HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-28-2013 Minutes, City Commission Do co,Wo THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday, October 28,2013 Deputy M,qyor- Jeff Krauss: Present Mayor- Scan Becker: Absent Commissioner- Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner - Cvnthi,a Andrus: Present Staff Present: City Manager Chris Kukulski,Assistant City Attorney Tim Cooper and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen A. 06:02:35 PM Call to Order—6:00 p.m.—Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Deputy Mayor Krauss called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. B. 06:02:41 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:03:30 P'M Changes to the Agenda Deputy Mayor Krauss asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were any changes to the Agenda. Mr. Kukulski stated that a Public Service Announcement regarding downtown trick-or-treating will take place. Mr. Kukulski added that Mayor Becker's absence will need to be excused as well. 06:03:50 PM Authorize the absence of Mayor Becker. 06:03:52 PM Motion and Vote to approve the absence of Mayor Becker. Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner - Carson Ta yl on 2nd Dgputy�or-Jeff"rauss: Applove Mavor- Sean Becker: Absent Commissioner- Carson Taylor. Approve Commissioner- Chris Me hl:-A ove Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Page 1 of 8 Minutes 'f q the Bazenian City Commission Afeeling,October 28,2013 06:04:04 PM Public Service Announcement-Downtown Trick or Treating. City Clerk Stacy Ulmen gave the Public Service Announcement regarding Downtown Trick or Treating event this Thursday, October 31". D. 06:05:26 PM Minutes–October 14,2013 -<= 06:05:27 P,M Motion and Vote to approve the minutes of October 14, 2013 as submitted. Commissioner wj,Carson Taylor, Motion Commissioner - Chi-is Mehl: 2nd Deputy Ma or - Jeff Krauss: Approv Manor- Sean Becker: Absent Commissioner - Carson Taylor App rove Commissioner - Chris Mehl: APPLO—ve Commissioner - Cynthia.Andrus:._ARprove E. 06 05A2 PM Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) 1"4 2, Authorize City Manager to Sign an Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech Inc. for ongoing post-closure soil gas 2q.,f, investigation at the Story Mill Landfill (Woolard) "'­4 3. Approve Resolution 4485,a Resolution relating to up to $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds;Authorizing the Issuance and Private Negotiated Sale thereof(Rosenberry) Uff-4 4. Approve Findings of Fact and Order for the Lot 4, Spring Creek Village Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat located at the northwest comer of Huffine Lane and Resort Drive,Application P13021 (Riley) 'I 4 5. Appoint Deputy Mayor Krauss and Commissioner Mehl to review Pledged Securities as of September 30,2013 (Clark) 06:05:51 PM Public Comment on the Consent Agenda Deputy Mayor Krauss opened public comment on the Consent Agenda. No person commented, Deputy Mayor Krauss closed public comment, 06:05:55 PM Motion and Vote to approve Consent items E. 1-5 as submitted. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor- Sean Becker: Absent Commissioner- CarsonTqylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Ap pL ove — Page 2 of 8 Hiltules of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,October 28,2013 Commissioner - C da Andrus: Approve -vntf F. 06:06:13 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Krauss opened general public comment. 06:06:27 PM Sam H�?roldson,Public Comment Mr. Haroldson spoke in support of Resolution No. 4484 related to the Trails and Open Space project for the Trail to the M. 06:08:00 PM Ben Alexander,Public Comment Mr. Alexander spoke in support of Resolution No. 4484 related to the Trails and Open Space project for the Trail to the M. 06:11:01 PM Susie Larson & Rick Gale,Public Comment Ms. Larson and Mr. Gale representing the Community Coalition of Drug Awareness thanked the Commission for their support of the Red Ribbon Proclamation, 06:1.2:17 PM Hadie Pope,Public Comment Ms.Pope spoke in support of Resolution No,4484 related to the Trails and Open Space project for the Trail to the M. 06:13:42 PM Chris Nixson,Public Comment Mr.Nixson spoke in support of Resolution No. 4484 related to the Trails and Open Space Project for the Trail to the M. 06:14:57 PM Public Comment Closed Deputy Mayor Krauss closed public comment. G. 06:15:07 PM Mayoral Proclamation—Extra Mile Day 4. H. 06:16:56 PM Action Items I 06:17:08 PM'Text amendment to Article 38.11, Urban Mixed Use District, to revise the development standards affecting required mixed use standards,required yards,reducing required building heights and stories within the district, building performance standards, and park/public spaces with Revisions to apply to all locations designated as Urban Mixed Use district,Application Z-13164(Saunders) 06:17:25 PM Staff Presentation Staff Planner Chris Saunders gave the staff presentation regarding a text amendment to Article 38.1 1,Urban Mixed Use District,to revise the development standards affecting required mixed use standards,required yards, reducing required building heights and stories within the district,building performance standards, and park/public spaces with Revisions to apply to all locations designated as Urban Mixed Use district,Application Z-13164. Page 3 of 8 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Ifeefing,Ocloho,28,2013 06:24-59,PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and staff discussed maximum height requirements,parking,the Zoning Commission input, floor ratio,minimum setbacks,orientation,private street rules,urban parks, calculations of residential to non-residential and urban mixed use. 06:34:55 P:M Applicant Presentation The Applicant representative gave the applicant presentation regarding Text amendment to Article 38.11, Urban Mixed Use District,to revise the development standards affecting required mixed use standards,required yards,reducing required building heights and stories within the district,building performance standards,and park/public spaces with Revisions to apply to all locations designated as Urban Mixed Use district,Application Z-13164. (About 5 minutes of the Applicant Presentation is missing from this video due to technical difficulties) 06:43:02 PM Commission Questions for Applicant. The Commission and Applicant discussed park land, densities for commercial and residential areas and parking requirements. 06:44-57 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Deputy Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 06:45:22 PM Questions for Staff The Staff and Commission discussed the ownership of open space areas. 06:45:53 PM Motion that having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff reportfor application Z-13164 and move to approve the text amendment and direct staff to bring hack an implementing ordinance. Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- Carson Taylor: 2nd 06:46:19 PM Commission Discussion on the Motion. The Commission discussed reiterations that the property has gone through,height requirements, downtown competition and this project being an alternative to downtown. 06:53:42 PM Vote on the Motion that having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented,I hereby adopt th e findings presented in the staff report for application Z-13164 and move to approve the text amendment and direct staff to bring back an implementing ordinance. Page 4 of 8 Alinales of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,October 28,2013 Commissioner :C nthia Andrus: Motion L_ Commissioner- Carson Ta ,lor: 2nd De'outv Mayor-Jeff Krauss: Approve: Ma or- Sean Becker: Absent Commissioner- Carson Taylor: A rove Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Appi�qyq 1. 106:54:03 PM Resolution 4484, authorizing the Allocation of$600,000 from TOP Bond Funds for the Construction of a Pathway to the "M" and Drinking Horse Mountain and Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Match Agreement with the Federal Land Access Program(Overton) 06:55:15 PM Staff Presentation Mitch Overton, Park and Recreation Director gave the staff presentation for Resolution 4484, authorizing the Allocation of$600,000 from TOP Bond Funds for the Construction of a Pathway to the"M" and Drinking Horse Mountain and Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Match Agreement with the Federal Land Access Program. 06:58:29 PM Applicant Presentation The Applicant representative gave the applicant presentation for Resolution 4484, authorizing the Allocation of$600,000 from TOP Bond Funds for the Construction of a Pathway to the"M"and Drinking Horse Mountain and Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Match Agreement with the Federal Land Access Program. 07:11:05 PM Bob Hawks, TOP Chairman. Mr. Hawks spoke regarding the TOP's recommendation to the Commission 07:12:25 PM Commission Questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed Montana Standards,the underpass, federal appropriation,the Gallatin National Forest involvement,the width of the trail, right a- way acquisition,eminent domain, maintenance and a tapered match approach. 07:21:31 PM Public Comment Deputy Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 07-21:43 PM Lisa Stoeffler,Public Comment Ms. Stoefller of the Gallatin National Forest spoke in support of the trail project. 07:24:46 PM David Cooke,Public Comment Mr. Cooke spoke regarding his Support of the Trail to the M project. 07:26:22 PM Daniell Sharf,Public Comment Ms. Sharf representing the Pedestrian Traffic Safety Committee spoke regarding their support of this project. Page 5 of 8 Hinules of the Bezemon Ch) Commission Afeefing,Ocu)ber 28,2013 07:28-12 PM ChristopherScott,Public Comment Mr. Scott stated that he works for Gallatin County and spoke regarding their support of this project. 07:28:39 PM Tom Keck,Public Comment Mr. Keck spoke in favor of the Resolution and Collin's Coalition whom is a contributor to this project. 07:31:35 PM Penelope Peirce,Public Comment Ms. Peirce spoke regarding the Main Street to the Mountains project and spoke in favor of the Trail to the M Project. 07:32:57 PM Public Comment Closed Deputy Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 07:33:08 PM Motion to adopt Resolution 4484 providing funding from the TOP Bond Fund of up to $6114,000 for the Bicycle& Pedestrian Pathway to the "M"and Drinking Horse Mountain Project and authorize the City Manager to enter into a Match Agreement with the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Lands Access Program. Commissioner- Carson 7 1 aylor: Motion Commissioner - Chris Mehl: 2nd 07:33:35 PM Commission discussion on the Motion. The Commission discussed support, maintenance, safety and partnerships. 07:42:22 PM Vote on the Motion to adopt Resolution 4484 providing funding from the TOP Bond Fund of up to $644,444 for the Bicycle & Pedestrian Pathway to the "M" and Drinking Horse Mountain Project and authorize the City Manager to enter into a Match Agreement with the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Lands Access Program Commissioner- Carson Tqylor: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd DCDUtV Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor- Sean Becker. Absent Commissioner- Carson 'raylor:App:iove Commissioner- Chi-is Mehl: Ap2Loyc Commissioner: Cynthia.Andrus: Approve 07:42:59 PM Break Deputy Mayor Krauss declared a break. Page 6 of 8 Hinutev ofthe Hoze►nan City Commission APeling,October 28,2013 I. 07:54:34 PM-Policy Discussion 1 Associated Students of Montana State University (ASMSU) and Bozeman City Commission Roundtable Discussion 07:54:55 PM ASMSU Senate President Eric Oak Mr. Oak opened the meeting. The Senators introduced themselves as well as the City Commissioners. 07:57:29 PM 1. Recap of ASMSU Accomplishments ASMSU representatives gave a recap of accomplishments highlighting record enrollments this year, a drafted and passed updated set of bylaws, exploring the creation of a mentorship program, student outreach, a recent block party event with over 2000 in attendance, a traveling arts gallery program, leadership training opportunities, a non- discrimination policy completion,the start of a equal pay task force and a successful summit that took place on Sexual Assault. 08:07:34 PM 2. Streamline Funding Support Liaison Steve Row spoke regarding the mill value contribution to the Streamline Service, the parking areas at the transfer station and parking garage, and the late night service. 08:11:00 PM 3, Rental Safety Initiative Aubrey Walls spoke regarding the Good Neighbor Committee. It has been successful in the last year. They have conducted KGLT public service announcements and handed out Good neighbor bags around Christie Fields, and this November will take part in the"Can the Griz" food drive. The Committee is working on a pilot class called community living. Mr. Oak urged the Commission to continue to take part in the Rental Safety Initiative. 08:15:01 PM Public Comment No public comment. 08:17:33 PM ASMSU and Commission Discussion Organizing legislative efforts was emphasize and opportunity efforts for stewardship. Updates also occurred on student housing, trip generations, campus parking garage,bike programs,the smoking ban and parking downtown on weekends. 09:44:54 PM David Kack, Chairman of the HRDC Board of Directors Mr. Kack thanked ASMSU for partnering with the Streamline service. 09:47:12 PM Joint meeting Adjourned Mr. Oak adjourned the joint meeting. PM FYI/Discussion Commission and Staff thanked by using Quad system Page 7 of 8 Minutes of the Bozeman Cite Conunission Afeeting,October 28,2013 I 08853.15 PM Adjournment Deputy Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting at 8;53 p.m. Jef" ey 10auss, Deputy Mayor B 0,c t' ATT W P ISF�BPA MC; lerk ,{,Y f Lacy , City Clerk Approved on Page 8 of 8