HomeMy WebLinkAboutTenth Avenue Sanitary Trunk Sewer ,'Standard .?90 W Ananhole easfii79 '1 with oven ,vallert7 cove,,- Q. ,�� :, - - iir'• r,� .:Sii�9/c /ii�c O>' ivcio'�a/ �r/rc fo6ric 1ati: �" /Yinforcemenf. /�lil�/flinuin area ,, 'r,:,�• =' of /onyAlvd1na/ parts Oel /meat p fir:y �''•r• 1�;�: ��;4 I ''• ` • ; S/un�'o� �nonhn/c /oc/a/cr runyt :,^. �:. ?k( .? spaced al approximole/y /5" reii7)Iorccd cone. Y• — R v -Do uh le line o/ welale d wire fabric rein., min. • area of hrhric Aole oS< : , �n /o s�cf�on a � 1 ..S'/o/oe Shelf for ,vewer male th,--o49h • �I rnanho% where rhornc/ dots not furs- b , .'a v ' =pl;P.'Q. 3"'f•,F- /-rhon�e/ dr,ofhuo/ to�niat d�omeler. ,'s l Z�1 - `.' ,♦ _ . . i'' S/pwc s/Ar/I /oN,vrd A,o� nc moo' :d'"V .• :' .o:'•' �'"'o Q'. :•4:.,_ �� t � .-!/ifrified cloy _' • .. • / • r ` i T F -She If its.• f- --J� - - - - ... �--..----_..�......�. '-- jl_h 1w: Sedlon N-N t. �'�k�'.ejl�•��`i �•.'�.'�Y�.S'.�a�a �� 1 '��u�•e..�-•�,.�r�t l� Tel'...... co V,. 4•,• . o y`.a•.P 6,r 6 8 yaye N li. e- -,Bas e ,slab to be ,poured welled wli's Alhr/r uvilh manhole O pipe in place Sechobnal DeWllbn Notes 13recosf mOn/fole seek.rws as s/jocvi7 arc s«rn'lar to iMe- vlondoerl Arawhole as fianufacfurcd by 6-eleA I � � � Ca, Inc. Olficr ,ort(•os/ �rlon/�o%s invst contorirs tt� sae eifirolioA7s am/ 6e awwrovecl by the to7y.i7eer- /a/on of Avse .r/o6 e's to .show cha lwe/s. S/o6s • fo/• one er no Alrrol Aril/he consfrucled s�m�lor/y. Special lycs will be 4,7c&dec/ 4ir •sroo,-•ate d-e7wti,ys for each Job. .See speci%icofions /vr Quo/ify -egwli-eineels A7r e%y � � �, '11 pine and eonCrtf e — Slope of shell to he de5,917aled 64, the rn9,neer fr each s - - - - - -- - Anunho/✓. CITY OF BOZEMAN Tf A1Tti AkZ N&'L ' «hr�/ c:huroel to end ot,e depth vt ('/� / 74 � (/ - f" f / al! ? 07w me/ ,vhe-.r yrizar pefwu& Jfi�/ / r'f J Ti�L�NK 3'� `Y �4' Standord Monhole I , I , 1 , Drawn by I- Q R Date -2 - 14 - Plan of Hose Slab Approved -S D 1,,v Sheet no. / i 7 A I � C i i I • r� E+islih9 /O"!!C.P. I I E�iS/ire/d Ile'. C(,,f f/vsh /o Alk. + I I i � and marfoned in p/ace II i Exlsfiny manhole __ I � S�,c/f._-- I -Exisliny channe//sa/JGi,r,5)I I r r� ,Vew/2"KC.P',I / I C/ranouf access I ewrl,6w rhonne ' /V /2"VGP --- / r - (o br /efl open ----- - - ------ - OL I gulf/ow r. \ I ,--Ale,v chonoe/ fo be conslrvcled 1- Chorine/ /desiynatea by dash ed Nines) II II It ,I —C/eanouf oeeess any/overflow New /2"!/CP Eri)liny 8"l!C,P fo !x rrmvved rrl I :*2onel fo be led open <onnecled b brea.Fin in/o A111 and marlored m place / ocrvss AIN ! flush I /nor(Artd in pl�c�------- , I I i -FJ A PLAN PLA/V Con/?ecllon to ex/sliny /nonha/e al Curliss St, beliveen Manhole o dnlercepl erisliny 8"sewer- ell Lamme St and Tenth Alive. Tenth and 61evrnlh Avenues Soulh Sao. /9+94 S14 4LI la-a r h. eo p. Prccas(rein, CONIC. Il7gn/!a/e� �- � Q „�.,v ✓o; a i Etis(iny B"�('P Ale'. /.z [GC,f� A I5w,,e •Nine o1 new rhnnne% Cone. w Ers/in9/O"{Cf p l, C/eanvuf q<ces5 °'I' --� = fo be rernvve,l fo a/lrw p/arc- channe/� meal of Z"rr/iq. ffil�-illes5' v1 new evnrrele far'chvnnr/--� r� _� �\Z"l/G, sp/i!�eNoe y> A p' :.v v.,.y d. p'va V Er,�(ir,y 9"KCP.-v v n off.6_A " e p "• a.J si G V t. -+r Oo I s T 13" SECT/ON 4-4 — — — Shawri,7 errs/inJ7 concrete base s/a,6 �-- 6r6-B yrr wire fabric, Cone. base slab /a he j { poured rrA AN in place- po. SECT/ON C-C han cnel- , .� •. rp1p 'v.: � SfC T/ON wF�-,B Shoallwy charsne/ 20 6e eronslrucleJ I NOTES NOTES ---,-- lOrrns for mnsbael ny nrzv channel must be ,made of .sheet Sewage flour rnusl he malnlaimc✓at a// Hines darri,y rnanho/e cnnsrrvdiar:. CITY OF B O Z E M AN meta/ or 0/her aOProved moler/al. Form of iheef melol or other- gppra✓eJlrlafer,U/ must de pjc:/ /o con�l.✓c/ Sewage {6w must be Ina/nloinret al all fiinrSrprrjerably 1/raryh channel far B'{ <f' later-ol. TfA117H Alz1vyz a a closed cant/ui(, onrl in a /manner arceofable Yo Me rr�9rneer• f1//cfrloi/s nq( Showq !rill conform to rr9uirnnrnlS of Jtanc%r-//r/anI0 e- JIVR-��Py 7,PLI/'✓K SZWZf The u,`sfi f Sewer syslew m,,jl he eepl free o/a//eanrre/t rub6/r S/arar shdf lawdv-d ma;n chormrl r repl aroun / eclyc cf cleonou! cl-aame% anal alter debr,i dur,ily the ,process of conslruefian. S �C'/Ot /�p//!i':' c Conercle /a 6e place./ to Theff up /a lere/cf top of all Bonn• ecliny ,o,Pc. - - Drawn by. Date I; Approved .Sir V— Sheet f i i - 2 4 WATER LINE I Ty'-- 4 WATPR LINE 2•N.P.CiAs LINE F'FrP'`SED L':T LA-UT O IIFtJSTING SANITF,RY SEWER - - -DURSTON - ROAD — — IA.H.STA. �'+681 9 I EXISTING WArtNOLE cm I l I o c 11 \-LxlsT NG 2"AP GAS LINE o co t T s 2 W W 2 3 L S zti _ I I JW - -- -- - -_ r -- --� - - — -- _-1 - I - - - - _ --- - --- --- -- — - - - - - 4771 --- — --- - - --- - — -_ _ -- - -- -- ---- _ -- _ __ — Ji fJ 4 D WW Wo°mwYva ----__i_--__--_--_-I-_-._�;rI�...---_.-�__---_=-,-`_-l-';i-�-]�}=_---_--__------I•-—_-_"I�I.----_---�-_•r—1 I---- ---T_-_.__ -_- - -,-- ---_-_-N_ d n�P OI— '*a�JnT— D �K 3'o � fS-Sii/E ce `t'fR 47 6 ,- �p !765 7 9,OC 12+00 IRRIGATIJN DITCH LEGEND FXISTING SANITAFY SEWER Lu Ex LSMANHtlLE z GASLrnE WATER LINE TENTH AVE. FIREHYORANT -1' VILLARD FFNCE LINE M -,TA.12+04° M.H.57A 13+H2A WYE U) _FFFTTT� +T I 1 �� I FT am EXISTING 4 WATER LINE= 47 y0 0 4755 47 F C)ITC O CITY OF BOZEMAN _tAmu LING TENTH A/EVUE 477,5 P/a - - Drw— n by PBB z77C -4-54 _ - — - -- -- — — — — -- - - -- - --- — _.._. __ Approved SDW Sheet no. 12+(+c 13+00 14+00 14+C'0 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+0J 19+00 20+00 21+06 22+00 2�-00 PLATE 2 PLAN PEOFU 5 P A STANDAW _ owls w i s A all I1q taa rtorl�wE s ► NIIIEY MI L l��`A EUGEN[DIRZGEN CO.,Ow-N..TeA ' a NN EIiO E10a YW i J I V JI I I H � S ' JiART LYI>Ti NG P:JE ME HT- EKI5TING MANHOLI•.' 0. I v w TENTH AVE TENTH 1 AVE. —r - -_ [tE.,EXI5TING PAVEMENT I 2 � ¢ ro F K Q W w rs T -.__ — - - - - — — -- - -- - - -- f i i 177 q o-0 777 w — --- — - - - - - - _ R-11 --- 2 - -- -- - ;- - - - - - - -- 7 5 EHA 5�� - - -- - - — -- - i-- - - 4795 s I l =T NTT C - -- -- -_ - - - — _ 4785 T _�_ - -- - — 4750 2?+00 24*00 25+00 26+00 27+00 26+00 -27+00 28+00 28*00 29+00 30*00 31+00 Q 5TA EXISTING 8 SANITARY SEWER N z v; �STA.32*842 �n o, l [%ISr'NG 3"!-l.P GAB LINE I (�� ;�— J , � LLI __.�%DING MANHOLE 1 4=' EME— STA 30�462 � , -- �`A TENTH AVE. v N ' URTISS ST. l ,;TY.Fr -x15TING PAVEMENT—�,V ! 1^ `EYISTINII IO SANITARY SEWER c T �- ------ — ---i�--- -- --- - - - ---- - - - - --- I MISTINIS 8"5ANITARY E1i5TIN6 4 HATER LINE I cl ' $TP.30+^8a F •i END E%Is TING F'AJEMENT ' �TTT ^' $EWER- y F � O I = ��E%�S TING A WATER LINE + ,� 2 CX,TI NG 4L.P.GAS LINE o a i I I t = - _ - 77 able --- - - -�- -- - I - _ 110. -t T - 4SL5 ---- - - - - - . I - - _-- — -- - - -- - -- CITY OF BOZEMAN TE/Jr/1 SAN/TARY 7 'J1YIE SfiYf e /4n ono �'�fiif• - - - -- - Lt, 1 - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - z _ ul -- - - -�' - - ----- -- - - - --- -- --- I--- - - -- - --- - __ -- ---- ) -- - - - -- _ -- -- - - - --_ --- _- -- _ Drawn by- ----Date--- - --— ' -- — - -- - -- - - - - _ Approved_S Sheet no, ¢_ 32+00 33-00 34+00 35+00 36-00 37+00 - - 38+00 38+ - m..r.Na>L► MATE 2 PLAN FWFLLE 1 F R STANDARD _ ON wM uo ma rir w w.a s HyEp v.t A - EUGENE METZGEN co.Ch-o-N—Y- �aEA al HIE{u1i fEW�rl i ,-Slondor-d 10901W manho/r easfii79 with ooen perffer� cover 0„ •, �.• 9/r 11i7e of wr/JPd wl-e- fa6ric ••' � �' �ir�lorcemenf. Moir/in�mum or<o • ' t�,�• n''' o/ /org';' 117al �V/i ,per linear 7 � 1�1•. �y, fico l of /VOr01C 47. Sludo.d rmal7hole la-c/der runys spaced al aPprox1*ale/y /5" �J` v rYi:?forced cone. / manhole ilsee fRecs.) -Do ub/e /ine o! we/a/ed wire ,&brie rein., min. I r• area of fs6rie oole os ,S"rnirrimvrrt in lop section ' ' S/oo e she/1- toward channel-, C. !/ P for srwer main ffirouyh i o d r� =• :� rr anho% where rhonne/ does hot turn Ad ., .-�hanre/ /*p1h eYoo �b Pioe ; .; _ • -�. '. J ' ;m .�, , N She ff Section N-N Y �.a •� T'R-•T •r . r Tr7i � -:11lluy`f .T�.L:.•. .'ir-����s'tilT1?�+z-iR' 1i: . r ►:T�it`2 ii t l...r ��•x�l i►.a�-�1 3���.. `?�.,t_ 1 iP :r.:►� r,:;l��' r �',�a j'':A::Yv;;f%�cf•-A b.���'�.% �Q-.i:'1.�P4�'p?�� � - - - ' T 6 , 6,4 yQy� N ` 'Bose slab to be pourer/ welded wli-e /<Jbric wi?h manhole �V Vivc in ,v/ace Sectional Elevation Notes fr•F east Inal,7,hole sections os shown ore srinc'lar to the sfoadaltl wawhv/e as hy c -e l ex � ' , Ca, 1i�c, Oth<r ,oreros! rnonho/es arvst conform fo I soeeifirof�ons ord he qvx roves/ by the en9,i7eer- Bose -r/�6 e's iafer�d<c/ to show chaov7e/5. S/o6s Am- Owe or no /vfero/ it///he eoosfruefec/ Fwecio/ tyces wi//he ioc/uded 4ir .5rvarole Seto,/ drawtirys for each job. ,See spec�%:cofions for quo/.'fy re9vlie�ne.�fs �,r clay iliac or7d Cor7Creft. Slope of she/f to he vrrs,9noled 6y the «9�aeer fr each /nynho%. � 1- / - - -- CITY OF BOZEMAN TENTH 4 k Z Alb"Z_ i —Lvhrv/ chunn<l ib end at 1 d<,oth at SAN,�TAR yi T�U/vA/ sZ"`'yZ iQ ` 1 - mail? ehynne/ where yraae 'oerm,ts - Standard Manhole Drawn by Date Plan of Bose Slob Approved s D `v Sheet no. 1 1 I: I I r I I I A� 1� til II N * I+I'+ � ,I � • � � I r I. II 1 11', 1i - - - - - - - - - --- 'III -}�1�'rj� '�'r �ti��l�� •' / — � ~ I�• �t � •• � ,. ,•� f •�1}flan I�I {ill, �'FI' � I' I �f I '' J `�- I. ., � - r I '�� II• � ' � �'N1 . - I �' (d '•III:;' 7�11f 4 I:i I I.,� 1 •I ,�i� '6 - 'I '' � it , _ I f •1 11, I 11 I f I I I I+ I K" I Ja Is i i i li 1 t „ 1 t] l41 t"' i I W I A II I I 'I 1'.t; 1 II II J t, " 1 I .I i rm, i II I ll L 'Jill! 1'' • ''. .f . L IIII �,lo,lu � I / I III, .a, I • w� c, b"f '7:v,�•f, .:. a p 42.'.�. I� 19 �`G/.h' s rrz�.n- +�I � - i 4""®CI evofer rrRarn ta. +r rs _ 6"�of drani-++ «.' b �c b-�1.� F arm suaer �d- �.b ---- ---- --- ----- - I - L2 0 L.P.tfas mair7 _ �� a + `CurbT•.` I -6 1 C/__r/<r main #1� \` 3 ' 4/s� vr/«�c�rL - � ) - -- - - -- -- - - ------- -------- - - ,� -fasi I ni? \-- i W hfAA'RlSO/v STREET -et �'y -Curb iV O son.3rwer 2" L"R s iarrn' p �i "�lrlP,7Y%air � _ p �i �c sta z�rca sC �oyai icn � \ 4/6G✓ekt:r�n%:f-' My//SfaC�SO \ � f+b S I 6H{CP. r i Z G�1 uo/tr D7Iln r- sea Rtsn �ee./ - ti S. <.err i•r e<. /� MOMTANA STATE COL G CAMPUS a `"`"'"" `�' s"" i e `�"'", y" f - - --_- 00 4V60 - - - - -- - 7 4,Ys .50mya aai 3- - - - -- i. ...< r._• Sta sc 'Z.. - - - 8 - -- - - ---- --- _ --- - -- _ - - - Ctyl 4/6 h• I a 6 o ,4 t - w/- ✓ G::4 -wat mli _ L"6 vn. c 9 - - -- - — - - - R - -- - - -- -- - - - 4 � _ F _ I 48 S 484G - — - G"�'C�� zg*x 25'��C 3G G' 3/+OD 9zr00 .33rC4 -34*00 35*00 ,36•DO SC 416.' Nor%zcnfaL./" SO' _ I \ A10TE. 8"KC.P. inferteptoi•- � \ D<plfi of af."/'firms shown ci: fhr Oi✓tilt ai: rsfirslnfed _I'Cleonouf access .1-4 ov-rl�.��p5oni, fa he/nf cpen Concrete ehanaef k s.v.stk er —+ i shelf-- � 9"a Y.C./?stub,Jsv/rf -' i �'aFFfh of x•<r ma n> /�` B KC.P, s��b,inrerf � aI Srpfh aJ s-we,r a,v 7 S i!lb L'f Tl i 1- Yl y 8 STUD Tic 7L!/L 0-//✓/2 LV7ERCE'P70R DET.41L v SYr 2c:-i4 S/r 3U*r4 Sfr OeSC 5rrfh ✓S.-.rnfh 4ve. ? h e o , - -- -- - - Cop�G �`5 ¢. -- T/ gss9.'i w - i — z CITY OF BOZEMAN •• sr �,,. ; h _ l f s -4 } I -- _= 7EAITH Alf. SANITARY TRUNK r - - SfW R-U IT2__ P/an and Pi-0fi/e 2 y ! 1 �Jra`xiS by_fAe NKr, Date 4-zn-ss -- —- — — = rovod Sp•h/ Sheet no, I�pP— i 0 r 00 0+50 - ""I'T-aLAN-GR�FILE SFUfNTH AXE. [N7£RCforOR 547n �iVE. ,-Slandord Z90 manhole Cosl,i79 ivifh open pallern cover i ,Sl;?gle /ii7e of we/dPd w1i•e fabric . ' ,;,:, rrinlorceme-nf. /f1�ir6n7tonum area, of /on ;rudm* a1 /�V/i ,or.- linear fco t of lair ic O. 174 sy. e;7 S1c1ndorY/rnofiho1e /oc/adcr ranys Spaced o/ opproXiinole/y \`' r �' ?1 r•- reli7forced ronc. Precasf • it 'l. �� �r7Qr7h0/P �Sle S,oeeS,) - V Do ub/e line o/ we%/e d wire fobrve reln., rain. oreo of fohrie folnd as- , I �-+,M "� S"/►7iRimunt in lop section F t S/op e she/t rl • '; F r Inward channel-, > S,o/il I/e P for sewer main fhro4,9/i 4 � ,` da J9,'d�n ;•b �'�:. > inonho% where rhaet7e/ does not turn--� � •L[ ;; c ,-C'honne/ JeAlh eyuo/ fo Pi,oe d�oM►eler. r ; . _ - - - - t 'y �• l Slope shr/f loxsrd channel } /V f* -Shelf r ,� Se cfion N-N 1..\L:�.��•i.�.;iiy �,g� :1t•r]yu +`:�..S�TI.���t l� n�w -,�; T:r,+?TC� 6 N �--Bose .s/ab to be ,00 vrec/ wehled wire fabric we?h manhole 0,oipe /n ,o/ace Sectional Elevation Notes I I Preeasf Inanhole Secb/pn,s' as shah- ' ure Selr��/a�- to ' I 1he slaadarr/ m61171701.- as c'relex — r"- ea, Inc'. Other ,orerasl undoles must conform fv I ( � J',Oec'ifi(•OI�C!/7S aisd be 000ravec/ by the eny.iieer- - of Aas e s/,76 es /r//rrrdec/ to .shaw cliorrne/s. Slobs fog- oile er n�� lateral rr///he eonsfrvefec/ r•. \ S,aecic�/ fyves will he cnc%rdec/ e�► s earale alela l arrow,(iys for each job. \, Yee specij'icotioas for• Quo%'ly -egwli-emewls fvr clay pipe and eonCrefe• Slope of to he 4*.3;917O1ed 6y the J61- each 1 1 I , CITY OF BOZEMAN TZ-/V TH 4Vt 1V&,t- �/ —L crkro/ chance/ to end ot,2 dC'01P of S'AN,/7ARY 7�&/►'A S'�`W-1q �- I � � /Hain thvnne/ .vL�r•-c 9rocJe pe�i»�fs � - - Standard MGnhole Drawn by R Date 2-2-54 PIGn of Base Slob Approved S r" I,v Sheet no. / W 'i• 3 i o ti a3 �'- -- - -T _ -i- SOUTH �' TENTH AXZ °°� ._�.r Ekrslin�/<"m YC/'s✓n Srwr.� .(,"C CI:.,(r-mir,n T �'�~ Z~I�2" - m 4�za i - --- 4S.35 �W 72p 4 l7.90 - - - W - Sd f 30 0 �t - - - 5 492 y,G - 0*CC l+`G 2'00 3*OD 4'0^ S'OC 6 G:= 7wG BfG 9*GG 1e,00 //NCO /2,00 /3000 /4G^ /5,00 h 4-0 C!�ynler main Q o g L•j � "-�{3 LQ'Cl aa(r moan-. { I• � i I �� _ _ __ � -�---___ � -i'lure' �_B"�sl,•rrn x.vcr`i � I � 15`'� I 133 I 8'�Yelp SfuLts,rovcr/ 227' / urofn ti 64` �{ I \ 1 4 0/1 de,.)*of//loin-- � .r C - 6"d sanr Xµer IQ 1�14YCf'Sfubs,invert of rtS �Hy ar:rnt f _ z drpih of sewer main TENTH 4 AVE. / I r-6`6JrvalerInain ;�� , '-C"ClWoler•,voin-___-- V --- ---- I9' -- v I 4/6Cr.eke.rnndv f Eo` MH 5 STUB DETAIL MH 6 STUB DETA/L I 'NIONTfin',; STATE CVLLEG� " s/a /8'97 stq 22+54 CAMPUS San, dewer Conn to MSC fnnP arar IVOT4 hawing t lx 7jror/inucd-' Dtplh of u!i/if/es shoran on profi/e me rshinafid. du o -r WSW Tqo'� 5 i _ 48$ f . -- - - --- G -ur1J rofi. _ &A/ -- - -- -- ' oe4o - - -- - - - _ - — - - _ I , - - - -- - - _ - - C - - - — - - - _ l:.. - - BOZE �Y �OF r,l�/ /.,. MAN 4930 Drawn by G P J tf Date 4 I� S ri. B - _ . -_ -- - - -- - - - _ - - - Approved-yrw Sheet no. 2- - 4y25 - _ - - - - - --- - 4+ov 5/00 17s00 1ef00 /9f00 20,00 2f�oo 2z�oo 2 +0G PLATE 2-PL H-PROFMC Q j I r-5'"d KCV sfrrm xwrr � Q }} ¢ jsmnn 6 ¢Clw/rr 6't Cl waler arm I } Y 4�CI.wo(•,mr.., 4"d L.f J s mar'n k --- - -- - - - vrm uwrr I � } � 4" Z. /. /4 C CI woler nknin i I r " /l clronf- �' I -h of sae,. y I Y 2 / P ga Main-1 Q Icr�� < ' I - - 1 /P r as main -T Cur - 6 f C L } i br" !x-,�lrr morn J -._ > ri -r.y J I 4/60v.dreccn-fa �- STREET. -" -t---------------- ---- - -- - - - - Curb-, _.- 1 W. HARR/SON C� N o — 6"4 XP sae, srw"- "0W..Pson.5;rver 2d G.P 9W5ywain ' _ I '-Tc%oh.ne rabl.- -me. ,�IH/2 s10 0/50 o -N-0&PsIeaM kv - I Z 4160 L,.ekc.amJwt- C!wale,- m hjN//slo 0r50 J16 P. _wn.Sewer 6'2'✓['f%zh_srwrr, ��` t C}I aAkr main -M0A/TANA STATf_ L-OLLEGE C4mPUS j P aa6v T A8 /6 a� -- ! - -6rvd r fJd Z.,d of mo Slalm sr r a, - OD - CI Kc Iff ma 4/6 v.ekt - --- e ZIC a 24"0 rt m/od P � 4,4 — - - -- IL - - c t 64G 464� 2Ze00 21'0�� 24�0t:+ �'S/OG '� 27r0 ,ZB00L9rCC 3CrG' 3i+OG 3 fOG 33+00 34,00 35r00 36+Oc SC/0[.E I NOTE.' �D. 8"!!CP rptercr/jtor-- \ /-,eh � <' ,ci>t>c nr;r eslimnfrd. Cleanouf across and;ve,lko thane ../ lv br /rrt cperi __ _ y�II 'r/'risliny 6 - Concrele channel rt��1 s./i.sewer club,Ul✓er/ ati AoM of Sewer Matn� / II� ol�Geplh of sewer mv''rl� 1WH7 574/B DCTA/L M--`/8 STUE DICTA/L Df7414 • a syFa 26 ri4 Slci JU*/O sfa. 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