HomeMy WebLinkAboutTaylor Residence Certificate of Appropriateness with Variance, 300 N. Bozeman Ave. Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Courtney Kramer, Planner I/ Historic Preservation Officer Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: A Sketch Plan with Certificate of Appropriateness to develop a two-dwelling unit residential structure on the vacant lot at 300 North Bozeman Avenue. A variance is requested from Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Sec. 38.08.040-2 “Lot Width Table,” to establish two dwelling units on a lot 50 feet in width which takes all vehicular access from the street. MEETING DATE: October 14, 2013 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action – Quasi-Judicial RECOMMENDATION: Denial of the requested variance RECOMMENDED MOTION: Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby find that the variance criteria are met by [insert findings] for application C-13004 and move to approve the Taylor Duplex Sketch Plan application with Certificate of Appropriateness and request for a Variance from BMC 38.08.040- 2 “Lot Width Table” with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Staff Report page references: conditions of approval (Section 2 – page 4), review criteria (Section 6 – page 7), code provisions (Appendix A – page 17). BACKGROUND: Property owner Leslie Taylor submitted a sketch plan certificate of appropriateness and zoning variance application to develop a two-dwelling unit residential structure on the vacant lot at 300 North Bozeman Avenue. A variance is requested from Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Sec. 38.08.040-2 “Lot Width Table,” to establish two dwelling units on a lot 50 feet in width which takes all vehicular access from the street. As described in Section 5 of the staff report beginning on page 10 the Staff finds that the required review criteria for the variance have not been met. Therefore, the Staff recommends the variance not be approved. If the variance is not approved the project does not conform to the requirements of Chapter 38, Unified Development Ordinance, Bozeman Municipal Code. Therefore Staff cannot recommend favorably on the project. The Development Review Committee (DRC) informally reviewed the application on September 18, 2013. Conditions of approval recommended by the DRC have been included in the Staff Report. 86 Public noticing was issued for the requested variance and intensification of residential use on September 10, 2013. No public comment on this application has been received to date. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None at this time. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Do not approve the project. 2. Make alternative findings that the criteria for approving the variance have been met and approve the application with the recommended Staff conditions; 3. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended Staff conditions; 4. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to Staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. FISCAL EFFECTS: None identified. Attachments: Staff Report, Applicant’s submittal materials The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street. Report compiled on: October 4, 2013 87 Page 1 of 14 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Sketch Plan Certificate of Appropriateness with Zoning Variance Date: CITY COMMISSION meeting is on October 14, 2013 Project Description: A Sketch Plan with Certificate of Appropriateness to develop a two- dwelling unit residential structure on the vacant lot at 300 North Bozeman Avenue. A variance is requested from Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Sec. 38.08.040-2 “Lot Width Table,” to establish two dwelling units on a lot 50 feet in width which takes all vehicular access from the street. Project Location: 300 North Bozeman Avenue and is legally described as Lot 2A, Amended Plat C-11-D Beall’s first addition to the City of Bozeman, Located in the NW ¼ Section 7 T.2 S., R6.E, Gallatin County, Montana Recommendation: Denial of the requested variance and project Recommended Motion: Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application C-13004 and move to approve the Taylor Duplex Sketch Plan application with Certificate of Appropriateness and request for a Variance from BMC 38.08.040- 2 “Lot Width Table” with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Report Date: Monday, October 07, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 2- RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ....................................... 4 SECTION 3 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS ................. 4 SECTION 4 –REQUESTED RELAXATION/DEVIATIONS/VARIANCES ........................ 4 SECTION 5 - STAFF ANALYSIS........................................................................................... 4 Standards for Certificates of Appropriateness, Section 38.16.050, BMC .......................... 4 Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Review Criteria .......................................... 8 Zoning Variance Review Criteria – Section 38.35.060 .................................................... 10 APPENDIX A –ADVISORY CODE CITATIONS ............................................................... 11 APPENDIX B – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY ............................... 12 APPENDIX C – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND.............. 13 APPENDIX D – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ................................................... 13 APPENDIX E - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF ............................ 13 88 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 2 of 14 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES Vicinity Map showing adjacent zoning Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses North: Single household residential: zoned R-2, Residential Medium Density South: Two-household residential: zoned R-2, Residential Medium Density East: Single household residential: zoned R-2, Residential Medium Density West: Two-household residential: zoned R-3, Residential Medium Density 89 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 3 of 14 Vicinity Map showing adjacent land uses Subject Property 90 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 4 of 14 SECTION 2- RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Should the City Commission choose to approve the requested zoning variance and the application, Staff recommends the following conditions of approval. Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report. These conditions are specific to the Certificate of Appropriateness with Variance. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. Any existing city sidewalk along the street frontage that are currently damaged or damaged during construction shall be replaced. 2. Section 38.41.080.g.11 requires the drive approach to be constructed in accordance with the City’s standard approach (i.e. concrete apron, sidewalk section, and drop-curb) and shown as such on the final site plan. 3. With the addition of a new dwelling unit and water service to the property, cash in lieu of water rights for the development is required to be pay prior to issuance of building permits. 4. The existing boulevard trees will need to be protected during construction of this project. SECTION 3 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS A. None have been identified at this time. SECTION 4 –REQUESTED RELAXATION/DEVIATIONS/VARIANCES A variance has been requested from the following sections. 1) From BMC Section 38.08.040-2 “Lot Width Table” to establish two dwelling units on a lot 50 feet in width which takes all vehicular access from the street. SECTION 5 - STAFF ANALYSIS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, and plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis is a summary of the completed review. Standards for Certificates of Appropriateness, Section 38.16.050, BMC Section 38.16.050 specifies the required standards for granting Certificate of Appropriateness approval for proposed alterations. 91 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 5 of 14 A. All work performed in completion of an approved Certificate of Appropriateness shall be in conformance with the most recent edition of the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring and Reconstructing Historic Buildings (Published 1995), published by U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Cultural Resource Stewardship and Partnerships, Heritage Preservation Services, Washington, D.C. (available for review at the Department of Planning). This application proposes construction of a new structure on a currently vacant parcel of land on North Bozeman Avenue. This criteria is not applicable. B. Architectural appearance design guidelines used to consider the appropriateness and compatibility of proposed alterations with original design features of subject structures or properties, and with neighboring structures and properties, shall focus upon the following: 1. Height; The application proposes to construct a building with a maximum roof height of 27 feet 3 inches. The ridge height at the street and the rear steps down to 17 feet, which reflects the mix of one, one-and-one-half and two story structures in the neighborhood. The residence to the north is one story in height and the residence to the south is a full two stories in height. Staff finds the proposed height appropriate within the context of the neighborhood. 2. Proportions of doors and windows; The application proposes windows and doors in traditional locations and in a traditional proportion of wall to window. Staff finds the proposed proportions of doors and windows appropriate in the context of the neighborhood. 3. Relationship of building masses and spaces; The application proposes a new structure on a 50 foot wide lot. The structure is brought to the 15 foot front yard setback line and includes a front porch addressing the street. The proposed building width is similar to the width of other buildings along the block. As the block between North Bozeman and North Montana Avenues lacks an alley, the application proposes a single-car-wide drive access is to the south side of the structure. This driveway accesses the parking spaces in the rear. Placement of the drive way offsets the home to the north and provides a southern side yard with a width substantially wider than the minimum five feet. Staff finds the relationship of building masses and spaces appropriate within the context of the neighborhood. 92 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 6 of 14 4. Roof shape; The primary roof form proposed with this application is a gable-front roof. The porch roof is hipped and shed-roof form awnings are proposed for the south and east facades. Staff finds the proposed roof shape appropriate within the context of the neighborhood. 5. Scale; The North Bozeman Avenue/ Beall Park neighborhood is composed of modestly sized residential houses. Buildings vary in height and overall massing, and lot sizes and dimensions also vary. The design proposed with this application minimizes the perceived scale of the new structure. The building is one story tall for the first 17 feet back from the public right of way. The two story section, at 27 feet tall, is 34 feet in length and then the last 12 feet of the building is again one story in height. Bozeman Municipal Code Sec. 38.08 “Residential Zoning” includes measurements for lot coverage in order to assess the scale of a proposed building to the lot the building will sit on. The maximum lot coverage for this lot is 40 percent; the application proposes a building which covers 30 percent of the lot. Bozeman Municipal Code does not include statistical standards for a Floor Area Ratio, which would better assess the scale of the structure. Staff finds the proposed scale appropriate within the context of the existing neighborhood. 6. Directional expression; The application proposes to orient pedestrian access to the street, as indicated by the inclusion of a front porch. As no alley exists, vehicular access will be along the south side of the property. The application proposes construction of two driving strips to create a 10 foot wide vehicle approach. This design will further minimize the impacts of a street-loaded drive access by reducing the visual impact of a fully paved driving lane. Staff finds the proposed directional expression appropriate within the context of the neighborhood. 7. Architectural details; The application proposes neo-Craftsman detailing, including knee brackets along the roof line, paired windows that have the appearance of double-hung windows, and a variety of exterior material choices. Staff finds the proposed architectural details appropriate within the context of the neighborhood. 93 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 7 of 14 8. Concealment of non-period appurtenances, such as mechanical equipment; and The application does not indicate mechanical equipment. Per Municipal Code Section 38.21.050. F, all rooftop mechanical equipment should be screened. Screening should be incorporated into the roof form when possible. Ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from public rights-of-way with walls, fencing or evergreen plant materials. Mechanical equipment shall not encroach into required yard setbacks. 9. Materials and color scheme. Starting from the ground level, the building will be clad with a stucco wainscot. Above the wainscot a six inch reveal lap siding will be applied to the building. A “belly band” will be used to define the first and second floors. The roof will have exposed rafter tails and be capped with a standing seam metal roof. The windows will be aluminum clad exteriors with wood interiors. The porches will be wood. Staff finds the proposed materials appropriate within the context of the neighborhood. C. Contemporary, nonperiod and innovative design of new structures and additions to existing structures shall be encouraged when such new construction or additions do not destroy significant historical, cultural or architectural structures, or their components, and when such design is compatible with the foregoing elements of the structure and the surrounding structures. The property is currently vacant. Staff finds the proposed design to be compatible with the foregoing elements of the existing structures in the surrounding neighborhood. D. When applying the standards of subsections A-C, the review authority shall be guided by the Design Guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District which are hereby incorporated by this reference. When reviewing a contemporary, non-period, or innovative design of new structures, or addition to existing structure, the review authority shall be guided by the Design Guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District to determine whether the proposal is compatible with any existing or surrounding structures. The Design Guidelines have been incorporated into the comments on the previous page addressing the architectural appearance design guidelines. The Design Guidelines are also incorporated into the review below. E. Conformance with other applicable development standards of this title. The application requests a variance from BMC 38.08.040-2 “Lot Width Table” in order to establish two dwelling units on a lot 50 feet in width when not using an alley for vehicular 94 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 8 of 14 access. With exception to the requested variance, the application conforms to all other applicable development standards of this title. F. Tax abatement certificate of appropriateness applications are also reviewed with the procedures and standards established in chapter 2, article 6, division 2. Not applicable. Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Review Criteria Chapter 2. Design Guidelines for All Properties A. Topography The existing parcel is flat with little topography. The development proposed with the application makes minimal changes to the topography. B. Street Patterns The block between North Bozeman and North Montana Avenues has an incomplete “alley,” which is attributed to a platting error made by William Beall in the early 1880’s. The alley is shown on the plats at the north end of the block, but the right of way was never dedicated to the City of Bozeman. Further to the south in this block the drive access may have never been developed and was later blocked by residential construction to the property lines. As such, residences on the east side of North Bozeman Avenue generally take vehicular access from North Bozeman Avenue. C. Alleys N/A D. Streetscape The application maintains the streetscape pattern of city street, curb and gutter, boulevard, sidewalk and then private property with a front porch addressing the street. As a recommended condition of approval, the boulevard tree will be protected during construction. E. Landscape Design The application will maintain existing vegetation. F. Building Form The application uses traditional building forms and roof shapes, like simple square structures and front gable roof forms, which are common in this neighborhood. 95 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 9 of 14 G. Solid-to-Void Ratio The structure designed with this application includes window and door openings in a ratio appropriate for the neighborhood. H. Materials The application proposes materials similar to those seen traditionally in the area. A lap siding, shingling in the gable, and wooden porches are consistent with the requirements of the Conservation Overlay Designation. I. Architectural Character The application proposes a structure with appropriate architectural character. J. Parking The application minimizes the visual impact of surface parking in the North Bozeman residential neighborhood by placing the surface parking at the rear of the lot and presenting only a single-car-wide drive access to the street. This configuration places the parking to the rear and avoids a large street façade presence garage. See further discussion under the variance criteria below. K. Buffers Not applicable. L. Site Lighting Prevention of nuisance glare is a Municipal Code requirement. No free standing lighting is proposed with the application. M. Utilities and Service Areas Not applicable. Chapter 3. Guidelines for Residential Character Areas A. Hierarchy of Public and Private Space The application includes a front porch with only one front door visible to the street. This reinforces the design’s efforts to make the structure appear as a single family household. B. Building Mass and Scale The application steps down the building’s height towards the street and to the rear of the lot. The design uses changes in exterior materials to camouflage perceived scale. The façade is similar in dimension to those seen traditionally in the neighborhood. 96 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 10 of 14 C. Roof Form The roof form is similar to those seen in the neighborhood. D. Secondary Structures Not applicable. E. Multi-Household The application satisfies the recommendations for Multi-Household residences in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, including efforts to minimize the perceived scale of a multi-household building, using traditional features to convey a human scale, designing a structure within the range of heights seen in the neighborhood, and minimizing the visual impacts of vehicular access. F. Fences and Retaining Walls Fences and retaining walls are not included in the application materials. Zoning Variance Review Criteria – Section 38.35.060 Requested variance: From BMC Section 38.08.040-2 “Lot Width Table” to establish two dwelling units on a lot 50 feet in width which takes all vehicular access from the street. BMC 38.08.040-2 enables two dwelling units in R-2 zoning if the property offers 60 feet of frontage along a City street. The same code section allows two dwelling units on lots with 50 feet of frontage if all vehicular access is taken from the alley. In acting on an application for a variance, the review authority shall designate such lawful conditions as will secure substantial protection for the public health, safety and general welfare, and shall issue written decisions setting forth factual evidence that the variance meets all of the standards of MCA 76-2-323 in that the variance: 1. Will not be contrary to and will serve the public interest; BMC 38.08.040-2 requires 60 feet of lot width for two-household dwelling developments, in order to provide sufficient space on the parcel to provide the necessary parking and associated requirements. The same code section enables parcels with 50 feet of width to have two dwelling units if all vehicular access is from an alley, thus reducing the impact on the City street. The ability to have a narrower lot width with alley access is a recent change in the municipal code by Ordinance 1830 in the fall of 2012. The Commission established the lesser width requirement on the condition that the development utilizes alley access for vehicular parking as an incentive which preserves sufficient space on the curb for on-street parking. A two household configuration usually requires a greater number of parking areas. 97 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 11 of 14 Large garage facades are inconsistent with the historic residential character of the Conservation Overlay district. Alley access for vehicles and service uses is a traditional pattern in the Conservation Overlay district. The lot width standards are a minimum standard which are known to work under a best case scenario. Not all lots are properly configured or suitable for the maximum intensity of development allowed within a specific residential zoning designation. As a result, BMC 38.08.040-2 requires more lot width than for a single household residence in order to provide adjoining neighbors a buffer to a more dense residential use. 2. Is necessary, owing to conditions unique to the property, to avoid an unnecessary hardship which would unavoidably result from the enforcement of the literal meaning of this chapter: a. Hardship does not include difficulties arising from actions, or otherwise be self- imposed, by the applicant or previous predecessors in interest, or potential for greater financial returns; and The application does not meet the criteria for hardship. The applicant could develop a single family residence on this site. The lot configuration is suitable for development and similar to lot configurations along the block face. b. Conditions unique to the property may include, but are not limited to, slope, presence of watercourses, after the fact imposition of additional regulations on previously lawful lots, and governmental actions outside of the owners control; There are no physically limiting conditions on this property. The lot was platted prior to the establishment of the minimum lot width requirement. The Commission recently adjusted the minimum lot width requirement to lessen the required width when alley access was used. As no alley is present that provision is not applicable. Many R-2 zoned lots within Bozeman do not have alleys. The establishment of the standard is common to the R-2 district and not unique to the property. 3. Will observe the spirit of this chapter, including the adopted growth policy, and do substantial justice; The growth policy designation for this property is residential. APPENDIX A –ADVISORY CODE CITATIONS Should the City Commission choose to approve the requested variance, Staff has provided the following advisory code citations. The following code provisions are identified for informational purposes as the project moves forward. These will need to be addressed as part of the Building Permit application. a. Per Section 38.21.050. F, all rooftop mechanical equipment should be screened. Screening should be incorporated into the roof form when possible. Ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from public rights-of-way with walls, fencing or evergreen plant materials. Mechanical equipment shall not encroach into required yard setbacks. b. Section 38.35.060.E, BMC requires that a building permit be obtained within six months or the variance is automatically null and void. 98 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 12 of 14 c. All construction activities shall comply with section 38.39.020.A.2 of the Unified Development Code. This shall include routine cleaning/sweeping of material that is dragged to adjacent streets. The City may require a guarantee as allowed for under this section at any time during the construction to ensure any damages or cleaning that are required are complete. The developer shall be responsible to reimburse the City for all costs associated with the work if it becomes necessary for the City to correct any problems that are identified. d. A Storm Water Drainage/Treatment Grading Plan and Maintenance Plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate adequate site drainage (including sufficient spot elevations), storm water detention/retention basin details (including basin sizing and discharge calculations, and discharge structure details), storm water discharge destination, and a storm water maintenance plan. Post-development discharges leaving the site shall be limited to the pre-development discharge rate for each proposed drainage area. e. A Stormwater Management Permit (SMP) must be submitted and approved by the City Engineer prior to final site plan approval. The SMP requires submittal of an application form, a stormwater management plan, and payment of fees in compliance with the city’s stormwater management ordinance #1763. The SMP is independent of any other stormwater permitting required from the state of Montana and does not fulfill the requirement to obtain a general permit for stormwater discharges associated with construction activity if required under state rules. APPENDIX B – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The subject property is zoned “R-2” (Residential Two-Household, medium density). The intent of the R-2 residential two-household medium density district is to provide for one- and two-household residential development at urban densities within the city in areas that present few or no development constraints, and for community facilities to serve such development while respecting the residential quality and nature of the area. Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as “Residential” in the Bozeman Community Plan. This designates places where the primary activity is urban density dwellings. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. High density residential areas should be established in close proximity to commercial centers to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities to persons without requiring the use of an automobile. Implementation of this category by residential zoning should provide for and coordinate intensive residential uses in proximity to commercial centers. The residential designation indicates that it is expected that development will occur within municipal boundaries, which may require annexation prior to development. The dwelling unit density expected within this classification varies between 6 and 32 dwellings per net acre. A higher density may be considered in some locations and 99 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 13 of 14 circumstances. A variety of housing types can be blended to achieve the desired density. Large areas of single type housing are discouraged. In limited instances the strong presence of constraints and natural features such as floodplains may cause an area to be designated for development at a lower density than normally expected within this category. All residential housing should be arranged with consideration of compatibility with adjacent development, natural constraints such as watercourses or steep slopes, and in a fashion which advances the overall goals of the Bozeman growth policy. The residential designation is intended to provide the primary locations for additional housing within the planning area. APPENDIX C – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Description This is a Sketch Plan Certificate of Appropriateness application for development of a duplex on a vacant parcel at 300 North Bozeman Avenue. A variance is requested from Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Sec. 38.08.040-2 “Lot Width Table,” to establish two dwelling units on a lot 50 feet in width which takes all vehicular access from the street. Project Background Property owner Leslie Taylor submitted a sketch plan certificate of appropriateness and zoning variance application to develop a two-dwelling unit residential structure on the vacant lot at 300 North Bozeman Avenue. A variance is requested from Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Sec. 38.08.040-2 “Lot Width Table,” to establish two dwelling units on a lot 50 feet in width which takes all vehicular access from the street. The Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed informally reviewed the application on September 18, 2013. Conditions of approval recommended by the DRC have been included in the Staff Report. Public noticing was issued for the requested variance and intensification of residential use on September 10, 2013. No public comment on this application has been received to date. APPENDIX D – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Noticing for the intensification of residential use and the Commission’s consideration of the variance request was posted on the site and mailed to adjoining property owners on September 11, 2013. Notices ran in the Legal section of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on September 26 and September 29, 2013. APPENDIX E - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner/Applicant: Leslie Taylor, 6800 Carlynn Ct., Bethesda, MD 20817 100 C-13004, Staff Report for the Taylor Duplex Zoning Variance Page 14 of 14 Representative: Matt Madden, PO Box 6396, Bozeman, MT 59771 Report By: Courtney Kramer, Planner I/ Historic Preservation Officer 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 9/4/2013 Taylor Residence Development Review Application F. Sketch Plan COA 5. Legal Description: Lot 2A, Amended Plat C-11-D Beall’s first addition to the City of Bozeman Located in NW ¼ Section 7 T.2 S., R.6E of P.M.M Gallatin County, MT 7. Property Owner is proposing to build a new 2 family home on a vacant lot. Certificate of Appropriateness Checklist 2 Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District: 2. New construction on a vacant lot. There is no historical information. 3. Plans show board siding / stucco wainscot / standing seam metal roof 5. Upon approval, the property owner plans to move forward with construction as soon as possible. 7. The applicant proposes to construct a two-family dwelling in a single structure on a vacant lot in the 300 block of N. Bozeman Avenue. This lot is zoned R-2 and is located in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. The applicant is seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness and a variance granting exception from zoning regulation 38.08.040.B. The dimensions of the lot are 50 ft by 133 ft (6650 sq ft) with no alley access. The lot is large enough for a two family dwelling. However, current zoning regulations require the parcel be a minimum of 60ft wide or 50ft wide with alley access. Lots in this neighborhood are historically smaller. This lack of alley access is a hardship that is preventing the applicant from building a two family dwelling. This proposed variance meets the criteria contained in Section 38.35.060.C of the Bozeman Municipal Code owing to conditions unique to the property, e.g., lack of alley access. The request seeks approval to modify the dimensional (in this case, lot width) requirement. Grant of the variance will serve the public interest by permitting development of a parcel which has been vacant for at least 30 years. Infilling this property with two dwellings makes efficient use of the City’s existing infrastructure and reflects a goal of the City and Downtown Partnership to create additional dwelling units downtown. Background: For more than one year the applicant has searched for property in downtown Bozeman which could meet her needs for single story, handicapped-accessible living. This 110 parcel, across the street from Beall Park, and only a few blocks from the applicant’s family, was finally located. The applicant has designed a dwelling which meets her needs, adds additional housing and rental stock to downtown Bozeman, and in all respects, other than lot width, conforms to the zoning requirements. This home design reads as a single family home. Special care was taken to ensure that the dwelling, in a Craftsman design style, reduce the effects of a two-household dwelling on the neighbors. Almost all of the parking is on site. There is a narrow ribbon driveway and a porch which reflects the neighborhood’s character. The neighborhood contains a variety of single and multi-family dwellings, both owner and tenant occupied. The variance requested is consistent with the Bozeman provisions for variances and supports Bozeman's goals of achieving greater housing density in the downtown area. 111 112 DRAWN BYkwkRE-ISSUE09.02.13ISSUE07.20.13CLIENTLeslie TaylorRiverbend Builders Inc.P.O. Box 6396Bozeman, Mt 59771Tel: 406.522.0260Fax: 406 585 4504 PROJECT:Taylor ResidencePROJECT NO.04.01 PROJECT LOCATION322 N. Bozeman Ave.Bozeman, Mt 59715Property Line Property LineProperty Line Property LineSetback SetbackSetbackSetback Site Plan Legend Indicates proposed building footprint Indicates property line Indicates property setback North Bozeman Ave.CurbSide Walk5' 0"5' 0"15' 0" 28' 7" 20' 0" Drive Way (Ribbon Paving) 133' 0"50' 0"A01 1 Schematic Site Plan Scale: 3/16" : 1' Proposed residence footprint = 1620 S.F. Proposed porch footprint = 392 S.F. Total proposed footprint = 2012 S.F Lot size = 6650 S.F. (2012 S.F.) / (6650 S.F.) = 30% of total lot area 30% < 40% of total lot area 01 A DESCRIPTIONSchematic Site Plan 113 DRAWN BYkwkRE-ISSUE09.02.13ISSUE07.20.13CLIENTLeslie TaylorRiverbend Builders Inc.P.O. Box 6396Bozeman, Mt 59771Tel: 406.522.0260Fax: 406 585 4504 PROJECT:Taylor ResidencePROJECT NO.04.01 PROJECT LOCATION322 N. Bozeman Ave.Bozeman, Mt 59715DiningKitchen Mud Room ClosetLivingPowder Mech. Closet Master Bedroom Bath Mud Room Living Mech. Kitchen Dining Den Closet Pantery Ref.UPUP DN DNA02 2 Second Level Floor Plan Scale: 1/4" : 1' A02 1 Entry Level Floor Plan Scale: 1/4" : 1' Vaulted Below Vaulted Below Master Bedroom Master Bath Bath Bedroom Closet ClosetCloset Bedroom Stack W/D Stack W/D DESCRIPTIONSchematic Floor Plans 02 A 60' 0"8' 0" 34' 9 1/2"24' 1 1/2" 16' 4"3' 5"14' 0"12' 6 1/4"11' 1"27' 0"14' 3"6' 6"13' 0"2' 6"7' 8"12' 11"10' 3 1/2"15' 9 1/2"27' 0"30' 6"27' 0"5' 0"3' 6"8' 8 1/2"8' 0"27' 10" 10' 3"2' 0"3' 1"10' 8 1/2"12' 6"2' 0"11' 0"27' 0"16' 1/2"10' 7" PanteryRef. 114 DRAWN BYkwkRE-ISSUE09.02.13ISSUE07.20.13CLIENTLeslie TaylorRiverbend Builders Inc.P.O. Box 6396Bozeman, Mt 59771Tel: 406.522.0260Fax: 406 585 4504 PROJECT:Taylor ResidencePROJECT NO.04.01 PROJECT LOCATION322 N. Bozeman Ave.Bozeman, Mt 59715108'-0" t.o. wall plate 100'-0" t.o. foundation 103'-0" t.o. wainscot 120'-2" t.o. roof 127'-3" t.o. roof 117'-0" t.o. 2nd level wall plate 109'-6" t.o. floor truss 108'-0" t.o. wall plate 100'-0" t.o. foundation 103'-0" t.o. wainscot 120'-2" t.o. roof 127'-3" t.o. roof 117'-0" t.o. 2nd level wall plate 109'-6" t.o. floor truss 108'-0" t.o. wall plate 100'-0" t.o. foundation 103'-0" t.o. wainscot 120'-2" t.o. roof 127'-3" t.o. roof 117'-0" t.o. 2nd level wall plate 109'-6" t.o. floor truss A03 1 West Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1'A03 2 East Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1' A03 3 South Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1'DESCRIPTIONElevations 03 A 115 DRAWN BYkwkRE-ISSUE09.02.13ISSUE07.20.13CLIENTLeslie TaylorRiverbend Builders Inc.P.O. Box 6396Bozeman, Mt 59771Tel: 406.522.0260Fax: 406 585 4504 PROJECT:Taylor ResidencePROJECT NO.04.01 PROJECT LOCATION322 N. Bozeman Ave.Bozeman, Mt 59715108'-0" t.o. wall plate 100'-0" t.o. foundation 103'-0" t.o. wainscot 120'-2" t.o. roof 127'-3" t.o. roof 117'-0" t.o. 2nd level wall plate 109'-6" t.o. floor truss A04 4 North Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1'DESCRIPTIONElevations 04 A 116 DRAWN BYkwkRE-ISSUE09.02.13ISSUE07.20.13CLIENTLeslie TaylorRiverbend Builders Inc.P.O. Box 6396Bozeman, Mt 59771Tel: 406.522.0260Fax: 406 585 4504 PROJECT:Taylor ResidencePROJECT NO.04.01 PROJECT LOCATION322 N. Bozeman Ave.Bozeman, Mt 59715DESCRIPTIONMassing Perspective05 A A05 1 South West Perspective Scale: N.T.S.A05 2 South East Perspective Scale: N.T.S. A05 3 North West Perspective Scale: N.T.S.A05 4 North East Perspective Scale: N.T.S. 117 From:mmadden37@gmail.com on behalf of Matt Madden To:Courtney Kramer Cc:Leslie Taylor; Evancenterlcpc; Kris Westhoven-Koch Subject:Re: Materials fo Taylor project Date:Friday, September 27, 2013 12:09:10 PM Courtney, Starting at ground level will be a stucco wainscot. Horizontal siding its 6" lap sidingthat is painted sage green. Roof will have exposed rafter tails that are painted. Capped with a standing seam metal roof. Windows are aluminum clad on theoutside and wood inside. Porch is wood. Have there been any neighborly comments? Matt Hey Matt and Leslie, I’m drafting the staff report for Leslie’s project at 300 north Bozeman Avenue rightnow. I can’t seem to find information about the materials proposed. Can youclarify all of the exterior materials for me? Roof, siding, windows, doors and porchconstruction? Thanks guys, Courtney KramerHistoric Preservation OfficerCity of BozemanDirect line: 406-582-2289Front desk: 406-582-2260ckramer@bozeman.netwww.bozeman.netwww.preservebozeman.org 118 All City of Bozeman emails are subject to the Right to Know provisions ofMontana’s Constitution (Art. II, Sect. 9) and may be considered a “public record” per Sect. 2-6-202and Sect. 2-6-401, Montana Code Annotated. As such, this email, its sender andreceiver, and the contents may be available for public disclosure and will be retainedpursuant to theCity’s record retention policies. Emails that contain confidential information relatedto individual privacy may be protected from disclosure under law. 119