HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4417 Clara O. Ditton Annexation 2440462 Paqejot rm5 ito o2/1212013 04 49-53 PM Fee $35.00 Char e i lls - Gallatin County, MT misc IIIII 111111 III IIII 111 IR IH Ell 111111111111 1I1 11111111110 1111 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO.4417 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF A CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS TRACT OF LAND,HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND THE EXTENSION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID CONTIGUOUS TRACT. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman received a request for annexation froill the Clara 0. Ditton [-,ivitig Trust requesting the City Coluniissim to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeinaii so as to include a certain C011tigUOUS tract of land containing 20.00 acres I y irig generally on the south side of Highway 86/13ridger Drive approximately one mile east of the intersection with Story Mill Road in the County of Gallatin, State of Moutaria, and WHEREAS, Clara 0. Ditton Living Trust is the current laiidowtier of record of property described as Tract B-lA of Certificate of Survey No. 2392B as modified by the right-of-way highway acquisition located in the SE '/4 of Section 32. T IS, R6E, P.M.M. Gallatin County, Montana, requesting the City Commission to extend the boundaries of the City of 13ozeniail;and WHEREAS,aii annexation staff report has been prepared iii accordance with the Coininissioil's goals and policies.for annexation and was presented to the Conijuission on,tune 11.2012,and WHEREAS,a public ilicetiiig oil said annexation petition was duly noticed alid held oil Julie 11, 2012;and WHEREAS,no nieriibers of the public spoke in regards to said annexation at the public iiieetirig-1 and WHEREAS, the City d'ad not receive any written protest front the real property owners of the area to be annexed;and / WHEREAS, on June l\ 2012, the Commission preliminarily approved the annexation and authorized City Staff and the Clara O. Ditton Living Trust to negotiate the filial annexation agreement to be presented for consideration u&o future City Commission meeting:and WHEREAS, on December 18` 2012, the Commission reviewed and approved the filial annexation ugrcmco\ and authorized City Stuff and the Landowner to prepare the fioul annexation documents and execute the documents;and WHEREAS,the provision of available services, imulud|ng,bu< uq{ limited to, aireexy. rights-of- way, cxw:mem1u, water rights or cash in lieu, waivers of protest against creation of SO]'a and water and . mrv/rr hookup fees, to said cuut' ouotmot as described is the sub)utofuwritten agreement between the City and the Landowner,and WHEREAS, said contiguous tract is described as Tract B-|/\ of Certificate of Survey 74o. 2392B as modified by the right-of-way highway acquisition located in the SE 114 of Section 32, T IS,R6l, P.M.M. Gallatin County, Montana-.and WHEREAS,the Bozeman City Commission hereby finds that the annexation of1bi000mbguoum tract is in the best interests of the City of Bozeman and the inhabitants/owners thereof. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozenian, Mmuuuu: Section 1 That it is hereby declared that, pursuant 10 Title 7, Chapter 2, Part 46, K1.C.4., the following- described property which is contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Bozeman, be annexed to the City nfBozeman and that the boundaries of said City obali be extended so as to embrace and include suclI20.00 acres o[land,rowit. Lc�4al Description(Tract B-.I,,A) A tract of land in the south east quarter of Section 32,Township I South, Range 6 East, Principal Meridian, (]aOutiu Cuunty, Montana, being Tract B'IA.ofCcrCiDcw4cofSurvey 2392B as modified by right-of-way highway-acquisition and being more particularly described usfollows: ' Beginning mt the south east corner of said Tract R-l/\from which the southeast corner n[said Section 32 bears SRVu25'4o" E37\.03 ft.:thence lN80o25'4&'' VV581.40ft. along tile aooth line of said Section 32;thence Y42oi4'30''B4716S ft;thence S8gu33'56°VV22]]5 ft,:dje,oeS *go05' l8, VV |V0.50fL� thence N lu05'C8" YV45|.35ft. to point oil the nnuuhcJy Right uf Way o[Secondary Hig|nvay29l thence, along said Right ofWay,eomer} ]3.88 ft. a|m/g, uuon-taoueot curve to the left with u radius ofl|q6M)ft, u central an-le of|o V0'38°and o chord that bears M82u42']4" E23.888.-,thence S70m |9'40" E6024ft., dhmnoe easterly |6034 ft. along u non-tangent curve to the left with arudiuoof1225.0UO_ o central angle of7o29'58''and u chord that bears N 75n54' |7'' El6O.23ft.:thence N65n33' D|'' E 53'S7k-thence easterly 3l4.37 ft. along u non-tangent curve tn the left with u radius of MOM ft-u central angle ofl4o5A' 56°and *chord that bears N62o09'21° E1l8.468., thence Y438o35'33" E54.74ft.;thence northeasterly 4226tt along u non-tangent curve tothe left with u radius o[ \2O6.O0d,o central an-le o[2o00'28" and u chord that bears NJ\oOg' 09" E4226U.; thence N 50m08'55" E lDg.84ft.;thence N75o47' Z]'' Z5S.46ft.;thence 50u00'5S'' E2\2.82ft.,thence, leaving said Right ofVVay^ Slol9'28° E |407.18dtothe point of��nnio�,, containing 19.42 acres. Legal Description (Highway 86/Bridger_Drive RM /\ tract vf land io (lie south east quarter of8ec1i"o32, Township | 8wudi, Range hEast, Principal Meridian,Gallatin County.Montana, being part ufTract B'l/\ of Certificate of 8urvuy2392B and being more particularly described usfollows: Beginning uzo point oil the highway right of way from which Tile north west corner ofsaid Tract B-l/\ bears S82o42'34''lV2].8X11-1 thence & 7Ou 10'40"E60.24ft.,thence easterly l60.]4 ft. o]nuoanon-tao(yemt Curve/u the left with o radius ofl22j.00ft, u central an-le of7m 29'58"and n Chord that bears N75o54' |7''E l6023U.� thence N65o33'&l" B53.57A.; thence easterly 3|V.37 ft. along a non-tangent curve to the]ell vvhhu radius Of MOM D`u central mno|e . 14o5g' 56°and a chord(bu1 bears N62mO9'2|'' E3l8.46ft.,thence N ]8o3j' 33° E 54.74 ft,;thence northeasterly 42,26 ft alolig Et 11011-tallgellt Curve to the left with a radius ofl2U6.0Oft_ u central angle of2o00'28'' and x chord that bears N5)o0V'09~ E4226f�, theme N50o08'55'' E )V9.X4FL�thence N75o47'23''Bj5.46U.:thence N50oO8'55" E 2l2.82ft.-, thence,ru lo ]O~28"Yy43.46 ft.thence S50o0X' 55"vV39P.73ft.thence son\|rm/e�ed�G6X.06d. onaourve1mLkcri�b�vvi�hooad�momfl �9600_ m�docurdodxn�ion[ 3Zo0O'28"to the point of beginning containing O.58acres, The described parcel has mn area(if 2O.0O acres, more oo less and is along with and subject io any existing easements and includes aqjaeeiit Lul-annexed road right-of-way for Highway 86/Bridger Drive as described oil the Dittou Annexation Mop. Section 2 The eftectivc date nf this annexation is January 28,20l3. Section 3 lhc uuur\alimn of the above-described tract is subject to the terms of the Agreement dated Sepien6erlO. 20l2. hyuudbchveunUheCh»of8uzem*uundC|uruO. I]ittooLivin&Tnxstmvncrsofouid tract of land. PASSEL? AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman. Montana, at a regular session thereof hell on the 28th day of January,2013, JJ ss ept , M or ATTEST: e fm, S AC MEN,�"M C ,. C r lerk ` .. r « fi rt, IW AP13ROVED AS TO FORM: E SULaLIVAN City Attorney Ye P play 40 ZY 1 21' po 1 nil 1120 SAW 1 it life 1 Z 1 k i 1 ir 11111 i tW U) Z cf), ZD SH 0 HOW End Ag was A