HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Order No. 1997-04 Bozeman Travel Policy revised ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 1997-04 Issued April 29, 1997 ] . Administrative Order No. 93-2, dated March I, 1993 concerning the City of Bozeman's out-of-state travel policy is hereby rescinded. 2. The Bozeman Travel Policy, attached hereto, is hereby adopted. 3. The attached Travel Policy applies retroactively to all travel occurring on or after April 1, 1997. DATED this 29th day of April 1997. BOZEMAN TRAVEL POLICY All in-state travel for City business by City employees shall be approved by the appropriate department head or division supervisor. All out-of-state travel, except in the case of emergencies, shall be approved in advance by the City Manager. Employees completing City business shall receive travel expenses, meal allowance, mileage and reasonable and necessary incidental expenses. If meals are included in tuition, registration fees, hotel charges, or if only a fraction of the day is authorized for travel, the per diem, or expense allowance, shall be reduced accordingly. Reimbursement for lodging expenses shall be limited to single rate and conference or state rates must be sought when available. The following is the reimbursement rate for meals, lodging, mileage, registration and miscellaneous expenses: Item In-State Out-of-State Breakfast 5.00 7.00 Lunch 7.00 9.00 Dinner 12.00 16.00 Lodging Actual Achml Mileage 31.5 cents 31.5 cents Registration Actual Actual , Miscellaneous Actual Actual When traveling in City vehicles, seatbelts are to be worn at all times by all occupants of the vehicle. Any unsafe vehicle condition or conditions in need of repair shall be reported to the appropriate division or department head. City employees utilizing their personal vehicles for City business are required to have liability insurance coverage. Employees may request an advance of travel expenses ($50.00 or more) to offset undue financial hardship on employees traveling for City business. Employees must use the travel advance form attached hereto. The advance must be justified with reasonable requests for meals, registration, lodging, public transportation and other expenses. Claims for reimbursement must be submitted to the Department of Finance not more than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the travel for which reimbursement is being sought. CITY OF BOZEMAN OUT -OF-STATETravel Advance Request Form Ie: of Travel: ion: 'e. Date: Return Date: Detail of Requested Advance & Actual Expenses Estimate of Expenses Actual Expenses $ Motel* $ Nights Nights Rate Rate Mileage Miles Miles Rate Rate Meals Breakfast @ $5.00 ea. Breakfast @ $5.00 ea. -Lunch @ $6.50 ea. Lunch @ $6.50 ea. Dinner @ $12.00 ea. Dinner @ $12.00 ea. Airfare* ion Fees* Registration Fees* leous* Miscellaneous* ~uested $ Total Actual Costs $ )f-state travel must be approved in advance by the City Manager. ~uested travel specifically approved in the budget? Yes_ No_ ase state the circumstances surrounding the proposed travel. e Signature Date Supervisor Signature Date ,ager Signature Date 'ES MUST COMPLETE THE ACTUAL EXPENSE PORTION OF THIS FORM AND TURN IT IN TO THE qSURER ALONG WITH APPLICABLE RECIEPTS UPON THEIR RETURN TO WORK Due Employee (Actual Costs Exceed Advance) Due City (Advance Exceeds Actual Costs) rs REQUIRED