HomeMy WebLinkAbout12- MT Dept. of Transportation Development of a Community Transportation Safety Plan Memorandum of Understanding MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF BOZEMAN AND THE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION SAFETY PLAN This memorandum of agreement(MOA)entered into this _day of2012,by and between City of Bozeman,hereinafter called CITY, and the Montana Department of Transportation,Rail,Transit&Planning Division,hereinafter called MDT, establishes the roles,responsibilities and commitments relative to the development,funding, administration and long term implementation of a Community Transportation Safety Plan for the City of Bozeman. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the signatory agencies to have a Community Transportation Safety Plan for the City of Bozeman based on a continuing, comprehensive planning process carried on cooperatively with local government agencies, community safety stakeholders, and MDT; and WHEREAS,the MDT has developed Montana's Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan with a vision that All Highway Users Arrive Safely at their Destination and a goal to reduce fatalities and incapacitating injuries on the roadways in Montana by half by 2030; and WHEREAS,the MDT,having eligible Surface Transportation Planning and Research monies and desiring to provide technical and financial assistance to the CITY in the development of a Community Transportation Safety Plan to identify and address local transportation safety issues; and WHEREAS,the CITY has identified a need for a Community Transportation Safety Plan to identify, analyze and track safety issues and reduce the number and severity of crashes in the study area and has submitted a request to MDT for assistance to develop the plan; and WHEREAS,the parties to this Agreement desire to cooperate in the development and implementation of a Community Transportation Safety Plan to ensure that the common goal of improving safety on Montana's roadways is an integral part of continuing transportation planning in the Bozeman area; and WHEREAS,the CITY agrees to be responsible for items identified in this MOA and agrees to lead the community in this planning process; and WHEREAS,the MDT recognizes the City of Bozeman, City Engineer as the officially designated agency to act as the local SPONSOR; and 1 WHEREAS, it is understood that the decisions made by the MDT and CITY pursuant hereto and the execution of this agreement does not constitute the irretrievable commitment of resources by the MDT or the City until all necessary steps are taken with regard to any particular decision to comply with NEPA/MEPA and other applicable state and federal laws; and WHEREAS, it is mutually agreed upon that a cooperative delineation and identification of duties and responsibilities of the parties is essential to the overall development and implementation of this Plan; and NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as set forth below, the fundamental duties and responsibilities necessary for this planning process and the development and implementation of a Community Transportation Safety Plan for the City of Bozeman. I. PLAN DEVELOPMENT A. General: Development of the Community Transportation Safety Plan for the City of Bozeman will be through a continuous, comprehensive, coordinated planning process that is data driven and involves safety stakeholders with a role or expertise in transportation safety in the Bozeman area. a. Cooperative. The City of Bozeman, MDT,the local Transportation Safety Committee,other safety stakeholders and the public shall cooperatively develop and implement the Bozeman Community Transportation Safety Plan. b. Comprehensive and data driven. Crash data analysis will be the primary mechanism for problem identification in this planning process. Engineering, enforcement, emergency medical services and education components of community safety issues will be considered in strategy development. c. Continuous. The plan will be formally adopted by the local governing body with long-term commitment to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the plan and will be updated as needed. B. CITY(SPONSOR): 1. Will be responsible for assuring that the Community Transportation Safety Plan is compatible with local transportation planning efforts,the City and County land use plans and any other relevant locally approved plans. 2. Will be responsible for establishing a local Transportation Safety Committee to provide input and oversight in the Plan development process and long-term implementation of the final plan. The committee will: a. Be comprised of local officials and stakeholders with a role or expertise in transportation safety representing the 4E's of safety 2 (emergency medical services, engineering, education, and enforcement) such as: Police/Sheriff Department, City Planner, Public Works Department), Public Schools, college safety officers, DUI Task Force, BuckleUp Montana Coalition, Montana Highway Patrol, MDT, FHWA, emergency services,local service organizations, and the City Judge. b. Provide oversight and input in the development of the plan. c. Identify community safety issues and concerns. d. Provide a comprehensive inventory of existing safety programs and efforts in the Bozeman area. e. Support the formal adoption of the plan. f. Work to implement the final adopted plan. g. Assist in the monitoring and tracking of progress on reducing the number and severity of crashes in the Bozeman area. 3. Will ensure on-going community support and participation in the Plan development and implementation. 4. Will pursue formal adoption,by appropriate governing body, and implementation of the final plan. 5. Will be responsible for local coordination of plan development,per attached Scope of Work, including but not limited to: arrangements for Safety Committee meetings,public meetings, project development conference calls, public meeting notices, hosting website, and other community awareness activities. C. MDT: A. Will provide oversight, technical support and guidance to ensure the Community Transportation Safety Plan is developed following the same requirements as Montana's Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan and found in the Federal Safe Accountable Transportation Equity Act — A legacy for users (SAFETEA-LU)regulations. B. Will participate in the Transportation Safety Committee during the development of the Community Transportation Safety Plan and as appropriate on an on-going basis. II. FUNDING/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION A. CITY: 1. Will work with the consultant, per attached Scope of Work, and be responsible for local coordination of plan development. 2. Will designate a person to act as SPONSOR who will assist in local coordination and communication during the development and implementation of the Community Transportation Safety Plan. 3. Will be responsible for identification and pursuit of fitnding for implementation of the Community Transportation Safety Plan and its associated strategies. 3 B. MDT: 1. Will provide 100% SPR-PL funding and contract administration, per the attached Scope of work, for the development of the Bozeman Community Transportation Safety Plan, III. Long Term Implementation, Progress Monitoring, Tracking and Reporting The City and MDT are committed to improving transportation safety through an on-going long term process. Regular progress tracking and reporting is essential to ensure success. Monitoring progress allows the responsible entities to assess their approach and modify as necessary to accomplish their goals A. City (SPONSOR): 1. Will maintain an active Community Safety Committee with a mission to implement the Community Transportation Safety Plan. 2. Will identify, address and track specific transportation safety goals and strategies within the community of Bozeman. 3. Will develop and submit annual progress reports, via written correspondence, by December 31, for a minimum of five years following the completion of the CTSP. 4. Will update the Community Transportation Safety Plan as warranted to improve safety and reduce the number and severity of crashes in the Bozeman area. B. MDT: 1. Will provide on-going technical support to the City and Sponsor in the implementation of the Bozeman Community Safety Plan. 2. Will review and provide feedback to the City on implementation,tracking and reporting. C. All Parties: 1. Agree and understand that funding the implementation of the Community Transportation Safety Plan is the responsibility of the local government. IV. OTHER A. Governing Law: the laws of the State of Montana will govern this agreement. Venue for litigation will be in Lewis and Clark County, State of Montana. In case of conflict between the obligation imposed by this MOA and Montana law,then Montana law will control. B. Modification and Amendment: This MOA may be modified or amended, in writing,by the mutual consent of the parties involved. C. Complimentary Agreements: The signatories of this MOA may enter into separate agreements during the development of the proposed plan. Any such agreements will not supersede this MOA. 4 D. Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement and all obligations hereunder, with 30-day notice in writing to the other party of the intention to do so. E. Liability: The City agrees to protect, defend and indemnify the state, including MDT from any claims, losses, damages or causes of action, including attorney fees and costs, arising from, due to or allegedly due to the failure to perform or the negligent performance, errors or omissions of any of the duties and/or responsibilities of the City, it's agents, employees, consultant's or subcontractors as set forth in this agreement. The state, including MDT agrees to protect, defend and indemnify the City from any claims, losses, damages or causes of action, including attorney fees and costs, arising from, due to or allegedly due to the failure to perform or the negligent performance of any of the duties and/or responsibilities of the state including MDT as set forth in this agreement. CITY OF BOZEMAN By: Ma or By: i�` L� T Sponsor C Tr �Gi^��F-►e- MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION t By: AA3Date: G I I �- Montana ep m nt of Transportation Approved for Legal Content 5