HomeMy WebLinkAbout13- Amendment No. 1 to PSA between City and Morrison-Maierle for East Peach Street Rehab Project AMENDMENT NO. I TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR EAST PEACH STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT MMI.No. 0417,062 THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of— Ak-kn 1 2013,between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN,a Municipal CorporatioiOiO. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana, 59771-1230(OWNER)and Morrison-Maierle,Inc.,P.O.Box 1113,Bozeman,Montana,59771- 1113 (ENGINEER). WHEREAS the parties previously entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated February 14, 2011, herein referred to as the Original Agreement, for professional engineering services for the East Peach Street Rehabilitation Project; and WHEREAS, the scope of the Original Agreement included pre-design investigation, preliminary design services and final design services only; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend provisions of the Original Agreement to include additional pre-design investigation, preliminary design services and final design services for the project. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: The conditions and provisions set forth in the attached EXHIBIT C-1—SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR EAST TAMARACK, FRONT AND NORTH IDA STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT, EXHIBIT D-1 -FEE ESTIMATE are hereby incorporated in and made part of this Agreement. Article 1 - Engineering Services Section 1.1 of the Original Agreement is replaced with the following: I'l. The detailed description of the specific project components is described as follows: Perform pre-design level engineering services for improvements to East Tamarack Street,Front Street and North Ida Avenue from North Rouse Avenue to East Peach Street. Front Street project extents include from East Tamarack Street to East Aspen Street, Perform preliminary design level engineering services for improvements to East Tamarack Street,Front Street and North Ida Avenue from North Rouse Avenue to East Peach Street, Front Street project extents include from East Tamarack Street to East Aspen Street, 1 Perform final design level engineering services for improvements to East Tamarack Street,Front Street and North Ida Avenue from North Rouse Avenue to East Peach Street, Front Street project extents include from East Tamarack Street to East Aspen Street. 1.2. The scope of services under this contract are set forth in this agreement and the attached EXHIBITS. Article 4 - Basic Engineering Services Section 4.1 through Section 4.7 are included as pan of this amendment. ArticIe 6- Compensation For Eggigeering Service Article 6.1 of the original agreement is modified as follows: 6.1 LUMP SUM AGREEMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER 6.1,1 Payment The OWNER shall for design phase services performed as Basic Engineering Services under sections 4.1 through 4.3 of this agreement pay a total sum in the amount of$46,571.15 for such services, 6.1.2 Payment Schedule, Total cumulative payments for the design phase engineering services (sections 4.1 through 4.4)shall not exceed the following ceilings: $12,992.78(27,9%of design fee)until the Pre-design Investigation and Preliminary Design Report have been submitted to the OWNER. $22,676.06(483%of design fee)until the Preliminary Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the OWNER and review authorities. $10,902.31 (23.4%of design fee)until the Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the OWNER and review authorities. Except as specifically amended herein,the Original Agreement Shall remain in full force and effect and the parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. 2 In witness whereof,the Parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement. CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC. (City Manager) ("Vice-President) DATE �nL DATE: A..,, Y 41 y -`ler N:\0417\062kContraetti-ClientlAmendment#IkDraFt P5A Amendment#I.doc 3 uir f j1! MORFISON "IAIIIRI,�, AY"f,>'pA,kp,C!.w,o 2"W+'+'x+vrlg Exhibit C-1 - Scope of Services for Fast Tamarack, Front and North Ida Street Rehabilitation Project ,duly 2,2013 Pre-Design Investigation Phase The pre-design investigation phase is intended to clarify the goals of the City of Bozeman and the Northeast Urban Renewal Board (NURB). This phase also includes the analysis of regulatory requirements as well as planning surveys, site evaluations, viable alternatives and associated cost estimates for each alternative. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 101 Boundary Survey/R.O.W.Analysis Task Description — A boundary survey will be completed to determine the extents of available right-of-way along each street corridor, extending across intersecting intersections. Missing corner monuments along the corridor will be set at block corners and half-block corners. A retracement Certificate of Survey (COS) will be filed as necessary in order to create a current public record of the right-of-way. This survey will provide a basis for the project and will assist in delineating and locating any necessary easements or right-of-way acquisition. Task deliverable — Technical memorandum with exhibits describing survey findings. The COS, if necessary, will be delivered following filing at the clerk and recorder's office, which may extend beyond the deliverable date. Task 102 Design Charrettes Task Description—Initial charrettes shall be scheduled early in the process to meet with the City of Bozeman,the NURB and community stakeholders to ensure that the approach to the project is well defined. This task includes up to three (3) design charrettes. It is assumed these design charettes will occur during monthly NURB meetings. Additional locations and dates may be necessary depending on community interest. Task deliverable—Technical memorandum with meeting minutes and alternatives discussed. I C ORRISO MAIERLE,i\ n a ,y.y„,•.G°w t •.arap Task 103 Pre-Design Investigation Report Task Desert tp ioo — This task includes the findings from the pre-design investigation phase. Based on the design charrettes, survey and R.O.W analysis, solutions to the alternatives will be presented with recommendations to the owner and the Nl_7RB. Along with the alternatives, the Engineer's estimate of probable cost and timeframes will be provided for each alternative. A viable alternative will be selected, based on this report, prior to preliminary design. Task deliverable — Technical report with findings and recommendations for the preliminary design phase. Preliminary Design Phase The preliminary design phase will proceed following written authorization to proceed from the owner. Following selection of a viable alternative, the design team will overlay the alternative onto the boundary and topographic survey. The topographic survey is weather dependant but shall be completed as soon as snow cover diminishes. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 201. Topographic Survey Task Descri]2tion—The topographic survey will commence upon contract execution. All surface features, as well as subsurface features, shall be mapped on project coordinates for the entire corridor as well as known key tie-in points. City of Bozeman horizontal and vertical control networks will be used for the survey. Task deliverable—Topographic mapping illustrating survey findings. Task 202 Existing Conditions Inventory Task Description — An inventory of existing features, based on previously completed boundary and topographic surveys will be completed. Known and unknown conflicts shall be investigated with potential solutions being provided. 2 LL MORMON A MMERLE,im, An analysis of the North Rouse improvements will be provided at this stage to aid in the design to allow for future connections as part of this Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) project. The existing East Peach Street design will be incorporated for the North Ida connection. Task deliverable—Technical memorandum of findings. Task 203 Preliminary Layout and Plan Set Preparation Task Description—A preliminary set of construction plans based on the selected alternative fit to the existing conditions. Plan set will provide necessary alignments, design of improvements, and construction notes to aid in the review of said plans. Plan set will be per City of Bozeman standards. Task deliverable—Preliminary plan set. Task 204 Preliminary Specifications/Bidding Documents Task Description —A preliminary set of construction specifications. Specifications will provide the preliminary bidding documents for the construction project. Specifications and contract documents will be per City of Bozeman standards. Task deliverable—Preliminary specifications and bidding documents. Task 205 Easement Acquisition/Coordination Task Description—This task allows for the preparation of one (1) easement which is unknown at this time. Various factors could contribute to the need for an easement(s) so we have included this task to allow for this potential need. Due to the unknown timeframe for construction, or what the budget may allow, construction easements are not included in this task and would be addressed prior to construction under separate contract or amendment. Task deliverable—Technical memorandum with findings and potential easement documents. 3 Task 206 Review/]Permitting Coordination Task Description — City of Bozeman and MDT review and coordination make up this task. Submittal document preparation and followup, as well as coordination with review authorities will occur. This task does not include stream / wetland permitting since the project does not appear to impact any stream corridors. In the event that stream/ wetland permitting is required, a contract amendment for additional services could be executed to account for the additional services. Task deliverable—Technical memorandum with findings from reviews and permitting. Task 207 Preliminary Design Report Task Description — The preliminary design report will include criteria used in the design of each street section. Storm water and road design reports, as well as additional necessary reports, will be provided. Task deliverable—Technical design report. Task 208 Community Interaction Task Description — This task will be on-going throughout the project and is a critical component to any successful project. Attendance and presentations at all NURB monthly meetings will help to convey the progress of the project to board members, community members, and city staff. Task deliverable—Attendance and presentations at NURB meetings. Task 209 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Task Description — This task includes effort associated with project coordination and quality assurance review of the various tasks. 4 ORRISO MERLE,�:.N(:. xte Y�.eMff"L4w,:'o:lMe*4°nJ e_Er,Y-u,wq Final Design Phase The final design phase will proceed following written authorization to proceed from the owner. Following approval of plans by reviewing authorities, we will incorporate comments and changes into the final design plan set and specifications. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 301 Final Plan Set Preparation Task Description — A final set of construction plans based on comments and changes requested from the governing reviews. Plan set will be a "construction ready" set. Task deliverable—Final plan set. Task 302 Final Specifications/Bidding Documents Task. Description — A final set of construction specifications. Specifications will provide the bidding documents for the construction project. Specifications and contract documents will be per City of Bozeman standards and will be "bid ready" Task deliverable—Final specifications and bidding documents. Task 303 Final Review/Permitting Coordination Task Description — Final coordination for review and permitting items associated with the project. Task deliverable—Technical memorandum with findings, as necessary. Task 304 Quality Assurance/Quality (Control Task Description -- This task includes effort associated with project coordination and quality assurance review of the various tasks. 5 Exhibit D-1 - Engineering Fee Estimate Ali ;, rlr)ftilSr): City of Bozeman,MT-East Tamarack, Front and North Ida Street Rehabilitation Project � MAIEltl.E,rx Prepared For:Northeast urban Renewal Board En ineerin services 100-Pre-Design InvesCigatfan Phase Twa Person Surrey Crew 24.00 $144.00 $3,456.00 Senior Englneer I 2.00 $111.00 $222.00 101.Boundary Survey/R.G.W.Analysis ....-_.--. ---.----�- .......,.____� ... mm,., __ .,._ Land Surveyor�p _ 12.00 $97o0Q $1,164,00 Engineering Technician I 3.00 $76.00 $608.00 Senior Engineer I 16-00 $1,11.00 $1,776,00 102.Design Charrettes ____ _._...,__ __ _.-.. _,.. .... ....... Technician H 24.00 $72.00 $1,728,00 Supervising Englneer III 2.00 $149.00 $293„00 103.Pre-Design Investigation Report Senior Engineer I 800 $111.00 $863.00 Technician 11 _ 24.00 $72.00 $1,726.00 200 Preliminary Design Phase _ Two Person Survey Crew 24.00 $144.00 $3,456.00 _ _.. __... ..._...,. .._. 201.Topographic Survey Senior Engineer I 2.00 $111.00 $222,00 ..- .-�....�. Land Surveyor II 6.00 $97.00 $532. Engineering Technician I 8.00 $76.00 $603.00 6.Op 202,Existing Conditions Inventory .---- Senior Engineer I $111,00 $6$666M�_ ..._.... .___. Technician 11 2,00 $72.00 $144.00 Senior Engineer I 8.00 $103.00 $824,00 203.Preliminary Layout and Plan Set preparation Engineering Technician I 40,00 $76,00 $3,040M Techniciao II 2.00 $72.00 $144.00 Senior Engineer 4.00 $111.00 $444.00 204.Preliminary Specifications/Bidding Does Design Engineer II 20.00 $98.00 $1,960.00 Clerical 2.00 $56.M.00 - $112.00_ 205.Easement Acquisition/Coordination Senior Engineer I 4 00.. - $111.00 rva $444.00 w _ _ .. _.. _ Technician Ir 6.00 $72.00 $432.00 206 Rev4ew/l�rmitting Coordination Senior Engineer I 20.00 $.111.00 $2,220.00 206, .._ � _ 207.Preliminary Design Report Senior Engineer I 12.00 $111.00 $1,332.00 _ .,.�. Technician II 3.00 $72.00 $576:00 __. 208.Community Interaction Senior Engineer 1 12.00 $111,00 $1,332.00 �,......___ Technician II 24.00 $72.00 $1,728.00 209.Quality Assurance/Quality Control Supervising Engineer 111 3.00 $149,00 $447.00 300•Pinai Des !l ha" Senior Engineer I 24,00 $111^1.00 $2,664.00 301.Final Plan Set Preparation. ---...---- Engineering Technician I 40.00 $76.00 $3,040.00 302.Final Specifications/Bidding Dots __Senior Engineer I 12.00 $111.0_0 $1,332,00 .M Design Engineer II _ 20.00 W.00 303.Final Review/Permitting Coordination - Senior Engineer I 8.00 $111.00 $388.00 _ __. _w 88 304.Quality Assurance/Quality Control Supervising Engineer ffi 0150 $149.00 $74.50 Tethnoiogy and Communications 437.50 5.50 2 406.25 _ ....., Miscellaneous E erase i°/n - __ 42 539250 _._ 1.0% X425.40 Surrey Equipment(day) 6 MGM $1,200.00 ,1, r N:1x417W21cantr°acts-Oie t'Amendment 4'11E)hNt D-1-Engineering Fee Estimate.* 712612013 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Dustin Johnson, Project Engineer Rick Hixson, City Engineer SUBJECT: Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. I for East Tamarack, Front, and North Ida Street Rehabilitation Project MEETING DATE: August 26,2013 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: The Co ru-nission to authorize City Manager to sign Professional Services Amendment No. 1. BACKGROUND: In their current work plan the Northeast Urban Renewal Board (NURB) have identified that the rehabilitation of East Peach, East Tamarack, Front, and North Ida Streets are a priority. Specifically, the board would like to improve existing conditions regarding sidewalks and overall pedestrian safety, storm water drainage facilities, and other areas of deteriorated public infrastructure. In February 2011 the NURB contracted with Morrison Maierle to provide alternative designs for East Peach Street that addressed the existing conditions within the limited right of way of the street. The board was pleased with Morrison Maierle's efforts and their design for East Peach and would like to amend their professional services contract to include similar work for East Tamarack, Front, and North Ida Streets. Morrison Maierle's proposed professional services agreement specifically outlines three separate phases to the contract: Pre-design, Preliminary design, and Final design. The intent of the agreement is to involve the NURB, the Northeast neighborhood association, or any other interested members of the public for at least three separate public meetings to collect public input for the project. Once Morrison Maierle has a clear understanding of what the neighborhood would like to see they will develop a design up unto the bidding phase of the project. Once the design is complete, the NURB m.ay elect to budget future work plans to construct portions of the design, or use the documents to seek out alternative funding sources such as grants. At this time the East Peach Street designs are completed. The intent would be for Morrison Maierle to complete the street designs included with this professional services amendment and bring all designs to the City Commission at a future date for adoption as the standard section for these streets. FISCAL EFFECTS: On June 3, 2013, the City Commission approved the NURBs FY2014 Work Plan and Budget. This budget included $45,000 for engineering design services that will investigate and recommend street and infrastructure improvements for E. Tamarack/Front/N. Ida. This money was added to the $45,000 approved in FY2013, which creates a total of$90,000 for the project. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Professional Services Agreement Report compiled on: 8/8/13