HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 RFP Landfill Corrective Action: Corrective ActionCITY OF BOZEMAN CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN SERVICES – LANDFILL PRELIMINARY SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Bozeman is seeking comprehensive professional services from a multi-disciplinary firm with a proven record of success in dealing with and mitigating Landfill Gas Migration. To that end the City is soliciting project specific proposals from firms interested and qualified to provide these services. Time is of the essence for this project. Background The City of Bozeman has operated a landfill at the current site since 1970. There are two cells, an unlined cell which was operated from 1970 to 1995 and a lined cell which was operated from 1995 to 2008. Both cells are now closed. A landfill gas extraction system was installed on the lined cell in 1997 and has been operating since that time. Combustible gas from the lined cell is burned at a candlestick flare located at the site. The City of Bozeman has detected volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) in the groundwater and in soil gases both beneath and adjacent to the landfill. Vapor samples have been collected in the following areas: Sub-slab samples in developments designated as Bridger Creek Phases II and III. Indoor air samples have been collected in Bridger Creek Phase III. Based upon the sampling results, the City has installed sub-slab depressurization systems for the Phase III homes as a precaution to inhibit the potential for migration of VOCs associated with the landfill into the Phase III homes. The City intends to design and implement a more comprehensive corrective action plan for submission and approval by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, as appropriate, to control/mitigate the presence of vapors at, and in the vicinity of, the landfill. Scope The preliminary scope of engineering services is as follows: Develop a site-specific conceptual model using the historic data that have been collected to date from the various activities conducted in association with the landfill. These activities include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: Evaluate the existing long-term monitoring database which includes groundwater data (quality and quantity); Evaluate the soil vapor data analytical results (generally collected off of the landfill proper from soil vapor probes, sub-slabs, some indoor air sampling, etc.); and Preparation of a Preliminary conceptual model report. Provide preliminary recommendations for a corrective action plan which will include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following steps: Conceptual remedial system design Recommend the collection of supporting/supplemental data as necessary to complete a full-scale system design. Design Implementation Preliminary design (report, drawings and specifications) Final design (report, drawings and specifications) Project Bidding Construction Engineering (contract administration, Resident Project Representative) Post-Construction (record drawings, performance monitoring) A package of recent air sampling and groundwater testing data and results and a map of the site are available upon request. Schedule The City desires to complete the proposed work in a timely manner. Proposals must clearly indicate the firm's anticipated schedule given their staffing, and current and projected work load commitments. Proposals must clearly identify any elements of the proposed scope of work that would not be provided by the respondent. Any sub-consultants to be used must be identified along with a description of the past working history between the firms. This information will be used to evaluate the possibility of multiple contracts/consultants to accomplish the complete scope of work. QUALIFICATIONS EVALUATION CRITERIA Respondents to requests for proposals shall be evaluated on the following criteria and the requirements of 18-8-201 et seq., MCA, with the selection committee choosing, in its opinion, the most qualified firm to provide the services required for the proposed project. ~30% -- The qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project. ~30% -- Related experience on similar projects; ~10% -- Capability to meet project time and budget requirements; ~ 5% -- Location of firm in relation to project; ~10% -- Present and projected workloads; and ~15% -- Recent and current work for the City of Bozeman. The selection of finalists to be interviewed will be made by a selection committee representing the City of Bozeman. The selection will be based on an evaluation of the written responses to the request for proposals. Award will be made following contract negotiations to the most qualified firm at a price which the City determines to be fair and reasonable taking into account the estimated value of services to be rendered, as well as the scope, complexity and professional nature thereof. If the City is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm initially selected at a price the agency deems to be fair and reasonable, negotiations with that firm will be formally terminated and the agency shall select another firm, in accordance with 18-8-204, MCA, and continue until an agreement is reached or the process is terminated. All proposals must be submitted complete and contain the information required as stated in the "Request for Proposals."