HomeMy WebLinkAbout02- Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle, Inc Consulting agreement IPEC. 11,-.2002[-F,J.:.16PK OF EF3EILICH LEITNER CAR-!�-J;D-j Tn-016551TOJI N0.777 P.2./V U-, DEC AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this�day of e —0 e�� -2002, by and bttween City of Ro7o.rn;4n. P-0-Box 1230, Roz==, Montana, a Munic-i"p-`al COTPOi�atiOn Of the State of Montana, ("CiTy'l, and Freffich, Leitner& Carlisle, Inc. ("Consultant"), 1150 One Main PIM,Kansas City, Missouri 8J 1 .1- 1115$. RECITALS A. City desires to retain Consultant to fumiSh 9pacifle ger%iceS of a professional nature. B. Consultant agees to fumish such services in accordance with the conditions herein provided an(l ATill carry out the duties and obligations imposed by the Agreement, -- the Director of PI snZlgand ComWunity Develrinmc representative to administer this Agreement. 1, Agreement Subject to the provisions hcrein set forth od in considemhion of the mutual covenants herein contqined, consultant agrees to ftmiish, and the City at"es to accept, certain specified-services to include: mccting with, advisiag, assisting and dire;sting city staff and oftials with regard to the mQ,4t cffccove means of pursuing the goals and objectives of adopted facility piano and the growth-policy through the, Unified Development Code; assist in the prepamtion of detailed outlines and working analyses f o assure, that the UDC will fully address, conform to, and implement plan goals with the proper techniques, standards and strategies; critique and offer substitute or additional language, where required upon review of staff produced chapters of the UDC in an agreed upon order; and participate in staff meetings, public workshops, hearings or working sessions with the Planning Board and City Commission as the City shall request. payments and Compensation For all services performed by Consultant under this Agreement the City agrees to compensate Consultant at a blended rate of S 195 per hour, with a total sum not to exceed ST 5,0W Tbn total sum may be adjusted at the mutual agrournaut of both City said Com%ultant. 3, Indertmity Consultant shall indcrnnify,hold hamic,59, and defend the City against any and all eWms arising t e furni0iing of services provided for in thik Agreement or caused by the services described in this ,from h Agreemcnt, 4, Independent Contractor Consialtant acknowledges that the services rendered under tbi.q AgrementshAll bewielvas an independent Contractor, Consultant shall not enter into any Agmernent or commitment on behalf of or su s lary,0 "Ity, 11:11'll"�iiill,.I�,Ffftlnffu=ncr RKnowl 86 T01i t e rT and is not entitlod to any City employnicnt rights or bencfits. It is expressly undmtood that this • ndairtakin g is not a joint venture. Consultant Agreement 'Page I b:1bl'M I tF F HEiLILH LEL I NLH C_:F-H L--,ac— i Lj`L0 ,.: 1 NO.777 P.=" � .-.. 5. Confidendality Consultant recognizes and acknowledges that this Agreement gates a confidential relati,n. ip between Consultant and City and that information cortec tin City's business affairs, cr,]s;tornf rs„ vendors, finances,propertics, methods of operation, cttrrtp uTer programs, and do oornenta.rion, and ether s�clY informatkm, whether written,oral,or othcrwiso, z confid ti6l in n arurc, All z,"h,inforrMition concerning City is IlUdin4er collectivelyrefClTed to a.s"Confidential tnform,9tio».." 6. Non-Disclosure Con-sultant agrees that, except as directed by City,it will not st t i)Airne during, or after the t rrn o f this Agreement disclose any Confidential Information to any person whatsoever-and that upon the tcrrmiui,ation of this A.ge meet it will tarn over to City all documents,papers, toad othcr maiter in itq poSsession or conlrol that relate to Cray. 7, Grant l Work facie for Dire Consultant agrees that its work product produrCd in the Qerformance of this Agreement shall retttam the exclusive propeity of City, and that it will not sell, transter,publish, disclo!;e or TT),gkc tlat,. WOTk product available to third parties witlaottt the City's prior written consent. Any rights pyanted tri Consultant under this Agreement shall not affect City's exclusive ownembip of the work product. S. Office Rules Consultant;shall cornp�ly with all offim roles and regulations, including security regttircIt]ettts, when on City premises. g, Conflict of Interest Consultant shall not offer or give a raatuity of any type to any City employee or agent. 10, Governing Lawn This Agreement shall he construed and enforced in accordance w'i'th the laws of the State of Monvina. In the event of dis trttc regarding the terms of this Agmettment, the parries agree to attempt Modiation ¢tf the conflier prior to pursuing litigation. Venue shall lac in Gallatin County, 18" ludiciarl lyistric;t 11. Entire Agreement and Notsicc This A.src omcnt pvntairls tho entire undcxst3,tdirig cif"the parties and may taut be arttended wirllotit the specific written consem bfboth parties. Any notice given under this Agreement shall be su"Icieat if it is in writing and if sent by certified or registered mail. Consultant Agreement page 2 LILT 1 I]EC_11,EQ0E :17PM' G,y FRET LICH LEI TNER CAR i232 T0:016 G1 N--,Jl N0.777 P.4,,'7'4'�y In WitnLss wht<revf, the Pasties hereto have sct rhq ir.l d SIR the day and�y �r t lh«vc written. FIT T N f t:l Rl YRQ r ' iTs County of ) On this Id'ayof j : ,abcfcatc mc the undcr—si ,a 1c t rr sal ii forth St"'o 0 c cs ly a feare C� �,a !_ tt-?r, aT11f the parsers whop>� z�axzeis s scri rye tlur!tnst zx ent aril ac kn tovvl eci to ac hat he exc ut l the a itl n in�stTuT ar t' r an on behal `cf I~reiliat�, Loitnali;tc, tr�c,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I havehereunte setmybmda d affixedmy etatial SeAl rbedriy avid year first above"tt n,. (SFAL) w Not ublie for the,.' I S&N UR I Residing in My Commission Expires ,�4ti\twHe41ti1FddCd SION tlJdPftll19yt1 t'onsultant Agreerssexat page FDEC- 11.2002 6' 17PM, OF FREILICH LEITNER CAR-2323 T0:816�51-3�1 NOS 777 P. `7�0DC-. L YJ!� I`Y*U1 FKWI I�k-I i . 5 ACCEPTED; OF EI M A ATTEST: by its STATE OF MONTANA County of Gullati II On this 214,�,Worernc,allotnryPublic-for tj)eStatv, 0fM0fttana,Per30najjyapp.cared CLARE"V'--j0IiN' -S0Nand .OWN L.Si)I-VIVAN,known m moto lac the City Manager and Clark of the jr, _ity COMMissim for the City of8ozmaT1 and naxnest aresub�qcrjbed tothowithin in5trIn1c;W,and�'Qknowledgc'd i0rftt that theyexecutcsd ffie�amth for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman_ TN WTFNFSS WliEREO,F,JbaVL-,hcrcUnt0 set myhand and affixed myNotFuial Seal theda-vand year first above written, (S L) j ary PtM Ak- U lic 01'r the StDtc of M—onta-n-a (printed NaMe) Residin ►at Bozeman M0 na My Commission Expires 20,4� Consultant Agxceimcni 'Page 4 �n-y ,DEC.1.1.E002 E:1 PM1 FREILICH 1_.EITNER CAR 2323 TD:815561t`� ..1. NO-777 P.1/5;01 DEC-1 YJt;. J.^y.CtJ s4w11 r.. J.Y r {^ m«d««.+ar,..r rr'rn, a-- ,..+_-- - � Bo CITY Or BOZEMAN Bozeman, Montana �x FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION Al FAX NO. CITY Or J$OZEMA,N TELEPHONE Nth. 552- AX NO, 552-2323 ELATE: L2 . /1 . 0 if _ CAE PACES; P- PAGE (INCLUDING COVER MEMQI ME G ; Y" 7% e, 44_r& ale 4x Z4 kk The Information cot-K iioleiJ in TN8 facsimile is confldendai information imended onty for thc% use 'of -Lhe individual or pritily rtnrined above. If the rp3der of this messages is not the intended racif er-ir. Viou are heiii notif;ed that any dissemination or di tHbution of copy of INS COMMunicatiof) i$ strictly peohihited- If you have received this communication in error, please irT medlately nobly us st c�dr r^d I 1 *0 M,4,1'drrrm Frhoat!l010 51Q-21M