HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-22-2013 Minutes, City Commission MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA July 22, 2013 The Commission met in the City Commission Room, City Hall at 121 North Rouse on Monday, July 22, 2013. Present were Mayor Sean Becker, Deputy Mayor Krauss, Commissioner Carson Taylor, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Conunissioner Cyndy Andrus, City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan, and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. *These ininutes are not word fear word and should be considered along with the audio recording. 0:01:17 A. Call to Order—6 p.m. —Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Becker called the Regular Meeting to order. 0-01,25 B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence 0:01:58 C. Changes to the Agenda Mayor Becker asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were any changes to the Agenda. Mr. Kukulski stated no. 0-02:24 D. Minutes—May 20,2013, Special meeting,May 23, 2013, June 17, 2013 and June 24, 2013 0:02:25 Motion and Vote to approve to approve the May 20,201.3,the Special meeting May 23, 2013, June 17, 2013 and June 24, 2013 minutes (as submitted). It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor to approve the May 20 2013 the Special mectine May 23, 2013, June.17, 2013 and June 24 2013 minutes as submitted). Those votinE Ave being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus, Dej2u!y Mayor Krauss and Mayo Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 0,02:48 E. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) Page 1 of 12 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22,2023 I Authorize Cooperative Agreement between Bozeman Fire Department and Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Central Land Office (Shrauger) 3. Authorize Findings oƒFact and order for the Block Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application located between North Tracy Avenue, East Beall Street, North Black Avenue and East Larnme Street (Rl8ey) 4. Authorize Subscription Agreement with AV Capture AU, a Digital Recording Solution for Government Agencies (U|nmen) 5. Approve a Service Agreement for Open Town Hall powered by Peak Democracy Inc. for a Public Engagement Internet Service (Brunchhurst) 6. Approve Resolution 4452,Adopting previously approved Cattail Creek/Hamilton Growth Policy Amendment,3079 North I7th,Application P13U1Z (Rogeo) 7. Finally Adopt Ordinance 1867,Amending Chapter 36,Article 4 of the Bozeman Municipal Code related to the Montana State University Residential Parking District and the Bozeman Senior High School Residential District (Lee) 8. Finally Adopt Ordinance 1869,Amending Bozeman Municipal Code Chapter 16,Article 8 (Medical Marijuana) Relating tothe Number of Licensed Medical Marijuana Storefront Businesses and Other General Amendments (Price) 0:02:59 Motion to approve Consent Items E. 1-8 as submitted. It was moved by Cr. Talor, seconded by Cr. Andrus to approve Consent Items E. 1-8 as 0:03:41 Public comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Becker closed public comment. 0:03:49 Vote on the Motion tn approve Consent Items E, I-0amsubmitted. Those voting Aye bein11 Crs. Taylor,Andrus, Deputy Mayor Krauss, Cr. Mehl and M yor Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 0:04:00F. Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. 0:O4:26 Aef fky pp Public Comment Mr. Rupp o[HRDC spoke regarding a warming center partnership and gave uhousing update, O:07:42 Pete McGovern,Public Comment Mr. McGovern spoke regarding the landfill soil gas issue and listed his requests and qocotioua^ Page 2of12 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22,2013 0:10:18 Jason Beach, Public Comment Mr. Beach spoke regarding the solid waste proposal. 0:12:18 Public comment closed Mayor Becker closed public comment. 0:1.2:17 G. Special Presentations 0:12:371. Good Neighbor Committee, a town and gown collaboration between the City of Bozeman and Montana State University (Brekke and Chelsea Schmidt, Montana State University Community Relations) Allyson Brekke, City Neighborhood Planner and Chelsea Schmidt, Montana State Community relations gave the presentation for the Good Neighbor Committee, a town and gown collaboration between the City of Bozeman and Montana State University. Staff and the Commission discussed incentives. 0:21:24 2. Firefighter Swearing in Ceremony Mayor Becker officiated the Oaths of office to new Firefighters Thaddens Josephson and Jonathan Paulson. 0:25:46 H. Action Items 0:25:51 1. Conditional Use Permit for a Building Addition and an Exterior Patio to allow Serving Area Expansion for On-premise Alcohol Consumption, and a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow an Addition to the existing restaurant at 115 North Bozeman Avenue,Application 213125, Dave's Sushi (Quasi-Judicial) (Brekke) 0:26:16 Allyson Brekke,Neighborhood Planner Ms. Brekke gave the staff presentation regarding a Conditional Use Permit for a Building Addition and an Exterior Patio to allow Serving Area Expansion for On-premise Alcohol Consumption, and a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow an Addition to the existing restaurant at 115 North Bozeman Avenue, Application 113125, Dave's Sushi. 0:28:38 Commission Questions for staff The Commission and Staff discussed parking in the property location. 0:30:00 Applicant Presentation The Applicant gave the applicant presentation regarding a Conditional Use Permit for a Building Addition and an Exterior Patio to allow Serving Area Expansion for On-premise Alcohol Consumption, and a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow an Addition to the existing restaurant at 115 North Bozeman Avenue, Application Z13125, Dave's Sushi. 0:30:24 Questions for Applicant Discussion took place regarding the abandoned car beside the proposed location. Page 3 of 22 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22,2013 0:30:46 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Becker closed public comment, 0:31:03 Motion that having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 213125 and move to approve the conditional use permit and certificate of appropriateness application with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Deputy Mayor Krauss that having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby ado the findings presented in the staff report for application 213125 and move to apl2rove the conditional use permit and certificate of appropriateness application with conditions and subject to all applicable code Provisions. 0:31:33 Commission Discussion on the Main Motion 0:31:59 Vote on the Motion that having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 213125 and move to approve the conditional use permit and certificate of appropriateness application with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Those voting.Aye being Cr. Andrus, De !y Mayor Krauss, Crs. Mehl, Taylor and Ma or Becker. Those voting No beine none. The motion passed 5-0. 0:32:12 2. Resolution 4454, Establishing the Wastewater(Sewer) Service Rate For Fiscal Year 2014 (Rosenberry) (per Commission final budget decision, the water rates will not be increased for Fiscal Year 2014) 0:32:46 Anna Rosenberry, Administrative Services Director Ms. Rosenberry gave the staff presentation regarding Resolution 4454, establishing the Wastewater (Sewer) Service Rate for Fiscal Year 2014. 0:35.03 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Becker closed public comment. Page 4 of 12 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22, 20.13 0:35:06 Motion to approve Resolution 4454, establishing the sewer rate for fiscal year 2014 and fiscal year 2015. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Krauss, seconded.by Cr. Mehl to approve Resolution 4454, establishing the sewer rate for fiscal 3:ear 2014 and fiscal year 2015. 0:35:24 Commission discussion on the Motion 0:36:05 Vote on the Motion to approve Resolution 4454, establishing the sewer rate for fiscal year 2014 and fiscal year 2015. Those voting Ave being Deputy Mayor Krauss, Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayo Becker. Those voting No beine none. The motion passed 5-0. 0:36:58 Break Mayor Becker declared a small break to set up for the next Action Item. 0:42:48 Back to order Mayor Becker called the meeting back to order. 0:43:40 3. Solid Waste Rate Study and Recycling and Collection Station Business Case Analysis (Continued from June 24th) (Woolard) Public Service Director Craig Woolard gave the staff presentation regarding the solid Waste Rate Study and Recycling and Collection Station Business Case Analysis. He highlighted current processes and operations, the prior rate study and review of operations. Solid Waste Superintendent Kevin Handlin highlighted the outcome of a review of current processes. Mr. Woolard continued the presentation highlighting the proposed rate changes, changes in recycling program and a possible consolidation station. 0:58:40 Commission Questions for staff. The Commission, staff and the Consultant spoke regarding hauling garbage vs tipping, the size of totes, cost of services, costs of hauling, adjustments in collection processes, commercial dumpsters and roll offs. 1:25:40 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. 1:26:02 Wolf, Public Comment Wolf stated that is seems to him that the City is losing money. He spoke regarding competition and the need to be fair. Page 5 of 12 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22, 2013 1 :29:07 Public Comment closed. Mayor Becker closed public comment. 1.29:12 Motion that having reviewed the reports, considered public comment and staff analysis, I move to accept the Solid Waste Rate Study prepared by SAIC and direct staff to return to the Commission on August 5, 2013 with a resolution to implement the rates for fiscal year 2014 and 2015 as specified in this report. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor that having reviewed the reports, considered public comment and staff analysis, I move to accept the Solid Waste Rate Study prepared bj SAIL and direct staff to return to the Commission on August 5, 2013 with a resolution to implement the rates for fiscal 3:ear 2014 and 2015 as specified in this report. 1:29:46 Commission discussion on the Motion The Commission discussed the rates compared to tote sizes, the commercial collection, staying competitive, incentivizing and investigating income qualifiers, 1:47-58 Vote on the Motion that having reviewed the reports, considered public comment and staff analysis, I move to accept the Solid Waste Rate Study prepared by SAIL and direct staff to return to the Commission on August 5, 2013 with a resolution to implement the rates for fiscal year 2014 and 2015 as specified in this report. Those voting Aye being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus, Deputy Mayor Krauss and Mayor Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 1:48:22 Continued Staff presentation Mr. Woolard continued the staff presentation regarding recycling, current operations, and model operations. 1:59:10 Commission questions for Staff The Commission and staff discussed having lids on recycling bins, glass and paper bags, single stream of trash, contamination, administrative overhead costs, universal costs, and efficiency, 2:17:27 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. 2:17:41 Wolf, Public Comment Wolf spoke regarding recovering costs. Page 6 of 12 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22,2013 2:19:55 Sharon Anholt,Public Comment Ms. Anholt spoke regarding her love of single stream recycling, and spoke in favor of covered bins and the need for smaller options. 2:21:24 Karen Jenninry,Public Comment Ms. Jennings stated that she is a current user and that a 95 gallon is too large. A 35 gallon would be better. 2:21:56 Public Comment closed, Mayor Becker closed public comment, 2:22:08 Continued questions for Staff The Staff discussed the difficulties of 35 gallon bins wedging and the need to investigate larger totes and the purpose of solid waste being an enterprise fund, 2:26:40 Motion that having reviewed the reports, considered public comment and staff analysis, I move to accept the business case assessment for single stream recycling prepared by SAIL' and direct staff to implement a subscription based single stream recycling program and return to the Commission by the end of September with a final recommendation for rates and an implementation plan. It was moved by,Cr.,Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor that having reviewed the reports, considered public comment and staff analysis ,I move to accept the business case assessment for single stream reacling prepared by SAIL and direct staff to implement a subscription based single stream reElcling prop-ram and return to the Commission by, the end of September with a final recommendation for rates and an implementation plan. 2:27:10 Commission discussion on the Motion The Commission discussed cost of service, an implementation plan, subscription based sign up, the single stream recycling system, comparisons of weekly vs bi-weekly pickup, options and solutions, the need to look at a bigger plan, and changes in the market. 2:37:28 Vote on the Motion that having reviewed the reports, considered public comment and staff analysis, I move to accept the business case assessment for single stream recycling prepared by SAIC and direct staff to implement a subscription based single stream recycling program and return to the Commission by the end of September with a final recommendation for rates and an implementation plan. Those voting A le being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus, De ly Mayor Krauss and Ma or Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. Page 7 of 12 Minutes of the,Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22,2013 2:38:00 Break. Mayor Becker declared a break. 2:50:51 Meeting called back to order Mayor Becker called the meeting back to order. 2:51:31 Continued staff presentation Mr. Woolard presented the discussion on a possible consolidation station, current collection processes, the proposed location, the aesthetic look of the building, cost estimates, estimated cost savings and growth rates.. 3.06:20 Commission questions for Staff The Commission and staff discussed the time frame of the proposed location, the current buildings purpose, growth estimates, intersection improvements and triggers for improvements, the proposed amount of truck traffic, MSU affiliation and increased activity by the City in the past in conjunction with road improvements. 3:32:31 Public Comment Mayor Becker opened public comment. 3:3 3:05 Betty,Strook, Public Comment Ms. Strook supports the transfer station however she feels that the existing landfill is the wrong location. It needs to be put in an industrial neighborhood like the Mandeville property. 3:37:33 Wolf,Public Comment Wolf spoke regarding his concerns of hazards in the building and safety issues. 3:40:51 Spar n Anhalt Public Comment Ms. Anhalt stated that she is looking forward to this site being closed and the road can't handle traffic. She feels that the study is incomplete. She urged the Commission to look at building a long term solution. 3:44:43 Lee Pooh Public Comment Mr. Pool stated that he toured the site and that the Public Services director is doing the best that he can with the property that is there, however there are some problems at the existing site. 3: 7:39 Paul in-audible last name Public Comment Paul spoke regarding his concern of the speed of traffic, trip generation, noise and dips in the current road. 3.50:59 Karen Jennings, Public Comment Ms. Jennings stated that she is part of the Home Owners Association and is in favor of the station but that the location proposed in not an appropriate location. Page 8 of 12 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22,.2013 3:52:59 Bill Bernard Public Comment Mr. Bernard spoke regarding past efforts to shut down the landfill, 3:55:03 Phil Rostad, Public Comment Mr. Rostad urged that an alternate route be made to get trucks out of there. 3:56:38 Paul Rygheimer,Public Comment Mr. Rugheimer agrees with concept but feels that this is the wrong site. 3:59:43 Peter Rygheimer Public Comment Mr. Rugheimer spoke regarding his concern of the existing bridge and concerns about the safety. This is not an appropriate road for semi trucks. 4:04:20 Dane Gamble, Public Comment Mr. Gamble spoke regarding renting equipment instead of purchasing, carbon foot print reductions and safety issues of un-heated buildings. 4:08:38 Joan Rostead, Public Comment Ms. Rostead stated the Commission has he political will to do the right thing. 4:09:50 Brendan Kalaktar,Public Comment Mr. Kalahiar spoke regarding his investment in a home near the landfill which he thought was closed. This has impacted his dreams. 4:12:06 Ms. McGinny,Public Comment Ms. McGinny spoke regarding semi costs and trip generations. She spoke regarding wildlife on Story Mill. 4:14:30 Public Comment closed Mayor Becker closed public comment. 4:14:36 Commission Discussion The Commission and staff discussed site locations, cost estimates of construction, cleaning of the facility, costs of tractor trailer and increased truck traffic and flooding impacts. 4:45:16 Motion that having reviewed the reports, considered public comment and staff analysis, I move to continue the business case assessment for solid waste consolidation station prepared by SAIL and direct staff to initiate design of the facility and return to the Commission with a final cost estimate when design is complete. (Motion does not include the potential sale of the property per Mehl) It was moved by Cr Mehl , seconded by Cr. Taylor that having reviewed the reports, considered public comment and staff analysis, I move to continue the business case assessment for solid waste consolidation station prepared by SAIC and direct staff to initiate design of the facility and return to the Commission with a final cost estimate when Page 9 of 12 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22,2813 design is complete and consideration of additional issues. (Motion does not include the potential sale of the property per Mehl) 4:46:00 Discussion on the motion The Commission discussed the costs of a facility. 4:48:21 Amendment to the Motion to read: "...continue the business case assessment for solid waste consolidation station prepared by SAIC and direct staff to consider the questions raised in the discussion tonight and return to the Commission with a final proposal. (no further work on the cost of the building except Cr. Mehl's additional issues listed in prior motion). It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr.Andrus to Amend the Motion to read: "'...continue the business case assessment for solid waste consolidation station prepared by SAIC and direct staff to consider the questions raised in the discussion tonight and return to the Commission with a final proposal. no f her work on the cost of the buildin c t unt- g e-x Cp Cr. Mehl's additional issues listed in prior motion) 4:48:53 Discussion on the Amendment 4:52:18 Vote on the Amendment to Amend the Motion to read: "...continue the business case assessment for solid waste consolidation station prepared by SAIC and direct staff to consider the questions raised in the discussion tonight and return to the Commission with a final proposal. (no further work on the cost of the building except Cr. Mehl's additional issues listed in prior motion). Those voting A being Crs. Taylor, Andrus, Deputy Mayor Krauss, Cr. Mehl and Ma or Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 4:52:59 Commission Discussion 4:57:37 Vote on the Main Motion as amended to that having reviewed the reports, considered public comment and staff analysis,I move to continue the business case assessment for solid waste consolidation station prepared by SAIC and direct staff to initiate design of the facility and return to the Commission with a final cost estimate when design is complete and consideration of additional issues. (Motion does not include the potential sale of the property per Mehl) Those voting..Aye being Crs. Mehl, Taylor,Andrus and May or Becker - Those voting No being Deputy Major Krauss. The motion passed 4-1. Page 10 of 12 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22, 2013 4:58:08 5. Appointment to the Zoning Commission (Brunekhorst) 4:58:23 'Motion and Vote to appoint Adam Fruh and Julien Morice to the Zoning Commission. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Mehl to appoint Adam Fruh and Julien Morice to the Zoning Commission. Those voting Aye being Crs. Taylor,Mehl. Andrus, Deputy Mayor Krauss and Mayo Becker. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 4:58:39 4. Appointment to the Streamline/Galavan Advisory Board (Brunckhorst) 4:58:45 Motion and Vote to appoint Cr. Andrus to the Strearnlinc/Galavan Advisory Board. It was moved by Cr. Mehl. seconded by Cr. Taylor to the Streamline/Galavan Advisory Board. Those voting Aye being Cr. Mehl jay for, Andrus, Deputy-Mayor Krauss and Mayo Becker. The votinlz No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 4:59:511. FYI/Discussion 1. TOP Committee update 2. Variances and Deviations 5:01:11 J. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. 0 Sean.A. Becker, Mayor 0 ATTEST: Stacy U+ Page 11 of 12 'I N Col Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting,July 22, 2013. PRE l' �, BY: o�F M,-0-0 Stacy Me , mc, City dClerk. Approved on w (3 Page 12 of 12