HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1646 Special Improvement Sprinkling District 9 ..' '..,......-,.~~-. ~' ~ . -'-...' --'---r-~-'--'''' .. - __, "_'.....n'.. - ._.~- ...~.- - . ~,. _ r .,._,..~........ ."._ __. '...... /"'1'001 w.a.' 157 ...,11 OhfOO".k "n , . ..~.~?-C>~74 ~ I//l.,"" _.___ C0l1HIESIOIJ RESOLU'I'IOH NO. lG1IL A RESOLC'l'IOIT OF TIm CI'I'Y C0l1lITSSI01J OF THE CITY OF BOZE!Wr, HOIJTAHA, DECLARIlJG IT TO BE THE IITTENTIO,r OF 'I'liE CITY OF BOZEHA1J ':'0 CREATE A SPECIAL I MPROVEl-lliH'I' DISTRICT TO BE I<2TQHlJ AS SPECIAL HIPROVmtEHT SPRInKLIIJG DISTRICT no. 9 FOB THE PURPWE OF SPTIIHKLIHG 'dATETI. OIL, SALT OR Alry DUST PALLIJ\'L'IVE uPo:r PARTS Alm PORTIONS OF mmT HENDEH- I HALL STREET FTIOH HORTH EEVEHTH AV1mm: TO NORTH ELEVENTH AvnIUE; NORTE EIQH'I'E, nORTH HIlJTII, nORTH 'l'EN'I'}! MID NORTH ELEVENTH AVElJUE8 FROH HES']' I!AIIJ BTR1::E'l' TO vIEf:;'l.' IfCNDEIJII./IJ.,L STREET, IIJ 'THE crn OF BOZEJ'1J'<:iJ; EIJtJI.1JmNCIlJG 'l'IIE STHEETS, AVBNUEf3 !liD PUBLIC PLACES TO BE InCLUDED \'iITHHJ SAID SPREIKLIIJG DIS'i'RICT, PROVIDIIIG T.IIE nAlJHER TO BE EMPLOYED III f3PRIHKLIHG f:.~AID [;TPEETS; ESTH1A'l'IIIG 'l'HE COS'l' OF GPRINKLnTG In SAID DISTRICT AJm PROVIDING FOR TEE I1E'l'HOD OF AGSESstlliNT OF THE PROPERTY TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID f3PRIHKLIHG DISTRICT. v!HERJ:;AS, it is the intention of the Cit;y Commission of the City of Bozeman to provide for the sprinkling of certain portions and parts of streets hereinafter designated. HOTtT, THEREFORE, BE I'l' RESOLVED BY THE CITY COHrIISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE!~MT: foection 1 A''_'._'._.....'.....-------...... pe c ~<:..r:..~~~0E-C2.f In~~nt i o_l!. 'I'hat it is hereby declared to ue the intention of the City of Bozeman to create a special improve-- ment sprinl;:linp; district to be Imovm as f'.TJecial Improvement Sprinkling District~Jo. I) of the City of Bozeman. !!ontana, for the purpose of sprinkling water, oil. salt, or any other dust palliative upon the streets and avenues hereinafter enumerated: 'Ylest Hendenhall f;~treet from lTorth Seventh Avenue to North r~leventh Avcnue; JJorth Eighth, Uorth ninth. IJorth ~Centh, and Horth Eleventh Avenues fro);' Hest l1ain f;treet to ';Jest i1endenhall Street. I f3ection 2 ~., ,,_._~._,--,..,......,.~ BOill1daries - - ._, '~~,.,-"-,'--_..,- The exterior uoundaries of said Special Improvement Sprinkline; District 1'[0. I) a.re a.s follows: Starting at the point of intersection of the centerline of I~orth tJeventh J"-venue (U. f.j. 10) and the centerline of VTest Hain i::treet (U.f3. 191). thence northerly along the centerline of jJorth [jeventh Lvenuc a distance of )15 feet to the north right-of-way line of Fest !1ain rjtreet; thence ","esterl:T alonv said right-of-way a distance of 33 feet to the southeast corner of Block 1, r;pringbrool;. jl.ddi tion, said corner ueinr, the point of bcrr,inninr:; thence continuing westerly alonr: the north right-of-vray line of Hest Hain f:treet across north Eip;hth A.venue, lforth IJinth A.venue, IIorth Tenth Avenue, and Horth J:leventh Avenue to a point on the vest property line of llorth Llevcnth j\venue; thence continuing westerl;;r along the north right.- of.-uay line of Hest 1hin Street a distance of 1 foot; thence northerly IJarallel to and 1 foot distant 'festerly from the llest right-of-way line of Horth Eleventh Avenue to the point of intersection of the extension of the north right--of-way line of 'ilest I,Yendenhall ~3trect extended; thence easterly alonrr, the northerly rir;ht-of-vay line of Hest ;~endenhall Street extended across North Eleventh Avenue to the southwest corner of Dlock. 5, Springbrook Addition; thence northerly along the east rir;ht-of-\ray line of iJorth Eleventh Avenue a distance of 1 foot; thence easterly parallel to and 1 foot northerly from the north rirht- of-\ray line of VTest Itenclenhall f3treet across lJorth Tenth Avenue, IJorth IJinth Avenue, and j:Iorth :Eir;hth Avenue to the east propert:.r line of Block 8. Sprinr,brook Acldition; thence southerly along the westerly right-of-,my line of IIorth Seventh Avenue to the point of beginning. I Containing within the auove described exterior l)oundaries. por- tions of the follmvinr, lots. blocks, tracts and parcels of land, to wit: All of Lots 1 through 23, Block 1; Lots 1 through 21., Block 2; Lots 1 through 24, Block 3; Lots 1 through 19, Block 1i; a portion of Lots 12 and 13, Blocks 4, G, 1, and 8 of SpringlJrook Addition; A portion of an unplatted tract (Bozeman Senior High School). Included vithin the al10ve described district l)oundaries. but excluded from assessment, are the folloving lots. blocks, tracts and parcels of land, to "Tit: Lots 2 through 11. Dlocl\: 1; Lots 8 through 11. Blocks 2 and 3; COHHISGIOH IlCSOLUTIOlJ NO. l61i6 ..- .. .--.,.-. -~ ~__,~.__...__ ,_ _.._." ..~. ~. _. - _............____. __..~_____,_~ .,. ,~,_._,. .....~ .,.,.1. ---_._._~-~ _.~.__ _ ~'_n__.__.____ ._u__'r '~..'..,... ._~_ ,_ ._~__ _~~ _~~ ._'..._..,~...~___....,.....' ~"""""'--'_______--"""'""'T'''!'''''r."''".-...........-..~ft~''' ...._._.u_.,._............,....,........."~_...,___. _on,. ft"~_ .. ___ ~._"_,. .... ~._W _'~ ft.,__. ~. --~....-,~.........,....,_.,_..........,_~........,.,-'~-"'""II ,. ........'. 158 Lots 8 through 12, Blod: 1~, Springbrook J\ddi tion. ~~~_~.ton_J. ~~e_t}l<2..<l_CJKS;l?l'i n1Q-)' n I). That it is the intention of the Ci t;,r of Bozeman to sprinl:le the streets and alleys in said sprinklin[' district by forces employed by the City. I Section 4 -',',-,_.__..'-"'-'~- Estimate of Cost ~ '.........._,-_...----_._,.,-,--,_.,...........~~, The estimated annual cost of said sprinklinG is :)1, l~G"r. 00. The City of Bozerlan will pa;y 25 percent of this cost, and the mme:rs of property frontinr, upon the streets or avenues upon which sprinklinr, is done will pay the remaininr, 15 percent of the cost. Q~:.sj;J_CJn2_ !1ethod of Assessment ,~"'...-,'_._..........,......_.,.-............-'......_.,..... ._-_.,---'.._,~ The assessment for the cost and expense of sprinkling said streets and avenues shall l)e made upon a frontage basis with each lot or parcel of land "\dthin such sprinkling district abutting upon some street or avenue upon 'lhich sprinkling is done to lJe assessed for that part of the '\Thole cost vhich its street frontage bears to the street frontage of the entire sprinl;.linp: district. On this basis. the lineal frontage of the district is 4,1-1-01.00 feet, and the esti:rmted rate of assessment is :;;0.25 per front foot. Section G ~'''-''~'~',_..,,-,~'-'-, ..'_.,~ Assessable Area of District u__,"_~'''' '_"__"_',''''' "_ "_,_,,,_"_,_ _,'___~'...."~.",..,...........,.____~......" ,....._. '1'l1e total front footage of property frontinp: upon streetn and avenues UDon "\thich snrinklinr is to I be done is 4,401. 00 lineal feet, and protests aGainst the proposed ,vor]: '\Till be considered b;'T the City Corur,ission on a. frontage basis. !~.(Lc:f:;.ig!1~ 3. frotests and notice . ,_~_... ,_'."'_',.r..,~,',,'_' .,.',',_"'~,..._,'_"_'"_~".," ~ ~ _ That the regular ~,ession of the Ci t;r C()T'lrr,i8~;ion of the Ci_t:' of ~joZcr"an to Le held s.t the COl'1JJiSf)ion ChaT'lber, Cit:,r imll Building, -dozeIT'an, 'fontana, on ',:edncsda::', the ~~Oth cia;'t of T'c'Lruar;t, l07h, at t;1.e hour of 1:15 o'clock p.Ll. of said day, is the tine and nlace, \-rhen ond ,There trle Cit;r Commission \-rill heo.,r and pa~;s upon all l)rotcsts duI;r ,'1nd regularly mJ1.de 8,)"ld file(~ ap:ainst the cre9tion of said proroGed Cpecial Improvcl;cent ;~::::)rinkling Di,;trict l:O. S;, and the ClerL of the Cit:" Corw:i,;sion [.Ie, and she if, ]l(:-:rcb:r directed to [':i vc notice in t:1C manner a11e} for the tirlC as 1);, lrnr rcnuired of t}lC OdOT\tion of tIds resolution of intention. ,/\DOP','L:D O\y the City Commission of t11e City of -3ozerlan at a rer:ular and st2"tee] session of' said Co:r'- mission held on. t11e 30th dA.Y of' ,January, ln1~. ,/ ";;;"~~,.L~M ,~i---------- - I~DT'1Em P. rJEDIVY, [~;T\ .,tfa;ror Attest: I ,<~ "'-"".~ ?/>::.>~" .",.;: I,<:_.c..~z.,,;,~ .:c:..< -. -.-.-r6_4. _?:.~--~-_..- ..--.. I:Iml'~ V. LARDEJJ Cler]: of the Cit;r CorJJ1l8sion CO::;IIC~)I():r r:]:]f~OLlJ7Ii)iJ :W. lGLIG -'..._""'-~.,_......__.~---_.__.~~-_...................... - -.. - -.-.....- ,-~ --,~ .,~~~- _ .~..... __ ..,,& ~_. "..............-._,..............._..o......-.,~_. .... ....... ..._..._...--..............-_,............... ., .~~ . . .-.., .-"~- ,'~....,~~~~~ -,- ~.-,._. .~-- -~-, -~ ,- ~.......----......... .- .~,. . ~"--"'_..... - -- ..----~ ..- - ......,T.'.~._.. -..- n_ -...- "..-.-.. __ ..-.__- .,.~~"'II..,,~_ ".~,._'.... ...._ "'~"~"_"" ...._.'___~.,._~~ ,'r ,._._._...,._ _.. "..._ ....~ 159 IJQ'.i.'ICE .. -~ ."'-- -".. -,.,~ ~'''~ COIITTIESIOH TI:L:[;OLlh'IOlJ HO. 1646 OF TIIl; CI'::'Y OF BOZEr IAlJ DECLJllUNG ':!,'HI: LJ'rl;iJTro:J OF '1..'lil: CI'l.'Y OF DOZE1TAH TO Cl1EA'I'E A SP1;CIJ\,L IIPHOV.t;! T;.:W.C' DISj,'RIC'l' 'I'D Db r:JiO\ili JUJD DEC]IG:JJ"~'ED AC; "SPECIAl, IlIPTIOVJ~I1L1J'=' SpmIJK-- LDTG DIS'i'TIIC'l' 1JO. 9". I .IW'~'ICE If; ~I:L::m:~;Y. GIVE:~ that on the. 30~h day of <T~. nUIl~Y, 19711, at ~ rcwular session of' the Ci t:r C0lTlI:1lSSl0n of tne Clt;r of l,ozeman> COl"lmlSSlOn T;esolutlon '::,0. 161f6> entltled: A m:[::OLU'.i.'IOTJ OF 'L'llE CI'i.'Y cOInm;srolJ OF' TITE CI'L'Y OF BOZEJIJI':-.r >nOH'J.'AJfJ\, DECLARING I'L' TO I:;]: 'l.'IIL: m'';:'ENTION OF 'l'IH; CI'I'Y OF BOZE!TjlJJ TO CREJ\'l']; A LPECI.AL HIPROVL:JlliWl: mSTRIC'l' ~['O 1m IJTOHTJ AS SFECI1\L H"PRov:r:r1BN'L' fjPRIHKLIHG DILTRIC'." IW. 9 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SI'RIHI\LIlrn 'iIA'[,ER. OIL, [31,LT on f.JJY mm'l' Pl',LLIA'l'IVE upon PARTC) MID POnrnIOIJE:; OF HRi'i' !,[EIIDEN-. hALl, 13TRLE'l' FROB lTORTli SEVEJ'I'I'II 1\VEIJUE TO nOTI'I'II ELEVENTlI AVEnUE; HORTE EIGli'l'H, TJOR'l'E NIWl'H. nORTH TEIITh MID NOETH EL:c\r};TJ~'E AVJmm:G FRatT ViE~7i' HAIl! [)'l'REL:'l' TO \ms~~ i"l:IJDEl'JIIALL STREET, In TUE crl'Y OF BOZEll.^J:J; I':IH.J1.mPJ\'l'IHG 'i'IlI~ L;TP.EE'l'S, AVJmUEC; f,lm Pln3LIC PL1\G}:;; TO BE nJCLUDED HI'l'HIH ~~AID [:;PT\IlJKLInG DIf?l'RICT, P110VIDIHG TIll!: r1Jl.lunm TO Dr: 1:11PLOYED IN SPRI1JKLIIiG L;.t\ID S'I'TIEETS; ESTIHNL'InG THE com' OF' r;PTIIlIKLIHG In SAID DIS~'RICT AIID PP.OVIDIlJG FOR THE lIE'I'IiOD OF ASSES:J- I.rEiTT OF TIlE PROPER'.L'Y '1'0 DE l3J~lmFITED BY ;;1\ID SPRInKLING DISTRICT. ,'Tas passed and adopted. That Hednesday, the 20th day of Februar:r, 1911t, at 1:15 o'clock p.m.., at the Comr~ission Hoorn of the City Hall, Bozeman, IIontana, is designated by Resolution Ho. 164G as the time 1.Then and the place vhere the City COJ"'ID1ission of the City of Bozeman Hill hear and pass upon all protests that rr.ay l1e made against the !J'_akinC of such improverlents, or the creation of said di:otrict. Protest must be made in writing and delivered to the Clerk of the City Commission "Vii thin fifteen (15) days after date of' the first publication of this notice. I 'l'he general. character of the improvements proposed to be made is the sprin}:linv of \Tater, oil, salt, .or any dust palli.ative upon those streets set forth and described in sa.id Hesolution no. l61r6. 'l'he estimated cost of said il"lprovements ,Iithin the district is ~l,lfG7. 00. For a description of the boundaries of said Special Improvement f3prinkling District No.9, reference is hereuy made to Hesolution Ho. 1646 of the City Com.mission of the City of Bozeman, declaring the intention to create said district, which is on file in the office of the u,ndersigned Clerk of said Ci ty Comrnission in the City He,ll of said City of Bozeman, in the state of Fontana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and the public generally. 'l'his notice is gi vcn pursuant to the provisions of Section 11~~2~204, Hevised Codes of Hontana, 19117. Dated this 30th day of January, 1914. J, ~ ,/'~., ,.-c> -' - ' _.~>"~; ~-4~ 17MA:.!-V-: HJ\RDiiJG (Z>:.~,.__/____'_______._ Clerk of the City Comrnisslon State of 110ntana ) County of Gallatin : ss City of Bozeman ) 1, I;rna V. Hardin€'" Clerk of the Commission of tlle Ci t:r of IJozeman do hereby certify, that the foregoing I :ro. tice. Has PUbli.. shed at length in the .L;ozenan Daily.. Chronicle. a nevspa:pcr of gen.. eral CirCUl.ation printed and published in said City in the issue of the 4th day of Febru8.r;'I 1911f and due proof of such :publication is on file in my office. IU jII'l'rmE;S IfIIETILOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of' rn;'!" of'f'ice this 20th day of Fe-uruary 19Th. :,-) y/ ('. --:y ~ ._-~~~~~__!..:_m {S~-f-~4__________,_,__ Emu, V. JIARDIIiG ...-/ Clerk of the City Commission C0l11Uf;mOlr RmmI,lJ'I'IOIT IW. 161j6 -~.- -~.- -- ~,_. "0_.- _...... ._....__. ~_ ~,__...... _ ,__~_.,__. _,_~. __ ___