HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Order No. 2007-06 A Information Technology Use Policy ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 2007-06 Adoption of the City of Bozeman Information Technology Use Policy Effective on July 1, 2007: The City of Bozeman Information Technology Use Policy is hereby adopted. DATED this 27 day of June, 2007 ~,?~ . Chris Kukulski, City Manager Department of Information Technology City of Bozeman, Montana Information Technology Use Policy Infonnation Technology is a critical mechanism for business communications at the City of Bozeman. The purpose of this policy is to outline appropriate and inappropriate use of the City of Bozeman's Password, Internet, and E-mail systems and services in order to minimize disruptions to services and activities, as well as comply with applicable policies and laws. Scope This policy applies to all Internet and E-mail systems owned by the City of Bozeman, all Internet and E-mail account users/holders at the City of Bozeman (both temporary and permanent), and all organizational E-mail and Internet records. Account ActivationlTermination Internet and E-mail access at the City of Bozeman is controlled through individual accounts and passwords. Each user of the City of Bozeman's Internet and E-mail system is required to read and sign a copy of this Infonnation Technology Use Policy prior to receiving any Password, Internet, and E-mail access. It is the responsibility of the employee to protect the confidentiality oftheir accounts and password infonnation. Password, Internet and E-mail accounts maybe granted to third party non-employees on acase.by-case basis. Possible non-employees that may be eligible for access include: . City Elected Officials. . Designated Committees and Interest Groups. . Designated others. Applications for these temporary accounts must be submitted in writing to the Director ofInfonnation Technology. All tenns, conditions, and restrictions governing Password, Internet, and E-mail use must be in a written and signed agreement approved by the Director of Infonnation Technology. Passwords, Internet and E-mail access will be tenninated when the employee or third party terminates their association with the City of Bozeman, unless other arrangements are made. The City of Bozeman is under no obligation to store or forward the contents of an individual's Passwords, E-mail inboxloutbox after the term of their association has ceased. E..mail Expectations Important official communications are often delivered via E-mail. As a result, employees of the City of Bozeman with E-mail accounts are expected to check their E-mail in a consistent and timely manner so that they are aware of important organizational announcements and updates, as well as for fulfilling business and role-oriented tasks. E-mail users are responsible for mailbox management, including organization, maintaining size management and cleaning. Ifa user subscribes to a mailing list, he or she must be aware of how to remove him/her from the list, and is responsible for doing so in the event that their current e-mail address changes. Page 1 Password Expectations 1. Passwords must be changed every 180 days. 2. Old passwords cannot be re-used for a period of36 months. 3. Users will be notified 2 weeks in advance of password expiration date. At this time, users will be prompted to select a new password. 4. All passwords must confonn to the guidelines outlined below. Password Construction Guidelines Passwords are used to access any number of City systems, including the network, E-mail, the Web, and voicemaiI. Poor, weak passwords are easily cracked, and put the entire system at risk. Therefore, strong passwords are required. Try to create a password that is also easy to remember. I. Passwords should not be based on well-known or easily accessible personal infonnation. 2. Passwords must contain at least 8 characters. 3. Passwords must contain at least I uppercase letters (e.g. A) and I lowercase letters (e.g. a). 4. Passwords must contain at least I numerical character (e.g. 6). Passwords must contain at least I special characters (e.g. $). Internet Expectations Appropriate and inappropriate use of the City of Bozeman's Internet resources, including the World Wide Web, Extranet, Intranet, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), and 1M (Instant Messaging) should be used as outlined in this policy. Your account provides you with access to networks around the world through these services. Use of these services is subject to the following conditions. Appropriate Use for Password, E-mail and Internet Individuals at the City of Bozeman should use Passwords, Internet, and E-mail to further the goals and objectives ofthe organization. The types of activities that are encouraged include: . Communicating with fellow employees, business partners of the City of Bozeman, and public constituents within the context of an individual's assigned responsibilities. . Acquiring or sharing infonnation necessary or related to the perfonnance ofan individual's assigned responsibilities. . Participating in educational or professional development activities. Inappropriate Use for Password, E-mail and Internet The City of Bozeman's Passwords, Internet and E-mail systems and services are not to be used for purposes that could be reasonably expected to cause excessive strain on systems. Individual E-mail and Internet use will not interfere with others' use and enjoyment of the City of Bozeman's E-mail and Internet system and services. E- mail and Internet use at the City of Bozeman will comply with all applicable laws, all City of Bozeman policies, and all City of Bozeman contracts. The following activities are deemed inappropriate uses of City of Bozeman systems and services and are prohibited: Page 2 . Use of E-mail and Internet for illegal or unlawful purposes, including copyright infringement, obscenity, libel, slander, fraud, defamation, plagiarism, harassment, intimidation, forgery, impersonation, soliciting for illegal pyramid schemes, and computer tampering (e.g. spreading of computer viruses). . Use of E-mail and Internet in any way that violates the City of Bozeman 's policies, rules, or administrative orders. . Viewing, copying, altering, or deletion of E-mail and Internet accounts or files belonging to the City of Bozeman or another individual without authorized permission including leaving their current positions with the City. . Sending of unreasonably large E-mail attachments. The total size ofan individual e-mail message sent (including attachment) should be 25MB or less. . The total size of an individuals E-mail box exceeds 500 MB. . Opening e-mail attachments from unknown or unsigned sources. Attachments are the primary source of computer viruses and should be treated with utmost caution. . Sharing E-mail and Internet account passwords with another person, or attempting to obtain another person's E-mail and Internet account password. E-mail and Internet accounts are only to be used by the registered user. . Excessive personal use ofthe City of Bozeman's E-mail and Internet resources. The City of Bozeman allows limited personal use for communication with family and friends, independent learning, and public service so long as it does not interfere with staff productivity, pre-empt any business activity, or consume more than a trivial amount of resources. The City of Bozeman prohibits personal use of its e-mail systems and services for unsolicited mass mailings, non-City of Bozeman commercial activity, political campaigning, dissemination of chain letters, and use by non-employees. Monitoring and Confidentiality The E-mail and Internet systems and services used at the City of Bozeman are owned by the public, and are therefore its property. This gives the City of Bozeman the right to monitor any and all E-mail and Internet traffic passing through its E-mail and Internet system. While the Information Technology Department does not actively read end-user E-mail, E-mail messages may be inadvertently read by IT staff during the normal course of managing the E-mail system. In addition, backup copies of e-mail messages may exist, despite end-user deletion, in compliance with City of Bozeman's records retention policy. The goals of these backup and archiving procedures are to ensure system reliability and prevent business data loss. If the City of Bozeman discovers or has good reason to suspect activities that do not comply with applicable laws or this policy, E-mail and Internet records may be retrieved and used accordingly in any legal or disciplinary action. All reasonable efforts will be made to notify an employee ifhis or her E-mail records are to be reviewed. Notifications may not be possible, however, ifthe employee cannot be contacted, as in the case of employee absence due to vacation. Use extreme caution when communicating confidential or sensitive information via E-mail and Internet systems. Keep in mind that all E-mail messages sent outside ofthe City of Bozeman become the property ofthe receiver. A good rule is to not communicate anything that you wouldn't feel comfortable being made public. Demonstrate particular care when using the "Reply" command during e-mail correspondence. Reporting Misuse Any allegations of misuse should be promptly reported to the Information Technology Department. If you receive an offensive e-mail, do not forward, delete, or reply to the message. Instead, report it directly to the Information Technology Department. Page 3 Disclaimer The City of Bozeman assumes no liability for direct and/or indirect damages arising from the user's use of the City of Bozeman's e-mail system and services. Users are solely responsible for the content they disseminate. The City of Bozeman is not responsible for any third-party claim, demand, or damage arising out of use the City of Bozeman's e-mail systems or services. Failure to Comply Violations of this policy will be treated like other allegations of wrongdoing at the City of Bozeman. Allegations of misconduct will be adjudicated according to established procedures. Sanctions for inappropriate use on the City of Bozeman's e-mail systems and services may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: I. Temporary or permanent revocation of e-mail access; 2. Disciplinary action according to applicable City of Bozeman policies; 3. Termination of employment; and/or 4. Legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements. Information Technology Use Policy I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the Information Technology Use Policy ofthe City of Bozeman. I agree to abide by this policy. I understand that ifI violate this policy, I may face legal and/or disciplinary action. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold the City of Bozeman and its officials, trustees, employees, and agents harmless for any loss, damage, expense or liability resulting from any claim, action or demand arising out of or related to the user's intentional misuse or personal use of City of Bozeman owned computer resources and the network, including reasonable attorney fees to include claims without limitation based on trademark or service mark infringement, trade name infringement, copyright infringement, unfair competition, defamation, unlawful discrimination or harassment, and invasion of privacy. Name Signature Date Page 4