HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1652 Special Improvement Sprinkling District 7 - --.... ~--...-. ,'~-~..- '11"'.......-, .......-. ~-'~'......'~"'--.' .',- '~""", - ...........,~.__.. -~ -..... ...' .-...- .,~.,.....,~---"...,.. ......... ~..~...............-.~_. ""'1"'-' ......____.,._ _. 170 r~,~',t'f' ;~'-!ift<<..: tfJ:'\I1, :;-b~,,,,,'~:(j; 2. - 2.G>' 7-../ ~""'''''''~''' ',.',,,.".""- E- V 1-1....._"... cor IT~lf;fnOn T\EC:OLUTIOII 110. lG')2 1. rmC30LIYi'I01I OF '~'!G; CITY Cm1!m~nIm; OF ~['HE CITY OF ]30Z:r:: 'U'.JI, r/OH'TAJP. CRENl'IHG A iJPECIAL H:I)J\OVf;r"!EH'l' C:PRnnCLInG DIf)'J'1UC'J' TO DE I:::llmm flf GPr:CIAL HU'ROV1:I::JJJ'I' C;PRIW:LIJJG DIf::TPIC'l' no. 1 OF 'l'ITE CI'l'Y OF nOL',]':: ~i'J I FOR j,'HE PUHPOf;}: OF' bPRITrKLIiJr: 'iT/.'I'ER, OIL, :']1\L'1' OT\ l'ITY mn~'1' Pl',LLIJ\.. TIVE upon PAHTf~ MID POR':'IO;W or l:N:T J\~m \:I~L'I' 1~.::;mEj'TEJI.LL, HOR'';:'Il \TALLACE A V1~Nm:, HORTH lJI,f\CK f\VElJUL::, nOT\TII ClmpClI l'.VEJJU1;, ;WJT:'II r.:OUf~I~ I f\vJ,:mn:, n OR'l'I: :GO:;lJIf\H A VJ;:nuu:, norTH Gr:AiD A VI:;WE, nOR'I'E '.;:'EIPD A VEJHm, ,J()P''.L'H FIF"I'H j,YJ:Inm, ;JORTH ',IILLf::on AVlmm;, HOJ1'I'H 'j'TiACY AVCiHJT;, \'T~n'r :r:m.l\lJL C;TRl:;E'l', 1'JJD W:~~),~;' L}\J 1H;': [;'~ImE'l' D ']'lm CITY OF :3()ZE: ,JIjJ . lTIIERE:AD , at a regular session of the r,it;T r,o]'\1r1is::;ion of the Cit~t of Bozerran, held on the 30th da~r of January, lSi11, , the said City Corranission duly passed ComT'lission Resolution lio. IGJ,4, dccle,rinp- it to be the intention of the said City Commission to create a special ir,nroveT'lcnt sprinklinp: district to be l;:nOim and designated as [;pecial Improvement Dprinklinp; District IJo. '( of the srdd City for t1.1e pUr'1ose of sprinldinp; parts and IJortions of certain streets in the ci t:'T of Dozc1'1an, ~<ontana, and to specially assess the cntire cost and expense of maL:i.np; said iY:lprovementr; ap:ainst the propert;T lTithin said district under and 'oy virtue of the provisions of the lmrs of the state of j,fontana in such case Made and provided, and said CommiSGion IIesolution lJo. IGI,), is here1J;,r referred to and made a part 11ereof for further parti-. culars in res]!ect to the boundaries of said Special Improvement Dprinldinp; District Ho. 1, the estiY1ated cost of said improvements, and the method of assessinr. the same ap;ainst the property of said district; and, \'JliERENJ, notice of the passage of said Cornm5.ssion :Resolution :Jo. lGIiI. yTaS duly pulJlished, as re- quired by lay!, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a dail;T nei-fspaper of r;eneral circulation printed and pUl)lished in the city of Bozeman, !lantana, and by sending a copy of such notice by U. s. mail to each person, firm or corporation havinr: property .rithin the proposed district at his or its last knm-Tn 8.<1-. I dress, upon the same date that such notice \Tas first nu11lished as aforesaid, and due proof havinp: been made of the publication and service of said notice; and, m-mHEAS, id.thin the time provided by law and said published and served notice there .'Tere not suf- ficient protests ar.ainst the creation of said proposed Special Improvement Gprinklinp: District No. 1, and the City Commission yTaS in regular session the 20th day of February, lS\1h, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. of said day, at the Commission Chamber in the City Hall Buildinp: in the se,id city of Bozerna.n. ~!ontana, the same being the time and place designated in said notice for passinp: upon all protests, if any, against tiw proposed vork or against the creation or extent of said district, or both or either; and it further appearing that all of the proceedings for the creation of sRid district have been lawful and rep;ular. nml, 'fHEREFOR:E, B1!: I'l' Rm30L VED BY THE CITY COJ'1!!IfmIOJ'I OF rI'llE CI'I'Y OF' DOZJ;:VJ\JJ: ( nection 1 .. -"~-'..........-..........~'-'''........-. That the said r:pecial Improvement [3prinkling District lJo. 7 of the City of Bozeman l)e, and the same is hereby created for the purpose of mak.ing the :improvements as in said Hesolution of Intention Ho. 1644 and hereinafter described. Uection 2 I .... '._.'-,. -., ....-..,.,.,.... . _...... .'"" That said special improvements be, and the same are. hereby ordered to l'e T'1aele in ~:;aid C;pechtl Improvement Sprinkling District No. "( as follmfG: f3PRIHKLING ;!A'l'ER, OIL, Di'.LT OR JUJY DUf)'l' PALLIA'l'IVE uPon PARTS Aim PORTIONr3 OF E.AGT MID H1:f3'I' l'IEIJDElJlIALL, NOR~L'n\!ALLJ\Cl; l',Vl~mJI;, =mTn'lI BLACK A vr;:?JUE. HOR'I'}f CHUHCli A VlCIIlJJ,!;, IJ OHTIT ROUDE J\VEHlJE, lJOnrl']{ BnZJ.;PJlJI A VENUE, lJORrrn GRAl;']) JI,VEiJUE, H0TI'111 ':'IiII'm JWEIIUE, IWTI'I'H PIF'TH AVE1JUE, lJOR'J:'H \lILI,CJO]J A. VENUI:, lJOR'l'H TI?1,CY J\VEmJI~, lrCS~C DEP.LL fj'j'J\LET, MJD ;:rES'l' Lf\J,1J'TE GTTIlGE'l' m TIlE CITY OF BO~:'.l'lWI. Cmrm3SIOIJ REDOLlJ']'IOIJ :10. 1052 .-........~....~- ......._..~~ --~_.......,. ~ ---~&- ----. -- . . - ._......__.OJ. ,---,,".~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ...-.- _0- . ... -_. . . .~,~_...... ___..1&.". ._~~~ ,... __ _ __............... ___ _._..........._.-.._ __" .,_.. ~__ _ _~_,J_ ~ _ __ _ ~_~.n __ ...... ~~ _ ___. ~_ . .._...., __~ ,. c. _., __ _. _ . ..,-' -"..-....- ..-- ~.,_._-_. "' - .'.,. --~._.,--_." ,,-,. .,.....-- - ,.-- .-. .'. .--.- 171. p_~_cj:.J.9_n_..;1" '1'hat the entire cost and ex:rensc of makinr: the improvements herein referred to in said fJpecial Improvement Sprinl:,linr: District ~io. 1 shall 1)8 assessed uopn a frontage basis Iff th cl3.ch lot or parcel of land vri thin such sprinkling district abutting upon some street or avenue upon ,Thich sprinklinG is I done to be assessed for that part of the ,,;hole cost uhich its street frontage lJears to tl:e r;treet frontage of the entire sprinLlinl! district. FAGGED MID ADOP'l'ED b;',' the City Commission of the City of Bozeman at a rep:ular session thereof held. on the 20th day of February, 191h. r""'"/''' ..' / '.-- ..' / /' ::/~,<;;/~,.> ...........//..://:/.,i/.<<;:~~",./ -/", (~.;;.....~-"-':#t-~-~~..<:..;<...,...,;,_.,"",-'-_.__._._._--"-_.~ ,,/ F:mmjm p. f,i~DI~, em. > .pa7ror ""'.~..,...... "7"'/ , 'J Attest: /"."- /'~ ,";'> / )" , ,/ " /' '." /' E"",4~ .- ._......_._~-l. . 7'---'------- r:RNh v. H./IJmIJJG Clerk of tIle City Corunission btate of Hontana ) County of Gallatin : ss Git~f of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Eardinp:. Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the :forep:oinr Resolution 110. lG52 lvaS published by title and number in the 130zeman Daily Chronicle, a nevrsT)aper of I general circulation printed and published in Bozeman in the issue of February 23, 191J~, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN ~n'J'lJEm; T~lHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 2Gth day of February, 1914. '~':L ). ...., ()~ / _...~':.fC~__.L~?~_.,__~__.__,____._,___ ERNA V. llARDEJG Clerk of the Cit:r Commission I COTUUESIOIT nESOLtJTION no. 1652 .,..._..,'~ - .~-- - . --~,-_. - ~--- .--..-'- - . _ L__ .. .. "--,_._-- n _. _ ._. _ . --- --. ._~, ~- ~._.__..,_._-_.- .._.a",.