2:::IF;v ALUHT0lTIJJCES -"FEEEI'O, .'L30 COW"T~mCTION IJW rmCOlmTid.TCTIOlJ OF lTIi/:I':C,"? FlY [;11;' IrtGEr.'ACILITIE3 nJCLu""'nJG STORM DE1.INAGE FIFE. L[ANHOL::~S, INLETS ]',1"1) OTHER NECESS/Ja l'J'Fl,J~(TEnp,NCES TESRETO. OP "E"T'lITH (7TE) ^ V'-'~'UE "Ol'T1.1 G;\./,NT ~~THEET TO RLGY .J, ~.~ II...!.. Ii " n 2~j ',; 1 I.).... ..' ~~, J I30ITLE'.;'ATm (IF "'PF 1:0E"'1.FEIY 0NE-t'i,LF OF KJ.CY POITLEV;'H-;; D:=T'.","EEN 1.. pon(~r 200 FI';ETv',:i;;STL1LY OF "'lTF"'l'''.'T TINE 07 ('(Y'TF ('li'V:nrTll (7TF) !'V:';}TUE^.YD I, POlY'}' 919 FE~T EJi::l'I':HLY OF 2nD I..,....,J i,....I',) ....,,1.11, ,I "J _,',>".",,: '.).J....J .,.J_" ,~ \ ' ,~ '/:E~;TEqLv T,INE. and thereaf'~er. ofter due o.nd 1eg81 proceedings hed, the Commission of The City of Bozeman did on the 3rd day of April, 1968. dul;,' pass Cora.'11ission :aeso1ution No. 1365. ent it:; 1 ad : ARE;SOLUTION Of TIll.; CI'I'Y COLii,iT:;,;:I(lN OF TEE: CITY OF I30Zr:;\1,AN CI{Ei'.TING Ie SPi:.CHI, U;PIWV:,.;gWr DISTIUCT TO BE ENO,iN l\S SFl.;CH.L n:;lrWV1;;::"iENT DISTIUCT NO. J-+87 OF TEL CI'r'Y OF' 130ZLIllN I.'OR TEJ:; PURFOSE OF CONSTRUCTH1G jJ;D INSTi,LLIi\(} IN 1,:3FIIALTIC-COI'JCRI';TE TYPE PL'i.i:.::n:,;NT PROJECT 'fOGETHER "JiITE INTREG,AL CmJC;:tET2; CURPS AND GUTTERS i.ND NECESSARY APiURTEllAJI]CES l'FERETO, ALSO CONS TH1JCT I ON J.:ND TrEC rl:'; 'UnTCT 10fT OF NECF>:~3 /Fi.' J;'i.AINP.GE F AC ILIT lES INCLUD I1'1G STOHl"l DRI.EJP.GE PIPE, ;,;JJ:r:OLES, nn,ETS [leD OTET';r; 1'l<;CI';~)) 'RY I,rfURTEYMJCES TTH:RETO. ON S EV:<;NTH A';ElmE S cr~T H, GTtJ,NT STREIT T0 KACY "!:l('{TLE;V/RD j?In or TV:': TWR""FERLY ONl~-EALF OF 1':;,GY BOPLEV;,RD BE;'r1'iEElJ A :ron.IT 200 F;~,;T"'iE!: T E1\T.Y OF TEE; VIE''';' L,INE OF f,OFTT-' SEVENTH .1\Y.":1mE 11m A pourT 919 Fii:ET E}.STE~lLY OF S,AID T:n~:~TEI\TY LINE. which Commission Resolu-!-'ion Nos. 1363 and 1365. passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to nnd mnde n part of ~his resolution for further particulars in respec+; to ~he boundaries of said district. the cnaracter of improvement to be construeted t:herein, tne esti:-rw-':;ed cost of seid improvements f).nd the I method of assessins the cost ag: inst the property within said district; und 'i,T:'U~..S , said ir'provements as contemplated in said Commiss ion Res olution Nos. 1363 and 1365 have been cons tructed and comr1eter in accordance wi +;1'1 the terns Gnel concli bions of COT'unission Hesolution Nos. 1363 f;nd 1365, and the total cost of s~id improvements so const;rucl;ed is +;he sum of $76,856.65 (s EV"].iTY ~nx 'T_'T;om3AND EI::;IIT EUNCl::".:D FIFTY :~ IX IJW 65/100 Do lIars) . NOW. THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 11-2201 to 11-2273 and 11-3301. R.C.M., 191-+7 nnd emendments thereto. BE IT RESOLVED AnD IT IS E.E;EEBY ORDErt.ED BY THE COJ',Ih:ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEEl\N, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1: That to defrf1;' the cost and expense of constructing and makinG the improvements in said Special Improvement No. t~87, there be, and ~here is hereby levied and assessed 8. tax amounting to the sum of ~76.856.65 (SEVE:r;TY ,C) IX THOT;SP'i'.!D EIGHT BUN":t"t"D FIFTY SIX AND 65/100 Dollars) upon gll the propert;I in said Special Irrnrovement District No. hG7. and the estimated Rssessme~t of $80.000.00 reported on the 23th d!,y of Au{",ust lQ6S, hereby abated, Bnd that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the neme of the owner fmd the sum e.ssessed ae;tdnst him or it for such im- provements and +:he amount of eDCr. partiul pw'ment to be made and the d&y when the St;me shall be de- linquent is set forth in deteil in '~re tiS,'essment list hereto a!;':;~'ched. marked Scnedule "A". and I made B part hereof; thattne several sums set opposite the nG~es of the owners and the described lots end parcels of land 1)e, fInd the srme Bre hereby respec';ivel" -:'evied and as~;essed upon and Bzainst said described lots and parcels of land to defray tne cost and expense of constructing and r:wkini:::l~he improyements wi I'.'bin 38id ::::istrict; that hhe se~erBl sums so assessod be collected from the respec':;ivo owners of stdd lots and purcels of l~md de3cribed in snid assessment list, cmnns:j ION RESOLI)" ION NO. lL~17 .. .- 89 Schedule 'IA", as required hy law; that the payment of sdd sums shall be made in 20 installments end the payment of said ins':;ellment shall extend over a period of' 19 yeE'rs; thh t t1H) payment of the respective annual inst;nllment shall 1)0 made on or before the 30th dG.Y of November of each year until payment of all instnllments tor:et;her with the interest thereon, shall be made; that suid I sumS sholl be p,dd end'-.he colleotionl:;horeof sholl be r.lsda in I:;he manner rmd in accordEnce Witll the law governing !-.he collac !;icm of speciel improvm'lent taxes; ~hat failure to pay such assessments vlhen the s:,.me becor.le due Dnct payable shfJll mf.lke such persons and said lots and parcels of land liatleto the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 2: That the re?;ulur session of the Commission of The City of Bozema.n to be held in the Commission ChHmber in I~hc CiI:;y Hull of s8.id City on the 24th dLlY of September 1969, at 1:00 o'clock p.m., be, and the Sar.le is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to bhe fino.ladoption of this Hesolution will be heard by sHid Commission. SecJ-.ion 3: Thot the Clerk oft-he Comnission of The City of Bozeman be, and she is hereby ordered and directed to publi.sll in t.ne Bozeman Daily Chronicle. a dai ly newspaper printed and published in':}oc s'id Ci ty of Bozeman, a notice sircned 1);l J:;he Clerk of the COr.Jmission a.nd stHtin[; that a J.esolution levying and assessing; a special ossessment of taxes to defrey the cost and expense of constructing Bnd making the improvenents in the said Special IMprovement Dis triot No. 487 is on file in t'he office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspecHon for D. period of five (5) days; thht sbid Notice shsll state the time ond place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to the find 8doption of ~his Resolution; that it shall be published at leE'st five (5) I days before the da;f set 'by ~he Commiss ion for t'ne hearinlj of objections and ';h e final adop'-.ion of shis Resolution. Provisionally passed and hdopted by I:;he Commission of The City of Bozeman a1j ~ reyulup session ,,, thereof held on the 1 nh dt,y of ;':'optoT:lber 1969. A T1' J'~S T : d'.~ //~' /'~ >c,-*,-""", . ,-- , ,- at:.z"""~ C!erk of thcrCltv Com .s',ion Fitl!tlly pr,1sed ~1nc1 8Jlopted by'::;he COTIU':1ission of The City of Bozema.n Gt D. rer:ul8.r session therad' held on the 2Irtr' dhY of 3eptemlJer 1969. /~ L / {.,/~/'^1--t/"/if L/.7~r----7'7{// 1,Ttyor Ii! ATTEST: '. ?,';),,/ (';:.- ,/;-' .".-c-~~ /"';;'?2- .t:d~v C1er, of the city Co ~ ss ion NOT ICE ------ HK'HnW. FUJi,I. J.IOl-TIC'N OF' Cmn,cI~)SIC':.T I(E'WLUTICN NO. 11,117 LEVYING !,SS LS~~llENT I Sl },r:rr=_ I:.:1 ;";'0' L:L.E1\~ ;'I'.:T:nC'I.' Fe'. he7 CITY OF BOZEJ.UJT. C0NSrCHUCTUGt':D INST/LLING LIT i.SPEI,LTIC-COl:CrDi;Tl'; TYFE IL"'!\:2;r:T TOGETEi:lt'iIITE IFTREGAL CONCEETE C:UHBS L,ND GUL't;:t(~) jJ'D T:ECr.~:.SLEY I,FF1J1\.TL1JiNCES I'll KU:.T o. eN SEVbNTH (7'rn) AVl.]'U:2; SOT!rrH. Gii'/NT ~;Tl{}~i;T Tn }}.GY BOULE1il'.RD LIJJ 011 TT.E~ EOI{'rri';RL'! ("N~IILLF OF hl..GY BOULEV. .ED FhT7'1};ENA POIH'f 200 FEET Y','}i;:;TEI:LY OF TEE WEST LETS OF SOUTIJ SEVENTH (7nI) A'/ETJTJE M~DA r'nn'T 919 FEi';'I' EJ)::TFJu,v OF SlID V!ESTE]LY LINE. NOTICE IS EE;Il]:;]IY GIVEN, tho-+; nt 0 recular session of the Commission of the City of B02.cnan. held on the 17~h tiny of ~epbember. 1969. Cormission Resolution No. ULl? was provisionully passed and adopted; tho"; snici Cor"mjssicn !~esolution levies and flsseS3eS e. speciel E>sses3menl; of baxes COI'/FIS"ICN RESOLUTION NO. lt~ 17 90 upon e.l1'::;he property in Special Improvement Dise;rict No. }JfJ7, in soid City, to defray the cost and expense of constructin5 end ~aking the improvements within s~id District, to-wit: B ' '1- "+- h" \- l' 7.0 f Ie 1 1\' .-hJ-: d r th Sq.?J5' East 230 fee'::; from the ., e[Clnnlnf, D, a pOJ.n" w 1 C,) les;; 08, c,ue .,,01, , an ,WI' J. ,J int.ersection of the center lines of Vacsted (3rflnt Street !<!1c: South Se1/enth }\venue as ori~inBlly platted in Copitol Hill Addition to Bozeman, Montane; thence due Sout.h, p[(r[~llel to and 230 feet dis'::;',nt e"s\;ed:/ of the centerline of South Seventh Avenue extended s ou':;rl erl;.', () disf;ance of 11531.911 fe(~t to a :'01n-l.; which lies 200 feet rortn of '~be nor'-.herly line of Kagy Roulev8rd ri~ht of way; thencoNorl-;h 89'lh.6' East parallel to und 200 feet I distant norl:herl" from said norr.herl:r rir:h I:; of wF.\:r1ine of Enr;y DoulevfJrdl~o +;he point of intersection with f:.nc eGsterly rir"ht'; of way Hne off,he Chicaf.:o, l'.:ilwmdcoo, st.Paul and Pacifio :~Hilrond Company spur tnlck ob.sernent; ~hence 30utheusterly alon~ said easterly line of ,wid easement to f, point of inteI's6{1+;ion wish she sou!:;}1el'l:r ri,'jht of 'WhY line of Eagy Boulev8rd SfJicJ roint boinr; hi) feet seu';r,erh of the East one-sixteenth (E: 1/16) line of ':;ho Soul:;h088t one-quEirter (SEn of Secticn 13, T28.. R5E, m.m,;thence South 8CJ.lh.6t '/fest a10nl';the sO'Jtherly riGht of way line of Sf id ](€tf;;' Boulevc\rd a diste,nce of 888.97 feet; thence due North parallel to end 230 feet westerly of the centerline of South Seventn Avenue extended southerly a disto.nce of 127h.94 feet to a point on northerly line of vHcated Grcnt ~~treet 8S otip;inally platted in ~: he Capitol Hill j,dditicn to Bozeman, Monta.na.; thence North 89.35' Ea.st along said northerly line of said vacated Grant Street a d istunce of 460 feet to the true point of oor;inning. That, said Commission Resolution Ho. lLI_17 is novl on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, suoject to inspection for a period of five (3) days by any persons inte,esbed. ThatWednesdey the 2l1th day of September, 1969, at 1:00 o'clock p.m., of said day at the reGular session of the said Commission of The Ci,t:: of Bozeman, at the COT:'lmission Room, in the City Hall Building of said City, hf.\s been designeted &.8 the time [)nd place where the so.iel Commission v:ill hear and pbSS u?on tiny I~nd all objections ~h[:i'; me:! be made to the final paSsaf",e and adoption of said Hesolution No. 1lJ17.. and the levyin,e of 3[dd assessment, and '::;h8t said Resolution will be finBlly passed Bnd adopted at said re~ulBr session. All pers ons in~ere3 ted f~re referred to Commission Hesolur.ion No. 1363 declaring it to be the intention of the Commission bo cre~;te Special Improvement District No. 1~87, and Commission I Res olus ion lTo. 1365, creeting Special Improvement District lIo. t~87, for cons1~ructing end making the improvements therein. Df~ted ~he 17th day of September 19t)9. , ) C:;;-"r:~'~ Clerk of 1ss10n Stde of Montana ) County of Gallatin : ss City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of r:nFJ Commission of The Ci1:;y of Bozeman do heroby certify that the forefoine Notice was published a~ length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed B.l1d published in seid Cit:l in the issue of -'-;he 18th day of Sep(~ember, 1969, end due proof of such publication is on file in MY office. nl ~:iTrJ.'Ec;S '.\1-\T'~nEOF I hereunto set r1;/ nund end f:ffix tIle corronte sBbl of my hlmd and: ffixthe oorporate seal of my office ~his 3rd day of October, 1969. state of J,~ontBna ) County of Ga11etin : ss City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Hardint, Clerk of ',he ComMission of 'l'r.e Ci1y of Bozeman do here'o;r certify thFt the I fore~oinr Resolution No. 1417 was pulJlished by title and num:Jer in -I;he EozemBn Daily Chronicle, s newspaper of geneI'd circulation printed and rublisbed in Sf~ id Cit~' in !; he issue of September, 29th, 1969, and due proof of such public:tlr.:n is on file in '":1:' offico. IN ';'GTNESS 'i\}-TEI\.EOF I hereunto set my h~md !md [Iffix +:he corpore ';e seal of m;/ hend and affix '~he corporute seal of my office this 3rd day of October, 1969. 'j di~n<c- S~JlOn C er1c of Cm:':MIS'HON RESOLUTION roo lh17