HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-28 Tetra.pdf Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Craig Woolard, Public Works Director Dustin Johnson, Project Engineer SUBJECT: Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech Inc. for ongoing post-closure soil gas investigation at the Story Mill Landfill. MEETING DATE: October 28, 2013 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize City Manager to sign. BACKGROUND: The City of Bozeman is required by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to monitor the environmental impacts of the Story Mill Landfill. Tetra Tech (previously Maxim Technologies) has served as the City’s consultant for landfill providing sampling, technical reports to the DEQ, and State and Federal compliance consultation. Sampling authorized in previous task orders discovered volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the soil in the residential area south of the landfill. Tetra Tech has been conducting an investigation of the migration of soil gas from the landfill and developing mitigation strategies for homes in the area. This task order authorized the work necessary to accomplish the following task related to soil gas migration from the landfill. • Understand the nature and extent of indoor air and subslab air quality in the Bridger Creek Estates Phase 2 and Phase 3 homes. • Design and install soil gas mitigation systems within the 26 homes in the Phase 3 neighborhood. Monitor mitigation system operation and indoor air quality in homes after mitigation systems have been installed. • Provide Community Relations support as requested. • Provide Project Management, including oversight of scope schedule and budget. The proposed cost for this task order is $547,828. 16 FISCAL EFFECTS: The entire project will be funded through the Solid Waste Landfill Closure/Post-Closure Fund. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Task Order from Tetra Tech Inc. Report compiled on: 10/18/13 17 Page 1 of 6 TASK ORDER SOIL GAS STUDY Soil Gas Investigation and Mitigation Tasks BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL October 8, 2013 CLIENT: CONSULTANT: The City of Bozeman Tetra Tech, Inc. P.O. Box 1230 851 Bridger Drive, Ste 6 Bozeman, Montana 59711-1230 Helena, MT 59715 Attention: Mr. Dustin Johnson Attention: Mr. Kirk Miller SCOPE OF SERVICES: Tetra Tech has been conducting an investigation of soil gas migration from the Story Mill landfill site since early in 2013. This has been a relatively fluid project that has changed scope and direction on several occasions as new data has come in. Tetra Tech submitted a Task Order on July 14, 2013, which projected the scope of work and costs that were anticipated to be necessary through August 2013. That scope of work has been completed and Tetra Tech has been requested by City staff to conduct a number of additional tasks, which are outlined in this proposal. Some of these tasks overlap with the scope of work in the July 13, 2013, Task Order because additional work was required (e.g., more samples per house were necessary, higher costs due to expedited laboratory analysis, etc.). This Task Order outlines the work anticipated to be necessary to accomplish the following:  Understand the nature and extent of indoor air and subslab air quality in the Bridger Creek Estates Phase 2 and Phase 3 homes.  Design and install soil gas mitigation systems within the 26 homes in the Phase 3 neighborhood.  Monitor mitigation system operation and indoor air quality in homes after mitigation systems have been installed.  Provide Community Relations support as requested.  Provide Project Management, including oversight of scope schedule and budget. TASK 100 – SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION The residential soil gas investigation will consist of residential indoor air and subslab air sampling and groundwater sampling of several irrigation wells. Tetra Tech will conduct subslab soil gas sampling through the concrete slab in either the home or the attached garage of homes in the Bridger Creek Subdivision Phase 3 and in four homes in Phase 2. If possible, existing radon mitigation systems may be utilized to collect soil gas from beneath concrete slabs. This method of sampling will be conducted in accordance with Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Vapor Intrusion (VI) Guidance (August, 2011) and Tetra Tech’s Indoor Air Quality Sampling and Analysis Plan Addendum (SAP). Permanent subslab, soil gas sampling ports (also referred to as vapor pins) will be installed using a drill with concrete drill bits. A flat, stainless steel, tamper proof cap will protect the vapor pin. Samples will be collected with 6 liter SUMMA canisters and dedicated flow controllers. A helium shroud will be used during the collection of all subslab samples in accordance with DEQ’s VI guidance and Tetra Tech’s SAP. Samples will be shipped to Eurofins Air Toxics in Folsom, California, for a five-day turnaround laboratory analysis of 38 volatile organic compound (VOC) constituents by analytical method TO-15 Selective Ion Mode (SIM). Particulars of the investigation for the subdivision phases are described below. 18 TETRA TECH OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Page 2 of 6 Bridger Creek Subdivision, Phase 3 Contingent on homeowner cooperation, Tetra Tech will collect a minimum of one subslab sample from each residence in the Bridger Creek Subdivision, Phase 3. There are 26 homes in this subdivision phase and two homes under construction. Therefore, a minimum of 28 vapor pins will be installed and samples collected. One set of subslab samples for all of Phase 3 will have been collected by the end of September 2013. The sampling event during August and September, 2013, was part of the City of Bozeman’s initial response to the soil gas issue. Bridger Creek Subdivision, Phase 2 Also contingent on homeowner cooperation, Tetra Tech will conduct indoor air and subslab sampling on the east side of Bridger Creek Subdivision, Phase 2 as an investigative method in determining the westward extent of soil gas impacted with VOCs. This task order assumes that only 46 homes in Phase 2 will need to have two indoor air and one subslab sample collected. This sampling will occur two times with a split sample collected during the second sampling event, which will be submitted to Pace Laboratory for confirmation of results. Private Well Sampling In the course of conducting residential surveys and indoor air sampling, Tetra Tech has identified residences that have a private well for lawn and garden irrigation. With the owner’s permission, water quality samples will be collected to provide additional information as the extent and magnitude of VOC impacts to groundwater south of the landfill. Our task order assumes up to 20 private wells will be identified by this program that will warrant sampling. Samples will be submitted to Pace Analytical Laboratories in Billings, Montana, for analysis of VOCs in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260B MSV Low Level. Indoor Air and Subslab Sampling Results Reporting The focus of this investigation has been on individual homes; hence, the reports prepared to date have provided results on a home-by-home basis, not a site-wide basis. Tetra Tech will compile the collected data into a larger overview on a periodic basis. This will probably be driven by DEQ requests for updates or reports. Tetra Tech will compile the results for all homes and summarize our findings into individual letter reports for each homeowner. These letters will be produced for the indoor air samples, the subslab samples, or a combination of the two data sets, depending upon when the data is collected (some homes will have both sample types collected concurrently). The data will be compiled into a Microsoft Access database so that data tables can be produced to present any combination of data that is needed to support a letter report. The letter reports will be submitted to the City for final review and distribution to the homeowners. Tetra Tech will attend homeowner meetings with City staff as requested to present the indoor air sample results. Individual homeowner meetings are not anticipated for the subslab sample results or for the Phase 2 sampling program. Tetra Tech will compile a summary report that presents the data up through the indoor air and subslab sampling portions of the program. The objective of this program will be to provide a larger scale analysis of the distribution of VOCs in the subsurface and within homes, such that horizontal and vertical variability of VOCs concentrations can be analyzed. This report will be focused on presentation of data on figures, graphs, and in tables in an effort to elucidate trends, gradients, ratios, and other relationships that may help in the overall understanding of the source, migration, and transport of the VOCs. This report may include data from the progress reports produced early in 2013 for the soil gas probe efforts. Tetra Tech will prepare homeowner letters as needed for the Phase 2 homeowners. TASK 200 – MITIGATION All Phase 3 homes will undergo a review to evaluate whether they warrant mitigation to reduce VOC concentrations inside the home. We have not included mitigation for any Phase 2 homes in this proposal, 19 TETRA TECH OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Page 3 of 6 since it is unknown whether that will be necessary. The mitigation design and implementation process will entail the following steps:  Identify radon mitigation contractors in the Bozeman area and conduct procurement process: o Obtain qualifications, experience, finish carpentry abilities, and crew size information and short list interested contractors down to three firms. o Obtain bids from three short listed firms for selected homes to establish base rates for single extraction point and crawl space type systems (per square foot of coverage). o Select mitigation contractor(s) and secure subcontract agreement through Tetra Tech’s pre-qualification process (agreement to contract terms, insurance coverage, adherence to our health & safety plans, etc.)  Evaluate multiple lines of evidence regarding conditions at each home, including: o Review of indoor air and subslab sample results, o Comparison of results to EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) and DEQ 1 x 10-5 risk levels, o Soil gas probe data in the proximity of the home, and o Potential indoor sources for the observed VOCs.  Make a determination as to whether vapor intrusion is occurring for each individual home at concentrations in excess of EPA RSLs or DEQ’s 1 x 10-5 risk levels.  Arrange for Peter Rich to visit each home and identify floor plan, building construction, homeowner limitations, and other site conditions that might influence mitigation system design. This will entail two to three trips to Bozeman to arrange for all Phase 3 homes to be visited. Phase 2 homes are not included in the scope of work since it has not been determined that mitigation systems will be necessary in that neighborhood.  Develop conceptual mitigation plans for each home that is determined to warrant mitigation (e.g., subslab depressurization type systems) and review plans with homeowner to gain their concurrence with the location of extraction point(s), piping routing, finishes on any new construction within living spaces, and location of fans and outside vents. This plan will include the location of vacuum monitoring points, which will be used to evaluate the vacuum created beneath the slab. This will allow the system operation to be adjusted to provide an effective vacuum barrier beneath the slab or to identify if an additional extraction point is needed.  Tetra Tech will maintain a schedule of homes selected for mitigation and their mitigation system status (initial site visit, design complete, contractor schedule, etc.). This will include the schedule date for implementation, which may be adjusted to account for extenuating circumstances (i.e., VOC levels, children, sick or elderly in home, home sales status, etc.).  Prior to Implementation of the mitigation system at any home an Access Agreement (provided by the City of Bozeman) will be signed by the homeowner, the City, and Tetra Tech. This agreement will outline the construction anticipated to be conducted at each home and the subsequent access needed by the City to monitor and maintain the mitigation system.  Subsequent to start-up of any mitigation system, Tetra Tech will conduct periodic monitoring of system performance. The scope of this monitoring is outlined in the Monitoring Task of this proposal (Task 300).  After installation and start-up of the mitigation system, a letter report will be prepared that describes the system that was installed, the location of vacuum monitoring points, anticipated monitoring schedule, instructions on how to check system operation (typical manometer levels), contact numbers for any problems and details on how to be reimbursed for electricity costs. 20 TETRA TECH OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Page 4 of 6 TASK 300 – AIR MONITORING FOR PHASE 3 MITIGATION DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE Air monitoring for mitigation design and performance will be conducted in the Bridger Creek Subdivision, Phase 3. This task order does not consider mitigation activities for Bridger Creek Subdivision, Phase 2; however, they may be necessary at a later date. The subslab depressurization systems (SDSs) will be monitored to confirm their effectiveness at lowering VOC levels below identified clean-up levels. Air monitoring will be conducted following system installation to evaluate the extent of vacuum created beneath the concrete slab. In this task order, it is assumed that all 26 homes in Phase 3 and the two homes under construction will require SDSs. Air testing for radon will also be conducted prior to system startup and following three months of operation as an indicator constituent demonstrating effectiveness of the SDS systems. These activities are described below and assume continued cooperation of the homeowners allowing entry by Tetra Tech personnel to conduct the air monitoring. Pre-System Installation Air Monitoring Air monitoring prior to system installation will consist of air sampling for concentrations of radon in indoor air. Passive radon monitors will be used in the lowest level of each home. One or two radon monitors will be placed in the lowest level of the home for a minimum of two days testing. Performance Air Monitoring Air monitoring following system installation and startup will consist of air flow, pressure, temperature, and vacuum measurements conducted with hand-held devices. In addition, radon testing would occur in each home after two weeks of SDS operation. Vacuum and air flow monitoring will occur one week after system start-up then monthly for three months, followed by 6-month intervals. Follow-up (or post-mitigation) Indoor Air and Subslab Sampling Indoor air and subslab sampling will be conducted in each home with a SDS approximately two weeks after system operation to evaluate whether the SDS is reducing VOC concentrations below clean-up levels. The indoor air sample will be collected over a 24-hour duration. The subslab sample will be collected over a single half-hour duration. Subslab samples will be collected in the discharge of the SDS in each home. In homes without an SDS, indoor air and subslab sampling will be conducted during February 2014 as a follow-up monitoring event. Sampling in February was recommended by DEQ to optimally evaluate VI when home heating systems are operational, homes are closed up, and the ground is frozen. Each home will have one indoor air and one subslab air sample collected. The indoor air sample will be collected at the lowest level (basement) of the home. Therefore, this task order assumes the collection of two air samples in each of the 28 homes/construction sites in Bridger Creek Phase 3. In addition, ten percent of the sample train will consist of duplicate samples as specified in Tetra Tech’s SAP. Therefore, six additional samples will be collected as duplicates. The demonstration of no vapor intrusion occurrence using follow-up (post-SDS startup) indoor air sample results may be problematic. Constituents such as benzene, ethylbenzene, chloroform, and others may not have significantly decreased due to the design of the homes (attached garages), individual chemical usage, and lifestyles of the occupants generating in-home sources of VOCs. However, it is anticipated that several VOC concentrations will show significant decreases to demonstrate effectiveness of the SDSs. TASK 400 – DATA MANAGEMENT This task will establish and maintain a database to support generation of data tables, maps, and GIS analysis as needed throughout the project. 21 TETRA TECH OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Page 5 of 6 Data Management All analytical data will be transferred into a Microsoft Access database and formatted to support its use in the production of data tables, GIS and CAD based graphics, statistical analysis, or other forms of data analysis and output. Data tables will be produced as needed to support homeowner letters and overall site assessment reports. GIS and CAD production of figures will be driven by the needs of the various reports. Data Validation Laboratory data for VOCs will undergo Stage 2A data validation to establish whether the collected data meets data quality objectives established by the SAP. This process will identify data that needs to be flagged due to laboratory or field procedures not adhering to standards. This may affect how that data point can be used in the assessment of site conditions or the calculation of risk. These data flags will be entered into the Access database to ensure they are carried over into any data tables or other outputs that are created. TASK 500 – COMMUNITY RELATIONS Maintaining a positive working relationship with the homeowners affected by the project and the community at large is critical to successful and cost effective completion of this project. Tetra Tech will assist the City in this effort as requested. We anticipate this will entail the tasks described below. Public Meetings Tetra Tech assisted the City in the preparation and conduct of a public meeting on August 27, 2013. This included preparation of a power point presentation, review of communication strategies, logistics, preparation of graphical slides and poster boards, and participation in the meeting. We anticipate that during the period of time covered by the tasks included in this scope of work, two additional public meetings will be necessary to update the neighborhood on project developments. We propose to assist the City in providing a similar scope of work as we provided for the August 27th meeting. We recommend a modified format be used since many of the homeowners will have already sat through one or two previous meetings and will be familiar with the background of the landfill and the nature of vapor intrusion. Hence, our presentation will focus more on new developments, progress made, and future actions. We also recommend a more open house format be used wherein the public can stop by at any time during the evening and find Tetra Tech or City staff that can provide information or answer specific questions. This allows the public to get their questions answered in a short period of time instead of having to sit through two hours of information that they have already heard during a previous meeting. Communication Materials Tetra Tech has developed draft Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Technical Update Documents, which need to be refined and finalized. Tetra Tech will work with City staff to modify these documents on an ongoing basis as project conditions change or new issues are identified. In addition, Tetra Tech staff will assist the City with media events, press releases, and the overall project communication plan, as requested. This might include helping Flying Horse Communications prepare City staff and officials for meetings with the Bozeman Chronicle Editorial Board, television interviews, homeowner meetings, and response to homeowner questions. TASK 600 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT Tetra Tech’s management team is presented on the attached organization chart. Kirk Miller is the Project Manager and Mark Pearson is the Assistant Project Manager. Technical leaders include Peter Rich for Mitigation, Brian Howard for Risk Communication, Brandy Moses for Public Communication, Mark Pearson for Site Characterization, Lynn Peterson for Data Management and Graphics, and Keith Johnson for Landfill Corrective Measures Assessment. The technical leaders have Task Leaders that will manage specific field efforts, data analysis, subcontractors, document production, and other activities. 22 TETRA TECH OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Page 6 of 6 Project Communication Tetra Tech will use a variety of tools to provide appropriate levels of communication to City staff on the progress of the project, new developments, developing issues, budget status, and schedule. The primary tools are outlined below. Weekly updates Kirk Miller will provide an email every Friday afternoon with a brief summary of the week’s progress such as samples collected, drilling completed, mitigation designs completed, lab results received, mitigation systems installed, etc. We anticipate using spreadsheet forms to communicate details for some of these items. We have included costs for this subtask for a six month period. Monthly Updates Tetra Tech’s monthly invoice will include a written status report that identifies the following:  Work completed during period  Work anticipated for the upcoming period  Problems identified and resolved  Budget summary  Schedule status  Out of Scope tasks We have included costs for this subtask for a six month period. Schedule Our anticipated timeline to complete these tasks is presented on the attached schedule. We have tried to account for possible delays in work created by homeowner access logistics, subcontractor availability, DEQ comments or approvals, and other factors; however, they are still subject to change. COMPENSATION: Estimated costs to complete the foregoing scope of services are not to exceed $547,828. Attachment B details these costs. The services will be conducted on a time and materials basis. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Execution of this Task Order constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions contained in Tetra Tech’s Professional Services Agreement with the City of Bozeman, dated January 3, 1994 and Amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Professional Services Agreement dated July 31, 1995; January 1, 1996; March 17, 1997; and December 10, 2001, respectively. CLIENT: CONSULTANT: City of Bozeman Tetra Tech By: By: Its: Its: Project Manager Date: Date: October 18, 2013 23 OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Exhibit B ESTIMATED BUDGET SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION AND MITIGATION BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL TASK 100 SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION Bridger Creek Subdivision Phase 3 UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Labor Project Manager, per hour 24 $170.00 $4,080.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 48 $90.00 $4,320.00 Supervising Field Technician, per hour 140 $85.00 $11,900.00 Field Technician, per hour 140 $75.00 $10,500.00 Tetra Tech Equipment and Vehicle Rental Drill and Related Equipment, per pin 28 $50.00 $1,400.00 Vehicle mileage 4,420 $0.60 $2,652.00 Direct Costs Soil Gas Sampling Pins, each 28 $70.00 $1,960.00 Helium, per sampling event 1 $960.00 $960.00 Infrared USA Thermal Imaging Contractor, per day 5 $250.00 $1,250.00 Lodging and Per Diem, per day 14 $140.00 $1,960.00 Miscellaneous Sampling Materials, estimate 28 $30.00 $840.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$697.00 Laboratory Costs Rental of 6L SUMMA Canister, each 28 $55.00 $1,540.00 Rental of Flow Controller, each 28 $15.00 $420.00 Modified TO-15 Analysis (VOCs), each 28 $140.00 $3,920.00 Modified TO-15 Analysis (APHs), each 28 $161.00 $4,508.00 Modified ASTM D-1946 (Aliphatic Hydrocarbons), each 28 $86.00 $2,408.00 5-Day Turnaround Time, each 28 $58.00 $1,624.00 Shipping Laboratory to Tetra Tech Bozeman, per canister Included in canister cost Shipping Tetra Tech Bozeman to Laboratory, per canister 28 $20.00 $560.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$1,498.00 Phase 3 Subslab Sampling - Subtotal $58,997.00 Bridger Creek Subdivision Phase 2 UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Labor Project Manager, per hour 12 $170.00 $2,040.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 20 $90.00 $1,800.00 Supervising Field Technician, per hour 90 $85.00 $7,650.00 Field Technician, per hour 80 $65.00 $5,200.00 Tetra Tech Equipment and Vehicle Rental Drill and Related Equipment, per pin 6 $115.00 $690.00 Vehicle mileage 500 $0.60 $300.00 Direct Costs Assume the installation of 26 soil vapor pins. Assume the collection of 29 subslab samples (including three duplicates) Assume the installation of 4 soil vapor pins. Assume the collection of 24 indoor air samples and 12 subslab samples plus 16 split samples to a second laboratory = 50 air samples . Tetra Tech Page 1 of 624 OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Exhibit B ESTIMATED BUDGET SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION AND MITIGATION BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL Soil Gas Sampling Pins, each 6 $70.00 $420.00 Helium, per sampling event 1 $960.00 $960.00 Lodging and Per Diem, per day 6 $140.00 $840.00 Miscellaneous Sampling Materials, estimate 16 $30.00 $480.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$270.00 Laboratory Costs Rental of 6L SUMMA Canister, each 50 $55.00 $2,750.00 Rental of Flow Controller, each 50 $15.00 $750.00 Modified TO-15 Analysis (VOCs), each 50 $140.00 $7,000.00 Modified TO-15 Analysis (APHs), each 50 $161.00 $8,050.00 Modified ASTM D-1946 (Aliphatic Hydrocarbons), each 50 $86.00 $4,300.00 5-Day Turnaround Time, each 50 $58.00 $2,900.00 Shipping Laboratory to Tetra Tech Bozeman, per canister Included in canister cost Shipping Tetra Tech Bozeman to Laboratory, per canister 50 $20.00 $1,000.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$2,675.00 Phase 2 Subslab & Indoor Air Sampling - Subtotal $50,075.00 Private Well Sampling Assume 20 wells in Bridger Cr Phase II and III Subdivisions. UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Labor Project Manager, per hour 2 $170.00 $340.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 8 $90.00 $720.00 Supervising Field Technician, per hour 40 $85.00 $3,400.00 Tetra Tech Equipment and Vehicle Rental Field Parameters Meter, per week 4 $150.00 $600.00 Vehicle mileage 60 $0.60 $36.00 Laboratory Costs Pace Analytical 524.2 or 8260 (VOC) Analysis, each 22 $120.00 $2,640.00 Shipping Laboratory to Tetra Tech Bozeman, containers 1 $30.00 $30.00 Shipping Tetra Tech Bozeman to Laboratory, containers 4 $30.00 $120.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$279.00 Private Well Sampling - Subtotal $8,165.00 Indoor Air and Subslab Sampling Results Reporting UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Individual Letter Reports Labor Project Manager, per hour 30 $170.00 $5,100.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 8 $90.00 $720.00 CAD Technician, per hour 30 $75.00 $2,250.00 Administrative Assistant, per hour 6 $55.00 $330.00 Meetings with individual homeowners Labor Project Manager, per hour 16 $150.00 $2,400.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 32 $90.00 $2,880.00 Tetra Tech Page 2 of 625 OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Exhibit B ESTIMATED BUDGET SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION AND MITIGATION BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL CAD Technician, per hour 0 $75.00 $0.00 Administrative Assistant, per hour 0 $55.00 $0.00 Summary reports Labor Project Manager, per hour 16 $150.00 $2,400.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 40 $90.00 $3,600.00 CAD Technician, per hour 24 $75.00 $1,800.00 Administrative Assistant, per hour 4 $55.00 $220.00 Indoor Air and Subslab Sampling Results Reporting - Subtotal $21,700.00 TASK 100 SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION TOTAL $138,937 TASK 200 MITIGATION Phase 3 Mitigation Pre-Design and Contractor Selection UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Labor Project Manager, per hour 12 $170.00 $2,040.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 12 $90.00 $1,080.00 Mitigation Specialist, per hour 140 $262.00 $36,680.00 Construction Oversight, per hour 80 $95.00 $7,600.00 Tetra Tech Equipment and Vehicle Rental Vehicle, mileage 1,000 $0.60 $600.00 Rental Vehicle, per day 9 $70.00 $630.00 Direct Costs Lodging and Per Diem 18 $140.00 $2,520.00 Airfare 3 $1,100.00 $3,300.00 Infrared USA, Thermal Imaging Contractor, per day 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 Miscellaneous Sampling Materials, estimate 26 $30.00 $780.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$760.00 Phase 3 Mitigation Pre-Design and Contractor Selection - Subtotal $56,990.00 Phase 3 Mitigation Installation and Oversight UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Labor Project Manager, per hour 26 $170.00 $4,420.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 8 $90.00 $720.00 Mitigation Specialist, per hour 52 $262.00 $13,624.00 Construction Oversight, per hour 360 $95.00 $34,200.00 Tetra Tech Equipment and Vehicle Rental Vehicle, mileage 4,000 $0.60 $2,400.00 Field meters, per week 10 $100.00 $1,000.00 Direct Costs Mitigation Contractor, per home 26 $4,500.00 $117,000.00 Lodging and Per Diem 32 $140.00 $4,480.00 Miscellaneous Materials, estimate 26 $50.00 $1,300.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$12,278.00 Tetra Tech Page 3 of 626 OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Exhibit B ESTIMATED BUDGET SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION AND MITIGATION BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL Phase 3 Mitigation Installation and Oversight - Subtotal $191,422.00 TASK 200 MITIGATION TOTAL $248,412.00 TASK 300 AIR MONITORING FOR PHASE 3 MITIGATION DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE Phase 3 Pre-System Installation Air Monitoring Monitoring for radon UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Project Manager, per hour 3 $170.00 $510.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 8 $90.00 $720.00 Supervising Field Technician, per hour 40 $75.00 $3,000.00 Laboratory Costs Radon Monitor, each 28 $15.00 $420.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$42.00 Other Direct Costs Lodging and Per Diem 4 $140.00 $560.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$56.00 Phase 3 Pre-System Installation Air Monitoring - Subtotal $5,308.00 Phase 3 Performance Air Monitoring Measurements of temperature, air flow, pressure/vacuum conducted with hand-held devices Project Manager, per hour 6 $150.00 $900.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 16 $90.00 $1,440.00 Supervising Field Technician, per hour 56 $55.00 $3,080.00 Tetra Tech Equipment and Vehicle Rental Field Parameters Meters, per week 4 $200.00 $800.00 Vehicle, mileage 200 $0.60 $120.00 Phase 3 Performance Air Monitoring - Subtotal $6,340.00 Phase 3 Follow-up (or post-mitigation) Indoor Air and Subslab Sampling Collection of one indoor air and one subslab sample per home + duplicates UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Labor Project Manager, per hour 12 $170.00 $2,040.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 16 $90.00 $1,440.00 Supervising Field Technician, per hour 70 $85.00 $5,950.00 Field Technician, per hour 0 $75.00 $0.00 Tetra Tech Equipment and Vehicle Rental Vehicle, mileage 580 $0.60 $348.00 Direct Costs Helium, per sampling event 1 $960.00 $960.00 Lodging and Per Diem 8 $140.00 $1,120.00 Miscellaneous Sampling Materials, estimate 26 $30.00 $780.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$286.00 Tetra Tech Page 4 of 627 OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Exhibit B ESTIMATED BUDGET SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION AND MITIGATION BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL Laboratory Costs Rental of 6L SUMMA Canister, each 62 $55.00 $3,410.00 Rental of Flow Controller, each 62 $15.00 $930.00 Modified TO-15 Analysis (VOCs), each 62 $140.00 $8,680.00 Modified TO-15 Analysis (APHs), each 62 $161.00 $9,982.00 Modified ASTM D-1946 (Aliphatic Hydrocarbons), each 62 $86.00 $5,332.00 5-Day Turnaround Time, each 62 $58.00 $3,596.00 Shipping Laboratory to Tetra Tech Bozeman, per canister Included in canister cost Shipping Tetra Tech Bozeman to Laboratory, per canister 62 $20.00 $1,240.00 Tetra Tech Administrative Markup, 10%$3,317.00 Phase 3 Follow-up (or post-mitigation) Indoor Air and Subslab Sampling - Subtotal $49,411.00 TASK 300 AIR MONITORING FOR PHASE 3 MITIGATION DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE $61,059.00 TASK 400 DATA MANAGEMENT Data Entry and Database Management Labor UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Project Manager, per hour 16 $170.00 $2,720.00 Senior Hydrogeologist, per hour 8 $150.00 $1,200.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 16 $90.00 $1,440.00 Database Technician, per hour 120 $75.00 $9,000.00 Administrative Assistant, per hour 24 $55.00 $1,320.00 Data Validation Labor Project Manager, per hour 8 $150.00 $1,200.00 Environmental Chemist, per hour 120 $105.00 $12,600.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 16 $90.00 $1,440.00 Administrative Assistant, per hour 4 $55.00 $220.00 Data Entry and Database Management - Subtotal $31,140.00 TASK 400 DATA MANAGEMENT $31,140.00 TASK 500 COMMUNITY RELATIONS Public Meetings and Communication Materials Labor UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Project Manager, per hour 80 $170.00 $13,600.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 60 $90.00 $5,400.00 Editor, per hour 40 $95.00 $3,800.00 Administrative Assistant, per hour 32 $55.00 $1,760.00 Data Entry and Database Management - Subtotal $24,560.00 TASK 500 COMMUNITY RELATIONS $24,560.00 TASK 600 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Weekly updates Labor UNITS RATE COST TASK TOTAL Project Manager, per hour 26 $170.00 $4,420.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 13 $90.00 $1,170.00 Administrative Assistant, per hour 6 $55.00 $330.00 Monthly updates Tetra Tech Page 5 of 628 OCTOBER 2013 TASK ORDER Exhibit B ESTIMATED BUDGET SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION AND MITIGATION BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL Labor Project Manager, per hour 24 $170.00 $4,080.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 30 $90.00 $2,700.00 Administrative Assistant, per hour 12 $55.00 $660.00 General Project Management Labor Project Manager, per hour 120 $170.00 $20,400.00 Asst. Project Manager, per hour 60 $90.00 $5,400.00 Administrative Assistant, per hour 32 $55.00 $1,760.00 Direct Costs Lodging and Per Diem 20 $140.00 $2,800.00 Project Management - Subtotal $43,720.00 TASK 600 PROJECT MANAGEMENT $43,720.00 TOTAL OF ALL ACTIVITIES $547,828.00 $547,828.00 Tetra Tech Page 6 of 629