HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map 2011 LISTING OF COMMUNITIES �l COMMUNRY NAME COMMUNITY LOCATEDON PANELS-1 INITIAL NFIP INITIAL FIRM MOSTRECENT NUMBER MAP DATE DATE FIRM PANEL DATE iBaON"For"PF 3p0i°e D59°'rrsc�. wA Wn Nq °su,0eo3•o6oa•3es D93. _��---- MEAGHER COUNTY wsew.1.coya gnome aeoe,aaa.Den•oe Is s,a,,,,r is,ve M+rtn is•vez srve.ne„zx0" ________r---- - -- ELEVATION DATUM m•a'.Des Den,ee+e. GALLATIN COUNTY T- �� I 30031CO025D *30031C0050D *30031CO075D Flood elevations on this ma are referenced to the ome•aosa•oo,e`mm• *30031C0100D *30031C0125D I p o zs s1w•ovs•noo• s•.ueo•,ovr oxe- North American Vertical Datum of 1988 These Flood el ozsa giro.oz9,,oxex oze3 Sze*oms.o3ir I evations must be compared to structure and ground 03w)5•o3.5 I ele vations referenced to the same datum. For �350 50 3e e,03 ,OrOL" I •.aso•as•cues. information regarding conversion between the oscD•,asos cmo.oszs• National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and the mss osse arse°ssr, I North American Vertical Datum of 1988.contact the rm ose..Dees• J - National Geodetic Survey at the following address. arse.oleo ores.osn ease.meo•.3ws.aeon' s NGS Information Services t5,osxo•,OBiO• (ti NOAA,N/NGS12 091a•C650.06.5.0]00' Ozm•GMV mr. I National Geodetic Survey 0775.Ore0.0781-7. SSll#9202 aver mw•ores•oeoi 1315 East-West Highway N waY aea aew',ew•.aece " pe Dix 0" Silver Spring.MD 209103282 i rr++ccFarPn,®Ar�nsl .wmz: aeon,oeoe,oeoe oe,,. r .,vie or,. J2 oe•z',aa,r.oe,r oe,e O oeae m1 m. Is *30031CO150D�,j *30031CO175D *30031CO200D '30031CO225D *30031CO250D *30031CO275DI (301)7133242 sin.-1•aB85•ae00.OBM. < U z a oers .. w°i uoeso es ¢'Q m/O BASE MAP SOURCE lI Base map Information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the Gallatin County •��� I GIS Department. tMYNNgTTANTON11 rY 300m4 0555 NA WA iyq '**30031C0300D 30031c 305D *'30031CO3101 *30031CO350D I twish YR LOwSTO 30Wxe m 0]e SC6 c xe•e tbveroer tO.feBe Seger.eex,xOn 922011 I }tM$rY6LOWSTpF G1N p 300,35 625 Wn N<- Nq P` '30031C0375D Ill 0291D *30031C0400D *30031CO425D *30031C045dD �-p 0290D elron enrzdii 0292D o*o FI 30031 SDI 30031CO3M 30031CO3400 30031CO345D 30031CO365D z z 41293D 29/D 11 saw g21011 d11N11 g112011 OOIO MAP NUMBER �" �Be9D Ill 9r71lOtt r:.rlar.ni- Amu G.'.xnv� GALL.ATINI COLT N'I-Y DIY ® TOWN OF x wL g Q �AN cil 64 C° p 1111I 0R m [ �t aPr3•� t 3 B31wC�0560D � I 3003 5D 30031C05050 30031COS100 "30031CO5350 30031 Ili : +,opy�` 9 i 91rron 9rMON }-- 1 30031CO590D 30031C0585D "30031C06150 "30031C0610D '30031CO650D gr m, li vruz011 eon°1i-ii,_ Z' f LOSSOD - r '3003.1604751) %' o r Yo7p a { - '30031C0675D ✓`F�RS�J2 vo CRY OF C'1LLAT1 FGO ' 05660 NELORADF u 30031C0500D *30031CO525D 92�" er�ml 30031co615o '30031C0540D "30031C05450 30092C°05650 30631C0595D ` 9'Zz0i1 "30031CO620D "30031C0640D "30031CO645D �1 HIGH WAY P87 1 �' ="0568D 0569D C 9+]l10'1�0 '*6 ] OSBBO i 0e6ip I 1 £ °zro•, , 0806D "06070 •*30031CO830D I L o 30031CO760D 30031 LOD *'30031CO785D 1 3 30031C003SD !K wren, I ,NyO a (.1T1.Of "0807D OBRD .10 0609�•�,o�/rroeMo oe2ep *30031C0700D �'30031C0725D o t NOZGhIAN g"'"11 A'z201 �" enzml I- *30031C0750D oc, �4[ � I '30031C08I5D 1-FRIS ROA '07920 I.08110 '0812D 08160 0817 36D 0837D go a 'EUIrINF L..NE 9IL20it 9+1R01 9RftOt 9.1R011 `� "30031CO170D 30031C0790D cs 30031C0845D - Ikeemxn+.e.A Qp 311C0 --I re' •0794D '0613D •08150 0818D 0819D "0838p 0139p oqo GALLATIN COUNTY,MT gam, 011 o INDEX LOCATOR DIAGRAM 'PANEL NOT PRINTED-AREA IN ZONE D PANEL NOT PRINTED-NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS '^PANEL NOT PRINTED-AREA OUTSIDE COUNTY BOUNDARY j10 '0926D '09Z7D MID 0932D I L MAP INDEX rf alltml z z -30031CO885D 30031CO905D -33031CO9100 pRrtml. '*30031C0955D 30031C09600 Ng 9vx01f e22e' --J SHEET 1 OF 2 a I Q 30031 CO935D I FIRM '30031C1000D NOTE TO USER *30031Costim I FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP I f� *30031CO950D I ® GALLATIN COUNTY, Future revtoco to Ims FIRM Index wdI only I -P `30031C0925D '30031C0975D bB Issued to communities that are IIRM id ex I J m MONTANA I FIRM panels being revised.This FIRM Index � therefore r,2, Yal d l FIRM peel dated I GALLATIN COUNTY I AND INCORPORATED AREAS September 2.2011 or earlier Please:deter c the'MOST RECENT FIRM PANEL DATE" (SEE LISTING OF COMMUNITIES TABLE) column In the RECENT of Communities Isola to determine the most recent FIRM Index date I I - THISAREA INDEXSHEET2 NON for each community I ` MAP INDEX INDEX SHEET 2 OF 2 I I D MAP DATES I SHEET 1 OF 2 This FIRM Index displays the map date ar wasach I PANELS PRINTED:287 289 290.291,292, FIRM Panel at the ems mat this Ind.. was 293.294.305.315,320,340 345.365.485,505,510. printed Because leis Index y t De I 530 555 558.559 560.565.566,567 569.580,585 distributed I° �""acts° communities '30031C1025D `30031C1050D '30031C1075D '30031C1100D ses 588 s95.su.Teo.790;801,eoz.e0s,eoe,e09. ubsequent revisions. users may determine the I 816.817 818.819,828.829.635,836.837,839.845, current map date for each FIRM panel by t. .1 IIID 905.931.932.935.960 - re FEMA Map r by c Center Map Site at htlp//m9c tame gov or by calling the Map Service I Center at 1 800-358 9616 See Sheet 2 2 for Communitiesannexing lard on adjacent FIRM pa MAP REPOSITORIES LIST must ome nels n a current copy o'the adjacent panel as I well as the cunant FIRM Index These may be ordered directly from the Map Set-Center al the number I MAP NUMBER listed above . l a "`fir (( �1 30031CINDIA EFFECTIVE DATE SEPTEMBER 2,2011 Federal Emergency Management:%gency 92 011 r '30031C1130D � w Ir� o '30031C1125D 1133 D ' / 30031CII750 *30031C1200D r z tt-D 11VD IF N*.v annon 9rzrzon O11z IF01I""a""' . '30031C1145D L) 1119 1ne0 �I Y 142IN�11"'BI1n0,,91.1, 1. '1139D g ¢ — a OI 120TD 12M r,nll"rir,Hi.r 9nn011 9RR011 2M llrzwl I ELEVATION DATUM '30031C1225D •30031C1250D *30031C1275D Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the 2IID r North American Vertical Datum of 1988.These flood °P1z01t elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same datum. For information regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988.contact the NOTE To uSER - - I National Geodetic Survey at the following address. Future re—rons to this FIRM Index wul only NGS Information Services be issued to communities the,are located m >> S I NOAA,N/NGS 12 FIRM panels being revised This FIRM Index F .-./� therefore remains yaba for FIRM panels tlalee z v t •l National Geodetic Survey September 2,2011 or eanrer Please refer O IO ° ( SSMC 3.#9202 to the"MOST RECENT FIRM PANEL DATE" du 01 1315 East-Nest Highway column in the Ustino of Communities table Z Silver Sprang,MD 209103282 totl ach�om the moss recent FIRM IMex dale forBann community � '30031C1300D '3003101325D '30031C1350D (301)7133242 i MAP NUMBER MAP DATES r __ This FIRM Index d,splays the.'nap date for each 1 BASE MAP SOURCE FIRM panel at the lime that In Index was Because Ines Index may not be Base map information shown on this FIRM was prmtetl print metl to unallacted communities InI I provided in digital format by the Gallatin County subsequent revisions, users may drmin etee the I GALI..AT'IN COUNTY r I I GIS Department turners map date for each FIRM panel by visiting the FEMA Map Service Center webate at htlp//msc.femagov or by call,rl9 the Map Service Center at 1300 3559516 *3003161375D '30031C1400D '30031C1425D :30031C1450D Communities annexing and on adjacent FIRM panels must obtain a current copy of the adfacem panel as well as the current FIRM Index These may be ordered I ¢ dweclly from the Map Serve Center at the number r I al0 listed above I • Z 1'ELLOWSTONE O 00 \AFIONALPAM I "o 44, 54F *30031C1475D I 30031C1500D *30031C1525D *30031C`550D l z F z10 I I 1 J�Y 4 (2 I GALLATIN COUNTY MT INDEX LOCATOR DIAGRAM y0\/ti9 '30031017 *30031C1600D I*30031C`'1625D 1 G � I 0 fj 7gRGHFEEya r • �_��—_� SMIGIyK,AY TOWN OF THIS AREA SHOWN ON �� WEST YELLOWS TONE y INDEX SHEET 1 OF 2 MAP INDEX D ti y�t I MAP REPOSITORIES �> , tMaps avai,able for reference only,rot for distribution) O O 0 Z I BELGRADE CITY OF FIRM I _ C City Hall r' - - --' Z<{ I 91 East Central D <E Belgrade Montana 59714 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ~�1 I BOZEMAN.CITY OF '30031C1650D I*30031C1675D Professional Bwdmg (a) GALLATIN COUNTY, ( F 20 East oze Olive Sweet D SHEET 2 OF 2 "�, I Z F Bman,Montana 59715 D MONTANA 0 O GALLATIN COUNTY AND INCORPORATED AREAS 0 (UNINCORPORATED AREAS). Z County Building -_ a I0 311 west Main Street (SEE LISTING OF COMMUNITIES TABLE) e I Bozeman,Montana 59771 MANHATTAN.TOWN OF. Town Hall D MAP INDEX 120 west Man Street Mannaman Montana 59741 SHEET 2 OF 2 J THREE FORKS.CITY OF. PANELS PRINTED'1114 111b,1119 1131See Sheet 1 of 2 for M Cray Hall '133 1136 113711381207 lzzs 122e.1zis LISTING OF COMMUNITIES 0 2,76 Main sweet Three Forks.Montana 59752 •30031C1700D '30031CI725D WEST YELLOWSTONE TOWN OF Town all 10 South Faithful West Yellowstone.Montana 5975E TU LMAP NUMBER a ` 30031CIND2A ''PANEL NOT PRINTED-AREA IN ZONED ® oif�1NQJ EFFECTIVE DATE SEPTEMBER 2,2011 Federal Etnergeil Ala nagenlen LAgenq' NOTES TO USERS LEGEND I his map is for use in adminnaenng the National Float Insurance Program.It F,A.STGALIATIN does not necessarily itleadi all areas subject to flo0dmg, pamculady hom local ZONE AE RIVER O SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS SFHAs) SUBJECT TO 4550 / 000� INUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL C NICE FLOOD tlrainage sources of small size. The community map repository should be - y{ F (EL 15A81 gr�46 A95 E tot D345.0' Ina I%annual chance hood(IOOyear Mod),also known as Me base hood,,z Me,Mod JOINS PANEL 0615 consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. xi-4 r,on 45YSnOlr Mat nos a 1%mance or being Wuaktl a exceNee n any given liar The Space) ,E wA EppO °pryE Fkxhd Hazard Area Is the area subject to flooring by the 1%annual ma flo od od.Naas Io obtain more detailed information to areas where Base Flood Elevations 4534 - ZONE AE 08`v N w coal x special Rood nazod ndwe Zones A AE,An,AO,Al A99,v and YE.The Base I BFEsj and.Ior tloodways have been determined,users are encouraged to cortsult p AAA '� f J c the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data andfor Summary of Stillwater Elevations ZONE AE J nurev Flood EleYa[an afire we Flood 1v elevation or Me t%annual chance Mod. tables contained within[he Float Insurance Study(FIS)report that accompanies ,A i ti ZONE A No Base Rood Elevation determined. el this FIRM. Users should be aware that BEES shown on the FIRM represent 451L'' J�a' ZONE AE ,;s ZONE AE ease Flood Eleuatxln5 deter3 feet. ,..aided whole-tool elevations. These BFEs are Intended for flood ' ' ZONE AM Flood deals d 1 t 3 feet(usually areas d paa'ehq); Base Flood F ood . ZONE Culvert rugrcEV BEo1•+� Elelatlons aeoermirea, raing purposes only and should not be used as the sole Souted IN the HIS p'n6U rA�S A zoNE AO Flood of I to 3 Fart (nsu,11 meet fines a, sloping terrino), eieval on rnlorma'non. Accortlmgly, flood elevation data presented in [he HIS dAPus report should he utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of J J ;- average amens determined. For areas or alluvial Fan Flooding,vebcit� construction anclor floodplam management. Q a`t. 15 c allo eaerrnir,el. Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown on this map apply only landward y'66annm N NELSON Rrrnn - - - ZONE AR Special Rood Ffarard Area formerly protected from Me 1%annual mance flood by a flood conWl system that was subse9ua,l6 of 0,0' North American Vertical Datum of 1988(NAVD 88). Users Of this 6ti ,1 o tiecnrtried. Zon, AR Indicates rmer tes al he fo flood control system ,ste pl being restored to pro+ae prtecton born the 1% annual chance or should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in the tq ,�sN 14 Summary of Stillwater Elevations table In the Flood Insurance Study report •lc'•- j A'A greater mood for this jurisdiction. Elevations shown in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations .�• ^,fr. ZONE A99 Area M be protected iron co rust mance noon try a Federal, lade should be used for construction andor Boodplain management purposes �� 4�nrt --- mood protectlon systen urhaer connrvaan; no ease Fgod ETeatans when they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM. determined. ,n 1 ZONE V Coastal flood aloe wth velocity haza,d(wale action); no Base Flood 1 Boundaries of the floodways were computed at cross sections and interpolated b e a``r Eleratons derernired, between cross sections. The tloodways were based on hydraulic considerations Rustar(:uhh� \ �: ZONE VE coastal Moe zone wiM veloaty hazard (ware action); ease Flom with rrg and to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program Floodway rW' _ n AB Elevations determined. Widths and other pertinent floodway data are provided in me Flood Insurance r�cR's°elvF erlege 1�,. 4562 Study report Ion this jurisdiction. 4556 I FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE (:ertain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood FOP me Modway is the manner to stream plus any adjacent Moapoin areas Mat Most be control structures. Reler to Section 2.4 'Flood Protection Measures" of P kept tree of envoammeot m Mat Me 1%annual ON—Flood can be camel wmlont the Float Insurance Study report lot information on flood control struca-es - »``ua 4566 AGneases s,bstantial lo in flood heights. f„r th,s jurisdiction. - __ ..._ r -- - p0 0 OTHER FLOOD AREAS N ce The projection used in the preparation of this map was Universal Transverse PO 1 fi° - F.A.STGALIATIN BEN' '\\\ ZONE Area, of o,z% annual man aven hood; areas of 1%annual rMar¢e noon Mercator (UTM) zone t2. The horizontal datum was NAD83, GR51980 H, A`O RIVER "9\ with Face eM o wi eus or I—Man 1 toot with are-,areas less Man tiphernrd, Diffe areas in datum, spheroid, projection or UTM zones used in - p6 1 square Zola; and areas ortac[ea by levees from I%annual mance the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional Food. differences in map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differences rl,o 'to not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. ZONE AE 0 OTHER AREAS AE Flood elevations on this map are teferenced to the North American Vertical Sib L )=ri,. ZONE z Naas determined to be outside tM 0.1%annual mark.Modplain. Chitin of 1988. These flood elevations must be compared to structure anA ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. For information PG R o� ZONE D Non:M whim none nacres are undetorminea,but wssak. regarding conver:don between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 - / ?- COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM(CBRS)AR and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic, website al hilp�wwwngs.noaagox or contact the National Geodetic Cunerr,' �J Survey 2t the following address a"" a5 OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) ' MIT oF/hq0 DETNLEO A syPEs CANYON ROA NGS Information Services STUDY 'q Celts areas and OPAs are nom,arty located wph,n o adjacent M Special Fnood Hazard Neal. NOAA,WNGS12 GALLATIN COUNTY o SSIAC-1,#9202o Survey UNINCORPORATED AREAS °` A° Flondwain Founder, SSMG-3,a9202 A'I Floodway boundary t 3151:as1-West Highway 300027 ZONEvA .-� - - - .are Dbouneary Silver Spring,MD 20910-3282 / ? � .aa...ae......... CBes anti OPA boundary to obtain current elevation,description and OF location information for bench marksif,shown on this n ease pConlaCl Ilia Into malion Services Branch of the G6 Boundary :1 v6 g special Flood Havant Area of einerent map, please a' t,"?t (lv' O `�i� Base Flood Elevations nose depths or flood roc— NalOnal this Survey at (301) 713-3242, or visit is wBbxit. at -.r65om,-N - PRORLE "�http_hvww.ngs.noaa.goyf AH BASELINE 0 4 ^^^^"'513^^^^^• Base Flood Fx zoon line and value elevation in leel- _ ZONE E m +cl (EL 987) sale Flood Elevaty, valve where un(orm wM1hin zone, Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided m digital formal by the a 't\'F AFavaoo,in feet• (iallabn County GIS Department. 4595 'Referenced[o ore north Ameman venirai D mom of 1988(Nava M) A F n �2 a 'U� L/ cross section are I his neap reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations -� 2J +��, Ji 23 23 ors crx,e than those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The f oodplains n l -� r Of ;hose that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been 22 A5% -45r<r_ —aT cF s7roYno.3z z2a0'. 0enpmhk coordinates mfe,e.cw M the North Amentan adjusted to conlorm to these new stream channel configurations As a A56d - p Datum d 1983(FAD 83) result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Float Insurance 4i �_ _Fast Gallarin River 4'75°f°'"N 10oo-merer universal Transverse Nterala grid rims,tune 12 Srudy report(wh•ch contains authoriraave hydraulic data)may reflect stream pO g588 4591 A Overflow Reach channel distances that differ from what,s shown on this map. Atr`3' 6000000M ON-foot grid tees. Alabama State Mane coodrate Corporate limits shown on IMs map are based on the best data available 15v" j J .1 6 7stenn,east tone(RPSZONE 0101), Transverse Meramr at the time of publication.Because changes due to annexations OF de-annexations m may have occurred alter IN map was published,map users should conlact Fni7 4 4597 DX5510 beach man(see explanation in Nrrtes to users section or appropriate community oMdals to verify current corporate limit locations. w F9. A_ 46g0 Or B w - this RRM panel) A` ZONE/AE s5 se G.lu 1.1 .Ml5 titer FilePlease refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of 'he a PROFILE county showing lire layout of map panels.community map repository addresses. an a`=H 45<.- BASELINE o BONE AE ZONE AE 2 MAP REPOSITORIES and a Listing of Communities lade containing National Flood Insurance Program p AI / Sr oe1 /'�_ ?� C (EL asoo) O Rater ro Map Reposaones rst a,Map Ira.. dales for each community as well as a listing of the panels en which each / AK oemmuniry is located. ,r-i` q5o _ EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE _ -PROFILE BASELINE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616 to information oil 460p - 4600 STONFGATE DRIVE September 2.2011 available pr0(fucli associated with this FIRM. Available products may include Fast U _ East GNRatin RiP EFFECTIVE OATIES)OF REVISIGN(S)TO THIS PANEL previously issued Letters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study report GaRnfin R:rrr--- O pJ - O Springhill Rrnch and:or digital versions of this map The FEMA Map Service Centermay also be ^)r tipillwny Renrh is reached by Fax at 1 800 358 9620 and its website al htipl;www msc femagor. g' _ / F F 4602 E It our have questions stout ttl_�_ _. _:wa,_ t:o'nal itri, 460�A pv, Y q rise H877-E ti. pry r. - '`(/ Flood Insurance Program in general,please calif 877-FEMA MAP(1 877�336 28271 AR?- � E�/`,'Jj � v the C or visit the FEMA websile at hop-'.www.fema.goy. C a v151O ZONE AE A.,' 4604 A NapcHistay table bated In Mel Flood insurance Sttood,r'Porn for rthis arer luotrdcuor.cenmoody OX0472 TLP LIMIT NNE To $ To determine a flood Insurance is ..,table in Ms community, contact Your insurance DETAILED STUDY 4606 agent Or call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1 800 638 6620. lo� B AL A600 a68'- ZONE AE-\n C, AG9(' 1 (EL 4606) 4608 d so _ 4601 _ ,jI 4602 _ ii 7 MAP SCALE 1"-500' �uoxm N Ii00 250 0 11X10 a603 AM a �a�+2 V I i �I �FEET mC2 pM - FAST y a G ;m 1 0 1W METERS :I I.IATIN Fact Gallatin River RIVER O Gulf Co..,Brach �dh10 PANEL 0802D 660� y r91' 4 4", -/ PROFILE BASELINE _.. I� 4601' CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONE 467E FIRM 300028 AE/ 9q F "Eo F ^�_f n 4Gi9 ' LIMIT OF DETAILED STUDY © FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP AR ao GALLATIN COUNTY, d6 t5 P 4 7f NOTE,MAP AREA SHOWN ON THIS PANEL IS LOCATED F 9°� pit 4612 t L'� MONTANA WITHIN TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST. 4e7 1Et' AND INCORPORATED AREAS n _.-II ZONE -- r AE 27 I ryF" 26 PANEL 802 OF 1725 \ 'wj FAIT GALLATIN iSEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) �o RIVER 4620� Y CONTAINS: COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX O y GALUI NCa1NTy 2 F'PO Q Q eOZEMAh,C t V f —30¢02. —1 1 +o � CITY OF BOZEMAN _ \ or ti 31N)028 5 —1-1 aoAD uoss earooE RWe Q Q 4p2B � cAMPeEu o` -' OX0471 OALLAnN LIOUN3'Y U•NINEONPONATFI)ARE.As - W ao0av FLOODING EFFECTS ---: o W I CITY OF B07.EMAN FROM EAST Ig 300028 GALLATIN RIVER62 - ZONE 0) Bo ma„N \ N 9 T (EL E AE Notice to User Tn e Map Wmn.r shown below ow 4: t used wean plernrq men dory, fie cNr xess N,Men shown .bore shad ore used on rtsurarce mpl,ceaorxs Io Ir,e s,blecl r M HE coo-11 1 1 . a MAPNUMBER 30031CO802D 45.4007s 46.4a075• EFFECTIVE DATE 11IA78375, JOINS PANEL0804 1n„^1.,i' y SEPTEMBER 2,2011 o I.I.1TIN('n1No I UNLNL11R1•(11(111.111.,11 Federal Emergency Management Agency NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program.It SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFIFII SUBJECT TO does not necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local INUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD '96"'"'E +97°0°"'E drainage sources of small sari.The community map repository should be tit 9)3+s o' JOINS PANEL 0620 1n v15z 5" me 1%amuai chance Hood being ear Hood),also Ided t as the base Hood,a one rood conSUft_c for possible updated or additional flood hazard Information 45A1500.0' 45•+50011' that has a 1%dwrce a being equakV or flooding by n any given year.The Special f AO W W Flootl Nazxd Area'a Me area wbjen to flgodxg by Me t%annual IS-4 V Hord.Macs yME cUt os O ,ONo a Shrew Flood Hazard iheluee Zones A,AE,AH,AO,AR,A99,V And VE.The Base To obtain more detailed information In areas where Base Flood Elevations R of Flood El,,—s Me waterlud'are eievauon of Me 1%annual mince flood. (he Es)and.')fit'an ys have been Data and'd.users are encouraged El consult ¢ the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data andior Summary of Sbllwaler Elevations ZONE A w Base Flood Elevations delertnalee- tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study(FIS)report that accemparses AY'A x�NDMu1 c ZONE AE ease Flood Elevations determined. this FIRM. Users should be aware that FIFES shown on the FIRM represent .¢ NOTE:MAP AREA SHOWN ON THIS PANEL IS LOCATED Drm m oe` r rounded whole-foot elevations. These BFES are Intended for flood insurance ZONE Flooe depths �r/ 1 to 3 feet(usually seas a bonding); Base Flood rating purposes only and should riot be used s the sole source of flood WITHIN TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST AND F� elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevations data presented in the FIS TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH,RANGE 6 EAST. ,vFEo :WrEloage determined, ZONE ao Hood depths if 1 M 3 ee< (IKually, sheet now « sbgng terrain); report should x ldl d in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of Q$� Fo s aS daedmp�determined F« areas a alluvial ran moeltg,veNcxies construction andior floedplarn management. }I 3~i s�P Po a __I- �n � PU1uMN 91DOF ROPo ZONE AR Special FIOoO Ybaard Area fOrrtierly p,teded fr«n Me 1%anntldl Coastal Base Flootl Elevations shown on this map apply only landward �� N I yyto chain a flood by fod control system Mat was wbslquen 01 0.0 North American Vertical Datum of 1988(NAVD 88). Users of this �' being has. zone AR ai ide po roar Me former Hood conuie system FIRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in the 14 13 SPUR 18 great restored to provide protec['ron from Me 1% a l dwnce « Summitry of Stillwater Elevations table in the Flood Insurance Study report ROAD greater moo. l0r III jurisdiction. Elevations shown in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations _ ZONE A99 Area to be p Systembenied rro, I% annual moan hood by a veriest mod protettla yetxn unto construd'iprl; Base Flood Elevations table should be used Iw construction antl7or flootlplain management purposes dek mined, when they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM. Bound.ties of the floodways were computed at cross sections and interpolated oP° ZONE v Re atai flood ,tie with yet«Ry narard(wave anion); no Base Flood between cross sEctions. The flootlways were based on hydraulic consitlerations P Eevat, oetenni . ZONE vE Eill cl none wmI velooty nmxa (wave action); ease Floge with regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway law Eleva[ions oe[xrtiinetl. widths and other pertinent floodway data are provided in the Flood Insurance o qo+ Study report for this jurisdiction, t7S'x Pulp FLOODWAV AREAS IN ZONE AE Ceram areas rot In Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood Inc food ay s Me dlahrel N a Santa,plus any adjxen[floodpain areas that must be control structures. Refer to Section 2.4 "Flood Protection Measures` of FxS .uns freed en«�h tent hat the I% nu chance mod be a led wiMw[ the Flood Insunutce Study report for information on flood control structures wbstan[iat flood hegnb. for Oniz,jurisdictiw. - - - - 0 OTHER FLOOD AREAS the projection used in the preparation of this map was Universal Transverse ZONE x Areas of 0.2% annual drance flood; areas a 1%annual dlance mad Mercator (UTM) zone 12. The horizontal datum was NAD83, GRS7980 .0 average depths a less Man 1 root.r with drainage areas less than Stuttered. Differences m datum, spheroid, projection or UTM zones used in 1 sgnxe mile; and areas protected by evens from 1%annual chance the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences In map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differences noon do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. 0 OTHER AREAS Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Areas derermi�to Ix ouG able me D.:as annual trance Plain. Datum of 1988. These Mood elevations must be compared to structure and ZONE O Areas in which Flood hazards are undetermined,but Possble. ground eI.Vahors referenced to the same vertical datum. For Information regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic ® COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS)AREAS Survey webs" at hlip�www.ngs.noaa.gov or contact the National Gendelic Survey at the folowmg address: OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS(OPAS) NGS Information;lervlces 6RS areas and 01 are normally lecated whin«atllacent to Special Fiord Hazard Areas. NOAA.NINGS12 "Plain boundary National Geodetic Survey SSMC-3,49202 Fkedway boundary 1315 East-West Highway - - .one D boundary Silver Spring,MD 20910-3282 ................e legs and OPA boundary To obtain current elevation,description,and orlocation information for bench marks 0 a Boundary divieia 5pedai Flood Ha or Mews of ddfentnt Mown on this map, please contact the Information Services Branch of the N National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713-3242, or visit its websIle at ,.'.65pao,. ISxR Fxod Fle+atiora,Hood depths or none yelalties, http r www.rigs.noaa.gov S13^"""^' Base Flood Elevation line and!value;elevalign in feat - National 987 Base map Information shown on this FIRM was provided In equal formal by the .) ease Flood Bell here -go- within mite, on vague w elevation ree (allan)County GIS Department. Referenced f0 rite North Alneritdn Verurdl DaNm or 1986(NAVD 88) LJJ u�� f pss seCtc,line l hisrriap reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations 2,f 2 23 nansx[line men those shovel on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The iloodplains L'+ GALLATIN COUNTY 19 o--------0 .Ind Iloo"ays trial were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been East Gallatin River `qti m 13zon sz�� .Idlusud 10 conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a Overflow Reach UNINCORPORATED AREAS IaturapaK coordinates referencetl to me NiaM Amcimn •suL the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in It*Flood InsuranL O � ,yti ITa[u,a,Uri I el) I�nrdv report(which coolains aurhomarive hydraulic data)may reflect stream 3"""27 '"7550nN (ODD-meter universal Transverse Mercator gna oars,mna t2 channel distances that differ from what Is shown on this map. J o 6000000 M iow foot grid ticks: Alabama state Plane mordiaate system,east zale(FlvszoNE OIDq, Transverse Nest« Corporate limits Shown on this map are based on the best data available 'o a1 the time of publication.Because changes due to annexations or de-annexations to may have Occurred after this map was published.map users should contact DX5510x Seven mark(see ex0lanatim in Note to users Section a alrpr.rv.at.community officials to verify current corporate limit locations. W W this FIRM parch Z Please refer to file separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the d , ,t, � dd e MFS giver Mill, showing the layout o1 map panels-.community map repository addresses. Z Z MAP REPOSITORIES and a LIS[IIig of Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Program O Refer b Map Raposifoons list m Map Incex tdales for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which each SIRNGHx� c;ornnunity Is located. ZONE AE �q�ry EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE a" FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616 for information oil SIO PROFILE Sopleriber 2.2011 available products associated with this FIRM. Available products may include Nf� 1 BASELINE EFFECTIVE DATE(S)OF REVISIONIST TO THIS PANEL previously issued Letters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study report, m y, + sl" andior digital versions of this map.The FEMA Map Service Center may also be 01 reached by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its website at http:row .msc.lerna.gov'. - 6 m �EGAtE DR "OU ha'iE qUEaiIODs about Into map Or ^::aafiO��a ::.:ties;ro IhE Nailvaa; U �t� Flood Insurance Program in general,please call l4877-FEMA MAP(!-877-336-2627) 18 Terc« ity trap revsion history pri«to cerxmwtde mapping,refer to the C«nmun4y or visit the FEMA websne at http.l.w—.fema.gov'. afi PO 4622 q�' Map Hatory table located intone Flood Inw2nce SNW report far Mis jurise'iction. To+ at'ryk 0 agent or call i�le in M call the Netblal Flood Insurance Rogr at I ROD 638 6620 inwmnec k6g' /lam L dv �I ItlJ N 11 I� MAP SCALE V" 500' 4630 ZONE AE 250 0 - 500 1 I%ET METERS p69g1 0 150 300 ORNF ul1�YY" I PANEL 0806D A� to 0 FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP qa o GALLATIN COUNTY, 6 26 ZONE AE cAFFkov P "°A �i� MONTANA lEl.n6[41 I,m s� A60 N r 111 AND INCORPORATED AREAS OP4 °�F N to A7 25 —am 30 rip PANEL 806 OF 1725 aANA �, ( (SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) CITY OF BOZEMAN 6Zq _ N6 r PROFILE BASELINE , CONTAINS'. 300026 - c v ;I COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX ZONE AE q8 .20 Q• 'F� J GA I LAn H d0UNTv D FL 4626) A6 56 ° 9 4(: t / 5 aOaMAN.c ry ce a000x Bea u I _ GALLATIN COUNTY CITY OF BOZEMAN 30 - 4630 X - 0 4660 = y9 EAST w -4 \ ZONE GA LIA TIN RIVEN - \ 4662 CITY OF BOZEMAN 5063°oam N AE .RORLE a~INE + f 300028 I_ 4 _ i N Non"nc Ina Map wlro.r allow.balNu sl s w n rid when W bearl map p Fla.1ne Cpmmumly wlMar snow. CITY OF BOZEMAN N at�'',z sb36 1P V i' :move arlwld m)Sod on.aurar.pp awe'ti«Is mr 1IIa s„biacl Lnu 300028 P ° East Gallatin River won, Overfl°x•Reach of4A�\e r MAP NUMBER � w 1 J 30031CO806D 41°43075' -- tF 45'4307s• - : EFFECTIVE DATE Ill o3'45 a' JOINS PANEL 0808 Nit n,rob sz s" - Nn sF°� SEPTEMBER 2,2011 2 R II� (III j11 -- I Federal Emergency Management Agency LEGEND NOTES TO USERS This map is for ose In administering tune National Flood Insurance Program.It FLOODING EFFECTS FROM SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (ANCE SUBJECT TO does not is for Lee identify all areas subject to flooding,Insurance from b:it EAST GALLATIN RIVER .�000.,,E R.5 E. R.6 E. •97aoo'"E INUNDATION BY THE I%ANNUAL CHANCE FLiD00 ,PROFILE BASELINE 111•U1525' me 1%annual chance nacre ilooyear lbod),also known as tM base none,I the row tlrainage sources of small size.The community map repository should be ntD345.0^ JOINS PANEL OB06 45°{s'pTs^ mat has a 1%chance a belnq equaled a exceeded on a y given rear.me specwl consune0 for pOSslhle updated or additional fl00tl hazartl information. 5.4307.5' 4668 Hi Hazard Area is the area object m Flooding by the 1%annual mance rood.lveas 3 ZONE AE 4a,>a '1"°� CITY OF RO'/,EMAN or sceeal Hone Hazard -ndaee zones A AE,AH,AD,Aa,Ags,v am vE.the aas< OLD - : } -\". I i01N17S Flood Elrvench I the rater-Surkce elewtK,n of the I%annual chance rood. To obtain more 7elailed information In areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs)andlot floodweys have been determined,users are encouraged to consult >� AX FAR+r A T: 4 70 ZONE A W Base Hood Elevations determined the Flood Profiles and Roadway Data andror Summary of Stillwater Elevations �s 4640 �' -'4666 V ZONE AE fiese Flood Elevations determined. tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study(FIS)report that aecompanas 2p PROFILF BASE LINE S. o�O reds this FIRM. Users should be aware that BEES shown on the FIRM represent a East Gafhrnn River '� rounded whole-foot elevations. These BEES are intended for flood insurance � zoNE AN Fkwe aeRns or 1 to a kM(uswiN a or poneing); aria Flood rating 1Wwo le only and should not Be used as the sole source of flood mW v 4fi47_ tihyo �hti Overflow Reach -Y BI Flood d determined of . � 7 1c'h i7V ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 m 3 kel (usually sheet fkAv on sbpng terrain); elevation Information. Accordingly. flood elevation data presented in the FIS 1,16 T674^°eF. average depdms eeterm'Inea. Ha a eas of alluvial ran flooding,velocities U A g644- K A 4,. ako determinel. report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of ZONE 25 - - Construction andta floodplam management. bE/ / �� \yr ZONE AR Special Flood HaraN Area formerly prole red `Z the 1%aamwl ° m 4f,,,T, ,1�4 0Q m0 �` ZONE AE thence flood by nape mnud system mat was wbsequetN Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown cnthis map apply only landward s' - N6 _ .t eerertirree. zone AR aindaales tuner me former flood cori system is of 018 North American Vertical Datum of 1988(NAVD 88). Users of his EAS7 �� '.� � tieing resraea ro Rovwe Rokaion from me t% annual manre a FIRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provitled in he ;ALLATIN •4F:,off o -/ y 9owo sealer Hood. Summary of Stillwater Elevations table in the Flood Insurance Study report RIVER r - ZONE A99 Area m be nroteced from co annual meanie rood by a amoFederal I., this jurlsdicti0 n. Elevations shown on the Summary of Stillwater Eleva-s \ _ , j ;.I > >r�' _Li 2 flood Resection system under construction, no Base Fbod Heva[ions ( 4678 aekrm'n table should be usetl for construction antlror tlootlplain management purposes !�_ BM zONE v coastal flood cone with Iebary hazard(wave cretin); no aria Flood when they are higher than the elevations shown on This FIRM. —- -. � hy'`� -- � - - - Elevatims dekrmlrhed. !M ZONE VE C slal flood zone with velocity hazard (wale Mqn); Ease Flood Boundaries of the Rootlweya were computed at cross sections and interpolated u / { ZONE 47 'j BJ between cross sections The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations ! AE' ElestioosdelaTnned. rQ I 41 I Program. Floodwa - 4761 fi rrequirementsI the y dataal Flood iced in - wu 'regard to oY widths and other pertinent floodWay data are provided In the Flood Insurarce � G,g�� .,% �ml 4Cyf --4680 � FLOODWAV AREAS IN ZONE AE Study report for his jurisdiction- rY'7T4 ?^ - t flood lain areas that must be CO 445, the rooeway_s me dranrhel of a stream plus any al ante p BK e " kept nee or erKToammeAt so roar me I%annual matKe none can od ce without control rla IT areas not in structures. Special t FloodSection zdrd 2.4 Areas may aPr Protection protected Measures oat 9 9q G,I,Ty 4y '1' I tJ ZOOa sr wbstantial increases 'n flood neigh¢ the Flood Insurance Study report for-informationon flood control structures c'9 ti 461i' I BF ( y �o for this jurisdiction \ 4 �4677 y = OTHER FLOOD AREAS 4655 m 00 -4673 4678- �� vo'� ZONE x Areas of 0.2% annual mance flood, areas of 1%annual chance twos The projection Used in the preparation of this map was Unrvafeal Transverse 4679 0� C wth average deems d less man 1 tail a with coinage areas less man Mercator (UTM) Zone 12. The horizontal datum was NAD83, GRS1930 `vpryr J4672 I square mile; and areas brotected by levees from 1%annual mance spheric Differences in datum. spheroid, projecion or UTM zones used In 4r food, the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional suit "N. I GALLATIN COUNTY - differences in map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differences UNINCORPORATED AREAS OTHER AREAS 0 do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. 9�\ 300027 I - o R 1c r 0 ZONE aces determined To be ales de dire oz%afloat chance rowoMvm. Flood elevations On this map are referenced to the North American Vedital ° I l A 1'�f' ZONED Areas h whlm flood hoards are undetermned but possible. Datum of 1988. These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. For informaton COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS)AREAS warp 0y - regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 L ® and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. visit the National Geodetic Survey website at hnp;l/www.rgs.noaa.govi or contact the National Geodetic _ � � OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS(OPAs) Survey at the following address: CBRS areas and OPAs are normally Ico eci within or adjacent m Special Food Hazard Areas, NGS Information S?ry Ces / 4689 B PROFILE Floodo-boundary NO AA N1NGS12 National Geodetic Survey 4690 eASEI wE _ 0 SSMC-3.#9202 CITY OF FOZEMAN _ eo - `o�w�nary 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring.MD 20910-3282 3001)28 1 aa•eeeaaaaa..eaaa OX0470 0 _ .HRS and OPA Uing Sty _ r����--11'� nUary drvgirq Special Flood HazaN greas W darerent To obta:n current elevation,description,andlor location information for bench mares OX0469 1�__1' �ase Flood Elevations,tlooe depths or rood Velocities. shown on this map, please contact tine Information Services Branch of the ° 0 Net,net Geodetic Survey al (301) 713-3242, or visit its website at %r I 4693 hop::iwww.ngs,rloaa.gov:. � x ^^^^'�513^^^^^^ ease Hone Ewvatwn Ire and value ele+dhOn w kH• 35 36 ° �. Base rep information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital formal by the 2 Lan TEL 9871 ease Flood that' on value where uniform wimw same Gallatin County information Department. tP., 0 31 ZONE AE' America, vein h feel• •Iteferencea m the Norm Amedmn venial DMDm or lgea(NAVD ee) BP i A A iris section line PROFILE 7� ° E•AS T GA I."TIN 1 'BASELINE o-_------V -ransMT e This map reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configuration " than(hose shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplails RIVER GALI.AFIN('OI:\TY Oeograply coordinates referenced m me North American and Iloodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have be,n UNINCORPORATED AREAS 9/0730,32�co DaWm of 1983(NAD 83) adjusted to contrm to these new stream channel configurations. As a F 31MN127 •z751p0rnN 100Pmeter universal Transverse Nerotur grid tKks zone 12 result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables an the Flood Insurarce Study report(whinh contains authwitatrve hydraulic data)may refiecl stream o _ s000-fiat grid bas. Alabama star,Plane coconate GALLATIN COUNTY (;,11.1.{'I'll C01ITA' 6000000 M channel distances Ihal differ from what Is shown on this map. o t'NONCORPORATED AREAS / 1-NINCORPORATED.AREAS everem,eat zme(FIPSZONE 0101), Transverse Mercator 300027 I - w IALLATIN COUNTY 30DO27 BO Corporate Ilmlta shown on this map are based on the best data available z at the time of publication.Because changes due to annexations or de-annexations Qa -- 1 iNIN('URPE)RATED ARRAS DX5510y Barra mark(see erpWrwtion �n Naas m uses seeian or may have occurred after this map was published,map users should contact oo J 30W27 r 4- w ads FIRM panep appropriate community officials to verify current corporate limit locations. Z C1 / a a M1.5 lover Mae Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the j = MAP REPOSITORIES county showing the layout of map panels:community map repository addresses; and a Listing of Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Program 'D6 iron N- T % BR - Referw Map Reposiwr es fist on Map owe, dales lot each community as welt as a listing of the panels on which each ZCNED I GALLATIN CO 1 1"A' 4�E7 EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE Community is located. GALLATIN COI'NTY I MAus LINE UN1\C(1R1'OILATED AREAS BS FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP UNINCORPORATED AREAS 3I101I27 Seplembar 2 2011 For intCmnatlon and questions about this map,available products associated with this 3=27 EFFECTIVE DATE(S)OF REVISIONISI TO THIS PANEL FIRM including historic versions of this FIRM,how to order products or the Natloral _ ST 4 t Flood Insurance Program In general,please call the FEMA Map Information eXchange - - 471 at 1-877-FEMA-MAPI 1772362627)or visit the FEMA Map Service Center webste at hnpormsc.fema.gov.Available products may include previously issued Letters of Map I - 47 Change,a Flood Insurance Study Report,and/or digital versions of this map.Many of These products can be ordered or obtained directly from the website, Usersmay TT1 S. , bee nor determine the Current map date for each FIRM panel by visiting the FEMA Map T 2S - - _ rrE GRIF•I oFJVE TTl@S. MMea History itTabw�cated nit Na Fowad Immance 55 Ae rephall for this W,refer hecttictai munrty Service Center website or by calling the FEMA Map Information eXchange. ft� w I _ MANosvluE LINE f.ALLATIN COUNTY \ To determine B flood rrsuran<e'w avaatble m this communal'. conbn your insurance UNINCORPORATED AREAS agent Or call ttre National Flood timwornQ Rogom It 1 BOD J1a102T w HFAt ' `i/�II11}I{fuuslA`vlf{I olr� +ZFh H�FS p I NiNCORPORA FD AREAS 300027 MAP SCALE 1"=500' ppp 2 (wE qs r 250 0 e0a FEET of u l METERS 1 ISO 0 ISO 300 _ PANEL OMD TSCHACHE LANE FIRM EVEwoREEw nRrve - �,;, FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 25 GALLATIN COUNTY, G L1.A7•INC UNTY 1 I GALI.A'ITN000NTY Dxaasa _` MONTANA UNIN'ORPORA7'iED AREAS CNNINCORPORATED AREAS 3tRN27 11,ND INCORPORATED AREAS 300027 -' m oil IN cAL T 'BAIL DAK "BEET _ \ PANEL 808 OF 1725 E SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) P.A - GONTAINS: yna TRAIL 4 e °a1 COMMUNITY NUMBER PAN EL SUFFIX eP ZONE D 12REET BO—AN.11 —a ,� D 0 D 2 o r wamcH ST R. 2 VW 0 �T as ,o CITY OF BOZEMAN alk rP., I F Q EMEDCK STREET 30002Q Z O WSTEVENS Z Q N Am LEI I STREET SAND Ov V m JUNrRER _._-� a rREET Q O sTRFF1R N� t--L I -_ _ F Dead when baring map ordain Community N eels.shorn 2 aw —I above should Oe wed on Inaurahce i nOvue-RA for the sugeel (�IU i E TAMARASK STREET - mrniN. TAMARACK STREET TAMA11 RA K W vAN E i STRESS QA,7A��E MAP NUMBER $w AVE 30031 CO808D A ASPEN STREET E e4 STREET 4sv11s.o^ tf a EFFECTIVE DATE 1-w- 45-41 1ao^ JOINS PANEL 0816 in 1r52,Y - allo sA SEPTEMBER 2,2011 111 V345.0^ -_ Federal Ernergenc)Mnnm);cna•nt Agvnc3 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map is for Be in administering the National Flood Insurance Program,It SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS SFHAS) SUBJECT TO does not necess " rdy identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly Irom local INUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL C NCE FLOOD drainage sources of small size. The community map repository should be IT O1526 �O4Gi E JOINS PANEL 0807 .y�nPa.E ,t,'0011D-0 The 1%annual chance flood(I00-year food),also known as The base flood,k the flood consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. 4540075" 46.4307 F' that has a l charce or bang waled a e.ceede0 in any given year.Tne Special Flopd Hazard Area is the area subject_ ubject to flooding by he t%annual awaxe flood.Ness In obtain more detailed information in areas where Bese Flood Elevations Raise 1BF Es)andfor floodways have been determined,users are encouraged to consult loon Hazar e, ,v one v e ' Food Elevation k Ne water-suit elevation of the 1%annual chance food. the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data andlor Summary of Stillwater Elevations the contained within the Flood Insurance Study(FIST report that accompanies NOTE:MAP AREA SHOWN ON THIS PANEL IS LOCATED No Base Flood Elevations de determined! this FIRM. Users should be aware that BEES shown on the FIRM represent WITHIN TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH,RANGE 6 EAST AND ZONZOTNE AE Rase Rood Elevations----repined. rountled whole-into[ elevators. These BFEs are intendetl for Hood insurance TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 6 EAST. ZONEAH Flood depths or I to 3 reef(—IN area a pond.5); Base Food rating Purposes only and should not he used as the sole source of flood Elevations determined. elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented m the FIS ZONE AO Flood depths or I to 3 feet (usually sheet now on sloping Vernon); report should be utilized conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of '30 r construction antL'or Iloodplain management. rZ9 G n ako de[average depths determined. For o era' or alluvia n fry,vemclties ermirletl. ZONE AR Sperial Flood Hazard Area f«mert, p.— from the 1%annual Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown on this map apply only landward chance flood by a rood contra system that as wixequm a of 0.0 North American Vertical Datum of 19M(NAVD 88), Users of this GALLATIN COUNTY being ed. Zoe All root-Tex that the lomer nood camtrul system FIRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in the CITY OF BOZEMAN being rflood, [o provide protection from me 1% alarce « Summary of Sudwater Elevations table in the Flood Insurance Study report er UNINCORPORATED AREAS ZONE AN aa`«,�° «m�aed ,rpm, ,% annual d,anre ,loud by a Fed«al for this jurisdiction. Elevations shown m the Summary of Stillwater Elevations 300027:or should be used for construction and:or floodplain management purposes rood vrotedikm system under mnswctim, no rase Rood He,xoms determined. when they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM, ZONE V Coastal blood rmov with velocity hazanl(wave Mion); no Base Flood Bountlanes of the floodways were Computed at cross sections and interpolated — - Hevilbons determined. between comes sections The floodways were based on hydraulic consideratimns zone si ANDBEWS Gaastal nopd with velocity hazard (wave action); Base Flood with ro•gard to requbemems of the National Flood Insurance Program, Floodway Z I Elevators act`"mlr'ed . widths and other pertinent Foodway data are provided in the Flood Insurance m caood. Study report for this jurisdiction. ToaueeaavcWaT cCurn FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood Tne foodway k the char+d a seeam Doors any adjacent Rootly�m arem That roust tie control structures. Refer to Section 2A 'Flood Protection Measures' of o D pt fee of en—cement sin that the 1%an nual mane,Rood be led wtlhout the Flood Insurance Study report for Information On flood Control structures bstantial flood heights. for flit!:junsdlctri ALDDSTA OTHER FLOOD AREAS oalvE The projection used in the preparation of this map was Universal Transverse ¢� Mercator (UTM) zone 12, The horizontal datum was NAD83, GRS1980 z ZONE% Naas er 0.2% annual manta food; areas nt 1%age,alas flood inn average Ie, an or less than 1 root or wiN drainage l Nan spheroid. Differences m datum, spheroid, projection or UTM zones used in �' 1 square mile; and areas aoueaed by levees from 1%annual manta the productlon of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight Positional w6 room N_ _ I Im differences In nap features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. (ZONE AE p OTHER AREAS Flood elevations On this map are referenced to the North American Vertical - 90 ZONE x Naas delemaned to he mulsde the 0.2%annual chance foodpuin. Datum of 1988 These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ZONE D Area,T.whim flood hamrds are undetermned,but mssrble. ground elevations referenced to the Same vertical datum. For information �> regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 PROFILE ^ BABE LINE COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS)AREAS the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic 4706 4 Survey websile at httpilwww.ngs.noaa-gov: or contact the National Geodetic " V Survey at the following address: c .712 �� W .- 4724 472 OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAS) NGS Into mation';ervices c ^ 0 4731 h cBRs peas and OPAs are nmwlN I«sle0 with.or adjacen lxK t to sNi Hood Hamm-A.NOAA,NiNGS12 p ^ Flomddain murdzry National Geodetic Survey .iiO4 1, tr 2 b ZONE AE Floodway boundary SSMC-3,A9202 A� 1315 East-West Highway O ZONE AE - RiidRer _ _ zone D boundary Silver Spring,MD 20910-3282 (EL 4706) lu j Creek - r] reaaaeeaeeaeea.a�•' ®RS arM EPA haindary To obtain current elevation.description.and'0,location information for bench marks Ao 4 0 = r' Np 3 Boundary dbd'Irg Speciald N Flood Hazard, or different shown on this map, please contact the Information Services Branch of the P - _ `T tr oA Base Flood Elevations,flood flood depths or flood.clootia. National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713_3242, or visit its websile at a 32 - hnpi'vzww.ngs.noaa.gov+. a -^ �...4751 0 � ZONE AE m � ^^^^+-5f3^^^^^' Base Flood Elevator foe aria value elevation Tonee+ 3 `+ b ^ (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the ep < elevation Tofret• Gallatin County G'S Department. GAI.LIN 0.11111 - n m 4,no UNINfa1RNIRA'1 M.n Axl-1h F - ReMenced to the NoM Nrerti an veuxal pawn,019M("VD BB) A'I / .Me- — - �i A A cross sedon Imo 'o � o this map reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations Al i� ` '_ - ` �l 23 --------@ Transact lne Unit Close shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The flootlplains .Ind FOl3(1Ways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been \ Gepm,of c83(HAD references ro the Ninth Amerimn 919]30',32'2230' Datum of 1983(NAD 83) adlusbld to conform to Ilnese new stream channel configurations- A�. a I esu11 the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Flood Insurana� ZONE AE - \ I L'n'v OF'BrIrxM Ah "'75`po"'N 1000-meter universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks,zone 12 _!tidy report(which Loniams authoritative hydraulic data)may reflect stream .RI00ffi r flannel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. ATO oil A. 43 ' m 6000000 M s5��easginniorbieS: Al ONE 0101), Sure PlaeI, x"rM« Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data available 1)J rb _ at the[lone Of UNICatIOn.Because changes due to annexations or de-anne%afinn5 - GALLATIN COU:NTI' P 9 I ININ"HU'DMT1131ARF..AB o n ay have occurred after this map was published,map users should contact I gag,n I GAI I AUN cnt:NTl DX5510 am& mark(see e.planabon n Notes ro uses seam w .pproli late community officials to verity current corporate limit locations. 2 uNLIUORI'OR1fFU ARa:As Z COMMERCo Ai 00. J K Nis FIRM panel) ?«NI2t Please refer to the separately printed Ma Index for an overview a of the Z 4710 4712 6g - _- - - a a M1.5 River Mile par Y prim P map O EIS enlvL eaiocFn cnvvor,tic co and rna showing oflnCOmmunities Table National Flootl�nsurance addresses am `n61°ode N P Z MAP REPOSITORIES g rig Program 0 / BW } pit O Ree'to Map Roroue.ows lie,on Map bride. dates for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which each A^ / Ao!ANo (;Ommuniiy is localetl. 4;irt.; / 4 EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE Corl the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616 for information On ` 1l a f9 Am, FLOOD INSURANC RA c' E 11 MAP Septe mber 2.20 available Products associated with this FIRM. Available products may include 471,, AI T BX -- - EFFECTIVE DATEISI OF REVISIONIST TO THIS PANEL previo sly issue) Letters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study report, Ar - _ �D1M R-Fldi iYed-pVVtX S/Y�J^y*- andror digital vervonsol this map.The FEMA Map Service Center may also be 1/_N�1 LVAI-r.ALI p9-09-a9yrt;r/�9z��aa�B�6�y reached by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its websile at hllp iwww.mseJema gov'. F:.45T(;Al.l:1 Tlo'v ('N' - 4711 F RIVER ou ly n I.Inn v,Nf 'you have questions about this map Hyues;ros uocarhmg the Ni Flood Insurance Program in general,please call 1-877-FEMA MAP(1-8 77-336-262 71 T.1 S.4714' 4716 4721 T.1 S. ro wunWwlpe mapping,rota m Ne Community, rn visit the FEMA websile at http::www.fema.gov.. - - -- -- -- nor Hiimunm map meal nei Flood prior T,2 S. / T.2 S. Map History mole loratod s„the eFkwtl Irsurarlce srodv repot for ink I«Isdicoon. / m iRln To determine if flood n available n cos axn -my uumad your 4iw2nce F GRIFFIN DR. eY • "'.xA Ct^ PROFILE BASE 4(e agent orcall the Netbrbl F1cod lows...Program at 1-800 638 6620. yy rrt1� LINE ROZCaaRa �' ! S',t AT22 O '1 Creek o A N�2 4727 4722 MAP SCALE 1".500' pup m rDly,A'\ 250 D SOD � FEET U - -'�� 4726 GALLATIN COUNTY -METERS ZONE AE- 4725 G t UNINCORPORATED AREAS ( �f PANEL oaosD 4729 °9 300027 - - 472 \ BRY-1 STREE 1,.y2 4730 736 Cl FIRM 9 4 4733 3T —D.vTRuf 4732 Cd FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP S1 PATI o 4734 CX ZONE X anNn 5-REF P° Ao:D -- Cl """" --- GALLATIN COUNTY, FLOOD NUALCHANCE MONTA NA FLOOD DISCHARGE 'I'a r 6 PP 473 I:AI.I.ATI\till t T 1 CONTAINED IN \92 GNINI'ONI 1RATfn sxl:lti CULVERT 4745 4736 "�\` '"�Z' 4 `�- AND INCORPORATED AREAS N Q �r, 4739 1 4750 O CIE PANEL 809 OF 1725 475 47 1 1 Ox. n 4740 yp \t a (SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) 4753 CONTAINS: E 1\ ec ,) COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL ^,tom L BIRCH a - u cads STRfFi F N0 N1ATiN COUNTY �0020 m 4 lt,H OP BD2EMAN,CITYOF 0009 D 4756 C s9F °oq CITY OF BOZEMAN CM 074 1 N Q757 H SgFr PROFILE BASE LINE 300028� ZONE ♦�� AE` craven -= L iuNivER 4751 -i STREET 1 4752 47 ZONE AE J 4761 OX022 5 r K ~ NoBce to User The lMp M.tow clown v No npVs Oe 4 4763 4762 A 475' keep wlwo'd be map omrs:the CamNMry Nfor me srowm X ' FLOODING EFFECTS FROM aerwe rzaud muted on rmumrce appleamw f«,00`Iowa 16 90 EAST GALLATIN RIVER mrmnoniN i STEFTx N.i ZONE -!-_ Aeaatyf MAP NUMBER M 4765` i sF Diversion A,E iY 476 LAsvLN ; ap6� ZONE AE cuLcii pawE rg1 30031C0809D -sTREEn r _ B (EL E <svrlsa' E ASPLN JOINS PANEL 0017 'll Well w 15.o• sec4wo sE°Js EFFECTIVE DATE m v,s2s STREET -- SEPTEMBER 2,2011 Federal Emergency Management Agency NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map Is for cse in administering the National Float Insurance Program.It Q INUNDATION AL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAS) SUBJECT TO does not necessarily Identity all areas subject to flooding, particularly from 10 1 INUNDATION 00 THE I%ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD oainage sources of small size.The community map repository should be 111 oa'450' iy6�,a,m E JOINS PANEL 0808 °97°IX""E consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. I+t Nrsz6. -IThe 1%annual manse Food poo year woe also deed as tee base earfro ,the flood 4F°41 IS.Cr a 15-15.0' Mat nos a 1%mance d eevg equaled«exceeded n any given Year.me Special TEPRACE W Flood -Ward Area'e the area , Z,V,ro flooding by Me t%annual chance flood.Areas TO obtain more delalled ndomalion In areas where seas Flood Elevations AVENUE q) of idFle Flood Hazard include Zones A,Al,AH,p0,AR,chid Aga,V and VE.The Base IBFEs)and/or roadways have been determined,users are encouraged le ations rs :3< o I¢ Ebod Flevat'an is Me walersurtaa elevatan or Me 1%annual manic Flood. ddemeandc the Float Profiles and Floodway Data and/or Summary of Stillwater Elevaticns if F z 1 I ZONE A No ease Flood Ele+ations—,red. fables contained within the Flood Insurance Study EIS)report that accompanies MOE wcohTOvw000 stREeh ihrs FIRM. Users should be aware Thal BEES shown on the FIRM represent 2 srREEr ' • C W ZONE AE Base Food ith, ldns tleter3 foot rounded whole-fool elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood inaurarOe I ALLEv V ZONE AID Flood depths cr t to l feel(usualy ideas of VondirN); ads¢ Flood IT, purposes only and should not be used as the Sale source of "Oxl t > abodl iOd depth, ofrea. elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented m me FIS DugsT ONE AO Flood depths of t ro 3 lest (usually sneer now on snp'ag aldenxi ( W PEACH sTR. awmge depths de[ermnie0. For areas d allovial fan flooding,vebdnes report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of w RFAc sTRFFT ameeermned. construction and'cr floodplain management. A ZONE AR Special Flood Hamra Area fomrerly proleged from me 1%annual Coastal 8ese Flood Elevations shown on this map apply only landward - GALLATIN COUNTY C < 4783 dunce Rood by a IIooO oMbol system that was su5sequently of sea North Athenian VediCal Datum of 1988 INAVD 88). Users of his oo59wm.N IININCORPORATEDAREAS wSHCE, Bozeman eeceMried. zinc AR 4,enates that the comer Ilooe [pnirpl system Creek being restored ;o proved proRRion I— me 1% annual dMnce « I IRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in he j001127 w ?sin S greacer flood. tiummary of Stillwater Elevations table m the Flood Insurance Shady report I a AU Er< 4786 ). ZONE A99 Area to be prominent from 1% ual Chance Road by Federal Flood s eon under cunsvunion rip Base Flood a Fievabons I diwaler Elevations - Protenfon vat n h mina o St n w n to Su >I�. Elevations s rho for this udsdcio e ry xF%I N 4789 'o T sTa table should be used for construction and, floadplain management purposes < 2 2 - "' g z 4790- Cote"n^ud' when they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM = w I J _ W Pnvafe eidge ,� d w < ZONE V Coastal flood x wart, vebc2y hdrdrd(wave aRim); no Base Fbotl Boundaries of the floodways were computed at cross sections are mterpolancl F S eeatlms led dxrd between cross se^tions. The floodwaVs were based on hydraulic cgnsideralioh5 P w VI HARD si REEr LVrL.ARO ,vo ZONE VE Coanal flood inns won vet«try hazard (wave act-Ion); ease Flood with regard to rHluiremenls of the National Flood Insurance Program Floodway r1NOTHE,NMAP n I o i situ. U Bevanors aetem red. widths and olhei pertinent floodwaY data are prowded in the Flood Insurarce ZONED V ZONE AE ALLEY z7.a LEY z 3 a w 4795 �®" FLOODWAY ARFJ15 IN ZONE AE Study report for tits jurisdiction. - - gFALI. Si REF+ AUTH tHlEeAutt - 9EAll st REET me flaltlwaY a me rhannel d a spmm plus airy adjttent floodpWn areas Mat oars[be Certain areas not m Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood eFAu refer 4796 tin control slruMures. Refer to Section 2.4 'Flootl Protection Measures' of keix free W enoaa nmenl o trot me t%a uaI dwnre Hood can tie rurriee winautthe Flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control slructuos AREA SHOWN ON THIS ANEL IS LOCATED F X wbstantial increases n Rood hegnLsInr this Iwrsdation. NSHIP2SOUTH.RANGE5 EAST AND uMML sTREeT uvNF srnrFT 4H02 SOUTH.RANGE 6 EAST. Y 0 OTHER FLOOD AREAS [he projection used m the preparation of this map was Universal Transverse z 1 N.LFY titer Z ZONE X Areas or 0.7% annual dranre no,d; areas d 1%annual manic flood Mercator (UTM) zone 12. The horizontal datum was NAD83, GRS 1980 4802 wah average tl, an dales Man t root« with damage annz less Man spheroid. Differences in datum, spheroid, projection or UTM zones used in the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result m slight posit-al MEVDENHut STREET L MFNOEEHAu 1 square mile; d Ixw«tud try le+ees rmm t%annual rna«e differences in map features across jurisdiction boundaries These differences CITY OF BOZEMAN 48 4�. n0°d' on not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. AA Air Er 805 Q OTHER AREAS I loud elevations on this map are reterenc�ed to the North American Verb 30�2$ OX 224 A6 480 W _+REL i NAIry STREE' ZONE X fleas determined to be outside the 0.2%annual chance floodplan. Datum of 1988. These flood elevations must be compared t0 structure and 4B7 ZONED Areas'n wh'Idl hood nazaras are unde[ermir a,lout possMle. ground elevation; referenced to the same vertical datum. For informaton i PCr cu9- regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of IS29 COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS)AREAS uu. nL E and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic Surve/ WebSlte .it h1p'h w.wwrgs.noaagov, or Contact the NabooAl nF,1(br. w RABCOCR STREET 4B73 BABCOCK 91 REET OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS(OPAs) t aABCOGK S'RFFT< Survey all the folbwog address. curv_o_rt g816 s 12 N EY a LEv 4816 CSRS areas and OPAs are notionally located within«adjacent to Special Flood-Ward Areas. NGS Information Services 7 AE v9 NOAA,WNGS12 < 48d9 ti Fpudocn,boundary National Geodetic iUfVey oLNt SINEFr A OLIV STREET L C.IVF SrnEFh FloodeRr boundary Tone❑txandary SSMC ast-West - ulFv n w W 1315 Fasl-West Highway � z z „ d e SllverSprmg,MD20910-3282 ' ' '> O - eddddeeedddedded• cBRSand OPA boundary fioNEER I J w AF To obtain current elevation,description,and/or location information for bench marks H w w uHTlss STE pG 482� �' Bpu"awry dividing Spedal Flood Harard Area d different shown on this map, please contact the Information Services Branch of he National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713-3242, or visit its website at 4823 Base Flood Elevations,n«,a aepMs or flood loaf. httpiiwww.rgs.noaa.gov�. Auty ALrev 513^^^^^• Base Flood Elevation line and Value;elevation in feat' ZONE AE Base map infomail R shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the AI (EL 9877 Base Flood H¢Vauon value where rry4om within z se58—IN W KUCH SIHEEI 4B24 -Don H feet' one c;allahn Count GIS De rime. = l ) Y Pa ALItY > ENOCH STRFFi � Rereencm offer norm Amrim verOal Oalum d 199e NAvo ea 4826 cross secon,line < < > > > w his.hap reflects pore detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations W W a W .n w srogv srRttl < o Caruso q( 4829 o-_______� Tansxt tine than.hose showy on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplans ESTOR 4830 �So3r kit Ca Taph'rc coordinates referenced to the North Amenoan and floodways that were hanslerred Irom the previous FIRM may have been Auer alry C s+RLLI 4 34 97`07'30'32`a30' Cayce d 1963(NAO 83) adjusted to conrorm to these new stream channel configurations. As a V>, w rerun the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Flood Insurance Study report iWhrch ones and authoritative hydraulic laid)may reflect stream Ci ER50N STREET 2 7 WDICKLRsuv g 4B35 483 PO 4B40 °r750p0inN 1000-meter universal transverse Medal«grin fibs,zone 12 channel Non!(ors that defier Irom what is shown on this map. I srREET 4qr '(M Will Ditch Uirr icn 6000000 M 5DDO n grid Oda. Alabama State Plane c Me—tor S ALLLv 4837 system,east zrxre(HPSZONE 0101), Transverse Memafo Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data avalla)le 4841 483 4838 al IhF.time of pubicalion Because changes due to annexations or de-an nexatirns N uMn OF snro--_ may have occuried aher this map was published,map users should c0nhct > DX5510X this F .lade(see explanation in Notes to users sedan d appropriate community officials to verify current corporate limit locations. w ,,, ZONE A qp w this FIRM parer) Mn OF T Z w 2 C, � d ,MI.5 Fiver Mae refer to de separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the a u.LEv Y A county showing Me layout of map panels,community map repository addresses. m 4849 z MAP REPOSITORIES and a Listr of Communities lade containing National Flood Insurance Program Z _ - - -- - rig rig og O cotLEct STREET O Rder ro Map Reposnorlhs list on Map Inds. detes for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which etch c:Omn Wrilty i5 IOCo(ed 1 CtiAMee�9 "I ERser., El z? AILFr 48 4842 EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE URAN Contact the FEM4 Map Service Center a11-800-358-9616 for information on m z 484 4843 FLOOD INSerde,Z 011 MAP < September Z.2011 N COUHT i < JH52 y EFFECTIVE UATEISI OF REVISIDNISI TO THIS PANEL availade products associated with tins FIRM. Avaflada products may mcktle H ^ MARR50R iaE eIaRRLRm,I G8C �tNA-la}�SIo$-qy-d(r(rdR 97y.y/nr7 p�(ir�tt previously Issuer Letters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study repxf _ N ,/ - I.Mli4,W-d8-o/Paeyl rs�M� fj�/I./11 and/or digital vereons of this map,The FEMA Map Service Center may also be w ALLEY /' ¢'9G -ZONE AE a DEER STREET y reached by Fax at 1-900-358-9620 and its website at hnpl+www.msc.fema.gcV'. - DEER STREET I 3 D 46,55 m OfACIER c wcLe ELAND 'w cr E;,E-A-o - __ ✓�-y— —FLOODING EFFECTS FROM II you have questions about this map or gi:estiOas wince:Wing the ":atiu::;: eRANEcpv485E Flood Insurance PI ram in eral, STREEr og gem please call l-877-FEMA MAPI I-877-336-2(27) COIIRr BOZEMAN CREEK GLACER wuRr s ZONE F rot canmunM map revrsan mstory prior to cpntywae maw«g,refer m the Canmunay or Visit the FEMA website at hitp rwww.fema.90Vr. = I AE Nap Hist«y table bcared n the Flood in�Lxi«e Study report for M_e 1umninioo COIN `Bird['reek 486? 9 To determine A flood inw ee Is available n this community, contact Your rnwrasee r W agent or0D- call THE National Flood himnaree Pmgram at I-a638-6620. 4863 - /�r1t\ oAnEIELo sh RLL+ F 4864 GQIUifdl��ls� p UAISLEY CORT MAP SCALE 1 =500' h ti OX023 4869„ ` 2F I,_I g. —r 5 I8pp=FEET x > 4870 1„ntE o �eE _ METERS N <e�m .,^rc 15 Rt 4871 487f FLOODING EFFECTS FROM �I, I PANEL 0816D BOZEMAN CREEK - yy IRANI srRLu CurVen( 4P;b i BB GALLATIN COUNTY Access o _ ZONE AE UNINCORPORATED AREAS - QX02aa/� FARM J M 300027 x 4rt7� 4B82 18 L LACOLN n STRFFT ' FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP W uN oIN STREET DOBCA'u CITY OF BOZ MAN c 100028 U fQPP I �H3- 1 - GALLATIN COUNTY, 3 w — ' 0��0 85 ° �" +J I 1 5mY 4 67 SO F MAN STnFFT ce MONTANA F < J 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS I g� 9 g 89 .-4890 4895 C ACCOIA ❑RIVE - GALL A IN COUNTY 2 - PANEL 816 OF 1725 CININCORP-RATE[)AREAS 9 � D � � �(' (SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) 36M27 1 ZONED I ae 'o.. I O p CONTAINS: k c 4so5 P 4Bs74Bss 9 ZONE FMA ID ZONE AE COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX ,n 4899— A 4893 FLOODING EFFECTS FROM GALLATIXI N CUNTY alwon .11 KA 0 w GY ROULEVARD > 4904 44 . 'F 4894 BOZEMAN CREEK eozEVAN arroF snooze oats o i � 9�4 P 0 O uLFN ogrve GALLATIN COUNTY Figgins 4902 I IUNINCORPORATEUAREAS RFK h (.reek ovM DRIVE 27 4914 7 Y ZONE AE - o S1NACr Ave 000-a �'4g0t GALLATIN COUNTY eyA) HFL srR NdAw b Urn ins rip NurMar horns below shwb be AILE OF used when prdeing map orders;Inc conmotf-y Number afaAa, IININCORPORA'fED AREAS ZONE AE T lED sruor GALLATIN COUNTY so56 N 300027 < 49,V _. 4vp- Ftpi UNINCORPORATED AREAS a donee�"N. �^i„ rdw�applaaams he sueion 24 'p \ n� - ZON AE (15ek I 300027 afeA��ti MAP NUMBER _ ¢0 219 ev`F •ek 49 , ' 30031CO816D 491, 7 4539'225' a� EFFECTIVE DATE 4511 225' 111 D345.0' JOINS PANEL 0818 ell at'S2S' PZ4NO 5f�J 49zs SEPTEMBER 2,2011 ovEReNGOK CITY OF BOZEMAN GALLATIN COUNTY DRIVE 100029 UNINCORPORATED AREAS Federal Emergency Management Agency 300027 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND Res.,lap is for Lse In a(lmnustering the National Flood Insurance Program.It SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFRAS) SUBJECT TO d,rps not necessarily identity all areas subject to flooding, parreclady from local I,—E *ix",E INUNDATION BY THE 1%ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD drainage sources of small size.The community map repository should be 111v1s2s• JOINS PANEL 0809 1 111v0100.0• me 1%amual mane flood(IODyear Hood),also known as the base flood,rs the Sol consulted for possible updated or additional hood hazard information. a5-15or --- -C- 45w1'15.OF mat has a 1%mane of tong eft-eel or exceeded m any given year.The Sp"I Fund H_M Area k the area srbjea be fiordrng by the 1%annual metre food.Areas Io obtain more detailed information m areas where Base Flood Elevations Bozeman 4,L�' CP E of special Hood Hazard intlde zones 0.AE,AH,AD,All A99,V and vE The ease (RFEsi and/or floodEvays have been determined,users are encouraged to Cor soil 477 I.r�1, 4758� Co B+D GULGN DP Food Ekvalbn's the water-suAace elevation or Me 1%annual dwlce food. the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data and/or Summary of Stillwater Elevatit rs E AgAwoo STREET _ 5 to tiles contained within the Flood Insurance Study(FIS)report that accompanies 9ti C ` J ZONE A Fb Base Fgoe ElevaLlons deter*nirled. tits FIRM Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent O 6 p n ZONE AE Base Flood Elevators detedn.red. ,uunde0 whole idol elevations. These BFEs are it mcled for flood Insurance 477 47 P 1 D -�� 2plEAH Flood d,W, of I to 3 feet(us-14, arcs of pond'Ing); Base Food rating purposes >nly and should not be used as the sole source of flood 0 s PQ 4�r I Cal 4 Elevations determined. elevation -nformaion. Accordingly, hood elevation data presented in the FIS PEACr STREET "vet OP .Ci1iBd \�// ZONE AO Flpod depths of Ito 3 het (rrwally sheet flow an sbpng Mran); report should be utilized in conjunction wiM the FIRM for purposes of 4'F7 4770 - - —- _ average depths detemred. For areas of asuvol fan flooding,velocities ronstr lcnon and'cr floodplain management. 4780 i W O r7g O - _ also determined. R < 4774 O BOINH/ CT ZONEAR Special Flood Hazard Arai formerly protected fran the 1%annual Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown on this map apply only landward SIRE ` Owv O LINE ICj A11A I mane Bond by a noaa control system that was subsapuentry, of 0 North American Vertical Datum of 1988(NAVD 86). Users of this w59 fleet N smEF i O `�. decemrred- zone AR Doi that the romier noon control system f IHM should be aware that Coastal is Good elevations are also provided in the o - . 1 z� a NOTE:MAP AREA SHOWN ON THIS PANEL being restored to provide protection from the 1% annual chance a Summary of Stillwater Elevations sable In the Flood Insurance Study report < ; y'rn� IS LOCATED WITHIN THE TOWSHIP 9r�ro'flOOa for this jurisdiction Elevations shown m the Summary of Stillwater Elevations �'a rn/o J 2 SOUTH,AND RANGE 6 EAST. ZONE AN Ama ro be proteced from 1% annual manse flood M a Federal table should be ised for construction andor floodpiain management purposes 3,FR OLE1 STREr, srgrE yzis -ZONE AE I - Flood aotecton system under mnsvucron m ease Flood Elevations when they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM. - 4'7R diem01"ed. —4766 Op� CV ZONE V laastal noo0 nine with velocity haraM(wave actipn); no Base Food Houndanesofthe iloodways were Computed at cross sections and interpolated 478.. 4 47 7 2 Elevations derennined berw on cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations - 41, 4771 ON P p GY1 ZONE VE coastal food zone mil, Velocity facard (wave oaten); ease Flood with regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway o4VQ 4770 1768 d%l PROFILE BASE LINE Elevations determined urance . widths and other pertinent Iloodway data are provided in the Flood Ins DAVIS STREe STRFEr -4786 ✓ T ,/ O'6 study report for this jurisdiction. ci.roer L �p ra,2 GALLATIN COUNTY � FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by Hood �N 4791 s 4780 '• 0. the floodway N the channel or a stream plus am+adjacent floodpit-areas Thal met be control structures. Refer to Section 24 -Flood Protection Measures' of O '� Q UNINCORPORATED AREAS kept Ime d erraoamme,t m that the 1%arnual manse flood can be amled wimout hie Flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control Structures 479 J( .11NN127 substantial increases rn flood heghbs. for this jumsdl r unawi ra r 479 - Curwvr — 4� P X� ZONE AE 4785 0 OTHER FLOOD AREAS The projection Used in the preparation of this map was Universal Transverse O 9 4 --F--'4� —dam ZONE z Areas or 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of 1%annual mane flood Mercator IUTM) zone 12, The horizontal datum was NADon Gsed 1D - -+- rage areas less than spherciid. DiOererces m datum, sphered, projection or UTM zones used In Cwvem-- -t-+ s.vna.ADE oowwrowN eoulFVARo with average eapms d less man i loot a with drat the production of FIRMS for adjacent junShcctiom may result in slight Posnjaral 4601 T.VIU—ono....-1 ,. A191 ware mile; anti areas aoeectee by levees hart 1%annual chance tlMerences m map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differences S covet -4802 asCHURCH AVENUE OX0467 I ;(;cr do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. �� 9 AENENDENHqqu sTREET 91 Giallafin River flood elevation on this map are referenced to the North American vertical nAiN sTRE Er t IoswAl ucE4vENUE tv A19 / 0 OTHER AREAS Datum of 198SB These Pond elevations must be compared to structure and - CITY OF BOZEMAN U ZONEX Area Oetermired ro be outside me O.z%annual chance floodpbin. ground elevation3 referenced to the same vertical datum. For information 7 XOX0236 P. `Or°"^ ZONED Areas ,whsh flood hazards are undetermined,but ooesele, regarding converaon between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 i 6 o4w 30002,Q 1p, and the North/,merit..,Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic: Yt Bridq rr O p ® COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS Survey website at hhp.+iwww.ngsnoaa.gov or contact the National GeodElic 4B1 gFFr O 4792 D`o, Survey at the folUwm address. <E eAeCOCz siREEr O 9 N 460 V \ p,9 n OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS(Ol NGSI.,formation Services a ti f 4809 DA CB( 7 CRSS areas and OPA,are normally loczted won a adjacent to 5pedal Flood Hazam Area, NOAA,WNGS12 4814 A19` Floodplain boundary National Geodetic Survey EOUVEsr EET I'R,1E-- SSMC-3.a9202 rkA DRIVE 9 OG Headway boundary 1315 East-West Highway ZONE QgZ ;w STR X . . X S o FF r p - - Zone D boundary Silver Spring,MD 20910-3282 is _._ yy 4 tit l -'Mill Ditch F a UPS \ ,4I ........... CERS and OPA boundary ID obtain current elevator,description,and/or location information for bench marks DNrrazoz s9 08 �sound. di l Food Hazard Areas or different shown on this map please contact the Information Services Branch of the 2p (.. ry al Sxce National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713-3242, or visit its websde at use Food Elevations,hood deems or food vebcrtre,. nap:rwww.ngSmoaa gov). 4S gockL _ _513^^^^ram ease Fmd Elevation I:re and vaue;elevation n reet- Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the N ZONE AE * (EL 987) ease Food Elevator, vane where ars am whin zone, ele (i.11atin County GIS Department Aq QX0227 v aum•Rererenced To the North Amenclin Vertical Datum of 1988(NAVD 88) ONr40F gt4a ,,n O VB2 gOgO v �-(y C_sech.I- This map reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations E sronr STREET z Man;hose shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodi �.7p z SOOERTPLACE op uvvtl� 2 -------� rransm foe and ;hose that were transferred from the previous FIRM a have been a.E cuatrss STREET rA r,, pr may a ECcVEsmEEI 4Y tOF Geographic coordinates83(H references ro me Nam American aduslBd ID conlnrm IO these new stream channel configurations. As a g 9]OT'00".322230' Datum of 19e3(N4D 83) result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Flood Insurance q9� s E aAacocrc STREET 1 o. $rlldy report(which contains auf notable hydraulic data)may reflect stream �. '7$0°°"'N 1000-meter Universal Transverse MerrMa grid Ik*s,[pre 12 channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. ,.ill", O loop-foot grid bds. Alabama Stake Floret comoinste 483C qH ���M s stem,east zone(HPSZONE 0101), Transverse Me-- Corporate limits shown on this map are based on Me best data avail le m al the time of pub cation Because changes due to anhaxabons or de annexations c 990 �rEgry ' , play nave occurred after this map was published,map users should contact a i,Nw000a I '- DX5510 emit, mark(see e.pLanatirn .,Notes to users season of appr0lXl.Ie ComnLrlily OffIG.IS t0 verily current corporate limit IOCdliOns, W IS ANNUAL CNANCF S 11 his,FIRM pare)) 2 DISCHARGECO 410IN CHANNEL Please ref ounty er to tfe separately punted Map Index for an overview map of he N p I' PO a 'E I \ oaf aMt6 River Mile c showing;Ire layout of map panels community map repository addresses-. Z A 0 Z MAP REPOSITORIES and a Listing of Tommunibes table conlaimng National Flood Insurance Program O P Hur Farah O Refer.,Map Ri manones list on Map Ind. dates for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which each commun1ly is located. EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE OP tq,. Contact the FEMA,Map FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Map Service Center a11-800-358-slits for information on ---ZONE AE \ September 2.2011 availalXe products associated with this FIRM. Available products may inclLde fl QBS g� EFFECTIVE DATES)OF REVISIONS)TO THIS PANEL previously issues Letters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study report, a p� ardlor digital versons of this map.The FEMA Map Service Center may also be E 4S reached by Fax a', 1-1500-358-9520 and its website at httpsiwww.msc.tema.govi. PoNo Ho 48$ 4T I "you have questions about this map or -ocstioaa coat------ w c .`a5o::.: 463 -..._ t, F Ioed Insurance Program in general,please call 1-877-FEMA MAP(1-877-336-2627) :)8ti., o or visit the FEMA website at http:!,www.fema.Il 4V 3 mun0 map revision.,stay prior to al,ramide mapping,refer to ore Community 4ys -sourroo...ROAu i , GALLATIN COUNTY For st«v Seidv report iu Pf'EJpPO UNINCORPORATED AREAS 1. a mole kxatea in the Flan .4of,in this mmmuniry, cmrna vary insuianoe 4962 Will 300027 agent or all the National Flood losurane A 4864 og\ram at 1 ON638 8620. F AX v` Ilutwl SIRFE" 4fi65 BAdge FO AY I MAP SCALE 1"=500' prep so57".N- 25D ter 0 500 1 FEET � METERS 48G_ PANEL 0817D 4872 I FIRM Rozernnn creek m FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 7 16 GALLATIN COUNTY, 4878 18 � a�E m MONTANA o j 9 �1yE ^' N n NEcnrsT Dq, CT AND INCORPORATED AREAS GALI A"1'IN COON'Y Is`" 4dtla UNINCORPORATED ARE: 4886 NI11077 VINECRE51 DRY JP, 4667 ` / - ° PANEL 817 OF 1725 N { (SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) N CEOARview o ¢� - CONTAINS: COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX 489•11 4"�' BO v''" ( J-J eo Ez NAn cir111 snooze mrz o 6ERINO,DRIVE S CEDARVIEW 0Pw U 1695 LI 6E 4897 0°00 D N aPED:E a` CITY OF BOZEMAN 4907 eF a 300028 'E = =_UCE 2 1 N.PINE m56,i N a '..'4908 4911'AO -RIVE vN„nor 490i pEpAI�E MAP NUMBER > 4 13 BN r v eouLEvano �" 0 30031CO817D �',' 4•.'39.22.S' << as�s'zzs• fR��.... z EFFECTIVE DATE m �� 0, JOINS PANEL 0819 oisz s• mr0000u• A 20 21 +wD se SEPTEMBER 2,2011 tiash Spring GALLATIN COUNTY a UNINCORPORATED AREAS 19 Creek 300027 Federal limergem•J Management Agency NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map is for use In adnunistenny the National Flood Insurance Program It SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAS) SUBJECT TO does not necessarily identity all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local O INUNDATION BY THE 10kAR ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD drainage sources 01 small size. The community map repository should be `96 E `970ep'°E I t t 93A5.0• consulted for possible updated or additional good hazard information. JOINS PANEL 0816 I II YIt'S2.5• me 1%annual chance Food being eDr,rod),oho known as Me base year a the eppd 453922.5• _ a5`39'22.5' Na[has a 1%tllance or being egValeO or exceee0 in any given year The Special In obtain more detailed Information in areas where Base Flood Elevations 4934 - ys _49f `4818 O Fknd Hazard Areas me area wmea to flooding by Me 1%annual Chance rood,Areas :rp -Flat('rrrk of Specal Flood Hazard mcwde zone: A,AE,AH,AO,AR,A99,V and VE,The ease IBFE,)andlor ffoodmirs have been determined,users are encouraged to consult / the Flood Profiles and FlLodway Data anclow Summary of Stillwater Elevations w R 4919 A Food Ft wtxri is Me.aW,,Una ei vabon of the 1%annual Chance food. ,able5 corltailled within Me Flood Insurance St OAI.I.AI'1N COl:NTA' q9 4916 Study(FIS)report that accompanies M n No UNINE'ORW)RAThD AREAS 2 4917 ZONE A I Base Flood Fle anions ae[amkhad. I,, FIRM. Users should be aware that BEES shown on the FIRM represent GALLATIN COUNTY - y� v, 4934 ¢ ."apin7 ZONE AE Rase Hood tleyat seecermined. ounded whole-foot elevations These BFFs are intended for flood Insurance P, i� ti curnNo STREET ati owes oil and should not be used as the sole source of hood C NINCORPORATEU AREAS ZONE D -�yyr °Hrf ZONE ZONE AN rluud 4pMs car I W 3 Feel(usually areas d pending); Base Food ng pure Y 9 4937 q Hevatms determined, e anon formabor. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented n the FIS 34NN1-7 O a, •g24 AE 4g2 n oP,U rt should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes OI I MORROW sin ' Z ZONE AO Flood detours of I to 3 feet (usually sheet Ito. on sloping lean); r,on5huction and:Ix iloodplain management. P 4927 ¢ .,rage deems determined. For areas of all-re fan ing,hood veocines -__AN"` FF 4,q2 4925 also aetcrrnir,m. AVFNUF ZONE AR 5pocial Hood Hazard Area formerly pmpeaed from me 1%annual Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown On this map apply only landward ZONE AE I SPRING caLLK DRIVE SPRING 492y I 4928 B� 4926 chance Rood by a ro i flood Cor system Mat was wtnegventi of 0.0' North American Vertical Datum of 1988(NAVD 88), Users of tdE _ amended. zone <k iodca-that ale to— Food conbol wSW. FIRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in the � ATLNMILNTY ZONE AE being nextered to Provide protection from the 1% annual chance or SUminary Of Stillwater Elevabons table in the Flood Insurance Study report _ _ INMC()P)MTVA ARRAS greater flood, for this jurisdiction. Elevations shown in the Summary of Shlnvalel Elevations —�� haze Mathew < Bird Creek ZONE A99 N,a m be protected from 1% annual Chance food by A FWaal table should be used For construction andror floodplam management purposes 9 ..."T sTREFT 493 4930 n«,d protection system order mnuruaign; rw ease Flood Elevators when they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM. _ determined. Roundanes of the iloodways were computed at cross sections and Interpolated Frggrns `f- 4"53 O 2 4934 493A ZONE v coasrat Flood zone with velocity lwzs'd(wave action); no ease Flood ('reek i S S P C 493 O ITKY'nCoasoIpns conflood 'Oft between cross sections. The Boodways were based on hydraulic consideratlons 493 rolned HENDERSDN HENOE RSON S19EET 6 4934 ZONE VE CrAoAW1 Food zone with velocity hazard action wih regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. FlDodway - STREFT - 9 (wave ); Rase Flood k9 O 4ALLATIN(:OUNTti' EleYatnns aNamirwa widths and other pertinent floodway data are Provided In the Flood Insurance I UNINCORPORATED A RF::\S Swtl e n for Mis jurisdiction 4g58 on, ii > y r p0 1 ZONED CITY OF BOZEMAN sSgur� ; 193 3110027 FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE L;., areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood i0�28 " TAUDANLH STREET w T q ; O 4f739 Tile food ay n Me channel of a stream pkn a x addacent Foodplan areas that must be control structures. Refer to Section 24 "Flood Protection Measures' of % 494 u D 3 yf $ E kep tree of er,OoammenL so that the t%annual manse Food can ce ca.rW without the flood InsurancF Study report for information on flood control stmctures z, kept tat mcmases in Food negnis. D, this jurisdiction. I I z Fl, 4 OX0240 stint siRLLI 4949 c-, 494 k� uTO OTHER FLOOD AREAS the projection used In the preparation of this map was Universal Transverse a w a ETAILED 'ZONE� 0 MercatorIUTM) zone 12. The horizontal datum was NAD83, GRS798C. 4 73`i; ° RAF smeti U 4948 STUDY A n- 494 ZONE x Areas or 02% annual Chance Food; sea ofore s 1%annual Ch flood I,henoid. Differences in datum, spheroid, projection or UTM zones used in I — N win average depths of less Loan 1 Rotor IT with dreirage areas less Man the production of FInMs for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight poshonal 24 R 1 � 19 F 1 square mile; and areas Fmtected by levees from 1%annual Chance 1lT rence5 in map features across jurisdiction boundenes. These differences P 497 S �� rnELDsroNE oNwE 'rot rox OLLnw 494 flood do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. 49)4 — wAy ZONE AE- IN G.ALLATIS CUITNTV — 0 OTHER AREAS I lood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical BROOKDALE giIVE CSINCORPLI"T'D Aa Datum of 1988. These flood elevations most be compared to structure and LLI Amr t. -. 49 MAry 495 ZONE Naas de¢ined to be outside the o2%ohms.]chanre roodplar, ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. For information q9>9 nF CONcoRD F4 ZONE D Areas n whim n.W hazards are Udetermined,but possible. regaiding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 — ALLEY and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic. e COASTAL Survey webstre at nilp'www.ngs.roaa.gov a contact the National GcfX1(+br. I NFRnl aGt uHrvE o 49,5 OAST BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM CBRS AREAS Survey at the follow ng address: 495 vosTALCIA LAv ,y'e,h.S per ( ) NGS Information Services V _ e k OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS OPAs o - I IExwG-N DRIVE 59 cater - ('reek © ( ) H`OEP CRELK )R. r 495 CRRS areas and OPAL are rwrm�IL borbi..in or ad )a,-, 7 NASH CREEK ROAD m N(JAA,.N'NGS 12 499 — DRIVE Flopipldn boundary a jdcenl 1p SpeGdl FIppO Mdrdrd Areas. National Geodetic Survey _ `sSM(:-3.#9202 m S 1315 East-West Highway °� 5� ; PARK PLACE o 496 ALLLr D 95 Floolway boundary Silver Spring,MD 20f 10-3282 4 T i o + e ZONE AE H D boundary T To obtain current elevation,description,anLYor location information for bench marks � 496 ................. CBRS one ova boundary shown on this map, please contact Me Information Servsces,ranch of Me .+ - I w 4964 eoundary dividing SFaeal Flood Hazard Areas of diferant Nahonal Geodetic Survey at (301) 713-3242, or visit its websile at I - w ZONE AE ease oboe Ek,aborts,noon I oQ m m F FIELovIFw c„(RIpGE DRIVE L 3 496 496 daptln w Food yalootexi hit donfew,rgs.noaa,gov'. CAMB ^^^"^'S13^^^^^' acts Flood Eova'ion line and value;elevation'n feet* Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the u� I H, ALI FY Ausr P tEL 987) ease Flood Elevator, value where uniform ..in mho Gallabn County CIS Department. OXFORD i ' st,04 �� elewrtlon inet Re • 3 A, 497 ARCAUTA LANE£ 49,0 'Referenced to the North Amencen Veatcal Datum of 19M(NAVD 88) 49) m CANDLE ONEE /w> �•x eras.sector rive I his niap reflects mote detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations w LL coRNELI ? "LLEr auto °4973 u�J Riau those shown on Me previous FIRM tote this jurisdiction, The Iloodplaim. ZONE A :dt09�ZONE AE a °Blue I •I. 4 i ;4974 {2�3 nansect Ind .rod Iloodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been T - �, \ "' e,D,5i9d to contort. to these new stream channel cont urabons As n I }I a 497g %pc FiELOVV 4976 Gegyrapnic coordinates referenced to Me Nom Amencan y g 5014 it " Oyri CIRCLE J v/9130"32-30' Doh in of 1983(NAD 83) esull, the Flood Prohles and Floodwa Data tables m the Flood insurance n Study repod(which contains authoritative hydraulic data)may reflect stream _ _ - - "75° 11,1 IODGncter Universal Tor—Pie Mercumr m tins,mre 12 channel distances ttat differ from what is shown on this map. --— - 5 I U OPRNCETON PIACL 9-ry 4982 -yy'9 g OF DETAILED STUDY y 50Dt'-foot grid[ices'. Alabama Stale Plane coordeate Corporate limitssl w 6000000 M ow, on this map are bases on the best data available y an of sruov �.IM' + _ 9g system,east r-I(E PSZONF 0I01), Transverx Mercator at the time of publication.Because changes due to annexations or de-annexations m may nave occurred after this map was published,map users should contact + Z Z °co Fy pw' I o appropriate community officials to verity current corporate limit locations. w 0 4988 DX5510 aeub mark(see explanation in Notes tors sector Use of Z } / 4990' p9 W this er,panel) Please rater to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the Qa I L e°e� a .MI.S Rwe Mile county showing the layout of map panels:community map repository addresses, Do �- 6995 Ul end a Iisting of Communities lable containing National Flood Insurance Program O 1 g CITY OF BOZEMAN 4991- Z MAP REPOSITORIES dates for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which each } 300028 Rater to Map Reposibnes fist on Map Index EOm mnnlly is located. I 'F• 4q"7•. so54omo„N I} o_ Pro — 499 BEARCkliyc 'JJ9� CO 4 95 EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE Conta,t the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616 for Information on ni ENo qCl L CO, FLOODINSURANCE RATEMAP available products associated with this FIRM. Available products may Include PrRA`�U PP P 4996 Y SeplemDer 2.2on pnev10Usly issued Letters OI Map Change, a Flood InsU/d.Ce Study report - EFFECTIVE OATE(SI OF REVISIONIST TOTHIS PANEL Pw ZONE AE -4996 :indbr digital versions of this map.The FEMA Map Service Center may also be E I LDMAr li-d3-WxeE1 1 i�=•/y reached by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its website at hnp2'www.msc.fema.gow �G¢ 9m 5Op oR1pE 4997 .4999 1,dNA-al,dl--A-d73 vv/-i 1114,1rt ':-oU have questions about this map or questions Concerningthe Nahonal / flood Insurance Program in general,please Call l-877-FEMA MAP(1-8 7 7-336-262 71 l 500 or visit the FEMA weDsite a1 http A,R,w fema.govr r 'W Cg W community, map rlwsmn nsttry poor to muntywioe Chopp rig Her m the ComrrAmay NOTE:MAP AREA SHOWN ON THIS PANEL IS LOCATED { ,�� 5= q'99s Mao History rable located inthe ood InSoa—Study rebert form fudsdicoa WITHIN TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST AND ,( / s° I O 500 I`7C7' T. determine T flood nwrana,IS available in Mis mmmunay, moot your,nextaom TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH.RANGE 6 EAST. / ° - agent or can me National HI Inwrance"Dwo a 1 800 638 6620. 146 ii SD F 5100, / m a 500a BIT - 3° MAP SCALE 1"=500' 6 pp ' i5012 21 1-1 Ea-L--- -�FEET 25 OX0241 x / qC 50. SOS PC u -5015 50 I METERS aoEvsTEIN =.nF 5029 _ -SOt7 r P° s° °qc ed.,rrndrr 'IJII© PANEL 0818D `2 ZONE AE )0y\ Creek ZONE AE 30 GALLATIN COUNTY D 5019 502r FIRM UNINCORPORATED AREAS Fama'dge` 50 z so2q 50 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 300027 AE 5p45 AE e+ GALLATIN COUNTY, ZONE AE/ or LIMIT or aTDDY MONTANA 5029 All Spring / 50 16 Creek \0 AND INCORPORATED AREAS ZONE D v PANEL 818 OF 1725 5E}'7 SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) I steal CONTAINS: ZONE A COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX ZONE AE 'Boss 59/ ) FozEMAN CITY OF =1. ae,e o ZONE AE —' s �a sr5r PATTERSON RCA. OX0242 _ _AF I NAI OryF's UNIT OF STUDY LIMIT OF DETAILED STUDY - UE IAILED STUDY �9r" f9MKx to IJsar The N.p Numb.r shown below should o0 36 31 J used whoa pacing mMap Ord,I.iM C.—Mty pt i c ow / I m m t mein nor -z r.an.,u5 mr rn,swr.,I 5065 +"°r3rP MAP NUMBER �� ��? 50 9 30031C0818D 4537300• O3 J. es•ar3oo• = Z EFFECTIVE DATE I I I '45.0' t t l'0152-5• P J JOINS PANEL 0931 T dNU SE SEPTEMBER 2,2011 Fldcral Emelgencp Management Agency NOTES TO USERS LEGEND I his map is for use In administering the National Flood Insurance Program.It SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAS) SUBJECT TO does not necessarily Identity all areas subject to hooding, particularly from local INUNDATION BY THE 1%ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD dramage sources of small size.The community map repository should be In TI 52.5• .�mor E JOINS PANEL 0817 <99cop„E nl 10000• me 1%annual chance mod ptxryear Hood),aso known as me base road,is the rood consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information, 459e225' 4599'22.5' mat has a 1%manse of being waled a exceeded In any given year.The Specal b ;f`Ilb 1 Flood Hazard Area Is area wbject to footling by me 1%annual chance Food,Areas BI cf Special Flood Hasam 'ndude Zones A,AE,AH,AD,AR,A",v and VE.The Base 70 obtain more detailed information in areas where Saw Flood Elevations p9 - Flood elevation s the water-wrra.elevation or the 1%annual chance hood. (BEES and'or floodways have been determined,users are encouraged to consult rt1e Flood Profiles and Floodway Daly and or Summary of Stillwater Elevations 4gz6, ZONE A No Base Flood Elevations determined. taDes contained within the Flood Insurance Study(FIS)report that accompanies B 491 CITY OF NO"/.II ZONE AE Base Flpnd Elevdtion5 detaminetl. this FIRM. Users should be aware that BEES shown on the FIRM represent 300028 Gurxlcd whole-foot elevations. These BFEs are Intended for flood insurance ;Vaa'h Spring 492_ qPF ZONE AN EEtrwa�I#cere het to 3 neat(uwalM areas a pdWsg); Base Food rating DO only and should not be used as the sole source of flood Creek - Bozeman elevation irlfpmation. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the FIS ✓q2j ZONE AE- Croak �- - ZONE AO Food de IF— of 1 to 3 feet (u-11, shell row on sloping Reaam; Ireport should tie ublized n Conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of 4925 - r construction I O fl0odplain management ZONE AE g also a terdee rimed,determined. For area, of a11-1 fan flooding,velocities ZONE AN Spec'aI Rood Hazard Area k—rty protected from me 1%annual Coastal Be" Flood Elevations shown on this map apply only landward 4928 chance rood by Flood mntrol system roar was wb"o"'tly of 0.if North American Vertical Datum of 1988(NAVD 88), Users of this dererofed. zone AR amd ff"d at the rormer mod cnreoi system FIRM should be aware that Coastal flood elevations are also provided in the 5 being r000d. to provide pmtMon from ilia 1% annual chance a Summary of Stillwater Elevations table in the Flood Insurance Study report greater food. for this jurisdiction. Elevations shown in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations GALLATIN COUNTY ZONE A99 Area ro be pmrote0 from 1% annual chance Flood by a rmeml tale should be used for construction andror floodplam management purposes z food praect'lon system under con—coun; no Base Flood Elevations when they are higher man the elevations shown on this FIRM. @ UNINCORPORATED AREAS tlefermined. hic, EY 4 49� B4 .Tr31VG/ ZONE V Coastal mod :one win vebcx, hazard(wave action); no base Flood Boundaries of the floodways were Computed at cross sections and interpolated 4935 _g937 EN Elevations aereenned- behveen cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic Considerabons - - ZONE VE coastal mod zone wim velocity Huard (wave acme); ease Flood ,lb regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway - BK Elevations determr din 493 widths and oche-pertinent floodway data are provided in me Flood Insurance 49 ooNEOAL Study report for this jurisdiction -<940 DRIVE S IN ZONE AE FLOODWAY AREAS Carton areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood q control structures. Refer to Section 2A "Flood Protection Measures" of 49 ieprn,nree o`f is the channel a a mean annual aha nee modplain areas mat inst be kept free a wlooammant m mat the 1% I manoe hood n he carried ilhorr[ the flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control structures PRIVAIT o°r wbstannal increases n mod heights. I: this jurisdiction. onrvr 4944 G Q OTHER FLOOD AREAS The projection used in the preparation of this map was Universal Transer:'r 494 n n Mercator UTM zone 12, The horizontal datum was NAD83, GRS 11,8(1 BM zONEx Areas cr o.z% a Huai manse flood;foot a as a t%a rivaleasI mod ( 1 wim average d•pa a less than t root« wim drainage areas less man spheroid. Differences In datum, spheroid. projection or UTM zones used m 1 s4uxe mile; arm seas pmtetea by levees from 1%annwl manse the production of FIRMS lot adjacent jursdlctions may result in slight positional 19 4946 20 21 flood. differences in map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differences do not all the accuracy of this FIRM. 7 s = OTHER AREAS r.r IN 4951 OLD RYAN pnryE Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical 4953 o^ ZONE x Areas determined to be outage the 0.2%--I chance noodplam. Dutch of 1988. These flood elevations must be compared to structure and BIN _ ZONE o Areas in which fom hazards are undetermined,but possible. (round elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. For information regarding Conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 4955 y PALEt tE 3 ° ® COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM(CBRS)AREAS and the Norm American Vertical Datum of 1988. visit the National Geodetic ZONE AE- - �' Q Rr no,ooe he Survey website at hflp rwwwngs.noaa.gov or contact the National Geodetic m y survey qt the to address: 49.5 TgoEoNO rs OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS(OPAs) MISS Information Services £ tARS areas and OPA9 are nomally located wah'In or ddpcent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. NOAA,NfNGS12 - Y National Geodetic Survey _ CANVAS COURT F lootlplafn boundary SSMC-3,#9202 BO 4963 P2r` Floodway boundary 1315 f_phinWest highway c Zone d lwu Silver Sprang,MD 2091 0-328 2 ....••.•••... 7o obtain current elevation,desert lion,ari location information for bench marks 9 9 - Dens and OPA bwndary P Boundary tliElevab Special Flood Hazard Areas a tlineen[ shovel on this map, please contact the Information Services Branch of the n COBALt Cl Base Food Eleramns,Hood deems or flood vekxRies. National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713-3242, or visit Its websne a1 I<. hnp:7www.ngs.rwaa.govr. r Ivewnr � 49i J —513— Base Food Elevation line tiro value;elevation in feet' Base map Information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the [EL 9971 ease Flood Elevation vawe where uniform within rare, I Gallatin County CIS Department. Bp 9) n V enn m rear 4g 'Referenced to the c N AmericanM'xal Datum of 1966(NAVD 86) 16 WAT BP f4. A A Cross sr.ton me This map reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations °s � than those shown on the pewous FIRM for this jurisdiction, The ffootlplams Ha.cman BO BO o \`.'l rransect nine and doodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been ('reek--- _ 498 r adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a 9fmz,on..32�ro. GLograpohk coordinates rereencee to me Nam areiran recall. the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Flood Insurance m o datum r tin(NAD 83) .Study report(which Contains autho,fahve hydraulic data)may reflect stream -- 3z75000r'N taaometer universal transverse Mercabpr g.id txks,rare 12 ,banner distances that differ from what is shown on this map. 6000000 M 5000-toot grid ticks: Alabama Rate Plane coordinate system,eau rove(FlPSIONE OtOD, Transverse Merratu Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data available Z oARONER PARK oR•VI it the time of publication.Because changes due to annexations or de-annexations OW may have Occurred after this map was published,map users should Contact a DX5510 Beach man(see explanation in Notes to Users sectbn of appropriate Community officials to verity current corporate limit locations. oo W >< this FIRM Panel) Z Z Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the O a .M1.5 River Mile county showing the layout Of map panels'.Community map repository addresses, BR Z MAP REPOSITORIES and a Lrsbrg of Communities lade containing National Flood Insurance Program Ogg` O Refer to Map Repositories list on Map Ingee dates for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which each r:mnmunity is located 5V54wa„N O EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE PO FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616 for information on September 2.2011 available products associated with this FIRM. Available products may include 4gg5 g EFFECTIVE DATES)OF REVISIONIST TO THIS PANEL Ixeviousfy issued I esters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study report _ andror digital versions of this map.The FEMA Map Service Center may also be 4996- reached by Fax al 1-800-358-9620 and its website at httpl/www.mSC.lema.gov. S) b o have questions attar tits map G: esEcns ncarning ;..".e ....�sl ZONE AE ZONE A > Flood Insurance Program in general,please call 1-877-FEMA MAP(1-877-336-26271 II t sonar NOTE:MAP AREA SHOWN ON THIS PANEL IS LOCATED ur visit the FEMA website at hnpiiwww.lema.gov.r. err WITHIN TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 6 EAST. I nor mmmundy map revision hstory pier to countywide mapping,Teter ro the Community f Map History bible located in le Flood beimnce Study report for this posdid'ion. io dete'nlble 9 mad Yewance S available'm Me community, coop t your inwrance 9q agent or call the National Flood I—anreee{�roliroI�HHlina�agym at 1-800-638-6620. MAP SCALE 1"=SOOT ZONE AE--. 250 0 500 -080 ET 5012 FE FLOODING EFFECTS FROM--- Bu - - METERS FLOODING BOZEMAN CREEK 5015- _ coLoeNSTri n �1,, _ 0 150 @� 30HF 29 28 ` �° PANEL 0819D �' FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP WAGON BOSS pnivF __ GALLATIN COUNTY, u g s MONTANA - AND INCORPORATED AREAS 0� 1 IN PANEL 819 OF 1725 CV ISEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) ly STAGECOACH DRIVE GALLATIN COUNTY � -. CON "'rgAz COMMUNITY f1SlA7@E0 PANEL SUFFIX dew UNINCORPORATED AREAS �' caIAre Cc ea19 n E x�� ry pppza �VWZ/ III aJIFMAY CITY OF OB19 D l\1VIlG c4 tP00RER _- TRAIL POFo 5 E� 31 Noh a To User the Nan Np be hewn,bekTa shwMIII pew 4E 32 �.° 33 used wrxm Placing map others,ma ranAwnly wrroar Ixxvn E abovo Var`Pl tx used ar e's a a apgraklly u the subject mmmuniW y`�J QEQA�r�f MAP NUMBER y o 30031CO819D 45�7 30.0• JOINS PANEL 0932 tit w0005�7;wo © 6c�+� EFFECTIVE DATE 11101525 a 4Nn se SEPTEMBER 2,2011 Federal Emergency A1anagement Agency- NOTES TO USERS LEGEND this map is for use in administering the National I loos Insurance Program.It O SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHA`) SUBJC-CT TO does not necessarily identi all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local - INUNDATION 61'THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD drainage sources of small size.the community map repository should be s01 E s02°o0"E consulted for possble updated or additional flood hazard Information. nl oo 000 JOINS PANEL 0830 no5eo7s I,e has annual chanch.IcFe noon being ear Irmo,e., mown as r base hood,Is dire Flood A5`4307.5' 45"4307'+' Flat has a 1%chance of being ect to or es,by m arty given year.the Special In obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations Flood Mazaid Area rs me aacard nreca wbZon to Coming by the 1%annual chance flood,areas lis)andfor floodways have been determined,users are encouraged to consult 1�aem rs'mflood e water-.dace elevation of A,es AE, 1%ann0,�e9�ale vE.me ease the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data andror Summary of Stillwater Elevations The contained within the Flood Insurance Study(FIS)report that accompanies NOTE:MAP AREA SHOWN ON THIS PANEL IS LOCATED ZONE A Flit ease Food Elevatlon5 determinm. this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent WITHIN TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH,RANGE 6 EAST AND ZONE AE ease Flood Elevatons aete,Yned. ound, whole-loot elevations. These 8FEs are intended for flood insuran:e TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 6 EAST. ZONE AM Rind depths of 1 m 3 feet(usuaity arias or wodxng); ease Flood ,aOng purposes coly and should not be used as the sale source of flood Eleval'ims detemelred. elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented inthe FIS ZONE AO Flood depths or 1 to 3 feet (usualry street flaw onsloping terra,); re port should b- ub FIRM nzed in conjunction with the for purposes of average aepma eeeemnmm. w area : a alluvial Fan Flooding,velocAies de-construction anchorflootlplain management. 28 27 also -ZONE AR Spence Flood Hazard Area forort>cont protected brat wa�%annual map , Y chance flood Dy rode tint r—, mat bstern y of 0.0' Norm American Vertical Datum of 1988(NAND 88). Users of this decertiflm, zone AR ineirates aiad ore former Ibdd cmtrol system f IRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in ale LANE being rezoned d, provide mostlon horn ere 1% annual chance or Summary of Still%+ater Elevations table in the Flood Insurance Study repod s greater flood, for this jursdictior. Elevations shown in the Summary of Shlhvater Elevations ?� ZONE AN Area to de, ret pretended horn annual orn 1% chance flood by a Federal table should be used for construction andror floodplam management purposes 1' rood prate lion system u der—run—, no ease Find Ele.at'ons when they are higher than the elevabons shown on this FIRM. des—ned, ZONE V Coastal flood zmie with velocity hazard(wall accon); no ease Flood Boundaries of the doodways were computed at cross sections and interpolated _ Ekvatims dekm,ined. between cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations — - ZONE VE Coastal flood zone with velomr, hazard (wave acrm); ease Flom with regard to reijoirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway Ekva—detrm eined width. and other pertinent floodway data are provided in the Flood Insurance Study report for Mis jurisdiction. ((''�t FLOODWAV AREAS IN ZONE AE (:entail areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be Protected by flOOtl IALLATIN COUNTY ERN The floodway is the channel or a stream pies any adjacent troops,areas that most be control structures. Refer top Section 2,4 'Flood Protection Measures' of UNINCORPORATED AREAS eq kept free of encroammmt w that the 1%annual`Hance flood can m ranleW without the Flo, Insurance Stud report for information on flood control structures substantial increases , flood heghb. far this jursdicton 300027 ,ss I he projection used In the preparation of this map was Universal Transverse OTHER FLOOD AREAS Mercator (UTM) :one 12. The horizontal datum was NAD83, GRS1980 ZONE Areas of 0.2% a noal Chance blood; a—of 1%annual chance Flood spheroid. Differences datum, spheroid, projection or UTM zones used with average deprhs of less man 1 foot or with drainage areas less man me pl oduction of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight posit odd. ional �� f' 1 wuare mile; and areas prolMm by levees from 1%annual ,dance differences in map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These tliflerences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. 0 OTHER AREAS I food elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical ZONE x Areas determired fo be outsNe the 0.2%annual chance floodol— Datuni of 1988. These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. For information ZONE D Areas lo which,cod hazards are undetermined,but possible. regarding Conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum Of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. visit the National Genitals c ® COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS)AREAS survey website at httpl�www.ngsooaa.goW or contact the National Geodelic. Survey at the folkwirg address: ♦ OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) NOS nfo irm es ation Sl ivic } NOAA,N'NGS12 q ceRS areas am OPAs are noni locator with,or adjacent to special Flood Hazam rvem. National Geodetic Survey LiMIr Or OF rAAEps1 WY FToodpfain boundary SSMC-3,#9202 - Flood-,boundary 1315 Last-West Highway "Ao — Silver Spring,MD 2)910-3282 K = nit eF;Fr CANYON ROAD Pwese n ou ee D bndary L➢man to obtain current elevation,description,all or Ice ZONE A AA•••aaaa•••aaaaa location information for bench marks Creek O ? � cells and OPA boundary shown on this map, please Contact the Information Services Branch of the 19 0' eonneary eNiaing Scheidt Flood o Ma:aid Areas ofaiperent National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713-3242, or visit its website at V 1 O r33 � sac Flood Elevatims,flood colors or Flom wrectes ww.hril'Ovn oaa.goW.gs.n 4 5� 4878 34 ^"""'�513^^^^•� ease Fl,x,e Elevaforl Imo aria value;ekvatkn n feet' Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided m digital format by the G —Bridger Creek (EL 9871 sax Flom Elevation value where unirmm witnlo zme, Gallatin County GIS Department. q9 ZONE AE 60 48 elevarim,feel' N 9 gBJ3 •Referencm to the Norm Americar,.Vertical Dalum of 19M(NAVD 88) 4795 A�9 O,iss secdian rune m W A A I his map reflects more detailed and up-to-dale stream channel configurations b^ ro = '7/� m Than those shown on Me previous FIRM for this jursd,c]on the floodplains Drop " e a P° 4871 �-:r Transed me antl floodways that were transferred from Me previous FIHM may have been St.(vre f�' ZONE AE ,m,. 4 v 6eagrabil coodrnates referencd e W the North American adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a M 97V73o'32WW" S esult, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Flood Insurance Datum of 1983(NAD 83) ,Study report(which contains aut/rorrlafrve hydraulic data)may reflect stream n j`',L` NPSO u75°iA'"N 1010-ter universal T,ansverse Mercator grid tides,Cone 12 channel distances that differ from What is Shown On this map. O / 47320 p 4849 5000-foot grid tie Alabama State Rene coordinate 0 s,-0 V f`'Y' 6000000 M Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data available 4919 sysem easF zone(FlPSZONF 0101), Transverse Merca[m at the lime of publication.Because changes due to annexations or de-annexations Z a O I ay have occurred after this map was published,map users should contact a appropriate commrnaty officials 10 verify current corporate limit locations. Do od DX5510v th chIRmark(I emlanalion la Nores m users section of Z pore) z Please refer to the separately punted Map Index for an overview map of the O a aM1.5 Rher Mile c.aunly showing the layout of map panels:community map repository addresses', z and a hating of Communises table containing National Flood Insurance Program 50fi1g'o�"N MAP REPOSITORIES y g panels on which each Refer to Man Repositories I,at on Map Imex elates Im each communit as well as a listing of the canlmorxty is coaled. EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE Canted the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616 for information on FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP available products associated with This FIRM. Available products may include September 2.2011 prevlously issued Letters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study report. EFFECTIVE DATES)OF REVISION(S)TO THIS PANEL slid or digital versions of this map.The FEMA Map Service Center may also be reached by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its website at hflizPwww mscfema.gov It DU have questions about this map or - --- -n:.mmig - ---- Flood Insurance Program in general,please Call 1-877-FEMA MAP F-877-336-26271 T.1 S. or visit the FEMA website at httpJ'www.fema.gov'. T.2 S - T.1 S. For cmmx:ly map revision hslory prior to countywide mapping,refer to the Community T.2 S Map History table located n the Flom Inwrance Study report far this Turisncem. To delerm'ne if flood 'mA available in this community, correct your inw.,. agent or Call the National Flood Insurance Rogram at 1 ROD 6M-6620- GALLATIN COUNTY 4_ UNINCORPORATED AREAS MAP SCALE 1"=500' 300027 250 0 l %ET METERS Ian PANEL 0828D a FIRM N "E © FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP G` © GALLATIN COUNTY, of MONTANA N 4 3 AND INCORPORATED AREAS 1,10IPANEL$28 OF 1725 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) m CONTAINS: COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX GN i ATIN OOONTY 30odz] Oa28 D IIII N,CITY OF 3000la OB18 D CITY OF BOZEMAN ro' r_ Nd6 lit usar The stop war crown below=roHlo be 300028 used when plec,g mop oreess.me comma���,a,b.r stlo«n 9W OUnCN DRrVE oErA�\ MAP NUMBER ° 30031C0828D 45-15.o` -4 u.i' r o [ EFFECTIVE DATE m oo,00D' JOINS PANEL 0836 SEPTEMBER 2,2011 ~ Federal k:mergency 1lfanagement Agency NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map is for use m administering the National Flood Insurance Program.It SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS SFHAs) OD]ECT TO does not necessarily Identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local 'Of—E INUNDATION 00 THE 1%ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD drainage sources of small size.The community map repository should be s02'"x'"E m•0000.o• JOINS PANEL 0828 tto'�N'o's The t%annual chance hood(100year flood),aBo known as the base flood,Is Ina noon consuhed for posslblaa updated or additional Need hazard information. 45%I 150• as°n r15 u' that Hers a 1%marvice or being wualed or exceeded in any given year. fl special To obtain more detailed Information in areas where Base Flood Elevations CITY OF B07.EMAN ale. ODLCH OP ` Floe Hazard Area v,d'the area wbjM to flooding by the t%annual marice floo0-Areas of Special Food Hazard include Zones A,AE,AH,AO,AR,AN,V And VE The Base (BFEs)andlor N de"iles have been determined,users are encouraged to consult Rood elevation is the water-weace eiarebon or me 1%and,al mance flood. ebern— the Flood Profiles arld Floodway Data andmr Summary of Stillwater Elevations 300028 ZONEA No Ease Flood Elr.,de emend. . tables contained will In the Flood Insurance Study(FIS)repon that accompanies 3 zoNE SAE Base Flood elevatipns eerermmed. this FIRM, Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent red rounded whole-foot elevations. These FIFES are intended for flood Insurance (} ZONE AN Flood deems or t[d 3 feet(usually areas a pgndng); ease Flood nevat'ims eetamir a. rating purposes orb and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly, Mood elevation data presented in the FIS ZONE AO F Wha depths of I to 3 kilt (usually sheet flow on sloping remain); average depth datxmined. For areas of alluvial fan FNrotlirg,veNxrtiea report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of aw determin _ c°nstructiar andor fooddm a management _ _ — ZONE AR Specal Flood Hazard Area formerly pmleRed from Ise b annual manse flood by a Mood monbgl system ma[ wasubs se9uently Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown on INS map apply only landward of 0.0 North Ame'ican Vertical Datum of 1988(NAVE,88). Users of this so59-1 N being red zone AR vide pro Ina[the krona cones sysem FIRM should be avere that coastal flood elevations are also provided in the being restored to provide pro0ection from Ina 1% annual mance d greater floe. Summary of Still Elevations lade in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. Elevations shown in the Summary of Stillwater Elevations ZONE AN need w be or sygoeA and do annual manse food th be system from 1% annual ion; n0 ease Food flood by a Elevations table i:hould be used for construction andior Noodplain management purposes NOTE:MAP AREA SHOWN ON THIS PANEL IS LOCATED deteRni when they are highrr than the elevations shown on this FIRM. WITHIN TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 6 EAST. ZONE v Coastal node zone who veNx:'iN nazam(wave action); no ease F000 Flevauons ectermirRa. Boundaries of the Ncodways were computed at cross sections and interpolated ZONE VE Coastal rldde Zon, with velocity na+artl (wave action; Base Flood between cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations Elere[ions delamined. with regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program Floodway widths and other pertinent 600dway data are provided in the Flood Insurance EM FLCODWAV AREi15 IN ZONE AE Study repon for this jurisdiction. The fldddwav is the channel of a mean vws amy adjacent floopb'n ay.that must be Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood kept free a enapamment so that the 1%annual manre Rao can be umktl witnda control structures. Refer to Section 2A "Flood Protection Measures' of whstmtial 'naeaws rn MW heights. :he Flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control stmctures Inv his jurisdiction GALLATIN COUNTY OTHER FLOOD AREAS the projection used in the preparation of this map was Universal Transverse UNINCORPORATED AREAS fledol Mercator FIRM) zone 12. The horizontal datum was NAD83, GRS1980 zonEx Areas or d de% shoal mane Moo; areas withit 1%annual mane sphercrid. Difference: in datum, spheroid projection or UTM zones used �/ with average depth or less than 1 root d ei drainage areas less than the production a FIRMS Ile adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight posruused nin 300027 1 sauce mile; and areas prdtMed by levees rrom 1%annual mane differences in map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differences hood on not affect the ac:uracy of this FIRM. 0 OTHER AREAS Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. 71ese Nood elevations must be compared IO SirLICtUre and ZONE D Areas in which to nil burs Ate me 0.2%,moat ctwre plakn. gat— el¢V988 referenced t0 me same t be metre. For information ZONE Areas in whicM1 flout hazards are rndererm'xiee,but possible, round r gadding conversii between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CSRS)AREAS and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic ® Survey website at irjdrrwww.ngs.noaa.govi or contact the National GEnth-lir. Survey al the following address'. 9 10 Q OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) CBRS areas and OPAs are r d mallv located whin or ad)acent k Specal Flood Hazard Areas. NGS Information Senices NOAA,N NGS12 Floodvlan boundary National Geodetic Survey Fldddway boundary SSMC-3,s9202 ••••••••••• 5 Last-West Highway 131 _ - Zone D boundary, Silver Spring.MD 21%10-3282 • • • CBRS and OPA bouoay•••• To obtain current elevation,description,ander location information for bench marks - Boundary d'Ndirg Specal Flood Hazard Area of different shown on this map, please contact the Information Services Branch of the of ease Flood Elevations,Flood deems or flood kxities. National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713-3242, or visit its website at ^•••••••••519^^^^^• Base Flood elevation line and value;elevauon'n leer hrtp;iwww.ngs.noaa.tovr. m O[[[��,/\) �e ,.SSxu�N � J ys � —Pmare vivo (EL 98]) �vaUon fee�atbn vaWe where undorm within , Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the N n v o a F'AS'T GALLITIN V e n l. (Allahn County GIS Fepaament. L� �pgg 4872 ZONE AE o O Referenced 4 the Florin American tenKal Wwrb a t9B8(NAVD 88) y 4854 U Res,section ire I This map reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations ZONE AE y, (2�3---------@ vansact line n:hose shown do the previous FIRM for th ju'scam on. The ffo tha odplahe rid Moodways Thal were Iransterred from the pre ous FIRM may have been o ro 9]'¢z'3o-az2zao• Geograpnk cdddrnates referenced to me torch Amerlran adjusted to dour on to these new stream channel configurations. As a _ m h Dahm a 1983(NAO 83) Psuft t Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in ih¢Flood Insurance. R�A1 _ 12750 14 10%meter Universal Transverse Nerrata grid yids,zone 12 Study report(which contains authoritative hydraulic data)may reMect stream eREEA RO m ^} 4 `x'a ,n 5opicWA.fwt grid lids: Alabama State Wane coordinate IF.- distances that differ from what rs shown on this map. � 0 h£.,�(` 8000000M syyr,east zone(FTPszoNE 0101), rransvase rnerwta Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data available \` Oy1 nt the time of publicction.Because charges rdue to annexations or de-annexations m may have occurred after this ma a dished.ma users should contact a ZONEAE DX5510 tfarrh mark(see explanaion n Nda ro users section a fl y p was published p / 4877 Ed ma Fl8N parel) ¢ appropriate community officials to verity current corporate limit locations. Z i / e M1.5 Q a 3< \` c r d River Mlle Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the a 2 MAP REPOSITORIES ,..my showing the layout of map panels:community map repository addresses: Z o all Ca a rt nd a Listing of Communes table containing National Flood Insurance Program O \ I O Haler p Map Rpvoshdiea list on Map Ineex Ro T „ _.. _. _. dates for each comm rod as well as FIRM, Available panels may ' x No y g p on which each _ - f.OmmUnity,i5 located _ EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE CITY OF BOZEMAN QX�66 7 Pr DATES)OLOOD F RATE MAP Contact the FEMA Me Service Censer at 1-800-3ilable r for information de F N AOE Sept.—z,2on products p 30002^ 487 O 81 EFFECTIVE DATEIS)OF REVISIONS)r0 THIS PANEL available oducts assouated products y include l�7[ 40 48 Previously issued tetlers of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study report 0 _4883 and�Fo digital versionsof this map.The FEMA Map Service Center may also be kEllY CANYON reach¢ by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its webste at http+.)w msclemagov /^s\oy ITy 17y --' _/ ,RAILROAD AQX0120 _ Fx.. :!you have questions about this map or q;,¢sLOrs „orcarni••g �e Natic nail '�%q/y F�rHry I ' Flood Insurance Prog am in general,please call 1-877-FEMA MAP(1-877e336-26271 ,iANEs AVENUE ✓(/ \\a I /a/1 4882 i tumor iN reap revision history prior to countywide rapping refer ro me community or visit the FEMA website at hdpitwww.fema.govl. 'NyTg DRwE `JU Hap History cable located in me-lope tnwance sh,M report far ins tur'iodktion. oo"@ _ANL O ZONE To determine if flood insurance'is avaiiaNe in this cdnni c..ct vou,Teu—e Oaa \ AE agent or call me Natonal Floo Insura'neo,P�rro111gIrl�an at 1 800 638 66M. HAGGERTY LANE u MAP SCALE 1"a SW e250° --�-0— 500 f pep FEET so57ma„N s 1fli��_F-i METERS :� ewLeiuo tintj��JJ 1 PANEL 0836D O reNERY LANE 11 --N_ i�FIRM HO&N µE FRANNLIN ii ILLS DRNE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 16 15 GALLATIN COUNTY, OOLDEN TPJUT NIONTANA SA`IN frF zAwr h'Av o � ---' kND INCORPORATED AREAS W Qo` S ., _ PANEL 836 OF 1725 GALLATIN COUNTY )SEE MAP INDEx FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) UNINCORPORATED AREAS CONTAINS stag LANE COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX LAI IN 0o�oueT 300027 ��9OZENAN`(A Ce —1. Asas n s ,7 riot F on kAy 4 e OOORT ALPINE WAY Ndice tp Ilse, T. Map Hume nvui beNiw l f be N PINE / _� used when olearq map winsura�Commuwiv NURO•r sbrn aa5600Pn N - 3 atxne lbx"1 rw:,sea ,Nnlcariore Id ire smq:i `� — cemmJcm OfTs�\F MAP NUMBER 21 22 , ' 30031CO836D eozekaN acne _ _ — _ _ 4539 22 5" 4� EFFECTIVE DATE 4539i JOINS PANEL 0838 11058e1.5' FFaND sEc, SEPTEMBER 2,2011 n t oo ro,o Federal Emergency Management Agency