HomeMy WebLinkAbout13- Northern Rocky Mountain Annual Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Progress Report Dec 2013NORTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Annual Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) And Progress Report This report was reviewed by the NRMEDD Executive Board and Strategy Committee 12/31/2013 Contents Grantee, Project Number and Report Period ............................................................................................... 2 I. Adjustments: .............................................................................................................................................. 3 II. Report: 2013 ............................................................................................................................................. 4 III. Evaluate ................................................................................................................................................. 16 IV. Schedule: ............................................................................................................................................... 19 Attachment A – NRMEDD Board of Directors ............................................................................................. 26 Attachment B - CEDS Committee ................................................................................................................ 28 Attachment C - NRMEDD Employees/Staff ................................................................................................. 29 Exhibit A - TOPS Team Marketing Brochure ............................................................................................... 30 Exhibit B – Letter Gallatin County and City of Bozeman supporting the TOPS team ................................. 32 Exhibit C – Flyer, “Grow Your Business” Event ........................................................................................... 33 Exhibit D – Letter to Jodie Duncan regarding Grow Your Business Event .................................................. 34 Grantee, Project Number and Report Period Grantee: Northern Rocky Mountain Economic Development District Project Number: 05-83-05315 Period covered by the report: January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 I. Adjustments, Board Lists, Staffing: a. In 2023 there were no adjustments made to the NRMEDD CEDS document. b. Board lists and Staffing: A copy of the NRMEDD Board of Directors (Attachment A) and the CEDS Strategy Committee (Attachment B) have been formatted to EDA requirements and attached as indicated. The NRMEDD Employee/staff listing is attached (Attachment C). II. Report: 2013 Task A - Planning Task A1. Facilitate planning and needs assessment processes for cities, counties, groups, and organizations involved in community and economic development, as requested or designed. Assist, whenever possible, in locating available funding resources for these entities for their respective planning efforts. 1. Accomplishments achieved: NRMEDD has been active in its work to facilitate planning and needs assessment processes in both of its member counties. As example, the District has formed a Team of Professionals (TOPs) team to support major business consulting. It has also supported the Gardiner Arch project, the West Yellowstone Studies Center project, the City of Bozeman North Park development project and formation of the Montana Outdoor Industries Association. Additionally, the Gallatin County needs assessment has been launched aimed at measuring specific needs of local businesses. 2. Quantifiable deliverables: The NRMEDD TOPS team currently has 29 members. West Yellowstone Studies Center has been launched with participation of several national universities. The City of Bozeman, North Park has been packaged for sale and is entertaining offers to purchase. The Montana Outdoor Industries Association has had its initial meeting, prepared a marketing video and is structuring its organization. 3. Difficulties encountered: The needs assessment process identified a weakness in business support services available to Tier 2 companies (companies that have been in business more than two years, typically have more than $1 million in sales). There was a need for complex marketing, Internet Technology, finance, human resources, social media and other consulting services. Task B - Technical Assistance Tasks B.1 CEDS Implementation and Updates: Continually gather key economic data points for the CEDS Annual Report and implement priorities of the 2012 CEDS. In-kind staff support (Planner and Grant Officer) will provide assistance in reviewing the CEDS and technical support to updating and implementing the 2012 CEDS. 1. Accomplishments Achieved: Goal 1: Promote economic diversity, entrepreneur growth, and business retention and expansion throughout the District Objectives: a) Understand baseline business health across the District: The District has initiated its annual business survey in Gallatin County. This survey builds on the survey conducted in Park County in 2012. The survey has gathered information on business health and needs and serves as a tool to connect businesses with local resources. Additionally, the District has put significant resources into buildings its “Team of Professionals”, a private sector collective that provides direct business assistance to those clients requesting service through the business survey. A copy of the District’s flyer promoting the TOPS team is attached along with a letter from the May of Bozeman and the Gallatin County Executive encouraging companies to benefit from this service. b) Retain and expand existing business by supporting the Business Expansion and Retention (BEAR) programs in Gallatin and Park Counties: The BEAR programs in both Gallatin and Park Counties have helped almost 50 businesses in 2013 and continue to be a value-add to the District and community. c) Provide direct support to specific entrepreneur growth clients: The District has taken on a number of entrepreneurial growth clients and is providing direct coaching as well as connecting those clients with its Team of Professionals. d) Encourage expansion of the tourism/recreation industries: i. the District has worked closely with the Town of West Yellowstone and the West Yellowstone Economic Development Council to expand its tourism base to include the education and research community. Specifically, the District has supported WYED in its initial work in setting up the Yellowstone Studies Center Consortium, including hosting the initial meeting and setting up the initial Consortium board. ii. Additionally, the District has worked directly with the City of Bozeman to launch an “outdoor industry sector”. Specifically, the District helped produce a video showcasing the outdoor industry sector and is organizing initial meetings with primary outdoor sector companies to create a steering committee and outdoor industry association. Goal 2: Foster Effective Transportation access and support development of major transportation assets like the railroad, airport, and highway systems The District is working with Gallatin County to assess the economic impact of the I-90 Airport Interchange (currently under construction). Goal 3: Create a skilled, highly educated, permanent, and full-time workforce for local businesses. The District is supporting the development of Gallatin College workforce programs by gathering information in its annual business survey about education needs. Goal 4: Serve as a District-wide forum for coordinating economic development discussion and initiatives. Hold regular forums with other partners to discuss ED opportunities in the District: The District has used its quarterly Board meetings to host a variety of community partners in discussions about economic development opportunities around the District. Presenters at these meetings include representatives of Montana State University, downtown Bozeman developers, business associations, outlying communities, the airport, and the non-profit community. The District has also held quarterly informal meetings of all the economic development practitioners in area. Finally, the District is coordinating a “Grow Your Business” day in December 2013, inviting a nationally-known speaker and providing opportunities local businesses to connect with economic development resources across the District. Goal 5: Promote the use of technology to advance economic development activities Increase connectivity and broadband opportunities: The District has hosted monthly meetings of the Gallatin County/Bozeman Area Broadband Steering Committee and has been instrumental in coordinating the initial stages of a partnership with the Montana Economic Revitalization and Development Institute in Butte to construct a fiber network in Gallatin County. Goal 6: Build on our unique natural assets to develop and enhance our tourism industries 1. Accomplishments Achieved: As noted above, the District has provided direct support to the Town of West Yellowstone for the past several months in light of the exit of the Executive Director for the West Yellowstone Economic Development Council. The District has been primarily responsible for advancing the “Yellowstone Studies Center Consortium” project, and has successfully hosted the initial meeting of the Consortium, including creation of a Board of Directors and recruitment of initial Consortium members. 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: a) Creation of the District’s Team of Professionals to support its work supporting and retaining businesses and entrepreneurs in the region. The District has secured multiple contracts for TOPs Team members and is working with a variety of clients b) Launch of the Gallatin County business survey in 2013 c) Successful implementation of the BEAR programs in both Gallatin and Park Counties. The BEAR teams have successfully worked with over 50 clients in 2013 and continue to recruit team members and meet with new businesses. d) The District has successfully worked with a number of entrepreneurial growth clients in a coaching capacity in 2013. e) The District successfully hosted a Yellowstone Studies Center Consortium retreat in Fall 2013, creating a board of directors and recruiting initial Consortium members. f) Creation of an “outdoor industry sector” video showcasing the work of the outdoor sector in Bozeman and Gallatin County; additionally, the District is hosting initial meetings of a nascent “outdoor sector industry association” beginning Fall 2013. g) The District is currently under contract to provide economic impact assessment for the airport interchange for I-90, currently under construction. h) The District has successfully hosted 3 quarterly meetings for the NRM EDD Board of Directors, using those meetings to showcase the work of a variety of partners. i) The District will also host the first annual “Grow Your Business” Day in December 2013. j) The District has hosted eight Broadband Steering Committee meetings in 2013 and is actively coordinating discussion with the Montana Economic Development and Revitalization Institute in Butte to explore construction of a broadband fiber ring in the Gallatin Valley. 3. Difficulties Encountered: None. Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the District’s physical infrastructure: 1. Accomplishments Achieved: The District has been active in supporting the Gallatin County TIGER grant and the related Yellowstone International Airport I-90 Interchange. 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: a. A Project Map was prepared showing the project area and its 2 mile radius b. A system was created to assess the baseline number of jobs and business license filings and new jobs added. No job impacts and no licenses are reported for 2013. The reporting period ends 8/31/2013 and a date prior to job creation activities. Please note, in future years the NRMEDD will report the following: c. The City of Belgrade will provide an annual report that reflects the business license filings from Sept 1 through August 31 of each reporting year. d. IMPLAN based reports will measure the economic impacts of the construction related activities. e. Square footage of Residential space located within the 2 mile project buffer area:  A total of 1,508 Records showing square feet of project area Residential Space on or about 8/31/13.  A total of 447 Records showing square feet of project area Mobile Home Space on or about 8/31/31 f. Square footage of commercial space located within the 2 mile project buffer area:  A total of 1,128 Records showing square feet of Commercial Space located within the 2-mile project buffer area on or about 8/31/13.  A total of 180 Records showing square feet of Airport space within the 2-mile project area on or about 8/31/13.  Valuation report that shows the valuation of property within the project area. 3. Difficulties Encountered: There are not datasets available that specifically match the project area and its related 2 mile radius buffer zone. Coordination was necessary with state and Gallatin County GIS departments to identify the project area and the related existing commercial and residential facilities, their square footage and valuations. B2. EDA Applications. Provide administrative and application assistance to interested EDA grant applicants, as requested. In-kind staff support (Planner) will be provided to prepare EDA and other applications as required by the District. 1. Accomplishment Achieved: The NRM EDD successfully worked with the West Yellowstone Economic Development Council to become a co-applicant to their grant. This allowed NRM EDD to assist WYED in successfully completing its grant requirements to create business and strategic plans for WYED as well as the Yellowstone Studies Center Consortium. 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: The application was successfully submitted and approved and work will be completed by November 2013. 3. Difficulties Encountered: None. B.3 : District-Wide Business Assessments: Work with the Montana Business Expansion and Retention (BEAR) Program to coordinate selected economic development activities with applicable programs, provide business assessments, gather key data inputs, identify and correct critical business needs, and coach ready-to-grow businesses. The assistance will be for three primary objectives as follows: a. Launch a District-wide business assessment aimed at gathering key information about the economic health of the small communities that make up the District (Bozeman, Livingston, Gardiner, West Yellowstone, Big Sky, Wilsall, Clyde Park, Belgrade, Manhattan, Cooke City and Three Forks). The assessment will be benchmarked against the 2008 economic downturn. The results will enable the District to provide specific reporting to the impacted communities showing how companies are faring, or not faring, since the downturn, when companies turned, or will turn the economic corner, and what industry sectors are impacted. b. Identify at-risk companies; or companies that possess one or more immediate needs and then work to address individual business risks. Mitigation is provided by a District-formed network of service providers comprised of job service, manufacturing assistance, financing resources, business housekeeping services (Internet technologies, business plans, marketing etc). c. Identify 'economic gardening' candidates; companies that are profitable and meet a select set of criteria where an investment of time and resources would likely produce explosive growth. (a-c). In-kind staff support (Planner) will be provided on each of the above three items to coordinate the District-wide business assessment, risk mitigation and search for economic gardening candidates. 1. Accomplishment Achieved: The District continued its business assessment activities in both Gallatin and Park Counties. Businesses who indicated needs were either referred to the NRMED TOPs team, engaged by the NRMEDD Coaching services or referred to other economic development services. NRMEDD has formed a network of service providers including the Prospera Business Network, the Montana Community Development Corporation, Job Service for both Gallatin and Park Counties, the City of Bozeman, the Montana Manufacturing Extension Service and other. The NRMEDD TOPs Team (Team of Professionals) is also actively engaging with clients in both Gallatin and Park Counties. In 2013 the District initiated its Gallatin County business survey and is actively gathering information about both the economic health of the district as well as identifying economic gardening candidates for direct assistance (see Exhibit A). Finally, the BEAR program has continued to meet with a variety of clients and provide business counseling and assistance. 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: The NRM EDD has formed its TOPS team and has begun administering the Gallatin County business assessment survey. The District has currently identified over 45 requests for its business assistance program and has begun providing direct services. The BEAR program has worked with 50 companies in 2013 and provided almost 300 hours of direct counseling for businesses. 3. Difficulties Encountered: The biggest challenge related to this program has been developing effective marketing materials that both explain the program and compel businesses to participate. B4: Education and Promotion of Economic Development Activities in support of the District’s Public Agencies. Interact on a regular basis with the eight cities and two county commissions/councils regarding local planning, infrastructure, codes, and development needs and concerns. In-kind staff support (Planner) will respond to planning, infrastructure, and development needs of public agencies located in Gallatin and Park Counties. The District will partner with select public agencies to sponsor a workshop or conference to promote the value and benefits of economic development throughout the region. EDA funds will be used to solicit by competitive proposals or bid the selection of a speaker for the conference and pay for travel. The speaker will create awareness of the District activities by promoting the value and benefits of economic development. 1. Accomplishment Achieved: The District successfully launched the first ‘Grow Your Business’ event. The overall concept was to host a speaker who could address the need for local businesses to join in community economic development and also introduce the many resources available to grow and support local business. The “Grow Your Business” Conference was held December 5th, 2013 with venues in both Bozeman and Livingston (See flyer attached). The featured speaker was nationally known Maury Forman who spoke to engaging the business community in economic development and also worked to foster a greater awareness of District activities including its TOPS team, broadband efforts and other programs. The District was the host agency, however, several organizations participated in the two events including: Participated in both Bozeman and Livingston  Prospera Business Network  Montana Community Development Corp  Northern Rocky Mountain Economic Development District  The NRMEDD Team of Professionals (TOPS Team)  Job Service Department of Labor/BEAR  SCORE  Montana Manufacturing Economic Partnership Bozeman Only o MSU Extension Service o Early Child Community Council o Greater Gallatin United Way o Health Department o Bozeman Downtown Partnership o Big Sky Chamber o Belgrade Chamber Livingston Only o Vision Livingston o Livingston Chamber o Shift Empowerment o OPA and Child Family Services o Fire Department o School District o Community Health Partners 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: The conference was held Dec 5th, 2013 3. Difficulties Encountered: The event drew unexpected support from the business community whose financial contributions were sufficient to pay the speaker and his travel. Subsequently, the District will not be using EDA funds for this event. Program income was realized. A memo outlining the specifics of the event, sponsorships and program income is attached. B.5 Regional Cooperation. Participate with the regional economic development professional’s network in response to the area’s needs and issues. Attend selected in-state and local economic development meetings, trainings, or conferences. In-kind staff support (Planner) will provide assistance to activities that promote regional economic cooperation. 1. Accomplishment Achieved: 2. The NRMEDD has facilitated two working sessions that involved all the major economic development services located in Gallatin and Park County. The meetings have included the attendance of Prospera Business Network, the Montana Community Development Corporation, the BEAR program, the City of Bozeman and the RC&D. The agenda has facilitated each organization outlining its projects, priorities, frustrations and opportunities. 3. Quantifiable Deliverables: The efforts have reduced organizational conflict and duplication. 4. Difficulties Encountered: None. B.6 Montana BEAR program: Coordinate selected economic development activities with applicable programs supported by the Montana BEAR initiative. In-kind support (Planner) will assist in the management and coordination of the BEAR program for both counties. 1. Accomplishment Achieved: The BEAR program has successfully worked with 40 clients in 2013 and provided almost 150 hours of direct business counseling. 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: The BEAR program has successfully worked with 40 clients in 2013 and provided almost 150 hours of direct business counseling. 3. Difficulties Encountered: None B.7 Measure Impacts: As appropriate, measure program impacts using IMPLAN based datasets that are specific to the Gallatin and Park County markets. The economic analysis will measure economic impacts in terms of gross economic output, gross county output, labor dollars, jobs, and taxes impacted 1. Accomplishment Achieved: The NRMEDD has provided economic impact analysis for several organizations. The reports, based on IMPLAN datasets, have enabled members to better understand the economic ‘footprint’ of projects they had invested in or were considering. The reports provided gross economic outputs, gross county outputs, labor income, jobs, capital income and indirect business taxes. 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: In 2013 reports were prepared for the City of Bozeman North Park, the Gardiner Arch gateway project and confidential business inquiries. 3. Difficulties Encountered: none B.8 Technical Support – City of Bozeman: Provide technical assistance to the City of Bozeman in support of two major District contracted projects. The following assistance will be provided for the first project which has three components: a) study the job impacts of a proposed industrial park; b) gather data to compare impact fees in the local market against competitive markets, and c) assist the City in formulating a strategy to promote an existing industrial park. a. EDA funds will be used to solicit by competitive proposals or bid the selection of a consultant to assist with #8 a, b, and c, including the job impacts of the industrial park, gathering data to compare impact fees and in formulating a strategy to promote the industrial park. 1. Accomplishment Achieved: a. North Park advisory committee was formed of local developers. Two meetings were conducted to evaluate the Park and suggest strategies for development. b. Data was gathered on how other communities assess and collect impact fees. A consultant was hire to review the NRMEDD recommendations. A final report with recommendations was submitted to the City of Bozeman. 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: The Committee recommended that the City sell the property and refrain from being a ‘property developer’. The City elected to hire a broker and sell the property. 3. Difficulties Encountered: None B.9 Technical Support – City of Bozeman Downtown Partnership: For the second contracted project, the District, will help the City of Bozeman, and specifically the Downtown Bozeman Partnership, to gather key data on downtown tenants, property owners, and resident customers. The outputs of this study will enhance tools for retaining and attracting key businesses and formulating growth strategies. 1. Accomplishment Achieved: Two major surveys were designed and distributed within the target area; a total of 124 businesses responded to the surveys. The first survey was to building owners. It sought to better understand what space was being used for (retail, storage, commercial, housing), its annual rental return and the approximate terms for each space. A second survey was launched to understand the average sales per square foot and labor costs. 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: Important information relating to the Downtown Bozeman physical buildings and their tenants. 3. Difficulties Encountered: None. B.10 E-coaching and other economic development opportunities: Work with individual companies and several unique projects including broadband development, industry cluster groups, and establishing a pool of local and professional advisors. The District will continue to advance these and other opportunities that arise during the coming year. In-kind staff support (Planner) will assist in providing targeted e-coaching services to select companies within the NRMEDD District. 1. Accomplishment Achieved: The District serves as the umbrella organization for the local Broadband Steering Committee and is actively participating in conversations with the Montana Economic Revitalization and Development Institute to negotiate a possible solution that would construct a fiber network within the borders of the District. The District has also created its network of professional advisors (the Team of Professionals) and is actively working with clients. The District is also actively working with the City of Bozeman to create an outdoor industry association to directly support the outdoor industry sector in the District. 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: TOPs team formed; Broadband Steering Committee actively meeting and engaged in exploring broadband solutions; film showcasing the outdoor industry sector is produced; first meeting of the outdoor industry sector was held in early December 2013. 3. Difficulties Encountered: None B.11 Grant financial reporting and activities related to grant management of the NRM EDD EDA grant: In-kind staff support will be provided and documented throughout the project by two Gallatin County Staff. In-kind staff support (Grant Officer) specifically will provide technical support for the District’s grant management activities including financial reporting and progress reports on the scope of work. a. EDA funds will be used to solicit by competitive proposals or bid the selection of firm/company to assist with tax preparation, bookkeeping, and tracking monthly expenditure reports. 1. Accomplishment Achieved: The District has complied with its reporting requirements, both for the fiscal and also the program elements of the EDA grant. 2. Quantifiable Deliverables: To date, all program and financial reports have been provided and accepted by EDA and the member organizations. 3. Difficulties Encountered: none III. Evaluate The 2012 NRMEDD CEDS document identified seven performance measurements with which to evaluate its performance: 1. Implan-based economic analysis of economic development programs initiated and implemented by the District. Response: The NRMEDD prepared impact analysis for the City of Bozeman and the City of Livingston, as well as select non-profit organizations. These reports were used to help value the economic contributions of select businesses and non-profit organizations. 2. The number of businesses that participate in our retention, expansion, and recruitment programs. Response: NRMEDD has three primary expansion and retention programs: the BEAR program (Business Expansion and Retention); the District’s entrepreneur coaching program; and the District’s Team of Professionals (TOPs Team). The three programs work at different scales: the BEAR team works with small businesses that have basic business needs; the E-Coaching program works directly with business owners and entrepreneurs; and the TOPs Team works with larger businesses with complex needs. Both the E- Coaching program and the TOPs Team have only recently become operational while the BEAR Team has worked with clients all year. In 2013, the three programs have worked with the following numbers of businesses:  BEAR Team clients: 51 businesses  E-Coaching clients: 6 companies  TOPs Team clients: 35 companies (includes TOPS clients that were referred to other business resources). 3. The number of jobs directly and indirectly retained, attracted, or attributable to District programs. Response: The reactivated NRMEDD completed its first full year in 2012. The objectives are to organize resources, fulfill the CEDS strategy including formation of important business development infrastructure. These combined resources are working to sustain and build companies. 4. The level at which we comply with our Technical Assistance grant award and administrative conditions. Response: The District has made significant progress on all aspects of the Scope of Work and has complied with the Technical Assistance Grant Award. The report above details the work of the District over the past 12 months and how each aspect of the Scope of Work has been complied with. 5. The number of jobs created after implementation of the CEDS. Response: None. 6. The level and frequency to which District staff interacts with communities within the region to provide assistance toward mitigating identified infrastructure deficiencies. Response: The District has worked closely with all communities in the District on a variety of issues including infrastructure. First and foremost, the District has served as the umbrella organization for the Broadband Steering Committee, a group of community leaders in both the public and private sector dedicated to improving the capacity of broadband infrastructure in Gallatin and Park Counties. Both Gallatin and Park Counties as well as the City of Bozeman have taken an active role in this project and the District has provided significant support to these local governments to make progress on this project. The District has also been contracted to provide impact analysis of the I-90 airport interchange for Gallatin County to better understand the economic impact of that infrastructure improvement. The District has also conducted impact studies for community institutions such as the Bozeman-Yellowstone International Airport to help them understand the economic impacts of various expansion plans. 7. The level and frequency of participation by government, business, and community leaders in projects. Response: Participation by government, business, and community leaders in projects has been extremely high. The District’s Team of Professionals (TOPs Team), for example, is comprised of 25 local business leaders such as vice presidents of local banks and the CEO’s of various companies. TOPs Team members are engaged in working directly with local businesses to provide mentorship and technical and strategic assistance. Likewise, the District has sponsored several public events over the past year, including both the first annual “Grow Your Business” Event held in December and the kickoff event for the Bozeman Outdoor Industry Association. Both events were introduced by local elected officials (the mayor of Bozeman as well as Gallatin County Commissioners). The District also led the West Yellowstone Economic Development Council’s Yellowstone Studies Consortium kickoff event in October 2013. Several West Yellowstone government, community, and business leaders were involved in the planning for this event as well as the execution. A last example is the team of private sector and community leaders the District convened to help advise the City of Bozeman on its North Park development project. Finally, the District’s Board remains involved in all projects currently underway. The District’s Board is comprised of a number of community leaders and meets quarterly; those quarterly meetings serve as forums for a variety of local projects that all have significant local impact. Leaders from the nonprofit community, the health services community, the University, real estate, and others have all presented to the Board to give an overview of the wide variety of work happening across all sectors of Gallatin and Park Counties. Likewise, the District’s Executive Committee is fully involved in District projects, meeting quarterly to provide strategic guidance at a formal level but also working directly with the District on a variety of projects. IV. Schedule: The following represents the District’s goals and action plan over the next year. Goal 1 Promote economic diversity, entrepreneur growth, and business retention and expansion throughout the District Note: Green represents High Priority projects, Yellow represents Medium Priority, Blue represents low priority Objective Lead organization and implementation plan Expected results Performance measures and evaluation indicators Number of expected jobs created Potential Funding Sources Schedule Understand baseline business health across the District NRM EDD - Conduct annual business health survey Creation of baseline data to understand business health, especially in relationship with the national recession Survey administered, data collected Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2018 Retain and expand existing businesses NRM EDD - Provide services to existing Bozeman BEAR and Livingston BEAR programs Businesses throughout the District are given direct help by District staff District tracks its involvement with BEAR clients Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2014 NRM EDD - Set up satellite economic development functions in outlying communities The District effectively expands its work to all communities within its borders. Creation of satellite teams Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2018 Provide direct support to specific entrepreneur growth clients (both entrepreneurs and existing businesses) NRM EDD - Develop formal entrepreneurial growth program to serve companies with high growth potential Gallatin College will develop a Professional Certificate in Entrepreneurship Businesses throughout the District with high growth potential expand Number of businesses who become entrepreneur growth clients, success of those clients Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2018 Plan for expansion NRM EDD and The industrial, Industrial and Unknown EDA 2013 - and creation of industrial and technology parks City of Bozeman - Assist with development of the Mandeville Farms property manufacturing, and technology sectors are diversified and expanded technology parks are created, businesses are located planning grant and local match 2018 MSU Innovation Campus - Development of MSU Innovation Campus The technology sector is diversified and expanded Technology parks are created, businesses are located in them Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2015 NRM EDD – explore possibilities of industrial park development along I-90 corridor across the District The industrial, manufacturing, and technology sectors are diversified and expanded Impact assessment conducted, policy decisions are made Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2018 Encourage expansion of the tourism/recreation industries City of Bozeman and NRM EDD – support tourism and recreation clusters Develop and expand the existing tourism, recreation, and outdoor products cluster Expansion of tourism, recreation, and outdoor products industry Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2015 Promote and encourage companies in the District to buy and supply regionally NRM EDD will develop a program promoting the value of buying locally Local companies will be connected, local dollars retained Program created Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2018 Provide for or conduct research and feasibility studies to identify new development opportunities NRM EDD will use IMPLAN datasets to identify impact of new development opportunities Development opportunities will be identified Studies conducted, opportunities identified Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2018 Identify business opportunities based on the substantial flows of income to the regional economy from retirees, second-home owners, and other non-earned income sources Feasibility studies in transportation and health care sectors conducted Development opportunities will be identified Studies conducted, opportunities identified Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 Identify business NRM will work Transfer of Opportunities Unknown EDA 2013 - opportunities based on the substantial flows of income to the regional economy from retirees, second-home owners, and other non-earned income sources with local partners to identify local transfer of wealth opportunities wealth opportunities will be identified, partnerships will be developed identified planning grant and local match 2018 Create upgraded job opportunities and private investment by recruitment of new businesses and industries to diversify the regional economy, strengthen various economic clusters, and enhance other goals and strategies NRM EDD will partner with Prospera and local communities to recruit new businesses to the economy New businesses will be recruited, the local economy diversified, and new jobs created. Number of business opportunities identified Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2018 Assess key retail trends and sales patterns and identify major property owners NRM EDD will assist in conducting local studies to gather key data inputs Data will assist in the efforts to site new business opportunities Data collected, studies done, strategies crafted to site new business opportunities Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 Assist in studies to evaluate local impact fees and their relation to economic development NRM EDD will assist targeted communities assess their impact fees Data will help local municipalities make informed decisions about impact fees Data collected, studies done, impact fees modified or adopted Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 Goal 2 Foster effective transportation access and support development of major transportation assets like the railroad, airport and highways systems Objective Lead organization and implementation plan Expected results Performance measures and evaluation indicators Number of expected jobs created Potential Funding Sources Schedule Participate in regional transportation planning to ensure transportation Transportation Coordinating Committee, NRM EDD- meetings held with MT Rail New opportunities for development along major transportation Meetings held, development projects identified Unknown EDA planning grant and local match (for 2013 - 2018 needs are being addressed and priorities selected support economic development and community plans Link, Bozeman- Yellowstone International Airport to identify opportunities corridors, expanded relationships between transportation agencies and NRM EDD EDD portion) Identify development opportunities associated with major transportation systems NRM EDD will conduct impact analysis and feasibility studies for major transportation systems New opportunities for development identified Studies conducted, opportunities identified Unknown EDA planning grant and local match (for EDD portion) 2013 - 2015 Goal 3 Expand the capabilities of a skilled, highly educated, permanent, and full time workforce for local businesses Objective Lead organization and implementation plan Expected results Performance measures and evaluation indicators Number of expected jobs created Potential Funding Sources Schedule Continue developing Gallatin College programs Gallatin College Workers will be trained in relevant skills for local jobs Programs established, students enrolled and graduated Unknown EDA planning grant and local match (for EDD portion); Montana State University 2013 - 2018 Leverage applicable state and local workforce investment and development strategies JobService and NRM EDD will expand opportunities for the Incumbent Worker Training Grant Program and On-the-Job Training program Gallatin College will develop professional certificates to increase skill development Existing businesses and workforce training groups will access funds to train employees Number of clients going through IWT and OTJ programs Unknown EDA planning grant and local match (for EDD portion); Local JobService; Montana State University 2013 - 2018 Identify relevant workforce development needs through annual business survey NRM EDD will administer annual business survey Gallatin College will conduct a regional workforce needs assessment every three to four years New businesses workforce needs will be identified; programs will respond Survey conducted Unknown EDA planning grant and local match (for EDD portion); Montana State Univesity 2013 - 2018 Goal 4 Serve as a District-wide forum for coordinating economic development discussion and initiatives Objective Lead organization and implementation plan Expected results Performance measures and evaluation indicators Number of expected jobs created Potential Funding Sources Schedule Efficiently expand the District’s work into all outlying communities NRM EDD will create several satellite teams in the outlying communities of the District to support ED activities Efficient use of District resources to provide support network throughout the District Creation of satellite teams, number of clients served in outlying communities Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2018 Hold regular forums with other partners to discuss ED opportunities in the District NRM EDD, city and county partners, Prospera – forums held to discuss economic development opportunities throughout the District Opportunities for economic development identified, public perception of economic development improved Forums held, development opportunities identified Unknown EDA planning grant and local match; funding from local partners on as- needed basis 2013 - 2018 Increase the capacity of local governments and county- based development groups to plan for desired futures, and improve the level of NRM EDD will work closely with local government partners to identify and support local business development opportunities New opportunities identified, relationships strengthened, capacity strengthened Opportunities identified, partnerships developed Unknown EDA planning grant and local match; funding from local partners on as- needed 2013 - 2018 communications and cooperation among and between them. basis Goal 5 Promote the use of technology to advance economic development activities Objective Lead organization and implementation plan Expected results Performance measures and evaluation indicators Number of expected jobs created Potential Funding Sources Schedule Increase connectivity and broadband opportunities NRM EDD and local partners - explore possibilities of alternative funding sources for broadband expansion Broadband Steering Committee formed, connectivity strengthened across the District Broadband Steering Committee formed and active; Number of users connected, connections strengthened Unknown EDA planning grant and local match; Montana State University; City of Bozeman; local business partners 2013 - 2016 Measure and evaluate economic impacts NRM EDD will use IMPLAN software and data to conduct economic impacts for clients around the District Impacts understood, opportunities identified Number of studies conducted Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2018 Goal 6 Build on our unique natural assets to develop and enhance our tourist industries Objective Lead organization and implementation plan Expected results Performance measures and evaluation indicators Number of expected jobs created Potential Funding Sources Schedule Assist startup, expansion, and retention of viable tourism operations in gateway communities across the District through various economic NRM EDD will work with local partners and select clients to Identify and assist in the introduction of new types of tourism in gateway communities across the New sources of tourist- based income and job benefits will be identified Number of tourism operations helped, jobs created Unknown EDA planning grant and local match 2013 - 2018 development tools and services District Goal 7 Maintain and enhance the District’s physical infrastructure (To be completed according to local government budgeting processes and capital improvements planning allows) Objective Lead organization and implementation plan Expected results Performance measures and evaluation indicators Number of expected jobs created Potential Funding Sources Schedule Bogart pool repairs City of Bozeman Park improvements New pool constructed Unknown City of Bozeman and various state and federal sources to be determined 2013 Attachment A – NRMEDD Board of Directors 1. Government Representatives Name Jurisdiction Position Steve Caldwell City of Livingston City Commission, Chairman Sean Becker City of Bozeman Mayor Earl Mathers Gallatin County County Administrator/appointing by commission Joe Skinner Gallatin County County Commissioner Marty Malone Park County County Commissioner David Rowell Town of Manhattan Mayor Brit Fontenot City of Bozeman Economic Devel. Director/appointed by mayor to represent City of Bozeman Pierre Martineau Gallatin County Commissioner Russ Nelson City of Belgrade Mayor Brian Sprenger Gallatin Field - Airport Manager appointed by Gallatin Field airport board, special purpose unit of local government Gene Townsend City of Three Forks Mayor Bill Berg Community Council Council member -elect James Bennet City of Livingston City Commission, Vice Chairman Mark Shyne ** MT Mfg. Extension Service Director, appointed by MSU chancellor 2. Non-Government Representatives A. Private Sector Representatives Name Company Position Tony Martel Martel Construction Owner Bill Simkins Simkins-Hallin Lumber CEO Scott Pogh NW Farm Credit VP-Relationship Mgt. Don Seifert TerraSentia Mineral LLC Owner Lew Wilks Three Peaks Ranch Owner Peter Fox ArcaSearch Corporation Western Region Sales Manager B. Stakeholder Organization Representatives Name Organization Position Dr. Paul Lachapelle Montana State University Faculty Member Debra Youngberg Belgrade Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Don Gimbel Vision Livingston* President Al Maurillo Montana Job Service Manager * Vision Livingston Downtown Partnership serves a chamber of commerce function for the area Members at Large Stuart Leidner Prospera Business Network Executive Director Cheryl Ridgely Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Dir. Of Community Outreach appointed by hospital board to serve Calculations Number Percent Government Representatives (51-65%) 14 54% Non-Government Members (35- 49%) 10 38% A. Private Sector - 6 B. Stakeholder Groups - 4 Members at Large 2 8% Attachment B - CEDS Committee Private Sector Representatives Position Organization Don Seifert Owner TerraSentia Mineral LLC Lew Wilks Owner Three Peaks Ranch Matt McCune Owner Autopilot Design Mike Hope Owner Ferraro's Restaurant Tony Martel Owner Martel Construction Bill Berg Owner Cool Works Joe Skinner Owner Story Creek Enterprises Inc. Peter Fox * Manager ArcaSearch Corporation Heather Belamy Manager NorthWestern Enery Representatives of Other Economic Interests Chris Naumann Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership Debbie Berg Director MT Job Service Pierre Martineau Elected Official - Mayor Town of West Yellowstone CEDS Committee Calculations Number Percent Private Sector Representatives (at least 51%) 9 75% Representatives of Other Economic Interests (no more than 49%) 3 25% Total Committee Membership 12 100% *Peter Fox is appointed by the owners to represent the ArcaSearch Corporation Attachment C - NRMEDD Employees/Staff Rob Gilmore, Executive Director, NRMEDD Exhibit A - TOPS Team Marketing Brochure Exhibit B – Letter Gallatin County and City of Bozeman supporting the TOPS team Exhibit C – Flyer, “Grow Your Business” Event Exhibit D – Letter to Jodie Duncan regarding Grow Your Business Event December 9, 2013 Ms. Jodie Duncan, Program Specialist EDA 410 17th Street, Ste. 250 Denver, CO 80202 Re: Memo to File – Grow Your Business Event Dear Jodi, The following is offered as clarification of NRMEDD “Grow Your Business” event held in Bozeman and Livingston Montana on December 5, 2013. This memo relates to the Scope of Work for the EDA Planning grant: The 2013 approved scope of work states that the District will sponsor a workshop: a. The District will partner with select public agencies to sponsor a workshop or conference to promote the value and benefits of economic development throughout the region. EDA funds will be used to solicit by competitive proposals or bid the selection of a speaker for the conference and pay for travel. The speaker will create awareness of the District activities by promoting the value and benefits of economic development. The related Section E, Budget and Staffing supplement anticipates a budget expenditure to support the workshop: $1,500.00 District Economic Development Conference. In compliance with Technical Assistance Task 4 (Education and Promotion of Economic Development Activities in support of the District’s Public Agencies) in 2013 the District will conduct a conference to create awareness of the District’s activities, the value of economic development to local economies and the District’s role in regional economic development. Funds will be used to hire speaker and provide for travel expenses. The City of Bozeman has offered use of its convention space and has offered to provide the lunch. A speaker has not yet been identified, however; the selection of a speaker will be competitive and in accordance with federal procurement guidelines. The details associated with a speaker/travel expenses are not known at this time. The Grow Your Business event had two unexpected sponsors, First Interstate Bank and NorthWestern Energy both provided monies to help to underwrite costs of the two-city event. EDA program monies were not needed to pay travel or speaker expenses. Approximately 120 businesses and guests attended the Bozeman function. A charge of $10 was collected for those that wanted meals. A total of 105 meals at a cost of $1,050.00 were pre-purchased by the NRMEDD and available at the door based on pre- registration requests (no EDA monies were used for the purchase of food). A total of $550.00 in program revenue was collected. Several meals were provided complementary to sponsors and special guests. All of the program revenue was/will be deposited into the NRMEDD bank account and will be used to help pay for the program meals. A separate and similar event was held on the same day in Livingston, MT. Approximately 60 businesses and guests attended the event. There was no charge to attend the Livingston event and refreshments were provided. None of the income earned from the Bozeman event was used to pay for the Livingston event. The costs associated to the Livingston event were paid for by private sponsors. Rob Gilmore, Executive Director NRMEDD