HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-2013 Minutes, City Commission THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday, August S, 20113 Consent item 1J added. 7-31 13 A. Call to Order—6 p.m. — Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Present Mayor - Scan Becker: Present Commissioner - Qarson_j lor. Present �ay_ Commissioner - Clu-is Mehl: Present Commissioner - Cypthia Andrus: Present Staff present at the dais, Chris Kukulski, City Manager, Greg Sullivan, City Attorney and Deputy City Clerk Aimee Brunckhorst. B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. Changes to the Agenda 06:04:0,1 PM Removal of Special Presentation: 2. Building Division Fourth Quarter Report for Fiscal Year 2013 (Risk) City Manager Chris Kukulski explained this item was removed due to the time constraints of tonight's meeting. Deputy Mayor Krauss asked that the Commission receive additional information not included in the staff report for this item. D. Minutes —July 1, 2013 4 and July 8, 2013 -4D MOTION: I move to approve the minutes of July 1st and July 8th,2013 as submitted. Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor - Sean Becker. Approve Commissioner- Carson Taylor: ApDrove Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Page 1 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, August 5, 2013 Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus, Approve The motion passed 5-0. E. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) 9-<D 2. Authorize an Agreement with Gradient Systems to maintain the Municipal Utility and Resource Tracking Software (Winn) 3. Authorize a Public Access Easement with Cellular Plus (Kimmet Properties) for a boulevard Sidewalk along North 7th Avenue (Johnson) Irl"t <;= 4. Authorize a Sanitary Sewer Access Easement with Park West Montana at Saddle View LLC (Apartments) near Haggerty Lane (Johnson) 't,�Z 5. Authorize Findings of Fact for the Preliminary Plat of the Legends at Bridger Creek 11, Phase 2 Subdivision, Application P13003 (Krueger) 6. Approve Resolution 4455, Transferring Ownership of the 'Use of Force Simulator' from the City of Bozeman to the Gallatin Field Authority (McLane) :1� 7. Approve Resolution 4456, adopting previously approved Harringtons/PAB, LLC Growth Policy Amendment, Application P13013, located east of North 5th Avenue and north of Main Street (Brekke) 8. Approve Resolution 4459, adopting previously approved Community Food Co-op Growth Policy Amendment, 917-921 West Babcock Street, Application P13011 (Rogers) 7�� 9. Approve Resolution 4461, amending Resolutions related to Water System Revenue Bonds through the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation to reduce the Interest Rate on Existing Loans U (Rosenberry) Y,-4z 10. Approve Resolution 4462, amending Resolutions related to Sewer System Revenue Bonds through the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation to reduce the Interest Rate on Existing Loans (Rosenberry) 11. Approve a final one year extension to the approval of the Woodhaven Village Planned Unit Development Final Site Plan as allowed under Section of the Bozeman Municipal Code (Riley) <:2 12. Approve Rcsoha.icn 4d6el, -ullhorizing SLI[IfIlittal rand admir)istration ofthe, Big Sky 'Ynisi 1"und 1:`Iconor:'u.ic Development Grant Application i.Py flic Prospera l311siness Netmor`k on behalf'of Ap-ptus Corporation (I"ontenot) itein adch,,�d ,7-31-13) Public comment on consent. Page 2 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, August 5, 2013 None. 06:07:18 PM Commissioner Mehl provided a brief summary for the public regarding items 10 and I I and thanked staff for bringing forward these large financial savings for the tax payers. 06:07:33 PM MOTION: Motion to approve Consent Items E. 1-12 as submitted. Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner - Carson Taylor: 2nd Deputy Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor - Scan Becker: Approve Commissioner- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve The motion passed 5-0. F. Public Comment 06:08:12 PM Public Comment,Matt.McKewan spoke regarding Action item 3. 06:09:21 PM Public Comment. Pete& Ilene McGovern of 811 Tumberry Court spoke regarding soil gas testing at the landfill. G. Special Presentations 1. 06:13:53 PM Recognition of the City of Bozeman receiving the Cityworks Exemplary User Award (Henderson) Jon Henderson, GIS Manager provided the staff presentation for this item. 06:15:5�2 PM Mr. Henderson played a video regarding the work accomplished to receive this award. 06:24:41 PM Comments from Deputy Mayor Krauss thanking staff. 2. Building Division Fourth Quarter Report for Fiscal Year 2013 (Risk) 21-4o This presentation was removed from the agenda to manage time. Page 3 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, August 5, 2013 H. Action Items 1. Resolution 4458, Establishing Solid Waste Collection Fees for Fiscal Years 2.014 and 2015 for Solid Waste Services (Woolard) 06.25:40 PM Anna Rosenberry, Administrative Services Director provided the staff presentation on this item. 06,26:51 PM Public Comment on Action Item H. I None. MOTION I move to a rove Resolution 4458 establishing solid waste collection fees for fiscal years 2014 and 2015 for solid waste services. Commissioner - Carson Taylor: Motion Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: 2nd Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor - Sean Becher: Approve Commissioner - Carson Tav]or: Approve Commissioner - Chris, Mehl: Approve Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve The motion passed 5-0. 2. Resolution 4453, Establishing a 6.9% Increase to Street Maintenance District Assessments for Fiscal Year 2014 (Rosenberry) 06:29:12 PM .Anna Rosenberry, Administrative Services Director provided the staff presentation on this item. 06:29:25 PM Public Comment on Action Item H.2 None. MOTION: I move to approve Resolution 4453, establishing a 6.9% increase in street maintenance district assessments for fiscal year 2014. 06:30:28 PM Discussion on the motion. VOTE ON THE MOTION: Page 4 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, August 5, 2013 1 move to approve Resolution 4453, establishing a 6.9% increase in street maintenance district assessments for fiscal 3:ear 2014. Deputy Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner - Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Vizor- Sean Becker: Approve Commissioner- Carson Taylor: Approve Cornmissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner - Cynthia,Andrus: AppLoya� The motion passed 5-0. 06:32:39 PM 3. Resolution 4460, authorizing a portion of the monies allocated to Gallatin College in the fiscal year 2014 budget to be paid to Gallatin County for the costs of a Mail Ballot Special Election for a County-wide Mill Levy seeking authorization for the County Commission to Annually Levy One and One Half Mills to fund a portion of the costs of operations for Gallatin College of Montana State University (Kukulski) 1-<D 06:32:39 PM Chris Kukulski, City Manager provided the staff presentation on this item. 06:36:36 PM Greg Sullivan, City Attorney provided further information on this item, 06:40.40 PM Presentation, Bob Hietala, Dean of Gallatin College provided a presentation on this item. 0(x:41:10 PM Public Comment1fresentathon Cheryl&g eL, Bozeman Deaconess Health Services and a member of the Economic Development Council provided comment on this item. 06:42:46 PM Public CommentlPresentation, Rob Watson, Superintendent of Schools provided comment on this item. 016:45:39 PM Public CommentlPresentationg Daryl Schliem, Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Director provided comment on this item. 06:47:01 PM Public CommentlPresentation,Stuart Leidner, Prospera Business Network Director, member of the Economic Development Council provided comment on this item. Page 5 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, August 5, 2013 Public Comment/Presentation, Jackie Swanson, Student at Gallatin College provided comment about her experiences there. 06:51:25 PM Public Comment Kyle Axmen, student at Gallatin College received a degree from Gallatin College in Design Drafting and Technology provided comment on his experiences there. 06:51:55 PM Presentation,Bob Hietala, Dean of Gallatin College Programs finished up his presentation on this item. 06:57:06 PM Mayor Becker questioned Mr. Hietala. 06:59:19 PM Commissioner Andrus questioned Mr. Hietala. 07:00:47 PM Commissioner Taylor questioned Mr. Hietala. 07:01:29 PM Commissioner Mehl questioned City Manager Chris Kukulski. 07:03:04 PM Public Comment on Action Item H. 3 None. MOTION: 07:05:00 PM I move to approve Resolution 4460, authorizing a portion of the monies allocated to Gallatin College in the fiscal year 2014 budget to be paid to Gallatin County for the costs of a mail ballot special election including return postage for all Gallatin Count voters for a county-wide will levy seeking authorization for theCounty Commission to annuall y le y one and one half mills to fund a portion of the costs of operations for Gallatin College of Montana State University. Commissioner Mehl provided discussion on the motion. 07:11:32 PM Commissioner Andrus provided discussion on the motion. 07:13-13 PM Commissioner Taylor provided discussion on the motion. Page 6 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, August 5, 2013 07:16:58 PM Deputy Mayor Krauss provided discussion on the motion. 07:22:29 PM Mayor Becker provided discussion on the motion. Vote on the motion to approve Resolution 4460, authorizine a portion of the monies allocated to Gallatin Collejee in the fiscal year 20114 budget to be paid to Gallatin County for the costs of a mail ballot special election including return postage for all Gallatin County voters for a county-wide mill le y seekin2 authorization for the Coun!y Commission to annually IM one and one half mills to fund a Portion of the costs of operations for Gallatin College of Montana State UniveLaLty. Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor - Sean Becker: Approve Commissioner - Carson Taylor. A) rove Commissioner - Chris Mehl: APPI—Ove Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: A _j2prove The motion passed 5-0. 07:26:42 PM 4. Reappointments to the Board of Ethics (Br-unckhorst) 141-4 Motion: I move to reappoint Melissa Frost and Mary Jane McGarity to the Board of Ethics. 07:26:49 PM Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Arove May,Qi - Sqan Becker: Approve Commissioner - Carson Ta-vIoL, A p. grove — Commissioner - Chris i��Iil: Approve Commissioner - C ynthi,a Andrus. Approve The motion passed 5-0. 07:27-11 PM 5. Reappointments to the Northeast Urban Renewal Board (Brunckhorst) fly_,4D Motion: Page 7 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, August 5, 2013 1 move to reappoint Daniel Doehring and Erik Nelson to the Northeast Urban Renewal Board. Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Motion Cornmissioner- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd De put layor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor - Scan Becker: Approve Commissioner- Carson 'Favlor: A A)12rove Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Ap2iLove Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve The motion passed 5-0. 07:27:49 PM Break Mayor Becker called for a short break. Back from Break. 07:43:05 PM Z. Policy Discussion 1. Wastewater Collection System Discussion (Hixson/Woo lard) The following staff was present at the roundtable discussion: Chris Kukulski - City Manager, Greg Sullivan - City Attorney, Anna Rosenberry - Director of Administrative Services, Craig Woolard- Public Works Director, Rick Hixson- City Engineer, Chris Saunders - Community Development Assistant Director, Bob Murray - City Engineer and Aimee Brunckhorst- Deputy City Clerk taking minutes from the dais. .07:43-05 PM Craig Woolard provided the staff presentation on this item. 07:58:15 PM Public Comment on this policy item. Mayor Becker opened public comment, 07-58A0 PM Public Comment, Greg Stratton representing Tom Brown, the owner and president of US Assets Group. They are currently developing the existing developed area of Valley West Subdivision spoke regarding this policy issue. 08:01:10 PM Public Comment, James Nickelson works with Morrison-Maierle and is representing Norton Properties and Kevin Spencer which owns 214 acres that were annexed in 2006. He spoke regarding this policy issue. Page 8 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Minutes, August 5, 2013 W02:30 PM Public Comment, Will Ralph with Braxton Development which has the property under contract on the southwest corner of North 27th and East Valley Center Road. Mr. Ralph spoke regarding this policy issue. 08:04:33 PM Public Comment Jason Delmue spoke on behalf of Daryl Swenson, the seller of the property referenced by Mr. Ralph. Mr. Delmue spoke regarding this policy issue. 08:05:39 PM Commission and staff discussion. J. FYI/Discussion 1. Discuss canceling the September 16"' meeting and holding a Commission meeting on September 30"', which is typically a canceled meeting day because it is a 5"' Monday of the month (Kukulski) 09:12:03 PM Cancel the September 16"' meeting and suspend adding to the September 30t"meeting until we have to. Do not cancel if we need the meeting. 09:13:58 PM 2. Discuss scheduling a bus tour to look at infill development on September 23rd and discuss the possibility of beginning this tour early in the day rather than the typical 6 p.m. meeting start time (Kukulski) Chris Kukulski, City Manager spoke regarding the reasoning behind this bus tour. The commission spoke regarding having the regular commission meeting after the bus tour. K. Adjouraw,ent 09:J-5''p A Scan A. Becker, Mayor ATTJES '-V' .T Stt C, City Clerk PP,EPA Aisne A Brunckhorst, Deputy City Clerk Approved on At, c r + 2j. 1 :� Page 9 of 9