HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Order No. 2011-01 Addendum 4 to City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 2011-01 ADOPTING ADDENDUM NO. 4 TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS MARCH 2004 EDITION, AND ADOPTING THE CITYOF BOZEMAN MODIFICATIONS TO MONTANA PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, SIXTH EDITION Ordinance No. 1611 provides for the adoption of the current editions of the City of Bozeman Modifications to the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications and City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy, and further provides for adoption of future editions by Administrative Order of the City Manager. Per Section 2.44.130 of Ordinance 1611, proposed amendments to the City of Bozeman Modifications to Montana Public Works Standard Specifications and to the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy were drafted for public comment. Final drafts of the amendments were prepared, which included applicable revisions based on public comment received, BE IT HEREBY ORDERED that Addendum No. 4 to City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications March 2004 Edition and that City of Bozeman Modifications to Montana Public Works Standard Specifications, Sixth Edition, are hereby adopted as provided for in Section 2.44.130 of City of Bozeman Ordinance 1611. DATED THIS 31" day of March, 2011. Chris CITY OF BOZEMAN MODIFICATIONS TO MONTANA PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS —SIXTH EDITION Summary of changes between Modifications to Fifth Edition and Modifications,to Sixth Edition Deleted text shown with strikeout, added text shown with underline. Section E499 Summary of Revision Instructions to Bidders 3 Revises citation of Montana Code 01500 Construction and Temporary 1 Adds language regarding vehicle Facilities off-tracking, adds new standard drawing 01580 Tempo rary Water Supply I New section with 6th Edition 02234 Sub Base Course I Limits maximum amount of recycled material in sub base course 02235 Crushed Base Course I Limits maximum amount of recycled material in crushed base course 02529 Concrete Sidewalks etc. 2 Specifies detectable warning plates to be iron 02581 Pavement Markings 1 Adds citation for epoxy paint specification 02660 Water Distribution Systems 5 Deletes all curb boxes except Mueller 02660 Water Distribution Systems 5, 6 Specifies stainless steel fasteners for valves 02660 Water Distribution Systems 6 Specifies valve box lid for fire lines 02660 Water Distribution Systems 6 Deletes language in 2.1 Fire Hydrants 02660 Water Distribution Systems 6, 7 Adds language for meter pits 02660 Water Distribution Systems 8 Adds requirement for warning tape 02660 Water Distribution Systems 12 Adds language regarding hydrant extensions, 3.7 B 02660 Water Distribution Systems 13 Specifies maximum cover on services 02720 Storm Drain Systems 2 Adds requirement for warning tape 02730 Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems 2 Revises 2.2 to conform with 6"'Edition 32730 Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems 3 Adds requirement for warning tape 02..730 Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems 3 Allows use of Inserta Tees, 33 09810 Street Signs 2 Revises requirements for street name signs, 2.2 09810 Street Signs 2 Revises requirements for sign mounting hard- ware, 2.3 09810 Street Signs 2 Revises requirements for reflective sheeting, 2.5 Appendix D Deletes use of flared fittings Approved By: Date:_3 /z/ I Richard Hixson, P.E.,tity Engineer Approved By: J�� Date: Chris Kukulski, City Manager 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS BIDDING REQUIREMENTS, CONTRACT FORMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT Instructions To Bidders Form Special Provisions DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 01500 Construction and Temporary Facilities Section 01570 Construction Traffic Control Section 01580 Tempo rai Water Supply DIVISION 2 — SITEWORK Section 02112 Removal of Existing Pavement,Concrete Curb, Sidewalk,Driveway and/or Structures Section 02113 Adjusting Existing Manholes, Lampholes, Inlets, Water Valve Boxes, Water Services And Fire Hydrants To Grade Section 02221 Trench Excavation And Backfill For Pipelines And Appurtenant Structures Section 02235 Crushed Base Course Section 02502 Asphalt Prime And/Or Tack Coat Section 02504 Asphalt Seal Coat Section 02510 Asphalt Concrete Pavement Section 02528 Concrete Curb And Gutter Section 02529 Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways, Approaches, Curb Turn Fillets, Valley Gutters And Miscellaneous New Concrete Construction Section 02581 Pavement Markings and Markers Section 02582 Reflective Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Section 02660 Water Distribution System Section 02720 Storm Drain Systems Section 02730 Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems Section 09810 Street Signs APPENDIX A Listing of Status of MPWSS Standard Drawings APPENDIX B Listing of City of Bozeman Standard Drawings APPENDIX C Standard Drawings for City of Bozeman Modifications to MPWSS Sixth Edition APPENDIX D City of Bozeman Approved List of Copper Connectors APPENDIX E Comment/Suggestion Form CQBMODS 6'Edition Page-I -of I INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Any contract documents for which the City of Bozeman acts as the contracting agent,,(i.e.,signatory to the contract.), shall include the following additions or changes to the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications. BID QUANTITIES Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal examination of the locations of the proposed work and by such other means as they may prefer as to the correctness of any quantities. The estimated unit quantities of the various classes of work to be done under this contract are approximate and are to be used only as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the work and for comparing the proposals offered for the work. The Contractor agrees that, during progress of the work, the Owner may find it advisable to omit portions of the work, to increase or decrease the quantities as may be deemed necessary or desirable, that the actual amount of work to be done and materials to be furnished may differ from the estimated quantities, and that the basis for payment under this contract shall be the actual amount of work done and the materials furnished. The Contractor agrees that he will make no claim for damages, anticipated profits or other-wise on account of any difference which may be found between quantities of work actually done and the estimated quantities. Blfii RE UIREMENTS The Bidder is expected to base his bid on materials and equipment complying fully with the plans and specifications and, in the event he names in his bid materials or equipment which do not conform, he will be responsible for furnishing materials and equipment which fully conform at no change in his bid price. Before submitting a proposal, each Contractor should read the complete Contract Documents (including all addenda), specifications and plans, including all related documents contained herein, all of which contain provisions applicable not only to the successful Bidder, but also to his subcontractors. EXAMINATION Examine documents and conditions at existing site carefully. No extra payments will be given for conditions which can be determined by examining documents and existing conditions. QUESTIONS Submit to Engineer. Replies will be issued to Bidders of record as addenda. Engineer and Owner shall not provide nor be responsible for any oral clarification, PROPOSAL I. The Bidder shall submit his proposal on the forms bound in these Contract Documents. Neither the proposal nor any other pages bound herein or attached hereto shall be detached. COBMODS G"' Edition Page - 1 - of 3 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 2. Proposals shall be in a sealed envelope and addressed to: Clerk of Commission City Hall 121 N. Rouse Avenue P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 The envelope shall also contain the following informatiom a. Name of Project b. Name of Contractor C. Montana Certificate of Contractor Registration Number e. Acknowledge Receipt of Addendum No,:_,_,_, f. In the lower left-hand comer of the envelope print of type., BID DOCUMENTS-DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2-00 P.M., on , 201_. 3. Proposals shall be made in accordance with the following instructions: a. Submit one copy of the complete bound documents in an opaque sealed envelope. DO NOT REMOVE THE PROPOSAL NOR ANY OTHER PAGES FROM THE BOUND CONTRACT DOCUMENT, b, Bids shall be made in ink upon the unaltered Bid Proposal Form supplied with these documents. C. All blank spaces must be properly filled. d. The total bid price must be stated in both writing and in figures. In case of a discrepancy between unit price and total bid price,the unit prices or lump sum prices shall be used in computing the total bid price. e. The proposal form shall contain no addition, conditions, stipulations, erasures, or other irregularities. f. The proposal must acknowledge receipt of all addenda issued. 9. The proposal must be signed in ink and display the Bidder's name, address, and correct Montana Contractor's Registration Number. SIGNING OF BIDS a. Bids which are not signed by individuals making them shall have attached thereto a Power of Attorney evidencing authority to sign the bid in the name of the person for whom it is signed. b. Bids which are signed for a co-partnership shall be signed by all of the co-partners or by any attorney-in-fact. If signed by an attorney-in-fact,there shall be attached to the bid a Power of Attorney evidencing authority to sign the bid. COMODS 6" Edition Page - 2 - of 3 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS C. Bids which are signed for a corporation shall have the correct corporate name thereof signed in handwriting or in typewriting and the signature of the president or other authorized officer of the corporation shall be manually written below the written or typewritten corporate name following the work: By: Corporate Seal: Title: d. If bids are signed for any other legal entity, the authority of the person signing for such legal entity should be attached to the bid. TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION Any Bidder may modify his bid by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids. The telegraphic communication shall not reveal the bid price, but shall only provide the addition or subtraction from the original proposal. Telegraphic proposal modifications must be verified by letter. This written confirmation shall be received no later than three(3)working days following the bid opening or no consideration will be given to the telegraphic modification, LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT The successful Bidder,upon his failure or refusal to execute and deliver the contract and bonds required within ten (10) days after he has received notice of the acceptance of his bid, shall forfeit to the Owner as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal, the security deposited with his bid, as provided in Chapter- -4, Seetion 6 501, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947 18-1-204 Montana Code Annotated. GROSS RECEIPTS WITHHOLDING In accordance with Section 15-50-206, Montana Code Annotated, the City of Bozeman must withhold one percent (I%) of incremental payments due the Contractor for remittance to the Department of Revenue for any contracts greater than $5,000.00. CITY OF BOZEMAN BUSINESS LICENSE All Contractors conducting work within the City of Bozeman are required to have a current Business License. Applications for Business Licenses may be obtained at City Hall, 121 N. Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, Montana. COBt4ODS 6"' Edition Page - 3 - of 3 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS SECTION 01500 CONSTRUCTION AND 'FEMPORARY FACILITIES 1.4 Revise this section as k1lows: Be responsible for dust and vehicle off-tracking control, providing all equipment and personnel for the work. Furnish Engineer nanic(s) and telephone number(s) of the person(s) responsible foi.•dust and vehicle off-trackigg..control during evenings and weekends. If the person cannot be contacted. Owner or Cites Bozem.an,may,pt Contractor expense, lierforill the work or contract the work out Add the following: 1.6 STANDARD DRAWINGS A. Standard drawings included in ApPD-ldix.-A of this specification book which are applicable to this section are as follows: Standard Drawing No. 01500-01 Vehicle Tracking Control COBIVIODS 6"'Edition Page-1-of 1 SECTION 01500 SECTION 01580 TEMPORARY WATER SUPPLY 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. RCplace this section with: Provide temporary water service to all residential and commercial service cannections interrupted by water systern replacement.or extension projects. The Contractor shall verif � with the Engineer and Owner at least 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays)priorto the sqspensiqn,,of service to the areas where consumers will require a temporary water supply,TemporM water service shall include teinporaEy service for commercial or residential fire protection unless othei-XvIse approved by th,e,Cjty.ofBozemqn Fire Department "I GENERAL D &place this section with: Fire protection is included unless specifically approved otherwise by the City of Bozeman Fire Department The Fire Devartment may require the Contractor to provide personnel for continuous"fire watch" in lieu of teniporai]!fire service conneCtiODS. 3.2 LOCATING CURB STOPS A. Rgplace this section with: The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all activities related to locating and exposing cur stopyalvesto theindividualproperties. Curt)stop valves shall only be operated by Water Department personnel. Existing conditions shall be identified and noted by the Contractor. Any existing condition that is suspected to indicate a defeet of the curb stop valve.,box, or service shall be re)o ed.immediately to the Engineer. 3.3 LAWN WATERING CONNECTIONS A. &,place,thissection with: Each house connection shall be equipped with a wye or splitter with a valve to allow for lawn watering. Plastic fitti.ngs are not Permitted. The connection to each customer shall require a short section of high-pressure flexible rubber hose at the connection point. House-to-house connections are not pennitted. All connections shall be from the approved temporaLy water s'ysten-1. Additionally, each service must have a backflow prevention fittiLig. ` COBMODS 6 T"Edition Page I of I Section 01580 SECTION 02234 SUB BASE COURSE FART PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Add the fiVlowin,-: -Urnit use of recycled concrete and/or asphalt in the sub base course to a maximum of 50% b weight. Recycled material shall be mechanically blended to assure thorough mixiM. COBMODS 6"Edition Page 1 of 1 SECTION 02234 SECTION 02235 CRUSHED BASE COURSE PART PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Add the ffillowing: Limit use of recycled concrete and/or asphalt in the crushed base course to a maximum of 50% by weight. Recycled material shall be mechanically blended to assure thorough mijiM 12 CRUSHED BASE MATERIAL Add the following section: E. When available, incorporate reclaimed glass cullet into the base course material. A minimum of 3% and a maximum of 15% of the base course material shall be reclaimed glass.The reclaimed glass shall be crushed so that 100%of the crushed glass passes a 3/8 inch screen. No more than 10%of the material retained on an individual sieve 1/4 inch or larger shall be glass, based upon visual examination and weight. COBIVIODS6 1h Edition Page 1 of 1 SECTION 02235 SECTION 02529 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, APPROACHES, CURB TURN FILLETS, VALLEY GUTTERS, AND MISCELLANEOUS NEW CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 1.2 REFERENCES A. Revise as follows: Delete: Standard Drawing No, 02529-1, Double Gutter Detail for Street Intersection Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02529-2, Standard Fillet Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02529-3, Type I Street Monument Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02529-4, Type 11 Street Monument Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02529-5A, Boulevard Driveway Approach Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02529-513, Curb Walk Driveway Approach Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02529-7B, Curb Walk Alley Approach Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02529-8, Accessibility Ramp Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02529-9, Swale Crossing Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-1, Double Gutter Detail for Street Intersection Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-2, Standard Fillet Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-3, Type I Street Monument Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-5, Driveway Approach With Sidewalk Adjacent to Curb Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-7B, Curb Walk Alley Approach Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawings No, 02529-8, Pedestrian Ramp Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawings No. 02529-8A,Blended Transition Pedestrian Ramp Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No.02529-11,Residential Driveway Approach Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-12, Non-Residential Driveway Approach. Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-13, Non-Residential Driveway Approach for Arterial Streets. Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-14, Concrete Storm Drainage Outlet and Inlet Chases Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-15,Publicly-Maintained Sidewalk Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No.02529-16,Asphalt Pathway Typical Section Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-17, Concrete Class I Trail Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-18, Class 2 Trail 2.4 GRAVEL BASE MATERIAL Add the following: B. Washed rock material meeting the following Table of Gradations may be used as base material. C013MODS 61'Edition Page-I -of 2 SECTION 02529 Table of Gradations - Washed Rock Base Material Percentage by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves Sieve Size % Passing 151 100 3/411 90-100 3/811 10-55 No. 4 0-10 15 CURING AND PROTECTIVE COATING MATERIALS Add the./ollowing requirement: C. The curing compound used on colored concrete shall be a high solid acrylic cure, Day/Chem Aggre-Gloss J-25 (manufactured by Dayton Superior)or approved equal. 3.8 JOINTS. C. Revise this section as follows: Divide sidewalk into sections using contraction joints formed by a jointing tool or other approved methods. Extend the contraction joints into the concrete for at least one-fourth its depth and make the joints approximately 1/8 inch wide. Unless otherwise directed, space contraction joints at maximum 10-foot intervals or a distance equal to the sidewalk width, whichever is less. In continuous sidewalk runs,install expansion joints at the location of a regular contraction joint, if the distance between expansion joints does not exceed 25 feet, 3.11 MISCELLANEOUS NEW CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Add the following requirement. B. Construct all curb ramps with detectable warning surfaces in conformance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). Deteefable waming sur-fdee5 shall be blaek. Deteetable ......... suffaees shall be eenisideized defieiefit and stibjeet to feplaeemeflt bythe Gentfaetef i fflaFe than 5'% of the tr-utiea4ed deffies, en a ramp sur-faee ffl-damaged, the deteetable warning pfaduet has lost any adhesion to the eaiieF4e–, -4_w-if the deteetable,waffling pr-edi��is efaeked ef shews othef signs of disti:ess, at the end 4 the twe-•>,�ar wan-anty-pe+ted—. 12etectabl e warning plates shall be eithei•cast iron or ductile iron. COBMODS 6"'Edition Page-2-of SECTION 02529 SECTION 02581 PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS (PREFORMED PLASTIC, PAINTS AND ENAMELS) 1.2 STANDARD DRAWINGS Add the following Standard Drawings which are applicable to this section: City of Bozeinan Standard Drawing No. 02581-1, Typical Pavement Markings for Pedestrian Crossings City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02581-2, Typical Pavement Markings for School Crossings 2.1 PREFORMED PLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING MATERIAL A. Add the.following. Pre-formed plastic pavement marking material to be Premark Plus®R manufactured by Flint Trading Inc. or approved equal. D. Revise this section as follows: Assure plastic pavement markings for inlay into new asphaltic surfaces are capable of being applied just before the final rolling of the new surface and can be rolled into place with conventional pavement rollers. For inlay applications, assure the plastic and adhesive are not damaged by pavement temperatures exceeding 150°F or by water on roller drums. Insure that the pavement markings are installed according to manufacturer's recommendations. Add the following: 23 EPDXY PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT A. Furnish and install 0oxy paint in accordance with the applicable sections of Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Montana Department of Transportation, latest edition including any supplements. COBIVIODS 6"'Edition Page 1 of 1 SECTION 02581 SECTION 02660 WATER DISTRIBUTION 1.4 STANDARD DRAWINGS Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02660-3, Thrust Blocking for Water Main Valves Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02660-4, Fire Hydrant Setting Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02660-5, Hydrant Location Detail Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02660-6, Water Service Line Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02660-7, Blowoff Valve Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-3, Thrust Blocking for Water Main Valves Add, City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-4, Fire Hydrant Add. City of Bozernan Standard Drawing No. 02660-5, Hydrant Location Detail Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-6, Water Service Line Add, City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-7, Typical Blowoff Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-8, Hydrant Barrier Posts Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-10, Typical Valve/Tee Restraint Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-11, Water Main Crossing Below Existing Sewer Main Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No.02660-12,Water Service Line,4­and Larger Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-13, Standard Fire Service Line Installation, Class 1, 11, and III Systems Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-14, Standard Fire Service Line Installation., Class IV and V Systems Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-15, Water Service Line from Curb Stop to Building (Lines 2" and Smaller) Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-16, Water and Sewer Main and Services Location Standards Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No.02660-17,Water Service Interior Clearances 2.2 PIPE MATERIALS B. Ductile Iron Pipe 1. Revise as follows: Furnish Class 51 wall thickness meeting AWWA 0151, American National Standard for Ductile Iron Pipe for 12"diameter pipe and smaller. For pipe sizes greater than 12", furnish as specified in the contract documents. 2. Revive as follows: Use underground pipe having mechanical or push-on joints meeting AWWA C111. Use underground fittings having mechanical joints meeting AWWA C 111.Use restrained joint pipe for all stream crossings and for pipe installed in casings. If restrained joints at fittings are required, use Megalug mechanical joint restraint or Megaflange restrained flange adapter,manufactured by EBBA Iron Sales, COBMODS 6"'Edition Page-1 -of 13 SECTION 02680 or Uni-flange Series 1400 retainer glands, manufactured by Ford Meter Box Company, MJ Field LokV Series DI, manufactured by US Pipe, Field Lok®R 350 Gaskets for push-on joints, manufactured by US Pipe, Sigma One-Lok Series SLD manufactured by Sigma Corporation, or approved equal. 4. Fittings Delete the use of gray-iron fittings, add the following requirements: All fittings must be manufactured in accordance with applicable AWWA standards at ISO 9001-2000 approved manufacturing facilities. These manufacturing facilities must be covered under periodic audits by third party accreditation bodies for evaluations. These evaluations shall include manufacturing processes,quality control,corrective and preventative actions, and document control. In addition, distribution centers must be audited by Third Party Approval Agencies for periodic confirmation tests and surveillance audits. These periodic confirmation tests and surveillance audits shall document continuation of product approvals by auditing the entire quality systems including design, infrastructure, system implementation, distribution, training, quality control and assurance, and document control. All fittings must be manufactured in accordance with NSF 6l. 5. Joints a, Revise as follows: Assure the fitting interior is cement mortar lined meeting AWWA C 104,or fusion-bonded epoxy lined meeting ANSI/AWWA C 116/A21.16. Assure the fitting exterior is bituminous tar coated I mil thick or fusion-bonded epoxy lined meeting ANSI/AWWA C I 16/A21.16. Use compact fittings having a rated working pressure of 350 psi following manufacturer recommended laying lengths. 6. Couplings Delete the use of cast iron or gray iron sleeves. Add the following requirements: a. 4) Furnish one of the following copper to copper compression connection couplings: Mueller H15403; Ford C44-xx-Q style; or AY McDonald 4758Q for 3/4", 1", 3/4" x V, and 1" x 1 1/2", No connection couplings are permitted fi•orn the corporation stop to the curb stop for 3/a" and I" services. C. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe Delete the use of'thispipe material for water lines D. Concrete Cylinder Pipe Delete the use of this pipe material for water lines E. Water Service Pipe Revive this section as follows: C013MODS 6"Edition Page-2-of13 SECTION 02660 I Use copper or ductile iron pipe in water service line construction as specified in the contract documents and meeting the following specifications. a. Furnish service pipe of the size or sizes specified. A water line is designated a service line or water main based on its use, not its size. Generally, a line serving a single building or facility is considered a service line; a line serving more than one building, or intended to serve more than one building or facility is generally designated a water main. The standard sizes of services are 3/4", 1", 11/2", 2",40T, 6", or 8". The minimum size of a fire service is V. b, Unless otherwise shown on the plans, furnish and install the service pipe from the main to 8 feet past the property line with a curb stop and curb box installed 8 feet past the property line. Install the water service lines in accordance with City of Bozeman Standard Drawings 02660-6 and 02660-12 and where applicable with "City of Bozeman Fire Service Line Standard", City of Bozeman Standard Drawings 026,60-13 and 02660-14. C. Copper Service Pipe I Use copper, type K annealed, meeting AWWA Standard C800. Use straight lengths for 1.5" and 2" services. d, Polyethylene Service Pipe Delete tIze use QfthhVpipe materialfor permanent water lines. C. Ductile Iron Pipe I Use ductile iron pipe for water service lines that are 4" in diameter or larger. Furnish ductile iron pipe which conforms to the requirements of Section 02660. 2.3 TAPPING SLEEVES AND VALVES: Revise this section asfillomv: A. Tapping sleeves shall be ductile iron or stainless steel, split-sleeve,mechanical joint type with end and side gaskets. They shall have a Class 125, ANSI B 16.1 outlet flange. They shall be rated for a minimum of 200 psi working pressure and shall contain a threaded plug for testing purposes on the neck or body of the tapping sleeve. Gaskets shall be manufacturers' standard suitable for use in potable water systems. Bolts and nuts shall be Cor-Ten,Dura-Bolt, or stainless steel. The sleeve shall be as manufactured by Mueller Company, Model H-615 or H-304, unless otherwise approved by the City of Bozeman. C013MODS 6"Edition Page-3-of 13 SECTION 02660 B. Tapping valves shall be Mueller,with flanged inlets compatible with the flange of the tapping sleeve and mechanical joint outlet. Tapping valves shall be iron body, bronze mounted gate valves with non-rising stems with design, construction and pressure rating conforming to AWWA Specification 0509. Stem seals shall, be double "0" ring seals designed so that the seal above the stem collar can be replaced with the valve under pressure in full open position. C. The tapping sleeve and valve shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor and the wet tap made by the City of Bozeman Water Department with the cost paid by the Contractor. The Contractor shall excavate the existing main at the location to be tapped to confirm the appropriate pipe dimensions prior to ordering the fittings. The tapping sleeve shall be installed with the outlet set on the horizontal plane. A concrete thrust block shall be installed behind the tee, 2.4 CORPORATION STOPS Revise this section asfillows: 1. Furnish 300 prig ball valve brass corporation stops with inlet end to suit tapping requirements and conductive compression connection outlet for type K eopper tubing. Furnish either Mueller 1325008, Ford FBIOOO-x-Q, or A.Y. McDonald 470 1 BQ corporation stops. 2.5 SERVICE CLAMPS Revise this section asfillows: I. Furnish flat, double strap,bronze metal service clamps(service saddles)with Neoprene gaskets and corporation stop threads. Use Mueller BR 2 B Series, Ford 202B, or AY McDonald 3825. 2.6 CURB STOPS Revise this section as follows: 1. Furnish curb stops with ball type curb valves with Minneapolis pattern screw box mounts for 3/4", 1", 1'/a"", and 2" services, with 90' open to close operation. Furnish curb stops that conform to the following: Service Size Curb Valve and Curb Stop 3/4" Ford Ball Valve Curb Stop B44-333-M-Q 1'/2" Minneapolis Thread, Mueller B-25155 1'/2" Minneapolis Thread,or A.Y. McDonald 6104Q,part number 4182-035 1" Ford Ball Valve Curb Stop B44-444-M-Q 1'12" Minneapolis Thread, Mueller B-25155 1'/2" Minneapolis Thread, or A.Y. McDonald 6104Q,part number 4182-192 1 V2" Ford Ball Valve Curb Stop B44-666-M-Q 2" Minneapolis Thread, Mueller B-25155 2" Minneapolis Thread, or A.Y. McDonald 6104Q, part COBIVIODS 6"'Edition Page-4-of 13 SECTION 026601 number 4182-137 2" Ford Ball Valve Curb Stop B44-777-M-0r 2" Minneapolis Thread, Mueller B-25155 2" Minneapolis Thread, or A.Y. McDonald 610401, park number 4182-081 2.7 CURB BOXES Revise this section as follows. 1. Furnish Minneapolis pattern base, extension type curb boxes having 7 foot extended lengths. Provide 5-foot stationary rods in all curb boxes. Use the following curb boxe-s; Mueller H 103 00 99002 fef 1 ," and 2" sefk,iees AY MeDeiiald 5615 with 5644T= lid fi3f 1 '74 "" afid 2" services AY MeDana4d 5614 with 5614L lid foF 34 ," "and I Fef!d EN42 70 57 60R for- I " afid 2" Fefd EN42 70 56 60R for 344" and " sefviees Mueller H10388 with bushings as required 2. Center and place the top section of a valve box with lid over all curb boxes that fall within asphalt pavement. 2.8 VALVES A. Gate Valves Revise this section as follows: 3. Gate valves shall be used for all lines from 4 up to and including 2.0". Furnish gate valves for underground installation equipped with a 2-inch square operating nut for key operation. All valves are to open counterclockwise. Valves are to be equipped with mechanical joints for pipe connections. Furnish Mueller 2360 valves or American Flow Control. Series 2500 Ductile Iron Resilient Wedge Gate valves for sizes 12°"and smaller,and Mueller 2361 valves for sizes 14"to 20". Bolts and nuts for the stuffing box, wrench nut cgp screw, and bonnet shall be Type 304 stainless steel. B. Butterfly Valves Revise this section as follows: 1. Furnish Class 250, rubber seated, butterfly valves for water distribution systems sized 24"and larger,meeting AW WA 0504 requirements.Valves to be equipped with mechanical joint ends and lubricated screw type operators designed for underground service. Furnish butterfly valves by Mueller, Kennedy, or M&H. All fasteners shall he Tye 304 stainless steel. COBMOaS 6"Edition Page-5-of 13 SECTpON 02660 Add thefollowing section: C. OS & Y Valves I For service lines 4" and larger, furnish a UL listed flanged Kennedy, American Flow Control, or Mueller OS & Y valve as the first fitting inside the building. For fire service lines 2"and smaller,furnish a NIB CO T-104-0 OS & Y valve as the first fitting inside the building. Bolts and nuts for the stuffing box, wrench nut cap screw, and bonnet shall be Type 304 stainless steel. 2,9 VALVE BOXES Add thefiollowing requirement: B. Valve boxes shall be East Jordan Iron Works 8560 series. Valve box lids for fire service lines shall be East Jordon Iron Works Product Number 06800029 or gpproved Mual. 2.10 FIRE HYDRANTS Revise this section as.follows: B. Furnish hydrants with 5 V4"valve openings,flanged inlet,one 5"storz connection and two 21/7" hose connections. Storz connectors to be by Harrington Company.Assure hose nozzle threads i-neet ASA Specification B26 for National Standard Fire Hose Coupling Screw Threads, 71/2 threads per inch. Asser-e hose threads and stefz eonneetion mateh City ef-Bezefflan stafidafds. Furnish National Standard operating nut. Furnish hydrants opening counterclockwise and having an arrow on the hydrant top designating the opening direction, D. Paint the hydrant portion above the ground line red. Furnish hydrants so that there is a minimum of 61/2' of cover over the hydrant lead unless specified otherwise on the approved plans. Furnish Mueller Super Centurion 250 model hydrants or Waterous 5 1/4" Pacer model hydrants per Water Department specifications. Furnish Mueller Defender Security Device, with locks keyed to City of Bozeman Standard, for each hydrant installed. Add the tollowingsection: 2.13 METER PITS A. , Meter it installations may be allowed for certain service lines such as for irrigation systems. The use of meter its must be specifically approved by the Water Superintendent. If the use of a meter pit is allowed, the followm* 9 COBIVIODS 6t"Edition Page-6-of 13 SECTION 026601 Manufacturers are qpproved: Mueller Me Donald, and Ford. The Meter Department shall approve specific models proposed for use on a case-by-ease basis. 3.2 PIPE INSTALLATION FOR WATER MAINS C. Laying of Pipe Revise as follows: 10. Construct reaction or thrust blocks at all tees, tapping tees, plugs, valves (except tapping valves and hydrant auxiliary valves that are part of a hydrant assembly),reducers, caps,vertical bends, and at horizontal bends deflecting 221/2' or more. Limit using metal rods or straps for thrust restraint to those specified on the plans, or where the use of concrete thrust blocks would be impractical. Do not use metal rods or straps unless specifically approved by the City of Bozeman. Construct reaction blocks from concrete having a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch at 28 days. Place blocking between undisturbed ground and the fitting to be anchored,as shown on Standard Drawing 02660-1. The size of thrust(gravity)blocks for vertical bends will be as designed by the Engineer. Place the blocking so that pipe and fitting joints are accessible for repair. In lieu of concrete thrust blocks, thrust restraint may be provided -utilizing Megalug®R , Uni-Flange"' , MJ Field Lok9 Series DI, Field LokV 350 Gaskets for push-on joints,manufactured by US Pipe, Sigma One Lok Series SLD manufactured by Sigma Corporation,or approved equal joint restraints, for all fittings that require thrust restraint, except for cut-in or tapping tees (for mains or services)and bends on service lines inside building foundations, unless specifically prohibited by the City of Bozeman. Install the mechanical restraints in accordance with.manufacturer's specifications and at all joints as specified by the Engineer. D. Pipe Jointing 1. Rubber Gasket, "Push-On" Joints Add the following requh-einent: b. All sections of newly installed water main shall provide continuity for electrical current. In order to provide continuity,insert a minimum of three brass or bronze conductive wedges in the joints of ductile iron pipe. Insert a copper wedge between cast iron and ductile iron pipe joints in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.Conduct a continuity test of new mains when required by the Engineer or City of Bozeman. COBIVIODS 6"Edition Page-7-of 13 SECTION 02660 3, Connections to Existing Mains Add thefOlowing requirements: C. All wet taps to water mains in use shall be made by the City of Bozeman Water Department at the expense of the Contractor. All dry taps or connections shall be made by the Contractor. Any new or existing valve which controls water in the municipal system shall be operated by City of Bozeman personnel only. The Contractor shall pressure test tapping tees prior to tapping by the Water.Department. The tapping tees shall be hydrostatically pressurized to a minimum pressure of 200 psi, and the testing apparatus shall be in place for verification by the Water Department tapping personnel, d. The Contractor is responsible for 24 hour advance notification, in writing, to all affected customers of a water main shut-down. The written notification is to include the date,time and estimated duration of interrupted service. The written notification is also to include the name and phone number of the Contractor's representative who is coordinating the shut-down as well as the phone number of the City of Bozeman Water Department. All commercial customers affected by the water main shut-down must sign a notification sheet acknowledging that they have been informed of the date and time of the shut-down. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to determine the likely duration of the main shut-down based on the proposed work and Contractor experience, and require the installation of temporary water services by the Contractor. e. Clean and disinfect temporary water systems in accordance with the requirements for cleaning and disinfecting new water mains. Do not connect existing services to the temporary system until bacteriological tests show successful disinfection. Provide backflow protection at the point of connection of the temporary system to the municipal system, and at each point of connection of the temporary water system to the individual services. f Remove any existing blow-offs or temporary flushing hydrants upon completion of the connection to the existing main, and install a brass plug upon removal of the corporation stop. Add the follow him new section: 3.3.5 DETECTABLE BURIED WARNING TAPE A. Install detectable warning tape centered over all water mains, service lines, and hydrant leads. Install tape a minimum of 18" and maximum. of 24" below finish COBIVIODS 6"Edition Page-8-of 13 SECTION 02660 3.4 TESTING, CLEANING & DISINFECTING WATER MAINS, VALVES & FITTINGS A. Hydrostatic and Leakage Testing 1, Add thefillowing. The required minimum hydrostatic pressure for any test is 200 psi. 2. Add the fallowing; Assure that the testing gauge is marked in increments no greater than 10 psi, 4. Revive this section as follows: Conduct the leakage test concurrently with the hydrostatic pressure test for 2 hours. Leakage is defined as (t)the quantity of water supplied into the pipe, or any valved section tbereof,necessary to maintain pressure within 5 PSI of the specified test pressure (after the pipe has been filled with water and purged of air) for the duration of the 2 hour test period, and (2) the quantity of water supplied into the pipe, or any valved section thereof, required to return the pressure to the specified test pressure at the end of the 2 hour test period. Add thefollowing requirements: 11. Chlorination,testing, and sampling shall comply with AWWA Standard C65 I- 92. There shall be no allowable leakage for resilient seat gate valves. At least 24 hours prior to beginning water main tests, a testing schedule shall be submitted by the Contractor to the City Engineering Office for approval. The schedule shall specify the proposed sequence of testing and the methods and procedures which will be used to complete the tests. Hydrostatic and leakage testing shall not be conducted concurrently with chlorination of water mains. All heavily chlorinated water must be flushed from the system prior to pressurizing the new mains, 12. Any existing or new water main valves which are used to take water from the City of Bozeman distribution system for the purpose of filling, testing, chlorination or flushing, shall be operated by the City of Bozeman Water Department personnel only,with the Contractor requesting such operation at least 24 hours in advance, All existing water main valves are to be operated only by City of Bozeman Water Department personnel. 13. Allow five days after placement of concrete for thrust blocks before performing hydrostatic or leakage testing. If high-early strength concrete is used, allow two days after placement of concrete before performing hydrostatic or leakage testing. Provide adequate cold blocking as required for all thrust blocks that will not have the necessary curing time prior to testing. 14. For sections of mains that cannot be hydrostatically tested, assure that all COBMODS 6"'Edition Page-9-of 13 SECTION 02660 joints are visually inspected for leakage under line working pressure by City of Bozeman representative prior to backfilling. B. Cleaning Water Mains Add the following requirements: 5. Prior to any main flushing the City of Bozeman Engineering Office shall be notified and provided with a flushing schedule and plan a minimum of 24 hours in advance of any main flushing. The City of Bozeman Fire Department shall be allowed adequate access to conduct pressure and flow testing of fire hydrants during the flushing process. 6. Any existing or new water main valves which are used to take water from the City of Bozeman distribution system for the purpose of filling, testing, chlorination or flushing, shall be operated by the City of Bozeman Water Department personnel only with the Contractor requesting such operation at least 24 hours in advance. All existing water main valves are to be operated only by City of Bozeman Water Department personnel. 7. Install an adequately-sized corporation stop on all main stubs longer than 10 feet to allow for the flushing of the stubs (see Table I MPW Section 02660). Following completion of all tests,remove corporation stops, install brass plugs, and assure plugs do not leak after main has been charged.A representative from the City of Bozernan must witness this work. C. Disinfecting Water Mains 3. Methods of Chlorination a. I Tablet Method Revive this section as follows: a) The tablet method consists of placing calcium hypochlorite granules(tablets shall not be used)in the water main as it is being installed and then filling the main with potable water when installation is completed.This method may be used only if the pipes and appurtenances are kept clean and dry during construction. b) Placing of calcium hypochlorite granules. During construction, calcium hypochlorite granules shall be placed at the upstrearn,end of the first section of pipe, at the upstream end of each branch main, and at 500- foot intervals. The quantity of granules shall be as shown in Table 2. COBIVIODS 6t'Edition Page-10-of 13 SECTION 02660 C) Warning: This procedure must not be used on solvent welded plastic or on screwed joint steel pipe because of the danger of fire or explosion front the reaction of the joint compounds with the calcium hypochlorite. d) When installation has been completed, fill the main with water at a velocity not exceeding I fps. Take precautions to assure that air pockets are eliminated. Leave this water in the pipe for at least 24 hours. If the water temperature is Less than 41 TABLE OUNCES OF CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE GRANULES TO BE PLACED AT BEGINNING OF MAIN AND AT EACH 500-FT INTERVAL Pipe Diameter (d) (in.) Calcium Hypochlorite Granules (oz.) 4 1.7 6 3.8 8 6.7 10 10.5 12 15.1 14 and larger D 2 X 15.1 Where D is the inside pipe diameter in feet D = d112 D. Bacteriological Tests 1. Revise this section as,/allows: After final flushing and before the water main is placed in service,test a sample, or samples, collected fi-ol-n the main(s) for turbidity and organisms. Collect at least one sample for every 1200 feet of new main and from each branch. a. Once the water main has been flushed following the successful completion of chlorination and pressure testing, the water line must be refilled with water and allowed to sit a minimum of 24 hours prior to the collection of samples for bacteriological tests. A second set of samples is to be taken a minimum of 24 hours after the first set of samples. Samples shall be taken in accordance with AWWA Standard 0651-92. New water mains shall be placed in service by City of Bozeman personnel only. b. Collect samples from new water mains out of service lines or temporary taps. Samples may only be taken out of fire hydrants or flushing hydrants if approved in advance by the City of Bozeman. If hydrants are approved as sample locations,operate hydrants using the auxiliary valves or curb stops to prevent groundwater from entering COBMODS 6"Edition Page-11 -of 13 SECTION 02660 hydrant, Assure that hydrants are kept from freezing during testing. c. Following the completion of bacteriological tests, assure that all temporary piping has been removed, and all temporary corporation stops have been removed and replaced with brass plugs, 3.6 VALVES A. Add the following requirement. For butterfly valves, set the operating nut on the west side of mains that run north-south,and on the north side of mains that run east- west. C. Valve Thrust Blocks I. Revise this section as.follows: Install valves with thrust blocks and anchor rods meeting City of Bozeman Standard Drawing 02660-3 requirements. Thrust blocks are required on all valves size 6" and larger, except for tapping valves and hydrant auxiliary valves attached to the hydrant shoe flange. In lieu of concrete thrust blocks, thrust restraint may be provided utilizing Megalugt, Uni-Flange", MJ Field Lok9 Series DI, or approved equal joint restraints. 3.7 FIRE HYDRANTS B. Revise this section a •.follows: Provide drainage at the hydrant base by placing clean gravel under and around it. Place gravel at least I foot on all sides from the base of the hydrant to at least 6 inches above the drain opening. Brace the hydrant against undisturbed earth at the trench end with concrete backing as detailed on the plans. In lieu of concrete thrust blocks, thrust restraint may be provided utilizing Megalug®R , Uni-Flange"""',or approved equal joint restraints.Furnish hydrants with the specified gate valves. Install hydrants meeting City of Bozeman Standard Drawings 02660-4 and 02660-5. Where no curb exists or the minimum distance of three feet behind the curb cannot be met or there is no other adequate protection, install protective barrier posts in accordance with City of Bozeman Standard Drawing 02660-8 when required by the Water Superintendent. Protect the hydrant from damage during installation and backfilling operations. Hydrants may be subject to replacement by the Contractor if any of the protective paint coating is damaged during installation. If hydrant extensions are required, only one coupler will be allowed on the operating rod. 3.8 SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION Revise this section as.follows: A, Provide all work and materials for the complete service line installation, including trench excavation and backfill;making the water main tap; furnishing and installing COBMODS 6"'Edition Page-12-of 13 SECTION 02060 the corporation stop, curb stop and box, service clamp where necessary, and service line with fittings as required to make the connections to the stops. Provide a minimum of 6'/2 feet and a maximum of 8 feet of cover measured as noted on City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-6. Use compression fittings for all service line fittings. Do not use sweat or solder fittings. Use a continuous length of pipe with no couplings between the corporation stop and the curb stop for 3/4" and I services. B. Mark the water service line stub end using a steel fence post painted blue, 6.5 feet long, buried 2.5 feet in the ground. Set post Y from curb box.After bacteriological tests have passed and the test results have been submitted to the Water Department, open all curb stops in the presence of the Engineer to assure the service lines are flushed and all corporation stops are open. All main line valves are to be operated by Water Department personnel only. C. Service line installation from the end of the stub into the building shall be as per City of Bozeman Standard Drawings 02660-12 or 02660-15. Service lines shall not be installed from the end of the stub into the building until the main line has been accepted by the City and placed into service. The water service line from the stub into the building may be reduced in size, however the size reduction must be made within 18"of the curb stop or outside valve. Connections to existing stubs(either for domestic or fire service)that have remained dormant or unused longer than 6 months may require re-flushing or disinfection at the discretion of the Water Superintendent prior to being placed into service. The Water Superintendent may require bacteriological testing to assure that the dormant line has not become contaminated. 3.9 TAPPING Revise this section as.follows. A. Tap the newly installed water mains unless specified otherwise. Provide a minimum distance of 18" between service taps. The City of Bozeman Water Department will tap any existing water mains. For taps on existing mains, the Contractor is responsible for scheduling and coordinating with the Water Department. The Contractor will be charged a fee for each tap made by the Water Department. All taps on existing mains require tapping saddles and corporation stops to be supplied and installed by the Contractor prior to tapping of the main by the Water Department, B. Perform tapping using an approved tapping machine using clean, sharp drill taps and/or shell cutters. 314-inch and 1-inch taps may be made directly into the barrel of ductile iron pipe without using service saddles. Direct tap into the pipe barrel to the depth exposing a inaxinium, three threads of the corporation stop. Taps greater than I" on a 6" line require the use of saddle clamps. Taps 4" and larger to existing water mains which are 4" and larger require the use of a tapping sleeve and valve. COBMODS 6"Edition Page-13-of 13 SECTION 02660 SECTION 02720 STORM DRAIN SYSTEMS 1.4 STANDARD DRAWINGS Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02720-1, 30" Standard Storm Drain Inlet Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02720-3, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Manhole Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02720-4, Standard Straight Manhole Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02720-5, 48" Standard Manhole Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02720-8, Standard Cast Iron Cover Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02720-9, Standard 24" Cast Iron Ring Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02720-1, 36" Standard Storm Drain Inlet Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02720-1 A, Standard Square Storm Drain Inlet Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02720-1 B, Combination Manhole and Curb Inlet Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02720-3,Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Manhole Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02720-4, Standard Straight Manhole Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02720-11, Storm Drain Debris Rack 2.1 GENERAL A. Add the following: All culverts shall be reinforced concrete with flared-end sections unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. All public storm drain systems shall be constructed with reinforced concrete pipe, or with solid-wall or corrugated PVC pipe for pipe sizes 36" and less. 2.3 MANHOLES D. FRAMES AND COVERS Revise this section asfollows: I Furnish D & L Foundry A-1178 ring and cover or East Jordan Iron Works 377113772 series ring and cover, or approved equal. Assure that all covers have two pick holes, 1"minimum, 1 1/4"maximum diameter, Cover lettering shall be"Storin. Drain". Covers shall have a City of Bozeman logo cast into the cover.The design of the logo to be approved by the Street Superintendent. 2.4 INLETS AND CATCH BASINS Revise this section as follows: A. Unless otherwise approved,furnish either of the following frames and grates:Neenah R-3067-L,Deeter 42047L,D& L foundry I-3517, or East Jordan Iron Works 7030 with TI back and Type M6 grate. Inlet castings shall have a logo cast into the curb COBMODS 01 Edition Page 1 of 2 SECTION 02720 piece stating "Dump no Waste, Drains to Waterways" or similar. 3,1 PIPE AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION Add the following: F. Install detectable buried warning tape centered over all storm sewer mains and service lines. Install tape a minfinuin of 18"and maximum of 24"below finish,grode. 3.2 MANHOLES A. Construction L Rev ise this section asfillows: Construct manholes to the specified dimensions. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, do not form channels in storm drain manholes. Assure that the lowest pipe invert is 9" higher than the base of the manhole. COBIVIODS 6"Edition Page 2 of 2 SECTION 42720 SECTION 02730 SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEMS 1.4 STANDARD DRAWINGS Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02720-3, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Manhole Delete. Standard Drawing No. 02720-4, Standard Straight Manhole Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02720-5, 48" Standard Manholes Showing Two Types of Cone Sections Delete. Standard Drawing No. 02720-8, Standard Cast Iron Cover Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02720-9, Standard 24" Cast Iron Ring Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02730-2, Sanitary Sewer Service Line Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02730-3, Deep Sanitary Sewer Service Line Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No, 02660-16, Water and Sewer Main and Services Location Standards Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02720-3, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Manhole Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02720-4, Standard Straight Manhole Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02730-2, Sanitary Sewer Service Line Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02730-4, Sanitary Sewer Cleanout Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No, 02730-5, Standard Drop Manhole 2.1 GENERAL A. Revise this section as follows: Furnish new sewer pipe and fittings as specified in the Contract Documents and meeting the n-iaterials and testing requirements of this Section. Furnish in-line wye branches of the same material and design as the sewer pipe unless specified otherwise. Saddle-type fittings are allowed onlyupon approval by the Sewer Superintendent. Pipe strength classifications are shown on the plans and/or are listed in the Contract Documents. Do not use tee branches unless specifically approved by the City of Bozeman. 2.2 PIPE MATERIALS Delete the use �f o High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe and Corrugated PVC pipe Lar sanitary sewers A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe 2. Gravity Sewer Pipe a. Revise this section asjollows: Furnish gravity sewer pipe meeting one of the following requirements: COBMODS 6"Edition Page-1 -of 5 SECTION 02730 I AST -3034."Standard Specifications for Poly virtyl Chloride Sewer pipe and Fittings", with an SDR of 35 8" - 15", 2) ASTM F679, T-I wall thickness (SDR 35). "Standard Specifications for PVC Large Diameter Plastic Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings" 18"— 27". 3) SDR 26 PVC pipe for 4" and 6" service lines. 5. Fittings Revise this section as,follows. a. Assure wye fittings for connecting service lines are of the same material, construction, and joint design as the main sewer pipe. 23 MANHOLES A. General I Add the following. Do not use flat-top (straight) manholes unless specifically called out on the plans or in the Contract Documents. Unless noted otherwise, flat-top manholes are only to be used when the distance from the rim to the invert is less than 6 feet. D. Frames and Covers I. Revive this section as follows: Furnish D & L Foundry A-1178 ring and cover, or East Jordan Iron Works 377113772 series ring and cover, or approved equal. Assure that all covers have two pick holes, I" minimum, 1 1/4" maximum diameter. Cover lettering shall be "Sanitary Sewer". Covers shall have a City of Bozeman logo cast into the cover. The design of the logo to be approved by the Sewer Superintendent. 11 PIPE AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION D. Laying Pipe Delete referenees to tee fittings. E. Tolerances I Revise as.follows: Install the pipe within 1/2" of the specified alignment and within 1/4"of the specified grade,provided that such variation does not result in a level or reverse sloping invert. Add the followinz: COBMODS 6"Edition Page-2-of 5 SECTION 02730 F. Install detectable buried warning, tape centered over all sanitary sewer mains and service lines. Install tape a minimum of 18"and maximum of 24"below finish grade. 3.2 MANHOLES A. Construction 2. Add the following requirements: Unless otherwise approved by the City of Bozeman,make all break-in connections to existing manholes by using a core drilling machine. Trim off and remove all excess gasket material inside manholes. 3. Revive this section as follows: Install adjusting rings on each manhole to bring the manhole rim elevation to match the existing or specified ground elevations. A maximum of 12" of adjusting rings are permitted. Furnish concrete adjusting rings reinforced with the same percentage of steel as the riser and top, or HDPE adjusting rings. To adjust the rim to match the slope of a street, use tapered adjusting rings, Install Ram-Nek or approved equal joint sealant compound between the first adjusting ring and the top of the manhole,between each adjusting ring,and between the last adjusting ring and the manhole frame, 3.3 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LINES A. Revise this section as,follows: Construct service lines in accordance with City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02730-2. Install the service line to a point 8 feet past the property line unless shown or specified otherwise on the plans. Plug the end of the service line with a stopper and gasket,using a gasket of the same type used for pipe jointing. Do not grout the plugs. For multiple service lines installed in the same trench,maintain a minimum oft feet clear between each service line and service tap. For service lines connected to existing mains, use Schedule 40 PVC pipe with solvent weld joints or SDR 26 PVC pipe with gasketed joints, and provide all equipment,material, labor and incidentals necessary to install the service line from the main to the building. The City of Bozeman Sewer Department shall make all main taps for new sewer services connected to existing mains, at the Contractor's expense. Inserta Tces(D may be used for service line connections to existing mains. 3.4 TESTS A. Add the following requirements: At least 24 hours prior to beginning sewer main CO6MODS 6"Edition Page-3-of 5 SECTION 02730 and manhole tests, provide a testing schedule to the Engineer and the City Engineering Office for approval, Specify the proposed sequence of testing and the methods and procedures which will be used to complete the tests, D. Water Test I Add the following requirement: If the water test method is used, verify groundwater levels at the time of testing by installing piezometers or test pits in the immediate area of the sewer line that is being tested. E. Air Test (Alternate) 9. Revise this section as follows. For test sections exceeding the maximum lengths, either shorten the test section to an allowable length; test according to Uni-Bell Standard Uni-B-6-98; or use the water test. Add the following requirement: 10. If the air test method is used to test the sewer mains, test manholes for leakage by filling each manhole with water to the top of the manhole. Measure the leakage by checking the water level drop in the manhole over a four hour period, Allow time to soak the manholes in advance of performing tests. The allowable leakage for manholes is 0.1 gat/hr/ft-dia/ft-bead, G. TV. Inspection 1. Revise this section as,follows: All sewers are required to be inspected using a television camera before final acceptance. All television inspections of new sewers shall be done by the City of Bozeman Sewer Department at Contractor expense unless otherwise approved by the Water/Sewer Superintendent. Schedule inspections with the Sewer Department a minimum of one week in advance.De- watering equipment inust be shut down a ininimum of 24 hours prior to the television inspection to allow groundwater to return to typical levels.Adequately flush the sewer lines prior to each television inspection. T.V. inspection of dry sewer lines is not acceptable. A sewer line will be considered deficient and -unacceptable if 1)the alignment is outside the specified limits,2)water ponds in any section to a depth equal to or greater than a value 2 times the grade tolerance specified herein under Section 112730 3.1 E. I., or 3)the pipe has visible defects such as open joints,pinched gaskets, cracked barrels or bells, or similar defects, Correct any deficiencies and schedule a re-inspection by the Sewer Department, Sanitary sewer service lines may be subject to the same T.V. inspection requirements as sanitary sewer mains at the discretion of the Sewer Superintendent. COBIVIODS 6"Edition Page-4-of 5 SECTION 027307 Add the following section: J. Manhole Vacuum Testing 1. Vacuum testing of manholes may be done in lieu of water testing. Testing shall be done in accordance with -ASTM 01244-05a, Standard Test Method for Concrete Sewer Manholes by the Negative Air Pressure(Vacuum)Test Prior to Backfill",with Z:� the exception that the testing shall be done after backfilling. COBMODS 6"Edition Page 5 of 5 SECTION 02730 Add the following new section: SECTION 09810 STREET SIGNS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. This section is furnishing, fabrication, installation and the removing and resetting of signs in accordance with these and other specifications,the Standard Drawings, and in the location as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. 1.2 REFERENCES MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 1.3 STANDARD DRAWINGS Standard Drawings in Appendix C applicable to this section are as follows: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 09810-1, Sign Installation Standards City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 09810-2, Dead End Barricade City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 09810-3, Standard Street Marker Sign Location 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. The following definitions define the signing work to be done when the respective terns are used in the Contract. 1, NEW Signs designated "New" are to be furnished new and erected at the locations specified. 2. REUSE Signs designated"Reuse" are to be removed from the existing post or posts and remounted on a new post or posts at the locations specified. 3. REPLACE Signs designated "Replace" are to be removed and replaced with the specified "New" standard signs, including new post or posts, at the existing or specified new locations. 4, RESET Signs designated"Reset" are to be removed and reset at the locations specified using the existing sign faces and supports. 5. REMOVE Signs designated "Remove" are to be removed,to include the signor sign assembly and sign supports. COBIVIODS 6"Edition Page-1 -of 4 SECTION 09810 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 POSTS A. Use 2" perforated square tube 14 gauge galvanized steel posts for all sign posts unless otherwise specified on the plans. Use Telspar or approved equal sign posts. Anchor posts as shown on Standard Drawing 09810-1. 2.2 STREET NAME MARKER SIGNS A. Provide street marker(D-3)signs which meet all applicable MUTCD Standards.For publicly-maintained streets, use white lettering on a geen back g[ound. For privately- maintained streets, use white lettering on a blue background. For,ground-niounted Ffumish 9" flat-blade aluminum sign blanks, 0.08 inches thick. Faf leeal 9 stfeets,use 6 ifieh si n blanks; fef ealleetef of a4erial stfeets,use 9 ineh signblaiiks Provide a 1/4" white border around the edge of the sign. Use white v ies "G' Highway Font letters for the street name. Lettering for street names shall be mixed- case consisting of an initial upper-case letter followed by lower-case letters. Letter height..is specified as the height of the initial upper-case letter. The nominal loop heiglit of the lower-case letters shall be -Y4 the height of the initial upper-case letter. For L40C-Al qreets, ass e-fix and suffix eapy are 2 ineh ttppef ease lettefs, eentefed tep to belt---i-3,a-ad i4lat 111—P..—M., ­711y is 4 ineh jettefs all uppeF ease. Fe eelr eetof and ai4er-ial streets,sStreet names shall have 6 inch tipper--eas letters,and 3 inch letters for street abbreviations or city sections (e.g. Street, Avenue, Road). Attach signs back to back on sign post with two 3/8" drive rivets with I" backing washers. For overhead signs, blank and letter sizes shall be determined b engineering design and shall meet the requirements of the MUTCD. 23 REGULATORY, WARNING, CONSTRUCTION, AND GUIDE SIGNS A. Assure that all signs meet applicable MUTCD Standards. Furnish construction grade aluminum sign blanks, 0.08 inches thick. Attach signs to the posts with a minimum of two 3/8" drive rivets with backing washers...For signs smaller than 18"x18". use 3/8" x I" washers: for larger signs use 3/8"x 1.5" washers. 2.4 SIGNPOST FOUNDATION SLEEVES A. Furnish 21/4"non-perforated 12 gauge galvanized steel square tube foundation sleeves for all signposts, Use "Tel spar Quik Punch" or approved equal. Install sleeves in concrete anchor as shown on Standard Drawing 09810-1, 2.5 REFLECTIVE SHEETING A. Reflective sheeting for signs shall iiie,et the i:Rinimufn r-etfe refleetivity levels- speeifiedin Seetieii2A.09 9f4heN4UTCD,:F".ej (engineer grade)sheetingshallne COBMODS 6"Edition Page-2-of 4 SECTION 09810 be used. be Twe IV ("Hit),h Intensily Prismatic") or better. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SIGN INSTALLATION A. Assure that all signs are installed according to MUTCD Standards. Locate signs where shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Assure that signs are installed plumb, at the correct height, and with the edge of the sign a minimum of two feet from the face of the curb or edge of pavement. 3.2 SIGN REMOVAL OR REPLACEMENT A. As directed by the Engineer, salvage existing signs designated to be removed or replaced to the site specified by the City of Bozeman. Properly dispose of all signs designated for removal or replacement which have not been designated for salvage. PART 4 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 4.1 GENERAL A. The following are pay items for the work covered under this section. Payment for these items is full compensation for providing all materials, tools, labor and equipment necessary to complete the item and all incidental work related thereto, whether specifically mentioned herein or not. 1. NEW SIGNS Measurement of signs is per each sign installed. Payment for signs is made at the contract unit price bid per each sign installed, which includes furnishing and installing sign posts and sign faces and all other work necessary or incidental for completion of the item, 2. REUSE SIGNS Measurement of signs is per each sign installed. Payment for signs is at the contract unit price bid per each sign reused. Such price or prices and payment will be full compensation for famishing and erecting the new sign supports and remounting the sign, removing and disposing of the existing sign supports, and backfilling of removal sites. 3. REPLACE SIGNS Measurement of signs is per each sign replaced. Payment for signs is at the contract unit price bid per each sign replaced. Such price or prices and payment will be full compensation for removing and disposing of the existing sign and furnishing and erecting the new sign supports and sign faces. COBIVIODS 6'"Edibon Page-3-of 4 SECTION 09810 4. RESET SIGNS Measurement of signs is per each sign reset. Payment will be made at the contract unit price bid per each sign reset. Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work and materials including dismantling and removal, resetting, furnishing and installing break away devices (if required), breakdown of foundation material and backfill of removal sites, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. When not provided for in the contract, reset signs will not be paid for directly but will be considered incidental to and included in payment for other items in the contract. S. REMOVE SIGNS Measurement of signs is per each sign removed. Payment will be made at the contract unit price bid per each sign removed. Such price and payqnent will be full compensation for removing each sign and supports, removal from the project,breakdown of foundation material,and backfilling removal sites. C013MODS 6"Edition Page 4 of 4 SECTION 09810 APPENDIX C Complete list of Standard Drawings to be used with the City of Bozeman Modifications to Montana Public Works Standard Specifications, Sixth Edition: Drawing Description COB 01500-1 Vehicle Tracking Control COB 01570-1 Traffic Control, Minimum Standard, Urban Work Site, 4 Lane Road, Work Site Closing One Lane COB 0 15 70-2 Traffic Control, Minimum Standard,Urban Work Site, 2 Lane Road, Work Site On Centerline COB 01570-3 Traffic Control, Minimum Standard, Urban Work Site, 4 Lane Road, Work Site On Centerline Partially Blocking Inside Lanes COB 01570-4 Traffic Control,Minimum Standard,Urban Work Site, 2 Lane Road, I Lane Partially Or Fully Closed By Work Area COB 01570-5 Traffic Control,Minimum Standard,Rural Work Site,Work Adjacent To the Present Traveled Way COB 01570-6 Traffic Control, Minimum Standard, Rural Work Site, Utility Work On or Across the Present Traveled Way COB 01570-7 Pedestrian Traffic Control for Temporary Sidewalk Closure COB 01570-8 Sidewalk Closure with Detour COB 02213-1 Manhole Adjustment Detail COB 02213-2 Water Valve Adjustment Detail MPW 02221-1 Typical Utility Trench Detail MPW 02221-2 Pipe Bedding Alternate MPW 02222-1 Trench Plug Excavation Detail COB 02528-1 Integral Concrete Curb And Gutter COB 02529-1 Double Gutter Detail For Street Intersection COB 02529-2 Standard Fillet COBMODS 6"Edition Page 1 of 4 APPENDIX C COB 02529-3 Type I Street Monument COB 02529-5 Driveway Approach With Sidewalk Adjacent To Curb MPW 02529-6 Retrofit Drive Approach MPW 02529-7A Boulevard Alley Approach Detail COB 02529-713 Curb Walk Alley Approach COB 02529-8 Pedestrian Ramp COB 02529-8A Blended Transition Pedestrian Ramp MPW 02529-10 Mailbox Mounting for Curbline Delivery COB 02529-11 Residential Driveway Approach and Sidewalk Details COB 02529-12 Non-residential Driveway Approach COB 02529-13 Non-residential Driveway Approach for Arterial Streets COB 02529-14 Concrete Storm Drainage Outlet and Inlet Chases COB 02529-15 Publicly-Maintained Sidewalk COB 02529-16 Asphalt Pathway Typical Section COB 02529-17 Concrete Class 1 Trail Typical Section COB 02529-18 Class 2 Trail Typical Section COB 02581-1 Typical Pavement Markings for Pedestrian Crossings COB 02581-2 Typical Pavement Markings for School Crossings MPW 02660-1 Thrust Blocking for Water Main Fittings MPW 02660-2 Water And Sewer Main Separation COB 02660-3 Thrust Blocking For Water Main Valves COB 02660-4 Fire Hydrant COB 02660-5 Hydrant Location Detail C013MODS 6"'Edition Page 2 of 4 APPENDIX 0 COB 02660-6 Water Service Line COB 02660-7 Typical Blowoff COB 02660-8 Hydrant Barrier Posts COB 02660-10 Typical Valve/Tee Restraint COB 02660-11 Water Main Crossing Below Existing Sewer Main COB 02660-12 Standard Domestic Service Line Installation for Sizes 4" and Larger COB 02660-13 Standard Fire Service Line Installation For Class 1, I1 And III Systems COB 02660-14 Standard Fire Service Line Installation For Class IV And V Systems COB 02660-15 'Water Service Line from Curb Stop to Building (Lines 2" and Smaller) COB 02660-16 Water And Sewer Main And Services Location. Standards COB 02660-17 Water Service Interior Clearances COB 02720-1 36" Standard Storm Drain Inlet COB 02720-1A Standard Square Storm Drain Inlet COB 02720-I B Combination Manhole and Curb Inlet MPW 02720-2 24" Standard Riser Inlet COB 02720-3 Sanitary Sewer And Storm Drain Manhole COB 02720-4 Standard Straight Manhole MPW 02720-6 Precast Manhole Bases MPW 02720-7 Typical Manhole Channel Details MPW 02720-1.0 Storm Drain Service Line COB 02720-11 Storm Drain Debris Rack MPW 02730-1 Nomograph For Air Testing Gravity Sewer Mains COB 02730-2 Sanitary Sewer Service Line COBMODS 6"Edition Page 3 of4 APPENDIX C COB 02730-4 Sanitary Sewer Cleanout COB 02730-5 Standard Drop Manhole COB 09810-1 Sign Installation Standards COB 09810-2 Dead End Barricade COB 09810-4 Standard Street ]Marker Sign Location C OBMODS 6®'Edition Page 4 0£4 APPENDIX C \1 Q � LE GTH* v P 4 P 4 4 8 P C3' P C+ C MIN, 25' RADIUS UNDERLYING FILTER FABRIC AS PER SECTION 02110 VEHICLE TRACKING PAD 1'4" THICKNESS OF 3"-6" WASHED ROCK MIN LENGTH* MIN WIDTH* RESIDENTIAL 30 FEET 15 FEET COMMERCIAL 60 FEET 25 FEET USE ALL VEHICLES ENTERING AND EXITING THE CONSTRUCTION AND/OR BUILDING SITE SHALL TRAVERSE THE VEHICLE TRACKING PAD TO MINIMIZE MUD AND DIRT FROM TRACKING OFFSdTE, MAINTENANCE THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT THE TRACKING OF OR FLOW OF MUD ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYS, PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH " STONE MY BE REQUIRED, AS CONDITIONS DEMAND. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REMOVE ALL DEBRIS SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED OR TRACKED, FROM VEHICLES ONTO ROADWAY OR INTO STORM DRAINS, WASHING IF CONDITIONS ON THE SITE ARE SUCH THAT MOST OF THE MUD IS NOT REMOVED FROM THE VEHICLES TIRES BY CONTACT WITH THE GRAVEL. THEN THE TIRES MUST BE WASHED OFF BEFORE THE VEHICLES ENTER A PUBLIC ROAD. THE WASH WATER MUST BE CARRIED AWAY FROM THE ENTRANCE TO A SETTLING AREA TO REMOVE SEDIMENT. A WASH RACK MAY ALSO BE USED TO MAKE WASHING MORE CONVENIENT AND EFFECTIVE, INSTALLATION THE AREA OF ENTRANCE SHOULD BE CLEARED OF ALL VEGETATION, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL, THE GRAVEL SHALL BE PLACED TO THE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS, ANY DRAINAGE FACILITIES REQUIRED BECAUSE OF WASHING SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS ON THE PLANS. CITY OF BOEMAN SCALE: VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL NO. 01500- 1 STANDARD DRAWING NONE JAN. 2011 City of Bozeman's Approved list of Copper Connections COPPER TO COPPER UNIONS BRAND SIZE TYPE FACTORY NUMBER] A.Y. McDonald 3/" Compression 3 piece 4758Q Ford '14" Compression 3 piece C44-33Q Mueller '14" Compression 3 piece H1.5403 A.Y. McDonald l" Compressions piece 4758Q Ford 1" Compression 3 piece C44-44Q Mueller III Compression 3 piece 15403 A.Y. McDonald 1 '/2" Compression 3 piece 4758Q Ford 1 '/2" Compression 3 piece C44-66Q Mueller 1 1/2" Compression 3 piece H 15403 A.Y. McDonald 217 Compression 3 piece 4758Q Ford 2" Compression 3 piece C44-77Q Mueller 211 Compression 3 piece H15403 A.Y. McDonald -/4XI" Compression 3 piece 4758Q Mueller 3/4XI" Compression 3 piece H15403 A.Y. McDonald I X 11/2" Compression 3 piece 4758Q COPPER TO COPPER 90'S �p BRAND SIZE TYPE FACTORY NUMBER A.Y. McDonald Compression 4761Q Mueller 1 1/2 Compression H15526 A.Y. McDonald 2" Compression 4761Q Mueller 2" Compression H15526 STRAIGHT STOPS , BRAND SIZE TYPE � FA�CTORY NUMBER A.Y. McDonald 1/4" Compression 6100MWQ Mueller 1/4" Compression B24350 A.Y. McDonald 151 Compression 61 OOMWQ Mueller I" Compression B24350 A.Y. McDonald 1 1/2" Compression 6100MWQ Mueller 1 '/2" Compression B24335 A.Y. McDonald 2" Compression 6100MWQ Mueller 271 Compression B24335 APPENDIX D City of Bozeman's Approved list of Copper Connections ANGLE STOPS BRAND SIZE TYPE FACTORY NUMBER A.Y. McDonald 3/4" Compression 4602BQ Mueller 1/4" Compression B24258 A.Y. McDonald r Compression 4602BQ Mueller I" Compression B24258 A.Y. McDonald 11/2" Compression 4602BQ Mueller 1 1/2 Compression B24276 A.Y. McDonald 2" Compression 4602BQ Mueller 2" Compression B24276 CORPORATION STOPS BRAND SIZE TYPE FACTORY NUMBER A.Y. McDonald '/4" Ball Corps 4701BQ Mueller 1/4" Ball Corps B25008 Ford 3/4"' Ball Corps FB10003Q A.Y. McDonald I" Ball Corps 4701BQ Mueller ll" Ball Corps B25008 Ford F5 Ball Corps FB10004Q A.Y. McDonald I V2" Ball Corps 4701BQ Mueller I V2" Ball Corps B25008 Ford 11/2" Ball Corps FB10006Q A.Y. McDonald 21' Ball Corps 4701BQ Mueller 2" Ball Corps B25008 Ford 2" Ball Corps FB I 0007Q CURB STOPS BRAND SIZE TYPE FACTORY NUMBER A.Y. McDonald 1/4" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread 6104Q Mueller 114" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread B25155 Ford 1/4" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread B44-333MQ A,Y, McDonald 11 Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread 6104Q Mueller 1" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread B25155 Ford l" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread B44-444MQ A.Y. McDonald I 12" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread 6104Q Mueller 11/2" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread B25155 APPENDIX D City of Bozeman's Approved list of Copper Connections CURB STOPS BRAND I SIZE TYPE FACTORY NUMBER Ford 1 '✓7" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread B44-666MQ A.Y. McDonald 2" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread 6104Q Mueller 2" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread B25155 Ford 2" Ball Valves/Minneapolis Thread B44-777MQ CURB BOXES BRAND SIZE TYPE FACTORY NUMBER Mueller All H10388 with bushings as required SADDLES BRAND SIZE TYPE FACTORY NUMBER A.Y. McDonald 4" 2838 Ford 4" for DIP 202B-540 Mueller 4" BR2110474IP A.Y. McDonald 6" 2838 Ford 6" for DIP 20213-754 Mueller 6" BR21306841P A.Y. McDonald 8" 2838 Ford 8" for DIP 2028-962 Mueller 8" BR2130899IP A.Y. McDonald 10" 2838 Ford 10" for DIP 24213-1212 Mueller 10" BR2131104IP A.Y. McDonald 12" 2838 Ford 12" for DIP 202B-1438 Mueller 12" BR213 1314IP Note: Other copper connectors may be approved by the Water Superintendent on a case by case basis. APPENDIX D ADDENDUM No. 4 to CITY OF BOZEMAN DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS March 2004 Edition Deleted text shown with strikeout, added text shown with underline. Section Page Summary of Revision Plan and Specification Review Policy C3 9 Adds Maintenance Bond requirement C.8 15 Revises language on digital copy record drawings C. 9(new) 15, 16 Adds requirement for 2-year warranty inspection Design Standards & Specifications IL A. 4(new) 22, 23 Adds language regarding low impact development practices IV. F 40 Revises curb painting language IV. G 40 Specifies 4"minimum asphalt thickness for collectors and arterials IV, K 2 41 Revises pavement marking material requirements IV. H. 5 (new) 42 Requires blue background for privately maintained street name signs V.A.6.a 44 Specifies minimum service size of I" for single family lots V. B. 11 50 Allows shared service line for ADU's with certain conditions V. C. 1 50 Requires protection of PVC pipe from sunlight Section Page Summary of Revision V.C. 9 53 Deletes use of HDPE pipe utility culverts in public r/w Appendix Fire Service Standard 5 18: Allows use of domestic supply for fire sprinkler systems for SFR's Fire Service Standard 1, 2 Deletes installation of double check Attachment A valves by City of Bozeman Figure A-1 Revises asphalt thickness Street Naming Policy 3, 4 Adds addressing requirements Approved By: Date: Ric d ixson, P.E., City Engineer Approved By: Date: Chris Kukulski, City Manager 2 CITY OF BOZEMAN DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS POLICY Prepared by City Engineering Department March 2004 Revised: 7119105: 6/28/06; 2120108; "'V 'J1 I Contents Page Foreword 3 City of Bozeman Plan and Specification Review Policy A. Standard Process 4-5 B. Self-Certification Process 6-7 C. Construction Coordination 8-15 Design Standards I Construction Plans and Specifications Requirements A. General 1.6 B. Specification Requirements 17 C. Drawing Scales 17 D. Plan Requirements 17-18 E. Utility Plan Requirements 18-19 F. Roadway Plan Requirements 19-20 11 Drainage Policy A. General Design Criteria 21 B. Storm Drainage Plan 22 C. Storage/Treatment Facilities 22-24 D. Discharge Structures 24 E. Estimation of Runoff 25-30 III Floodplain Regulations 31 1. Contents (cont.) pale IV Roadway Design and Technical Criteria A. General 32 B. Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters, and Driveways 32 C. Drainage 33-34 D. Horizontal Alignment 34-37 E. Vertical Alignment 37-39 F. Median Treatments 39 G. Roadway Specifications 39-40 H. Signs and Markings 39-40 1. Monumentation 40 J. Lighting 40-41 K. Bike Lanes/Paths 41 V Utility Design Criteria A. Water Distribution Lines Design Criteria 42-44 B. Sanitary Sewer System Design Criteria 44-48 C. Storm Sewers 49-52 D. Alignment, Depth, and Easements 52-54 Appendix 55 Tables Table 1-1: Runoff Coefficients (C) For Use in the Rational Formula 25 Table 1-2: Manning Equation - Typical "n" Values 26 Table 1-3: Rainfall Frequency For Use in the Rational Formula 27 Table IV-1: Curb Return Radius at Intersections 35 Table IV-2: Alignment Controls 36 Table V-1: Wastewater flow Rate for Zoned Undeveloped Areas 46 Table V-2: Wastewater Flow Rate by Land Use Designation 47 Table V-3: Wastewater Flow Rates for Undefined Land Use 47 Designations Figures Figure 1-1: Time of Concentration (Rational Formula) 28 Figure 1-2: Rainfall Intensity- Duration in Minutes 29 Figure 1-3: Rainfall Intensity- Duration in Hours 30 Figure A-1: Typical Roadway Sections Appendix Figure A-2: Typical Concrete Outlet Structure for Ston-nwater Appendix Detention Ponds 2 CITY OF BOZEMAN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REVIEW POLICY March 31, 1997 Revised; May 2006 A. Standard Process I. Initial submittal of plans and specifications, and all subsequent correspondence and submittals for public infrastructure improvements including, but net limited to, sanitary sewer and water plains, storm sewer mains, street and transportation improvements, are to be made to the City Engineer's Office, 20 E. Olive Street, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana, 59771-12.30. Prior to submission of infrastructure plans and specifications, project approval (preliminary plat, Planned Unit Developments (PUD's), and in some cases Final Site Plans (FSP's)) from the City Commission must be obtained. 2. The minimum number of complete sets of plans and specifications which must be submitted for each review are as follows: Type of Project Number* Reviewers Water and Sewer Main Extensions 4 Sets Eng,, W/S Fire Service Lines 2 Sets Eng,, W/S Streets and/or Storm Sewers 4 Sets Eng., W/S, ST Water & Sewer Mains with Streets 4 Sets Eng,, W/S, ST and/or Stonn Sewers Eng. = Engineering Department * See Paragraph 8 below W/S = Water and Sewer Department ST = Street Department 3. The COB shall attempt to complete the initial review and provide written comments to the Engineer/Owner within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving the initial submittal. A review meeting may be scheduled with the design Engineer and City representatives to discuss review comments if the design Engineer desires. Pre-design and interim meetings with the design Engineer and City Engineering staff are encouraged. 4. To expedite the review process each submittal of revised plans and specifications shall be accompanied by a written response from the Design Engineer which addresses each item 4 in the COB review comment letter. The revised documents will be distributed and reviewed as described above in item 2. Generally, "red-lined" copies of the plans and specifications will be provided to the Design Engineer to facilitate revisions of the documents. Red-lines must be returned with each subsequent re-submittal. S. The COB shall. attempt to complete each review of revised plans and specifications within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving the revisions. A review comment letter may be mailed to the Engineer/Owner at the completion of each review, 6. All COB review comments must be adequately addressed and resolved before the final plans and specifications are approved by the City Engineer for construction. 7. The plans and specifications for water or sewer projects will not be considered for approval by the City Engineer without written approval of the final plans and specifications from the Superintendent of Water and Sewer or his designated representative. 8. Once all COB review comments have been adequately addressed and resolved the City Engineer must be supplied with four (4) complete sets of the final plans and specifications, signed and stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Montana, and one half-size set of plans. Specification manuals are to be bound and contain the most current version of the revised documents and plan sheets are to be the most current version. The four (4) final fall-size sets and one 1/2 size set of plans and specifications submitted for City approval will be reviewed by the City Engineer to ensure that all requested modifications are included. An electronic version of the approved plans shall also be provided in either Autocad or PDF format, 9. For projects subject to Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) review and approval, a copy of the project approval letter from DEQ must be submitted to the City Engineer prior to the preconstruction meeting. 1(l, The City Engineer will either approve or disapprove the submitted documents. An approval or disapproval letter will be sent to the Engineer/Owner, 11. Final stamped and approved plans and specifications will be distributed as follows: a. One set returned to the Engineer/Owner. b, One set and '/2 size set to the COB Water/Sewer Department. C, One set for the COB Engineering Department. d. One set for the COB Engineering Department Field Inspector. 12. No work is to begin on the project prior to obtaining the COB's and DEQ's written approval of the plans and specifications, and the completion of a preconstruction meeting conducted by the Owner's Engineer and attended by the Contractor(s) and COB representative(s). A "Pre-construction Meeting Checklist" will typically be included with the approval letter specifying additional documents which must be submitted prior to 5 scheduling a pre-construction meeting. B. Self-certification Process 1. Introduction/Intent A. Plans and specifications submitted using this process will not be reviewed in detail by the City Engineering Department. Fire service lines and domestic service lines are specifically excluded from this process. The City's existing review process will remain in place, and will be used unless the Submittal conforms with the self certification process and is accompanied by a completed self certification Checklist. B. The intention of this policy is that plans and specifications stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Montana, submitted in confon-nance with this policy, and accompanied by the required checklists and certifications, will be acceptable to the City. C. The following are specifically excluded from the self-certification process: force mains, lift stations, booster stations, pressure reducing valves, and traffic signals. 2 Applicable Standards All infrastructure projects shall comply with the following design standards in order of precedence: A. COB Design Standards and Specifications Policy B. COB Modifications to Montana Public Works Standard Specifications (MPWSS) C. Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance D. DEQ Circulars I and 2 E. City Adopted MPWSS and Adopted Addenda The most recently adopted versions of the City Water and Wastewater Facilities Plans shall govern sewer and water trunk main design and sizing. The Storm Water Master Plan and Transportation Plan shall govern their respective service area issues. 3. Submittal Requirements Prior to submission of infrastructure plans and specifications, project approval (preliminary plat, Planned Unit Developments (PUD's), and in some cases Final Site Plans (FSP's)) from the City Commission must be obtained. The following shall be submitted to the City Engineering Department and approved by the Public Service Department (through the City Engineer): Prior to Plan and Specification Submittal; A. Water and Sewer Utilities Design Report as detailed in the project conditions of approval. Subsequent to receipt and approval of this report, the City will issue a water/sewer capacity letter if warranted. B. Pavement Design Report and Traffic Impact Analysis (if required), C. Storinwater Facilities Design Report. D. A schematic signage plan for the subdivision, noting any proposed traffic calming measures. With plans and specifications; E. Four (4) sets of plans and specifications (24" x 36" sheets only) stamped and signed by a P.E,, registered in the State of Montana, one '/2 size set of plans, and an electronic version of the plans in either Autocad or PDF format. F. A completed and signed COB Plan and Specification Checklist, G. Any easements which may be required. Easements must be properly executed. 4. City Review and Disposition A. Upon receipt of the plans and specifications and checklist, one complete set will be sent to the City Water/Sewer Superintendent and one set to the City Street Superintendent. B. Upon review and approval of the Checklist, Plans, and Specifications, the City Engineering Department will provide the engineer with a letter of approval and one set of plans and specifications stamped "Approved For One Year From This Date". C. Estimated time frames for City approval: With Deviations requested on City Checklist 2 weeks; this is a guideline only Without Deviations or with pre-approved variance I week D. No construction may begin prior to a pre-construction meeting which must be attended by the applicant's engineer, the contractor and the City. All preconstruction meeting requirements currently in place will remain in place. 7 E. Any changes to the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the City Engineering Department and the Water/Sewer Superintendent. 5. Project Audits A. The intent of the self certification process is to place upon the design engineer the sole and significant burden and expectation that Public infrastructure plans and work completed within Bozeman fully comply with the City's infrastructure standards and requirements. The process necessitates a high degree of trust by the City and certainty by the design engineer that the plans and specifications fully meet the City's requirements. B. Deficiencies in plans which are discovered during project construction are inherently much more costly to the project schedule and budget than design deficiencies or issues resolved and addressed prior to construction. Subsequent to the City's approval of self certified plans and specifications, selected project plans will undergo audit review to assure compliance. Deficiencies discovered during the audit review or during construction may require revised plans to be submitted and approved, and may further require untimely and expensive correction or replacement of noncompliant work installed on the project. Project design self certification falsely or indiscriminately provided may be referred to the Montana Board of Professional Licensing. C. Project engineers with a history of design deficiencies or whose track record demonstrates repeated problems in their ability to design and complete projects adequately meeting the City's design standards will be more frequently audited, and may be prohibited from utilizing the self-certification process until adequate proficiency is demonstrated. As such, engineers are strongly encouraged to work closely with the City's engineering, field and operations staff throughout the pre-design, design and construction phases of a. project. Engineers without adequate experience with the City's design and infrastructure standards and who have not previous successfully completed infrastructure projects within the City are advised to utilize the City's full design review process in lieu of the self certification process. C. CONSTRUCTION COORDINATION 1. Pre-construction Meeting Following approval of infrastructure plans and specifications, the Engineer shall schedule a pre- construction meeting with the City of Bozeman, Contractor(s), and if applicable, other affected utilities or goverrimental. agencies. A "Preconstruction Meeting Checklist" will be included with the letter of approval which lists submittals that must be received by the City of Bozeman prior to scheduling a preconstruction meeting. 2. Shop/Fabrication Drawings Any required shop/fabrication drawings shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer, 8 Upon approval, the Engineer shall submit four sets of the shop/fabrication drawings to the City Engineer a minimum of two days prior to the preconstruction meeting. 3. Bonding All new infrastructure that will be publicly maintained shall be bonded. Prior to initiation of construction, copies of the Contractor's Performance and Payment Bonds, each in an amount equal to 100% of the contract amount, in favor of the Owner, shall be filed with the Owner and the City of Bozeman. Prior to aggeptance of the publicly maintained infrastructure, the Contractor shall post a Maintenance Bond with the Owner equal to 20% of the actual cost of the improvements to correct any deficiencies in workmanship and/or materials which are found within the two-year warranty period. The City of Bozeman shall be named as a dual,oblige on the bond. The City of Bozeman ejpressly reserves the right to draft the Maintenance Bond for repairs, not cpMleted by the Property Owner, Developer, or Contractor within thirty calendar days of being advised that repairs are required. The Commencement Date for the Maintenance Bond shall be the date of acceptance by the City of Bozeman on the Certificate of Completion and Accotance. The Maintenance Bond shall remain in full force for the two-year period following this date, however if the expiration date of the Maintenance Bond falls after November 16, the expiration date of the Maintenance Bond shall be June 30 of the following 'Year. Maintenance Bonds may be in the form of a Surety Bond or a Certified Check. 4. Engineer's Status/Responsibility During Construction The Engineer will furnish a qualified Resident Project Representative (RPR) and other field staff to assist the Engineer in observing the performance of the work, The RPR will act as directed by and under the supervision of the Engineer, and will confer with the Engineer regarding the RPR's actions. The RPR shall not authorize any deviation from the approved plans and specifications or substitution of materials or equipment, unless authorized by the Engineer. Duties of RPR. The RPR and/or other field staff of the Engineer will- - Conduct extensive on-site observations of the work in progress and field checks of materials and equipment to provide protection against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor. - Perform construction observation, documentation, and required testing of all critical construction work including, but not limited to: all underground or buried work including placement and connection of utility lines and appurtenances, trench backfill and compaction, placement of geotextile fabric membranes, placement of fill or embankments; placement of curb and gutter and other surface drainage improvements; placement of pavement base and surface courses; and placement of sidewalks. - Advise the Engineer and Contractor of the commencement of any work requiring Shop Drawings or sample if the submittal has not been approved by the Engineer. - Report to the Engineer whenever RPR believes that any work is unsatisfactory, 9 faulty, or defective or does not conform to the approved plans and specifications, or has been damaged, or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, test or approval required to be made. - Advise the Engineer of work that the RPR believes should be corrected or rejected or should be uncovered for observation, or requires special testing, inspection, or approval. - Verify that all tests are conducted in the presence of appropriate personnel, and observe, record and report to the Engineer appropriate details relative to testing procedures. -Accompany visiting inspectors representing the City of Bozeman or other public agencies having jurisdiction over the project. - Maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence, reports of job conferences, Shop Drawings and samples, reproductions of original Contract Documents including all Work Directive Changes, Addenda, Change Orders, Field Orders, additional Drawings issued subsequent to the execution of the contract or beginning of work, Engineer's clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents, and other Project related documents. - Keep a detailed and accurate diary or log book, recording Contractor hours on the job site, weather conditions, prime and subcontractor daily work force, daily log of equipment onsite or standby, data relative to questions of Work Directive Changes, Change Orders, or changed conditions, list of job site visitors, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test procedures. -Furnish Engineer with periodic reports of progress of the work. - Furnish Engineer and Contractor a list of observed items requiring completion or correction before Engineer may issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion, assess completion or correction of said items, advising Engineer on their status, and make recommendation to Engineer regarding issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion. - Conduct final inspection of the project in the company of Engineer, Owner, Contractor, and City of Bozeman, and prepare final list of items to be completed or corrected. - Verify that all items on final list have been completed or corrected and make recommendations to Engineer concerning final acceptance. Duties of Engineer: The Engineer will: - Issue written clarifications or interpretations of the requirements of the Contract Documents (i.e. plans and specifications). - Disapprove or reject work which Engineer believes to be defective, and require special inspection or testing of the work whether or not the work is fabricated, installed, or completed. - Review Shop Drawings and samples for compliance with the Contract Documents. - Review proposed changes in work and submit such changes to the City of Bozeman or other public agencies having jurisdiction for review. 10 - Issue Certificate of Substantial Completion and Certificate of Completion and Acceptance. 5. Testing and Documentation Requirements for Infrastructure Improvements In order to better document the inspection and certification of public infrastructure improvements,the City Engineering Division shall require the following information for all projects approved for construction. This documentation shall be required prior to final acceptance of sanitary sewer, water main, storm drain, Portland cement concrete, and bituminous pavement improvements within City right-of-way or easements. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE REQUIRED ON ALL PROJECTS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEERING DIVISION: A. The Engineer shall submit a letter to the City certifying that the public improvements (i.e. sanitary sewers,water mains, drainage structures and streets) were installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and shall be accompanied by Record Drawings for the project. B. Dates of acceptable tests for sanitary sewer, which shall include TV inspection by the City of Bozeman, cleaning, exfiltration by air or water, and manhole testing, shall be included in the certification letter. This information shall be required for all public sewer main extensions. C. Dates of acceptable tests for water mains, which shall include hydrostatic and leakage testing, bacteriological testing, and continuity testing shall be included in the certification letter. This information shall be required for all public water main extensions. D. Benchmark elevations shall be established for all new hydrants on the project. Benchmarks shall be set on the hydrant bonnet bolt closest to the point of the operating arrow on Mueller hydrants and on the bury depth tag on Waterous hydrants. Said elevations shall be certified by either a P.E. or L.S. registered in the state of Montana. Elevations shall also be provided for the top of the water main at 50' intervals. The datum used as the basis for the elevations shall be clearly identified. E. Verification that all thrust blocking was installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications shall be included in the certification letter. If mechanical restraints are used in lieu of thrust blocks, verification that the restrained length as installed meets or exceeds the manufacturers recommendations shall be included. F. An accurate record of the location of all sanitary sewer service connections as installed, and the length and slope of all service lines installed must be provided by the Engineer. Elevations at the end of dry service line stub-ins is required. Sanitary sewer service connections shall be tied to manholes. This information 11 shall be required for all public sewer main extensions and set-vice connections to existing mains. G. The Engineer shall furnish documentation of tests in accordance with methods prescribed by AASHTO for theoretical maximum density, optimum moisture content, and sieve analysis for the sub-base course, crushed base course, pit run, and native backfill and subgrade material within the right-of-way, This information shall be required for all public sewer main, water main, storm drain and street extensions. U The Engineer shall furnish documentation of in-place field density tests. In-place density tests for trenches and embankments shall, as a minimum,be required for the first lift of backfill to set a pattern of compaction, shall be provided daily, and as backfill material changes. In-place density tests for roadways shall, as a minimum, be required at intervals of 50 feet. Tests for roadways shall be provided for subgrade, sub-base course and/or pit run, and crushed base course materials. A minimum of the top 6 inches of subgrade which are to be paved or covered with curb, gutter, or sidewalk, shall be field density tested. All trench backfill material in improved areas and all embankments shall be compacted for the full depth and shall be compacted to 95% of the theoretical maximum proctor density as determined by AASHTO-T-99. This information shall be required for all public sewer main, water main, storm drain, and street extensions. 1. The Engineer shall furnish a dated job-mix fon-nula for hot plant mix bituminous pavement which conforms to the procedures of the Asphalt Institute's MS-2 manual. The job mix formula shall be no older than one year, and shall have the same aggregate and asphalt sources and grades as the mix used for the public improvements. The Engineer shall furnish certified results of a Marshall Test showing the bulk specific gravity determination, stability and flow data, and density and void analysis. The engineer shall furnish a minimum of one Marshall Test"per 2000 tons of mixture placed to check for variations from the job-mix formula. In addition, test results of ASTM D 1075 for the effect of water on cohesion of compacted bituminous material shall be provided by the Engineer.. This infonnation shall be required for all public street extensions. J The Engineer shall furnish asphalt core samples for bituminous pavement in the public right-of-way. Four core sample shall be required for every 1000 tons of mixture placed, with a minimum of three samples for projects that use less than 1000 tons. The location of the core samples shall be deterinined on a random basis using a system of random numbers, so that each ton of material has the same probability of being selected. For random locations falling near the pavement joints, obtain the core as close to the location as possible without having any part of the core circumference coming closer than 12 inches to the pavement edge or joint. The Engineer may take additional core samples at locations where he/she has, based on observations of the paving process and/or the results of nuclear 12 density tests, reasonable belief that the in-place material is unsatisfactory, The Engineer shall submit the sampling plan to the City Engineer-upon completion of the paving, prior to taking cores. (An example for one method of determining random sample locations is included in the appendix of these Design Standards). The Engineer shall provide a certified laboratory report from the samples taken as to thickness and actual density, Testing laboratories shall meet the requirements of ASTM D3666 (Evaluating and Qualifying Agencies Testing and Inspecting Bituminous Paving Materials), The engineer shall certify that the core holes have been patched with hot plant mix asphalt. This information shall be required for all public street extensions. K, The Engineer shall furnish Portland cement concrete tests for concrete placed in the public right-of-way and concrete incorporated into public infrastructure improvements. One set of tests shall be required for every 50 cubic yards of concrete placed with a minimum of one set of tests per project. The concrete shall be sampled, specimens made, and compliance determined in accordance with the following: Sampling Fresh Concrete ASTM C-172 Slump ASTM C-143 or AASHTO T119 Air Content ASTM C-231 or C-173 or C-138 or AASHTO TI 52 Compressive Strength ASTM C-39 or AASHTO T22 Making and Curing Test ASTM C-31 or AASHTO T23 Specimens in the Field Sampling and testing shall be done by persons that are currently certified as ACI Concrete Field Testing Technicians, Grade 1. This information shall be required for all public street extensions, 6. Pre-Paving Inspection The Engineer shall conduct a pre-paving inspection for any projects that have paved streets as part of the improvements. The Contractor and a representative from the City shall attend the inspection, 7. Acceptance/Correction of Deficient Pavement Improvements Acceptance tests shall be evaluated by the Engineer for conforinance with the specifications. Any results that indicate the in-place material does not conform with the specifications shall be immediately reported to the City Engineer, along with a recommendation of corrective action to bring the material into compliance with the specifications. The City Engineer shall determine what corrective action is necessary in order for the improvements to be accepted by the City of Bozeman. Corrective action may include total removal and replacement of the deficient material, partial removal and replacement, placing additional material, or in lieu of corrective action, payment of a penalty to the City of Bozeman in certain instances, 13 A. Portland Cement Concrete If an individual strength test (average of two cylinders tested at 28 days) falls below the specified strength by more than 500 psi, the in-place material represented by the failed test shall immediately be randomly cored for acceptance testing. A minimum of three and maximum of six cores shall be taken. If the average strength tests of the acceptance cores are deficient in strength by more than 500 psi but not more than 1000 psi, the Contractor shall remove and replace the deficient concrete or pay the City of Bozeman 0.25 times the unit price bid times the area determined to be deficient in strength; if the average strength tests are deficient by more than 1000 psi, the area of the concrete determined to be deficient shall be removed and replaced. B. Asphaltic Concrete Pavement The asphaltic concrete pavement shall be tested and evaluated for acceptance on a lot basis, with one lot being 1000 tons of material. 1. Thickness. If the average thickness of the pavement cores is more than 1/4" below the plan thickness, or if any one individual core is more than 1/2" below the plan thickness, corrective action or payment of a penalty will be required, a. Average Thickness Deficiencies, If the average thickness deficiency is between '/a" aid 1/2", corrective action such as placement of additional material (i.e. overlay or chip seal), as determined by the City Engineer, will be required. In lieu of placing additional material, the City Engineer may allow the payment of a penalty to the City of Bozeman in the amount of 0.25 times the unit price bid of the asphalt pavement times the amount of pavement determined to be deficient. If the average thickness deficiency is more than 1/2", an overlay will be required, along with cold inilling of the existing pavement to provide for a minimum overlay thickness of 1.5". b. Individual Core Thickness Deficiency. If any one core thickness is determined to be more than 1/2" below plan thickness, additional cores shall be taken at 10 foot intervals parallel to the centerline in each direction from the affected location until, in each direction, a core is found which is not deficient by more than 1/4". in. order to determine the extent of the deficient pavement. If the thickness deficiency is more than 1/4", the area that is deficient shall be removed from pavement edge to pavement edge and replaced to bring the non-complying areas to planned thickness. If the thickness deficiency is not more than 1/4", the deficient area will either be removed and replaced to the planned thickness, or a penalty will be paid to the City of Bozeman in the amount of 1.5 times the unit price bid dines the amount of pavement that is deficient in thickness. 2. Density, The average density of the pavement cores shall equal or exceed 93% of the maximum density as determined by ASTM D2041 (Rice's density). If the average density is less than 93%but more than 90.9%, the pavement that has deficient compaction shall be milled and overlaid (1.5"rninimurn depth), or a penalty in the amount of 0.10 times the unit price bid for the pavement material 14 times the amount of pavement that has deficient compaction shall be paid to the City of Bozeman. If the average density is 90.9% or less, the pavement area affected will be removed and replaced or overlaid as determined by the City Engineer. If any one core is determined to have a density of less than 86%, additional cores shall be taken at 10 foot intervals parallel to the centerline in each direction from the affected location until, in each direction, a core is found which has a density of at least 91%. The area that is determined to have deficient compaction shall be removed from pavement edge to pavement edge and replaced, or a penalty will be paid to the City of Bozeman in the amount of 1.5 times the unit price bid times the amount of pavement that is deficient in density. C. Unit Prices If unit prices for the project are unavailable, unit prices shall be as determined from time to time by the City Engineer for the various items of work. 8. Project Close-out and Acceptance Upon completion of the work, the following documentation shall be submitted to the City Engineer: A. An executed "Certificate of Completion and Acceptance" (included in the Appendix of this Policy). B, Project Inspection Diary and Testing Records. C. Certified Checklist for Testing and Documentation Requirements. Within 90-days of project completion, the Engineer shall sign and submit record drawings to the City Engineer. The drawings shall be full-size and consist of one reproducible set, two blueprint sets, and one digital (Autocad) copy in an appFo-1,_e_1 fiwiiiat. Failure to provide all of the-necessary close-out documentation within the 90-day period may result in delaying approval for future projects submitted by the Engineer until such time as the necessary documents are provided. 9. Two-Year Warranty Inspection The Proiect Engineer, or his designated rqLiresentative, shall conduct a two-year warrant inspection to be attended by a least one representative from the Public Works Department. The inspection shall,take place not less than seventy-five (75) or more than one hundred and twent (120) days prior to the expiration date of the Maintenance Bond. The Maintenance Bond will be released when all deficiencies have been Corrected to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The City En inter the Project Engineer. or the designated Le v the presentative shall motif is Principal and Bonding Company as listed in the Maintenance Bond of any work found to be deficient. The Piincipal shall restore the work to meet the requirements of the approved construction documents prior to release of the Maintenance Bond. The City of Bozeman expressly reserves the right to draft the Maintenance Bond for repairs not completed by the Owner, Developer, or Contractor within thirty calendar days of being, advised that repairs are required. 16 11. DRAINAGE POLICY A. GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA A Stormwater Drainage Plan is required for all new developments. The following criteria shall be used in the design of all Drainage Plans: 1. The stormwater drainage plan shall be designed to limit stoirnwater runoff from the development site to the pre-development runoff rates. The pre- developed rate calculations shall be included as part of the required facility design calculations. Adequate on-site stormwater detention shall be provided for design storm runoff exceeding the pre-development rate. 2. The stormwater storage and treatment facilities shall be designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants. Where required, oil/water separators shall be provided in the facility design. 3. Where the storm drainage plan includes storm sewers they shall meet the following minimum requirements: a. Alignment between manholes shall be straight, b. The sewers shall be uniformly sloped to maintain a minimum velocity of 3-fps at the design storm depth of flow, or when flowing full, to prevent sediment deposits. C, Pond inlet and outlet piping shall be protected and designed to prevent erosion (i.e. splash pads, rip rap, etc.). d. Publicly maintained storin sewers located in the public right-of- way shall be constructed of reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) or solid-wall or corrugated PVC pipe, complying and installed in accordance with the current edition of MPWSS as modified by the COB. PVC pipe may only be used for pipe sizes of 36" diameter or less. Other pipe materials may be considered for private storm sewer facilities. Use 12-inch minimum pipe size for inlet structures and 15-inch minimum pipe size within the storm drain system. e. Storm sewer facilities shall be designed to handle a 25-year storm event. f Inlets and manholes shall have 9-inch sumps for sediment collection unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 4. For all new development or redevelopment projects greater than or equal to 22 one acre, the drainage plan shall include, to the greatest-extent feasible low,,, impact development practices that infiltrate, evapo trans pire, or Capture to]- reuse the runoff generated from the first 0.5 inches of rainfall from a 24-hour storm preceded by 48 hours of no measurable precipitation, B. STORM DRAINAGE PLAN A Storm Drainage Plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer for all new developments. The plan shall include the following: 1. A map or plat showing building site(s), open areas, drainage ways, ditches, culverts, bridges, storm sewers, inlets, storage ponds, roads, streets, and any other drainage improvements. The map shall also include identification and square foot coverage of the various ground surfaces (i.e. vegetation, gravel, pavement, structures). 2. Topographic contours (one-foot intervals) and sufficient spot elevation data, 3. Description of the ultimate destination of storm water runoff from the project and an evaluation of its impact on downslope drainage facilities and water quality. 4. Design calculations determining runoff quantities and storage requirements. 5. A storm drainage facilities maintenance plan. The plan shall: a. Identify ownership of all facilities, b. Establish a schedule for maintenance activities necessary to keep the system operationally effective. C. Identify the responsible party in charge of the specific maintenance duties. 6. Details and specifications (including invert and other pertinent elevation infortnation) for all storm drainage improvements, such as storm sewers, manholes, inlets, discharge structures; and retention/detention pond dimensions and volume, side slope, and top, bottom, and maximum water surface elevations, C. STORAGE/TREATMENT FACILITIES Detention is the storage and gradual release of runoff to a storm sewer system, waterway, or a soil of high porosity. Detention facilities dampen peak runoff rates and provide treatment of runoff flows. For new development, on-site detention with release rates limited to pre-development runoff rates is required, Complete retention facilities may be 23 IV. ROADWAY DESIGN AND TECHNICAL CRITERIA A. GENERAL. This section sets forth the minimum design and technical criteria and specifications to be used in the preparation of all roadway plans. All roadway plans should also be designed in. conformance with MPWSS; City of Bozeman Modifications to MPWSS; Americans With Disabilities Act; and City of Bozeman Sidewalk Policy, B. SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS AND DRIVEWAYS I Roadway typical sections are detailed in Figure A-I in the Appendix of this Policy. Roadway typical sections shall conform to conditions of approval for the project. 1 Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of all roadways unless otherwise approved by action of City Commission. Sidewalks shall be 6- inches thick across driveways, and 4-inches thick elsewhere. Sidewalk design and construction shall be in accordance with the "City of Bozeman Sidewalk Policy". 3. All sidewalks shall have a minimum width of five (5) feet, except the minimum width shall be ten (10) feet in the central business district. All sidewalks that are to be publicly-maintained and all sidewalks along arterial streets shall have a minimum width of six (6) feet and shall be 6-inches thick reinforced concrete. Publicly-maintained sidewalks are sidewalks along all parks, and any public facilities or city-owned structures which are anticipated to be maintained by the City of Bozeman. 4. Integral curb and gutter shall be used on all roadways. S. Pedestrian ramps shall be installed at all intersections and at certain mid-block locations for all new construction or reconstruction of curb and sidewalk. Pedestrian ramps shall be constructed in accordance with City of Bozeman Standard Drawings and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Pedestrian ramps may be shown at all curb returns or called out by a general note on the development plans. 6. Guardrails may be required in certain situations. Guardrails shall be designed and constructed in accordance with AASHTO Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. 7. Drop-curbs for driveways may only be installed with the initial curb construction when the final building locations have been determined. Driveway locations shall conform to Section 18.44,090, BUDO. 33 8. Curb transitions for curb bulbs shall be accomplished using 35" minimum .radius curves to achieve the desired pavement narrowing. All curb bulbs shall be adequately marked with flexible roadway delineators and yellow curb paint as necessary. The minimum curb bulb throat width is 24 feet (back of curb to back of curb). C. DRAINAGE Drainage systems shall be designed in accordance with these Design Standards and Specifications, Section II, Drainage Policy. Development plans, including a drainage report, for the drainage system are required for concurrent review with, and shall be considered part of roadway design. I. Crosspans. Crosspans (valley gutters) shall be constructed in accordance with City of Bozeman Standard Drawings, Crosspans are not allowed across collector or arterial roadways, nor are they allowed on roadways with storin sewer systems. Crosspans may be used parallel with collector or arterial roadways to convey storm runoff across residential roadways. The use of crosspans elsewhere is discouraged, and will only be allowed after all other alternatives have been investigated. 2. Inlets: a, Inlets shall be located to intercept the major curb flow at intervals sufficient to ensure the depth of flow in the curb line is a maximum of 0.15' below the top of curb. This will result in a maximum spread width of approximately 9.5'. Inlets should be aligned with lot lines wherever possible, b. Inlets shall also be installed to intercept cross-pavement flows at points of transition in super elevation. Due to the presence of pedestrian ramps, inlets are not allowed in the curb return, but will be located at the tangent points of the curb returns. C. All inlets within the public right-of-way, or to be maintained by the City of Bozeman, shall be constructed in accordance with City of Bozeman Standard Drawings. 3. Cross Slope: Except at intersections, or where super-elevation is required, roadways shall be level from top of curb to top of curb and shall have a three (3)percent crown as measured from centerline to lip of curb, or lip of median curb to lip of outside curb on roadways with raised center islands. Parabolic or curve crowns are not allowed. Maximum pavement cross slope allowed is 34 five (5) percent at warped intersections, as measured above. In no case shall the pavement cross slope at warped intersections exceed the grade of the through street. When warping side streets at intersections, the crown transition should be completed within 75-feet horizontally for local streets, 100-feet horizontally for collector streets, and 150-feet horizontally for arterial streets. The crown of the through street shall be decreased to 1.5% through intersections, with the crown transitions being accomplished within 100 feet on either side of the intersections. Quarter crowning may be accepted on a case by case basis needing prior approval from the City Engineer. 4. Temporary.Erosion Control: Temporary erosion control is required at the ends of all roadways that are not completed due to project phasing, subdivision boundaries, etc. Prevention of erosion at the roadway terminus shall be by methods approved by the City Engineer. 5. Sidewalk Chases: a. Storm waters from concentrated points of discharge shall not be allowed to flow over sidewalks, but shall drain to the roadway by the use of chase sections. The use of sidewalk chases is discouraged, and their use is limited to situations where it is not possible to use standard storm inlets and piping. b. Chase sections shall not be located within a curb cut of driveway. Chase sections shall be identified by station and elevation. C. Sidewalk chase sections are to be constructed in accordance with the City of Bozeman Standard Drawings. D. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT 1. Turnip Radius:adius: All roadways shall intersect at right angles as nearly as possible. In no case shall the angle of intersection be less than seventy-five degrees (75°). 2. Curb Return Radius: Minimum curb returns shall be as shown in Table IV-1 of these specifications. A larger radius may be used with the approval of the City Engineer. 3. Design Speed: resign speed shall be as shown in Table IV-2 of these specifications. 4. Horizontal Curves: The minimum centerline radius for horizontal curves shall be as shown in Table IV-2 of these specifications. Variances from the requirements of Table IV-2 for local streets only may be considered on a case by case basis. 35 5. Two streets meeting a third street frown opposite sides shall meet at the same point, or their centerlines shall be off-set at least 125 feet, TABLE IV-] CURB RETURN RADIUS AT INTERSECTIONS* LOCAL COLLECTOR MINOR ARTERIAL MAJOR ARTERIAL LOCAL OR PRIVATE ST. 15' 151 15' 1.5' COLLECTOR 15' 25' 25' 25' MINOR ARTERIAL 15' 25' PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 151 25' Measured from back of curb Per AASHTO Standards 36 LABLE IV-2 MINIMUM STREET DESIGN STANDARDS FOR CITY STREETS STREET TYPE PRINCIPAL MINOR COLLECTOR LOCAL RL'I;iAL ARTERIAL ARTERIAL Right-of-way width 11W - 120' 100' 90' 60' go,— 1 10'x' Centerline radius on curves " 1 300" 150' 300' 'Tangent length between a 100` 50' 100' reverse curves Stopping sight distance { 1 300' 200' 300` Angle at intersection r I >7511 `75° X75° centerline Curb radius at intersections 2 2 2 IVfA Length of tangent at 1 1 150' 100' 150' intersection Back of curb to back of curb 82' 50', 63', 71"i 45 ,48', 52',62'; 31',331,351; 33',39'' 62 Length of cul-de-sac NIA NIA N/A 500' N/A Outside radius on cul-de-sac 5 s NIA 50' NIA right-of-way Grade—maximum ` 1 7% 10% 10% Grade—minimum ' 1 0.5% 0.5% 0,50% Grade within 150 feet of 1 1 3% 3%r 3% intersecting centerlines Resign Speed(MPH) 50 45 45 30 45 K Factor(minimum) Crest 1 1 105 50 105 Sag 1 1 65 35 65 Minimum VCL Crest 1 ' 90 50 90 37 All design criteria shall meet AASHTO standards. 2 See Table IV-] 3ThespeOflc right-of-wa.), and back of curb to back of curb street width will be determined on a case by case basis through Me subdivision review,process, and will be based on the speqfitc needs, impacts and context of the development proposal. 'The rural street standard does riot include curb and gutter. The street width is tneasuredfirom the edge Qfpavemew to the edge ofpavenient. 'Cul-de-sacs are generally not allowed. The City Engineer 7na); consider and approve the installation Qf'a cul-de-sac only when necessary due to topograph�),, the presence of critical lands, access control, adjacency to parks or Open space, or similar site constraints. 6, Super-elevation: Super-elevation may be required for arterial roadways and selected collector roadways. Horizontal curve radius and super-elevation shall be in accordance with the recommendations of AASHTO. Super-elevation shall not be used on local roadways, 7. Spiral Curves: Spiral curves shall not be used on road-ways within the GOB (State highways excluded) except by written approval of the City Engineer, 8. Railroad Crossing: All railroad crossings on streets shall be steel reinforced rubber for the full width of the roadway, 9. Barricades: Whenever roadways terminate due to project phasing, subdivision boundaries, etc.,barricades are required in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and City standards. E. VERTICAL ALIGNMENT Design controls for vertical alignment are shown in Table IV-2. I. Permissible Roadwav Grades: The minimum allowable grade for any roadway or alley is one-half(0.5) percent. The maximum allowable grade for any roadway is shown in Table IV-2 of this Policy. The maximum grade for an alley is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. I Changing Grades- Continuous grade changes or "roller-coastering" shall not be permitted. The use of grade breaks, in lieu of vertical curves, is not encouraged, Where the algebraic difference in grade (A) exceeds one percent (1.0%), a vertical curve is to be used. 3, Vertical Curves: All vertical curves shall be symmetrical. Design criteria for vertical curves are found in,Table IV-2. The minimum grade within a sag (sump) vertical curve is five-tenths (0.50) of a percent. Minimum length of a vertical curve is shown in Table IV-2. All vertical curves shall be labeled, in the profile, with length of curve (L) and K (=L/A). 38 4. Intersections: The following additional criteria shall apply at intersections. a. The grade of the "through" street shall take precedence at intersections. At intersections of roadways with the same classification, the more important roadway, as determined by the COB Engineering Department, shall have this precedence. Warp side streets to match through streets, See Section IV.C. 3 above. b. The elevation at the point of tangency (PT) of the curb return on the through street is always set by the grade of the through street in conjunction with normal pavement cross slope. C. Carrying the crown of the side street into the intersecting through street is not permitted. d. At an arterial-arterial intersection, a more detailed review of the entire intersection's drive ability will be done. 5. Curb returns: Minimum fall around curb returns, when turning water, shall be three-tenths (0,3) of a foot for a fifteen (15) foot radius; four-tenths (0.4) of a foot for a twenty (20) foot radius; one-half(0.5) of a foot for a twenty-five (25) foot radius. For all other curb return radii use a grade of 1.25-percent within the return to establish minimum fall when turning water. The maximum fall around a curb return is 3.00-percent. Show and label high point location, elevation and intersection of flow line in plan view if applicable. 6. Connection with Existing Roadways: Connections with existing roadways shall be smooth transitions conforming to normal vertical curve criteria if the algebraic difference in grade (A)between the existing and proposed grade exceeds one percent (1.0%). When a vertical curve is used to make this transition, it shall be fully accomplished prior to the connection with the existing improvernent. Field-verified slope and elevation of existing roadways shall be shown on the plans. 7. Offsite Design and Construction: The design grade, and existing ground at that design grade, of all roadways that dead end due to project phasing, subdivision boundaries, etc., shall be continued in the same plan and profile as the proposed design for at least three hundred (300) feet or to its intersection with an arterial roadway. This limit shall be extended to six hundred (600) feet when arterial roadways are being designed. If the offsite roadway adjacent to the proposed development is not fully improved, the developer is responsible for the design and construction of a transition with a 4-foot road base shoulder for the safe conveyance of traffic from his improved section to the existing roadway. The following formula shall be applied to the taper or 39 land change necessary for this transition: Speed Limit 40 MPH or Less L =WS2/60 45 MPH or Greater L= WxS where L= length of transition in feet W= width of offset in feet S = speed limit or 85th percentile speed The City of Bozeman Engineering Department should be consulted for any -unusual transition conditions. Grade breaks greater than 1-percent are not allowed when matching existing dirt or gravel streets, 8. The cost of offsite pavement transitions shall be borne by the developer, F. MEDIAN TREATMENT Median curbs should be integral curb and gutter (with spill curb) unless otherwise approved. Medians less than eight (8) feet wide should be capped with M-4000 concrete a minimum of three (3) inches thick. Wider medians should be top soiled and seeded with an approved seed mix. The minimum median width is 4 feet. All medians or raised islands should be made clearly visible at night through the use of adequate reflectorization and/or illumination. Flexible delineators shall be placed at the beginning and end of all medians, and at the point of any horizontal alignment change. All median curbs and island curbs shall be painted yellow with epoxy pAi—lit. G. ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS Following are the requirements of the minimum roadway surfacing standards: Surfacing. The pavement thickness design will be based on the current AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, or the current Asphalt Institute Manual Series No. I (MS-1) for thickness design. A Pavement Design Report, based upon specific site soil data and design-year traffic loading conditions, prepared by a Professional Engineer, or other qualified professional approved by the City Engineer, shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to plan and specification submittal if using the self certification process or with the plans and specifications if using the standard process. The design shall be based on at least a 20-year performance period traffic volume; however, the minimum design lane Equivalent 18,000-1b Single Axle Load (ESAL) used in the pavement design shall not be less than 50,000-ESAL, The minimum asphalt pavement thickness for any 40 new local roadway shall be three (3) inches. The ininimuip asphalt pavement thickness for any new collector or arterial roadway shall be four (4) inches. A minimum of six (6) inches of high quality untreated aggregate base shall be provided for designs utilizing asphalt pavement over untreated aggregate base. Where full-depth asphalt is designed, an adequate stabilizer lift shall be included, consistent with unpaved roadway design practices, to provide a suitable sub-base capable of withstanding the traffic required for the initial construction of the roadway. H. SIGNS and MARKINGS 1. Street identification signs shall be installed at all new intersections in accordance with City of Bozeman Modifications to MPWSS. The design Engineer should consider, and the City Engineer may require, regulatory traffic control signs and pavement markings in accordance with the MUTCD. Stop signs shall be installed on local streets when they intersect with any collector or arterial streets, 2. Unless otherwise approved, all transverse markings, words and s31pbols and 8" or larger lane line pavement markings shall be inlaid thermoplastic or pre- formed plastic tape, All other markings may be either inlaid or preforined theinio plastic or pj)oxy paint. The materials proposed for all markings shall be specified on the plans. 3. Crosswalk markings should not be used indiscriminately. An engineering study should be performed before they are installed at locations away from traffic signals or stop signs. Mid-block crosswalks are discouraged, a. All marked crosswalks for designated school crossings shall be longitudinal white bars ("City of Bozeman Type B" style). "School Crossing" signs and "School Advance Warning"" signs shall be installed at all designated school crossings. b. At stop or signal controlled intersections, marked crosswalks shall be two 8" white lines, 8' apart typically, installed transverse to traffic and in-line with sidewalks, if any("City of Bozeman Type A" style). C. Marked crosswalks at uncontrolled intersections, and all mid-block crosswalks shall be "Type B", with"Pedestrian Crossing" signs. "Pedestrian Crossing Advance Warning" signs should be installed if deemed warranted by engineering judgment. d. Parking shall be restricted by the use of signs and curb markings within 20 feet of crosswalks at a minimum, or longer based on 41 engineering judgment, e. All crosswalk signs and advance crosswalk signs shall have a fluorescent yellow green background. 4. All signs shall comply with the -Standard Highway Signs" book (FHWA). 5. Street-name,signs for publicly-maintained roadways shall consist of white letters on a green background. Street name signs for privately-maintained roadways shall consist of white letters on a blue background, 1. MONUMENTATION 1. Monuments in monument boxes shall be provided in new or reconstructed streets at all section corners, quarter comers, and sixteenth comers, J. LIGHTING The design Engineer shall consider the need for roadway lighting in the development of plans for any new or reconstructed roadways. Illumination shall be provided at all street intersections on collector and arterial streets, and for any roadway with a raised median. All roadway lighting shall be designed in accordance with the "American National Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting" (ANSVIESNA RP-8-00). K. BIKE LANES/PATHS All bike lanes/paths shall be designed in accordance with the "Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities" (AASHTO, latest edition). Bike lanes shall be marked and signed in accordance with the MUTCD. 42 V. UTILITY DESIGN CRITERIA A. WATER DISTRIBUTION LINES DESIGN CRITERIA 1. All additions or modifications to the COB water system will be designed in accordance with the criteria set forth in this and other sections of this Policy as approved by the City Engineer. Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) shall be used exclusively unless special approval, in writing, of alternate materials is given by the City Engineer. All additions to the water system will be designed and installed in accordance with the Water Quality Bureau (WQB) Circular No, 1; MPWSS; COB Modifications to MPWSS, COB Water Facility Plan; and COB Fire Service Line Standard, 2. Master Water Plan, A master water plan shall be submitted for each subdivision or other major development prior to approval of any portion of the water system. An overall plan of the development, including all areas outside of the study area which would naturally be served through the study area shall be submitted. 3. A design report prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Montana demonstrating compliance with these requirements shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Bozeman prior to plan and specification submittal if using the self-certification process or with the plans and specifications if using the standard process for any new development. Design parameters and the critical conditions shall be shown on a overall plan of the study area, An overall plan of the development, including all areas outside of the study area which would naturally be served through the study area shall be included. 4, Main Size: The water distribution system shall be designed to meet the maximum demand plus fire flow and the peak hour demand. The design shall be based on a maximum hour to average day ratio of 3:1 (maximum day to average day ratio of 2.3:1 for an average daily usage of 170-gallons per day per person), plus fire flow demand as determined by ISO (Insurance Services Office) criteria. A "C"Factor of 130 shall be used in modeling system designs. The working residual water pressure shall not be less than 20-psi at any point in the water distribution system under maximum day plus fire flow. The velocity of the water in the system shall not exceed 15-feet per second through a public main line. The minimum diameter for any new main is 8- inch, unless specific approval in writing is obtained from the City of Bozeman for smaller diameters. 43 5. Main Extensions: All main extensions shall be looped, where possible, All dead end 8" mains shall end with a fire hydrant or 2" blowoff. Larger diameter dead end mains shall end with a fire hydrant. Pen-nanent dead-end mains shall not exceed 500-feet long. Temporary dead-end mains scheduled for future extension may end with a blow-off in lieu of a fire hydrant. 6. Services a, A water line is designated as either a service line or water main based on its use, not its size. Generally, a line serving a single building or facility is considered a service line; a line serving more than one building, or intended to serve more than one building or facility is generally designated a water main. The standard sizes of service lines are 314-, I-, 1'/2-, 2-, 4-, 6-, or 8-inch. The minimum size of a fire service line is 1-inch. The minimurn size of a service line stub installed for a single-family residential lot is I", to allow for theI)otential use of the domestic supply for a fire sprinkler systelm b. Service pipe shall be type "K" copper for sizes less than 4-inch, and ductile iron for services 4-inch and larger. Plans and specifications prepared by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Montana shall be submitted for 4-inch and larger service lines. C. The service stubs shall be installed in accordance with the COB Standard Drawings for service lines. The service line stubs shall be installed at the center of each lot unless otherwise approved by the Water Superintendent. d. No service line shall be extended into a building until an "Application for Service" has been completed and a Plumbing Permit has been obtained from the Building Department. e, Backflow prevention devices as required by the Water Superintendent shall be installed on each fire and domestic service line. Meters will be installed inside the building by the Water Department on all service lines except for fire service lines. Meter pits shall not be used unless specifically approved by the Water Superintendent. f. All service connections shall be uniform size from the service line tap to the building structure or structures unless otherwise approved or required by the Water Superintendent. The Water Department shall reserve the right to require a larger service 44 connection to any building, structure or development if the water requirements when calculated by the fixture unit method, as specified in the Uniform Plumbing Code, cause the service line velocity to exceed ten (10) feet per second. Each service line and meter shall supply a specific building. 9. All service line stubs shall be sized to adequately serve the maximum anticipated demand for the property being served. h. The Water Superintendent may require the termination of any existing service stubs (either for domestic or fire service) that are not utilized for service upon the development of the lot. Lines to be terminated shall be capped or plugged at the main, and any curb boxes or valve boxes on the line shall be removed. 7, Valves: Valves shall be installed in accordance with the following unless otherwise approved or required by the Water Superintendent: a, All connections to an existing water main will begin with a new valve. b. Valves shall be located at not more than 500-foot intervals in commercial districts and at not more than one block or 800-foot intervals in other districts, C. Every leg of a main intersection shall have a valve. d. Valves shall be placed so that main shut-downs can be accomplished with only one fire hydrant being out of service at a. time. 8. Hydrants: Hydrants shall be provided at each street intersection and at intennediate points so that hydrants are spaced from 350- to 600-feet depending on the area being served. Mid-block hydrants shall be installed in line with lot lines. 9. Air Relief. Air relief shall be provided at all high points in the line where air can accumulate by means of hydrants, services, or air relief valves. 10. Pressure Reducing Valves: Pressure reducing valves shall be installed when the anticipated average-day line pressure exceeds 120 psi. 11. Thrust Restraint: All thrust restraint shall be designed to withstand the test pressure or the working pressure plus surge allowance, whichever is larger. Adequate factors of safety shall be employed in the design. 4S B. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA I All additions or modifications to the COB sanitary sewer system will be designed in accordance with the criteria set forth in this and other sections of this Guide as approved by the City Engineer. All additions to the sewer system will be designed and installed in accordance with WQB Circular No. 2; MPWSS; COB Modifications to MPWSS; the Uniform Plumbing Code; and the COB Wastewater Facility Plan, 2. A design report prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Montana demonstrating compliance with these requirements shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Bozeman prior to plan and specification submittal if using the self-certification process or with the plans and specifications if using the standard process for any new development. Design parameters and the critical conditions shall be shown on an overall plan of the study area. An overall plan of the development, including all areas outside of the study area which would naturally be served through the study area shall be included, 3. New sewer lines shall be sized to flow at no more than 75-percent of full capacity at peak hour conditions upon the full build-out of the development. The effects of the proposed development's sewer loading on existing downstream sewer lines shall be analyzed. 4. New sanitary sewer lines to serve-residential areas shall be designed to accommodate an average daily flow rate of 2.11 people per dwelling unit and 89-gallons per capita per day. An infiltration rate of 150-gallons/acre/day shall be added to all flow calculations when designing new sewers. 5. New sanitary sewer lines shall be designed to accommodate the average daily flows as shown in Table V-1, V-2, and V-3 of this Policy. 6, A Manning's friction factor of 0.013 shall be used in designing new sewers. A peaking factor shall be calculated for each pipe segment based on the following formula; Qmax 18 + P11 -------- — ----------- (P =Population/thousands) QAve 4 +P112 For non-residential flows an equivalent population shall be calculated for use in the peaking factor formula. 46 To evaluate future collection needs, wastewater loading needs to be assigned to areas based on anticipated future land use characteristics. In areas within the City limits the assigned zoning provides the best too] to approximate future wastewater loadings. Table V-1 shows the recommended wastewater flow rates based on a per acre basis for zoned areas. Detailed information on how the flow rates were developed is located in Appendix 2A of the"City of Bozeman Wastewater Facilities Plan, 2007." TABLE V-1 WASTEWATER FLOW RATE FOR ZONED UNDEVELOPED AREAS' Dwelling Units Designation per Acre GAL./ACRE/DAY R-S 6.5 1,220 R-1 3.9 730 R-2 5.2 980 R-3 6.5 1,220 R-4 10,.4 1,950 R-0 5.2 980 R-MH 5.2 980 B-1 1,000 B-2 2,000 B-3 3,000 M-1 960 M-2 960 B-P 960 NEHMU 6.5 1,220 PLI 1,030 The flow allocation in this table is based on gross area. In areas within the 2.020 Plan Boundary that have a defined land use, wastewater flows can be allocated on the land use designation. Table V-2 provides the recommended wastewater flow rate by land use designation. 47 TABLE V-2 WASTEWATER FLOW RATE BY LAND USE DESIGNATION' Dwelling Units Designation per Acre GAL./ACRE/DAY Industrial 960 Neighborhood Commercial 1,200 Comm-unity Commercial 2,400 Regional Commercial 1,600 Business Park 960 Public Institutions - 1,030 Residential 5.5 1,030 Suburban Residential 1.3 240 Park and Open Space - 25 Other Public Lands - 1,030 Golf Course - 30 MSU - 2,780 MSU West - 1,030 The flow allocation in this table is based on gross area as land area. Table V-3 identifies the recommended flow allocation for areas that are defined as future urban by the 2020 Plan or are areas outside of the 2020 Plan Boundary. These areas are the least defined in terms of land use. As such, the projected flows are based on equivalent residential dwelling unit densities. Additional detail is provided in Appendix 2A of the "City of Bozeman Wastewater Facilities Plan, 2007". TABLE V-3 WASTEWATER FLOW RATE FOR UNDEFINED LAND USE DESIGNATIONS' Dwelling Units Designation per Acre GAL./ACRE/DAY Future Urban 5.5 1,030 Future Expansion Area 5.5 1,030 The flow allocation in this table is based on gross area. 48 7. Manhole Spacing: The maximum distance between manholes shall be as follows: SANITARY SEWER PIPE SIZE MAXIMUM DISTANCE 81, to 15" 400' 18" to 30" 500' larger than 30" 600' 8. Barrel Size: The alignment and number of pipes into the manhole will determine the barrel size for the size of pipe used. All 48-inch manholes will have eccentric cone top sections if total manhole height is greater than six feet. All other manholes will have flat tops. All drop manholes shall be "inside drop" with a minimum barrel diameter of 60-inch. The internal diameter of the manhole barrel shall be typically as follows: SANITARY SEWER PIPE SIZE BARREL SIZE 12" or less 4811 1511 to 27" 6011 3011 to 48" 7211 Manholes larger than seventy-two (72) inches may be allowed with specific approval by the City Engineer, 9. Manhole Channels: All manholes shall have full-depth channels. When a smaller main is being connected to a larger main at a manhole, the manhole inverts shall be set so that the 8110 depth of flow of each main is equal in elevation. The minimum drop across a manhole (invert in to invert out) is 0.2'(cut-in manholes excepted). 10. Sanitary Sewer Mains: The minimum diameter of a sewer main is 8-inches. Main lines shall be sized for design flow, not available slope. PVC pipe shall be used for all gravity flow main lines unless other materials are specifically approved. 11. Sanitary Sewer Services: The minimum diameter of a service is 4-inch. Services shall connect to the main with in-line gasketed wyes. The service line stub, from the main to the property line or easement line, shall be installed 49 with a maximum slope of'/2-inch per foot. The minimum slope of a 4-inch service line stub is 1/4-inch per foot. The minimum slope of a 6-inch service line stub is 1/8-inch per foot, Sewer service line stubs will typically be installed 15-feet from the downstream lot line. Services are to be installed perpendicular to the main. Eacli building shall have a separate service line from the building to the sewer main.with the following exception: Accessory Dwelling_Units (AQLs_� nia share sewer service with the service from the primary dwelling unit on the lot, provided that the service is television inspected at the owner's expense. and the Water/Sewer.Superintendent determines that the service is in an acceptable condition for shared use. 12. Access Roads: A 12'-wide all-weather gravel access road, with turn-arounds if needed, shall be constructed to provide access to all sanitary sewer manholes not located within a paved public or private street or parking lot. 13. Cut-in Manholes: Pre-cast manhole bases are preferred for cut-in manholes. Poured-in-place cut-in manholes may be used if approved by the Sewer Superintendent. C. STORM SEWERS I. Materials- RCP (reinforced concrete pipe) or PVC pipe may be used, however PVC pipe may only be used for pipes sized 36" diameter and smaller. PVC pipe shall have a minimum stiffness of 46 PSI. Structural strength shall withstand HS-20 design load. If PVC pipe is used, all pij)e exposed to sunlight shall be protected with concrete headwalls or prefabricated end sections in accordance with MPWSS Section 02725, 2. Minimum Sizes: Storm sewer mains shall not be less than 15-inch diameter. Privately owned stonn sewers may be smaller, but shall, still be designed in accordance with section C.5 below. 3, Manhole,,.Spacing and Size-, Storm Sewer Pipe Diameter or Maximum Manhole Vertical Rise Spacing (Ft.) 15" - 36" 400 42" - 60" 500 66" and Larger 750 Storm Sewer Pi re Diameter Barrel Size* ( Ft. 15" - 18"" 4 2011 - 28't 5 50 30" - 48" 6 * Multiple pipe penetrations may require larger manhole barrels 4. Storm Inlets a. Publicly owned stone inlets shall comply with the applicable standard drawing in the COB Modifications to MPWSS. Where inadequate overflow paths are provided, inlets must be oversized 50-percent to accommodate plugging, b. The size of outlet pipes from storm water inlets shall be based upon the design capacity of the inlet,but shall not be less than 12- inches in diameter. The outlet pipes shall connect to the storm sewer main with a manhole, C, Computations for storm sewer design and storm inlet designs shall be submitted prior to plan and specification submittal if using the self-certification process or with the plans and specifications if using the standard process. Adequate details of inlets, manholes and other appurtenances shall be included in the overall drainage plan submitted for approval. d. Combination.manhole/inlets may be used where approved as detailed in the City of Bozeman Modifications to MPWSS, 5. Hydraulic Design Storm sewers shall be designed to convey the 25 year storm event with no surcharging (i.e. pipe full with no head). Inlets and sidewalk chases shall be designed to convey the 25 year storm flow with a maximum water surface elevation of 0.15' below the top of curb. Drainage reports shall include hydraulic grade line calculations including losses from friction and transitions. Approved erosion control shall be designed and installed at all outlets. 6. Alignment a. Manholes are required wherever there is change in size, direction, elevation, grade or at sewer main junctions. b. The minimum vertical clearance between a potable water main and a storm sewer main is 1.5-feet. The minimum horizontal clearance between a potable water main and a storm sewer main is I0-feet. C. Horizontal alignment between manholes shall be straight. 51 7. Culverts a. A culvert is considered to be any structure which connects two open channels. The culvert is to be designed to convey the 25-year frequency flow of the tributary drainage basin. The headwater depth will be limited by upstream conditions,but in no case shall exceed 1.5 times the culvert diameter. Excessive pending above culvert entrances will not be acceptable if damage appears likely to surrounding property or to the roadway, b. Culverts shall be designed with an emergency overflow path. The emergency overflow capacity shall be 100-percent of the whole culvert for the major storm for culverts with area less than twenty square feet and for culverts with area greater than or equal twenty square feet, the overflow capacity shall be 100-percent of the capacity provided by the first twenty square feet plus 20-percent of the capacity provided for the additional area as established by the formula, % overflow (110%) 20+(A-20).20, where "A" is the area of the culvert opening, A If the culvert is located in a low point in the road the required overflow capacity can be provided by overtopping the road, as long as this does not result in more than 50 feet of street being flooded. Where the culvert is not in a low point, or where more than 50 feet will be flooded, the overflow capacity shall be provided by either increasing the culvert size, or additional culverts. 8. Culvert Hydraulics a. The culvert including inlet and outlet structures shall convey water, sediment and debris at all stages of flow. b. End Treatment: Flared end sections or headwalls with wingwalls are required. Inlets are to be designed to minimize head losses. Approved erosion control is to be provided at all culvert outlets and inlets. Trash racks should be used for culverts greater than 100-feet in length. C. Slopes: Culvert slopes shall prevent silting, yet avoid excessive velocities. Generally, the minimum culvert slope is 0.50-percent. Minimum barrel velocity is 3-fps and maximum is 12-fps. 52 d. Hydraulic Analysis. Inlet and outlet control conditions shall be analyzed. Calculations shall be submitted with the design report. e. Minimum Size: Culverts crossing a roadway shall not be smaller than 24-inch equivalent diameter. Driveway approach culverts shall not be smaller than 15-inch equivalent diameter. Culvert length shall be adequate to provide back slopes of 4:1 or less from pipe inverts to finished street section, including existing or future sidewalks. f Materials: Culverts shall be RCP unless otherwise approved by the City. 9. All culverts shall be designed to withstand HS-20 loading in accordance with American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) "Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges" and with the pipe manufacturers recommendation. 9. Utility Culverts a. Conduits placed in right-of-way to facilitate placement of future gas, electric, communication, or other utility lines shall have the structural strength to withstand HS-20 loading. Conduits shall have a minimum stiffness of 46 PSI. Conduits shall be adequately sized to accommodate all anticipated utility lines. HDPE utility culverts shall not be i)laced within any public right-of-way. D. ALIGNMENT, DEPTH, AND EASEMENTS 1. General. Water mains, sanitary sewers, and stoma sewers within the proposed development shall be arranged to allow the suitable development of any adjoining un-developed land, and shall be constructed to the boundary lines of the tract being developed, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions, in which case a variance must be approved by the City of Bozeman. The alignment of all water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer mains and services lines shall be arranged so that there is a minimum of ten (10) feet of horizontal separation between these lines and with any gas lines,power lines, communication lines, utility poles or other above-grade utility structures, and street lights. 2. Water Mains: a. Water mains located in public street right-of-way shall be placed nineteen (19) feet off the north or west right-of-way lines for 53 streets 35 feet in width or greater(back of curb to back of curb). For streets less than 35 feet in width, water mains shall be placed 5.5 feet west and north of the street centerline. On curvilinear street alignments, water mains will be a minimum of two (2) feet from the edge of the concrete gutters at all locations. b. A minimum, depth of cover of six and one-half(6 1/2) feet below final grade will be maintained over all water mains. C. When water mains cross sanitary or storm sewer mains, the water line must have an eighteen (1 8) inch minimum vertical separation, with all water pipe joints no closer than ten (10) feet horizontal from the sewer pipe centerline, and the crossing will be perpendicular to the sewer line. A minimum of ten (1 0) feet horizontal separation shall be maintained between any water main and any sanitary or stone sewer main. 3. Sanitary Sewer Mains: a. Sanitary sewer mains located in public street right-of-way shall be placed along the centerline of the street for streets 35 feet in width or greater (back of curb to back of curb). For streets less that 35 feet in width, sewer mains shall be located 5,5 feet east and south of the street centerline. On curvilinear street alignments, sewer mains will be a minimum of two (2) feet from the edge of the concrete gutters at all locations, b. Sewer mains shall have a minimum depth of cover of four (4) feet below final grade. All sewer mains and services with less than five (5) feet of cover will be adequately insulated. C. Where streets are curvilinear, manholes should be located in the center of the street wherever possible, however non-centerline locations that are not in vehicle wheel paths are acceptable if it will reduce the total number of manholes required. 4. Storm Sewer Mains a. Storrn sewer mains located in public street right-of-way shall typically be located on the opposite side of the street from the water main. Storm sewers may be located beneath curb and gutter if combination inlet/manholes are used. b. Storm sewer mains shall have a minimum depth of cover of two (2) feet below final grade, provided that the pipe material shall 54 withstand the design load. Storm sewers shall be placed to maintain a minimum horizontal clearance of five (5) feet and a vertical clearance of six (6) inches from any sanitary sewer main. C, Manholes shall not be located in vehicle wheel paths, 5. Easements: a. A "utility easement" granted to the public is required for all public utility mains not located within public street right-of-way. An easement shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet wide for one or two utility mains. An additional ten (10) feet is required for each additional main that occupies the easement. Wider easements may be required at the discretion of the City of Bozeman for large utility lines. Easements not established by plat will be executed on. standard forms available from the City Engineer. b, At no time will the utility line in question be less than nine (9) feet from the edge of the easement or less than ten (10) feet from a parallel utility line, Utility easements will also be required for all meter pits and fire hydrants maintained by the City of Bozeman. C, No permanent structures shall be placed within a utility easement unless an encroachment permit has been obtained. Trees or other significant landscaping features shall not be placed within ten (10) feet of any utility main or service lines. d. All easements documents must conform to City of Bozeman. requirements and must meet the formatting requirements of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's office. 55 CITY OF BOZEMAN FIRE SERVICE LINE STANDARD MARCH 31, 1997 Revised February 20, 2008 1. For all fire service lines (regardless of size) a City of Bozeman water service application must be completed prior to beginning;work on the fire service line. Applications may be obtained at the City Building Department located at 20 E. Clive St.. 2. Plans for all fire service lines will be reviewed by the City of Bozeman. The review and subsequent approval or denial will be for that portion of the proposed fire service line that starts at the point of connection to the City of Bozeman distribution system up to and including the backflow preventer and the flow detection device. The plans will be reviewed by the city of Bozeman Water Department, Fire Marshall, and Engineering Department. Upon satisfactory completion of the review process, the plans will be forwarded to the City Engineer with a recommendation for approval. The City Engineer will review the plans and either approve or deny the project. Installation of the f re service will not begirt until the plans have been approved by the City q f Bozeman and a City of Bozeman water service application has been completed. For maintenance of the fire service line after City of Bozeman final acceptance refer to Item 16 of this Standard. The Owner shall be completel responsible for assuring the fire service line is properly/adequately sized to provide the flows necessary for the fire protection system being serviced by the proposed fire service line. 3. Plans for all proposed fire service lines shall be drawn to scale on 24" x 36"plan sheet(s) and shall include all essential details such as: a. Size and location of all water supplies. b. Size and location of all piping indicating, where possible, the class, type and depth of existing pipe, the class and type of new pipe to be installed, and the depth to which it will be buried. For proposed fire service liens 4" in diameter and larger the plans must include a profile drawing of the proposed fire service line from the point of connection at the existing main up to and including;the system riser. The profile drawing must show the finished grade, depth of cover for the line, and if applicable, all other utilities which the fire service lime will cross or be adjacent to. C. Size, type and location of valves. d. Classification of the system (See Attachment A). e. Sprinkler and standpipe riser to be supplied by the system. Location of fire department connections. g. Size of orifice necessary to achieve the flushing flows required under NFPA 24. 4. All fire service lines not installed by the City of Bozeman Water Department shall be designed, inspected and certified by a Professional Engineer. 1 5, Fire service lines 4" in diameter and larger shall be installed, tested, and disinfected by a single Contractor from the point of connection at the City water main (or existing stub) to the first control valve (OS&Y) inside of the building, (Note Item 16 of this Standard for maintenance of the fire line.) 6. For all fire service lines 2" in diameter and smaller where no stub exists, a licensed contractor shall install the line from the main up to and including the first control valve (OS&Y) and double check valve inside the building. The Water Department shall tap the main at the owner's expense and inspect the line under line pressure before it is backfilled. A curb stop and box shall be installed at a point 8' past property line unless other-wise directed by the Water Superintendent. Installation of the fire service line will not begin until the plans for the project have received City of Bozeman approval and a City of Bozeman water service application has been completed, 7. The City of Bozeman will only accept fire service lines which are I", 1 2", 4", 6", or 8" in diameter, unless specifically approved by the Engineering and Water Departments, 8. When tapping tees are used for the fire service line connection to the main, the Contractor shall install the tapping tee and valve and the City of Bozeman shall make the actual tap to the main at the Owners expense. The fire service line connection to the City water main without the use of a tapping tee will be made by the Contractor installing the appropriate sized tee in the water main. The Water Department will operate all valves for the shut down of the line to install the tee and must be provided with a minfinurn of 24 hours advance notice before work is scheduled to begin. The Contractor shall notify all affected water customers of the water shut down a minimum of 24 hours before the work begins. Temporary water service shall be provided to all affected water customers if the shut down period is anticipated to exceed four hours. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to determine the likely extent of the main shut down based on the proposed work and Contractor experience, and require the installation of temporary water services by the Contractor. 9. Material and installation of fire service lines shall comply with the following standards: a. Montana Public Works Standard S ecifications Fifth Edition, March 2003. b, City of Bozeman Modifications to the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications. C. City, of Bozeman Standard Drawinj4s 02660-13 and 02660-14. d. Cily of Bozeman Fire Service Line Standard. e. NFPA 24,Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances, (latest edition . 10. The City of Bozeman's requirements for the installation of double check valve assemblies and reduced pressure backfiow prevention assemblies are as follows- a.The first fitting inside of the building shall be a UL listed flanged American Flow 2 Control, Kennedy or Mueller OS&Y valve the same size as the fire service line, for lines 4" and larger. For lines 2" and smaller, the first fitting inside the building shall be a NIBCO T-104-0 OS&Y valve. b. All double check valve assemblies and reduced pressure backflow prevention assemblies shall be: 1. U L or FM listed 2. Approved by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research (USCFCCCHR) for operation in the proposed position (vertical or horizontal) as shown on the approved plans, 3, Installed as shown on the approved plans. c. A flow detection device shall be installed immediately following the double check valve assembly or the reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly (alarm check valve, flow/sensor alartri, meter, etc.) as shown on the approved plans. d. A double detector check valve assembly may be used with a standard City of Bozeman meter ( for Class 1, 11 and III systems only). The meter loop of the double detector check valve shall have a do-able check valve assembly installed which meets the same installation criteria specified above in requirement b. e. Horizontal installations must be a minimum of 2 feet clear above the finished floor. f The fire service riser must be a minimum of 2 feet clear from any outside wall, 91 The incoming fire service line shall be a minimum of 6.5 feet and a maximum of 7.5 feet below the finished grade, h. All fire service lines appurtenances shall have a minimum pressure rating of 175 p.s.i, L All fire service lines 4" ands larger shall be Class 51 ductile iron pipe, j. Line Sizing: The double check valve assembly or reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly shall be equal in size to the outgoing pipe diameter (downstream). Prior the City of Bozeman's initial acceptance of the new fire service line (4" in diameter and larger) the line must be disinfected in accordance with Montana Public Works Specifications and City of Bozeman requirements. Flushing and pressure testing of the line shall be done in accordance with NFPA 24. Two (2) copies of the bacteriological tests results are to be submitted to the City Engineering Department, who will forward a 3 copy to the City Water Department. 12. Prior the City of Bozeman's initial acceptance of the new fire service line (4" in diameter and larger) the "Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Underground Piping" (See Attachment B) must be completed and two (2) copies submitted to the City Engineering Department, who will forward a copy to the City Water Department, 13. Prior to the City of Bozeman's initial acceptance and activation of the fire service line (i.e., putting the line into service) a final inspection will be conducted by the City of Bozeinan Water Superintendent, or his designated representative, to confirin that the installation is in accordance with the approved application and the approved plans. A Certificate of Inspection (see Attachment C) will be completed by the Water Superintendent, or his designated representative, upon completion of the final inspection, with copies of the Owner, Contractor, and Engineering Department. Installations that are in conformance with the approved plans for the project and have passed all required tests (see sections 11 and 12) will be initially accepted by the City of Bozeman as noted on the Certificate of Inspection. Installations that are not in conformance with the approved plans for the project will not be initially accepted by the City of Bozeman and the line will not be activated (i.e., placed in service) until the installation is in conformance with the approved plans and all required tests have been taken and passed. 14. The required two-year warranty period for the fire service line begins on the date of initial acceptance as noted on the Certificate of Inspection completed by the City of Bozeman Water Department. 15. Upon the City's initial acceptance (see Section 13) of the fire service line, the following must be submitted by the Project/Design Engineer to the City Engineer within thirty (30) days: a. Two (2) sets of accurate blue line record drawings signed by the Engineer, b. A letter of certification from the project Engineer stating that the fire service line was installed in accordance with the approved plans. The City of Bozeman's final acceptance of the fire service line will be based on the letter of certification, record drawings, and correction of any deficiencies noted during the two-year warranty period. 16. Following the expiration of the two-year warranty period, the City of Bozeman will maintain, at its expense, the fire service line from the main up to the curb stop or curb valve, or to the property line or easement line, whichever is more. Any maintenance or repairs to the fire service line or its appurtenances beyond the point of City of Bozeman responsibility specified above shall be by a licensed contractor at the 4 Owner's expense. The building owner shall also be responsible for maintenance, repairs. and testing of all fire service line piping and appurtenances beyond the first control valve (OS&Y) inside the building, 17. The building owner may operate the first control valve (OS&Y) inside of the building when necessary for maintenance or repairs. When the first control, valve (OS&Y) inside of the building is shut off for any reason, the City of Bozeman Fire Department must be notified immediately and informed of the shut down date, time and duration. The building owner is completely responsible to ensure that this valve remains open at all times (except for maintenance or repairs) for the proper operation of the buildings fire protection system. 18. Use of the fire service line shall be restricted to fire fighting use, emergency use and approved auxiliary (e.g., closed loop heating/cooling systems) including routine testing and flushing. Combined use lines (i.e., domestic and fire) are not acceptable for all buildings except sin,Yle-family residences (SFRs'). Separate service lines must be installed for individual domestic and fire services, except fbi- SFRs. Fire sprinkler systems for SF.Rs in.ay connect to the domestic sul3p]v inside the residence. Such connection inust be made downstream of the backflow preventer. The backflow preventer inList be a testable backflow i)rev.enter V.proved by tlie..,City of Bozeman's Backflow Prevention Specialist. 19. Bonding Requirements. The Ouaer shall require the Contractor to furnish Performance and Payment Bonds in favor of the Owner in an amount equal to one-hundred percent (1(S0%) of the Agreement amount. The bonds shall be signed by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Montana, and acceptable as a surety to the Owner and countersigned by a Montana Resident Agent. The bonds shall be filed with the Owner and the City of Bozeman and shall include a copy of Power of Attorney certified to include the date of the bonds. 20. Insurance Requirements. The Owner shall require the Contractor to secure and maintain such insurance from and insurance company(or companies) authorized to write insurance in the State of Montana, with a minimum "A.M. Best Rating" of B+, VI, as will protect himself, his subcontractors, the Owner, and the City of Bozeman and their respective agents and employees from claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage which may arise from operations and completed operations under the Agreement. The types and limits of coverage shall comply with the current edition of"Montana Public Works Standard Specifications". The Owner shall not authorize, nor shall the Contractor commence work under the Agreement until such insurance has been obtained and certificates of insurance, with binders, or certified copies of the insurance policy, have been filed with the Owner and the City of Bozeman. 5 All insurance coverages shall remain in effect throughout the life of the Agreement, except that the Contractor shall maintain the Commercial General Liability coverage for a period of at least one year following the substantial completion date for property damage resulting from occurrences during the Agreement period. Each insurance policy shall contain a clause providing that it will not be cancelled by the insurance company without 30 days written notice to the Owner, and the City of Bozeman, of intention to cancel, 21, Warranty Period, If, within two years after initial acceptance of the work by the City of Bozeman, any of the work is found to be defective or not in accordance with the Contact Documents, and upon written notice from the City of Bozeman, the Owner shall cause the Contractor to correct any work within seven (7) calendar days of said written notice. Should the Owner or Contractor fail to the written notice within the designated time, the city of Bozeman may correct the work at the expense of the Owner/Contractor. Classification for Backflow Protection Class 1. Direct connections from public water mains only; no pumps, tanks, or reservoirs; no physical connection from other water supplies; no antifreeze or other additives of any kind; all sprinkler drains discharging to atmosphere, dry wells or other safe outlets. Class 2. Same as Class I except that booster pumps may be installed in the building after the first.interior control valve (OS&Y). Class 3. Direct connection from public water supply mains, plus one or more of the following: elevated storage tanks, fire pumps taking suction from aboveground covered reservoir or tanks; and pressure tanks. (All storage facilities are filled or connected to public water only, the water in the tanks is to be maintained in a potable condition. Otherwise, Class 3 systems are the same as Class 1.) Class 4. Directly supplied from public mains, similar to Class I and Class 2, with an auxiliary water supply dedicated to fire department use and available to the premises, such as an auxiliary supply located within 1700 feet of the pumper connection. Class 5. Directly supplied from public mains and interconnected with auxiliary supplies, such as pumps taking suction from reservoirs exposed to contamination, or rivers and ponds; driven wells; mills or other industrial water systems; or where antifreeze or other additives are used. Class 6. Combined industrial and fire protection systems supplied from the public water mains only, with or without gravity storage or pump suction tanks. Required Protection All systems regardless of Class require a means of flow detection which must be approved by the City of Bozeman. Class 1. Minimum backflow protection requirement for a Class I system is an approved testable double check valve assembly (a double eheelk valve deviee t;9r- lines 2" in diametef and smallei:, installed by the City of Bai--e•iian) to prevent water from backflowing into the public potable water system. The double check valve assembly should be the same size as the fire service line to the building and installed immediately following the first interior OS&Y control valve as shown on the approved plans, (Refer to City of Bozeman Standard Drawing 02660-13 for specific requirements.) L'xception. Special conditions may exist on the site of'Class Ifire systems such that actual or potential contamination hazards are presented to the domestic water supply. Under these conditions an approved reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly, or an appropriately sized air gap, may be warranted andlor required by the City of Bozeman. Glass 2. Minimum backflow protection requirement for a Class 2 system is an approved testable double check valve assembly . " eF and . „ lfoei.Aefflanl to prevent water from backflowing into the public potable water system. The double cheek valve assembly should be the same size as the fire service line to the building and installed immediately following the first interior OS&Y control valve as shown on the approved plans. (Refer to City of Bozeman Standard Drawing 02660-13 for specific requirements.) Exception: Special conditions may exist on the site of'Class 2 fzre systems such that tactual or potential contamination hazards are presented to the domestic water supply. Under these conditions an approved reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly, or an appropriately sized air gap, may be warranted andl'or required by the City of Bozeman. Class 3. Minimum backflow protection requirement for a Class 3 system is an approved testable double cheek valve assembly to prevent water from backflowing into the public potable water system. The double check valve assembly should be the same size as the fire service line to the building and installed immediately following the first interior OS&Y control valve as shown on the approved plan. (Refer to city of Bozeman Standard Drawing 02660-13 for specific requirements.) Exception.• Special conditions may exist on the site of Class 3 fare systems such that actual or potential contamination hazards are presented to the domestic beater supply. Under these conditions an approved reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly, or an appropriately ,sized air gap, may be warranted andfor requited by the City Qf loo enlan. Class 4. The type of backflow protection for Class 4 systems will depend on the quality of the auxiliary supply. The type of backflow protection will be one of the following approved by the City of Bozeman: air gap or reduced-pressure backflow-prevention assembly. Reduced- pressure backflow-prevention assemblies should be the same size as the fire service line to the building and installed immediately following the first interior OS&Y control valve as shown on the approved plans. (Refer to city of Bozeman Standard Drawing 02660-14 for specific requirements.) Class 5. The type of backflow protection for Class 5 systems will be either a reduced- pressure backflow-prevention assembly or an air gap. Reduced-pressure backflow-prevention assemblies should be the same size as the fire service line to the building and installed immediately following the first interior OS&Y control valve as shown on the approved plans. (Refer to City of Bozeman Standard Drawing 02660-14 for specific requirements.) Class 6. Class 6 system protection would depend on the requirements of both industry and fire protection and could only be determined by a survey of the premises. 2 -A w 4is `� °�— CN Li > En T ul (< z z? J q w ES m z U- & 0. (5 z z z J 0 V) 0 0 L<l'D 11 a T � Vim] �j W 4�'7 p F LLJ Lo �. W ,I"j J X�J' ' J t�! 0 tT'1 d T tl T m IL S m tY d %I >ep [r Xp 4T [� xp ¢ T CC m <C kt1 Q G1 CJ Z f'3 tClio,, 4 Ld Q 0 p z 'z 0 Cl Lt1 fPI z p Ca. z I T z T T Z z Q T CJ R.. <t' T- � p w T O T N p d CK: �- 0Y. ° a'-� c) as �' cam-j e.) on ca z `� 6 � V) o w in I yy < o ® a p co uj I cn I i m D Lo v� N pq to m w L3 W © T z L L, I a o I ® m Of x Q I1L' J x I I I ¢ d 0 V) ¢] p p p W U O Q cu X T Ei.l CAL ? 03 W Z W N m W C1 � 0 � OT a Ld f a LLJ D §ca V) < ' 5 p CD vS V) ¢W m M t? V) W W�a 1-- p p > L7 w Hm a � w = Lj F- W z m w T W O elf a i`u �w :2 c) (n d R r Li � l— �� caw o C7 Y w fr z a- z m r z Q FIGURE A- 1 : TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS CITY CE BOZEMAN DESIGN STANDARDS & SPECIF=ICATIONS POLICY REV, JAM 2011 City of Bozeman Street Naming and Addressing Policy A. All new street names, for both public and private streets, shall be approved by the City Engineering Department and the Gallatin County GIS Department, B. Street names will not be reserved. Street narnes shall be approved prior to preliminary plat and final plat approval. Street names become effective upon filing of the final plat. C. Street Name Selection I A new street shall assume the name of the street on which it aligns unless the street does not and cannot in the future connect to an existing street segment along the alignment. 2. Duplication of street names will not be permitted. Proposed street names that have the same primary name of an existing street but a different suffix (e.g. Smith Drive and Smith Lane) are considered duplicates and will not be permitted. 3. Similar(text or phonetic) or confusing spelling of street names will not be permitted (e.g. Briar Lane/Brier Lane; Allen Lane/ Alan Lane; Beech Street/Peach Street). 4. Only the common spelling of street names will be accepted (e.g. Jane not Jayne, Green not Greene) 5. Names that tend to be slurred or difficult to pronounce shall not be used. 6. Do not use special characters in street names such as hyphens, apostrophes, or dashes. 7. No new street names shall consist of more than two (2) words or contain more than fifteen (15) characters, excluding the suffix (street, avenue, etc.) and directional prefix, if any, 8. Wherever possible, new north-south streets that are west of the east-west zero line (Tracy Ave.) shall be designated as the appropriate numbered avenue. 9. No street name shall begin with an article. D. Directional Prefixes 1. All streets that cross the east-west zero baseline shall be designated with the appropriate east or west directional prefix. The east-west zero baseline Page I of 4 is Tracy Avenue as extended and shown on the City of Bozeman's address grid map. I All streets that cross the north-south zero baseline shall be designated with the appropriate north or south directional prefix. The north-south zero baseline is Main Street as extended and shown on the City of Bozeman's address grid map. E. Street Type Designations 1. Street type designations should reflect the size and function of a street. Street types are contained in the suffix of the street name. I Approved street type descriptions and abbreviations are as follows: a) Avenue (AVE): a continuous street with a definite north-south directional course. b) Boulevard (BLVD): a wide arterial or collector type roadway, typically with a median. C) Circle (CIR): a street that intersects another street only once and terminates in a closed loop. d) Court (CT): a relatively short, uninterrupted dead-end street. e) Drive (DR): a curvilinear or winding street which continues through to other rights-of-way. f) Lane (LN): a minor roadway within a subdivision. g) Loop (LOOP): a relatively short, uninterrupted street that begins and ends on the same parent street at two different points, or a street that connects to two intersecting perpendicular streets. h) Parkway(PKWY), same as boulevard. i) Place (PL): a relatively short, uninterrupted dead-end street. j) Road (RD): an arterial or collector type roadway that may run in any direction. This street type designation should not be used for new streets in the City of Bozeman, unless the new street is an extension of an existing street designated as a road. k) Street (ST): a continuous street with a definite east-west directional course. Page 2 of 4 1) Way (WAY). a minor roadway within a subdivision. 3. Private roads should use the designations Place or Way. F. Cul-de-sacs and bubbles I When a cul-de-sac is located at the end of an existing street right-of-way or alignment, it shall be given the name of that street, including the suffix, whether the cul-de-sac is straight, curves, or meanders. 2. When two cul-de-sacs approach each other from opposite directions and are in the same alignment but do not join in any manner, they shall be assigned different street names. 3. Cul-de-sac or bubble streets less than 100 feet in length that provide frontage for three or fewer lots shall not be named,but shall take the name and numbering of the street adjoining. G. Addressing I Subdivision developers shall make arrangements with the Engineerm' Do.artment to assign addresses for all individual lots in the subdivision prior to filing of the final plat, A copy of the proposed final plat showing approved street names shall be submitted for use in assigning,addresses. Unless the proposed pEoJect has been designated for concurrent construction, the lot addresses will not be entered into the City address database until the final.,plat has been filed. 2. One street address number will be assigned for each separate building by the Engineering Department. For projects with multiple buildings on a single lot, a.,sile plan showing the proposed buildings shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for address assignment prior to site plan approval. Developers of multi-unit buildings shall, assign the unit or suite numbers. A floor plan showing the proposed unit or suite designations shall be submitted for UpLoval to the City Engineer's office prior to site plan or building permit approval. Unit/suite numbers shall be assigned based on the following guidelines: a) Multi-unit residential buildings (including,condominiums) o �separate lots: assign consecutive unit numbers (Unit 1, Unit'2, or unit letters (Unit A, Unit B, etc.) for each unit. b) Multi-unit residential buildings (including condominiums) on one lot: consecutive unit numbers for all the units in the Page 3 of 4 / development, beginning at the building closest to the nialill roadway entrance and continuing in a logical manner through all of the buildings (ie.: first buildim- 2301 Smith Street, Units 11.2, 3, 4; second buildinL,: 2305 Smith Street, Units 5, 6, 7, 8). Use a counter-clockwise circular sweep starting fi-om the rigjit side of the primary entryway as yo natically increment numbers throughout all buildings on the site so as to end at the left side of the sarne entryway, Avoid oscillating back and. forth across the site as inuch as possible. If the buildings have.,dwellin , g units on separate floors, use 3-digit numbers for all ofthe units, Nvith the first nuniber being the floor level. All building accesses shall clearly identify which Ullits are served by the access, C) MUlti--unit commercial buildiLigs:use 3-digit numbers for the units or suites, with the first number beine the floor level of the unit, d') Accessory dwelling units shall be assigned aseparate street number, however if there are no reinaining street numbers available, the main dwelligg unit on the property shall be designated unit A and the accessory dwelling unit sliall be designated Unit B. Page 4 of 4