HomeMy WebLinkAboutFluoridation, Stoltzfus, Public Comment, 1-14From:rodgestoltz@q.com To:Chris Kukulski; Chuck Winn; Aimee Brunckhorst; Allyson Brekke; John Alston; Reservoir; BozemanPublic Works Administration; Bozeman Municipal Court Info; Greg Sullivan; Agenda; JamesGoehrung; Mary J. McGarity; Chris Carraway; Melissa Frost; dschliem@bozemanchamber.com Subject:Fwd: 10 Facts About Fluoride Date:Tuesday, January 14, 2014 11:36:22 AM I'm sorry. I forgot to sign this. Rodger Stoltzfus 619 N. Willson From: rodgestoltz@q.com To: ckukulski@bozeman.net, cwinn@bozeman.net, abrunckhorst@bozeman.net, abrekke@bozeman.net, jalston@bozeman.net, reservoir@bozeman.net, publicworksadmin@bozeman.net, "municipal court" <municipal_court@bozeman.net>, gsullivan@bozeman.net, agenda@bozeman.net, JGoehrung@bozeman.net, mmcgarity@bozeman.net, ccarraway@bozeman.net, mfrost@bozeman.net, dschliem@bozemanchamber.com Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 11:18:25 AM Subject: Fwd: 10 Facts About Fluoride Please take the time to watch this. Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 2:16:10 AM Subject: 10 Facts About Fluoride Fact #1: Most developed countries do NOT fluoridate their water. In Western Europe, 97% of the water is not fluoridated. Fact # 2. Countries that fluoridate their water do not have a lower instance of tooth decay. Fact # 3. Fluoride is an endocrine disruptor and affects the bones, the brain, the thyroid, and blood sugar levels. It's well worth your time to get the other seven facts here if you live in an area that fluoridates it's water supply. Video (19:55) http://www.nextworldhealthtv.com/page/24788.html PS. Like Us On Facebook so you can follow the action on both channels - Nextworld TV and Nextworld Health TV! Share: Your contribution keeps these videos coming! Donate as little as $1 or more by clicking on the PayPal button above. Thank You! Bibi Farber Nextworld Health TV Please share Nextworld Health TV emails and videos with your friends and colleagues. See our sister site Nextworld TV for enlightened videos on sustainability. P.O. Box 121 Times Square Station New York, NY 10024 Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options