HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1422 Defray cost of construction of sidewsalks 101 ."~ COl.!?TSc?1OlZ RESOLTJT1Cr: NO. lh22 . ..." '"'''' .~.i',\ '. ~ '" '.. h < ~ ,-"'- . ~~' "...s ",<.J "'." tIC';'> , J\ J.F;SOLUTII'E OF TI-:::; C01:i'H':iS 1m' OF 'rEI; CITY OF !j02'~,;I,~J LEVYING LIW ASSESS ING A :,~~' "~"'"'' SPECV,-L I\S'3ESSL'.E:E'P OF Tl,XES uron C:;:.:?TJ,HI PROPf.R~TE;S IN THE CITY OF BOZEJ!AN, ....~..<,..... ....,...., COUNTY OF GtLIJT1N, SV,TE OF :,:('?IVJTA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF CONSTHUCTING AND .~~1..',. "<<."" INST.l~LLn'G AND/OR REPAIRING T,IISCELLANEOUS nnE'!{!\LKS AND CURBS flnRHrG TI-iE YEP,R 1969. , viIrr.:ltr:;As, 1:;he Cornmission of The City of Bozeman, pursuant ~o ~he provisions of Chapter 9.36 of I '~he Bozeman ~unicipal Code and of Section 11-2226, Political Code, R.C.M., 1947, provide for the construd,ion of sidewalks nnd curbs in -':;he City of Bozeman during the year 1969, wHhout the fOl"lr,ation of Special Improvement District;; vrp S:~{I~.A,S J proceedings were had for th8 cons'-:ruction and installa~ion end/or repair of Viscel- laneous Sidewalks Emd Curbs in I-;he City of Bozeman for the year 1969, and l,'lEFRE/~,'1. ;;]is cel18noous S idewn lks and Curbs were constructed and installed and/or repaired bordering on various propsrbies in the City of Bozeman, pursuant to Chapter 9.36 of the Bozeman ~unicipal Code und the provisions ofC;ec~ion 11-2226, Politicol Code, R.C.lIT., 19h7, which are hereby referred to and made a part of this Resolu~ion, Hnd 't'}'ERE.l\S, the niscellaneous Sidewalks and Curbs heve been cons1:>ructed and completed and/or repaired in 8.ccordance wi ththe terms Dnd conditions of said proceedings, Bnd the Ci-';;y Engineer has duly certified to 1:;he commission a Sch8dule showine; the sidevn,lks and curbs which have been constructed and ins+;allec1 and/or reprdred, Bnd the properr.ies which are subject to assessment thereunder and the total cost of said construction and instnlla"':;ion nnd/or repairing is the sum of Forty-Five Hundred Seventy and 9G/IOOths ($LI,,570.98) Dollars, which Schedule, marked Schedule "A" is hereto attached and made n p8rt hereof. I NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 9.36 of the Bozeman Eunicipal Code and Sed,ion 11-2226, Political Code, R. C.M., 1947 as aforesaid. BE IT RESOLVED AFD IT IS HE~-ZEBY ORDf~nE1i BY TEE Cm;~n8{jrnN OF TEE CITY OF BOZ];-;J\IAN, IvIOliTi.NA: Section 1: That to dafn;' '-;he cost of ronstructing and inst,jlling and/or repairing j"Iiscellaneous Sidewelks and Curbs us set forth in Schedule "A" hereto attached Bnd mude n part hereof, there is hereby levied cmd assessed e. t~'\X amountinp: to the sum of Forty-Five Hundred Seventy and 98/100\:;hs (~;~L~,570 .98) Dollnrs. Secbion 2: Th8t a p8rt;ir:uhn' description of each lot and pf,rcel of land with the name of the owner cend the sum ossessed ar;atnst him or it for such construction and installation and/or repair and the amount of each payment to be made and the dny when the same shall become delinquen~ is set forth in the assessment list hereto attached marked Schedule "A" and made a part hereof; that the several su:ns set opposite the nmne of the owner and the description of the lots anc. parcels of land be# and the same are hereby respectively levied &nd assessed upon said lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constructine; hnd installing and/or repairing said Sidewalks and Curbs; ths.t the several SU!:!s so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in sAid assesselent lis-~ as required by law; that the payment of said SU:::'lS shn11 be I made in five installments; that tho pa;tment of sdd installments shn11 'be mn.de on or before the 30th da:,' of }-;ovember of each :,fesr unti 1 payment of all installments together with the interest thereon, sh[111 be made; that said sums shall be paid and -':;he collection thereof shall be made in ~he manner and in accordance with the law coverning the collection of Special Improvement Taxes j tha.t failure -So pay such assessrnenb when the s~~me shall become due and payable sr18.1l r:wke such persons and said lots and percels of Innd linble to the penalties provided b;,r law relative to delinquent taxes . COL:;asS 101\ HE:WLUTIrN NO. 1422 _____._no__ --- -............ 102 Section 3: That the re~ulRr session of ~he Con~isBion of th~ City of Bozeman to be held in the COhr:J.iss ion Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 1st day of October 1969, at 1:00 0' clock p.'1l., be, (md the same is hereby desii:,nated ns tho time and place at which objections toi~he final adoption of this resolution will be heford by sttic! COJ'Trmission. Secbion !+: That the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, be and she is hereby ordered an~ di~ected to publish in~rle B~zeman D. aily Chronicle, a dail~ n~wspaper Pri~ted and pUblished. in I. Si\ld Clty of Bozeman, a notlce slgnod b;' the Clerk of 1;he CommlSSJ_On nnd sf;atlng that a H.esolutlon levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the Cost and expenses of constructing and installing and/or repairing sidewalks and Curbs in the City of Bozeman for the year 1969 is on file in the offioe,of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for tJ. period of five (5) days; that s dd Notice shall st&-':;e the time and place at which object ions will be heard by the C01>J.ffiission to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least five (5) days before the de_te set by the Commission for the hearing of objections ond U1G final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted b:r the Commission of TrJe City of Bozeman at a reguh:.r session thereof, held on tho 21lth dE::' of 1:;eptember, 1969.7 / .. / ;(>>/ ~{."7 / ) / L-/V--It.-1/2-..... ".{.. I '/ (.... ;:-;7'--r--r!A:, ~--- " Mayor AT'rE1:; T: . I / ~-r~f'~ission . Fim\lly passed nnd adopted by the Commission of I:he Ci':;y of Bozeman at a rer;ular ses:3ion thereof 7 I held on the 1st day of October, 1969. ....... /..~.".'-h-.. . . .... .. . ' . .. / )/1 j , ;J '/./1-7 /~ /, --;i7 /) /'~JI./1-..-~1 t J I~,/. <./"1 t ~-, Jilavor /1 ATTEST: ' (j . ssion NOT ICE ------ HEARnW, FINAL ADOPTIrY COt.'J\,:ISSI(1N HESOI,U'rIOlI NO. ll~22, LEVYUm ASSE1,T:,TENT TP,YVQ ('Ot,10'fR. '(T('1' 1 ,"11' ',"TD IN"'''''J,T T "1'-O~T I'~'D/OR R. ]<'F.H IR .'/IcCEI T 1,~rr;'(Vl" (':IDli'\9r~I KS '.,~,,:,,,',.I"':, ,,! .',1" . ..J,. , J"" .:'. 1",1.." ,...1,',,'." 1. ,...,J..,I,A.."..l. ".J.. ,,~l.\ _ ..>. . ,.J .1), ,~ .1',1. ~J .J ,.J_~, ~..I.~..1.:.I .~,J"') 10" __.., .J~1.l:J.. "",) . nm CURBS It" THE CITY OF IJOZE2ur DURIXG TEE YElIt 1969. NOTICE I~3 BEE.EEY GIVEN, thet durinG a ree:ular session of the Comr'lission of !-,h8 City of Bozeman held on Wednesday, the 2Il,th day of September, 1969, COIWnis;3ion H.esolution No. Ih22 was provisionally passed ond adopted; th8t seid Commission Resolution levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes upon certain lo~s and parcels of 1Dnd in front, or on the side of which sidew&lks and curbs ha.ve been con$-':;ructed and/or repaired pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 9.36 of the Bozeman 1'.1unicipal Code and of Section 11-2226, Politicd Code, R.C.]'!l., 1947, to defray the cost Lend expense of cons ~ructing EJnd inst&lling and/or repairing seid Sidew~,lks and CU.rbs. That said Commission Resolution is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspecl:;ion for a period of five (5) doys by any persons in+;erested. That Wednesday, the I 1st dl'iY of October, 1969, at 1:00 o'clock p.m. of se.id day, at a rer,:ular session of ';he Commission of the City of Bozeman at the COJ':'1IDisdon Chamber, CiI:;;l Hall Building of sEdd City, has been designated as the time and place when end where 1~he said CO'T'111ission will he8r ond puss upon I'ny and f)_II objections thft may ~e made to the final passage and adoption of suid Resolution No. 1422 and the levy:bl['; of said assessmon~, and thnt sbid Resolution will be fine 11:.' passed and adopted a.t seld regular session. COMJ\HSS ION RESOLUTIOn NO. 1422 .--------.-- .~. -- 103' All persnns interested ore referred to sdd Chnp-'jer 9.36 of the Bozeman Municipal Code.. a.nd the Commissioners' proceedings for ';he construction andJor repair of Miscellaneous Sidewalks and Curbs.. in front of or on the side of lots a.nd parcels of land within the City of Bozeman for the yeur 1969.. without the formation of Special Improvement District. I Dated this 21lth day of September 1969. ~~d~ er of' the lty omm' lon State of Montana ) County of Gallatin : ss City of Bozeman ) I.. Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bazar-an do hereby certify t;hat the foregoing Notice was published at length in the Bozerrwn Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of the 25th day of September.. 1969, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WITJlmS" '.'rP::;;REOF' I hereunto set I!lY hand Hnd nffix the corporate seal of m;l hand nnd affix the corporate seal of my office this 3rd day of November. 1969. Shc.te of Lantana ) County of Gallatin : ss City of Bozeman ) . . I Clerk of ';he Corunission of The City of! Bozeman do hereby certify that t;he I. Erne. V. Hardinr" foreroin~ Resolution No. 1422 was published by title and n11;'1bo1' in'~ne Bozeman Daily Chronicle. H newspaper of gener[,l circulation printed Hnd published in sbid City in!:;he issue of October. 7th. 1969. Dnd due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN::rTln,;SS mli:j-mOF I hereuntc set my hand and affix the corporete sebl of my h,md and c.ffixthe corport'.:.te 3 e/ll of my office this 31'd day of November, 1969. ~ {~~"ion I COI'U(ISS ION H~SOLUTI0!\ no. Ih22 .~_...