HomeMy WebLinkAbout13- Addendum No. 5 to City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy 130 THE CITY OF BOZEMAN 20 E. OLIVE - P.O. BOX 123{1 BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771-1230 ENGINEERING OF-PARTMENT CO. PHONE: (406) 582-2280 - FAX: (406) 582-2263 Addendum No. 5 City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy April 2013 Deleted text shown with strikeout, new text added shown in red Section Pule. Summary of Revision Design Standards & Specifications IV. D. Table IV-2 38 Change minimum grade for collectors and arterials to 0.5% IV.G. 42 Revise roadway surfacing requirements for intersections with traffic circles or roundabouts IV. J. 43 Revise Lighting Standards V. A. 6. a, 45 Revise language on service stub size Appendix City of Bozeman Fire Service Line Standard Attachment B 3 Revised Form Approved By- Date: 21113 Richard llixson, P.E., City Engineer Approved By:f� Date- 6 (3 Chris Kukulski, City Manager HOME OF MONTANAjSTATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK TABLE IV-2 MINIMUM STREET DESIGN STANDARDS FOR CITY STREETS STREET TYPE PRINCIPAL MINOR COLLECTOR LOCAL RURAL ARTERIAL ARTERIAL Rigbt-of-way width 110' - 120" 100, 90, 60' go, — 110" Centerline radius on curves 300' 150' 300' 'rangent length between 100, 50' 1001 reverse curves Stopping sight distance 300' 200' 300' Angle at intersection s >750 >750 >75c centerline Curb radius at intersections 2 a 2 2 N/,A Length of tangent at 150' 100, 150' intersection 3 , Back of curb to back of curb 82' 50',63', 71 45 , 48', 52',62' 3 1 3 , 33', 35" 62 39' 3,4 Length of cul-de-sacs N/A N/A N/A 500, N/A Outside radius on cul-de-sac s 5 N/A 50' N/A right-of-way' Grade—maximum 7% 10% 10% —i Grade—minimum 0 5'�,�, 0 5 11/i, 0,5% 0.5% 0,5% Grade within 150 feet of 3% 3% 3% intersecting centerlines Design Speed(MPH) 50 45 45 30 45 K Factor(minirnun-1) Crest 105 50 105 Sag 65 35 65 Minimurn VCL Crest 90 50 90 Sag 70 50 70 30 Speed Limit 40 MPH or Less L = WSI/60 45 MPH or Greater L = WxS where L= length of transition in feet W= width of offset in feet S = speed limit or 85th percentile speed The City of Bozeman Engineering Department should be consulted for any unusual transition conditions. Grade breaks greater than 1-percent are not allowed when matching existing dirt or gravel streets. 8. The cost of offsite pavement transitions shall be borne by the developer, F. MEDIAN TREATMENT Median curbs should be integral curb and gutter(with spill curb) unless otherwise approved. Medians less than eight (8) feet wide should be capped with M-4000 concrete a minimum of three (3) inches thick. Wider medians should be top soiled and seeded with an approved seed mix. The minimum median width is 4 feet. All medians or raised islands should be made clearly visible at night through the use of adequate reflectorization and/or illumination. Flexible delineators shall be placed at the beginning and end of all medians, and at the point of any horizontal alignment change. All median curbs and island curbs shall be painted yellow with epoxy paint. G. ROADWAY SPECIFICATIONS Following are the requirements of the minimum roadway surfacing standards: Surfacip&. The pavement thickness design will be based on the current AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, or the current Asphalt Institute Manual. Series No. I (MS-1) for thickness design. A Pavement Design Report, based upon specific site soil data and design-year traffic loading conditions, prepared by a Professional Engineer, or other qualified professional approved by the City Engineer, shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to plan and specification submittal if using the self-certification process or with the plans and specifications if using the standard process. The design shall be based on at least a 20-year performance period traffic volume; however,the minimum design lane Equivalent 18,000-1b Single Axle Load (ESAL) used in the pavement design shall not be less than 50,000-ESAL. The minimum asphalt pavement thickness for any new local roadway shall be three (3) inches. The minimum asphalt pavement thickness for any new collector or arterial roadway shall be four (4) inches, A 41 minimum of six (6) inches of high quality untreated aggregate base shall be provided for designs utilizing asphalt pavement over untreated aggregate base. Where full-depth asphalt is designed, an adequate stabilizer lift shall be included, consistent with unpaved roadway design practices, to provide a suitable sub-base capable of withstanding the traffic required for the initial construction of the roadway. ] [ie Clfy nuly re(,plire roL.ti-x]-abow,,s or Iraffic, cii:,clt,s to qua cons�njcted llorOand Cemenl ('I'or,(,:,rele st rfllciu)g, 14. SIGNS and MARKINGS 1. Street identification signs shall be installed at all new intersections in accordance with City of Bozeman Modifications to MPWSS. The design Engineer should consider, and the City Engineer may require, regulatory traffic control signs and pavement markings in accordance with the MUTCD. Stop signs shall be installed on local streets when they intersect with any collector or arterial streets. 2. Unless otherwise approved, all transverse markings, words and symbols, and 8" or larger lane line pavement markings shall be inlaid thermoplastic or pre- forined plastic tape. All other markings may be either inlaid or preformed thermoplastic or epoxy paint. The materials proposed for all markings shall be specified on the plans. 3. Crosswalk markings should not be used indiscriminately. An engineering study should be performed before they are installed at locations away from traffic signals or stop signs. Mid-block crosswalks are discouraged, a. All marked crosswalks for designated school crossings shall be longitudinal.white bars ("City of Bozeman Type B" style). "School Crossing" signs and "School Advance Warning" signs shall be installed at all designated school crossings. b. At stop or signal controlled intersections, marked crosswalks shall be two 8" white lines, 8' apart typically, installed transverse to traffic and in-line with sidewalks, if any ("City of Bozeman Type A" style), C. Marked crosswalks at uncontrolled intersections, and all mid-block crosswalks shall be "Type B", with "Pedestrian Crossing" signs. "Pedestrian Crossing Advance Warning" signs should be installed if deemed warranted by engineering judgment. d. Parking shall be restricted by the use of signs and curb markings within 20 feet of crosswalks at a minimum, or longer based on engineering judgment. 42 e. All crosswalk signs and advance crosswalk signs shall have a fluorescent yellow green background. 4. All signs shall comply with the "Standard Highway Signs"book (FHWA), S. Street name signs for publicly-maintained roadways shall consist of white letters on a green background. Street name signs for privately-maintained roadways shall consist of white letters on a blue background, 1. MONUMENTATION 1. Monuments in monument boxes shall be provided in new or reconstructed streets at all. section comers, quarter comers, and sixteenth comers, J. LIGHTING The design engineer shall consider the need for roadway lighting in the development of plans for any new or reconstructed roadways, 111timination shall be pfavided a4 all st-feet irAer-seefians en celleeter-a-Rd arter-ial s4eets, and fbi!afly roadway Y4-ffi a faised median-, All roadway light41g shall be designed in aeeer-daiiee with the "Amer4ean Nationa Staiidffd Pfaetiee fer-Roadway Ligliting" W�SVJFSNA RP &-GO)-. sireel hcfllthi�, Consists cif s�reet lighdrig, anci pathwav iiatersecU I on fighting, mind shO cionqfly wfih fl'le f'oflowing requir(niients� Gen.cral, a, MI street liohtirig shzil] be opetate(] and n­jainUdnifi�aI thrOUgfi flie creadion P t� of as new SILD. thl'OW)h tfle annexation to an exislitirm, till or thr), soine (.A.-ner equi),,,alent fneans apprmed by the City of Bozernan, The application to create or annex to ari existing ill] if shall be subii'niued to the C,it r Mlhin 2 inonths of preliminar"y approval of the deve.11oprnent, The approval lo creme or ,annex to an SRI) shall be granted prior to final plat f'6.1-a SUbdivision or Occupanc,y il,`a final plat is not foquiled, 0, Streo, Inghfing shall be installed per 38.39 030 B, BMC (in re-ards to con'tpletion lime �ror hnprovctnents). li[.idinTidua] yard lights on j�n-i vate p.ropeny shall not 1,)c L sed for street fighfin& d Unless othen,n Iyise specified herein. installation (..)f' equipment for iiglilfinc, L�I sf afl conforix� to thi.� requireTtients of "Standard Specificatoms for [Oad 43 and thidge Conanx6vi", latest edit4m. QUM by the Monmmi Depmmm of Ilmnsportation, The HUnKaHon nNyMmem Ir anon inlers&"C(io]'n ""Creel rc only mu; H& is requNd. shaH be �;fil Nvhe doennMed hurr; We 42-2 based on the lFu nc6onal classification of We snvet upon MAdi the hghhs kwawd- (2) f�r()r all interseclOns Hem mom Man ont" sueet hght is requKed. aH HgMs ON! be MAN We smue rm4W Or 111ke1KWCd lumem, The Mid rt at i,W I I'CCp Uil'Clllellt shah l be deWrOned Jj()Yjrn Yable 42-2 for the functional ch.issification ofthe, Ng of Ke imensedjon wilh, the higlicst reLlUiYellient. pwn ..�.�p gjpghzmj Inhyneoign,, A. ,.atrcel fi ght ShaH be MINd al nwh nonn... Mgnahzcd sweet intersectOn wilh die excephons contained n11 subsecHons (I ) and (2) beh), (1 ) At Semecdons w1wre We %Achh of one or more of the Eqqxuaches Agreato- than or equal lo 510 feet,, as measured to the back ofcurb or edge of pavenuno, then two—sueet Qus ON! be hnaHul on dilq[;("MaHy, q,',ilposite corners, (2) At We �nLerseoion of tNvo local sireas, a s1reo flgN may be onritted if As Walladon %voulc vioWe flit, spacnig crfterua cirmitained in 1 rible ,12-2, 0 AhSngUzgd injouty0gpinki AgniOd W�crsiucfions ,di appmadws are narrower thwi 50 Ito. as nwavowed to the Nck W' curb or edge of pavenwnt two sweet Lights sha,fl be fnstaflr,xd on the diagonally opposite eorners,, At signahzed intersecti(:,)rus vvhere the Widtl-n of one or inort',, (,ffthe appoadws is i •eater than m equ,,it to 50 feet,:, Four streel Hghts s1iall be instaRed. (nne on each corner,, In adldon to imenectionlocations, street Hghts shall be spned Mug strects in acc,,ordance with Table 42-1, 44 Table 42-2 Maint,i,ined Luniens Functional 'I'll 1-0 LIgh Pedestrian [Minitinum, Mainfia.incd Average Clissiricalion Lanes Conflict Values) S,1m.1(ji mn g ArteHal 4/2 1 figh 33000-22500 225/225 42, Lmv 22500-13500 3001275 CoRector V2 fligh 22,5010-13500 2 5 0/2 2-5 j 4/2 Lov%,, 22500-8000 300/275 Local 2 Uvv 9500-8000 r' //A Arterial - Commercial CenWr 41 lugh 33000-22500 200/175 Collector - Coimniercial Center 4/2 H ig h 22500-13500 229175 IACM -ConannThl Center 2 lilt., 950180m) 150 Awl Hgha env onbuyqi6red at hVemohms on /m3d suvel.s, 4e Sireet LjuLq_ j,,cc,:0j( P " '-I C x 11 D Ktl In adefiiion to sp&n t,l reqihrernenis, t1le ""WhIg k,)Wnit cri(cria shall be used: an. Men a strect hght OC,Akn CaHs" nc,ar an unlit' be kwated at Te imtrmetnkn: b� Sireel NgWs shall he kwaWd m pnMerly lines to We greatest extent ImMe. bm not in conn1i with oTer ant 1hy service providerm 0 Me spachg aWng a streel rimy %/,riry fi nm le crimria of We 420 IV q) to 15 pemem. For Te undbinaity ofappeananice, the variaricc in sp�aIc I I I ng bemm aQacmit spans shouhl not be nme awn 15 pemms, T All proposed MvW wilin the ywolmed subdivision. having a cmve of 300 let or lunger in lmigb, shall have as street fight wn the niiiiffle of the horiziontal CL11-VQ, 01a cls required by tho City C, A street Hou al AI be pilaced at the tei mirml ends and enter rnedian islands ha&ng tmes an Mr Axed cNem M having a breaka%Aay design an spec(Is of'25 afile�,s, per hour or g.reater; f. Mring for see lWhis shAl be underground and in 25' mininILRY1 diffllletff coTn.(h,iit,, ConduNs sball typically be pLiced 2 feet f•oni ban,,br of'curb, All • rig shall be Installed to meet We National L'Iectric Cade, Pull boxes shall be reintbi-ced concrete and shall be located to not inipede access to PinTerties, L-1 Additional strect liglits irmy has required b Yr 1110 C'jty Commission vyll.en IN,ndal W& tmzardsax,e identified during plan review; �,,md It Nr WWs (I'lat are wider tan 70 Use (From bacl,, Of CLUb) the required strect lights shatl ahernate on eit[rer side of the street� 45 °>. `�Gxm��V ➢ a;�lal ��_aapa�aa.aaWt stn tataaaaae rt„ aia, Uyales's ra a ahaaaaeew as gaaaa'tl.t.eed by We C want the aaSe of '"MeTmana aalale>, ptaae:lget AQagk-. or slaaalW e,13 I Ydrecl da& poles asp prohibited, ibited, be Alt poles mast ti,arrm,,, and Vltmlat p"i)aaa,ares For sawen 4ap.ka'a.s aid siitnnaal ImAes YTaall be powda aoaa[aael or pa.wame& Q Valle°ss as aaa.a.laaTM e N Mteaal all faaasaa-aa Al?,,'.l II `lhl,ra,.l, A1,\D COl_ l.l.CTt)R street and sugaaaal l'wlW.M pe64S aaind 8asaures shaH lease,, - leave er Raeen" (RAl.J,f'6100,"'r) a.aa ^w,iaaQakaa in Meer., e.seMe:;Plaaa,'-� tl:aat all fIaata.Dc! MaCO aBd SlgaN,al Qa pW s and thm,s & Ow Da vniteaaaaa Nasaaaa.,!ssv District anid, North 7"' ANTnue TIF l_}lNsa WWI he idack- and Who- e;xce'llatl g tat s^raaywy, streets hito MeaaataQaaa State University (am it go amuse WIle°ge °'~l[:a°m, cagy Boulewt and S, l P Avanue) may be shad lBaapss.st: BY, el. AH Stl:a"Cet pl& poles sla H lea^ taaaly aealaard stecl, Cr All stae%at llt ht peaks Wall be aaasaaalled a:aQa as c(micr to t`a.aaMdauaaaaaa Wh laaaesledsass a�,, l ttaNses, All poles peAaa"aahIfl4va�aas, w:9.nd l ricaaI ava,,aay bases shall 'meet [lied criteria .-,et forth aaa tlas� a�AS l l'��l p°uaspal�le;aaj[aaaaa "tl�aaaalaQa l 'spaa�tealaem lma�llls peas 1.:laal.a tw.iiasp. a as a a aawwa peas l-lnaapaws I 'Mess. ]-u a tggjIe a m...al.a e. Fraffic AM, l". "l[asaa fl;_rrhl laaaupaas aslaaall be lAaacaal as IN a:avvy, flWa'sm Hw edge ol°n pcl°waay as ImmeMt;iaaaaL alytpic aHy no Moor than 5 feet l`aerorn baick of C1aa1),. T Its 1.aaalllza; q paok yiiae. saaa,aIdi aim raass°hicw - bolts and laaal(` l'aauaaaa1a16011 shaaH be a a p.wpraal°aamate Or the laQa°rlmosseal ligt-ataaa[g, and shall he laastaa.lpe°d per tlae a a aaaaaaaibmaar `s se`asaAnumeeaQalaa.lesaas Mounting lussl�.hts slaaall be aaaeaawaUa-e,el plasaaa the grade of idw stmef at t1w edge of the tnivealled avaay and slaaall a;aarwal.a y asiffi the requula° asaems sal Table., ~l _1 Table 42-3 Maintained Laaaaaar ns (l llamlaaaa:m Maintained Average Values) ITIonnting l-laal la 9500-8000 25 l°lMeaal 330M A22500 ill lcx,°I. [' P"t A;µaas a .....:l.a.to ma lmm[ea a m w a wa . ,:atlava Qa pa�a,h s slaaall be iaasta ale d at all intersections of paatlm art's and streets,, located within [lase ls'ropaeasawd unlaMs-a kq.)aaa. eat or along existirig streets or roads abw6ng the 4.len*a/ti"la;:Bpa"aae nlN al aaaaal a9°1[ersectllcin is Ke.aatesal in aamaaas other than li lateael hataemcaa.tlons, C-t.11 Ps'Ia laasvay l:ug is e:eamaalcly Willi City of l` olze,aaaiaaaua ropx;ealle°aafiorls, 46 Table 42-4 Average Horkonfal 111timinance at Pathivay in, Maintained IFootcandles Nfixe(l vehicle and pedeskiw,i 10 Pedessian onhy 1,0 ',OM CT, Roadiay QghOng (RP-8 00), En,u,,,ineering Socic,o o/ "Yorth "i'llItTicon, 201W T I'nunnnannnnra n 90 19y" W l.undnaires (Jighl nxhnTs) Wall nwei I ESNA Kull �'!taoff" crn terja (no light oWput eviined above IM degrees W any hunal angle anwiml the fixture), b. L�..trninaires shall have Wier high pressure or pressure sr' diuln hanips, Lundnaires shah be Wred Io mawh aw vokage of the uperming sysmin. C strtz°CL fighting u,h'CLWS Shaffl I)C OlUtOt-MItically cowriffled Mfll 1U•YI lock niouruing delayed ivspcmise pholo celli One p1wto ceN stn H be MOM [at, ciucuit, tnounied� at 8 fco al (he service pand, I AH street lighting syMnns shafl be nieteredl sleparalely fronr offik,.r useS, %Vitll the exmjMon oFmrmt lights Walled in covjunoimi whh WE! Mgmd poles, e. Elecuic serNes shall me NEMA Type 3R cabinets "41-t hinged, loick,,ible covus and W- holes foi- an pafh& Wks, shall bC SUpplied by the City At city-niairrta ned sysmns. tilers ,s Haft [)c insudleir,] a minimuniord thet zuld rnaxhiuni of 5 thel above lVade, V Ser-Aces shall be eqWpped w1h Sway swkdws IT auu,Modorroperalkw tl� Record uJrnvings shall be provnded to the City kn, all uCVI Mld IC-CQflStR.IC(('d lighting systerns that ire uji be niairruiine'cl by the Chy, K. BIKE LANES/PATHS All bike lanes/paths shall be designed in accordance with the"Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities" (AASHTO, latest edition). Bike lanes shall be marked and signed in accordance with the MUTCD. 47 mains shall not exceed 500-fect long. Temporary dead-end mains scheduled for future extension may end with a blow-off in lieu of a fire hydrant. 6. Services a. A water line is designated as either a service line or water main based on its use, not its size. Generally, a line serving a single building or facility is considered a service line; a line serving more than one building, or intended to serve more than one building or facility is generally designated a water main. The standard sizes of service lines are 3/4-, 1-, 11/2-, 2-, 4-, 6-, or 8-inch. The minimum size of a fire service line is 1-inch. The minimum size of a service line :fit 1. k insWled f6f a single family r-esidentia4 lot is I", to allow for the potential use of the domestic supply for a fire sprinkler system. b. Service pipe shall be type "K" copper for sizes less than 4-inch, and ductile iron for services 4-inch and larger. Plans and specifications prepared by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Montana shall be submitted for 4-inch and larger service lines. C. The service stubs shall be installed in accordance with the COB Standard Drawings for service lines. The service line stubs shall be installed at the center of each lot unless otherwise approved by the Water Superintendent. d. No service line shall be extended into a building until an "Application for Service" has been completed and a Plumbing Permit has been obtained from the Building Department. e. Backflow prevention devices as required by the Water Superintendent shall be installed on each fire and domestic service line. Meters will be installed inside the building by the Water Department on all service lines except for fire service lines. Meter pits shall not be used unless specifically approved by the Water Superintendent. f. All service connections shall be uniform size from the service line tap to the building structure or structures unless other-wise approved or required by the Water Superintendent. The Water Department shall reserve the right to require a larger service connection to any building, structure or development if the water requirements when calculated by the fixture unit method, as specified in the Uniform Plumbing Code, cause the service line velocity to exceed ten(10) feet per second. Each service line and 45 INSTALIXF]ON OF PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE,MAINS AND THEIR APPURTENANCES Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Underground Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work,inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative.All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities,owners,and contractor. It is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way preyudices any claim against contractor for faulty material,poor workmanship or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances Property name Date Property address Accepted by approving authorities(names) Address Plans _.W............... Installation conforms to accepted plans Yes No Equipment used is approved ❑ Yes ❑ No It no,state deviations Has person in charge of fire equipment been instructed as to location of ❑ Yes ❑ No control valves and care and maintenance of this new equipment? 11 no,explain Instructions Have copies of appropriate instructions and care and maintenance ❑ Yes ❑ No charts been left on premises? if no,explain Location Supplies bulidings Pipe types and class I Type joint Pipe conforms to standard ❑ Yes ❑ No Underground Fittings conform to ..,__............_.. _ standard ❑ No pipes and joints If no,explain ❑ Yes Joints needing anchorage clamped,strapped,or blocked in ❑ Yes ❑ No accordance with .___................,_.. __.__standard If no,explain Fiushlng: Flow line required rate until water is clear as Indicated by no collection of foreign material in burlap bags at outlets such as hydrants and blow-offs.Flush at one of the flow rates as specified in Hydrostatic' All piping and attached appurtenances subjected to system working pressure shall be hydrostatically tested at 200 psi (13.8 barj or 50 psi(3.5 bar)in excess of the system working pressure,whichever is greater,and shall maintain that pressure±5 psi (0.35 bar)for 2 hours. Test Hydrostatic Testing Allowance, additional water is added to the system to maintain the test pressures required by, description the amount of water shall be measured and shall not exceed the limits of the following equation(for metric equation,see L = testing allowance(maksup water),in gallons per hour L= SQ-05 S = length of pipe tested,in feet 148,000 D = nominal diameter of the pipe,in inches P= average test pressure during the hydrostatic test,in pounds per square inch(gauge) New underground piping flushed according to ❑ Yes ❑ No � d "„ !f standard by(company) Ii no,explain How flushing flow was obtained Through what type opening Flushing ❑ Public water ❑mmTank or reservoir ❑Fire pump J Hydrant butt ❑ open pipe tests Lead-ins flushed according to standard by(company) ❑ Yes ❑ No If no,explain How flushing flow was obtained Through what type opening ❑ Public water Tank or reservoir ❑Fire pump F1 Y connection to flange ❑ open pipe _ and spigot 2012 National Fire Protection Association NFPA 24(p.1 of 2) FIGURE 10.10.1 Sample of Contractor's Material and'Test Certificate for Underground Piping. Q2013 Edition UNDERGROUND PINING; 24-19 Hydrostatic All new underground piping hydrosta[lcally tested at Joints covered test _, _._...,__._,. psi for hours ❑ Yes ❑ No Total amount of leakage measured Leakage - — gallons hours test Allowable leakage — gallons .. hours Forward Plow Poward flow es e with _' .. ., .._.. test of backftowr preventer _, ❑ Yes ❑ No Number installed Type and make All operate satisfactorily Hydrants ❑ Yes ❑ No Water control valves left wide opera ❑, Yes ❑ No If no,state reason Control 'J'aIw85 Hose threads of fire department connections and hydrants interchangeable with ❑ Yes ❑ No [hose of fire department answering alarm Date left in service Remarks Name of installing contractor Tests witnessed by Signatures For property owner(signed) Title Dale For installing contractor(signed) Title Date Additional explanation and notes 02012 National Fire(Protection Association NFPA 24(p,2 of 2) FIGURE 10.10.1 Continued 2013 Edition �? 9T1 CO. ADDENDUM No. 1 to CITY OF BOZEMAN MODIFICATIONS TO MONTANA PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, SIXTH EDITION Instructions; To update your copy of the City of Bozeman Modifications to Montana Public Works Standard Specifications, Sixth Edition, remove the old material and insert the enclosed new material in the appropriate Sections,as 'indicated by the page numbers. Take Out Pn efs) Past in Page s) Section 02660 Water Distribution All 1-14 (Allow Romac Tapping Sleeves; allow Ford Curb Boxes; allow additional sizes of American Flow Control valves; require no-lead brass; delete polyethylene encasement requirement; allow use of American AVK gate valves and fire Hydrants) New or Revised Standard Drawings Standard Drawing 02720-3 (Revised) Standard Drawing 02581-1 (Revised) Standard Drawing 02581-2 (Revised) Standard Drawing 02660-13 (Revised) Standard Drawing 02660-13 (Revised) Approved By: / � Date: �''� 1 3 Richard Ilixson, P.E., City Engineer_74a&t�Approved By: Date: S ,26 Chris Kukulski, City Manager ADDENDUM ] SECTION 02660 WATER DISTRIBUTION 1.4 STANDARD DRAWINGS Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02660-3, Thrust Blocking for Water Main Valves Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02660-4, Fire Hydrant Setting Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02660-5, Hydrant Location Detail Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02660-6, Water Service Line Delete: Standard Drawing No. 02660-7, Blowoff Valve Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-3, Thrust Blocking for Water Main Valves Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-4, Fire Hydrant Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-5, Hydrant Location Detail Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-6, Water Service Line Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-7, Typical Blowoff Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-8, Hydrant Barrier Posts Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-10, Typical Valve/Tee Restraint Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-11, Water Main Crossing Below Existing Sewer Main Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No.02660-12,Water Service Line,4"and Larger Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 0266013, Standard Fire Service Line Installation, Class 1, 11, and III Systems Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No- 02660-14, Standard Fire Service Line Installation, Class IV and V Systems Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-15, Water Service Line from Curb Stop to Building (Lines 2" and Smaller) Add. City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-16, Water and Sewer Main and Services Location Standards Add: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No.02660-17, Water Service Interior Clearances 2.2 PIPE MATERIALS B. Ductile Iron Pipe 1. Revise us follows: Furnish Class 51 wall thickness meeting AWWA 0151, American National Standard for Ductile Iron Pipe for 12" diameter pipe and smaller. For pipe sizes greater than 12", furnish as specified in the contract documents. 2. Revise as follows: Use underground pipe having mechanical or push-on joints meeting AWWA CI 11. Use underground fittings having mechanical joints meeting AWWA C I 11. Use restrained joint pipe for all stream crossings and for pipe installed in casings. If restrained joints at fittings are required, use Megalug mechanical joint COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 1 - of 14 SECTION 02660 AM 1 restraint or Megaflange restrained flange adapter,manufactured by EBBA Iron Sales, or Uni-flange Series 1400 retainer glands, manufactured by Ford Meter Box Company, MJ Field Loki Series DI, manufactured by US Pipe, Field. Lok(R 350 Gaskets for push-on joints, manufactured by US Pipe, Sigma One-Lok Series SLID manufactured by Sigrna Corporation, or approved equal. 4. Fittings Delete the use of gray-iron fittings, add the following requirements: All fittings must be manufactured in accordance with applicable AWWA standards at ISO 9001-2000 approved manufacturing facilities. These manufacturing facilities must be covered under periodic audits by third party accreditation bodies for evaluations. These evaluations shall include manufacturing processes,quality control,corrective and preventative actions, and document control. In addition, distribution centers must be audited by Third Party Approval Agencies for periodic confirmation tests and surveillance audits. These periodic confirmation tests and surveillance audits shall document continuation of product approvals by auditing the entire quality systems including design, infrastructure, system implementation, distribution, training, quality control and assurance, and document control. All fittings must be manufactured in accordance with NSF 61. 5. Joints a. Revise as follows: Assure the fitting interior is cement mortar lined meeting AWWA C 104,or fusion-bonded epoxy lined meeting ANSI/AWWA C1 16/A21.16. Assure the fitting exterior is bituminous tar coated I mil thick or fusion-bonded epoxy lined meeting ANSI/AWWA C I 16/A21.16, Use compact fittings having a rated working pressure of 350 psi following manufacturer recommended laying lengths. 6. Couplings Delete the use of cast iron or gray iron sleeves. Add the following requirements: a. 4) Furnish one of the following copper to copper compression connection couplings: Mueller H15403; Ford C44-xx-Q style; or AY McDonald 4758Q for 3/4", 1", 3/4" x I", and V x 1 1/2". No connection couplings are pennitted from the corporation stop to the curb stop for'/4" and I" services. I not. be iised, C. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe Delete the use of this pipe material for water lines D. Concrete Cylinder Pipe Delete the use of this pipe material far water lines COBMODS 6' Edition Page - 2 - 014 SECTION 02660 ADD. 1 E. Water Service Pipe Reuse this section as follows: 1, Use copper or ductile iron pipe in water service line construction as specified in the contract documents and meeting the following specifications. a. Furnish service pipe of the size or sizes specified. A water line is designated a service line or water main based on its use, not its size. Generally, a line serving a single building or facility is considered a service line; a line serving more than one building, or intended to serve more than one building or facility is generally designated a. water main. The standard sizes of services are 3/4", 1", 1'/2", 211, 4", 6", or 8". The minimum size of a fire service is I". b. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, furnish and install the service pipe from the main to 8 feet past the property line with a curb stop and curb box installed 8 feet past the property line. Install the water service lines in accordance with City of Bozeman Standard Drawings 02660-6 and 02660-12 and where applicable with "City of Bozeman Fire Service Line Standard", City of Bozeman Standard Drawings 02660-13 and 02660-14. C. Copper Service Pipe I) Use copper, type K annealed, meetings AWWA Standard 0800. Use straight lengths for 1.5" and 2" services. d. Polyethylene Service Pipe Delete the use ofthispipeinaterialfor permanent water limes. e. Ductile Iron Pipe 1) Use ductile iron pipe for water service lines that are 4" in diameter or larger. Furnish ductile iron pipe which conforms to the requirements of Section 02660 23 TAPPING SLEEVES AND VALVES: Revise this section as follows: A. Tapping sleeves shall be ductile iron or stainless steel, split-sleeve,mechanical joint. type with end and side gaskets. They shall have a Class 125, ANSI B16.1 outlet flange. They shall be rated for a minimum of 200 psi working pressure and shall containn a threaded plug for testing, purposes on the neck or body of the tapping sleeve. Gaskets shall be manufacturers' standard suitable for use in potable water systems. Bolts and nuts shall be Cor=Ten, Dura-Bolt,or stainless steel. The sleeve shall be as manufactured by Mueller Company, Model H-615 or H-304, or as COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 3 - of 14 SECTION 02660 ADD. 1 by Roiiiac', hid umyies, "SST" St�,Ififless Swel Tapping Yeeve wilh duc6le iron flagged unless otherwise approved by the City of Bozeman. B. Tapping valves shall be Mueller,with flanged inlets compatible with the flange of the tapping sleeve and mechanical joint outlet. Tapping valves shall be iron body, bronze mounted gate valves with non-rising stems with design, construction and pressure rating conforming to AWWA Specification 0509. Stem seals shall be double "0" ring seals designed so that the seal above the stem collar can be replaced with the valve under pressure in full open position. C. The tapping sleeve and valve shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor and the wet tap made by the City of Bozeman Water Department with the cost paid by the Contractor. The Contractor shall excavate the existing main at the location to be tapped to confirm the appropriate pipe dimensions prior to ordering the fittings. The tapping sleeve shall be installed with the outlet set on the horizontal plane. A concrete thrust block shall be installed behind the tee. 2.4 CORPORATION STOPS Revise this section asfollows: I. Furnish 300 psig ball valve brass corporation stops with inlet end to suit tapping requirements and conductive compression connection outlet for type Keoppertubing. Furnish either Mueller 1325008, Ford FB1000-x-Q, or A.Y. McDonald 4701 BQ corporation stops. 2.5 SERVICE CLAMPS Revise this section as follows 1. Furnish flat, double strap,bronze metal service clamps(service saddles)with Neoprene gaskets and corporation stop threads. Use Mueller BR 2 B Series, Ford 2028, or AY McDonald 3825. 2.6 CURB STOPS Revise this section as follows: 1. Furnish curb stops with ball type curb valves with Minneapolis pattern screw box mounts for 3/4", 1", 11/2", and 2" services, with 90' open to close operation. Furnish curb stops that conform to the following: Service Size Curb Valve and Curb Stqp 3/4" Ford Ball Valve Curb Stop B44-333-M-Q 1'/2" Minneapolis Thread, Mueller B-2.5155 11/2" Minneapolis Thread,or A.Y.McDonald 61040,part number 4182-035 In Ford Ball Valve Curb Stop B44-444-M-Q 11/2" Minneapolis Thread, Mueller B-25155 11/2" Minneapolis Thread, or A.Y.McDonald 6104Q,part CQBMODS 6" Edition Page - 4 - of 14 SECTION 02660 ADD, I number 4182-192 Ford Ball Valve Curb Stop B44-666-M-Q 2" Minneapolis Thread, Mueller B-25155 2" Minneapolis Thread, or A.Y. McDonald 6104Q, part number 4182-137 2" Ford Ball Valve Curb Stop B44-777-M-Q 2" Minneapolis Thread, Mueller B-25155 2" Minneapolis Thread. or A.Y. McDonald 6104Q, part number 4182-081 2.7 CURB BOXES Revise this section as./ollows. I Furnish Minneapolis pattern base, extension type curb boxes having 7 foot extended lengths. Provide 5-foot stationary rods in all curb boxes. Use the following curb boxes: and Urb Stops: N/1UC1k','1 111(1:: 88 CUI-1) bOX I 'A-an') %vilgi as 211!2"" base 2 standai°d Nack hex [AIShfiha IR r C)CN) F'onl 1-,.'N,42-7(.) ca.arb box top as itAu as 2 1/,'" 1-),,-,ise (,,,ippiai,, (wiffi as 2 1/ry . x I standard black I,w,\ bLi 1-6n a 191/16"" sta6o1 ary rod) I an(,] 2" C'Lirb Stops MLICHC- 111(13104 ca,ub lbo,,, 2 I y1t I base tapping (v'41'1 a "N- X, 2", slandar(] black he,,v, biirshing amd '/i' staflonar.y iod 1hat fits 2 t(aJ P SW10D) 2. Center and place the top section of a valve box with lid over all curb boxes that fall within asphalt pavement. 2.8 VALVES A. Gate Valves Revise this section as follows: I Gate valves shall be used for all lines from 4" up to and including 20". Furnish gate valves for underground installation equipped with a 2-inch square operating nut for key operation. All valves are to open counterclockwise. Valves are to be equipped with mechanical joints for pipe connections. Furnish Mueller 2360 valves or American Flow Control Series 2500 Ductile Iron Resilient Wedge Gate valves for sizes 12"and smaller,and Mueller 2361 oI, Ai-nericart 1-1mv Contml Series 2500 Dk,�ctfle h:on Resiliera Wedge Gale valves for sizes 14"to 20", or American A'V],', S i'ics 65 Dttctfle fron Ptesihei,il \Yed-e Gate Vnaives fir)i s'Mes 4""fl'VOLJL�Jl 12'", Series�g5 1,63- 14" mict 16"' Series 55 tor 18"'and 20" Va]N:It's, Bolts and nuts for the COBVIODS 6" Edition Page - 5 - of14 SECTION 02 660 ADD. 1 stuffing box, wrench nut cap screw, and bonnet shall be Type 304 stainless steel. B. Butterfly Valves Revise this section as follows: I. Furnish Class 250, rubber seated, butterfly valves for water distribution systems sized 24"and larger,meeting AWWA 0504 requirements.Valves to be equipped with mechanical joint ends and lubricated screw type operators designed for underground service. Furnish butterfly valves by Mueller, Kennedy, or M&H. All fasteners shall be Type 304 stainless steel. Add the following section: C. OS & Y Valves I For service lines 4" and larger, furnish a UL listed flanged Kennedy, American Flow Control, or Mueller OS & Y valve as the first fitting inside the building. For fire service lines 2"and smaller,furnish a NIBCOT-104-0 OS & Y valve as the first fitting inside the building. Bolts and nuts for the stuffing box, wrench nut cap screw, and bonnet shall be Type 304 stainless steel, 2.9 VALVE BOXES Add the following requirement: B. Valve boxes shall be East Jordan Iron Works 8560 series. Valve box lids for fire service lines shall be East Jordon Iron Works Product Number 06800029 or approved equal. 2,10 FIRE HYDRANTS" Revise this section as follows: B. Furnish hydrants with 5'/4"valve openings,flanged inlet,one 5" storz connection and two 21/2" hose connections. Storz connectors to be by Harrington Company.Assure hose nozzle threads meet ASA Specification B26 for National Standard Fire Hose Coupling Screw Threads, 71/2 threads per inch. Furnish National Standard operating nut. Furnish hydrants opening counterclockwise and having an arrow on the hydrant top designating the opening direction. D. Paint the hydrant portion above the ground line red. Furnish hydrants so that there is a ininitnum of 61/2' of cover over the hydrant lead unless specified otherwise on the approved plans. Furnish Mueller Super Centurion 250 model hydrants or Waterous 5 114" Pacer model hydrants per Water Department specifications, ()r leri call A V1, Sci ics 27 80 N osL,'-.dg ic Fi re I lydrant.Fumish Mueller Defender Security Device,with locks keyed to City of Bozeman Standard, for each hydrant installed. COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 6 - of 14 SECTION 02660 ADD, 1 Add the following section: 2.13 METER PITS A. Meter pit installations may be allowed for certain service lines such as for irrigation systems. The use of meter pits must be specifically approved by the Water Superintendent. If the use of a meter pit is allowed, the following Manufacturers are approved: Mueller, AY Me Donald, and Ford. The Meter Department shall approve specific models proposed for use on a case-by-case basis. ,A ddthefi.Vhm)ing section.: 2,144. 1,F,\1)"' B 1�A S S Bra iss cornponents c0'vatervwd n ":Itcnals in coi'flact N%;J�h c r s be of No-Licad Allo'V ([JNS/C1'DA No. (.'('Miporiews that do, not coin e orl Contact aViffi potab e sLc ffl be U &VDA No, ('836100-185­5-5-5 andsludI1 conforni to AWM/A Stamdard (_1'800 (AS TM B-62 Qn-0 ASTN/1 B 584), 3,2 PIPE INSTALLATION FOR WATER MAINS C. Laying of Pipe Revise as follows: 10. Construct reaction or thrust blocks at all tees, tapping tees, plugs, valves (except tapping valves and hydrant auxiliary valves that are part of a hydrant assembly), reducers, caps, vertical bends, and at horizontal bends deflecting 221/2' or more. Limit using metal rods or straps for thrust restraint to those specified on the plans, or where the use of concrete thrust blocks would be impractical. Do not use metal rods or straps unless specifically approved by the City of Bozeman. Construct reaction blocks from concrete having a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch at 28 days. Place blocking between undisturbed ground and the fitting to be anchored,as shown on Standard Drawing 02660-1. The size of thrust(gravity)blocks for vertical bends will be as designed by the Engineer. Place the blocking so that pipe and fitting joints are accessible for repair. In lieu of concrete thrust blocks, thrust restraint inay be provided utilizing Megalugg , Uni-Flange"" . MJ Field Lok9 Series DI, Field Loke 350 Gaskets for push-on joints,manufactured by US Pipe,Sigma One Lok Series SLD manufactured by Sigma Corporation,or approved equal joint restraints, for all fittings that require thrust restraint, except for cut-in or tapping tees (for mains or services)and bends on service lines inside building foundations, unless specifically prohibited by the City of Bozeman. Install the mechanical COBIVIODS 6" Edition Page - 7 - of 14 SECTION 02660 ADD. I restraints in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and at all joints as specified by the Engineer. D. Pipe Jointing 1. Rubber Gasket, "Push-On" Joints Add thefollowing requirement: b. All sections of newly installed water main shall provide continuity for electrical current. In order to provide continuity,insert a minimum of three brass or bronze conductive wedges in the joints of ductile iron pipe. Insert a copper wedge between cast iron and ductile iron pipe joints in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.Conduct a continuity test of new mains when required by the Engineer or City of Bozeman. 3. Connections to Existing Mains Add the following requirements: C. All wet taps to water mains in use shall be made by the City of Bozeman Water Department at the expense of the Contractor, All dry taps or connections shall be made by the Contractor. Any new or existing valve which controls water in the municipal system shall be operated by City of Bozeman personnel only. The Contractor shall pressure test tapping tees prior to tapping by the Water Department. The tapping tees shall be hydrostatically pressurized to a minimum pressure of 200 psi, and the testing apparatus shall be in place for verification by the Water Department tapping personnel. d. The Contractor is responsible for 24 hour advance notification, in writing, to all affected customers of a water main shut-down. The written notification is to include the date,time and estimated duration of interrupted service. The written notification is also to include the name and phone number of the Contractor's representative who is coordinating the shut-down as well as the phone number of the City of Bozeman Water Department. All commercial customers affected by the water main shut-down must sign a notification sheet acknowledging that they have been informed of the date and time of the shut-down. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to determine the likely duration of the main shut-down based on the proposed work and Contractor experience, and require the installation of temporary water services by the Contractor. e. Clean and disinfect temporary water systems in accordance with the requirements for cleaning and disinfecting new water mains. Do not connect existing services to the temporary system until COBMODS 6" Ed6ori Page - 8 - of14 SECTION 02660 ADD. 1 bacteriological tests show successful disinfection. Provide backflow protection at the point of connection of the temporary system to the municipal system, and at each point of connection of the temporary water system to the individual services. f. Remove any existing blow-offs or temporary flushing hydrants upon completion of the connection to the existing main, and install a brass plug upon removal of the corporation stop. POLY,`,'Fl I YLE�NIE E?qCASFME1,,H Rtwive this seelioui as,fi)llapvs. P(A ,eth,yfenc encx;ernent is nw recluired unloss specii'i(;,d in the convacn ➢ocuniclits, °Alhen specified. wra�) "ffl (Ih-ect hury C�-Ist 011, dLWffle iron pij,nc and d)tdng s iricluding' h N dnmts. vldvc boxes,, curl) boy and ""ffl OthffllWlal ]XHIS MCI SLlIl",IMS. ill po�yeth)dene encasenierit, A&the following new section: 3.3.5 DETECTABLE BURIED WARNING TAPE A. Install detectable warning tape centered over all water mains, service lines, and hydrant leads. Install tape a minimum of 18" and maximum of 24" below finish grade. 3.4 TESTING, CLEANING & DISINFECTING WATER MAINS, VALVES & FITTINGS A. Hydrostatic and Leakage Testing 1. Add the fallowing: The required minimum hydrostatic pressure for any test is 200 psi. 2. Add the following: Assure that the testing gauge is marked in increments no greater than 10 psi. 4. Revise this section as follows: Conduct the leakage test concurrently with the hydrostatic pressure test for 2 hours. Leakage is defined as(1)the quantity of water supplied into the pipe, or any valved section thereof,necessary to maintain pressure within 5 PSI of the specified test pressure (after the pipe has been filled with water and purged of air) for the duration of the 2 hour test period, and (2) the quantity of water supplied into the pipe, or any valved section thereof, required to return the pressure to the specified test pressure at the end of the 2 hour test period. COBIVIODS 6" Edition Page - 9 - of 14 SECTION 42660 ADD. 1 Add the following requirements: 11. Chlorination,testing,and sampling shall comply with AWWA Standard 0651- 92. There shall be no allowable leakage for resilient seat gate valves. At least 24 hours prior to beginning water main tests,a testing schedule shall be submitted by the Contractor to the City Engineering Office for approval. The schedule shall specify the proposed sequence of testing and the methods and procedures which will be used to complete the tests. Hydrostatic and leakage testing; shall not be conducted concurrently with chlorination of water mains. All heavily chlorinated water must be flushed from the system prior to pressurizing the new mains. 12. Any existing or new water main valves which are used to take water from the City of Bozeman distribution system for the purpose of filling;, testing;, chlorination or flushing;, shall be operated by the City of Bozeman Water Department personnel. only,with the Contractor requesting such operation at least 24 hours in advance. All existing water main valves are to be operated only by City of Bozeman Water Department personnel. 13. Allow five days after placement of concrete for thrust blocks before perforiing hydrostatic or leakage testing;. If high-early strength concrete is used, allow two days after placement of concrete before performing hydrostatic or leakage testing. Provide adequate cold blocking as required for all thrust blocks that will not have the necessary curing time prior to testing. 1.4. For sections of mains that cannot be hydrostatically tested. assure that all joints are visually inspected for leakage under line working pressure by City of Bozeman representative prior to backfilling. B. Cleaning Water Mains Add the following requirements: 5. Prior to any main flushing the City of Bozeman Engineering Office shall be notified and provided with a hushing schedule and plan a minimum of 24 hours in advance of any main flushing. The City of Bozeman Fire Department shall be allowed adequate access to conduct pressure and flow testing of fire hydrants during the flushing;process. fa. Any existing or new water main valves which are used to take water from the City of Bozeman distribution system for the purpose of filling,testing, chlorination or flushing, shall be operated by the City of Bozeman Water Department personnel only with the Contractor requesting such operation at least 24 hours in advance. All existing; water main valves are to be operated only by City of Bozeman Water Department personnel. 7. Install an adequately-sized corporation stop on all main stubs longer than 10 COBMCDS 6"' Edition Page - 10 - of 14 SECTION 02660 ADD. 1 feet to allow for the flushing of the stubs (see Table I MPW Section 02660). Following completion of all tests, remove corporation stops, install brass plugs,and assure plugs do not leak after main has been charged.A representative from the City of Bozeman must witness this work. C. Disinfecting Water Mains 3. Methods of Chlorination a. I Tablet Method Revise this section as follows: a) The tablet method consists of placing calcium hypochlorite granules(tablets shall not be used)in the water main as it is being installed and then filling the main with potable water when installation is completed.This method may be used only if the pipes and appurtenances are kept clean and dry during construction, b) Placing of calcium hypochlorite granules. During construction, calcium hypochlorite granules shall be placed at the upstream end of the first section of pipe, at the upstream.end of each branch main, and at 500- foot intervals. The quantity of granules shall be as shown in Table 2. C) Warning: This procedure must not be used on solvent welded plastic or on screwed joint steel pipe because of the danger of fire or explosion from the reaction of the joint compounds with the calcium hypochlorite. d) When installation has been completed, fill the main with water at a velocity not exceeding I fps. Take precautions to assure that air pockets are eliminated. Leave this water in the pipe for at least 24 hours. If the water temperature is less than 41'° COBIVIODS 6" Edition Page - 11 - of14 SECTION 02660 ADDl 1 TABLE 2 OUNCES OF CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE GRANULES TO BE PLACED AT BEGINNING OF MAIN AND AT EACH 500-FT INTERVAL Pipe Diameter (d) (in.) Calcium Hypochlorite Granules (oz.) 4 1.7 6 3.8 8 6.7 10 10.5 12 15.1 14 and larger D 2 X 15.1 Where D is the inside pipe diameter in feet D = d/12 D. Bacteriological Tests I. Revise this section asfiollows: After final flushing and before the water main is placed in service,test a sample, or samples,collected from the main(s)for turbidity and organisms. Collect at least one sample for every 1200 feet of new main and from each branch. a. Once the water main has been flushed following the successful completion of chlorination and pressure testing, the water line must be refilled with water and allowed to sit a minimum of 24 hours prior to the collection of samples for bacteriological tests. A second set of samples is to be taken a minimum of 24 hours after the first set of samples. Samples shall be taken in accordance with AWWA Standard C651-92, New water mains shall be placed in. service by City of Bozeman personnel only, b. Collect samples from new water mains out of service lines or temporary laps. Samples may only be taken out of fire hydrants or flushing hydrants if approved in advance by the City of Bozeman. If hydrants are approved as sample locations,operate hydrants using the auxiliary valves or curb stops to prevent groundwater from entering hydrant, Assure that hydrants are kept from freezing during testing. C. Following the completion of bacteriological tests, assure that all temporary piping has been removed, and all temporary corporation stops have been removed and replaced with brass plugs. COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 12 - ref 14 SECTiON 02660 ADD. 1 3.6 VALVES A. Add the following requirement: For butterfly valves, set the operating nut on the west side of mains that run north-south, and on the north side of mains that run east- west. C. Valve Thrust Blocks 1. Revise this section as follows: Install valves with thrust blocks and anchor rods meeting City of Bozeman Standard Drawing 02660-3 requirements. Thrust blocks are required on all valves size 6" and larger, except for tapping valves and hydrant auxiliary valves attached to the hydrant shoe flange. In lieu of concrete thrust blocks, thrust restraint may be provided utilizing Megalug®R, Uni-Flange"', MJ Field Lok(& Series DI, or approved equal joint restraints. 3.7 FIRE HYDRANTS B. Revise this section asJoHows: Provide drainage at the hydrant base by placing clean gravel under and around it. Place gravel at least I foot on all sides from the base of the hydrant to at least 6 inches above the drain opening. Brace the hydrant against undisturbed earth at the trench end with concrete backing as detailed on the plans. In lieu of concrete thrust blocks, thrust restraint may be provided utilizing MegalugC� .,Uni-Flange""', or approved equal joint restraints.Furnish hydrants with the specified gate valves. Install hydrants meeting City of Bozeman Standard Drawings 02660-4 and 02660-5. Where no curb exists or the minimum distance of three feet behind the curb cannot be met or there is no other adequate protection, install protective barrier posts in accordance with City of Bozeman Standard Drawing 02660-8 when required by the Water Superintendent. Protect the hydrant from damage during installation and backfilling operations. Hydrants may be subject to replacement by the Conti-actor if any of the protective paint coating is damaged during installation. If hydrant extensions are required, only one coupler will be allowed on the operating rod. 3.8 SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION Revise this section as follows: A. Provide all work and materials for the complete service line installation, including trench excavation.and backfill;making the water main tap;furnishing and installing the corporation stop, curb stop and box, service clamp where necessary, and service line with fittings as required to make the connections to the stops. Provide a minimum of 61/2 feet and a maximum of 8 feet of cover measured as noted on City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02660-6. Use compression fittings for all service line fittings. Do not use sweat or solder fittings. Use a continuous length of pipe COBMODS 6"' Editlan Page - 13 - of 14 SECTION 02660 ADD. 1 with no couplings between the corporation stop and the curb stop for 3/4" and 1 services. B. Mark the water service line stub end using a steel fence post painted blue, 6.5 feet long,buried 2.5 feet in the ground. Set post 1' from curb box. After bacteriological tests have passed and the test results have been submitted to the Water Department, open all curb stops in the presence of the Engineer to assure the service lines are flushed and all corporation stops are open. All main line valves are to be operated by Water Department personnel only. C. Service line installation from the end of the stub into the building shall be as per City of Bozeman Standard Drawings 02660-12 or 02660-15. Service lines shall not be installed from the end of the stub into the building until the main line has been accepted by the City and placed into service. The water service line from the stub into the building may be reduced in size, however the sire reduction must be made within 18"ofthe curb stop or outside valve. Connections to existing stubs(either for domestic or fire service)that have remained dormant or unused longer than 6 months may require re-flushing or disinfection at the discretion of the Water Superintendent. prior to being placed into service. The Water Superintendent may require bacteriological testing to assure that the dormant line has not become contaminated. 3.9 TAPPING Revise this section as follows; A. Tap the newly installed water mains unless specified otherwise. Provide aminimum distance of 1.8" between service taps. The City of Bozeman Water Department will tap any existing water mains. For taps on existing mains, the Contractor is responsible for scheduling and coordinating with the Water Department. The Contractor will be charged a fee for each tap made by the "Water Department. All taps on existing mains require tapping saddles and corporation stops to be supplied. and installed by the Contractor prior to tapping of the main by the Water Department. B. Perform tapping using an approved tapping machine using clean, sharp drill taps and/or shell cutters. 3/4-inch and 1-inch taps may be made directly into the barrel of ductile iron pipe without using service saddles. Direct tap into the pipe barrel to the depth exposing a maximum three threads of the corporation stop. Taps greater than 1" on a 6" line require the use of saddle clamps. Taps 4"and larger to existing water mains which are 4," and larger require the use of a tapping sleeve and valve. COgMODS 6'" Edition Page . 14 - of 14 SECTION 02660 ADD. 1 1' FROM EDGE OF GUTTER OR FACE OF VERTICAL CURB 8" White Standard �. 24" White Stop Dine 8 Standard SEES NOTES:. NUTS 2 I f I (1) THE LOCATION OF THE CROSSWALK LINES ARE DEPENDENT UPON LOCATION ' OF THE SIDEWALKS. (2) 4` MINIMUM FOR SINGLE LANE APPROACHES. FOR MULTILANE APPROACHES , SETBACK BASED ON ENGINEERING DESIGN. White (3) USE YIELD LINE FOR Yield Line U3 CROSSINGS, STOP LINES FOR CONTROLLED CROSSINGS, CITY OF BOZEMAN SCALE:. TYPICAL PAVEMENT MARKINGS NO. 02581 - 1 NONE FOR PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS FEB. 1996 STANDARD DRAWING (TYPE "A11 CROSSINGS Revised April 2013 ............ . 1 ' 2 24" White Stop Line School Crossing 2'1 x y - 4 ..g' Typical NOW ................ .................. NOTES: (1) THE LOCATION OF THE CROSSWALK LINES ARE DEPENDENT UPON LOCATION OF THE SIDEWALKS. (2) USE YIELD LINE FOR UNCONTROLLED CROSSINGS, STOP LINE FOR CONTROLLED CROSSINGS (SEE STANDARD DRAMNIG 02581-1) CITY OF BOZEAN SCALE: TYPICAL PAVEMENT MARKINGS NO. 02581 -2 NONE FOR SCHOOL CROSSINGS FEB. 1995 STANDARD DRAWING (TYPE "B" CROSSINGS) Revised April 2013 ONLY FITTINGS ALLOWED BETWEEN FIRST OS&Y VALVE AND NO PRESSURE GAUGES OR PRESSURE GAUGE FIRINGS WILL BE ������ RACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TO BE W SEND. ALZOWED ON THE TEST PORTS OF ANY BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY `.`I / '°Z FLANGED OS&Y VALVE FLANGE TO BE THREADED ON STANDPIPE, M.J. TO FLANGE ADAPTORS NOT ACCEPTABLE DOUBLE CHECK VANE ICAL FOR ALL rasEn CONFIGURATIONS) MIN REQUIREMENT) 4° OR LARGER GLASS 51' f AS INDICATED ON DUCTILE IRON PIPE (TYP.) V MIN., 2' MAX. ABOVE p FLOOR FINISHED FLOOR LS APPROVED PLAN(S) d µ �.• `. is MECHANICAL 3/4" MIN. Redi Rod, INSTALLED IM EVERY OTHER AVAILABLE M.J. JOINT BOLT BOLT HOLES (TYPICAL) — 5/8" RODS ACCEPTABLE FOR 4" LINES MAIN90' BEND WITH THRUST BLOCK THRUST :(:7 BLOCK TAPPING TEE & VALVE, CITY OF BOZEMAN REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTALLATION' OF OR INSTALL VALVE AT DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY PROPERTY LINE (TYPICAL FOR ALL RISER CONFIGURATIONS) 1. The FIRST fitting inside of the building shall be a UL listed flanged Kennedy or Mueller OS&Y valve the same size as the fire service line. 2. All Double Check Valve Assemblies shall be., a. UL or FM listed. b. Approved by the University of Southern California Foundation for PROVIDE FLEXIBLE, _ Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research (USCFCCCHR) for WATER—TIGHT CONNECTION operation in the proposed position (vertical or horizontal) os shown on approved plans. FOR ALL WALL OR FLOOR Y c. Installed as shown on the approved plans. PIPE PENETRATIONS. 3. A flow detection device shall be installed immediately following the Double Check Valve Assembly (alarm check valve, flow sensor/alarm, meter, etc.) as shown on the approved plans. Paddle--type flow alarms not permitted on dry systems. 4. A Double Detector Check Valve Assembly may be used with a standard V MIN-. x' MAX..ABM City of Bozeman meter. The meter loo of the Double Detector Check FINISHED FLOOR FLOOR p Valve shall have a Double Check Valve Assembly installed which meets e the some installation criteria specified above in requirement number two. 5. Horizontal installations must be a minimum of 2' above the finished n floor. ECHANICAL JOINT 6. The fire service riser must be a minimum of 2' from any outside wall, and o minimum of 1' from any interior wall, 30' MAX.* I 7. The incoming fire service line shall be a minimum 6.5', and a max- imum of 7.5' below the finished grade. 99 BEND WITH 8. All fire service line appurtenances shall have a minimum pressure THRUST BLOCK rating of 175 PSI. 5. All fire service lines 4" and larger shall be Class 51 Ductile Iron Pipe. 10. Line sizing: The Double Check Valve Assembly shall be equal in size to both the incoming pipe diameter (upstream) and outgoing pipe diameter :.::..: (downstream). .,,.;. I-_1' MIN„ 2' MAX, PER NPPA--24 FIG A. 2' MIN., 3' MAX CLEARANCE COATED'TEE' r......:...... ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR WAU LATE THIOKNf55 .......... y y, STANDARD FIRE SERVICE CITY OF BO' EAN SCALE: LINE INSTALLATION NO. 02660-13 STANDARD DRAWING NONE FOR CLASS I, II, & III SYSTEMS DEC 2003 REV: APRIL 201'3 ONLY FANGS ALLOWED BETWEEN FIRST OS&Y VALVE AND NO PRESSURE GAUGES OR PRESSURE GAUGE FITTINGS WILL BE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TO BE 9V BEND. rFLOOR ALLOWED�\ON TTHE TTEryST PORTS OF ANY BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY 11�° /E'.TO BE THREADED ON STANDPIPE. O FLANGE ADAPTORS NOT ACCEPTABLE 4" OR LARGER CLASS 51 AL tuft RISER CONFIGURAT1DNS) LEGEND DUCTILE IRON PIPE (TYP.)T__�', FINISHED FL� ABOVE � FLANGED Os&r VALVE Q 4 } REDUCED-PRESSURE MECHANICAL BACKFLOW-PREVENTION JOINT _— —3/4" MIN. Red'a Rod, INSTALLED l'N ASSEMBLY (MINIMUM REOUIREMENT) AS INDICATED MAIN EVERY OTHER AVAILABLE M.J. ® ON APPROVED PLAN(S) BOLT HOLES (TYPICAL) — 5/8°" RODS ACCEPTABLE FOR 4" LINES THRUST,,".*"r 90' BEND WITH THRUST BLOCK BLOCK a TAPPING TEE & VALVE, OR INSTALL VALVE AT CITY OF BOZEMAN REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTALLATION OF PROPERTY LINE (TYPICAL REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY FOR ALL RISER 1. The FIRST fitting inside of the building shall be a UL listed flanged CONFIGURATIONS. Kennedy or Mueller OS&Y valve the some size as the fire service line. r` 2. All Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assemblies shall be; a. UL or FM listed. PROVIDE FLEXIBLE, Lf b. Approved by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research (USCFCCCHR) for WATER—TIGHT CONNECTION operation in the proposed position (vertical or horizontal) as shown on approved plans. FOR ALL WALL OR FLOOR c. Installed as shown on the approved plops, PIPE PENETRATIONS. 3, A flow detection device shall be installed immediately following the Reduced Pressure Bockflow Prevention Assembly (alarm check valve, flow sensor/alarm, meter, etc.) as shown on the approved plans. Paddle-type flow alarms not permitted on dry systems, V MIN., 2" MAX. A80VE FINISHED FLOOR FLOOR 4. Horizontal installations must be a minimum of 2' above the finished e a floor. n - y 5. The fire service riser must be a minimum of 2' from any outside Walt, and a minimum of 1' from any interior wall. ECHANICAL JOINT 6. The incoming fire service line shall be a minimum of 6,5', and a max— imum of 7.5' below the finished grade. 10' MAX.* 7. All fire service line appurtenances shall have a minimum pressure rating of 175 PSI. & All fire service lines 4" and larger shall be Class 51 Ductile iron Pipe. 90' BEND WITH g. Line sizing. The Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assembly shall be THRUST BLOCK equal in size to both the incoming pipe diameter (upstream) and outgoing pipe diameter (downstream), 10, A drain is required. �.-1' MIN„ 2' MAX. * PER NPPA-24 FIG A.10.6,31 COATED MEL� 2 MIN 3 MAX CLEARANCE WALL PLATE, ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR 5/16` MIN. - - THICKNESS =- STANDARD FIRS SERVICE CITY OF B(3MAN SCALE: STANDARD INSTALLATION Dec 02660-14 STANDARD DRAWING NONE E FOR CLASS IV & V SYSTEMS 2003 REV. APRIL. 201