HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1650 Special Improvement Sprinkling District 5 ,. ~ - . . ~ -,..- - ... .....,........,,-"T. ."'T"T'"_~'.....-..-.--"- - . -. ~ ......-- ~------.,........-.- - .......... ."...- ~-'""----~~~....-.. ..~. ~.. ..-~ ,. ,.. ."1--.-.- --.....~_..~~..r ."'.......... .....; .-. r..._ -" ,., ~-... ...--.r~''''''' -.-.,.. 16G Pr,*_.:.( ~~;~..t;(.'.~ <Io.t,<'j ,'t><" .,..., ,"""'..,..... 2 . 2(.,- 7'1 EVH _~ _, ,,11 COHrHSSIOlJ REBOLUTIOIr 1m. lGjO A RESOLUI'IOH OF 'l'HE crn cmnUSSIon OF 'rHE CITY OF BOZI.J-!J\j{, HON'::'PjJP, CREA'l'IHG A SPECIAL HfPROVEHEHT SPRIlJIG~nJG DIL>TIUC'i' TO BE IcumnI AS SPECIAL IMPHovm'1EHT fiPRIIIKLING DIf3TIUC':' NO. 5 OF THE CITY OF BOZEHAlJ FOR THE PURPmm OF r;PRINKLIIJG \':ATER, OIL, 8AW' OR AirY DUCT PALLI.I\- 'I]IV}~ UPON PAR'l'f) AIm POR'l'Imm OF lWRTH SE'Im~JTH _AVENUE II! THE CITY OF BozmWI. I HHEREAS, at a regular session of the City CoTt1mission of the City of Bozeman, held on the 30th day of January, 1914, the said City Commission duly passed COMmission He solution No. lOl2, declaring it to be the intention of the said City Cormnission to create a special ir1provement sprinLling district to be knOlm and designated as f;pecial Improvement [-;prinkling District =10. 5 of the said Ci tv for the purpose of sprink.line; parts and portions of lJorth f;eventh Avenue in the city of Bozeman, Montana. and to specially assess the entire cost and expense of mal:inr said improvements ar:ainst the property within said district under and by virtue of the provisions of the lalTs of the state of rTontana in Bucll case made and provided. and said Commis~;ion He solution 110. 1(~112 is hereb;T referred to and made 8. part hereof for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said f;pecial Irn!Jrovement f:;pr:i.nklinp; D5.Btrict 1Jo. 5, the estimated cost of said improvements, and the rnethod of assess:i.nc the Brune against the propert~r of said district; and, ',lEEJ\EAB, notice of the passap;e of said Comrnisdon TIesolution jlo. 10.2 lIaS dul;' published, as required by law, in the Bozeman Dail;," Chronicle, a daily nelIsnaper of reneral circulation printed and published in the cit;T of j30zeman, ;Iontana, and b;' sendinr a cony of such notice b;' T:. P. TIail to each :person, firm or corporation havinf }Jropert:r Iii thin the proposed district at his or its last 1'~nOlTn acl~ dress, upon the same date that ~>uch notice ,ms first nul)lished as aforesaid, and due proof havinr been I made of the pu"olication and service of said. notice; and, ~i:EEnEAC, 'Idthin the time provided. by lalT and said published [md served notice there ue.re not sufficient protests:tp;ainst the creation of sp.id pro:posed [;:pedal Irn:p.rovcI"ent fiprinl:linr Ti:i.strict ~To. r'" and the Cit;r Comnission lTa~; in rer;ular ,;ession t11e 20th da;' of Pebrwlry, 191)1, at 1:15 o'cloc1; D.n. ), of said day, at the Corru:nission Chanli.Jer in the City Hall Buildinr in the ,;aid city of Bozeman, T~ontana, the sarne beinr; the tirre and place des:i.rnated in said notice for 1)a~sinC upon all protests, if any, ap;ainst the proposed vorl or against the creation or extent of srid district, or l'oth or either; and it further apnearinr: that all of the proceedinr;s for the creation of said (15 strict :lave lH"en lauful nnd rep;ular. nml. THEREFOm;. BE I'l' Fl~SOL VED BY 'J'lIE CI'J'Y cmn !If:;::nOH e}1i' r.i.'llE CI'l'Y OF BOZEPJ\IJ : fjection 1 - ..._.~.,- -,,,.._.__.,~...~._~ That the sa.id Special Improverr:ent ['prinl:ling District rTo. ) of the City of ::'~ozc:rlan ()e, and the same is hereby created for the purpose of ma}'inr; the ir~provements as in said Eesolution of Intention No. lG42 and hereinafter described. [:;ection 2 ~,-, "_._~-~~,,_............. ..._~ I '['hat said special improver~ents be, and the same are, hereby ordered to be I'1ade in said 8:oecial Improvement Sprinkling District Ho. 5 as follmrs: ::;PRIIJKLIlIG HJlTER. OIL, f3J\.LT em A[JY DUST PALLIA'l'IVE UPON I'JlJI'I'f) JlJTD PORTIons OF nORTH fmVl:n'l'H AV1r;HUE III '[]Im CI'l'Y OF BOZElWI. QE_C..:t}_9E_,J_ That the entire cost and expense of mal:,ing the iT:l.provements herein referred to in BH:i.d [)pedal Improvement Cprinkl:i.np: District iJo. 5 shall be assessed upon a frontap;e hl,s:i.s ,d.th each lot or parcel CmlHISGIOH RESOLUTIOn no. IG50 -. _.......L.-~..~._ _..._.._ ._. ____~_....~. ~...__... ~~n...__' _ ............... __ _.. ~..._~ .............._.......... ,_ _........._._..... _ _....._ _..........~._. ............................................."-_ _~... .._...........___. _~_ _ .__~............ ~ __.._.._~. ~..............._-......._..~~___.~ __.~._. . ~~_ ---...._.,--"~__ L ~ _ __...... -P"- -~~- m..~'" _ ,. ..-.. -~.._. -.,.. --,.." . -. ~.--,._,_. - -. -,.~- 167 of land wi thin such sprinklinr; district abuttj,nr upon some street or avenue upon i'Thj,ch sprinklinr; is dor:e to be assessed for that part of the i'Thole cost which j, t~~ "treet frontar;e lJcars to the street frontage of the entire sprinkling district. Pf\.t;:-JED j\lm ADOPS'ED by the City Commission of the City of :Bozeman a.t a rep;ular session thereof held I on the 20th day of February, 1914. 0' // //d / ..' ./,/ .c~' ~... -;-<~;",_,..,/-,~,.,-;>./ /~ _'~'''" 'z' .. /' .... " U. ,-",,",-,,"--,,+._#-- + '. .~_--=:...L-_____,._.. /~1JND P. mmIVY, SR. !'~a:r9;r/' ( ".'~ Attest: '''~--7< /-)-/ L ~ '., ' /' .,-, v/"./ / l),."ct:~..,._/_"-r:z.:~:kd"~-:"~----"'-'._"---- }:1\NA V. HARDIdG.. .F Clerk of the City Commission State of ~..lontana ) County of Gallatin : ss Ci ty 0 f Bozeman ) I, 2;rna V. Eardinp;. Clerk of the COr.JJ1ission of the Ci t~r of Bozeman do hereby certify that the forep;oinr: Hesolution 110. l(SO was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of p;eneral circulation printed and published in Bozeman in the issue of February 23, 1911.. and due proof of such publication is on file in MY office. III HI TllESE; HHERl;OF I hereunto set m~r hand and affix the corporate seal of m;)r office this 2Gth day of February, 1914. I ,-;) .' // .-..-}/ ~ I'. " (- > }~A~DiIJ~~"~~Z?A'7----'--- Clerl~ of the City Comrr.ission I COJ11!ISSIOl! ImSOLU'I'ION NO. 1650 . &, .,~,- ,. - ...~. - ---- . ..-- ... ._, ~ . ....- ~ ---- --- .~ ... ,- -,-,. .. ~- .. ~_... . . ...~- .. ~,-- - ,,-"- ~ _.~. -.--- ..-