HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing Peach & Black Residences Site Plan & Certificate of Appropriateness, Z13254, optimized Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Tom Rogers, AICP Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: The Peach & Black Residences Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriates with Variance from minimum lot size requirement. The property is generally located at 519 North Black Avenue, File Z13254. MEETING DATE: December 16, 2013 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Quasi Judicial RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission adopts the findings and approves the Site Plan and Zoning Variance Application for the Peach & Black Residences Application No. Z-13254 with the conditions and code provisions outlined in the staff report. SUGGESTED MOTION: Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z-13254 and move to approve the Site Plan and Zoning Variance to Section 38.08.040-1, BMC, with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. BACKGROUND: The property owner, Mr. Jason Delmue, 2 East Peach Street, Bozeman MT 59715, represented by Intrinsic Architecture, Inc, 111 North Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715, has made application for modification to the existing home at 519 North Black and the construction of two additional residential structures with accessory buildings and related site improvements. The subject property is located at 519 North Black Avenue, southwest of the intersection of North Black Avenue and East Peach Street. The site is zoned R-3 (Residential Medium Density) and is located within the Conservation Overlay District. The project site consists of four lots with a total area of 15,954 square feet. If the site plan and variance are approved the existing four (4) lots will be aggregated into three (3) buildable lots of approximately 6,591 square feet, 5,231 square feet, and 4,050 square feet. R-3 Districts require a minimum parcel size of 5,000 square feet for single household construction. One public comment has been received in support of this application. UNRESOLVED ISSUE(S): None at this time. ALTERNATIVES: 497 1) Approve the site plan application and variance with the Staff conditions; 2) Approve the site plan application and variance with modifications to the Staff conditions; 3) Deny the site plan application based on a finding of non-compliance with applicable criteria; 4) Deny the variance based on a finding of non compliance with applicable criteria; or 5) Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to Staff or the applicant to supply additional information. FISCAL EFFECTS: No immediate fiscal impacts are expected from this action. Future development will generate both costs and revenues dependent on the nature of the development. Attachments: Staff Report Application submittal materials Public comment File No. Z-06143 Report compiled on: December 5, 2013 498 Page 1 of 26 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness with Variance Application Date: City Commission Meeting is on December 16, 2013 Project Description: A Preliminary Site Plan, Certificate of Appropriateness, and variance for the construction of two (2) additional Single Household Residences and site improvements. Project Location: 519 North Black Avenue. It is legally described as the North 20 Feet of Lot 7 and all of Lots 8, 9, and 10, Block F of Beall’s Second Addition to Bozeman, located in the NW ¼ of Section 7, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana. Recommendation: Approval with conditions Recommended Motion: Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z-13254 and move to approve the Preliminary Site Plan, Certificate of Appropriateness with Variance with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Report Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 Staff Contact: Tom Rogers, AICP, Planner II, Dustin Johnson, P.E. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 2- RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ....................................... 6 SECTION 3 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS ................. 9 SECTION 4 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS ........................................ 9 SECTION 5 –REQUESTED RELAXATION/DEVIATIONS/VARIANCES ...................... 10 SECTION6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ............................................................ 10 Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. ............................................ 10 Standards for Certificates of Appropriateness, Section 38.16.050, BMC ........................ 14 Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Review Criteria ........................................ 16 Zoning Variance Review Criteria – Section 38.35.060 .................................................... 19 APPENDIX A –ADVISORY CODE CITATIONS ............................................................... 22 499 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 2 of 26 APPENDIX B – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY ............................... 24 APPENDIX C – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND.............. 25 APPENDIX D – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ................................................... 26 APPENDIX E - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF ............................ 26 500 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 3 of 26 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES Vicinity Map Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses North: Single detached homes: zoned R-4, Residential High Density South: Single detached and multifamily homes: zoned R-3, Residential Medium Density East: Single detached: zoned R-3, Residential Medium Density West: Single detached homes: zoned R-2, Residential Two-Household Medium Density 501 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 4 of 26 502 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 5 of 26 503 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 6 of 26 SECTION 2- RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report. These conditions are specific to the project. Recommended Conditions of Approval – Site Plan: 1. Prior to the issuance of a demolition permit for any exterior work on the existing house or the existing garage the applicant will have obtained final plan and certificate of appropriateness approval from the Department of Community Development for this project. 2. Prior to final plan approval the applicant shall file a utility easement providing service to 18 East Peach Street. The easement shall be ten (10) feet wide located as depicted on the preliminary site plan. Said easement shall include a statement that the easement cannot be modified, altered or vacated without prior written approval of the City. 3. Prior to final plan approval the applicant shall file with the Clerk and Recorder a “No Construction” easement placing future landowners of 517 North Black on notice that no structures or buildings shall be constructed or located with 10 feet of the property line of 519 North Black to insure conformance with International Building Code requirements. The document shall include a statement that the no build easement cannot be modified, altered or vacated without prior written approval of the City. This easement is mutually exclusive of the utility easement. 4. All portions of property legally described as North 20 Feet of Lot 7 and all of Lots 8, 9, and 10, Block F of Beall’s Second Addition to Bozeman, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana shall be aggregated and/or the common boundaries of said lots shall be reconfigured through the applicable subdivision review process to accommodate the project prior to final plan approval. 5. 519 North Balck requires a new drive approach. Section 38.41.080.g.11, BMC requires the drive approach to be constructed in accordance with the City’s standard approach (i.e. concrete apron, sidewalk section, and drop-curb) and shown as such on the final plan. 6. A separate landscape plan shall be submitted for all existing and proposed landscaping on the site addressing the entire development pursuant to Section 38.26, BMC. 7. Section 38.21.060.B, BMC, allows for zero lot lines. Prior to final plan approval the Applicant shall provide written verification of the filing of a legal written agreement recorded at the Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder for the zero lot line development. 8. A joint access and maintenance easement shall be filed with the Clerk and Recorder prior to final plan approval for the zero lot line garages for 18 East Peach and 517 North Black. This joint access and maintenance easement shall include provisions for ongoing maintenance of the structure. 9. The 517 North Black lot shall show an eight (8) foot side yard adjacent to the exterior side, or non-zero lot line side pursuant to Section 38.21.060.B, BMC. 504 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 7 of 26 10. Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. 11. All trees must be at least 10 feet from any public utilities or service lines. All public utilities and services lines must be shown on the final landscaping plan. 12. All lots proposed for development shall pay cash-in-lieu of water of rights. The developer may also provide a transfer of the equivalent required water rights. Any water right proposed to be transferred to city ownership should be submitted for review as early as possible so the value can be determined without hindering the final plat process. The necessary water rights or cash-in-lieu for all residential lots must be provided at the time of development. Credit will be provided for any existing water service lines that currently serve the property. 13. The pedestrian ramp on the southwest quadrant of the intersection of E. Peach and N. Black shall be brought up to current ADA standards, if it already does not meet current code. Any sidewalk panels that are currently deficient or are damaged during any construction at the site shall be replaced. 14. The applicant shall submit a written narrative outlining how each of the conditions of approval and code provisions requiring correction has been satisfied with the final plan application. 519 North Black Street (existing historic house) 15. No alteration shall be made to the width of existing masonry window openings for proposed new doors shall be permitted. New doors, frames and trim shall fall within the existing width of the opening. 16. Details of replacement components for the east porch and construction details of the reconstructed north porch have not been provided with the application. Final plans shall include materials, and porch and column details and shall be submitted for review and approval by the Department of Community Development as part of final plan approval in order to verify compliance with the preliminary site plan submittal and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District guidelines. 17. Final floor plans and elevations of the existing house clearly identifying all new openings and all modified openings shall be submitted for review and approval by the Department of Community Development as part of final plan approval in order to verify compliance with the preliminary site plan submittal and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District guidelines. 18. No expansion of the width of existing historic masonry openings shall be permitted (not inclusive of the south shed addition) and shall be noted on the final plans as part of final plan approval. 19. The application provides insufficient information documenting the existing window conditions, method of operation and the proposed replacement windows. Submit additional information documenting the existing window conditions, method of operation, and manufacturer’s cut sheets and/or drawing details for the new windows 505 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 8 of 26 for review and approval by the Department of Community Development as part of final plan approval in order to verify compliance with the preliminary site plan submittal and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District guidelines. 20. . Existing second story windows and north elevation windows suggest a double hung configuration. Cottage style windows are considered inappropriate replacement window unless documented otherwise. 21. Final plans shall include elevation details showing dimensions, construction materials and details for railings, columns, siding, etc. and be shall be submitted for review and approval by the Department of Community Development as part of final plan approval in order to verify compliance with the preliminary site plan submittal and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District guidelines. 22. To comply with Section 3.D.2 of the Guidelines for Residential Character of the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, set back the front building line of the secondary structure (garage for 519 North Black Street) a minimum of two (2) additional feet (total setback of 22 feet) to further subordinate the garage from the primary house. 519 North Black Street and 18 East Peach Street 23. The applicant shall submit a written narrative outlining how each of the conditions of approval and code provisions has been satisfied with the final plan application. 24. A color palette for the historic house, new house and garages that includes actual material samples, manufacturers product information as applicable, and color chips shall be submitted for review and approval by the Department of Community Development as part of final plan approval in order to verify compliance with the preliminary site plan submittal, the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District guidelines and that no shiny materials are being proposed that may impact adjacent residential properties or public streets. The materials/color palette shall be presented on a board no larger than 24” x 36” and contain all the primary materials to be utilized on the building including window frames/glazing and doors (incl. garage). All final building elevations and details shall be keyed to the color palette to delineate where each individual building material and color is specified. The palette shall be returned to the applicant following approval. 25. The final plan application shall indicate the location of all exterior mechanical equipment. BMC Section 38.21.050.F requires all mechanical equipment to be screened. Rooftop equipment shall be incorporated into the roof form or screened in an enclosure and ground mounted equipment shall be screened with walls, fencing or plant materials. The final plan shall contain a notation that “No ground mounted mechanical equipment, including, but not limited to utilities, air exchange/conditioning units, transformers, or meters shall encroach into the required yard setbacks and will be properly screened with an opaque solid wall and/or adequate landscape features. 506 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 9 of 26 SECTION 3 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS A. Sections 38.26.050.E.1 and 38.26.070.A BMC requires one street tree for each 50 feet of total street frontage outside of required site vision triangles. The site vision triangles for all accesses shall be shown on the final site plan. These trees shall be a species that is acceptable to be planted in the boulevard as listed in the City of Bozeman Tree Selection Guide. The landscape plan shall address planting details for the street trees, and shall include a planting note stating that the planting hole shall be at least twice the diameter of the root ball, that the root flare of the newly planted tree is visible and above ground, and there should be a mulch ring 3-4 feet in diameter around each newly planted boulevard tree. SECTION 4 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Project Name: Peach & Black Residences Site Plan, Certificate of Appropriateness, and Variance File: Z-13254 Development Review Committee The Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the application on November 20th and 27th, 2013 and as a result, finds that the application, with conditions, is in general compliance with the adopted Growth Policy and the Unified Development Code. The DRC recommended conditional approval of the application with code provisions. Administrative Design Review The site is located within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. Administrative Design Review (ADR) staff has reviewed the proposal for conformance with the Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. ADR Staff find the proposal, as conditioned, to be in conformance with the 2006 Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay. The detailed findings can be found further below on page 13 under “Standards for Certificates of Appropriateness” section. City Commission The City Commission is scheduled to make a decision on the variance application on December 16, 2013. The City Commission public hearing will occur at 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman MT, in the City Commission room at 6 pm. 507 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 10 of 26 SECTION 5 –REQUESTED RELAXATION/DEVIATIONS/VARIANCES One variance has been requested from the following sections. 1) Section 38.08.040, BMC, Lot Area. The Applicant has requested a variance from the minimum lot size for the proposed 18 East Peach Street property as shown in the Applicant Submittal drawing A1.1. Specifically, Section 38.08.040, BMC, requires that all single-household dwellings lots be a minimum of 5,000 square feet. The proposed lot size is 4,050 square feet or a reduction of 19 percent. The other two proposed lots meet minimum lot size requirements. SECTION6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, and plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis is a summary of the completed review. Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. In considering applications for plan approval under this chapter, the review authority and advisory bodies shall consider Overlay District Provisions. The site is located in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. Analysis of these criteria is presented below. In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy The proposed site plan as conditioned is in general compliance with this criterion. See also Appendix B. 2. Conformance to this chapter, including the cessation of any current violations There are no known violations on the subject property. In addition, the project is generally conforming to the standards as presented and will comply fully with identified conditions and code requirements. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations The final plan will be reviewed to ensure compliance with this section. The plans will be further evaluated against the requirements of the International Building Code at the time application is made for a building permit. Appendix A has advisory information to help ensure these are not missed. 508 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 11 of 26 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property As evidenced by the existing blend of housing styles, sizes and lot configurations the Peach & Black Residences depicted on the submitted plans appear to be reasonably related to adjacent and on-site conditions. The development, as conditioned, and with final plan approval will generally be compatible with and sensitive to the immediate environment of the site and the adjacent neighborhoods and other approved development relative to architectural design, building mass and height, neighborhood identity, landscaping, orientation of buildings on the site and visual integration. The proposed site plan details that all each residential structure will provide unique frontage with adequate yards. Vehicular access and parking for the properties is proposed from Black, Peach and the alley weaving the development into the existing fabric of the neighborhood. 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions The plan provides equate on and off street parking to meet minimum parking requirements of the BMC. The existing vehicular access to Peach Street is being abandoned and replaced with an access point further from the alley which provides better circulation. A traffic study was not required by the Engineering Department for this project due to its residential nature and the adequacy of the existing street network to accommodate the traffic generation from the proposed use. 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress There are existing boulevard sidewalks along the adjacent street frontages and these will be retained or replaced as part of redevelopment. The individual residential structures will have sidewalk/patio connections to the surrounding sidewalks. The on and off street parking areas have direct access to existing street network capable of accommodating the additional traffic. The Applicant proposed the minimum pad area for stacking parking for 519 North Black. To provide a safe and efficient pedestrian sidewalk, Staff is requiring two additional feet be provided to insure no impediment is created by vehicles obstructing the pathway. In addition, the additional two feet furthers the intent to subordinate the garage to the primary structure and differentiate it from the adjacent 18 East Peach property, Condition No. 21 7. Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space, and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation Mature landscaping is present on site. A separate landscape plan shall be submitted for all existing and proposed landscaping on the site as required by Condition No.6 to bring the plan further into compliance with mandatory landscape standards. 8. Open space This residential site plan development does not meet the minimum density thresholds to require open space to be provided on the subject property. However, since it is a site plan it 509 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 12 of 26 does require park area (parkland) to be provided through a combination of land dedication, cash donation in-lieu of land dedication, or an alternative authorized by section 38.27.100 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This will need to be addressed at time of Final Site Plan application. If cash-in-lieu of land dedication is proposed, it requires further review and approval by the City Commission prior to Final Site Plan approval. 9. Building location and height The buildings are logically located to face Peach Street and North Black Avenue. Section 38.08.060 “Building Height” of the UDC establishes a maximum height for residential districts. Maximum building heights are dependent on roof pitch. Based on the plans the proposed buildings will not exceed these heights. 10. Setbacks Section 38.08.050, BMC, states required setbacks. All proposed structures appear to be within the required front, side and read yard setbacks. The Applicant is proposing a zero lot line to construct a garage between the 18 East Peach and 517 North Black properties. When a zero lot line condition is created pursuant to Section 38.21.060.B, BMC, the final plan shall show an eight (8) foot side yard adjacent to the exterior side, or non-zero lot line side, see Condition No. 9. 11. Lighting No lighting is proposed. If lighting is shown with the Final Site Plan application, it will be reviewed against the minimum standards of the Bozeman Municipal Code. 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities The water and sewer lines for the proposed second-household dwelling are shown to be located in the alley right-of-way and between the 517 and 519 North Black Residences. The proposed 10 foot utility easement was reviewed by the City Engineering Department. In addition, building codes require a 5 foot separation between property lines and structures. Therefore, two conditions of approval are included to insure no structures are placed within this easement and adequate access is provided for future property owners, see Conditions 2 and 3. All final utility locations will be reviewed with the Final Site Plan application. 13. Site surface drainage Based on the site plan no grading or specific storm water management is required. 14. Loading and unloading areas Not applicable. 15. Grading No special grading specifications are required. 16. Signage Not applicable. 510 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 13 of 26 17. Screening Included in the standard code provisions is the requirement of mechanical equipment screening if proposed. This will reviewed at the time of the Final Site Plan application. 18. Overlay district provisions The site is located within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. Administrative Design Review (ADR) staff has reviewed the proposal for conformance with the Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. ADR Staff find the proposal, as conditioned, to be in conformance with the 2006 Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay. The detailed findings can be found further below on page 13 under “Standards for Certificates of Appropriateness” section. 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties As of the writing of this report, no public comment has been received in response to the noticing of the project. Any comments received prior to the public hearing will be forwarded to the Commission. 20. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title, whether the lots are either: Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming or The subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming. The subject property is composed of multiple parcels. Recommended Condition No. 4 is requiring the aggregation and relocation of those parcels prior to building development. 21. Compliance with article 8 of chapter 10 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. Workforce Housing is not applicable for this project. 22. Phasing of development No phasing is proposed. 511 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 14 of 26 Standards for Certificates of Appropriateness, Section 38.16.050, BMC Section 38.16.050 specifies the required standards for granting Certificate of Appropriateness approval for proposed alterations. A. All work performed in completion of an approved Certificate of Appropriateness shall be in conformance with the most recent edition of the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring and Reconstructing Historic Buildings (Secretary of the Interior’s Standards) (Published 1995), published by U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Cultural Resource Stewardship and Partnerships, Heritage Preservation Services, Washington, D.C. (available for review at the Department of Planning). This application proposes rehabilitation of an existing structure and the construction of two new residential structures generally located at 519 North Black Avenue. The proposed alterations have been received against the aforementioned criteria and in conjunction with the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Review Criteria. In general, the proposed rehabilitation and alterations adhere to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. Additional information regarding windows and details required at final site plan will be reviewed for compliance. B. Architectural appearance design guidelines used to consider the appropriateness and compatibility of proposed alterations with original design features of subject structures or properties, and with neighboring structures and properties, shall focus upon the following: 1. Height; 2. Proportions of doors and windows; 3. Relationship of building masses and spaces; 4 .Roof shape; 5. Scale; 6. Directional expression, with regard to the dominant horizontal or vertical expression of surrounding structures; 7. Architectural details; 8. Concealment of nonperiod appurtenances, such as mechanical equipment; and 9. Materials and color schemes The application proposes modification of an existing residence, construction of two additional residential structures and related site improvements. The modifications to the existing structure at 519 North Black rectify “significant inappropriate” modifications 512 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 15 of 26 including removal of a later car port addition and replacing it with an appropriate porch, removal of a non-conforming garage, and other alterations. These modifications favorably address height, scale, roof shape, massing, architectural details, materials and scheme, and others. The proposed residential structure located at 18 East Peach will maintain the character of the neighborhood and meet the architectural appearance guidelines except those specifically outlined below in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District review section. Finally, minimal architectural detailing is planned for the new house, in keeping with the vernacular style of the existing structure. The exterior materials proposed for the new construction will be consistent with the existing house, including asphalt shingles, fascia, soffit and trim. Windows and doors planned for the new house respect the proportions and relationships of solid to void found on the existing historic house. Mechanical equipment is not shown on the application. C. Contemporary, nonperiod and innovative design of new structures and additions to existing structures shall be encouraged when such new construction or additions do not destroy significant historical, cultural or architectural structures, or their components, and when such design is compatible with the foregoing elements of the structure and the surrounding structures. The proposed design is compatible with the existing structure and surrounding structures. D. When applying the standards of subsections A-C, the review authority shall be guided by the Design Guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District which are hereby incorporated by this reference. When reviewing a contemporary, non-period, or innovative design of new structures, or addition to existing structure, the review authority shall be guided by the Design Guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District to determine whether the proposal is compatible with any existing or surrounding structures. The Design Guidelines have been incorporated into the comments for on the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Review Criteria addressing the architectural appearance design guidelines. E. Conformance with other applicable development standards of this title. The application requests a variance from BMC 38.08.040, BMC, Lot Area. Please refer to the analysis staring on page 22 of this report which addresses Zoning Variance Review Criteria – Section 38.35.060, BMC. The application conforms to all other applicable development standards of this title. 513 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 16 of 26 F. Tax abatement certificate of appropriateness applications are also reviewed with the procedures and standards established in chapter 2, article 6, division 2. Not applicable. Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Review Criteria Applicable Design Review Guidelines, Section 38.16.010 BMC The property under consideration is located within the boundary of the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. The site is not within a historic district. Administrative Design Review staff has reviewed the submitted application against the Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (Design Guidelines) January 17, 2006, and finds the plan in general compliance with the following exceptions: Introduction (pages 1-18) Part II: Design Review System “The Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District is an area that was created by the City of Bozeman to recognize the historic core of the Bozeman community. It encompasses Bozeman’s nine National Register of Historic Places historic districts, as well as the many individual National Register listings. Please see Chapter 5 for a detailed description of each historic district. All proposed alterations (including demolition) to structures and sites within the area are subject to design review by the City of Bozeman Department of Planning and are subject to standards set forth in the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), in addition to these particular design guidelines. As stated in the UDO, “the intent and purpose of the conservation district designation is to stimulate the restoration and rehabilitation of structures, and all other elements contributing to the character and fabric of established residential neighborhoods and commercial or industrial areas.” Further, the ordinance states that while new construction is invited and encouraged, “primary emphasis is given to the preservation of existing buildings, provided the design of such new places enhances and contributes to the aesthetic character and function of the property and the surrounding neighborhood or area.” The essential idea behind the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District concept is to protect Bozeman against alteration and demolition that might damage the unique fabric created by the hundreds of important buildings and sites that makeup the historic core of Bozeman. D. Application of Guidelines The Montana Historical and Architectural Inventory form was reviewed and the house located at 519 North Black is classified as a contributing structure. The building is not within 514 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 17 of 26 a recognized historic district. The building is not individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places. As such, the project is subject to review under the plan review chapter and the standards outlined in Section 38.16.050, Standards for Certificate of Appropriateness. Therefore, the following criteria apply and will be reviewed under the following Chapters in the Design Guidelines: Introduction; Chapter 1: Rehabilitation Guidelines for Historic Properties; Chapter 2: Design Guidelines for all Properties; Chapter 3: Guidelines for Residential Character Areas; and the Appendix. The construction of the new house and garages will be reviewed under new infill and construction in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, but outside the Historic District. The following criteria will apply and will be reviewed under the following Chapters in the Design Guidelines: Introduction; Chapter 2: Design Guidelines for all Properties; Chapter 3: Guidelines for Residential Character Areas; and the Appendix. Chapter 1: Rehabilitation Guidelines for Historic Properties (pages 19-42) 1. NCOD Ch. 1.A. Policy Statement: “Historic features, including original materials, architectural details and window and door openings contribute to the character of a structure and are referred to as character-defining features. They are often closely associated with specific architectural styles. They should be preserved when feasible. Continued maintenance is the best preservation method.” The applicant is proposing alteration of two original window openings on the first floor, west elevation, to accommodate new doors, one is a single, full light door with transom, and the second is a sliding glass door. The new doors will exit onto a new raised platform/porch. Drawings are unclear as to whether modifications will be required to accommodate an increased width and resulting modification to the original arched masonry opening. These opening are character defining features on a prominent side façade, and while the original windows have been removed, the historic masonry openings remain unaltered. See Recommended Conditions of Approval 15. 2. NCOD Ch. 1.A.7 Guidelines: “Replacement of missing or deteriorated architectural elements should be accurate. The design should be substantiated by physical or pictorial evidence. Use the same kind of material as the original when feasible. However, a substitute material may be acceptable if the size, shape, texture and finish conveys the visual appearance of the original.” Details of replacement components for the east porch have not been provided with the application. See Recommended Conditions of Approval 16. 3. NCOD Ch. 1.A.8 Guidelines: “When reconstruction of an element is impossible, develop a new design that is a simplified interpretation of it. This is appropriate when inadequate information exists to allow for an accurate reconstruction. The new element should be similar to comparable features in general size, shape, texture, material and finish.” Details of the reconstructed porch on the north elevation have not been provided with the application. See Recommended Conditions of Approval 16. 4. NCOD Ch. 1.C. Policy Statement: “The character-defining features of an historic window and its distinct materials and placement should be preserved. In addition, a new window should be in character with the historic building. This is especially important on primary facades.” See Recommended Conditions of Approval 17, 18, & 19. 515 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 18 of 26 5. NCOD Ch. 1.C.2. Guidelines: “Preserve the position, number and arrangement of historic windows in a building wall. Enclosing a historic window opening in a key character defining façade is inappropriate, as is adding a new window opening. This is especially important on a primary façade where the historic ratio of solid to void is a character defining feature.” See Recommended Conditions of Approval 17. 6. NCOD Ch. 1.C.3. Guidelines: “Preserve the size and proportion of a historic window opening. Reducing an original opening to accommodate a smaller window or increasing it to receive a larger window is inappropriate.” See Recommended Conditions of Approval 17 & 18. 7. NCOD Ch. 1.C. 5. Guidelines: “Match a replacement window to the original in its design. If the original is double-hung, then the replacement window should also be double-hung, or at a minimum, appear to be so. Match the replacement also in the number and position of glass panes. Matching the original design is particularly important on key character-defining facades; and, NCOD Ch. 1.C.6 Guidelines: “In a replacement window, use materials that appear similar to the original… a substitute material may be considered if the appearance of the window components will match those of the original in dimension, profile and finish.” New vinyl windows are proposed to replace existing wood double hung windows and other replacement windows. The application provides insufficient information documenting the existing window conditions, method of operation and the proposed replacement window. Provide additional information documenting the existing conditions and method of operation as well as manufacturer’s cut sheets and/or drawing details for the new windows. Existing second story windows and north elevation windows suggest a double hung configuration. See Recommended Conditions of Approval 19. 8. NCOD Ch.1.E. Policy Statement: “When porch replacement is necessary, it should be similar in character, design, scale and materials to those seen traditionally.” See Recommended Conditions of Approval 16. Chapter 2: Design Guidelines for All Properties (pages 50-56) 9. NCOD Ch. 2.D.4.Guidelines: “Continue the pattern of street trees in a block. Because street trees serve various aesthetic and practical functions, they should be maintained… Any new development should include street trees.” Introduce street trees at the new construction along East Peach Street and North Black Street. See Recommended Conditions of Approval 24. Chapter 3: Guidelines for Residential Character Area (pages 57-64) 10. NCOD Ch.3.D.2. Guidelines: “Locate secondary buildings to the rear of the lot. Locating a secondary structure to the side of the primary structure, but set back significantly from the front wall plane is also appropriate. A secondary structure should be oriented similar to those seen traditionally along the alley, where they are available.” Increase the setback of the new garage, to be constructed, accessory to 519 North Black Street to reinforce the subordinate nature of the building in relation to the primary structure, the historic house. See Recommended Conditions of Approval 21. 516 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 19 of 26 Zoning Variance Review Criteria – Section 38.35.060 In acting on an application for a variance, the review authority shall designate such lawful conditions as will secure substantial protection for the public health, safety and general welfare, and shall issue written decisions setting forth factual evidence that the variance meets the standards of MCA 76-2-323 in that the variance: 1. Will not be contrary to and will serve the public interest; Appendix H of the Applicant Submittal provides commentary in support of the requested lot size variance. The Applicant states, “BMC 38.08.040-2 requires 5,000 square feet of lot area for a typical single household dwelling in order to provide sufficient space on the parcel to provide the necessary area for a standard home with the accessory functions of parking, yards, etc. As shown on the proposed site plan, the new lot on Peach Street does not need the typical 5000 SF because the proposed footprint is so small. This extra lot area is proposed to go toward the existing, historical corner home to provide more yard space and room for a detached garage and to better respect the neighborhood patterns typical of corner lots. This type of residential infill model will serve the public interest by promoting the main goals and objectives of the adopted Community Plan.” Staff Response – Although one parcel does not meet minimum size requirements the overall project average density is greater than the current minimum zoning standard. The property includes four (4) tracts of record which will be aggregated into three (3) and relocated to represent the design shown on the site plan which, reducing the original density of the area. A survey of the immediate vicinity shows a diverse neighborhood composition. Lot and housing size, architectural style, single and multi family structures, and accessory buildings populate the vicinity. The addition of two residential households on the subject property will not be contrary to public interest because, in part, the regulatory provisions established in all of the zoning designations, in conjunction with provisions for adequate transportation facilities, properly designed water mains and fire service lines and adequate emergency exits/escapes, will address safety concerns with any further subdivision and/or other development of the property. All new structures and development on the subject property will be required to meet or exceed the minimum zoning requirements for setbacks, lot coverage, height limitations and character to ensure the health, safety and general welfare of the community. 2. Is necessary, owing to conditions unique to the property, to avoid an unnecessary hardship which would unavoidably result from the enforcement of the literal meaning of this chapter: a. Hardship does not include difficulties arising from actions, or otherwise be self- imposed, by the applicant or previous predecessors in interest, or potential for greater financial returns; and The Applicant states that there are no self-imposed hardships. Appendix H of the Applicant Submittal continues, “with 15,954 square feet of lot area, the applicant can already develop three lots so there is not the potential for any greater financial return. The variance would 517 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 20 of 26 simply allow more of this total lot area to go toward the existing house and less of it to go toward a new home with a much smaller footprint.” Staff Response – The proposed lot size configuration is self imposed. However, as noted above the property currently consists of four (4) tracts of record which will be aggregated into three (3) and relocated to represent the design shown on the site plan which, reducing the original density of the area. Further, based on examination of the surrounding tracts of record most are approximately 30 feet wide, substantially narrower than what current zoning allows. Current minimum lot width is 40 feet at the building line. Therefore, the proposed design respects the historical context of the site and neighborhood. b. Conditions unique to the property may include, but are not limited to, slope, presence of watercourses, after the fact imposition of additional regulations on previously lawful lots, and governmental actions outside of the owners control; The Applicant provided the following timeline supports the conclusion that the recent re- interpretation deeming new construction ineligible for deviations is a governmental action outside of the owner’s control.  August 28, 2006 – Jason Delmue COA Application #Z-06143 was approved with two deviations both for lot area for 2 East Peach Street and 8 East Peach Street.  April 2012 – Jason Delmue first approached owner of 519 North Black Avenue about buying part of 519 North Black Avenue to create a new lot for a small house facing Peach Street, similar to the house at 8 East Peach (across the alley from it) – 15,954 sq. 8. lot area  May 2012 – Intrinsik preliminary planning, design and as-built drawings  March 2013 – owner of 519 N. Black agrees to sell the property to Jason Delmue  April 2013 – owner’s ex-wife agrees that house can be sold but she must sell be allowed to live there unless she decides to move elsewhere and Owner of 519 N. Black approves write-up of material terms  May 2013 – walk-thru of property with Intrinsik  June 2013 – Survey of Property by Meridian Land Surveying, Inc.  July 2013 – August 2013 – difficulty completing inspection due to existing tenant  August 2013 – Signed Buy-Sell  Sept. 23, 2013—Intrinsik Architecture, Inc. is made aware of new interpretation precluding new construction from being eligible for deviations by examining File #C- 13004 (Taylor Duplex Sketch Plan COA with zoning variance) and talking with Staff Planner.  Sept. 2013 – Inspector can finally complete inspection  Sept. 23, 2013 – Jason Delmue attended City Commission Infill Tour & subsequent City Commission Meeting.  Sept. 25, 2013 – Meeting with Courtney Kramer, City of Bozeman Historic Preservation Officer, Patricia Jacobs, City of Bozeman Planner II, Susan Riggs, AICP, Intrinsik Architecture, and Peter Andrews, AIA, Intrinsik Architecture.  Sept. 27, 2013 – Wendy Thomas, Community Development Director, Memo stating that deviations are only available to existing structures. 518 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 21 of 26 Staff Response – The Applicant, following historical interpretation and application of the zoning code, pursued the purchase of the subject property following the above referenced time line. Prior approvals have suggested that deviations were permitted for new constructions. To illustrate this point Staff has attached File #Z-06143 to show that employing deviations to procedurally reduce lot size. However, on September 27, 2013 the Community Development Department corrected its interpretation of this section and determined this procedure may not apply to new construction. Based on the Applicant’s reasonable expectation based on prior approvals this determination necessitated the application of the variance request triggering by governmental actions outside of the owner’s control. 3. Will observe the spirit of this chapter, including the adopted growth policy, and do substantial justice; Finally, as detailed by the Applicant under Appendix F of the Applicant Submittal, this proposal supports the spirit, goals and objectives of the adopted Community Plan. Staff Response – The property is designated as “Residential” in the Bozeman Community Plan. The Plan indicates that this category designates places where the primary activity is urban density dwellings. The dwelling unit density expected within this classification varies between 6 and 32 dwellings per net acre. A variety of housing types can be blended to achieve the desired density. The proposed density for the subject property is 8.2 dwelling units per acre. The property, upon development, will be required to come into conformance with all requirements of the zoning ordinance as conditioned in this report. Any buildings constructed on the site will be subject to review for building codes which will ensure they are constructed in a manner which reduces risk for fire, loss during earthquake, are structurally sound, and well fit for their purpose. The City’s adopted zoning requires compliance with building codes by Section 38.34.100. Additional development issues related to municipal infrastructure (i.e., water and sanitary sewer) and public services (i.e., police and fire protection) are being addressed. Similarly, any development will be required to meet or exceed regulatory provisions established through the City’s municipal code under Chapter 38, Unified Development Code (UDC), BMC, for transportation facilities. Sec. 38.01.050.A Interpretation as minimum requirements In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the health, safety and general welfare of the community. In some instances the public interest will be best served when such minimums are exceeded. Wherever the requirements of this chapter are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules or regulations, or wherever there is an internal conflict within this chapter, the most restrictive requirements, or that imposing the higher standards, shall govern. 519 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 22 of 26 APPENDIX A –ADVISORY CODE CITATIONS The following code provisions are identified for informational purposes as the project moves forward. These will need to be addressed as part of the final site plan application or other process step. a. Section 38.19.120, BMC, requires the applicant to submit seven (7) copies a final plan within 6 months of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Department of Community Development. This is the final step in the planning entitlement process. An application form and fee is required in addition to the final plan set submittal. b. Section 38.19.120, BMC, requires that the final plan shall contain the materials required in 39.41.080.A.2.g.7, BMC. Specifically the final site plan shall show all utilities and utility rights-of-way or easements: (1) Electric; (2) Natural Gas; (3) Telephone, cable TV, and similar services; (4) Water; and (5) Sewer (sanitary, treated effluent and storm). The final plan submitted shall show the most recent version of public and private utility locations. c. Section 38.19.160, BMC, states that a Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. For the applicant’s information, Code requirement. d. Section 38.39.060, BMC, states that if occupancy of the new structure is to occur prior to the installation of all required on-site improvements, the Improvements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and one-half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12) months; however, the applicant shall complete all on-site improvements within nine (9) months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security. For your information, Code requirement. e. Section 38.23.150.D.7.b, BMC, states all outdoor lighting fixtures shall be shielded in such a manner that no light is emitted above a horizontal plane passing through the lowest point of the light emitting element, so that direct light emitted above the horizontal plane is eliminated. For your information, Code requirement. f. Section 38.24.100.C, BMC, states the measurement used to calculate the area of a street vision triangle that is required for driveways and alleys, as well as what may or may not be located within the area. Please show required street vision triangle on the final site plan. g. Section 38.25.020.A, BMC, requires that all parking must abide by the parking dimensions described in Table 38.25.020. For your information, Code requirement. h. Section 38.25.020.K, BMC, requires all on-site parking stalls which abut property lines shall be designed and constructed such that parked vehicles shall not protrude over property lines. For your information, Code requirement. i. Section 38.25.040.A.1.a.(1), BMC, states the number of spaces shown in Table 38.25.040-1 shall be provided and that one parking space for each 24 uninterrupted linear 520 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 23 of 26 feet of available street frontage usable for on-street parking directly adjacent to a lot may be deducted from the total parking spaces required for a development. The number of on- street spaces calculated shall not exceed the number of dwellings on the lot. The width of drive accesses, designated non-parking areas, vision triangles, and similar circumstances shall not be considered to be available for the purpose of on-street parking space. For your information, Code requirement. j. Section 38.34.100, BMC, states that a building permit shall be obtained within one year of final approval, or said approval shall become null and void. Prior to the lapse of one year, the applicant may seek an extension of one additional year from the Community Development Director. For your information, Code requirement. k. Section 38.21.050.F requires all mechanical equipment to be screened. Rooftop equipment shall be incorporated into the roof form or screened in an enclosure and ground mounted equipment shall be screened with walls, fencing or plant materials. The final plan shall contain a notation that “No ground mounted mechanical equipment, including, but not limited to utilities, air exchange/conditioning units, transformers, or meters shall encroach into the required yard setbacks and will be properly screened with an opaque solid wall and/or adequate landscape features. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the roof form or screened in an approved rooftop enclosure.” This notation is required for any mechanical equipment that may be installed during construction that was not anticipated in the preliminary plan review. l. Section 38.39.030 requires that the applicant shall provide for private improvements certification by the architect, landscape architect, engineer and other applicable professionals that all improvement including, but not limited to landscaping, ADA accessibility requirements, private infrastructure, or other requirement elements were installed in accordance with the approved site plan, plans and specifications. For your information. This will be required from your professionals prior to occupancy following construction. m. Section 38.27.020 clarifies the amount of open space and park area required for site plan applications. It is identified that while this site plan application does require a contribution of park area (parkland) by any combination of land dedication, cash donation in-lieu of land dedication, or an alternative authorized by Section 38.27.100. This will need to be addressed at time of Final Site Plan application. Please note that if cash-in-lieu of land dedication is proposed, it requires further review and approval by the City Commission. 521 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 24 of 26 APPENDIX B – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The subject property is zoned “R-3” (Residential Medium Density District). The intent of the R-3 residential medium density district is to, “provide for the development of one- to five-household residential structures near service facilities within the city. It should provide for a variety of housing types to serve the varied needs of households of different size, age and character, while reducing the adverse effect of nonresidential uses. Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as “Residential” in the Bozeman Community Plan. The Plan indicates that this category designates places where the primary activity is urban density dwellings. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. High density residential areas should be established in close proximity to commercial centers to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities to persons without requiring the use of an automobile. Implementation of this category by residential zoning should provide for and coordinate intensive residential uses in proximity to commercial centers. The residential designation indicates that it is expected that development will occur within municipal boundaries, which may require annexation prior to development. The dwelling unit density expected within this classification varies between 6 and 32 dwellings per net acre. A higher density may be considered in some locations and circumstances. A variety of housing types can be blended to achieve the desired density. 522 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 25 of 26 APPENDIX C – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Description The subject property is located at 519 North Black Avenue, southwest of the intersection of North Black Avenue and East Peach Street. The site is zoned R-3 (Residential Medium Density District) and falls within the Conservation Overlay District. The total project area is 15,954 square feet. This application proposes modification to the existing home at 519 North Black and the construction of two additional residential structures with accessory buildings and related site improvements. This Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness application specifically includes the following improvements: 519 North Black Avenue: The existing single household residence has had significant inappropriate modifications over the years but still retains its historically contributing status. As part of this application, upgrades to the residence will include: interior floor plan modifications, new windows, new roof, new turned wood columns on the front porch, replacement of the intrusive carport with a more appropriate side porch and replacement of the existing nonconforming one car garage with a new conforming detached one car garage and related site improvements. 18 East Peach Street: Construct a new appropriately-scaled two story single household residence with a small 544 SF footprint and a detached one car garage accessed off the alley. The design is a simple, single gable form with a clear expression of material and color. The small footprint requires an efficient floor plan which reflects the client’s desire to embody a sustainable lifestyle. The design utilizes a reverse style living arrangement providing the bulk of the everyday living spaces on the second floor to access unobstructed views to the surrounding mountains while the master suite is located below grade to take advantage of the natural cooling and heating effects of the ground. The main level is reserved for more public functions such as the entry, office and a guest bedroom. The front entry is marked by a recessed porch that wraps around the house and creates a utilitarian east porch which integrates into the deck above and provides access to and from the detached garage located at the rear of the property. This design gesture creates a large usable deck facing the private southern yard, and maintains a clear street facing entry porch while incorporating both indoor and outdoor living space that can be utilized at various times of the day and throughout the changing seasons. See colored elevation below and attached drawing set. Future—517 North Black Avenue: The plan for this property is to construct a future small footprint one and one-half story single household residence with an alley accessed detached garage. A future Sketch Plan/COA Application will be submitted for any improvements on this part of the site. The renderings shown in the drawing set for this property are for scale purposes only. 523 Z-13254, Staff Report for the Peach & Black Residences with Variance Page 26 of 26 APPENDIX D – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT A Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness with Variance was submitted on November 6, 2013. The application was reviewed by the D.R.C. on November 20th and 27th, 2013. On December 5, 2013 the Administrative Design Review (ADR) met and considered the Applicant’s request for a Certificate of Appropriateness. The ADR provided favorable recommendation was forwarded for consideration by the City Commission. Public notice for this application was placed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on Sunday, December 1st and 8th, 2013. The site was posted with a public notice on November 29, 2013. Public notice was sent to all property owners of record within 200 feet of the subject property via first class mail, on November 27, 2013. No comment has been received on this application as of the date of the production of this report. On December 3, 2013 this Site Plan, COA with Variance staff report was drafted and forwarded with a recommendation of conditional approval by the Planning Director for consideration by the City Commission. The City Commission is scheduled to make a final decision at their December 16, 2013 public hearing. APPENDIX E - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner/Applicant: Mr. Jason Delmue, 2 East Peach Street, Bozeman MT 59715 Representative: Intrinsic Architecture, Inc, 111 North Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 Report By: Tom Rogers, AICP 524 Peach & Black Residences 519 North Black Avenue 517 North Black Avenue 18 East Peach Street Bozeman, Montana Site Plan COA/Variance Applicaon November 2013 525 “Provide for and support infill development and redevelopment which provides addional density of use while respecng the context of the exisng development which surrounds it. Respect for context does not automacally prohibit difference in scale or design.” -Objecve LU-1.4 Bozeman Community Plan 526 Table of Contents Project Narra#ve Development Review Applica#on & Checklists Appendix A: Aerial Photograph Appendix B: Zoning Map Appendix C: Figure Ground Diagram Appendix D: Site Photographs Appendix E: Compliance with Community Plan Appendix F: Compliance with Conserva#on Overlay Guidelines Appendix G: Compliance with Variance Review Criteria Drawing Set 527 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Project Narrave The subject property is located at 519 North Black Avenue, southwest of the intersec#on of North Black Avenue and East Peach Street. The site is zoned R-3 (Residen#al Medium Density District) and falls within the Conserva#on Overlay District. The total project area is 15,954 square feet. The owner, who also owns the two adjacent homes to the west, and the design team began ini#al planning and conceptual site layouts in May of 2012. From the beginning, the program has always been to respect and improve the character of the exisng home while also connuing to improve the Peach streetscape and advance the city-wide goal of promong smart, small and appropriate residenal infill. This Site Plan and Cer#ficate of Appropriateness applica#on specifically includes the following improvements: · 519 North Black Avenue: The exis#ng single household residence has had significant inappropriate modifica#ons over the years but s#ll retains its historically contribu#ng status. As part of this applica#on, upgrades to the residence will include: interior floor plan modifica#ons, new windows, new roof, new turned wood columns on the front porch, replacement of the intrusive carport with a more appropriate side porch and replacement of the exis#ng nonconforming one car garage with a new conforming detached one car garage and related site improvements. See a?ached drawing set. 519 North Black (East Eleva#on) 519 North Black (Exis#ng Garage) 528 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Project Narrave · 18 East Peach Street: Construct a new appropriately-scaled two story single household residence with a small 544 SF footprint and a detached one car garage accessed off the alley. The design is a simple, single gable form with a clear expression of material and color. The small footprint requires an efficient floor plan which reflects the client’s desire to embody a sustainable lifestyle. The design u#lizes a reverse style living arrangement providing the bulk of the everyday living spaces on the second floor to access unobstructed views to the surrounding mountains while the master suite is located below grade to take advantage of the natural cooling and hea#ng effects of the ground. The main level is reserved for more public func#ons such as the entry, office and a guest bedroom. The front entry is marked by a recessed porch that wraps around the house and creates a u#litarian east porch which integrates into the deck above and provides access to and from the detached garage located at the rear of the property. This design gesture creates a large usable deck facing the private southern yard, and maintains a clear street facing entry porch while incorpora#ng both indoor and outdoor living space that can be u#lized at various #mes of the day and throughout the changing seasons. See colored eleva#on below and a?ached drawing set. · Future—517 North Black Avenue: The plan for this property is to construct a future small footprint one and one-half story single household residence with an alley accessed detached garage. A future Sketch Plan/COA Applica#on will be submi?ed for any improvements on this part of the site. The renderings shown in the drawing set for this property are for scale purposes only. 529 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Project Narrave (connued) With a lot area of 15,954 square feet, three dwelling units is an appropriate and typical density for this neighborhood. Note that the R-3 zoning district only requires 5,000 SF of lot area per residence. While the overall property size would easily allow three standard lots, the owner requests a variance for the lot area for 18 East Peach Street. With a #ny footprint of only 544 SF and an adjacent alley, this home is a perfect prototype for “small living” and residen#al infill iden#fied in the Community Plan. The requested site plan is appropriate to the neighborhood and would allow the more typical larger yard for the corner lot. Note that the adjacent property at 8 East Peach Street (also know as the Apple 8 house) has a lot area of only 3,900 SF, while 2 East Peach Street has a lot area of 4,665 SF. This project was approved as a devia#on in 2006 (#Z-06143) and won a 2008 AIA Merit Award. While the proposed project intended to follow a similar devia#on procedure, during the planning stages, the design team was no#fied of a change in the interpreta#on of the code which makes devia#ons no longer available for new construc#on. This applica#on, therefore, includes a single variance instead of a devia#on for lot area. While the project meets all the variance review criteria, the most significant point is the owner was “caught in the switch” of governmental ac#ons outside of the owner’s control. While the City Commission directed Staff to “present to the Commission as soon as possible their recommenda#on of how to resolve the issue of the neighborhood conserva#on overlay areas and our desire to s#mulate both restora#on, rehabilita#on and structures in those areas…” (City Commission Minutes 10/14/13), the owner would like to proceed with the applica#on at this #me; therefore, the variance review criteria are addressed in detail in Appendix G. A subdivision exemp#on applica#on will likely follow this Site Plan/COA applica#on to consolidate the four exis#ng lots into three proper#es. Note that the owner has discussed the proposal with his neighbors and received posi#ve feedback. Overalll, this is a project that is directly in line with the City’s adopted growth policy and will serve as an excellent example of how small residen#al infill can posi#vely impact a neighborhood. 8 East Peach Street 2 East Peach Street View of 519 North Black (from Peach) 530 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Parking Details · 519 North Black Avenue —A three bedroom home requires three parking spaces. These parking spaces are proposed to be met by a new one-car garage with a parking pad in front and an on- street space on North Black Avenue outside of the vision triangle. · 18 East Peach Street– A two bedroom home requires two parking spaces. These parking spaces are proposed to be met by a new one-car garage with a 7x24-foot parallel parking space between the garage and the alley. · Future—517 North Black Avenue House– While review of this project will occur through a future Sketch Plan/COA, the team wanted to ensure that adequate parking for a three bedroom home could easily be provided. Op#ons include a one or two car garage and/or a parking pad off the alley as well as one on-street parking space along North Black Avenue. Schedule Details In terms of schedule, we an#cipated the following: Fall 2013: Municipal PermiOng Early Winter 2013: Prepara#on of Final Site Plan, subdivision exemp#on applica#on, construc#on documents and building permit submi?als Late Winter 2014: Begin remodel of 519 North Black Avenue Spring 2014: Es#mated construc#on start date for 18 East Peach Street *Note that a future Sketch Plan/COA will be submi?ed for 517 North Black Avenue. 531 Page 1 Appropriate Review Fee Submitted CITY OF BOZEMAN FEE APPLIES- $ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1. Name of Project/Development: 2. Property Owner Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 3. Applicant Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 4. Representative Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 5. Legal Description: 6. Street Address: 7. Project Description: 8. Zoning Designation(s): 9. Current Land Use(s): 10. Bozeman Community Plan Designation: 11. Gross Area: Acres: Square Feet: 12. Net Area:Acres: Square Feet: Peach & Black Residences Jason Delmue Intrinsik Architecture, Inc.sriggs@intrinsikarchitecture.com 111 North Tracy Avenue, Bozeman Montana 59715 582-8988 582-8911 519 North Black Avenue See attached. R3 SHR Residential SF SF ac ac 2 East Peach Street, Bozeman MT 59715 406-600-2896 delmue@law-advisor.com The north 20 feet of Lot 7 and all of Lots 8, 9 and 10, in Block F of Beall's Second Addition to Bozeman located in the NW 1/4 of Section 7, T2S, R6E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County Montana [same as above] 15954 159540.366 0.366 532 533 Page 3 (Certificate of Appropriateness Checklist 2 – Prepared 11/25/03; revised on 9/8/04) CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATNESS CHECKLIST 2 If a project is located in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District or the Entryway Corridor Overlay District, and DOES NOT qualify for review as a Sketch Plan; Reuse, Change of Use or Further Development of a Site Developed Before 9-3-91; or Amendment/Modification of a Plan Approved On or After 9-3-91, this checklist shall be used. See Section 18.34.050 (Sketch Plan Review), Section 18.34.150 (Amendments to Sketch and Site Plans) or Section 18.34.170 (Reuse, Change in Use or Further Development of Sites Developed Prior to the Adoption of the Ordinance Codified in This Title), BMC. These checklists shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked “No” or “N/A” (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. If a proposed development is located in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, information shall be provided to the appropriate review authority to review prior to granting or denying a certificate of appropriateness. The extent of documentation to be submitted on any project shall be dictated by the scope of the planned alteration and the information reasonably necessary for the appropriate review authority to make its determination. At a minimum, the following items shall be included in the submission: Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Information Yes No N/A 1. One current picture of each elevation of each structure planned to be altered and such additional pictures of the specific elements of the structure or property to be altered that will clearly express the nature and extent of change planned. Except when otherwise recommended, no more than eight pictures should be submitted and all pictures shall be mounted on letter-size sheets and clearly annotated with the property address, elevation direction (N, S, E, W) and relevant information 2. Historical information, including available data such as pictures, plans, authenticated verbal records and similar research documentation that may be relevant to the planned alteration 3. Materials and color schemes to be used 4. Plans, sketches, pictures, specifications and other data that will clearly express the applicant’s proposed alterations 5. A schedule of planned actions that will lead to the completed alterations 6. Such other information as may be suggested by the Planning Department 7. Description of any applicant-requested deviation(s) and a narrative explanation as to how the requested deviation(s) will encourage restoration and rehabilitation activity that will contribute to the overall historic character of the community B. Entryway Corridor Overlay District. If a proposed development is located in the Entryway Corridor Overlay District, information shall be provided to the appropriate review authority to review prior to granting or denying a certificate of appropriateness. The extent of documentation to be submitted on any project shall be dictated by the scope of the planned alteration and the information reasonably necessary for the appropriate review authority to make its determination. At a minimum, the following items shall be included in the submission: Entryway Corridor Overlay District Information Yes No N/A 1. Plans, sketches, pictures, specifications and other data that will clearly express the applicant’s proposed alterations 2. Such other information as may be suggested by the Planning Department 3. If the proposal includes an application for a deviation as outlined in Section 18.66.050 (Deviations), BMC, the application for deviation shall be accompanied by written and graphic material sufficient to illustrate the conditions that the modified standards will produce, so as to enable the City Commission to make the determination that the deviation will produce an environment, landscape quality and character superior to that produced by the existing standards, and will be consistent with the intent and purpose of Chapter 18.30 (Entryway Corridor Overlay District), BMC. Note: inventory on file at City 534 Page 3 (Site Plan Checklist – Prepared 12/05/03; revised 9/22/04) SITE PLAN CHECKLIST These checklists shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked “No” or “N/A” (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Design Review Board (DRB) Site Plan Review Thresholds. Does the proposal include one or more of the following: Design Review Board (DRB) Site Plan Review Thresholds Yes No 1. 20 or more dwelling units in a multiple household structure or structures 2. 30,000 or more square feet of office space, retail commercial space, service commercial space or industrial space 3. More than two buildings on one site for permitted office uses, permitted retail commercial uses, permitted service commercial uses, permitted industrial uses or permitted combinations of uses 4. 20,000 or more square feet of exterior storage of materials or goods 5. Parking for more than 60 vehicles B. General Information. The following information shall be provided for site plan review: General Information Yes No N/A 1. Location map, including area within one-half mile of the site 2. List of names and addresses of property owners according to Chapter 18.76, BMC (Noticing) 3. A construction route map shall be provided showing how materials and heavy equipment will travel to and from the site. The route shall avoid, where possible, local or minor collector streets or streets where construction traffic would disrupt neighborhood residential character or pose a threat to public health and safety 4. Boundary line of property with dimensions 5. Date of plan preparation and changes 6. North point indicator 7. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet 8. Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet 9. Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size (floor area ratio, FAR), with a breakdown by land use 10. Location, percentage of parcel(s) and total site, and square footage for the following: a. Existing and proposed buildings and structures b. Driveway and parking c. Open space and/or landscaped area, recreational use areas, public and semipublic land, parks, school sites, etc. d. Public street right-of-way 11. Total number, type and density per type of dwelling units, and total net and gross residential density and density per residential parcel 12. Detailed plan of all parking facilities, including circulation aisles, access drives, bicycle racks, compact spaces, handicapped spaces and motorcycle parking, on-street parking, number of employee and non-employee parking spaces, existing and proposed, and total square footage of each 3 dwellings are proposed. No such uses are proposed. No such uses are proposed. No exterior storage is proposed. Parking will be provided for 3 residences. 535 Page 4 General Information, continued Yes No N/A 13. The information required by Section 18.78.060.L, BMC (Streets, Roads and Alleys), unless such information was previously provided through a subdivision review process, or the provision of such information was waived in writing by the City during subdivision review of the land to be developed, or the provision of such information is waived in writing by the City prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application 14. Description and mapping of soils existing on the site, accompanied by analysis as to the suitability of such soils for the intended construction and proposed landscaping 15. Building design information (on-site): a. Building heights and elevations of all exterior walls of the building(s) or structure(s) b. Height above mean sea level of the elevation of the lowest floor and location of lot outfall when the structure is proposed to be located in a floodway or floodplain area c. Floor plans depicting location and dimensions of all proposed uses and activities 16. Temporary facilities plan showing the location of all temporary model homes, sales offices and/or construction facilities, including temporary signs and parking facilities 17. Unless already provided through a previous subdivision review, a noxious weed control plan complying with Section 18.78.050.H, BMC (Noxious Weed Management and Revegetation Plan) 18. Drafts of applicable supplementary documents as set forth in Chapter 18.72, BMC (Supplementary Documents) C. Site Plan Information. The location, identification and dimension of the following existing and proposed data, onsite and to a distance of 100 feet (200 feet for PUDs) outside the site plan boundary, exclusive of public rights-of-way, unless otherwise stated: Site Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. Topographic contours at a minimum interval of 2 feet, or as determined by the Planning Director 2. Adjacent streets and street rights-of-way to a distance of 150 feet, except for sites adjacent to major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet 3. On-site streets and rights-of-way 4. Ingress and egress points 5. Traffic flow on-site 6. Traffic flow off-site 7. Utilities and utility rights-of-way or easements: a. Electric b. Natural gas c. Telephone, cable television and similar utilities d. Water e. Sewer (sanitary, treated effluent and storm) 8. Surface water, including: a. Holding ponds, streams and irrigation ditches b. Watercourses, water bodies and wetlands c. Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Map or that may otherwise be identified as lying within a 100-year floodplain through additional floodplain delineation, engineering analysis, topographic survey or other objective and factual basis d. A floodplain analysis report in compliance with Chapter 18.58, BMC (Bozeman Floodplain Regulations) if not previously provided with subdivision review No changes are proposed to streets, roads or alleys. 38.41.060.A.12 Not required at this time; will be addressed through building permits if necessary. Property is not in a floodplain. None proposed. Not necessary for single family homes. None proposed. None existing or proposed. None existing or proposed. 536 Page 5 Site Plan Information, continued Yes No N/A 9. Grading and drainage plan, including provisions for on-site retention/detention and water quality improvement facilities as required by the Engineering Department, or in compliance with any adopted storm drainage ordinance or best management practices manual adopted by the City 10. All drainageways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc. which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated: a. The name of the drainageway (where appropriate) b. The downstream conditions (developed, available drainageways, etc.) c. Any downstream restrictions 11. Significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15 percent or other significant topographic features 12. Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details and interrelationships with vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of conflict 13. Provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to, wheelchair ramps, parking spaces, handrails and curb cuts, including construction details and the applicant’s certification of ADA compliance 14. Fences and walls, including typical details 15. Exterior signs. Note – The review of signs in conjunction with this application is only review for compliance with Chapter 18.52, BMC (Signs). A sign permit must be obtained from the Department of Planning and Community Development prior to erection of any and all signs. 16. Exterior refuse collection areas, including typical details 17. A site plan, complete with all structures, parking spaces, building entrances, traffic areas (both vehicular and pedestrian), vegetation that might interfere with lighting, and adjacent uses, containing a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type. The materials required in Section 18.78.060.R, BMC (Lighting Plan), if not previously provided 18. Curb, asphalt section and drive approach construction details 19. Landscaping - detailed plan showing plantings, equipment, and other appropriate information as required in Section 18.78.100, BMC (Submittal Requirements for Landscaping Plans). If required, complete section C below 20. Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than 2.5 inches, by species 21. Snow storage areas 22. Location of City limit boundaries, and boundaries of Gallatin County’s Bozeman Area Zoning Jurisdiction, within or near the development 23. Existing zoning within 200 feet of the site 24. Historic, cultural and archeological resources, describe and map any designated historic structures or districts, and archeological or cultural sites 25. Major public facilities, including schools, parks, trails, etc. 26. The information necessary to complete the determination of density change and parkland provision required by Chapter 18.50, BMC, unless such information was previously determined by the City to be inapplicable and written confirmation is provided to the applicant prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application. If a new park will be created by the development, the park plan materials of Section 18.78.060.P, BMC shall be provided. 27. Describe how the site plan will satisfy any requirements of Section 17.02, BMC (Affordable Housing) which have either been established for that lot(s) through the subdivision process or if no subdivision has previously occurred are applicable to a site plan. The description shall be of adequate detail to clearly identify those lots and dwellings designated as subject to Title 17, Chapter 2, BMC compliance requirements and to make the obligations placed on the affected lots and dwellings readily understandable. None existing or proposed. None existing or proposed. None existing or proposed. None existing or proposed. None existing or proposed. Once subdivision exemption is complete, project will consist of three single family homes on individual lots. None existing or proposed. City limits are not close to subject property. Existing house in located in Conservation Overlay District; inventory on file with City None are close to subject property. Not required for a minor subdivision or subdivision exemption. This section of the ordinance has been suspended. 537 Page 3 (Zoning Variance and Appeal Checklist – Prepared 11/26/03; revised 9/22/04) ZONING VARIANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL CHECKLIST The appropriate checklist shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked “No” or “N/A” (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Zoning Variances. An application for a variance shall be accompanied by a development plan showing such information as the Planning Director may reasonably require for purposes of this title. The plans shall contain sufficient information for the Commission to make a proper decision on the matter. The request shall state the exceptional physical conditions and the peculiar and practical difficulties claimed as a basis for a variance. In all cases, the application shall include, and shall not be deemed filed until, all of the following is submitted Zoning Variance Information Yes No N/A 1. A site plan drawn to scale showing the property dimensions, grading, landscaping and location of utilities, as applicable 2. Location of all existing and proposed buildings 3. Drive accesses, driveways, access roads, parking spaces, off-street loading areas and sidewalks as applicable 4. A clear description of the variance requested and the reasons for the request 5. Justification, in writing of the following: a. Will not be contrary to and will serve the public interest b. Is necessary, owing to conditions unique to the property, to avoid an unnecessary hardship which would unavoidably result from the enforcement of the literal meaning of this title c. Will observe the spirit of this title, including the adopted growth policy, and do substantial justice 6. Evidence satisfactory to the City Commission of the ability and intention of the applicant to proceed with actual construction work in accordance with said plans within six months after issuance of permit B. Administrative Project Decision Appeals. All appeals of Administrative Project Decisions shall include: Administrative Project Decision Appeal Information Yes No N/A 1. A description of the project that is the subject of the appeal 2. Evidence that the appellant is an aggrieved person as defined in Chapter 18.80 (Definitions), BMC 3. The specific grounds and allegations for the appeal, and evidence necessary to support and justify a decision other than as determined by the Planning Director C. Administrative Interpretation Appeals. All appeals of administrative interpretations shall include: Administrative Interpretation Appeal Information Yes No N/A 1. A description of the property, if any, that is the subject of the interpretation appeal including: a. A site plan drawn to scale showing the property dimensions, grading, landscaping and location of utilities, as applicable b. Location of all existing and proposed buildings c. Drive accesses, driveways, access roads, parking spaces, off-street loading areas and sidewalks as applicable 2. The names and addresses of the owners of the property and any other persons having a legal interest therein 3. Evidence to prove that the decision or action of the official for which an appeal is made was incorrect or in violation of the terms of this title 538 NEIGHBORHOOD RECOGNITION ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE On December 10, 2007 the Bozeman City Commission adopted the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance as part of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This new ordinance contains the following requirement: Section 2.05.1230, Responsibilities of Individuals or Entities Submitting an Application to the Department of Planning and Community Development. A. In order for the City Liaison to effectively perform their duties executing the intent and purpose of this chapter, as defined in 2.05.1230, the following shall be performed: 1. As part of any application to the Department of Planning and Community Development, the applicant shall provide written notice via certified mail, e-mail, facsimile transmission, and/or personal delivery to the City Liaison if notification guidelines (BMC 38.40) require that notice be posted “on-site”, published in the local newspaper or mailed first class. 2. Such notice shall contain a complete set of application materials as submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development. B. Failure to provide proof of such mailing via certified mail, e-mail and/or facsimile transmission report to the most recent City Liaison address, e-mail address and/or fax number of record, or an affidavit attesting hand delivery, shall result in an incomplete application. I, , hereby certify that I have delivered via certified mail, e- mail, facsimile transmission or hand delivery written notice and a complete set of application materials for the project known as in compliance with Section 2.05.1230 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. I further understand that failure to comply will result in this application being deemed incomplete and may result in a delay in the review of this project. Signature Date (Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance Compliance Certificate – Prepared 1/7/08, revised 11/14/11) NEIGHBORHOOD RECOGNITION ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE On December 10, 2007 the Bozeman City Commission adopted the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance as part of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This new ordinance contains the following requirement: Section 2.05.1230, Responsibilities of Individuals or Entities Submitting an Application to the Department of Planning and Community Development. A. In order for the City Liaison to effectively perform their duties executing the intent and purpose of this chapter, as defined in 2.05.1230, the following shall be performed: 1. As part of any application to the Department of Planning and Community Development, the applicant shall provide written notice via certified mail, e-mail, facsimile transmission, and/or personal delivery to the City Liaison if notification guidelines (BMC 38.40) require that notice be posted “on-site”, published in the local newspaper or mailed first class. 2. Such notice shall contain a complete set of application materials as submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development. B. Failure to provide proof of such mailing via certified mail, e-mail and/or facsimile transmission report to the most recent City Liaison address, e-mail address and/or fax number of record, or an affidavit attesting hand delivery, shall result in an incomplete application. I, , hereby certify that I have delivered via certified mail, e- mail, facsimile transmission or hand delivery written notice and a complete set of application materials for the project known as in compliance with Section 2.05.1230 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. I further understand that failure to comply will result in this application being deemed incomplete and may result in a delay in the review of this project. Signature Date (Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance Compliance Certificate – Prepared 1/7/08, revised 11/14/11) Susan Riggs Peach & Black Residences 11/5/13 539 CERTIFICATE OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS LIST I, , hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the attached name and address list of all adjoining property owners (including all individual condominium owners) within 200 feet of the property located at , is a true and accurate list from the last declared Gallatin County tax records. I further understand that an inaccurate list may delay review of the project. Signature (Certificate of Adjoining Property Owners List – Prepared 11/20/03; Revised 9/22/06) CERTIFICATE OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS LIST I, , hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the attached name and address list of all adjoining property owners (including all individual condominium owners) within 200 feet of the property located at , is a true and accurate list from the last declared Gallatin County tax records. I further understand that an inaccurate list may delay review of the project. Signature (Certificate of Adjoining Property Owners List – Prepared 11/20/03; Revised 9/22/06) Susan Riggs North Black Avenue519 540 Peter Sickler 518 N Tracy Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Brett & Susan Tallman 513 N Black Bozeman, MT 59715 Kenneth Gibson 510 N 7th Bozeman, MT 59715 Thomas & Betty Weir 514 N Tracy Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Martha & Douglas Drysdale 1547 N Hunters Way Bozeman, MT 59718 Meridith McKenney 606 N Black Bozeman, MT 59715 Clive Nixon & Melissa Todd 512 N Tracy Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Christopher & Carolyn White PO Box 4270 Bozeman, MT 59772 Adam McMurray 610 N Black Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Sally A. Hannon 506 N Tracy Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Ronald Oxnam PO Box 4035 Bozeman, MT 59772 Harry Brence 611 N Black Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Seth Walk 502 N Tracy Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Carol & Richard Thompson 528 N Black Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Norman Nelson 331 Quinn Creek Bozeman, MT 59715 Paul L. Katz P.O. Box 6189 Bozeman, MT 59771 Robert & Jesse Vail 534 N Black Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Ben Wood 601 ½ N Black Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Walter Summers 542 N Black Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 John & Kathleen Clarke 159 N Garden Ave Roselle, IL 60172 Josh P. Blomquist 9 E Peach Street Bozeman, MT 59715 Margaret Lloyd 604 N Tracy Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Aaron Lazar 608 N Tracy Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 541 2OO FT 604 608 9 601 1/2 605 611 105 606 610 534 538 543 520 524 528 518 514 518 2 502 506 512 8 519 503 513 542 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Appendix A Aerial Photograph Source: Bozeman GIS Department N Peach Street North Black Ave Subject 543 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Appendix B Zoning Map Source: Bozeman GIS Department N Subject Property 544 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Appendix C Figure Ground Exhibit Source: Bozeman GIS Department N Subject Property 545 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Exis#ng Residence - East Eleva#on (facing North Black Avenue) Appendix D Site Photos Exis#ng Residence—North Eleva#on (facing Peach Street) 546 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Exis#ng South Eleva#on Appendix D Site Photos Exis#ng West Eleva#on 547 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Appendix E Neighborhood Photos 548 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Compliance with the Bozeman Community Plan This applica#on promotes many of the major guiding principles of the adopted Growth Policy (the Bozeman Community Plan) including: · Neighborhoods: Replacing the intrusive garage and construc#ng two new quality homes with small footprints and designs which respect the exis#ng context, mass and scale promotes the enhancement the surrounding neighborhood and the Peach streetscape. This project can serve as an example for quality residen#al infill that, together with other projects, can help to reduce sprawl. · Sense of Place: Quality infill projects can enhance Bozeman’s sense of place which is “strengthened through development which fills in exis#ng gaps in the City and helps to reinforce the compact pa?ern of historic Bozeman” (Page 3-3). Infill near the Downtown will also promote economic development. · Urban Density: Allowing three residences on a property that is currently 15,954 square feet in lot area promotes the efficient and cost-effec#ve provision of “urban services, mul#- modal transporta#on oriented development, and a compact development pa?ern in a concentra#on of persons and ac#vi#es… Quality site and architectural design will materially affect the success and acceptability of urban density and scale of development” (Page 3-5). · Sustainability: Again, allowing three houses on an oversized corner lot promotes the resourceful use of land and services, a key component of sustainability: “Infill development and redevelopment which encourages the efficient u#liza#on of land and exis#ng infrastructure systems is preferred” (Page 3-6). Residen#al infill helps to promote physical and mental health by giving more biking/walking opportuni#es and encouraging alternate forms of transporta#on from the vehicle. Furthermore, reusing and enhancing the exis#ng residence will preserve and improve the embodied energy of this exis#ng building. The following goals, objec#ves and ideas from the Community Plan support this applica#on: Page 1-4: Community weaknesses iden#fied: traffic, sprawl Page 1-5: Increase residen#al densi#es Taller buildings that more efficiently use land Significant investment downtown Page 3-5 “Development should be integrated into neighborhoods and the larger community rather than a series of unconnected stand alone projects.” Appendix F Community Plan Compliance 549 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Compliance with the Bozeman Community Plan (connued) Page 3-6 “Infill development and redevelopment which encourages the efficient u#liza#on of land and exis#ng infrastructure systems is preferred.” Goal LU-1.2: Review and revise regulatory standards and City policies to ensure that development advances the vision, goals, and objec#ves of this plan, and sprawl, as defined in Appendix K, is discouraged. Objec#ve LU-1.4: Provide for and support infill development and redevelopment which provides addi#onal density of use while respec#ng the context of the exis#ng development which surrounds it. Respect for context does not automa#cally prohibit difference in scale or design. Page 3-7 Obj LU-2.3: Encourage redevelopment and intensifica#on, especially with mixed uses, of brownfields and underu#lized property within the City consistent with the City’s adopted standards. Page 3-8 Obj LU-3.2: Encourage the use and redevelopment of underu#lized and brownfield sites to provide employment and housing, which will help to maintain the vibrancy and vitality of the Historic Core area. Obj LU-3.3 & 3.4: Specifically men#on providing opportuni#es to live w/in walking distance of Downtown Page 3-9 Goal LU-4 (Sustainability); objec#ves related to redevelop exis#ng areas Page 3-10 “urban density dwellings” “high density residen#al areas” “intensive residen#al uses in proximity to commercial centers” Page 3-15 “Communi#es that provide op#ons for living close to work and services, as well as the choice to walk to bike as part of normal daily life can facilitate mental and physical health” Appendix F Community Plan Compliance 550 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Compliance with the Bozeman Community Plan (connued) Page 3-16 Acknowledges the need for private developers to invest money and personal commitment. “Following adop#on of the Bozeman Community Plan, the zoning and subdivision ordinances must be reviewed and revised. These are required by law to be in compliance with the growth policy.” “These ordinances are implementa#on tools for the plan.” “These implementa#on tools are those most commonly encountered by the public. It is important that the revisions happen soon and without unnecessary delay.” “In preparing and implemen#ng implementa#on it is important to preserve fairness and reasonableness.” Chapter 6 – Housing Refers back to Chapters 3 through 7, land use goals; “housing is the land use which consumes the greatest land in the community” Chapter 9 Goal E-3: Help address climate change Obj E-3.2: Encourage sustainable development Goal E-4: Promote and support responsible use of our natural resources Obj E-4.2: Promote efficient land use prac#ces Page 16-4 – Chart re: implementa#on (1)(b) – “Review, and revise as necessary, all municipal ordinances to comply with and advance the goals, objec#ves and community vision of the Bozeman Community Plan.” (3) incen#ves for growth within City. (9) “encourage infill and redevelopment which is respecUul of its context.” (10)(c) “Review and revise as needed the City’s land use regula#ons to advance the goals, objec#ves, and policies of the Bozeman Community Plan, including detailed neighborhood plans.” 28)(a) “Review and revise as needed standards to infill development, redevelopment, and new development to provide clear guidance and mi#ga#on of objec#ve problems. (64) “Encourage development within Bozeman as a means of lessening development impacts and reducing resource consump#on.” Appendix F Community Plan Compliance 551 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Compliance with the Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preservaon The analysis below discusses the conformance with the Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preserva#on & The Neighborhood Conserva#on Overlay District for the proposed project: · “Use building materials that appear similar to those used tradi#onally in the area… horizontal lap siding is appropriate in most residen#al neighborhoods” (Page 50). On all projects the proposed materials include horizontal lap siding and asphalt shingles which are both used frequently throughout the neighborhood. See Appendix E for neighborhood photographs. · “The imita#on of older historic styles is discouraged for newer structures… Contemporary interpreta#on of tradi#onal details are encouraged” (Page 51). The proposed design for 18 East Peach is a contemporary version of tradional forms and massing. The proposed garage for 519 North Black Avenue is designed to be subordinate and respecEul to the house it serves. 517 North Black Avenue will be evaluated as a separate Sketch Plan/COA. · “Provide a front yard similar in character to its neighbors when possible” (Page 57). The new, proposed residence at 18 East Peach meets the required collector street front yard setback of 20 feet which is typical to the neighborhood. The front porch (which is raised as is common in the neighborhood) encroaches slightly into the setback as permiFed by Secon 38.21.060. This allowed encroachment paFern is also typical throughout this area and the Conservaon District as a whole. Planngs and grass are planned for the front yard. Again, 517 North Black Avenue will be evaluated as a separate Sketch Plan/COA. · “Provide a walkway from the street to the building” (Page 57). A walkway is proposed to connect the Peach sidewalk to the front door at 18 East Peach. Again, 517 North Black Avenue will be evaluated as a separate Sketch Plan/COA. · “Orient the front porch to the street” and “Clearly define the primary entrance by using a front porch” (Page 57). The residence at 18 East Peach incorporates a small porch into the design to serve as a transional area from the street to the house and to define the primary entrance. Again, 517 North Black Avenue will be evaluated as a separate Sketch Plan/COA. · “Construct a new building to be similar in mass and scale to those… seen tradi#onally” (Page 58). The proposed residence at 18 East Peach is two stories in height. The design helps to further break up mass and establish a pedestrian scale. Again, 517 North Black Avenue will be evaluated as a separate Sketch Plan/COA. · “The front wall of a new structure should not exceed two stories in height” (Page 58). The front wall of the proposed residence at 18 East Peach does not exceed two stories in height. Again, 517 North Black Avenue will be evaluated as a separate Sketch Plan/COA. Appendix G Design Guidelines Compliance 552 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Compliance with the Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preservaon (connued) · “A façade should appear similar in dimension to those seen tradi#onally in the neighborhood” (Page 58). 18 East Peach proposed width for the residence is 32 feet. Again, 517 North Black Avenue will be evaluated as a separate Sketch Plan/COA. · “Use roof forms that are similar to those seen tradi#onal on the block” (Page 59). The proposed side gable on 18 East Peach is tradionally seen in the neighborhood. The proposed pitch of 12:12 is typical of the surrounding area. This pitch is also opmal for planned solar panels. Again, 517 North Black Avenue will be evaluated as a separate Sketch Plan/COA. · “A new secondary structure should be subordinate in height to those buildings seen tradi#onally along the street front” (Page 59). The proposed detached garage for 519 North Black Avenue is only 16 feet in height, approximately 10 feet less than the principal residence which is 26 feet in height. Similar, differences in height are proposed for the detached garage and principal residence at 18 East Peach. Again, 517 North Black Avenue will be evaluated as a separate Sketch Plan/COA. · “Locate secondary structures to the rear of the lot” (Page 59). All detached accessory structures for all three properes are shown in rear yards. · “Locate a garage such that its visual impacts will be minimized…” (Page 59). Again, all garages are located in the rear yard of each lot. The garage facing Peach Street for the residence at 519 North Black was designed to have minimal visual impact. Appendix G Design Guidelines Compliance 553 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Response to Variance Review Criteria A variance is requested from BMC 38.08.040-1 “Lot Area Table” to allow 18 East Peach Street to have a lot area of 4050 SF, 950 SF less than the 5000 SF standard. The following factual evidence supports that the variance meets the standards of MCA 76-2-323 in that the variance: 1. Will not be contrary to and will serve the public interest; BMC 38.08.040-2 requires 5000 SF feet of lot area for a typical single household dwelling in order to provide sufficient space on the parcel to provide the necessary area for a standard home with the accessory func#ons of parking, yards, etc. As shown on the proposed site plan, the new lot on Peach Street does not need the typical 5000 SF because the proposed footprint is so small. This extra lot area is proposed to go toward the exis#ng, historical corner home to provide more yard space and room for a detached garage and to be?er respect the neighborhood pa?erns typical of corner lots. This type of residen#al infill model will serve the public interest by promo#ng the main goals and objec#ves of the adopted Community Plan. 2. Is necessary, owing to condions unique to the property, to avoid an unnecessary hardship which would unavoidably result from the enforcement of the literal meaning of this chapter: a. Hardship does not include difficules arising from acons, or otherwise be self-imposed, by the applicant or previous predecessors in interest, or potenal for greater financial returns; and There are no self-imposed hardships. With 15,954 square feet of lot area, the applicant can already develop three lots so there is not the poten#al for any greater financial return. The variance would simply allow more of this total lot area to go toward the exis#ng house and less of it to go toward a new home with a much smaller footprint. Appendix H Variance Compliance 554 P e a c h & B l a c k R e s i d e n c e s Response to Variance Review Criteria b. Condions unique to the property may include, but are not limited to, slope, presence of watercourses, a!er the fact imposion of addional regulaons on previously lawful lots, and governmental acons outside of the owners control; The following meline supports the conclusion that the recent re-interpretaon deeming new construcon ineligible for deviaons is a governmental acon outside of the owner’s control. · August 28, 2006 – Jason Delmue COA Applicaon #Z-06143 was approved with two deviaons both for lot area for 2 East Peach Street and 8 East Peach Street. · April 2012 – Jason Delmue first approached owner of 519 North Black Avenue about buying part of 519 North Black Avenue to create a new lot for a small house facing Peach Street, similar to the house at 8 East Peach (across the alley from it) – 15,954 sq. 8. lot area · May 2012 – Intrinsik preliminary planning, design and as-built drawings · March 2013 – owner of 519 N. Black agrees to sell enre property to Jason Delmue · April 2013 – owner’s ex-wife agrees that house can be sold but she must sll be allowed to live there unless she decides to move elsewhere and Owner of 519 N. Black approves write-up of material terms · May 2013 – walk-thru of property with Intrinsik · June 2013 – Survey of Property by Meridian Land Surveying, Inc. · July 2013 – August 2013 – difficules compleng inspecon due to exisng tenant · August 2013 – Signed Buy-Sell · Sept. 23, 2013—Intrinsik Architecture, Inc. is made aware of new interpretaon precluding new construcon from being eligible for deviaons by examining File #C-13004 (Taylor Duplex Sketch Plan COA with zoning variance) and talking with Staff Planner. · Sept. 2013 – Inspector can finally complete inspecon · Sept. 23, 2013 – Jason Delmue a>ended City Commission Infill Tour & subsequent City Commission Meeng · Sept. 25, 2013 – Mtg w/ Courtney, Patricia, Susan & Peter · Sept. 27, 2013 – Wendy Thomas Memo stang that deviaons are now only available to exisng structures. 3. Will observe the spirit of this chapter, including the adopted growth policy, and do substanal jusce; As shown in detail under Appendix F, this proposal supports the spirit, goals and objecves of the adopted Community Plan. Appendix H Variance Compliance 555 sheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONY:\Projects\jdn\DRAWINGS\SD\BRICK HOUSE\JDN-SD.rvtA0.1JDNPeach and BlackResidencesCOVER SHEET (11X17)COA APPLICATION2013.11.06111 North Tracy AvenueBozeman Montana, 59715Ph. (406) 582-8988 Fx. (406) 582-89112 East Peach StreetBozeman Montana, 59715Jason DelmueBozeman, MontanaNovember 6, 2013 COA APPLICATIONIntrinsik Architecture, INC.Architect519 North Black AvenueOwnerPeach and Black ResidencesDRAWING INDEXOVERALL DRAWING SCHEDULEA0.1 COVER SHEETC1.1 EXISTING SURVEYA1.1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN519 NORTH BLACK (EXISTING)A1.2 BRICK HOUSE SITE PLANA2.1 BRICK HOUSE FLOOR PLANSA2.2 BRICK HOUSE ELEVATIONSA3.1 GARAGE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS18 EAST PEACH (PROPOSED)A1.2 PEACH HOUSE SITE PLANA2.1 PEACH HOUSE FLOOR PLANSA2.1 PEACH HOUSE ELEVATIONSA3.1 GARAGE PLANS AND ELEVATIONSA3.3 PEACH HOUSE PERSPECTIVESGENERAL SITE RENDERINGSA3.4 SITE RENDERINGSNo.DescriptionDate556 557 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWWWWWW W W W W S S S S S S SSSSSWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSRELOCATEDDRIVEWAY519 NORTH BLACKEXISTING 2STORY BRICKDWELLING1293 SQ. FTFOOTPRINTEXISTINGDWELLINGEAST PEACH STREET(COLLECTOR 60' R.O.W.)NORTH BLACK AVENUE(58' R.O.W.)ALLEY(15' R.O.W.)NEW SHR544 SQ FTFOOTPRINTEXISTINGDWELLING(828 SQ. FT FOOTPRINT)(1222 SQ. FT FOOTPRINT)PROPOSED 93.29' PROPERTY LINEN89°14'19"W 144.20'APPARENT FENCE ENCROACHMENTAPPARENT DRIVEWAYENCROACHMENTNEW PORCHADDITIONFUTURE517 NORTH BLACKNEW UTILITYEASEMENTPROPOSED 93.0' PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED 81.0' PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED 30.0'PROPERTY LINENEW SHRESTIMATED 720 SQ FTFOOTPRINT10' - 0"NEW 1CARGARAGE18 EAST PEACHPROPOSED 40.0'PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED 50.0' PROPERTY LINE1 CARPARALLELPARKINGSPACENEW 1 CARGARAGENEW 2 CARGARAGEPROPOSED 81.0'PROPERTY LINE8 EAST PEACH18E PEACH519N BLACKPROPERTY LEGEND517N BLACKEAST PEACH STREETNORTH BLACK AVE.ALLEY513 NORTH BLACK518 NORTH TRACY514 NORTH TRACY420 SQ. FTFOOTPRINT384 SQ. FTFOOTPRINTPROPOSED 70.66'PROPERTY LINE26' - 0"PROPOSEDZERO LOT LINEPROPOSED SEWERPROPOSED WATERFUTURE SEWER TBDFUTURE WATER TBDsheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONY:\Projects\jdn\DRAWINGS\SD\BRICK HOUSE\JDN-SD.rvtA1.1JDNPeach and BlackResidencesPROPOSED SITE PLANCOA APPLICATION2013.11.06 1" = 20'-0"A1.11PROPOSED SITE PLANSITE STATISTICS:STREET ADDRESSES:18 E PEACH 4050 SQ FT519 N BLACK 6636 SQ FT517 N BLACK 5268 SQ FTCOMBINED LOT AREA:15,954 SQ FT*FOR BALANCE OFINFORMATION PLEASESEE SPECIFIC ADDRESSSITE PLANSN18 E PEACH519 N BLACK517 N BLACKNo.DescriptionDate558 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSRELOCATEDCONCRETEDRIVEWAY519 NORTHBLACK AVENEW LOTAREA 6,636SQ FTEAST PEACH STREET(COLLECTOR 60' R.O.W.)NORTH BLACK AVE.(58' R.O.W.)PROPOSED 93.29' PROPERTY LINENEW PORCHSIDE YARD SET BACK5' - 0"PROPOSED 93.0' PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED 81.0' PROPERTY LINENEW 1 CARGARAGE420 SQ. FTFOOTPRINTREAR YARD SETBACK20' - 0"D R IVEW AY V IS IO N TR IA N G LEDRIVEWAY VISION TRIANGLE15' - 0"15' - 0"40' STREET VISION TRIANGLE40' STREET VISION TRIANGLEPEACH STREET SETBACK20' - 0"EXISTING CONCRETESTEPS AND WALKWAYTO REMAINNEW CONCRETEWALKWAY18E PEACH519N BLACKPROPERTY LEGEND517N BLACKEAST PEACH STREETNORTH BLACK AVE.ALLEY13' - 0"6' - 0"ENCROACHMENT ALLOWEDPER SECTION 38.21.060.A.2EXISTING TREESTO REMAINGARAGESTORAGESPACEEXISTING 2STORYBRICKBUILDING1293 SQ. FTFOOTPRINTREAR GARAGESETBACK15' - 0"FRONT YARD SETBACK7'X24' ONSTREETPARKINGSPACEPROPOSED 70.66' PROPERTY LINEUPUPsheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONY:\Projects\jdn\DRAWINGS\SD\BRICK HOUSE\JDN-SD.rvtA1.2JDNPeach and BlackResidencesBRICK HOUSE SITE PLANCOA APPLICATION2013.11.06 1" = 10'-0"A1.21SITE PLANNSITE STATISTICS:STREET ADDRESS: 519 N BLACKLOT AREA: 6,636 SQ FTLOT COVERAGE: 24%REAR LOT COVERAGE: 18%HOUSE SIZE: 2316 SQ FTBEDROOMS: 3PARKING: 2 SPACES PROVIDED, 1 ON STREET519 North BlackNo.DescriptionDate559 REF.DWDWLIVINGOFFICE/DENKITCHENMUDLAUNDRYBATHUPDININGFRONT PORCHNEW COVERED PORCHNEW DECK14' - 1 1/2"32' - 0"6' - 1"WALL LEGENDEXISTING WALLTO REMAINNEW WALLUPUPMASTER BEDROOMBEDROOM 1BEDROOM 2BATH BATHHALLDNsheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONY:\Projects\jdn\DRAWINGS\SD\BRICK HOUSE\JDN-SD.rvtA2.1JDNPeach and BlackResidencesBRICK HOUSE FLOOR PLANSCOA APPLICATION2013.11.06N 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.11PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.12PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLANN519 North BlackNo.DescriptionDate560 12123:12NEW PORCH ROOF,NEW ASPHALT ROOFSHINGLES TO MATCHHOUSE (TYP.)NEW PORCH BEAMNEW TURNEDWOOD COLUMNSNEW WOOD PORCHNEW WINDOW12:12312NEW SLIDINGDOORNEW DOOR1X6 COMPOSITEFASCIA4" EXP. FIBERCEMENT BOARDSIDING, PAINTED12:1212:1212128:12NEW ASPHALTROOF SHINGLES(TYP.)EXISTINGCOLUMNS TO BEREPLACED WITHTURNED WOODCOLUMNS (TYP.)PAINTEDEXISTINGFACADE TOREMAIN (TYP.)EXISTINGWINDOWS TO BEREPLACED WITHVINYL WINDOWS-CONFIGURATIONAND STYLE TOMATCH EXISTING(TYP.)sheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONY:\Projects\jdn\DRAWINGS\SD\BRICK HOUSE\JDN-SD.rvtA2.2JDNPeach and BlackResidencesBRICK HOUSE ELEVATIONSCOA APPLICATION2013.11.06 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.22NORTH ELEVATION PEACH STREET 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.21SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.23WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.24EAST ELEVATION (NORTH BLACK AVE.)519 North BlackNo.DescriptionDate561 NEW SINGLE CARDETACHED GARAGE14' - 0"30' - 0"9:12GARAGE DOORCOMPOSITEWINDOWS912NEW GARAGEDOORNEW CONCRETEDRIVEWAYNEW ANDERSEN 100VINYL WINDOWS4" NON. COMPOSITE TRIM4" EXP. FIBER CEMENT BOARDSIDING. PAINTED (TYP.)1X6 COMPOSITEFASCIA BOARD (TYP.)ASPHALT ROOFSHINGLES (TYP.)15' - 10 1/2"sheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONY:\Projects\jdn\DRAWINGS\SD\BRICK HOUSE\JDN-SD.rvtA3.1JDNPeach and BlackResidencesGARAGE PLANS ANDELEVATIONSCOA APPLICATION2013.11.06N 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.11GARAGE FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.14GARAGE EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.15GARAGE WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.13GARAGE NORTH ELEVATION (PEACH) 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.12GARAGE SOUTH ELEVATION519 North BlackNo.DescriptionDate562 W W W W W S S S S S S WWWWWWSSSSSS519 NORTH BLACKEAST PEACH STREET(COLLECTOR 60' R.O.W.)ALLEY (15' R.O.W.)EXISTINGDWELLING517 NORTH BLACKPROPOSED 81.0' PROPERTY LINE 10' - 0"REAR YARD SETBACK20' - 0"FRONT YARD SETBACK20' - 0"5' - 0"SIDEYARDSETBACKPROPOSED 50.0' PROPERTY LINE1 CAR7'X24'PARALLELPARKINGSPACEPROPOSED 81.0' PROPERTY LINE 8 EAST PEACHREAR YARD SETBACK20' - 0"5' - 0"SINGLE CARGARAGEFRONT PORCH18E PEACH519N BLACKPROPERTY LEGEND517N BLACKEAST PEACH STREETNORTH BLACK AVE.ALLEY518 NORTH TRACY18 EASTPEACHSTREETNEW LOTAREA 4050SQ FTNEW UTILITY EASEMENTSIDEYARDSETBACKPROPOSED SEWERPROPOSED WATERZERO LOT LINEFOR GARAGES6' - 0"384 SQ. FTFOOTPRINTUPUPNEWCONCRETEWALKWAYsheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTION\\BIGGRAY\FolderRedirection\rfoxley\Desktop\JDN\JDN-SD_PEACH_RFOXLEY.rvtA1.2JDNPeach and BlackResidencesPEACH HOUSE SITE PLAN18 EAST PEACHCOA APPLICATION11-05-2013 1" = 10'-0"A1.21PROPOSED SITE PLANSITE STATISTICS:STREET ADDRESS: 8 EAST PEACHLOT AREA: 4,050 SQ FTLOT COVERAGE: 23%REAR LOT COVERAGE: 18.7%HOUSE SIZE: 1728 SQ FTBEDROOMS: 2PARKING: 2 SPACES PROVIDEDNNo.DescriptionDate563 UPBUILT-INMASTERBEDROOMBATHCRIBROOMMECH.BUILT-INWINDOWWELLW/DA2.22A2.21A2.23A2.24OFFICEBATHDNDNUPFRONTPORCHBEDROOMCLOSETDECKENTRYBENCHDNBENCHWINDOW SEATPWDRKITCHENBROOMCLOSETLIVINGROOMLOFT ABOVENORTH DECKSOUTH DECKDNPANTRYROLLINGLIBRARYLADDERWOOD STORAGEBELOWsheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTION\\BIGGRAY\FolderRedirection\rfoxley\Desktop\JDN\JDN-SD_PEACH_RFOXLEY.rvtA2.1JDNPeach and BlackResidencesPEACH HOUSE FLOOR PLANS18 EAST PEACHCOA APPLICATION11-05-2013 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.11BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.12FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.13SECOND FLOOR PLANNNNNo.DescriptionDate564 T.O. SUBFLOOR0' - 0"LEVEL 29' - 0 5/8"9' - 0 5/8"4' - 0"GRADE32' - 0"T.O. ROOF1212sheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTION\\BIGGRAY\FolderRedirection\rfoxley\Desktop\JDN\JDN-SD_PEACH_RFOXLEY.rvtA2.2JDNPeach and BlackResidencesPEACH HOUSE ELEVATIONS18 EAST PEACHCOA APPLICATION11-05-2013 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.21NORTH ELEVATION (FROM PEACH) 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.22SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.23WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.24EAST ELEVATIONNo.DescriptionDate-SEE APPLICATIONFOR MATERIALS/COLOR DESCRIPTION565 FUTURE GARAGEWITH ZERO LOT LINECONDITION21' - 2"GRADET.O. ROOF1212A3.14A3.12A3.13SINGLE CAR GARAGEFUTURE DOUBLE CAR GARAGE24' - 0"16' - 0"sheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTION\\BIGGRAY\FolderRedirection\rfoxley\Desktop\JDN\JDN-SD_PEACH_RFOXLEY.rvtA3.1JDNPeach and BlackResidencesGARAGE FLOOR PLAN ANDELEVATIONS18 EAST PEACHCOA APPLICATION11-05-2013 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.14GARAGE EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.12GARAGE NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.13GARAGE WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.11GARAGE FLOOR PLANNNo.DescriptionDate566 sheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTION\\BIGGRAY\FolderRedirection\rfoxley\Desktop\JDN\JDN-SD_PEACH_RFOXLEY.rvtA3.3JDNPeach and BlackResidencesPEACH HOUSE PERSPECTIVES18 EAST PEACHCOA APPLICATION11-05-2013A3.31NORTHWEST PERSPECTIVEA3.32NORTHEAST PERSPECTIVEA3.33SOUTHEAST PERSPECTIVEA3.34SOUTHWEST PERSPECTIVENo.DescriptionDate567 sheet project code address© 2013 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.8988revisionsPRELIMINARYNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONY:\Projects\jdn\DRAWINGS\SD\BRICK HOUSE\JDN-SD.rvtA3.4JDNPeach and BlackResidencesSITE RENDERINGSCOA APPLICATION2013.11.06NORTH EAST PERSPECTIVE (PEACH STREET)NORTH BLACK AVENUE PERSPECTIVEAERIAL PERSPECTIVEPEACH STREET PERSPECTIVERENDERINGS SHOWN FOR SCALE REFERENCE.NORTH BLACK RESIDENCE DESIGN TO BEDETERMINED AND SUBSEQUENT COA TO FOLLOW.No.DescriptionDate568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584