HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Order No. 1995-01 Recruitment and Selection ProceduresAdministrative Order No. 95-01 The City o£ Bozeman's Recruitment and Selection Procedures, attached hereto, ar~eQhereby adopted. Dated this ~°~day of C-„wu.,~,n,til , 1995 ~J CITY OF BOZEMAN ~ r mes E. Wysocki, City Manager RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCEDURES A. Selection and Hiring Authority 1. The City Manager has the power to hire, discipline, manage and fire City personnel. The City Manager, in turn, delegates this responsibility to the City's Department Heads and Supervisors. In cooperation with the Department Heads and Supervisors, the Personnel Director administers and coordinates the hiring process of all position vacancies. 2. The City's recruitment and selection procedures are designed to insure all applicants are treated equally and without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin or disability, and that positions are filled based upon job qualifications. B. Recruitment 1. Job Description Review - As soon as knowledge of a job vacancy occurs, the Job Description shall be reviewed to determine necessary revisions. This review shall be coordinated by the Personnel Officer, and shall include input from persons familiar with each position. Where necessary, the description will be classified to insure the correct pay level. 2. Position Vacancy Announcement - A~ position vacancy announcement is to be prepared by the Personnel Director. This announcement will include the title and salary of the vacant position, bargaining unit affiliation and Fair Labor Standards Act status, as well as a brief descrip- tion of the major duties, the required or desirable qualifications, and how, where and when applicants should apply. 3. Internal Recruitment - It is the City's policy to insure that its recruitment procedures afford adequate oppor- tunity for the promotion of City employees. Therefore, whenever possible, notice of vacancies will be initially advertised internally by posting on the bulletin boards of all City offices for a minimum of five ( 5 } working days. If, at the close of internal recruitment, no applicant is selected, external recruitment may begin. 4. External Recruitment - The City will utilize those recruitment sources which will provide the highest number of qualified applicants. Positions will be advertised in appropriate media, and with the Job Service, and Affirma- tive Action recruitment sources, for a minimum of five (5) working days. Unless there is a bona fide recruit- ment problem, the City generally will not utilize employment agencies who charge a fee for their services. C. The City reserves the right to extend recruitment periods, when necessary, to increase the number of qualified applicants for each position. Selection Procedures: 1. Hirina Committee - The Department Head/Supervisor will appoint a Hiring Committee whose responsibility it will be to develop selection tools, screen, interview, and perform reference checks on applicants, and make the selection recommendation. The Hiring Committee may include the Department Head, the Supervisor, a person in the same position who has similar duties, the Personnel Officer. 2. Desian of Selection Procedures - The City may use any selection procedure or combination of selection proce- dures which meets its needs. These procedures shall include written criteria against which applicant perfor- mance is to be measured, and qualifications of applicants shall be numerically evaluated. At a minimum, forms used during each selection procedure will include a screening tool for applicant qualifications, an interview tool, and an employment reference check form. Selection procedures shall be developed by the Hiring Committee in advance of, and will be approved by the Personnel,Director prior to, any review of applicant qualifications 3. Applicant Screenina - The Personnel Director will initially screen applications for minimum job qualifica- tions and proper application materials. Those applica- tions satisfying the initial screening process shall be forwarded to the Hiring Committee for review. Using the approved tool, the Hiring Committee shall screen the remaining applications and recommend to the Personnel Director, persons to be interviewed. When appropriate, the Personnel Director shall expand the list of persons to be interviewed to include members of affected classes who meet the minimum qualifications of the vacant position, and for whom a target hiring goal has been established. The Personnel Director will then provide the Hiring Committee with the list of persons to be interviewed. 3. Employment Interview - The employment interview will be conducted by Hiring Committee. The interview shall be of a structured nature, and shall include questions perti- nent to the position. The results of this interview shall be scored using a predetermined numerical rating. 3. Reference Checks - At least two (2) reference checks shall be performed on each job finalist. Reference checks shall relate to the applicant's ability to perform the specific duties of the vacant position. 4. Selection Recommendation - The Hiring Committee shall provide the Department Head/Supervisor with all notes and ratings resulting from the structured interview and reference inquiries, as well as a list of persons who best meet the qualifications of the position, and the person recommended for selection. Where appropriate, second and third choice applicants will also be identi- fied. 5. Personnel Director Review - All materials related to the hiring process, as well as the selection recommendation, will be forwarded to the Personnel Director for review and consultation. The Personnel Director may request additional information, if necessary to thoroughly document the hiring process. 6. Employment Offer - The Department Head/Supervisor shall formally offer the position to the selected applicant. A letter of acknowledgement will follow from the Person- nel Director which states the position title, type of appointment, starting salary, beginning date of employ- ment, dates of probationary period, and the name and location of the position's supervisor. 7. Notif ication of Non-Selectees - All non-selected candi- dates will be notified, in writing, by the Personnel Officer, that they were not selected. 8. Document Maintenance - The following materials shall be included among the documentation for each selection: (a) The position description; (b) A copy of the vacancy or position announcement. (c) A copy of the newspaper advertisement, if any, and a list of all recruitment sources used; (d) All applications, application supplement question- naires, and any other application materials re- ceived; (e) A copy of alI selection procedures and any criteria used to evaluate performance; (f) Any written evaluations; (g) The names and titles of any persons who partici- pated in the design or administration of the se- lection procedures; 3 (h) Records or other information for applicant flow; (i) Correspondence with applicants. The items mentioned in above shall be retained, by the Personnel Director for a minimum of three (3) years. D. Special Circumstances: Under certain circumstances, the City reserves the right to dispense with the formal selection procedures. These special circumstances include, but are not limited to, positions reopening within six months, when only one internal applicant applies, special employment programs and emergencies. Other special circumstances will be consid- ered, by the Personnel Director, on a case-by-case basis. 1. Positions Reopening within Six Months. If, after being occupied for a period of six (6) months or less a position becomes vacant, the City will implement appro- priate internal recruitment procedures. If no successful applicant is found internally, the Department Head/ Supervisor may, with the consultation of the Personnel Director, select one or more of the following options to fill that position: a. The Department Head/Supervisor may offer the posi- tion to any applicant identified, during the ini- tial hiring process, as meeting the job require- ments. Reference checks must be completed, in advance of any employment offer, on the applicant being considered for the position. This process may be used until all qualified interviewees have been offered the position. b. Interview additional qualified individuals with applications on file; c. Implement the external recruitment process. The period begins when, and ends six months after, the employment of the initial candidate takes place. 2. Known Abilities - When, during internal recruitment, only one employee applies, the Personnel Director shall perform initial applicant screening. If the applicant is found to meet the minimum qualifications, and the Hiring Committee determines that the employee's skills and abilities satisfy those demanded by the job, the remain- ing selection procedure may be dispensed with upon concurrence of the Personnel Director. 3. Special Employment Programs - Special employment programs are those funded, in whole or in part, by external agencies and include employment training programs, volunteer programs, and internships. Where the need for a special employment program placement is deemed neces- sary or beneficial, the Department Heads/Supervisors forward their requests to the Personnel Office which, in cooperation with the requesting department, develops a statement of tasks to be performed. The request is then forwarded to the appropriate external agency(ies) for action. The Personnel Office will review and maintain records on special employment program participants, including any contractual agreements between the City and the provider agencies. Department Heads/Supervisors are responsible for providing the Personnel Office with regular perfor- mance evaluations on program participants and feedback on program strengths and weaknesses. 4. Emergencies - Whenever an emergency exists which requires the immediate services of one or more persons and it is not practical or possible to secure the services of such persons through the normal recruitment process, the Department Head/Supervisor may, upon consultation with the Personnel Director, make emergency appointments for a period not to exceed sixty (60) calendar days. Emergency appointment employees shall not be entitled to City employee fringe benefits, except as specifically provided under state law and/or in these policies. 5