HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-9-13 TOP.pdf Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Mitch Overton, Director of Parks and Recreation Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution 4492 authorizes the Allocation of up to $440,000 from Trails, Open Space and Parks Bond Funds for the Bozeman Creek through Bogert Park Enhancement Project. MEETING DATE: December 9, 2013 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: The Trails, Open Space and Parks Committee (TOP Committee) recommends that the Bozeman City Commission adopt Resolution 4492 providing up to $440,000 of funding from the Trails, Open Space and Parks Bond (TOP Bond) Fund for the Bozeman Creek through Bogert Park Enhancement Project. SUGGESTED MOTION: I hereby move to adopt Resolution 4492 providing the recommended funding of up to $440,000 for the Bozeman Creek through Bogert Park Enhancement Project. BACKGROUND: On July 23, 2012 the Bozeman City Commission adopted the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Plan. The stretch of Bozeman Creek through Bogert Park (800’) was identified as a “high priority” in the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Plan due in part to its highly degraded nature, access to the public, use for recreation and education and its location in the upper reach of the most degraded stretch of the stream. The Bozeman Creek Enhancement Committee (BCEC), through assistance from the Park Improvement Grant (PIG Grant) and Friends of Bogert Park, contracted design and preliminary engineering to present the Bozeman Creek through Bogert Park stream restoration options to the public. The resulting design is an amalgamation of the four designs run through and chosen by the public hearing process during 2011 and 2012. On October 1, 2013 the BCEC submitted an application to the Trails, Open Space and Parks Committee (TOP Committee) for evaluation and potential recommendation for funding from the Trails, Open Space and Parks Bond (TOP Bond). The application notes a total project budget of $576,000 and requests $250,000. The application commits to restoring many of the functions of a healthy stream corridor to a highly degraded reach of Bozeman Creek in the heart of Bozeman. Along with improvements to fish, wildlife and water quality, enhancement of the stream through 190 Bogert Park, the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Project (The Project) seeks to greatly heighten the park’s value for nature-based recreational and environmental education purposes, while improving safety for park users. The TOP Committee reviewed the application and heard testimony over two subsequent meetings (October 10, 2013 and October 24, 2013) and found the project consistent with the ballot language from the November 6, 2012 TOP Bond. The application was thorough, the project well justified, has numerous supporters and partners and seeks to leverage TOP Bond Funds. In addition to the $250,000 requested by the BCEC, the TOP Committee included in their motion the amount of $190,000. The additional $190,000 is to cover outstanding grant applications that could fall short and to ensure that The Project has full ability for completion. The TOP Committee motioned and voted to approve up to $440,000 for The Project. Funding Budget and Cost Estimates from TOP Bond Application process below: Funding Source Amount Decision date App due DNRC RRGL Program $100,000 April 2013, awarded City of Bozeman, Park Improvement Fund $20,000 March 2013, committed City of Bozeman, Open Space Bond Fund - grant $250,000 March, 2014 Oct, 2014 City of Bozeman Capital Improvement Fund $40,000 GVLT in kind labor & materials (benches, trail amenities) $8,000 5/3/12 letter of commitment Recreational Trails Program, 2013 GVLT grant for trails $8,000 ($6,000 + tbd) January 2013, awarded Recreational Trails Program, 2014 City grant for footbridge $90,000 June, 2014 March, 2014 FWP Future Fisheries $30,000 March, 2014 Dec, 2013 Trout Unlimited, MG Chapter $30,000 Jan, 2014? Dec, 2013 Total $576,000 Costs (from Consultants Preliminary Design Report) Tasks Cost Channel and floodplain construction $113,950 Revegetation $76,200 Relocate utilities and irrigation $34,000 Playground, trails, access site $67,860 Footbridge $140,000 Subtotal $432,010 10% Contingency $43,201 Subtotal $475,211 Professional services (design completion, permitting, bid package prep, construction oversight.) $100,789 Total project cost $576,000 191 The TOP Committee passed the Bozeman Creek at Bogert Park Enhancement Project through the Rough Cut Matrix with 5 or more yeses by each of the four members present to vote and the Community Benefits Matrix and Prevailing Characteristics Matrix (Stream Enhancement/Water Quality) each scored above 60% by the votes of the five members present. NEXT STEPS: If the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Project is approved by City Commission for TOP Bond funding the City will proceed with the necessary process to enter into a contract for final design, engineering and permitting of the project. ALTERNATIVES: As directed by Commission FISCAL EFFECTS: Below are the amounts we are aware of concerning the TOP Bond authorization, commitments approved by the Commission, and upcoming recommendations from the TOP Committee. TOP Bond Authorization: $ 15,000,000 Commitment: Trail to M $ (600,000) Commitment: Bozeman Ponds Expansion Project $ (1,045,000) TOP Bond: Amount Yet to Be Committed $ 13,355,000 TOP Committee Recommended: Bozeman Creek/Bogert Park $ (440,000) Balance: $ 12,915,000 Approval of the application as recommended by the TOP Committee would decrease the TOP Bond Fund by $440,000. Attachments: Resolution 4492 Bozeman Creek Enhancement at Bogert Park Application TOP Committee Minutes 10/24/2013 TOP Committee Evaluation Matrices Report compiled on 12/03/2013 192 Resolution No. 4492 Page 1 of 6 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4492 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO FUND THE BOZEMAN CREEK ENHANCEMENT PROJECT THROUGH BOGERT PARK, FROM MONIES WITHIN THE TRAILS, OPEN SPACE AND PARKS BOND FUND. WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 4386 the City Commission committed to the designation of an advisory board or committee to review and make recommendations to the Commission on proposals for use of Trails, Open Space, and Parks bond fund (TOP Bond Fund) as said fund was approved by the voters of the City of Bozeman on November 6, 2012; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2013 the Bozeman City Commission appointed the Trails, Open Space and Parks Committee (TOP Committee) to assist the City Commission with the duties stated within Resolution No. 4386; and WHEREAS, the TOP Committee has reviewed and scored the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Project through Bogert Park utilizing the City Commission-approved evaluation criteria established within Resolution No. 4471 and found that the Project collectively scored more than five affirmative evaluations on the Rough Cut Matrix and over 60% of the total points possible on each, the Community Benefit Matrix and the Prevailing Characteristic Matrix of Stream Enhancement/Water Quality; and WHEREAS, The Bozeman City Commission approved and adopted the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Plan on July 23, 2012; and WHEREAS, The four goals listed in the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Plan are: 1. Foster broad awareness of and appreciation for Bozeman Creek, leading to a strong community stewardship ethic; 2. Restore the natural processes necessary for a functioning stream ecosystem; 3. Improve water quality to support aquatic life and primary contact recreation; 4. Provide ample public access and appropriate recreational opportunities along the creek corridor, while ensuring resource protection; and 193 Resolution No. 4492 Page 2 of 6 WHEREAS, The Bozeman Creek Enhancement Plan lists “Enhance the ecological function and recreational value of Bozeman Creek through Bogert Park” as the number one (L1) Long Term Project Recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 Approval of Funding/Authority. The Commission hereby authorizes allocating funds from the TOP Bond Fund for the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Project through Bogert Park (the “Project”) in an amount not to exceed $440,000. Section 2 Findings. The Commission hereby concurs with the determinations of the TOP Committee for the Project and finds the Project meets or exceeds the requirements for TOP Bond Funds as established in Resolution No. 4471. The Commission also finds that the Project included in this Resolution fulfills the intent, findings, policy, and purposes of the Open Space Land and Voluntary Conservation Easement Act (the Act) (Title 76, Chpt. 6, MCA). The portion of Bogert Park wherein TOP Bond Funds are used is hereby designated as open space land for purposes of compliance with the Act. Section 3 Project. The Project will reconstruct approximately 800’ of the Bozeman Creek channel through Bogert Park and return it to a more natural and ecologically productive condition, adding floodplain, hydraulic diversity, streamside vegetation, improving safety during annual spring run-off, and developing healthier habitat for fish and wildlife. The primary goals of the Project are to: • Improve public safety by reconstructing the creek channel, establishing a flood plain to slow stream velocity, and re-grading banks to reduce slopes to make access to the stream safer. • Improvements to Bogert Park, by creating nature-based recreational and environmental education opportunities, providing low intensity recreational uses, and improving trail connections between area parks, neighborhoods and downtown. A hardened stream access site, asphalt and gravel trails, and a new footbridge with viewing platform will attract and accommodate public use. The project will improve opportunities for fishing, wildlife watching and enjoying the aesthetics of a wild stream in the heart of town. 194 Resolution No. 4492 Page 3 of 6 • Long term value for Bozeman residents, by providing one of only a few publicly owned areas where the public can access Bozeman Creek between the national forest and the East Gallatin River. Water quality will be improved to benefit people, fish and wildlife. The Bogert Park Master Plan notes trail connectivity within and through the park is lacking. The existing trail segment will be realigned to conform to the new creek alignment and will connect with new trails to the Bogert parking lot, pavilion, and the Galligator Trail, a principal artery in the Main Street to the Mountains community trail system. Park trails will also connect with Burke Park, Church Street and the downtown area. Bozeman Creek flows through the heart of downtown and this project is envisioned to become the southern anchor for this urban greenway, with City Hall and Creekside Park as the northern anchor. Section 4 Title and Administration. The City of Bozeman will own, manage and maintain the completed Project and any and all site amenities associated with the Project. The completed Project will be managed and maintained by the City’s Department of Parks and Recreation. Section 5 Funding. The total cost of the Project is estimated at $576,000. The TOP Committee recommends TOP Bond funding up to a total of $440,000. The Bozeman Creek Enhancement Committee received $100,000 through a Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation grant, $10,000 from the Friends of Bogert Park, and $8,000 from a Recreational Trails Program grant. Furthermore, the Gallatin Valley Land Trust has committed $8,000 in materials and in-kind labor to the Project to aid in trail construction. Finally, the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Committee has $220,000 in grant applications awaiting award. Successful awards of these grants will reduce the $440,000 allocation by the amount of each approval. After a review of funding sources, the TOP Committee supports funding the project in this Resolution up to $440,000 to ensure completion. Below is the funding sources table and project budget submitted to TOP Committee during the TOP Bond application process: 195 Resolution No. 4492 Page 4 of 6 Funding Source Amount Decision date App due DNRC RRGL Program $100,000 April 2013, awarded City of Bozeman, Park Improvement Fund $20,000 March 2013, committed City of Bozeman, Open Space Bond Fund - grant $250,000 March, 2014 Oct, 2014 City of Bozeman Capital Improvement Fund $40,000 GVLT in kind labor & materials (benches, trail amenities) $8,000 5/3/12 letter of commitment Recreational Trails Program, 2013 GVLT grant for trails $8,000 ($6,000 + tbd) January 2013, awarded Recreational Trails Program, 2014 City grant for footbridge $90,000 June, 2014 March, 2014 FWP Future Fisheries $30,000 March, 2014 Dec, 2013 Trout Unlimited, MG Chapter $30,000 Jan, 2014? Dec, 2013 Total $576,000 Costs (from Consultants Preliminary Design Report) Tasks Cost Channel and floodplain construction $113,950 Revegetation $76,200 Relocate utilities and irrigation $34,000 Playground, trails, access site $67,860 Footbridge $140,000 Subtotal $432,010 10% Contingency $43,201 Subtotal $475,211 Professional services (design completion, permitting, bid package prep, construction oversight.) $100,789 Total project cost $576,000 196 Resolution No. 4492 Page 5 of 6 Section 6 TOP Committee Evaluation. The TOP Committee unanimously recommends the use of TOP Bond Funds for the Project. The TOP Committee scores are as follows: TOP - ROUGH CUT MATRIX: SCORING - Bozeman Creek Criterion Mmbr #1 Mmbr #2 Mmbr #3 Mmbr #4 Mmbr #5 Total Yeses Ballot Language 1 1 absent 1 1 4 Identified in PROST 0 0 1 0 1 Aligns with Bozeman Community Plan 0 0 1 0 1 Balances types of Parks, Trails & Open Space 1 1 1 1 4 Maintenance Requirements or Needs Feasible 1 1 1 1 4 Long-Term Investment for City 1 1 1 1 4 Feasible Partnership Opportunity 1 1 1 1 4 Opportunity to Leverage Bond Funds 1 1 1 1 4 Total Yeses 6 6 8 6 26 *One point for each yes vote TOP - COMMUNITY BENEFIT MATRIX - BOZEMAN CREEK SCORING Mmbr 1 Mmbr 2 Mmbr 3 Mmbr 4 Mmbr 5 Total Points Total Possible Points Percenta ge Variety 4 5 5 4 5 23 25 92.00% Distribution 4 3 3 4 3 17 25 68.00% Enhancement 5 5 4 5 5 24 25 96.00% Balance 4 5 5 5 5 24 25 96.00% Leverage 3 4 3 4 5 19 25 76.00% Connections 5 5 4 5 5 24 25 96.00% Total Points 25 27 24 27 28 131 150 88.00% Tot. Possible Pts. 30 30 30 30 30 150 Percentage 83.33 90.00 80.00 90.00 93.33 87.33% 197 Resolution No. 4492 Page 6 of 6 TOP - PREVAILING CHARACTERISTICS MATRIX: STREAM ENHANCEMENT/WATER QUALITY-BOZEMAN CREEK ENCHANCEMENT SCORING Criterion Mbr 1 Mbr 2 Mbr 3 Mbr 4 Mbr 5 Total Points Possible Pts. Percentage Includes a stream,watercourse, or wetland City owned 30 24 18 30 102 150 68.00% Enhances water quality for fish & wildlife 25 25 25 25 25 125 125 100.00% Seeks to restore stream/wetland condition 25 25 25 25 25 125 125 100.00% Seeks to increase/improve rec. opportunities 25 25 25 20 25 120 125 96.00% Total Points 75 105 99 88 105 472 525 90.00% Total Possible Points 105 105 105 105 105 525 Percentage 71.43% 100.00% 94.29 83.81 100.00 89.90% PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the _____ day of ________, 2013. ___________________________________ SEAN A. BECKER Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ STACY ULMEN, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 198 199 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 211 212 213 214 215 TOP - COMMUNITY BENEFIT MATRIX - BOZEMAN CREEK SCORING Mmbr 1 Mmbr 2 Mmbr 3 Mmbr 4 Mmbr 5 Total Points Total Possible Points Percentage Variety 4 5 5 4 5 23 25 92.00% Distribution 4 3 3 4 3 17 25 68.00% Enhancement 5 5 4 5 5 24 25 96.00% Balance 4 5 5 5 5 24 25 96.00% Leverage 3 4 3 4 5 19 25 76.00% Connections 5 5 4 5 5 24 25 96.00% Total Points 25 27 24 27 28 131 150 88.00% Tot. Possible Pts.30 30 30 30 30 150 Percentage 83.33%90.00%80.00%90.00%93.33%87.33% 217 TOP - ROUGH CUT MATRIX: SCORING - Bozeman Creek Criterion Mmbr #1 Mmbr #2 Mmbr #3 Mmbr #4 Mmbr #5 Total Yeses Ballot Language 1 1 absent 1 1 4 Identified in PROST 0 0 1 0 1 Aligns with Bozeman Community Plan 0 0 1 0 1 Balances types of Parks, Trails & Open Space 1 1 1 1 4 Maintenance Requirements or Needs Feasible 1 1 1 1 4 Long-Term Investment for City 1 1 1 1 4 Feasible Partnership Opportunity 1 1 1 1 4 Opportunity to Leverage Bond Funds 1 1 1 1 4 Total Yeses 6 6 8 6 26 218 TOP - PREVAILING CHARACTERISTICS MATRIX: STREAM ENHANCEMENT/WATER QUALITY-BOZEMAN CREEK ENCHANCEMENT SCORING Criterion Mmbr 1 Mmbr 2 Mmbr 3 Mmbr 4 Mmbr 5 Total Points Possible Pts.Percentage Includes a stream,watercourse, or wetland City owned 30 24 18 30 102 150 68.00% Enhances water quality for fish & wildlife 25 25 25 25 25 125 125 100.00% Seeks to restore stream/wetland condition 25 25 25 25 25 125 125 100.00% Seeks to increase/improve rec. opportunities 25 25 25 20 25 120 125 96.00% Total Points 75 105 99 88 105 472 525 90.00% Total Possible Points 105 105 105 105 105 525 Percentage 71.43%100.00%94.29%83.81%100.00%89.90% 219