HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1654 Special Improvement Sprinkling District 9 .-.. ~~' .....'........ '--~......~ ~. '~'''''~-.---'- -,. '~~..,.........~., ~--......~.... ., -, _._--~ -... ... -'.....- ~.._.. ...'. - -- "........ ._~-~ 174 .~...'f h~~(;, WJtt-~ j';h~~{,~~}t 2-- -".Lt.> - 74 ~",r~,.,.. ~""r.__.., ~VH",,__...._ CX1'r>TTPf'TmJ rmSOLI:r:::'IOlJ TIO. J(:))' ^ rmSOUJTInrT OF ~'FE rI'T'Y CO~1T1TSPIOTJ OP "'Hr CI'''Y n" nn7;T"~.^n, '~mTrPMT!'., CnrJl'T'EJn J'. Fn~r;L^L U'T'!10VFHr:N'" PPRIJTvLnm Dlf''I'Pl:r~rr' 'pn BF T2J()1TT /'8 PPFCIJ\I, r'lT'TIoVJ~~'CCTTT rT'Tm:nCr,PTri DJPTTU(;'11 HO. :' 017' TITT' r;J:TV nF B07.EH!\N Fon THI': rURPOSE OH' fcPPPWr,UIG \<'ArnPP, OIL, 8-^UP Or: ATJY DUST PfiLLIJI '111VF UPON r ARTS MII' rORTIOHG OT" ;:EG", ~PJ'mrTmILI, ;~TrG:I~rn FHnp :'TOPTF 8:P.VF:Nr.:'E f\.Vlmu:'~ ~!'O lT0'1tnE FTJT'VI~JeE J\VFInm j nOR~f1E rIf1FTF, POPT}! nnTr'lIT, I nORTH rJ'T~;TTH /\Tm TInRTI: I~:r,T:"lTlTTH fiVr:r:;UFf' "P()F T1T'SfTI HPPT ,,"'pEr'" "'n ~ni:S'I' ~ fI:I;TJDI:mTALL mr?f:r'r, Dr "'HI: CITY np ]30ZE1 fllTJ . '/fEFREA8 , at a re".ular session of the City Conm:i.ssion of the Cit;T of TjoZeI'18,n, he}(l on t~1e 30t:h day of ,Tanuar;T, 1)1)' , the srd.d City Comrlission du1;, passed Gomm:Ission T?psolution ~:o'O 101.( , declnrinr i_t to be the intention of the said rit:,' Comrlission to crente a snecial iJ"i'lrov8rnent end nkJ.:i.nr'" di strict to h= knmm and desif"natcd as f'necial IT'1n-rovement CnrinJ"linr 1istrict 'To. ("} of H'e said C"_tv f'or the nur110se of s:prinlclinp; "rJarts ~.nd Y'1ortions of certain streets i_n t]~~f' ci tv' of' Bouman, '!ontana, awl to ~mecia1b" a.ssess the entire cost and eXnense of' mal:inp: said "nnroveT'1cnts fwainst the nronert'" vit11in saic district under and -by vjrtue of tLe m"ovisions of t'fle 1,'1.')'-8 of' the stHte of' '~ontRna in SUCl) en~;n r'f!.re p,nd Y'1rovider.. and saie"_ COTt1T'1issirm "?esolution Fa. 1(1:1) j s here'):,' ref'erred to and T'1D.tle n nnrt "0r.-:0-(' f'orf'urther '~1ar. ticulars in respect to the l;ounclaries of sain f'')0c:;8.1 Ir'CY'1rovernent :::nr:inl:15nr nj strict ITo. ~, the esti~atp~ cost Of' saie_ imnrovements. and the method of' n:,sesrd_n". the SW'le ppll5nst t}10 nrO'lprt', ()p said c1J~trict; ['.n(~ " T/TH]":?P fiJ~ " notice of tlIe }"1Bssare o-P srdd Co:nmission 11esolution ~TO. 101( em.S 0ul" nllblis1\,e(1, as rC"11" reel l)y lav, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, D. daiJ." ne',{snaner of r:eneraJ. circulation nrinted Hnd nublisnen in the city of Bozeml1n, "tontana, and 1);," sendin". a cony of' such notice 1,,, TJ. f-; . T'1nj]. to each nerson, firm or cornoration havinp: nronerty vi thin the nronosed district at his or its In,st l:novn address: unon the SI"J!le date that such notice 1:-aS first nu1JJis:!-1ecl ~18 aforesaid, and due nroo-f' havinrr ':een I"ade of the I nub1j,cation and service of said noti_ce: and, 1/Hr:nl'}\F', within the time nroviderl 1:" 1m! and said nu1)lished and ~1erved notice the:r:-e 1.'cre not su-f'., ficient nrotests a".ainst the creation of said 'lronosed ;'nccial Trmrove1"cnt 8nrinkJinr Distr" ct no. () _", i and the Citv COT"misrJion vas in rep-ulFtr session thf' 2()t}1 dn.;<." o-P Dp:;ruary, 191)' , at 1:1) o'clocl~ n.I'1. of said cay, at the COMmission ChaT'llJer in the r;i tv Fall Buildinrr in the sg-Ld city of :nozer.Jan, '~ontRnll, the same beinrr the tiT"e and nlace desip:nated in said noti_ce for npssinrr unon all 'lrotcsts. i f 11.11.'", np"jnst the nroposed '.TOrI: or against the crea,tion or extent of said district, or l)oth or eitl-,er; and it furt11er annearinp: that all of the nroceedinrs for the creation of said district have been lauful B,nd ref'ular'O ITaif TPF'REH'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY CO!'IJI1IfTI0lT nT' r~pr ClfTlY OF B0~r;HJ\.::T: Section 1 ~., _","_ _ ""'_"'W"..M' _.~ _ r~ha.t the said nnecial Imnrovel11cnt GnrinJc:1inr District Ho. ('1 of' the City ()f 1~ozel"an 1)(", and the same is hereo;T created :for the nurnose of makinp- the iT"nrovernents as in said Resolution of' Intention Ho. 161,6 and hereinafter descrHied. ~;ect:Lon :2 .' "'~ '- .+-..,......,.,.,"~".,_, 'm '['hat said snecj,al iI'1nrovements l,e, and the same are, herelw ordered to l,e made in said Snec5al Tmnrovement SnrinkHn[" District No. 9 0.8 follm.JS : I SPRPTT0JTHG I!JI'i'E11, OIL. SJlL'T' on .I\NY DUST rfi.LLTJ"rprr T!POlT PfiR-'T1P, fiND pnRTIONS OTi' FEST !!ErmFN}{ALL PTnEr'I' :mm! TTORTH rFVlmTH!'1!}i'lJUE ny) NnRTE ELEVElJTH A\T]i;Imr; HO'PTH EIGETH, NO'1TII EDITH, NOR'I'IT r'f1TTTrrJT nm NORTH ELEVImTII fi_VrmI:r;:S rnO!f ImS~.~'tI\IN CT:'1EET -'T1(i FEnT 'U~ITDEHn!\LL PTn:rrT, HJ TIm CITY (iTi' DOZEP.AN. .C.e.c.t.i .oD.....3 ':'hat the entire cost and exnense of r1akin". the iJ'1nrovements herein ref'errr:('I to in said f~""'ecial Imnrovement 8:nrinJ-:linr ;-Jistrict :rIo. 9 shall "he assessed unon a frontaf'e 1'asis vit:!1 eac1:1 lot or narcel COT'!'IISnmr RESnLUTI(in ::m. J/5)' .........-- ~~~,~ ~ ,~..'- .---.. "._~. ~- .. -_._.,~ ..~,~.~~~~_._.~.~_. ................,~~............,- ,................ .......................... -~---~_.. --~ ,.,-- ~......~ ~-_._-- ~~,. --. ,-......... ......----~. .--.,. .-. ._~ & .,._............ ""'"-"n .~........... - ~""- ~- ,-,...... ~--_.__.. ...-....----- --~- - ,- .~ . .n ,. .._ _ '7_....... .. ~ '~_ ---,.. n_ - --, ~~_. '.-'. 17fi of land ',d.thin such snrinl":_linrr district al)uttinr: unon some street or avenue unon 'liThic'\.1 snr:inJdinrr is done to be assessed for that n~rt of the '.Thole cost ,rhich its street frontage 'bea.rs to the street :!'rontap'e of the entire snrinklinrr district. pj\p.mm AND ADOnTI'~D by the City Commission of the Cit~r of BOZP"lan at a rerrular "ession thereof' held I on the 20th a.a:" of February, 191~. // . ~ / k / // // -/ L :;--'--"<-"'" , .>/ /// ,'4~,c' . <_f'" _ ~~~__;;e__.__~?_.df:_~_ ~. .-~;L., ..~~_.'_mm ..,- m ./ ",. _ nm p.; SEDIVY, f'~., ~'aY0f , . . y ~ .." P.ttest: .' /" .' j,...//A_-L ,?," C); / I :_~naL -[--- ~- -7- _.- r:mJA v. H1\RDIJ1(1 Clerk of the City Commission State of Hontana ) County of' (',allatin : ,,'" L) .,} City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Fardinp" Clerk of the Comm5.Rsion of the Ci tv of Dozem~m do herebY certif'v that t"h_e forcl"toinp' l1esolution 2'10. IG5~ 'TaS 1')ublishcd 1)7 title and number ~_n the Boze:r18.n Daily Chronicle, a nevsnaner of general circulation nrinted and nul)lishec in Bozermn :tn the 1s:-;ue of Februarv 23 ~ 1~7)! ~ DJ1() dne nroof of such nu1:Jlication is on file in mv of'fice. IN TH'I'ITF'Sr. \'!EFPFOF I hereunto set m'T hand H.nd p~ffjx the cornorate seal of T'W off~.cf" this 20th de.'r of' T<'ebruA.r~r, En)l. I 5;J /'/'~~ ~ntTf5~T):rii'r~ -- .- - "7--'-""" -..-... .- C~.er1~ of' the City Comr1iss:1_on I COHtn:f'.GION m~f',OJ,lJ'1'ImT ~Tn. l(Sh ~-~~ -.." .-. - .~ --~. --~ ---, ~ ,,- -.- .~.~ . . - --_.- .~.. -.- - -- -.,." _'no _ _on. . ...-- . .,-