HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4356 Providing Procedures for Protecting and Informing Persons in Vinicity of the Bozeman Solvent Site r COMMISSIONS RESOLUTION NO. 4356 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, PROVIDINrG PROCEDURES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROTECTING AND INFORMING PERSONS PERFORMING TRENCH AND/OR EXCAVATION WORK IN THE VINICITY OF THE BOZEMAN SOLVENT SITE. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman, Montana is a Liable Party as discussed in the Record of Decision—Bozeman,solvent Site issued by the Montana Department of Environmental. Quality (MDEQ) August 2011; and WHEREAS, the Record of Decision requires that fresh air mechanical ventilation be provided during certain excavation and/or trenching activities for an area associated with the Bozeman Solvent Site; and WHEREAS, the Record of Decision requires the City of Bozeman to address the fresh air mechanical ventilation requirements in conjunction with the City of Bozeman's permitting system for activities associated with trench and/or excavation activities; and WHEREAS, the appropriate permits currently issued by the City of Bozeman to address this requirement include Residential Building Permits, Commercial Building Permits, Water/Sewer Connection Permits, Water/Sewer Extension Permits, Street Cut Permits, and Sidewalk Permit; and WHEREAS, City of Bozeman Municipal Code Section 34.02.030 provides, in part, that no person shall tear up any pavement or sidewalk, dig any hole or otherwise excavate from any street, avenue, alley or public place without first having obtained a permit from the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, City of Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.34.100 provides, in part, no building or other structure shall be erected, moved, added or structurally altered without obtaining a permit from the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, City of Bozeman Municipal Code Sections 40.02.1100 and 40.02.1110 provides, in part, that no person or contractor shall introduce water to a premise or otherwise make any alterations, additions or extensions to the City's water system without first securing a permit from the City of Bozeman; and Page I 1 WHEREAS, City of Bozeman Municipal Code Sections 40.03,680 and 40,03.690 provides, in part, that an application must be made to the City of Bozeman for the use of sewers from an existing service and to introduce sewer service to a premise,prior to installation; and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intention of the City Commission to develop and implement a permit process providing for fresh air mechanical ventilation during certain excavation and/or trenching activities for an area associated with the Bozeman Solvent Site as required pursuant to the Record of Decision; and WHEREAS, certain actions need to be taken by the City of Bozeman to implement the requirements of the Record of Decision as directed by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and those actions include: • Implementation of a GIS-based tracking system for permits applied for within the area associated with the Bozeman Solvent Site as identified by the Record of Decision; • Provide for fresh air mechanical ventilation requirements in conjunction with the issuance of Residential Building Permits, Commercial Building Permits, Water/Sewer Connection Permits, Water/Sewer Extension Permits, Street Cut Permits, and Sidewalk Permits; • Create a process to verify that valid permits are in place for activities which the City Bozeman is notified of through the One-Call Notification Center; and • Provide inspection and enforcement to ensure ventilation requirements are met when required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That the City of Bozeman, through its employees, including but not limited to its Engineering and Information Technology departments, shall implement in its Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping systems the area identified by the Record of Decision as being subject to fresh air mechanical ventilation requirements (attached as Exhibit A) in such a manner that a person obtaining an applicable permit will be informed of the fresh air mechanical ventilation requirements. Section 2 That an individual submitting an application for a Residential Building Permit, Commercial Building Permit, Water/Sewer Connection Permit, Water/Sewer Extension Pen-nit, Street Cut Permit and/or Sidewalk Permit in the area identified by the Record of Decision as being subject to fresh air mechanical ventilation requirements (Exhibit A) will be notified by City personnel of the fresh air mechanical ventilation requirements and will be required to complete an additional form — Trench/Excavation Ventilation Requirements for the Bozeman Page 12 Solvent Site Area (see attached Exhibit B) to determine if trench/excavation ventilation is required. If trench/excavation ventilation is required, the City Engineer or designee will conduct daily site inspections to ensure the required trench/excavation ventilation is in place. Work conducted in violation of the trench/excavation ventilation requirements will be issued a Stop Work Order and any or all of the permits issued for construction may be revoked. Section 3 That in order to ensure appropriate City of Bozeman personnel are advised of the information and requirements for the fresh air mechanical ventilation requirements in the area identified by the Record of Decision as being subject to fresh air mechanical ventilation requirements, each department of the City having responsibility for issuing Residential Building Permits, Commercial Building Permits, Water/Sewer Connection Permits, Water/Sewer Extension Permits, Street Cut Permits and/or Sidewalk Permits, and all departments of the City of Bozeman which may perform work including utility line installation and repair, or any street or sidewalk installation and repair, shall be informed of the GIS mapping system showing the area identified by the Record of Decision as being subject to fresh air mechanical ventilation requirements (Exhibit A), and shall be given the TrenchlExcavation Ventilation Requirements for the Bozeman Solvent Site Area form (Exhibit B), with said form being returned to and signed off by the City of Bozeman Engineering Department prior to excavation within the subject area. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 13th day of February, 2012, 1�tAN A. BEOCER �/'Mayor A'gTTE , F A C- SN, Cit clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GR G SULLIVAN CityQ orney Page 3 Bozeman Solvent Site Trench Ventilation Permit Area EXHIBIT A w r% 35'From North of Curb on Beaft Bt 75"fast of Curb on N lfith Ave 75'Vltest of Curb on N 16th Ave ,I� I IIIIIIII, i '"ill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII '""' i II I �r t d /(��/l�/,r r(rlJ, (• P l r' m D r� Y y eP�,sa 1 i � u Legend � Parcels 400'Norkh of Curb an W Main St "Igrli Boundary -Trench Ventilation Permit Area `. Utility One Call � L QCate Street Cut/Water/Sewer/Building Permits Water/Sewer/building Permits This map was created by the City of Bozeman Engineering Department on 1/9/12 and is intended for reference Only CITY OF BOZEMAN EXHIBIT B Trench/Excavation Ventilation Requirements For the Bozeman Solvent Site Area Thisform is only for trenching and excavation activities in the area at and around the Fasting Shopping Center related to the Bozeman Solvent Site and specifically depicted on the attached Figure 1, For more information, contact the City Engineer's Office, You must submit a copy of this form at the time the following applications are submitted. 0 Street Cut Permit 0 Water and/or Sewer Connection or Extension Permit 0 Sidewalk Permit 0 Residential or Commercial Building Permit A copy of the completed form will be sent to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). 1. Attach a drawing or sketch showing the approximate location and dimensions of the proposed trench and/or excavation. 2. Provide the following information for the trenching and/or excavation activities to be completed in the subject area: I"rench/excavation length *Length may not be greater than 100 feet. Trench/excavation width Trench/excavation depth 3. Consult the attached table: Trench Excavation Scenarios Requiring Fresh Air Mechanical Ventilation Bozeman Solvent Site. Is fresh air mechanical ventilation required? Yes No I agree that the representations of this form are true and accurate. I agree that if the information provided above is to change for any reason, I will notify the City of Bozeman by submitting an updated TrenehlExcavation Ventilation Requirements for Bozeman Solvent Site Form. By providing the signature below, I agree that if fresh air mechanical ventilation is required as indicated above, I will provide such ventilation at any and all times an individual is in the trench or excavation area. I acknowledge that if such ventilation is not provided, a Stop Work Order will be placed on the project and all permits may be revoked. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: DATE: Reviewed by: Date: City Engineer or Designee TRENCH VENTILATION REQUIRED: YES NO