HomeMy WebLinkAbout13- Tetra Tech Task Order for Soil Gas Investigation, TASK ORDER SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION — INDOOR AIR SAMPLING BOZEMAN LANDFILL July 16, 2013 CLIENT: CONSULTANT: City of Bozeman Tetra Tech, Inc. P.O. Box 1230 851 Bridger Drive, Ste 6 Bozeman, Montana 59711-1230 Helena, MT 59715 Attention: Mr. Dustin Johnson Attention: Mr, Mark F. Pearson SCOPE OF SERVICES: The City of Bozeman has proceeded with preparing for and conducting indoor air sampling in homes within the area (neighborhood) of its soil gas investigation. The soil gas investigation consisted of the installation of soil gas monitoring probes and gas sample collection from these probes',2. On June 14, 2013, the City of Bozeman requested that Tetra Tech proceed in preparing for and conducting indoor air sampling at homes within the neighborhood. Tetra Tech has also been involved in public outreach as part of their sampling activities. The costs included in this task order are estimates as this investigation is ongoing. This task order consists of two tasks which are described below. Task 1 Field Investigation and Public Outreach Task 1 consists of preparing for and conducting air sampling in residential structures in the neighborhood. The air sampling consists of first, conducting a home survey to determine home chemical products to be removed (including automobiles and fuel storage containers from the home and garage). Public outreach and communication of the project has been conducted while Tetra Tech has completed the home survey. Second, two more visits are conducted to drop off and pick up the air sampling equipment. There are 26 homes in the neighborhood. It is anticipated that all 26 homes will have home surveys and air sampling conducted. Tetra Tech staff in both the Bozeman and Helena offices have been and will continue to be utilized. Task 2 Reporting and Project Management Task 2 consists of data management, report preparation, and project management. Data management consists of handling of laboratory results of air sampling, communication of those results, and organization of results into a database. Report preparation will consist of providing one or more reports to the City of Bozeman summarizing the results of the indoor air sampling. Project management consists of scheduling activities, field work, meetings, and preparation/review/submittal of invoicing. Management of subcontractor (laboratory) activities and invoicing is also included in this task. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Activities covered in this task order began on June 14, 2013 and will continue through August 30, 2013. Page I of 2 Task Order—Soil Gas Investigation I Indoor Air Sampling Bozeman Landfill July 15, 2013 COMPENSATION: Due to the uncertainty pertaining to the level of reporting and scope of consulting services to City of Bozeman pertaining to the soil gas investigation, the estimated costs are $74,865. Attachment A details these costs. Tetra Tech will monitor expenditures and notify the City of Bozeman of any pending cost exceedance. Tetra Tech's services and the services of its subcontractors will be conducted on a time and materials basis. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Execution of this Task Order constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions contained in Tetra Tech's Professional Services Agreement with the City of Bozeman, dated January 3, 1994 and Amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Professional Services Agreement dated July 31, 1995; January 1, 1996; March 17, 1997; and December 10, 2001, respectively. CLIENT: CONSULTANT: City of Bozeman Tetra Tech l err By:( By: ., Its: L`7-~Nl ovi 61 1 C C Its: Senior Project Manager �j Date: — a— Z., 1 '-1 Date: July 15, 2013 References: I Tetra Tech, 2013. Progress Report on Soil Gas Probe Installation, Sampling, and Analysis of Soil Gas Samples; Soil Gas Probes BSV-1 through BSV-8. Bozeman Landfill, Bozeman, Montana, Report submitted to City of Bozeman. May 14. 2 Tetra Tech,2013. Progress Report on Soil Gas Probe BSV-9 to BSV-1 2 Installations; Second Sampling Event and Analysis of Soil Gas Samples,- Soil Gas Probes BSV-1 through BSV-12. Bozeman Landfil1l, Bozeman, Montana. Report submitted to City of Bozeman. May 14. NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY This Task Order(including attachments) contains infori-nation confidential to Tetra Tech, Inc, its subsidiaries, and sobcootractors. it is intended only for City of Bozeman to consider Tetra Tech providing professional set-vices at the 8ozernan Landfill. Any other use ins,prohibited, without the prior written consent of Tetra Tech. Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT A ESTIMATED BUDGET SOIL GAS INVESTIGATION BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL Date Submitted:July 15,2013 Task I Field Investigation and Public Outreach UNITS RATE COST LABOR Sr, Hydrogeologist, per hour 40 $150.00 $6,000.00 Project Manager I Hydrogeologist,per hour 90 $88.00 $7,920.00 Environmental Scientist/Staff 11, per hour 80 $85.00 $6,800.00 Technician, per hour 40 $65.00 $2,600.00 Total Labor: $23,320.00 DIRECT COSTS Company Truck Mileage,per mile 800 $0.60 $480.00 SHIPPING AND LABORATORY COSTS 6-liter SUMMA canister rental, each 74 $55.00 $4,070.00 24-hour flow controller,each 76 $20,00 $1,520.00 Shipping-laboratory to Bozeman,per canister 74 $30.00 $2,220,00 Shipping-Bozeman to laboratory,per canister 74 $30.00 $2,220.00 Laboratory Analysis(TO-15),each 74 $140.00 $10,360.00 Expedited Turnaround Time and Report Re-issuance, estimate 1 $3,000.00 $3,000,00 Tetra Tech 10%markup on subcontractor invoicing $2,039.00 Total Direct Costs, Shipping and Laboratory Costs: $25,909.00 Total Task I-Field Investigation and Public Outreach $49,229.00 Task 2 Reporting and Project Management LABOR Sr. Hydrogeologist, per hour 65 $150.00 $9,750.00 Project Manager I Hydrogeologist, per hour 90 $88.00 $7,920-00 Environmental Scientist/Staff 11, per hour 60 $85-00 $5,100.00 Technician,per hour 30 $65.00 $1,950.00 Clerical,per hour 8 $52.00 416.00 Total Labor $26,136.00 DIRECT COSTS Photocopies, estimate 1,000 $0.10 $100.00 Reprographics, estimate 1 $400,00 $400.00 Total Direct Costs: $500.00 Total Task 2-Reporting and Project Management $25,636.00 ITOtal Task Order $74,865 Tetra Tech Page 1 of 1