HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-30-13 Minutes, draft Page 1 of 7 THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday, September 30, 2013 Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Present Mayor - Sean Becker: Present Commissioner - Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Present Staff present at the dais was City Manager Chris Kukulski, Staff Attorney Tim Cooper, Public Works Director Craig Woolard and Deputy City Clerk Aimee Brunckhorst. A. Call to Order – 6 p.m. – Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. Changes to the Agenda None D. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres)  2. Authorize Release and Reconveyance of Easements for the West Edge Condos Human Resource Development Council Housing Development, the first providing for mutual access with an adjoining property, and the second for a Transit Shelter (Heaston)  3. Authorize a Temporary Agreement not to exceed One Year with Montana Rail Link for the public’s use of the Story Mill Spur Line Trail (Sullivan)  4. Authorize a Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement with Marvin R. Cowdrey for the Country Inn & Suites project (Heaston)  06:07:47 PM Public Comment on Consent Mayor Becker opened public comment on consent. No person commented. Mayor Becker closed public comment on consent. 06:07:50 PM Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items D. 1-4 as submitted. 7 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, September 30, 2013 Page 2 of 7 Commissioner - Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor - Sean Becker: Approve Commissioner - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve The motion to approve Consent Items D. 1-4 as submitted passed 5-0. 06:08:13 PM E. Public Comment - Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. 06:08:23 PM Guy Alsentzer, Public Comment Mr. Alsentzer, 507 South 10th Avenue introduced himself as the board appointee for the three board appointments on the agenda for later tonight and spoke regarding his enthusiasm for volunteering on behalf of the city. F. Special Presentation – Gallatin College Presentation on a County Wide, Two Year Education, Mill Levy (Robert Hietala, Dean of Gallatin College MSU) 06:09:24 PM Robert Hietala began his presentation by introducing student and business owner James Newell. 06:10:43 PM James Newell, Owner and Operator of Liberty Fence and Deck spoke as a business owner and as a recent graduate of the welding certificate and with an Associate’s Degree in the Gallatin program. He spoke about his positive experiences in the program. 06:12:10 PM Robert Hietala, Dean of Gallatin College MSU Mr. Hietala provided background information on the college, the vision of the college, why the community would gain for the passage of a County mill levy and what the impact would be for tax payers. He also spoke regarding how the College is taking this message out to the community. 06:30:17 PM The Commission presented questions to the presenter. G. Action Items 06:40:15 PM 1. Resolution 4480, Establishing Subscription Single Stream Recycling Collection Fees (Woolard)  8 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, September 30, 2013 Page 3 of 7 06:40:44 PM Craig Woolard began the staff presentation on this item. 06:44:24 PM The Commission presented questions to staff. Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment on this item. 07:01:47 PM Keith Cole, Public Comment Mr. Cole said recycling was not picked up at his home in the past as requested and said that he felt a local engineering firm should have been selected to conduct the study. Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 07:04:31 PM Commission discussion on the item. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Mehl to approve Resolution 4480, establishing subscription single stream recycling collection fees. 07:14:07 PM It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Krauss to amend the main motion to strike 100 gallons from the (first) and second whereas and then in attachment A strike 100 gallons. Vote to amend the main motion to strike 100 gallons from the (first) and second whereas and then in attachment A strike 100 gallons. Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner - Carson Taylor: 2nd Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor - Sean Becker: Approve Commissioner - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve The motion to amend the main motion to strike 100 gallons from the (first) and second whereas and then in attachment A strike 100 gallons passed 5-0. Vote to approve Resolution 4480, establishing subscription single stream recycling collection fees as amended to strike 100 gallons from the (first) and second whereas and then in attachment A strike 100 gallons. Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner - Chris Mehl: 2nd 9 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, September 30, 2013 Page 4 of 7 Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor - Sean Becker: Approve Commissioner - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve The motion to approve Resolution 4480, establishing subscription single stream recycling collection fees as amended to strike 100 gallons from the (first) and second whereas and then in attachment A strike 100 gallons passed 5-0. 07:16:47 PM Break Mayor Becker called for a short break. 2. Integrated Water Resources Plan - Adoption and Recommendation (Heaston)  07:28:13 PM Brian Heaston introduced the panel attendees as Nathan Weisenburger – Operations Manager of AE2S, Peter Scott - Attorney with Gough, Shanahan, Johnson & Waterman, PLLP, Rick Hixson – City Engineer, Gretchen Rupp – Technical Advisory Committee Chair, Rick Moroney - Water Treatment Plant Superintendent, Craig Woolard – Public Works Director, Chris Kukulski – City Manager and Tim Cooper – Staff Attorney. Mr. Heaston provided the staff presentation on this item. Gretchen Rupp, TAC Chairperson Ms. Rupp speaking on behalf of the Integrated Water Resources Technical Advisory Committee addressed the Commission by first thanking the Commission for providing the committee the opportunity to come together to guide water resource plans. Ms. Rupp spoke regarding the process the Committee, consultants and staff has been through to produce the final plan. She then spoke about the detailed examination of this issue and the 30 different evaluation criteria they developed. The analysis was considerably deeper than planned or anticipated. They are recommending that the Commission adopt the plan and are very pleased with it. She spoke further regarding the recommendations. She spoke regarding the lack of implementation in the plan but the staff recommendations in the memorandum do speak toward implementation. She said she would like to see a bullet in the implementation plan saying that before the city looks into large capital water supply projects a TAC Committee or similar be convened. 07:53:05 PM Commission questions for staff and the panel and resulting discussion. Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment on this item. 08:29:13 PM George Metcalf, Public Comment Mr. Metcalf, Project Director of the Salar Properties, LLC Water Resources Project said he was speaking on behalf of the owner of the property Kent Brody regarding their relationship with the city. He referenced the Memorandum Of Understanding with the 10 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, September 30, 2013 Page 5 of 7 city that was approved by the Commission on June 20, 2011. He said that Salar intends to submit an unsolicited proposal for the city to consider for the purchase outright of the property Solar and have control and jurisdiction over its domain name. The property is in an unrestricted zoning area in Gallatin County. The proposal will be entirely based on ground water access with mitigation provided as necessary by back up storage ponds to be constructed over time on the upper level of that property. In the interim they would mitigate any well water drawn from the site with infiltration galleries. He spoke further about details. 08:35:35 PM Al Lien, Public Comment Al Lien with the Association of Irrigators thanked the Commission for including agriculture through the Association to have a seat with the TAC Committee and thanked Gretchen Rupp for keeping the Committee focused. He also mentioned that Commissioner Taylor had been through Judge Holly Brown’s water walk speaking further about that and how agriculture uses water rights. 08:37:43 PM Guy Alsentzer, Public Comment Mr. Alsentzer said he was speaking as a conservationist as the Executive Director of Upper Missouri River Water Keeper. He spoke towards the good cautionary principle in the water plan proposed and urged the Commission to adopt the plan and would encourage a robust public participation plan throughout so all stakeholders can be involved. 08:38:57 PM Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 08:39:06 PM Commission questions and discussion. 09:50:40 PM It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Krauss that having reviewed the reports, considered the recommendation of the Technical Advisory Committee and considered public comment and staff analysis, I first move to accept the integrated water resources plan and second to direct staff to provide an implementation plan to the commission by December 1st. Discussion on the motion. 10:04:20 PM Mayor Becker suspended the Commission rules of procedure to allow the meeting to be extended until 10:30. Further discussion on the motion. 10:10:39 PM Vote on the motion that having reviewed the reports, considered the recommendation of the Technical Advisory Committee and considered public 11 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, September 30, 2013 Page 6 of 7 comment and staff analysis, I first move to accept the integrated water resources plan and second to direct staff to provide an implementation plan to the Commission by December 1st. Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: 2nd Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Disapprove Mayor - Sean Becker: Approve Commissioner - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve The motion passed 4-1 with Commissioner Krauss opposed. 3. Provisional Adoption of Ordinance 1873, adding Authority to Section 38.23.180 of the Bozeman Municipal Code for the Administration of Water Adequacy Requirements (Sullivan)  10:12:08 PM Tim Cooper, Staff Attorney Mr. Cooper provided the staff presentation on this item. 10:17:15 PM Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. Seeing none, Mayor Becker closed public comment. 10:17:30 PM Commission questions for staff and discussion. 10:30:49 PM Mayor Becker tabled this item to a date to be determined by staff. 3. Appointments to the Gallatin Local Water Quality District Board of Trustees (Brunckhorst)  10:31:20 PM Motion and Vote It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Krauss to appoint Commissioner Cyndy Andrus and Randy Carpenter to the Gallatin Local Water Quality District Board of Trustees. Those voting Aye being Crs. Mehl, Krauss, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 12 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, September 30, 2013 Page 7 of 7 Time did not allow for the following three agenda items. They will be moved to a future agenda. 4. Appointment to the City Planning Board (Brunckhorst)  5. Appointment to the Zoning Commission (Brunckhorst)  6. Appointment to the Wetlands Review Board (Brunckhorst)  H. FYI/Discussion 1. 10:31:41 PM Possible Joint ASMSU / City Commission Meeting proposed by ASMSU. Ms. Brunckhorst mentioned the October 30th date proposed by the Associated Students of Montana State University for a joint ASMSU / City Commission. The Mayor is not available on the 30th and the remainder of the Commissioners will discuss this and get back to staff. I. Adjournment Mayor Becker adjourned the meeting at 10:34 p.m. ______________________________ Sean A. Becker, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Stacy Ulmen, CMC, City Clerk PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Aimee Brunckhorst, Deputy City Clerk Approved on ___________________________ 13