HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-26-13 LINKED City Commission Agenda THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA Monday, August 26, 2013 Call to Order – 6 p.m. – Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence Changes to the Agenda Public Service Announcements City Offices will be closed and the City Commission will not meet on September 2nd in observance of Labor Day (Ulmen) Commission Meeting Software Solution Highlights (Ulmen) Authorize Absence of Cr. Andrus Consider the Motion: I move to approve the absence of Cr. Andrus. Minutes – August 5, 2013 and August 12, 2013 Consider the motion: I move to approve the minutes from August 5, 2013 and August 12, 2013 as submitted. Consent Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) Approve a Liquor License for the sale of Liquor at 1320 North 19th Avenue for The Wasabi Steakhouse (Neibauer) Approve Amendment 1 to the Professional Services Agreement for the East Peach Street Rehabilitation Project with Morrison-Maierle (Johnson) Approve Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech for ongoing Post-Closure Soil Gas Investigation at the Story Mill Landfill (Johnson) Approve Resolution 4466, approving Change Order 4 for the Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project (Murray) Approve Resolution 4467, approving Change Order 1 for the 2013 Water Renovations Project with Omdahl Excavation (Murray) Approve Resolution 4446, a resolution Superseding Resolutions 3030 and 3432 and Establishing a Fee Schedule for Copies and Research of Public Records and Electronic Public Records, Establishing Procedures for Requesting Public Records and for Implementation and Collection of the Fee Schedule (Ulmen) Appoint Commissioners Taylor and Andrus to review Depository Bonds and Pledged Securities as of June 30, 2013 (Rosenberry) Accept the Building Division Monthly Report for July 2013 (Risk) Consider the motion: I move to approve Consent items E. 1-9 as submitted. Public Comment - Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. Action Items Tie Vote decision from August 12th Action item regarding Recommendations to Meet Current and Future Community Aquatic Needs, and further Discussion/Action on this item (opened and continued from August 12th) (Overton) Mayor Becker to vote on the motion from August 12th, 2013: Motion made by Cr. Taylor and seconded by Cr. Mehl that having reviewed staff recommendations and considered public comment, proceed with the design and build of a splash pad amenity at the Bozeman Ponds and allocate $225,000 from the fiscal year 2014 budget. AND Consider continued discussion and the motion: Direct staff to present, as a part of the Tax Levy Resolution, a levy not to exceed 178.89 mills, with any previously un-anticipated revenues being added to the current pool design budget line item. Resolution 4457, Establishing Tree Maintenance District Assessments for Fiscal Year 2014, making the Assessment Rate $0.00225 per Assessable Square Foot, which is the same as Fiscal Year 2013 (Rosenberry) Schedule A Consider the motion: I move to approve Commission Resolution No. 4457, establishing a Tree Maintenance District Assessments for Fiscal Year 2014, making the assessment rate $0.00225 per assessable square foot, which is the same as fiscal year 2013. Zone Map Amendment changing Zoning from B-2 (Community Business District) to B-3 (Central Business District) to the property addressed as 407 West Main Street, Application Z13141 Harringtons/PAB, LLC Zone Map Amendment changing Zoning from B-2 (Community Business District) to B-3 (Central Business District) to the property addressed as 407 West Main Street, Application Z13141 Harringtons/PAB, LLC (Brekke) Consider the motion: Based upon the analysis and findings in the staff report, and after consideration of public comment and the recommendation of the Zoning Commission, I move to approve the Harringtons/PAB, LLC zone map amendment request to change approximately 0.25 acres of property zoned B-2 (Community Business District) to B-3 (Central Business District) with the two recommended contingencies listed on page 2 of the staff report and direct staff to prepare an ordinance for the map amendment. Zone Map Amendment to rezone existing R-4 (Residential High Density) to B-2 (Community Business)located generally North of West Babcock between 9th and 10th Avenues, Application Z13139 Community Food Coop (Rogers) Consider the motion: Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z-13139 and Zoning Commission Resolution #Z-13139, and move to approve the rezoning with contingencies outlined in the staff report, and direct Staff to prepare the required implementing ordinance. Creation of five (5) Single Household Residential Lots with Variance from Wetland Setbacks, generally located North of Kagy Boulevard between Bozeman Creek and Sourdough Road, Application P13020 The Kagy Garden Minor Subdivision (Quasi-Judicial) (Rogers) Consider the motion: Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and the staff analysis, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for file #P-13020 and move to approve the preliminary plat application for the Kagy Garden Minor Subdivision with variance from wetland setbacks authorizing the subdivision of 2.7172-acres into 5 lots for single household construction subject to the conditions listed in staff report. Public Hearing For a Sign Exemption from the Bozeman School District, Application Z13157 (Riley) No motion required. The City Commission receives the sign permit and conducts a public hearing on the exemption the School District is claiming under M.C.A. Section 76-2-402. (Other than conducting a public hearing, no official motion is required by the City Commission). Publ ic Hearing to determine whether real property owned by the City of Bozeman, known as the North Park property, is needed for Public use or that the Public interest may be furthered by the sale of the property as provided for in §§ 2.06.880 through 2.06.910 of the Bozeman Municipal Code (2/3 vote of Commission required) (Fontenot) Consider the motion: Having considered the information presented by staff, I hereby move to adopt the findings included in the staff memorandum and conclude the City- owned portion of the North Park property, described in Section II of the staff memo, is no longer needed for public use and the public interest will be furthered by the sale of the property as provided for in §§ 2.06.880 through 2.06.910 of the Bozeman Municipal Code and direct the City Manager to complete all steps necessary to negotiate a sale and transfer of the property and return to the Commission with an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement for same. Reappointment to the Northeast Urban Renewal Board (Brunckhorst) Consider the motion: I move to reappoint Jeanne Wesley-Wiese to the Northeast Urban Renewal Board. Appointment to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board (Brunckhorst) Consider the motion: I move to appoint Stephanie Gray to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. Appointment to the Tree Advisory Board (Brunckhorst) Consider the motion: I move to appoint Elisa Boyd to the Tree Advisory Board. FYI/Discussion Adjournment City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, James Goehrung, at 582-3232 (TDD 582-2301). Commission meetings are televised live on cable channel 20 and streamed live at www.bozeman.net. City Commission meetings are re-aired on cable Channel 20 Wednesday night at 4 p.m., Thursday at noon, Friday at 10 a.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.