HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1425 Bargain and Sale Deed -- -... .--.-- ~..._.... .-- ---_._._......_~- -~.__._.. ....- .".. 107 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1425 , ,,-,>.' '. '""'''1't' A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, '_/~~::<>.::.:.: . <<! AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CLERK OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO EXECUTE ~~ ~/"".-r" "~'""""""" A BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. --. -....... -~, I WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman, Montana, by and through the City Commission, upon the recommend- ation and approval of the City Manager, has heretofore entered into negotiations with Anna Fridley, a widow, for the sale of the hereinafter described property for the sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration ($1.00 ovc); and, WHEREA~ it appears to the City Commission that it i~ to the best interest of the City of Bozeman to complete said sale by the execution and delivery of a deed to said party. NOW TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AS FOLLOWS: That the Mayor of the City of Bozeman, R. Harry Morrow, be and he hereby is authorized for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman, and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration ($1.00 ovc) in hand pa id , to make and execute a deed transferring and conveying to Anna Fridley, a widow, the following described real property situate in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, to-wit: The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S~NW~) of Section 8, Township 3 South, Range 6 East, M.P.M., containing 80 acres, more or less. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission at its regular meeting held on the 17th day of I December, 1969. 7 {l 7{/J ATTEST: ?A-?-d/ / ~~~ Clerk of the City Co ssion State of Montana ) County of Gallatin : ss City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1425 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of the 22nd day of December, 1969, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN HITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 29th day of December, 1969. I / Clerk of COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1425 --..--.....--...