HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid Purchase and Contract Part 2 with Layne Inliner, LLC 2013 Sewer Rehabilitation Project SECTION 02954 SEWER LINE AND MANHOLE CLEANING PART I -GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish all necessary labor, materials,equipment, services and incidentals required and perform high pressure waterjetting, rodding,brushing,bucketing, and flushing of designated sewer lines and manholes prior to internal inspection by closed circuit television and rehabilitation operations. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Television Inspection is included in Section 02953 PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 EQUIPMENT A. Hydraulic Sewer Cleaning Equipment I. The equipment used shall be of a moveable dam type and be constructed so that a portion of the dam may be collapsed at any time during the cleaning operation to protect against flooding of the sewer. The moveable dam shall be the same diameter at the pipe being cleaned and shall provide flexible scraper around the outer periphery to ensure total removal of grease. If sewer cleaning balls or other such equipment which cannot be collapsed instantly are used, special precautions against flooding of the sewers and public or private property shall be taken. B. High Velocity Jet(Hydro cleaning)Equipment 1. All high velocity sewer cleaning equipment shall be constructed for ease and safety of operation. The equipment shall have a selection of two or more velocity nozzles. The nozzles shall be capable of producing a scouring action from 15 to 45 degrees in all size lines to be cleaned. Equipment shall also include a high velocity gun for washing and scouring manhole walls and floor. The gun shall be capable of producing flows from a fine spray to a long distance solid stream. The equipment shall carry its own water tank, auxiliary engines,pumps and hydraulically driven hose reel. All controls shall be located so the equipment can be operated above ground, C. Mechanical Cleaning Equipment I. Bucket machines shall be in pairs and with sufficient power to perform the work in an efficient manner. Machines shall be belt operated or have an overload device. Machines with direct drive which could cause damage to the pipe shall not be acceptable. 2. Power nodding machines shall be either sectional or continuous type capable of holding a minimum of 750-ft of rod. The rod shall be specifically treated steel. To ensure safe operation, the machine shall have a fully enclosed body and an automatic safety release clutch or relief valve. SECTION 02954 SEWER LINE AND MANHOLE CLEANING PAGE 1 OF 3 3. Satisfactory precautions shall be taken to protect the sewer lines from damage that might be inflicted by the improper use of cleaning equipment. Sewers damaged as a result of the Contractor's improper operations shall be promptly repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. PART 3-EXECUTION 3,1 GENERAL A. Sewer line walls shall be cleaned adequately to provide for a camera used in internal inspection to discern structural defects,misalignment and infiltration/inflow sources. Cleaning shall be performed immediately prior to internal inspection to preclude the buildup of debris from infiltration/inflow sources and discharges from upstream pipeline sections. B. Cleaning shall be perfonned immediately before lining of the sanitary sewer line. C. Existing flows shall not be interrupted for periods longer than one hour. The Contractor shall take necessary precautions to prevent sewage backup and shall be responsible if damage results there from. Sewage diverted during cleaning operations shall be returned to the sanitary system and not discharged into the streams or stone drain system. 3.2 PERFORMANCE A. Each designated sewer manhole section shall be cleaned using hydraulically propelled, high velocity jet,or mechanically powered equipment. The equipment selected for cleaning shall be capable of removing dirt,grease,rocks, sand and other deleterious materials and obstructions from the sewer lines and manholes. If cleaning of an entire section cannot be successfully performed from one manhole,the equipment shall be set up on the other manhole and cleaning again attempted. If successful cleaning cannot be performed from the second manhole,or the equipment fails to traverse the entire length between manholes,it will be assumed that at major blockage exists and the cleaning effort shall be abandoned. Blockages,if any,shall be reported to the Engineer immediately. B. During all sewer cleaning operations, satisfactory precautions shall be taken to protect the sewer lines from damage that might be inflicted by the improper use of cleaning equipment. Whenever hydraulically propelled cleaning tools which depend upon water pressure to provide their cleaning force or any tools which retard the flow of water in the sewer line are used,precautions shall be taken to ensure that the water pressure created does not cause any damage or flooding to public or private property being served by the manhole section involved. The flow of sewage in the sewer Iines shall be used to provide necessary pressures for hydraulic cleaning devices whenever possible. When additional quantities of water from fire hydrants are necessary to avoid delay in normal working procedures,the water shall be conserved and not used unnecessarily. No fire hydrant shall be obstructed so as to prevent its use in case of a fire in the area served by the hydrant,nor shall a hydrant be used for the purpose described unless a vacuum break is provided. 3.3 ROOT REMOVAL A. Roots shall be removed in the sewer sections where root intrusion is a problem and where authorized by the Owner. Special attention should be used during the cleaning operation SECTION 02954 SEWER LINE AND MANHOLE CLEANING PAGE 2 OF 3 to assure almost complete removal of roots from the joints. Any roots which could prevent the proper seating and application of the liner shall be removed. Procedures may include the use of mechanical equipment such as rodding machines,bucket machines,and winches using root cutters and porcupine,and equipment such as high-velocity jet cleaners. Chemical root treatment shall be used before or following the root removal operation,depending on the manufacturer's recommendation. B. If required to aid in the removal of roots, sewer sections that have root intrusion may be treated with an acceptable herbicide, as approved and specified by the Engineer. The application of the herbicide to the roots shall be done in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and specifications in such a manner to preclude damage to surrounding vegetation. The active ingredients shall have no adverse effect on the performance of a wastewater treatment plant,and shall be registered with the Environmental Protection Agency. Any damaged vegetation so designated by the Engineer shall be replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. All safety precautions as recommended by the manufacturer shall be adhered to concerning handling and application of the herbicide. 3A WASTE MATERIAL REMVOAL AND DISPOSAL A. All sludge, dirt,sand,rocks,grease,roots,and other solid or semisolid waste material resulting from the cleaning operation shall be removed at the downstream manhole of the section being cleaned. When hydraulic cleaning equipment is used,a suitable dam or weir shall be placed in the downstream manhole to trap all such materials. Passing material from manhole section to manhole section,which could cause line stoppages, accumulations of sand in wet wells, or damage pumping equipment, shall not be permitted. B. Linder no circumstances shall sludge or other debris removed during these operations be dumped or spilled into streets,ditches,storm drains,or other sanitary sewers. All solids or semisolids resulting from the cleaning operations shall be removed from the site and disposed of properly. C. The Contractor shall keep his haul route and work areas neat and clean and reasonably free of odor, and shall bear all responsibility for the cleanup of any spill which occurs during the transport of cleaningisurface preparation by-products and the cleanup of any such material which is authorized by or pursuant to this Contract and in accordance with applicable law and regulations. The Contractor shall immediately clean up any such spills or waste material release. 3.5 ACCEPTANCE OF CLEANING OPERATION A. Acceptance of sewer line cleaning;shall be made upon the successful completion of the television inspection and shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer and Owner. If the television inspection shows the cleaning to be unsatisfactory, the Contractor shall be required to re-clean and re-inspect the sewer line until the cleaning is shown to be satisfactory. END OF SECI"ION SECTION 02954 SEWER LINE AND MANHOLE CLEANING PAGE 3 OF 3 SECTION 02955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PARTI -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Fumish all labor,materials, equipment and incidentals required and install and test cured-in-place pipe(CIPP)lining and appurtenances complete as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. B. The rehabilitation of pipelines shall be done by the installation of a resin-impregnated flexible tube which,when cured, shall be continuous and tight-fitting throughout the entire length of the original pipe. The CIPP shall extend the fall length of the original pipe and provide a structurally sound,jointless,and water-tight new pipe within a pipe. The Contractor is responsible for proper, accurate and complete installation of the CIPP. C. Neither the CIPP,nor its installation, shall cause adverse effects to any of the Owner's processes or facilities. The use of the product shall not result in the formation or production of any detrimental compounds or by-products at the wastewater treatment plani. The Contractor shall notify the Owner and identify any by-products produced as a result of the installation operations,test and monitor the levels,and comply with any and all local waste discharge requirements, 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Sewer line cleaning is included in Section 02954. B. Television Inspection of pipelines is included in Section 02953. C. Temporary by-pass pumping of sewage flows is included in Section 02650. 1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM) 1. ASTM D543 -Standard and Practice for Evaluating the Resistance of Plastics to Chemical Reagents 2. ASTM D638— Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics 3. ASTM D790-Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Un-reinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials 4. ASTM D792—Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity of Plastics by displacement 5. ASTM F1743 -Rehabilitation of pipelines by pulled-In-Place Installation of a Cured-in Place thermosetting Resin Pipe 6. ASTM F 1216-Standard Practice for Rehabilitation of Existing Pipelines and Conduits by the Inversion and Curing of a Resin-Impregnated Tube. 7. ASTM F2019-Standard Practice for Rehabilitation of"Existing Pipelines and Conduits by the Pulled in Place Installation of Glass Reinforced Plastic(GRP) Cured-in-Place Thermosetting Resin Pipe(CIPP) SECTION 02955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE 1 OF 13 8. ASTM F2122- Standard Test Method of r Determining Dimensions of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings 9. ASTM D2990—Tensile, Compressive, and Flexural Creep and Creep-Rupture of Plastics 10. ASTM D3567 - Standard Practice for Determining Dimensions of Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin)Pipe and Fittings it. ASTM D3681 - Standard Test Method for Chemical Resistance of"Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin)Pipe in a Deflection Condition 12. ASTM D5813 -Cured-In-Place thermosetting Resin Pipe B. These standards are a part hereof by such reference and shall be the latest edition and revision thereof, 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit,in accordance with Section 01330,the following: 1. Proposed manufacturers technology data for all CIPP products and all associated technologies to be furnished, 2. Contractor qualifications. 3. Engineering design calculations,in accordance with ASTM F1216 and D2412 (fully deteriorated pipe)for each length of liner to be installed including the thickness of each proposed CIPP. It will be acceptable for the Contactor to submit a design for the most severe line condition and apply that design to all of the line sections. All CIPP liner design calculations shall be performed, sealed and signed by a registered professional engineer. All calculations shalt include data that conforms to the requirements of these specifications or has been pre-approved by the Engineer and Owner. 4. Detailed procedure for installing the liner and all tools and equipment required for a complete installation. a. All equipment to be furnished for the project, including proposed back-up equipment, shall be clearly described, b. Identify which tools and equipment will be redundant on the job site in the event of equipment breakdown. C. The Contractor shall outline the mitigation procedure to be implemented in the event of key equipment failure during the installation process. 5. Detailed public notification plan, 6. Fabric tube manufacturer and description of product components. 7. Flexible membrane(coating)material and recommended repair(patching) procedure if applicable. 8. Raw resin data including the manufacturer and description of product components. 9. Manufacturers' shipping, storage and handling recommendations for all components of the CIPP system. 10. All MSDS sheets for all materials to be furnished for the project. 11. Tube wet-out and cure method including: a. A complete description of the proposed wet-out procedure for the proposed technology. b. Manufacturer's recommended cure method—for each diameter and thickness of CIPP liner to be installed. SECTION 02955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE 2 OF 13 12. Certified test reports from the manufacturer that the liner for this Contract was manufactured and tested in accordance with the ASTM Standards specified herein. 13. Emergency plan detailing procedures to be followed in event of pump failures, sewer overflows, service backups,and sewage spillage. Maintain a copy of emergency plan on-site for duration of Project. 14. Television inspection header data, CCTV DVDs,and observation data made before and following point repair,and original copies of CCTV DVDs inspections shall be furnished to Engineer within 5 days. Data and video shall be delivered on DVDs. 15. Curing logs: show temperature and pressure readings per unit of time collected during liner installation. 16. Temperature readings with minimum 15 minute intervals for materials' delivery and storage with date and time stamped and labeled with sewer pipe identification number and material's stock identification. 17. Quality Control Plan(Part 1.6 of these specifications). 18. CIPP repair and replacement procedures(Part 1.8 of these specifications). 1.5 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Products shall meet the following criteria: A minimum of ten successful wastewater collection system projects of similar size and scope of work shall have been performed in the U.S. and must be documented to the satisfaction of the Owner and Engineer. B. The Contractor shall have at least five years active experience in the commercial installation of the product bid. In addition,the Contractor must have successfully installed at least 250,000 feet of cured in place product in wastewater collection systems(shop wet- out). If on-site wet-out liner installation is required, an additional 150,000 linear feet and 6 separate on-site wet-out installations are required (minimum). The Contractor shall submit a complete list of Contractor qualifications and complete work history for the field superintendent who will be on site for the duration of the project, and the service lateral cutter who will perform such work for this project. 1. Superintendent: The entire pipe lining project shall be field supervised by a project superintendent with the following lining installation and supervisory experience. This installation experience shall be with the specific liner system. and type proposed: three successfully completed projects within the past 2 years amounting to at least 20,000 linear feet of 8"and larger pipe per project; A minimum of 3 years of CIPP installation experience; performed or supervised at least 50 successful internal lateral cuttings; and at least one year of sewage bypass supervisory field experience. 2. Lateral Cutter: Internal reinstatement of laterals shall be performed by a qualified individual with the following experience: performed at least 100 successful internal lateral cuttings within the past year. C. The Contractor performing the work shall submit the following information for review and approval prior to award: 1. The number of years of experience in performing pipe lining projects. 2. The name of the lining manufacturer and supplier for this work and previous work listed below. The Contractor shall be an approved Contractor as certified and/or licensed by the liner manufacturer. SECTION 012955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE 3 OF 13 3. A list of municipal clients that the Contractor has performed this type of work for without defects or performance problems, a. The list shall contain names and telephone numbers of persons to be called to verify previous satisfactory performance. b. A full description of the actual work performed. C. The list of municipal clients and description of projects shall include the approximate liner footage(If)of lining work completed. Provide a sufficient number of references to total 50,000 If or more of lining work completed to date. D. The CIPP liner shall be provided by a single manufacturer. The supplier shall be responsible for the provision of all test requirements specified herein as applicable. In addition,all liner to be installed under this Contract may be inspected at the plant for compliance with this Section by an independent testing laboratory provided by the Owner, at his own expense. The Contractor shall require the manufacturer's cooperation in these inspections. The cost of plant inspection will be the responsibility of the Owner, E. Inspection of the liner may also be made by the Engineer or other representative of the Owner after delivery. The liner shall be subject to rejection at any time on account of failure to meet any of the requirements specified,even though sample liner may have been accepted as satisfactory at the place of manufacture. Liner rejected after delivery shall be marked for identification and shall be removed from the job site at once. 1.6 QUALITY CONTROL PLAN A. At a minimum,the quality control plan shall include the following: I A detailed discussion of the proposed quality controls to be per-formed by the Contractor, 2. Defined responsibilities, of the Contractor's personnel,for assuring that all quality requirements,for this contract are met. These shall be assigned by the Contractor to specific personnel, 3. Proposed procedures for quality control,product sampling and testing. 4. Proposed methods for product performance controls, including method of and frequency of product sampling and testing both in raw material form and cured product form. 5. A scheduled performance and product test result reviews between the Contractor and the Owner at regularly scheduled job meeting. 6. Inspection forms and guidelines for quality control inspections shall be prepared in accordance with the standards specified in this contract and shall be part of the quality control plan. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Care shall be taken in shipping,handling and storage to avoid damaging the liner. Extra care shall be taken during extreme heat or extreme cold weather construction. Any liner damaged in shipment shall be replaced as directed by the Engineer, B, Any liner showing a split or tear, or which has received a blow that may have caused damage,even though damage may not be visible, shall be marked as rejected and removed at once from the job site. SECTION 02955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE 4 OF 13 C. The liner shall be maintained at a proper temperature in refrigerated facilities to prevent premature curing at all times prior to installation. Extra care shall also be taken in hot weather construction. The liner shall be protected from UV light prior to installation. Any liner showing evidence of premature curing will be rejected for use and will be removed from the site immediately. D. Any liner that has a shelf life over six months will be rejected. All liners shall have a record with the date the material was manufactured. 1.8 CIPP REPAU;UREPLACEMENT A, Occasionally installation will result in the need to repair or replace a defective CIPP. The Contactor shall outline specific repair or replacement procedures for potential defects that may occur in the installed CIPP. Repair/replacement procedures shall be as recommended by the CIPP system manufacturer and shall be part of the submittals. B. Defects in the installed CIPP that will not affect the operation and long term life of the product shall be identified and defined. C. Repairable defects that may occur in the installed CIPP shall be specifically defined by the Contractor based on manufacturer's recommendations, including a detailed step-by-step repair procedure,resulting in a finished product meeting the requirements of these specifications. D, Un-repairable defects that may occur to the CIPP shall be clearly defined by the Contractor based on the manufacturer's recommendations, including a recommended procedure for the removal and replacement of the CIPP. 1.9 WARRANTY A. All lining work shall be fully guaranteed by the Contractor and manufacturer for a period of 2 years from the date of project completion. During this period,all serious defects discovered by the Owner shall be removed and replaced in a satisfactory manner at no additional cost to the Owner.. The Owner may conduct an independent television inspection, at his own expense,of the lining work prior to the completion of the 2 year guarantee period. PART 2-PRODUCTS 11 MATERIALS A. All materials, shipped to the project site, shall be accompanied by test reports certifying that the material conforms to the ASTM standards listed herein. 2.2 FABRIC"TUBE A. The liner shall be composed of tubing material consisting of one or more layers of a flexible non-woven polyester with or without additives such as woven fiberglass or other fibers. The felt tubing shall be impregnated with a thennosetting polyester resin and catalyst,vinyl ester and catalyst or epoxy resin and hardener. The liner material and resin SECTION 02955 CURET-IN-PLAICE PIPE LINER PAGE 5 OF 13 shall be completely compatible. The systems shall meet the requirements of ASTM F1216,ASTM D5813,ASTM F2019 and ASTM 1743. B. The outside and/or inside layer of the tube(before inversion/pull-in, as applicable)shall be coated with an impermeable, flexible material compatible with the resin and fabric that will contain the resin and allow the resin impregnation (wet out)procedure to be monitored, C. The liner shall be capable of fitting into irregularly shaped pipe sections and through bends and dips within the pipeline. D. No material shall be included in the fabric tube that may cause de-lamination in the cured CIPP, E. The wall color of the interior pipe surface of CIPP after installation shall be a light reflective color. The hue of the color shall be dark enough to distinguish a contrast between the fully resin saturated felt fabric and dry or resin lean areas. F. Seams in the fabric tube,if applicable,shall meet the requirements of ASTM D5813. G. The outside of the fabric tube shall be marked every 5 feet with the name of the manufacturer or CIPP system,manufacturing lot and production footage. H. When inverted and cured the liner shall form a continuous,tight fitting,hard,impermeable liner which is chemically resistant to chemicals found in domestic sewage. The corrosion resistance of the liner shall be chemically resistant to trace amounts of gasoline and other oil products commonly found in municipal sewerage and soils adjacent to the sewer pipe to be lined. J. All existing pipe diameter dimensions shall be field verified by the Contractor prior to ordering of the liner. Field measurements shall be used to ensure maximum closure between the new liner and the existing sewer pipe, K. The liner shall be fabricated to a size that when reformed will tightly fit the sewer being rehabilitated. Allowance for longitudinal and circumferential expansion shall be taken into account when sizing and installing the liner. L. The application of the resin to the felt tubing(wet-out) tube shall have uniform thickness that when compressed at installation pressures will meet or exceed the design thickness. No dry or unsaturated layers shall be evident. M. The nominal fabric tube wall thickness shall be constructed, as a minimum,to the nearest 0.5 mm increment,rounded up from the design thickness for that section of installed CIPP. N. Wall thickness transitions, in 0,5 mm increments or greater as appropriate,may be fabricated into the fabric tube between installation entrance and exit access points. The quantity of resin used in the impregnation shall be sufficient to fill all the felt voids for the nominal felt thickness. SECTION 02955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE 6 OF 13 O. The length of the liner shall be the length deemed necessary by the Contractor to effectively carry out the insertion of the liner and sealing of the liner at the outlet and inlet manholes. The required length of liner shall be verified in the field by the Contractor prior to fabrication. P. The liner shall be designed,fabricated and installed for the actual conditions encountered for this application and shall comply with the following minimum conditions; 1. Temperature: 35 to 150 degrees F 2. Maximum long term deflection: 5 percent 3. The liner shall be designed to support all loads produced by backfill(130 lbs/sq ft),traffic (H-20) and a hydrostatic loading from groundwater elevation at grade. 4. The liner shall be watertight. 5. The existing pipe shall be considered fully deteriorated. 6. CIPP shall assume no bonding to the original pipe wall. 7. Groundwater depth shall be considered to be at ground surface elevation. S. Safety Factor shall be 2.0 9. Soil modulus 700 psi 10. Enhancement Factor K shall be 7. 11. Ovality shall be 2%. 12. Creep Retention Factor shall be 50% Q. The required structural CIPP wall thickness shall be designed in accordance with the guidelines of ASTM F1216. A copy of the design calculations shall be submitted to the Engineer and Owner. The calculations shall clearly state all design assumptions and shall included the change in flow capacity that will be experienced with the selected liner. R. Thickness specified(designed by the Contractor and approved by the Owner) is the final, in-ground thickness required. Measured sample thicknesses will not include polyurethane or polyethylene coatings,and layer of the tube not fully and verifiably impregnated with resin, or any portion of the tube not deemed by the Engineer or Owner to be a structural component of the composite. S. The Contractor must consider any factors necessary to ensure the final CIPP thickness is not less than specified. These factors include any stress applied to the material during transportation,handling, installation and cure; the host pipe's material type,condition, and configuration;weather;and any other factors which are reasonably expected to be found in existing sanitary sewer systems. T. The cured liner shall have the following minimum structural properties: Property Test Method Minimum Standard Flexural Strength ASTM D790 4,500 Flexural Modulus ASTM D790 300,000 U. Product Specific Design Parameters: Certain design inputs vary by manufacturer, processes design,or installation technique. These variables are listed below with requirements: 1. Long Term Flexural Modulus shall be verified by long-term external pressure testing of circular lengths of the pipe material by a third-party lab. Retention SECTION 02955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE 7 OF 13 values exceeding 50%of the short terra test results shall not be applied unless substantiated by qualified third party test data to the Engineer's and Owner's satisfaction, 2.3 RESIN A. The resin shall be a corrosion resistant polyester or vinyl ester resin and catalyst system when properly cured within the tube composite meets the requirements of ASTM F1216, ASTM F 1743 or F2019. PANT 3_EXECUTION 31 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A, The Contractor shall clean each length of pipe to be lined of all debris,roots and other materials that would block proper installation of the CIPP and dispose of any resulting material as specified in Section 02954, Sewer Cleaning. B. The Contractor shall conduct a CCTV inspection of each length of pipe to be lined in accordance with Section 02953. The inspection of pipelines shall be performed by experienced personnel trained in locating breaks,obstacles,and service connections using closed circuit television(CCTV). The interior of each pipeline shall be carefully inspected prior to and the day of installation of CIPP to determine the location of any conditions that may prevent proper installation of CIPP into the pipeline. All such conditions shall be documented and corrected before CIPP installation.Accurate in-pipe documentation measures shall be utilized to record the distance or measurement for each service line, branch line and obstruction. The manhole identification system used on the contract drawings shall be utilized in all project documentation.The Contractor shall keep a suitable log for reference and shall record all CCTV inspections on DVD. C. If pre-installation inspection reveals an obstruction such as a dropped joint, or collapse that will prevent a successful installation process,that was not evident on the pre-bid video and that can not be removed by conventional sewer cleaning equipment,then the Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately. If this occurs during construction,the Contractor shall cease work in the area until the Owner can have the section repaired to a condition acceptable for lining. The Contractor shall proceed with other elements of the project until the repair is complete at no additional cost to the Owner. D. The Contractor shall dye test all unknown service connections prior to lining to determine all active service connections. Only active services shall be reinstated. A list of all service connections to be abandoned as part of the work shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. The compiled list will include information on location of each service connection to be abandoned based on the television inspection logs. E. All service connections protruding into the sewer to be lined shall be out or ground down so as to be flush with the pipe to be lined prior to liner installation. F. The Contractor shall provide bypass pumping of sewage flows around the section or sections of pipe designated for rehabilitation in accordance with Section 02650, SECTION 02955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE 8 OF 13 G. The Contractor shall make every effort to maintain sewer service usage throughout the duration of the project. In the event that a connection will be out of service, the longest period of no service shall be 8 hours. H. The Contractor shall implement a public notification program. At a minimum, the Contractor shall notify all property owners who discharge sewage directly into the sewer to be lined that their sewage service will be discontinued while the liner is being installed. Notify each affected property owner at least 48 hours in advance of commencement of the work,,giving the date, start time and time when service will be completely restored. Also provide a telephone number which property owners can call for information during the work. The Contractor shall personally contact any home or business which cannot be reconnected within the time stated in the written notice. 1. All notices shall include the following: If during the process of installing liners you detect a chemical odor, do not be alarmed. You will actually be smelling styrene,which is an integral component of the resin used to saturate the liner that is installed into the sewer. This odor will quickly dissipate one the installation process is complete. Styrene odors can be detected in extremely small quantities and has shown to produce no negative health effects during extensive studies. Pouring a gallon of water into sinks,floor drains,or other drainage openings especially those that are seldom used and whose traps may be empty of water, before we do our work should prevent any odor from entering your building or home. If you do detect an odor, simply open your windows and/or turn on a fan to help ventilate the building. This level of concentration of airborne styrene does not pose a health risk. 3.2 INSTALLATION OF LINER A. Furnish and install the liner in the Hull length of sewer as shown on the Drawings. The installation of the liner shall be in complete accordance with the applicable provisions herein ASTM standards and the manufacture's installation requirements. B. The wet-out tube shall be positioned in the pipeline using the method specified by the manufacturer. Care shall be exercised not to damage the tube as a result of installation. The tube shall be pulled-in or inverted through an existing manhole or approved access point and fully extended to the next designated manhole or termination point. C. The manufacturer's recommended cure schedule shall be used for each line segment installed and the liner wall thickness and the existing ground conditions with regard to temperature,moisture level,and thermal conductivity of soil,per ASTM as applicable, shall be taken into account by the Contractor. D. Prior to installation and as recommended by the manufacturer,remote temperature gauges or sensors shall be placed inside the host pipe to monitor the temperatures during thecure cycle. Liner and/or host pipe interface temperature shall be monitored and logged during curing of the liner. SECTION 02955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE 9 OF 13 E. Log pressure and temperature readings at minimum 15 minute intervals and the following process points. 1. Start time along with peak pressure and temperature; 2. Gradual build up to curing duration along with maximum temperature and pressure; 3. Start of gradual dropping of curing temperature; 4. Cool down duration along with relaxing temperature and pressure; 5. Start of gradual release of curing pressure;and 6. Ending. F. Contractor shall be prepared to monitor styrene gas levels at each manhole and up to 30 residential homes andlor businesses at the direction of the Engineer. If styrene gas is detected at levels above 50 ppm,the immediate construction vicinity shall be evacuated, The Contractor shall provide ventilation or any necessary means to drop levels before allowing anyone back into the vicinity. No additional compensation will be allowed if evacuations are required. 33 COOL DOWN A. Follow manufacturer's recommendations for cooling and relaxation of liners. B. Temperature and curing data shall be monitored and recorded, by the Contractor throughout the installation process to ensure that each phase of the process ins achieved as approved in accordance with the CIPP manufacturer's recommendations. 3.4 FINISH A. The installed CIPP shall be continuous over the entire length of a sewer line section and be free from visual defects such as foreign inclusions, dry spots,pinholes, major wrinkles and de-lamination. The lining shall be impervious and free of any leakage from the pipe to the surrounding ground or from the ground to inside the lined pipe. B. Any defect,which will or could affect the structural integrity or strength of the linings, shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense, in accordance with the procedures submitted under CIPP Repair/Replacement section of these specifications. C. The beginning and end of the CIPP shall be sealed to the existing host pipe and the installed liner.The connection mainline interface shall be sealed to provide a water tight connection. D. If the wall of the CIPP leaks,it shall be repaired or removed and replaced with a watertight pipe as recommended by the manufacture of the CIPP. 3.5 MANHOLE CONNECTIONS AND RECONNECTIONS OF EXISTING SERVICES A. All cutting and sealing of the liner at manhole connections shall provide watertight pipe and manhole trough seals by use of a resin mixture or hydrophilic sea]compatible with the installed CIPP. B. Reopen all of the existing active service connections in each length of sewer following reformation and cooling of the liner, The service connections shall be reopened from SECTION 02955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE 10OF13 inside the sewer by means of a television camera controlled cutting device appropriate for the liner material and the rehabilitated sewer pipe. It is the intent of these specifications that branch connections be reopened without excavation. C. Initially, each lateral shall be relieved by cutting a 2 to 3 inch hole to ensure that no services will be interrupted and there will be no risk of backed up lines. D. The final machined lateral opening shall be at least 95 percent of the service connection opening and the bottom of both openings must match. The opening shall not be more than 100 percent of the service connection opening(including brushing). The edges of the opening shall not have pipe fragments or Iiner fragments,which may obstruct flow or snag debris. E. In the event that service reinstatements result in openings that are greater than 100 percent of the service connection opening,the Contractor shall install a CIPP type repair, sufficiently in size to completely cover the over-cut service connection. No additional compensation will be paid for the repair of over-cut service connections. F. The Contractor shall have a minimum of two(2)complete working cutters unless otherwise directed by the owner or his authorized representative. G. No additional payment will be made for excavations for the purpose of reopening connections and the Contractor will be responsible for all costs and liability associated with such excavation and restoration work. I. If required,external reconnections are to be made with a tee fitting in accordance with CIPP manufacturer recommendations. H. When reinstating the sewer services, a suitable dam or weir shall be placed in the downstream manhole to trap all cut out materials. Passing material from manhole section to manhole section,which could cause line stoppages, accumulations of sand in wet wells, or damage pumping equipment,shall not be permitted. 1. Following installation of the liner and reopening of the service connections, conduct a final television inspection of the completed work. Color copies of the DVD's and the DVD's made prior to the liner installation shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and shall be retained by the Owner 3.6 TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE A. Field acceptance of the liner shall be based on the Engineer's evaluation of the installation including CCTV DVDs and a review of certified test data for the installed pipe samples. & All materials for testing shall be furnished by the Contractor to the Owner for testing. C. All tests shall be in accordance with applicable ASTM test methods to confirm compliance with the requirements specified in these contract documents. D. All material testing shall be performed at the Contractors expense by an independent third party laboratory selected by the Owner as recommended by the CIPP manufacturer. SECTION 02955 CURED-IPA-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE I 1 OF 13 � EL The Contractor shall provide samples for testing to the Owner from the actual installed ClPPiiner shall be provided,u(v minimum, from one location per }000linear feet ofCIP9 installed. The samples nkeO 6eaminimum o[24 inches in }oo&th and shall be cut from a section of cured CIPP at an intermediate manhole or at the termination point that has been inverted through a like diameter pipe which has been held in place hyu suitable heat sink,such as sandbags. On pipelines greater in diameter than is practical to produce restrained samples,the samples shall 6e taken from the tube and the resin/catalyst or resin/hardener system used,and cured in a clamped mold placed in the down tube when heated circulating water is used and iuthe silencer when steam ioused. K All curing,cutting and identification of samples will be witnessed by the Engineer and transmitted bvthe Engineer tnaucdifimd testing laboratory. The Contractor shall he responsible for providing all shipping containers and shipping and testing costs/fees. The Contractor shall coordinate all laboratory fee payment requirements,with the laboratory chosen bvthe Engineer,prior to any testing. G. The laboratory results shall be provided to the Owner and Engineer and shall identify the test sample location ua referenced 0mthe nearest manhole and station. B. If properties tested do not meet minimum requirements, the CIPP shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor,a1mo additional cost to the Owner. l. The contractor shall perform the following tests on the samples in accordance with the appropriate ASTM standards and shall meet the structural requirements outlined herein. 1. Short-Term Flexural Properties 2. Tensile Properties 1 Thickness J. The installed CIPP thickness shall be measured for each line section installed, lf the CIPP thickness does not meet that apeclfiodbuthe contract and submitted aa the approved design by the Contractor,the liner shall be repaired or removed. The liner thickness shall have m tolerance of minus 5 percent and plus 10 percent of the specified thickness. K. The Owner has the option of requiring a Delamination Test in accordance with ASTM standards, The Owner shall require the Contractor's cooperation iothese tests. The cost of the Dcl»oznm6mo Test will be the responsibility of the Owner,if performed. L. The hydraulic profile shall be maintained as large as possible. The installed CIPP shall have a minimum of the full flow capacity nf the original pipe before installation. M. The Contractor shall perform a detailed CCTV inspection in accordance with project specifications and&STM standards, iu the presence ofthe Engineer after installation of the CIPP liner and reconnection oflaterals. Unedited digital documentation of the inspection shall be provided to the Owner within ten(lO)working days of the liner iustaUud*m. The data shall note the inspection date,location of all reconnected laterals, debris,as well as any other defects in the liner,including but not limited to. gouges, cracks,bumps orbulges. If post installation inspection documentation ia not submitted within ten(lO)working days uf the liner installation, the Owner may at its discretion suspend any further installation utCIYP until the post-installation documentation io submitted. As a result of this suspension,no additional working days will be added to the contract,nor will any adjustment bc made for increase iocost. x8r7Omoz95j C0n2D'lN'PLACB PIPE LINER PAGE/2OFl3 N. Immediately prior to conducting the CCTV inspection,the Contractor shall thoroughly clean the newly installed liner removing all debris and build-up that may have accumulated. 0. Bypass pumping or plugging frown the upstream manhole shall be utilized to minimize sewage from entering the line during the inspection. In the case of bellies in the line, the pipe shall be cleared of any standing water to provide continuous visibility during the inspection. P. Where leakage is observed through the wall of the pipe, the Contractor shall institute additional testing including but not limited to air testing, localized testing and any other testing that will verify the leak-proof integrity of the installed CIPP to the satisfaction of the Owner. Q. The finished liner shall be continuous over the entire length of the installation)and shall be free of significant visual defects,damage, deflection,holes, leaks and other defects.. R. There shall be no evidence of splits, cracks,breaks,lifts,kinks, delaminations or crazing in the Iiner. S. If any defective liner is discovered after it has been installed,it shall be removed and replaced with either a sound liner or a new pipe at no additional cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION SECTION 02955 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PAGE 13 OF 13 SECTION 02956 LATERAL CONNECTION SEALING PARTI -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. It is the intent of this specification to provide the rehabilitation and reconnection of service lateral connections(SLC)to rehabilitated sewer lines,without excavation,by installation and ultraviolet(UV)light curing of a resin-impregnated,flexible fiberglass insert with sealing epoxy element in the form of a tube or top hat that will be installed into the existing service lateral utilizing a pressure apparatus and ultraviolet light curing devise positioned in the mainline pipe. B. Service lateral connections may be a combination of tees,wyes,or break-in taps of varying sized and angle from 30 to 90 degrees and may include over-cut lateral openings,pilot holes or defects in a relined sewer pipe. C. The resin shall be-rapidly cured to transform the flexible insert into a hard, impermeable top hat seal around and in the lateral connection in a continuous tight fitting,watertight pipe-within-a-pipe to eliminate any visible groundwater leakage and future root growth at the lateral to mainline connections. D. SLC product system shall be compatible with the mainline and/or lateral pipe or liner. If, within the warranty period, the SLC product installed in the sewer system is not acceptable due to leakage or any other defects, although originally accepted, the Contractor shall repair or replace the affected portion at no cost to the Owner. It is understood that if the Contractor fails to do such work as required,the Contractor shall be responsible for said costs of repair or replacement. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Sewer line cleaning is included in Section 02954. B. Television Inspection of pipelines is included in Section 02953. C. Temporary by-pass pumping of sewage flows is included in Section 02650. D. Cured In Place Pipe installation is included in Section 02955 1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM D543 -Standard and Practice for Evaluating the Resistance of Plastics to Chemical Reagents 2. ASTM D578—Standard Specifications for Glass Fiber Strands 1 ASTM D638—Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics 4. ASTM D790 -Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Un-reinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials SECTION 02956 LATERAL CONNECTION SEALING PAGE I OF 7 5. ASTM D792—Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity of Plastics by displacement 6. ASTM F1743 -Rehabilitation of pipelines by pulled-In-Place Installation of a Cured-In Place thermosetting Resin Pipe 7. ASTM F1216-Standard Practice for Rehabilitation of Existing Pipelines and Conduits by the Inversion and Curing of a Resin-Impregnated Tube. 8. ASTM D 1600—Abbreviations of Terms Relating to Plastics 9. ASTM F2019 -Standard Practice for Rehabilitation of"Existing Pipelines and Conduits by the Pulled in Place Installation of Glass Reinforced Plastic(GRP) Cured-in-Place Thermosetting Resin Pipe(CIPP) 10. ASTM F2122-Standard Test Method of r Determining Dimensions of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings IL ASTM D2990—Tensile,Compressive, and Flexural Creep and Creep-Rupture of Plastics 12, ASTM D3567 -Standard Practice for Determining Dimensions of Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin)Pipe and Fittings 13, ASTM D3681 - Standard Test Method for Chemical Resistance of"Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin)Pipe in a Deflection Condition 14. ASTM D581.3 -Cured-In-Place thermosetting Resin Pipe B. These standards are a part hereof by such reference and shall be the latest edition and revision thereof. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit,in accordance with Section 01330,the following; 1. Proposed manufacturers technology data for all SLC products and all associated technologies to be furnished. 2. Contractor qualifications. 3. Design methods are to be derived from traditionally accepted pipe formula for various loading parameters and modes of failure. All equations will be modified to include ovality as a design parameter. The design method shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to the pre-construction conference. 4. Detailed procedure for installing the SLC and all tools and equipment required for a complete installation. a. All equipment to be furnished for the project, including proposed back-up equipment,shall be clearly described. b. Identify which tools and equipment will be redundant on the job site in the event of equipment breakdown. C. The Contractor shall outline the mitigation procedure to be implemented in the event of key equipment failure during the installation process. 5. Detailed public notification plan. 6. Manufacturer's product data. 7. Raw resin data including the manufacturer and description of product components. 8. Manufacturer's shipping, storage and handling recommendations for all components of the SLC product. 9. All MSDS sheets for all materials to be furnished for the project. 10. Manufacturer's recommended cure method,including cure time. SECTION 02956 LATERAL CONB9ECTION SEALING PAGE 2 OF 7 11. Certified test reports from the manufacturer that the product for this Contract was manufactured and tested in accordance with the ASTM Standards specified herein. 12. Emergency plan detailing procedures to be followed in event of pump failures, sewer overflows, service backups,and sewage spillage. Maintain a copy of emergency plan on-site for duration of Project. 13. Quality Control Plan(Part 1.6 of these specifications). 14. Repair and replacement procedures. 1.5 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A. The Contractor shall have at least five years active experience in the commercial installation of the product bid. In addition, the Contractor must have successfully installed a minimum of 15,000 successful SLC installations in the U.S. The Contractor shall submit a complete list of Contractor qualifications and complete work history for the field superintendent who will be on site for the duration of the project. 1. Installer: SLC installations shall be performed by a qualified individual with the following experience: performed at least 1,500 successful SLC installations,of the type to be used on this project,within the past 5 years. B, The Contractor performing the work shall submit the following information for review and approval prior to award:. I. The number of years of experience in performing SLC projects. 2. The name of the product manufacturer and supplier for this work and previous work listed below. The Contractor shall be an approved Contractor as certified and/or licensed by the product manufacturer. 3. A list of municipal clients that the Contractor has performed this type of work for without defects or performance problems. a. The list shall contain names and telephone numbers of persons to be called to verify previous satisfactory performance. b. A full description of the actual work performed. C. The list of municipal clients and description of projects shall include the approximate SLC installations(ea)completed. Provide a sufficient number of references to total 15,000 ea or more SLC installations completed to date. C. The product shall be provided by a single manufacturer. The supplier shall be responsible for the provision of all test requirements specified herein as applicable. h1 addition,all product to be installed under this Contract may be inspected at the plant for compliance with this Section by an independent testing laboratory provided by the Owner,at his own expense. The Contractor shall require the manufacturer's cooperation in these inspections. The cost of plant inspection will be the responsibility of the Owner. D. Inspection of the product may also be made by the Engineer or other representative of the Owner after delivery. The liner shall be subject to rejection at any time on account of failure to meet any of the requirements specified, even though sample product may have been accepted as satisfactory at the place of manufacture. Products rejected after delivery shall be marked for identification and shall be removed from the job site at once. SECTION 02956 LATERAL CONNECTION SEALING PAGE 3 OF 7 1.6 QUALITY CONTROL PLAN A. At a minimum,the quality control plan shall include the following: I. A detailed discussion of the proposed quality controls to be performed by the Contractor. 2. Defined responsibilities,of the Contractor's personnel, for assuring that all quality requirements,for this contract are met. These shall be assigned by the Contractor to specific personnel. 3. Proposed procedures for quality control,product sampling and testing. 4. Proposed methods for product performance controls,including method of and frequency of product sampling and testing both in raw material form and cured product form. 5. A scheduled performance and product test result reviews between the Contractor and the Owner at regularly scheduled job meeting. 6. Inspection forms and guidelines for quality control inspections shall be prepared in accordance with the standards specified in this contract and shall be part of the quality control plan. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Care shall be taken in shipping,handling and storage to avoid damaging the product.. Extra care shall be taken during extreme heat or extreme cold weather construction. Any product damaged in shipment shall be replaced as directed by the Engineer. B. Any product showing a split or tear, or which has received a blow that may have caused damage,even though damage may not be visible, shall be marked as rejected and removed at once from the job site. C. The product shall be maintained at a proper temperature in refrigerated facilities to prevent premature curing at all times prior to installation. Store in dark and 100%light tight containers. Extra care shall also be taken in hot weather construction. The liner shall be protected from UV light prior to installation. Any liner showing evidence of premature curing will be rejected for use and will be removed from the site immediately. 1.8 WARRANTY A. All work shall be fully guaranteed by the Contractor and manufacturer for a period of 2 years from the date of project completion. During this period,all serious defects discovered by the Owner shall be removed and replaced in a satisfactory manner at no additional cost to the Owner. The Owner may conduct an independent television inspection, at his own expense, of the lining work prior to the completion of the 2 year guarantee period. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. The finished SLC product shall be an E-glass corrosion resistant(ECR)fiberglass laminate impregnated with an UV-Iight reactive polyester resin which when cured is SECTION 02956 LATERAL CONNECTION SEALING PAGE 4 OF 7 chemically resistant to domestic sewage over the expected life time of the rehabilitated pipe. B. The SLC product shall be compatible with the lining system utilized for the main and/or lateral sewer lines. 2.2 SLC PRODUCT A. The flexible fiberglass top hat tube insert shall be fabricated to a size that when installed will key into the internal surface irregularities of the lateral joint and neatly fit tight to the internal circumference of the lateral. The top hap tube shall be a larinate made of non- woven fiberglass materials that allow for circumferential stretching and angular alignment with the lateral pipe connection geometry during insertion. B. The insert laminate shall seal to the inside wall of the sewer main a minimum of three(3) inches around the lateral opening and a minimum of four(4)inches and the maximum length of the SLC shall not exceed eight(8)inches up into the lateral pipe from the main.. C. Unless otherwise specified,the installer shall furnish a specially formulated polyester resin and catalyst system compatible with the SLC process that provides cured physical strength at least to the same level as required for the lateral liner if specified. D. A secondary epoxy-sealing component shall be used to form a sealing bond between the SLC product and the host lateral and main pipe walls. E. The structural performance of the finished pipe must be adequate to accommodate all anticipated loads throughout its design life. F. The cured SLC shall have a separation strength from wetted surface better than 275 psi. G. The cured SLC shall conform to the minimum structural standards as listed below: Property Test Method Minimum Standard Flexural Strength ASTM D790 35,000 Flexural Modulus ASTM D790 800,000 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. The Contractor shall promptly notify the Engineer should pre-inspection reveal that the SLC cannot be used, The installer shall explain, in writing,to the Engineer why it is inadvisable to rehabilitate the service connection. B. Prior to installing the SLC product the area around the lateral sealing surface in both the main and the lateral shall be inspected. Waste product build-up,hard scale,roots, lateral cutting debris or resin slugs must be removed using high pressure water jetting or in-line cutters. SECTION 02956 LATERAL CONNECTION SEALING PAGE 5 OF 7 C. Break-in connection and/or lateral pipe protruding into the mains shall be ground back to no more than a 1/8-inch protrusion into the mainline. D. Built-up deposits on the main and lateral pipe walls should be removed. The removal shall reach at Ieast on foot beyond the SLC product to allow the bladder to inflate tightly against the pipe walls ensuring a smooth transition from SLC product to the existing pipe wall. E. In relined pipes that lateral must be opened 95 percent or more and edges finished without "teeth". Over-cuts shall not exceed one(1)inch beyond the internal diameter of the lateral. F. The Contractor shall be responsible, if needed,for bypassing of sewage during the installation of the SLC product. In cases where the temporary backup of sewage is accepted as a replacement for bypassing,the Contractor is responsible for all damage caused by backups. 3.2 SLC PRODUCT INSTALLATION A, The resin impregnated SLC shall be loaded on the applicator apparatus,attached to a robotic manipulator devise and positioned in the mainline pipe at the service connection that is to be rehabilitated. The robotic devise together with a television camera will be used to align the SLC repair product with the service connection opening. Air pressure, supplied to the applicator through an air hose, shall be used to insert the resin impregnated connection repair product into the lateral pipe. The inserted product will then be inspected using a TV camera to confirm the SLC product is correctly positioned and/or centered in the lateral opening prior to curing, (This TV inspection step is necessary to minimize the reworking or dig-up of incorrectly deployed SLC product.) The insertion pressure will be adjusted to fully deploy the SLC product into the lateral connection and hold the SLC product tight to the main and lateral pipe walls. Care shall be taken during the curing process so as not to over-stress the tube, B. The pressure apparatus shall include a bladder of sufficient length in both the main and lateral lines such that the inflated bladder extends beyond the ends of both the lateral tube and mainline brim segments of the SLC product pressing the end edges flat against the internal pipe wall thus forming a smooth transition from SLC product to pipe diameters without a step,ridge or gap between the SLC product and the inner diameters of the lateral and mainline pipes. C. After inversion is completed,recommended pressure is maintained on the impregnated tube for the duration of the curing process. An UV light cured resin system must be used. D. The initial cure shall be deemed to be completed when the SLC has been exposed to the UV light or held in place for the time period specified by the manufacturer. E. The Contractor shall cool the hardened SLC before relieving the pressure in the pressure apparatus. Cool-down may be accomplished by the introduction of cool air into the pressure apparatus. Care shall be taken to maintain proper pressure throughout the cure and cool-down period, F. The packer is then deflated,removed from the connection and returned to the manhole. SECTION 62956 LATERAL CONNECTION SEALING PAGE 6 OF 7 3.3 TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE A. The finished SLC product shall be free of dry spots, lifts and delamination. The installed SLC product should not inhibit the post installation video inspection,using closed circuit television camera, of the mainline and service lateral pipes or future pipe cleaning operations. B. After the work is completed the Contractor will provide the Owner with an electronic picture and recorded data identifying the location and showing the completed work and restored condition of all rehabilitated SLCs. C. During the warranty period any defects with the SLC that affect the performance or cleaning of the lateral connection shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense in a manner acceptable to the Owner. END OF SECTION SECTION 02956 LATERAL CONNECTION SEALING PAGE 7 OF 7 APPENDIX A CCTV INSPECTION REPORTS City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department � Of 8 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 1 Bozeman, MT 59717m?:.'2°D ® X� 406.528.3200 Ueedertce in Public Service Ell' �� Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number); Bozeman F0443-FO444 Bozeman N Montana Start date/Lime; width; Height: Material: Location Code: 2/12/2008 8 VCP Direction: Length surveyed;, weather: Media Label: Downstream 635.9 v 1^ At6,0f1 START WITH FLOW-Startlnspection With the Flow Category Miscellaneous Feature A t 6.0 it —_--.....—. MWL-water Level Category,Miscolla neo us Feature 1�^ At 13.3 pet. TFC-Tap Factory Capped W� Category°Construction Feature AU4..711[2r. V' At20.3 it9t. I TF-Tap Factory TB.Tap Break.ir, Category:Construction Feature . Category:Construction Feature At65.90101. -. TF-Tap Factory Category.Construction Feature �.A t 64.01.11112 SMW-Surface Missing wall At77.2 ft21 Category'.Structural TFC-Tap Fa ctory Capped - Caffigory,Conshocoon Feature A06,7fti01. TFA-Tap Factory Active v' Category Construction Feature r,k' At l 18.5 It VS At 118.5 ft2l. RFC-RootsFine Connection v � TB-Tap Bleak-in — Categ.,ory:( M Category:Construction Feature ate. r,, ....y At 1344 tt9112 At 17.0..3,1t2..µ RFJ-Roots Fine Joint TFC«Tap Factory Capped Category O&M Cate gory Construction Feature >�At 141:5 it 101, - TFC-Tap Factory Gapped Category Constructor Feature I�At141.5It101: At 157.8 it 21' RFL-Rents Fine Lateral TBA-Yap Bleak-in Active _ Category.O&M Category_Construction Feature .At 1731 p71e At 16,71t 7.r. - -- RFJ-Roots Fine Joint TFC-Tap Factory Capped V Category O&M Category:Construction Feature ly At 178 U ft 141. TF-Tap Factory A,1183 2 tt 12.µ; Category.Construction Feature CL-Crack Longitudinal ---- - Category_Structural 4,At 778.0 ftd15 RFL-Roots Fine Latera Ii At1e9.3ftW!'.�� Category CBM TF-Tap Factory -_........-___._� _. 4 Category:Construction Feature : At-01 Ift'7Y9 Omitted:4278 at _... .............. _ _.. _... --_ RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category 48.PJ TV inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,20018 7:43 AM Page 1 of 4 City Of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department CIF RO&, 814 N Bozeman Ave P,O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 4045.528,3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0443-FO444 Bozeman N Montana Start date/time: Width-- Height: Material: Location Code: 2/12/2008 8 VCP Direction: Length surveyed; Weather: Media Label Downstream 635.9 At215 5 ft 12f offetted 5.7 it CL-Crack Longitudinal Category Structural At220 6ft 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Constyuction Feature TB-TapbreakJn At242 2 R,".1. Category ConstructrDnFeahrfe TFC-Tap Factory capped Category Construction Feature A t 263.4 8101 ,War­ TFC-Tap Factory Capped Categcry.Construction Feature At 285.0 ft,"Vr TrA-Tap Factory Acue ....... Category'.Construction Feature At305.5 ft 101. TF-Tapraclory Category.Construction Feature At3:7,7ft21 TF-Tap FactDry va Category Construction Feature A1�32 8 111214 CC-Crack Circumferential Category'Structural 4At349.3f:10/. TFq,.Tqp Factory Copped Category:Construction Feature At 3657 Tt 10/ TB-TapBrealk.ln TFC-Top Fa ca"oTy Constructon Feature ctorycappea 'IF— Category Construction Feature V AQ64,511:2i �AI:390.8ItV. T81-Tap break-in Intruding RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category Construction Feature Category O&M A14100.6ft2j A 13 91 8 it 101. TEA-Tap Bn�ak.hi Active TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feotufe Category:Construction Feature At402.9 tt V At 413,1 A RFJ-Roats Fine Joint TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category 09M Category:Construction Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 2 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of Boo B14 N Bozeman Ave P.Q.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.5283200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref, Locality: Location(Street Name and Number); Bozeman F0443-FO444 Bozeman N Montana Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 2/12/2008 8 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather^: Media Label: Downstream 635.9 I'At4345 ftlW 418.81t TK,-Tap Factory Capped Category Constructcn Feature At 435 4 ft3C. %.e AtA4 Tap It 1W. TBI- ap Break-in Intruding TGA-Tap Break-in Actve I 111r_ Category Constructor Feature Category:COnStrUH310A FealUto At4767 ft 10i At456r')ft"�J' TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature Category Constructor,Feature At471 5 1101 TB Tap Break-in RFJ-Roots Fkne,Joint Category:ConstruCtOn F0911.1ne Category.C&M At474,61131. �At506.22U15 RFJ-Roots F[ne Joint TB-Tap Break-ill --- Category,O Category Construction Feature At 519.6 ft 10Y. At498.1 ft2l. TF-TapFactory TFC-Tap Factory Capped Ca logo ry�Construction Feature Category.Construction Feature TB-Taptueak-in �rn Category Construction Feature rn At647 8 It 101 17(­ TBI-Tap Break-in intruding Category�Construction Feature At554.9 It 3/5 Joint TF-Tap Factory RFJts Firlia > At541.2ft2? Gate go-RoDry:08 M Category'Construction Feature At567.9 V/9 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Calsgory:Oam At562.5-ft 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped V Category:Construction Feature At663.9 rt7/8 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint At583.3R2(.W Category:O&M TFC,Tap Factory Capped Cate vary.Constructon Feature A1:673,()ft 315 RFj-Roots Fine Joint Category:09M At 585.3 A 71. RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category'C'& At 603.6 V/8 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category O&NI 4AItI304 5 R IN. TFC-Tap Factory Capped Ornitted 4 6 It Category:construction Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7-143 AM Page 3 Of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of tit) 814 N Bozeman Ave as P.O.Box 1230 fit., Bozeman.,MT 59717 406,528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0443-FO444 Bozeman N Montana Start date/time: Width: Weight: Material: Location Code: 2/12/2008 8 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather; Media Label: Downstream 635.9 At 618.G it m 4n'MdWASft -- MWLS-Water Level Sag Galegory.Misoellaneaus Feature AtG29.:.tt 101 At62.81ti2/ TF_TapFactory '— TF-Tap FactoryN --- ' Category:Construction Featote w a, Category,Construction..Feature 9 Y— �+At6369tt AMH-Manhole ui i Category'�C�onstruLbon Feature � �1`044 AtG35.9ft -- STOP-Inspectonsropped Category M tlscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25, 2008 7:43 AM Page 4 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of B 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1.230 Bozeman, MT 59717 tmm AU 40 6.528.3 200 I U111111111' Project Name; Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0444-FO323 Bozeman N Montana Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 2/12/2008 VCP Direction: Length surveyed. Weather: media Label:, Downstream 635.0 l' A16,0 it M5 STARTWITH FLOA-SlerlllspeCt Flown With the Flo F0 M cmeg orry�m isce tia n eo u s Pea oite At6.D tL MVyL-VValai Level Category-miscellaneous Feature it 3,15 At log lt-� At7 TB-Tap BiieaWn RFJw Roots Fine Joint Category,Construction Feature Category`0&M At1O.9 ft216 RFC-Roots Fine Connection 'Da"goiry;M M At 2 6.4 ft 2f. III-At 14A 10 TFC Top Factory Capped RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category Construction Feature Categoty:09M A RFJ J-Roots Pine Joint categoryl o&M At47,7421. 7B-Ta p Break-in At 477 ft 101 Category Construction Feature TF-Tap Factory Category,Construction Feature At 5'7.01122 TFC-Tarp Factory Capped At 59A fttU Category:Construction Feature RFJ RootsFine.loiftt ca bF 06-tT.0&M.. At67 4 ft418 �A!.6522 It O10 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint RFJ-Roots Fine Joint category:018.M Qalogory;O&M At 71-3 it 101 At76J3 ft2l TFr-Tap Factory Capped TB-Top Break-in Cate gofy:Construction Feature Category:construction Feature At76.9 11:2110 RMC-Roots Medium Connection L 1 Category O&M �AtB6.3 ItAMI RFJ-Roots Fine Joint At 100.0 ft2f, -Category,O&M TFC Tap Factory Capped ---- Category:Category:Construction Feature At 101 8 it 121 At 1018 fL81 Fl- Fracture-Fracre Lonqftudunal'� -_RFJ Roots Fine Joint Category,Structural Category O&M V �^Atl­13-8 11:31. RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category OaM At118.5 It 101. TSA-TariSaddieActrve Category Construction Feature Omitted;51D,ltit TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page I of 6 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department [yg gip 814 N Bozeman Ave P.D.Box 1230 Bozeman,,MT 59717 wwao X6 406,528,3200 Project Name! Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0444-FO323 Bozeman N Montana start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 2/12/2008 8 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather; Media Label: Downstream 635.0 At T21.0 ft 1()J. TF -TapFact.;yGapped Category:Construction Featuie At 12-9 2 ft214 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category'O&M Oki 141.4 it B At 14�-4 4 21; RFJ-Roots Fine Joint T5-Tap Factory categotir 0618 Category'Construction Feature At 144.11t 3,9 IRFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category:Cab M At 1614 ft 91, TS-Tap Brea k-w At 163A ft2i. CategorY70cristucbon Feaftne TB-Tap Breakdri __M Category Construction Feature At 1637.1x1 a1. TFC-Tap Factory Capped Calegory:Constiuction Feature fAt177.6ftaJ4 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint RFJ-Roots Fine Joint category O&M Category:O&M AtI85 1 ft2i; 7FC-Tap Factory Ca Pad Category,Construction Fopwre A1206.5111o1. TFC�TaipFacwryGapped Qil%gOfy.Constiruchon FealtuLt At 211-7 ft MVVL-ANater Level - Category:Miscellaneous Feature TBI.'rap Break-in Ottruding Feature 4 At 2164 it 36 RFC-Roots Fine Connection colegory-O&AA TFC-Tap Factory Capped At.;,-Os ft Category:Construction Feature MWL-Water Level Category Miscellaneous Feature V TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 2 of 6 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of 80 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 e X6 406.528.3200 Project Name. Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0444-FO323 Bozeman N Montana Start date/time: Width: Height; Material: Location Code: 2/12/2008 8 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 635.0 At 256 a it I 01. Omitted'24888 TFC-Tap Factory Capped C@ te_qtiry.C911stIL10011 FeeNfe RMJ-Roots Medium Joint Cotegory.09M y,A12771!tIV9 Atz77 1 ftlf- RBL-Roots But Lateral T5-Tap Factory Category%M Category Construction Feature JAI:279.8ttlO/ At 178,7 R 11 TBI-Tap Break-in intruding FL-Ftactuietringitiodin8i Category:Construction Feature Category Structural At2787 ti 6L RFC.Roots Fine Connection FL-Fracture Longitudinal category:09 M— Cartegoy:Structural At2802 lit I OM I At298 7 it,,/ HSv-Hole SOT Visible Tal-TA P Break-in Intri udtng S/ Category structural Cake gory ConstructonFeatuire ACC-Tap 9 7 7 A t 303938121. TFC Factory Capped FL-Fracture Lonitudinal* Category,Constructlon Feature Category]Structural N At2977 It 101, TFID-Tap Factory De"ve FL Fracture Longitudinal Category Construction Feature Category:Structural At3754 ft^ At 315.6 it$110 TBI-Tap Break-in intruding RFC:.Roars Fine Connection Category:Constructed Feature A018,9 ttV,Y ry At333 1 ft TFC-Tap Factory Capped MWL-Water Level Category.Construction Feature Category Miscellaneous Feature TF-Tap Factory Category,Construction Feature At 342,OR12/1C� At 3 RPR-Repair Point 40.3 ft211C Ca"ory:Structural RML-Roots Medium Lateral Category:O&M A1357=0-8814 RFj Roots Fine Joint At 361 6-lit 1 oY_ TFC.Tap Factory Capped Category,Consvucdon Feature At 351.5 it 12/12 RFL-Roots Fine Lateral Category,CZM A t 369 6 It 31 ...............— R FJ-Roots Fine Jo int 256.2 it Category O&M TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 of 6 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of Bo& 814 N Bozeman Ave tr, P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 X 406.526.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality:: Location(Street Name and Number); Bozeman F0444-FO323 Bozeman N Montana Start date/time: Width: Height; Material: Location Code: 2/12/2008 8 VCP Direction; Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 635.0 JAt376.4 it 1101. onli tai:351.Oft RFJ-Roots Fine Joint r Category O&M Ly�At362 g ft 12112 RFL-Roots Fine Lateral Category:09M / r / 'rk At386 116 it 101_ %�j 1� TB Tap Bread,-m .... . /f Category.Construction Feature rf I ry�At4029 H9J. At381.6 ft8/4 f .RFJ-R..t Fine Joint RFJ Routs Fine Joint — 1 i�� category o&M Camgoryr0&M - d Y �At4042111W _. At38:.9ft21. /( �— TFC-Tap Factory Gapped TFC.Tap Factory Capped— '� �.: J / r category:Construction Feature Category,.Construction Feature f �,At404.21t 1.2172 .. _ FC Fracture Circumferential ...... kv Category SNucttral A1405.5 it 614 lRFJ-Rbats Fdne Joint CataqDryr 03M r�At 414 7 tt91. aynrf - RFJ-Roots Fine Joint �'rL Cate gbty'�&M �At425.5 ft2110_ RML-Roots Medium Lateral tv Gatpgory:O&M v. 5 At4.5.5 tt^<i.� 1V �+At4263ft111. N TF.Tap Factory ...--.�,;. m -�:-..-. TBI=Tap-Break-in Intruding. Category:Constructon Feature Category.:Constructlon Feature ., �At4 63tttsFin .. RFC Roots Fine Connection Category O&M V; 1 �-- RML-Roots Medium Lateral -! Category-O&M �At4272ft2N _RFJ-Root Fiore joint Categoryq&M �y 4 A14394 ftV41 M - RFJ-RootsFine Joint V 4 Category:0&M At446.6ti I �-- RFJ-Roots Fine Joint ^ .Ca,regory,-01m 4 dAt446.8810i. TF-Tap Factory Category.Cpristruction Feature Omdtted:i 64 p h TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 4 of 6 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of go, 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0444-FO323 Bozeman N Montana Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 2/12/2008 8 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weathers Media Label:: Downstream 635.0 � nAt?d 446 6 it At 44 C,8 It W1 1 RIAL-Roots Medlurn Lateral Category O&M At4622 112,9 TF-Tap FaCtoty RFL-Roots Fine Lateral Category,Construction Feature Category:O&M At482 2 fine RFJ-Roots F[ne Joint Category.O&M At489 5 ItV.4 TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Canstrustoli Feature RFJ-Roa45 Fine Joint Category O&M E TFC-Tap Fa Wry CaPped At 530.9 ft8/4 Category Construct 0 n Feature RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category:O&M rn k., ',AtI53-2.31I Itl TFC Tap Factory Capped At5277ft-L CategoTy:-Canstructiorr Feature TS-Tap e 3 L�P 814 Category:Construction Feature Ca RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category" & ------ JAtS38 31t10/_ TB-Tap Break-in Category:Construction'Feature pAL536.3 _71 RFC:-Roots Fine Con nection At553 8 n2L Cate gory,08M TFC--Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature At540.D It814 RFJ-Roots,Fine Joint Category:D&M A1574.911.2/ At 5467 ft,-14 RPJ-Roots Fine Joint TBI-Tap Break-in intrudint.1 Category'O&M Category:Construction Feature OmMed 58 4 R TV inspection wfth Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 5 of 6 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department OF BO 814 N Bozeman Ave � , P.40.Box 1.230 t Bozeman,MT 59717 446.528.3200 Project Name; Pipeline Segment fief: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0444-FO323 Bozeman N Montana Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Cade: 2/12/2008 8 VCP Direction,: Length surveyed: Weather. Media Label: Downstream 635,0 At 677.2 It 121. Oniitled:5749ft FL-Fracture Longitudinal - -- -Category:-5iruchlra l-_- ,\- At581.2 it1 TFC-Tap Factory Capped AT677;ft61 W: Category-ConstructonFeature FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category:structural _ w}�At681'2 ft 12M2 ._FC-Fracture Circumterential. Category Structural '2 o ov �kC603.331107 w pi A.t605A rtR1 —°-- TF-TapFactoty Sr_( TFC-Tap Factory Capped — — - Category Construction FeOure Category,Construction Feature V 4 At620.7fti! � TB-Tap Break-in -,.,. Category:Construction Feature - "t635A ft ,-- "AMH-=Malthoie Category--Construction Feature At63'6D ft � 0323 STOP_Inspecbon stopped -- Category:Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 6 of 6 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue 1"4 �1_F E Orlando, FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax. 407-425-1569 Project:Name: Mainline ID: city: Address: Bozeman F0430-FO431 Bozeman N Bozeman Start dateitime: Pipe width: Pipe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 9/12/2008 10 VCP C Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: Media Label Towards Downstream 201.4 1 F04301(�'0-�:i) 1- At 6.0 4 START VOTH FLOW-Start Inspection With the Flow Category Miscellaneous Feature At6D ft VVYL-WaterLevel Category Miscellaneous Feature A1:4091t2i TFC-Tap FactOTYCapped --:V- Category,Construction Featuts At558ft2/ TFC-Top Factory Capped _-_77�64 Category:Construcbon Feature At 70.619/. TFC-Tap Factory Capped 5ft2�� Category Construction Feature *e At85 IF.Tap Factory o.& Category Construction Feature erg qAtI076ft2ffi CC-Crack Circurnferenbal Category:Structural it At1133ft2P At 119.2 9/ 15 TFC-Tap Factory Capped CL-CrRci<LongftudJnal 0 Category Construction Feature Category Strtjctura� At 125.1 ft 4P CL-Crack LoopitUdinal Category:Structural At 128 8ft loi. At 148.3 it 2t TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC,Tap Factory Capped Category,Construction Feature Category.Construction Feature At 151 r3 ft 2t At 163 2 Tt 14/. TBI-Tap Break-in Inlruotrig Category Construction Feature TFC-Imp Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature Ati(57 A n 611C At175 4 ftl 21. FC-Fracture Circurnferellbal CL-Crack Longitudinal Category:structural oatOgcrty:Structural At 194 5 ft 6/ A1201.4 it DSF-Deposits Settled Fine A MH-Manhole Category:C'&M Category CQnstructon Feature At 201 4 It STOP-inspection stopped Category"Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,September 16,2008 10:52 AM Page 1 or 1 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of B 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 406.528.3200 lu"�,11,1`6 'M 10019 1 (N Nil! nli SITE DATA Site ID city Address F0431-FO432 Bozeman N. Bozeman Upstream Node Downstream Node Pipe Type Pipe Shape Pipe Height Pipe Width F0431 F0432 Vcp C 10 INSPECTION DATA Planned Date Start Date End Date 3/21/2008 3:13:18 PM 3/21/2008 3:14:17 PM 3/21/2008 3:39:58 PM Surveyed Footage Status -61;e - - Work I 0 r r der-N,o. 384.7 Stopped Steve Purkiss Reason Weather Condition D 4 Comments OBSERVATIONS 6.0 No START WITH FLOW 6,0 No MWL 16.2 No MWL 40.8 No MWL 56.4 No 2 TFC 70.8- No 12 FL 79.4 No 2 TFC 83.7 No 2 TBI 87.1 No MWL 91.9 No 2 TFC 100.4 No 3 6 cc 109.1 No 10 TFC 117.2 No 5.3 5 7 OBZ Observations By Inspections Wednesday,April 30,2008 10:24 AM Page 1 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department pF Bp 814 N Bozeman Ave q,+�� ma � P.D.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 Wrm.dP'X6 406.528.3200 OBSERVATIONS 125.8 No 12 3 FC 126.6 No 2 TFC 127.7 No 9 12 B 146.7 No MWL 149.4 No 10 TFC 160.6 No 9 3 FM 163.5 No 2 CL 164.0 No 2 TFA 186.7 No 10 TF 200.8 No 3 9 FC 217.2 No 2 TFC 231.9 No 10 TFC 242.1 No 10 TBA 246.7 No 2 TFC 255.6 No 8 4 FM 261.4 No 10 TFC 274.9 No 106.4 8 4 RF] 276.6 No 2 TFC 291.6 No 10 TFC 306.0 No 2 TFC 315.2 No MWM 321.5 No 10 TFC 335.9 No ._. 2 2 TFC 335.9 No 45.4 9 3 DAGS 350.9 No 10 TFC 354.1 No _.._._._ MWL 370.8 No MWL 364.7 No AMH 384.7 No STOP Observations By Inspections Wednesday,April 30,2008 10:24 AM Page 2 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of BO 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 doom x6 406.528.3200 E..ciknce in Pmblic Servti r (r l �iri I �I 1 A Y ID 2271 '�„ � I/� 112-22111111), Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality:, Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0432-FO433 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width; Height: Materials Location Code: 3/13/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 180.5 1 Ak6.0 it 7373 START VVrrH FLOW-startinapectron Willi the Flow Category.Miscellaneous Feature At 6.0 ft .-..... MWL-4Nater Level: Category:Miscellaneous Feature i At46.7 It 10J TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category,Construction Feature V: 4 ylr At59,21tg111 FC-Fracture Cireum to rentiai Category'.Structural A t 6'-a ft 2V.4• r TFC-Tap Factory Capped ? ategory:Construction Feature >yAt77.a i[ipl, c I -- TFC-Tap Factory Capped i Category-Construction Feature At 96,4 ftC1. ®;-' --- CL-Crack Lena rtudina1 - Category.structural 1. R, At 92.91121.'V ✓ TFC-Tap Factory Capped — tt Atip7.&R10d. Category:Construction Feature TF-Tap Factory �,. Category:Construction Feature At 1131 ft Bl- -- FL-Fracture Lor;gitudinal Category:structural 1121 8 101 At i'22,4 2! At137.5� �'' TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature Category Construction Feature At 139.9 ft 101. TSA-Tap Saddle Active Category.Construction Feature At 139.9 it t 0t, TSA-Tap Saddle Active Category Conatruct;on Feature �.�At 1497 ft 12 P, �--- CL•CrackLongtudinaI Category:Structural At 161.itt11Y. j -- CL-Crack Longitudinal yCategory,structural TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of BOZE, 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528A200 Project Name; Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality; Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0432-r0433 Bozeman N. Bozeman w. Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/13/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 18015 At 180 5 ft 4�Orrftect 177 3 it AMH-Manhole Category.Construction Feature At 180.5 ft STOP,inspection stopped S, Category MisGe Ila neous Feature V) TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 2 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of BO�r 814 N Bozeman Ave ��. P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 c.s a:oo 4 0=1 XS 406.528.3200 EsGellpnre fa r,wk sera=e t� , p � � ���, y�i rA "93 �, �� IA'��,�" f N1 �aF°, �� �„i� r �a �' ffi��,) a 1 1 to w� �u tP1 01% Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality:: Location(Street Name and Number). Bozeman F0433-F0434 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code:. 3/13/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length.surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 3613 1 t l AtC9,o tt F0433 -- 1�j}START WITH FLOW-Startinspection With the Flow �� Calagory:MlscelianeousFeature _..... .. _... ....... ........ �/ J At 0.011 f M1NL-VVater Level Category Miscellaneous Feature �At11.5 ft121 '�— FL-F1'actute Longitudinal +. Category”Structural -- TB-Tap Break-in Category.construction Feature At54,7 tt91. FL-Fracture Longitudinal At48 5 ft«l �' Category:Structural TFC-Tap Factory Capped --." Ce legory:Construction IFeatum A163.22 ft 10! TFC-Tap Factory Capped. Category:Construction Feature ,.,. At 68 2 It 101. _ TBA-Tap Break-to Active TFA-Tap Factory Active At 78.0 ctiv a V.V• Catagory:Construction Feature Category Construction Feature ''At66.21t5R �.- - ,.� ,.—.. RFC«Roots Fine Connection M A179.6 ft21'. , Category:CA&M TB-TapBreak-in —' Category-Construction Feature At 78.W U19 A _ — RFL-Roots Fine Lateral Category:C7,&M m At 9' R 101. Ati08.3ft2/ TFC-Ta p Fa cur ry Ca ppecl TFC-Top Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature Category.Construction Feature At 114.0 tt 12f3 FM-Fracture Multiple Category'.Structural i At 17.2.6 it 1117 TF-Tap Factory A1,137.51121 Category ConSb Uchon Featre TPA-'rap Factory Active Category'Construction Feature At 1.52.81t 101. .. --" TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature At 167.5 R2/ h TFC-TD p Factory Capped —------ At1i38ft913 Category.Construction Feature u ___,,._ FM-Fracarre Multiple Category Structural Omt6ect 1827 tt ,...._._..__...._ .._ TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7;43 AM Page 1 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of 80 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 NA Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0433-FO434 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start dateltime: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/13/2008 10 VCP Directlow Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 361.7 1 At 182 5 ft 10/ ------ - -—----- TFA-TopFaceoryACrive Category Construction Feature Atlq7.3ft211j- TFA-Tap FaclaryActive, At 197.3412/12 Category:Construction Feature RFL-Rocile Fine Lateral At2O_aftj,-/12j Category,C&M RPR-Repair Point Category:Structural.At212 1 It LW AL213.1 113L9 TPC-Tap FaCtory Capped RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category.Construction Feature Category:0&M At227 1 42l. TFC-Top Facwy Capped C ate gory:Co mint u cte,n Fe a tui e A 4 2 1 hit t, TF-Tap Factory Category"Construction Feature At242.1 113F At257.2 1`1:21. RML-Roots Medium Lateral TFC-Tarp Factory Capped Category-Cam Category:Construction Feature A1:251l.6 ft-,1 At2722.0 ft 101. TSA-Tap Saddle Active TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature a u Category.Construction Feature A%272 7 118110 F TBB-To p Break-in Abandoned FM-Fracture Multiple —­ ; T CO"ory:Construction Feature Category:Structural 19, At 286.81121. ' ­771 At 301,9 It 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped TF-Tap Factory Category:Construction Feature Category:Constriction Feature At 301.9 lt 12/12 a A1130791tl2j� ROL'-Roats sfllLataral CL-Crack Longitudinal Category:03M Category:Structural EL AL331�3 fr 10), At 31&.54 TFC;-Tap Factory Capped TO-Tap Break-in Category.Construction l`oillarfe Category:Constructon Feature At 337 4 ft 41 Ft-Fracture Longitudinal Category:qtrUCtUraj rt At34152 2 412!11 I At 346�2,ft2l. REL.-Roots ball Lateral TF-Tap Factory Ca tegory:0&M Category Construction Feature jAt149,7ft121. FL-Folorurel-onpituchhal Category.Structural 1I^At 352.0 ft&10 FC-Fro cans Circurritere nits I 0040434 category structural TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 2 Of 3 City or Bozeman Water/Sewer Department 0 f 60 _�n4 $14 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 X6 406,528,3200 1-1-1 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman, F0433-FO434 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/13/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather. Media Label: -Downstream 361.7 1 At261 7 ft Z Ornitted=.5 ft AM H•MaTI11DIE TI— Category.Construction Feature A 13617 A 11F0434 STOF,hispecton stopped 5 Category.Miscellaneous Feature (f) TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department OF B�7� 814 N Bozeman Ave r P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 Ce=32.00" 406,528.3200 kacaAknce An PobJie Servlse >+�^��y VGrVylu'��r��,l�grr��Ji�1>IJ1�9 rrr T4'TiSi��,�;�yV i''%�r�"� �v�Iy'rV�� IMrV�p; � �� r✓rFj' (i�p��lz r.C-�Fr,^sr�(�Qsr�i.,,,� r ct'r@���. �"'„r��",Yr i�7"r l;.r,41q I �y��Yi ,�u�}T,N �'�//����f��JJ„�I /'l,�i�����ly,��1//RC iie�,T�r�/l�%: �,J',r' y�; ri�rir�"�J���f"�y; a������1�Dr�1,�r�l�lel� ,,, I,��yii�i� .,�s�� .�V��/'�IW�rr �"w !.�,���t�i/�!✓��� Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref, Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0434-FO435 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time., Width: Height. Material: Location Code: 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction.: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 365,2 1 t" At 6.01t F0434 START WITH FLOG-start Inspection VVith the Flow At 12 rft.J ��, � J�f Category Miscellaneous Feature TFC—.Tap Facto ry-CAp ped Category Construction Feature At 6.0 n --- MVVL-Water Level At21.1 ft6f4`.r `-< ir6. Category Mrscalianecrus Feature RFJ-Room Fine Joint Category,cXM _ +A,t 6,9 ft 315 --- RFJ-R.aots Fine Joint I At484[tp,l. Category-.D&M TFA-Tap Factory Active Category.Constructon Feature 97F r j At78.8 ft21. At 63.7 ft 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped — r ....., TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category,Construction Feature Category.Constructon Feature At937ft2F. �Ata4.S I160 TFC-Tap Factory Capped -- _.;� �.._., FC-FratRrre Circuntrerential Ca9agvey:Construction Feature _- Category structural At File o n�- a �r 6-Broken n RFJ-Roots Fine Joint — --� -'--- B-Broken Catagcry;,08M _- C ahpory Structural At10B2ft21.4 TFA-Tap Factory Active .-... ;M1 _ r�At 132411 10i. rr ur Category Constructor Feature .. FL-Fracture Lony.,Itudrnei K: m At ry Ca ft TFC•TapFactnryCa Category:Structural Capped — At 9 4 72 tt1213 25.. Category CanstrubEan Feature m"— -- FC-Fracture Cirtumterential At 138.6 1121,� Category:Struchrral °-' TFC-Tap Factory Capped ---- ------ - t650nt21, a Category Construction Feature — FL-Fracture Longriudunai At 153 S ft2L y . ' Category Structural TFC--Tap Fa ctnry Ca ppeo — yI:At 1890 ft711C Cate gory,Conetucbon Feature _ FC-Fracture Circumtere ntial At 166.7 R24.W Category Structural TFC-Tap Factory Capped — At18391ttol category Constructon Feature . TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature At 1967'ft21. , TFC.Tap Factory Capped Jr At 213 9 ft 90! Category Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature Al_':64 ft^.P,,� . - t�'At2284 ft711; TFA-Tap Factory Active ---- RML-Root5hledurn Lateral Category.Construcfron.Feature Catagoty,O&M IS }�A t 2.438 ft 101. At 2 58 4 It 21.4. 99 — TFC-Tap Facwry Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Const action Feature Category Construction Feature 'I m ....... ......._..... -_. -_. At:73 5 it 101. ..... ........._ r GrNttacf.91.3 ft � -- -._-- TFA-Tap Factory Act— Category.Constructor Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of 60 B14 N Bozeman Ave P.O..Box 1230' Bozeman,MT 59717 X6 406.528.3200 ru°•°",""•""„`"", Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: LtlCatiott(.Street Name and Number):. Bozeman F0434-FO435 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width:. Height: Material: Location Cade: 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction; Length surveyed: Weather: Medla Label: Downstream 365.2 1 .. ............ Onutted.<^R6.0 ft At 288.5 11 2l TFC Tap Factory-Gipped Category Coostr uction Feature 4 At 303 6 tt 160 � �--- TFC-Ta p Factory Capped C;il"wy C.onstructon Feature r ,.. Cate qoi Conshu o�n Feature — "... -`:> __.4 At k a. P /Capped At 7�3""6ftlpl. .. C-Tap Factory Capped At 327.E ft 11 _ — Calegoty Construction Feature TBA-Tap Break-III AC tNe -.- - �'� Category:Consducton Feature V� At 3 G2 acture rC At 360.E li 7.1.� FC-Frachrre Chaurnlerential Category Constructor,Feature .._ Category Structural �At 365,2 n P Y P Y re S ....... _. AMN Manhole /„yafr y Category,Gonst ictlon Feature 0435 At3652 ft `- STQP.InSpeclloh Stopped Category:Miscetlaneous Feature TV Inspection With Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,200B 7.43 AM Page 2 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department BCI� 814 N Bozeman Ave ` P.Q. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 cox-asaa 406.528.3200 Ezse1k.-in am P.64,5c_we y�'„ �j� 1/N � ��1�� D���h '�t t ,"� r o � v ry:�`6� C`p°dpi �rJ efu, r r r`� g a"'",!�1�'i"y'iry�'i`��� ✓ �u✓11""f " ���PV�rr Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref'. Locality; Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0435-FO318 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width; Height: Material: Location Code; 3/14/2008 10 VCP Directian: Length surveyed:: Weather Media,Label: Downstream 596.8 6 F0435 =`: l i, AtG 0 it At 19 Itdll6 J._. ._ -- �k'STARTWiTH FLOW-Startlnspecfion With the Fir 1 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint — ,� Citugury Mlsceklaneous Feature Category CJBM •At19-2ft At,294ft121 MWL-Water Level FL•Fracture.Longitudinal Category.McCEIrane0LIS Feature Category..Structural NIL_ AU9.4 ft 121. At32_0 ft9r3 CL-Crack Longrrudinal FM-Fracture Multiple Category-Structural Category Structural A143.6 re^d. TFA-Tap Factory Active i At 60.8 h 10f. Category;Construction Feature 4 TPC-Tap Factory Capped _.... Category Construction Feature At 7S 6 it 21. TFA-Tap Factory Actve . Category Construction Feature Atg0.311t:/. TPA-Tap Factory Active --- Category'.Construction Feature At 114.1 1t©Ka At10v'gft<!, " ,' FC-Fracture Clrcumteren@al `c TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Structural °^ Category:Consn uenon Feature �At120.111101 TFC-Tap Factory Capped - Category.Construction Feature a At125.^tt At 149.5115 01. c5 TFC-Tap Factory Capped --..--.°'. �r TF-Tap Factory Category:Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature Vf Atiaobtttoy At 1649ft21 TFC-Ta p Fa cto ry Ca peed TFC-Ta p Fa ctory Ca p ped -- Category Construction Feature CategoryConstrucaonFeature _ �" At1916ft121. At 17631t 418 — FL-Fracture Longitudinal RFJ,Roots Fine Joint --_ _ Category Structural Category'06M At 194 5 ft5S `, _ RML-Rooks Medium Lateral Attory Actin ,k Category'C&M TFA-Tap Factory Active ---..--�-� Category:Construction Feature � � ��At 20o.8 it 1 o1. -- TBA,-Top Break-r Active c Category.Construction Feature AL Longi ft1n �; At 2008tt 513 FL-Fracture Longitudinal — y' Category.structural ^�' -°- RMC-Roots Medium Connection r Category..O&M TFA-Tap Factory Actve ---. V'At210.Oft 101 ...- — _. r,...._. TFC-Tap Factor Capped ©matted;363.1& (.aregnry:Construetrcrn Feature - Category Construction Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of BC) 814 N Bozeman Ave ty `+' P.D.Box 1230 Baseman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 `"•"�'«.'"""""'"•"' Project Name. Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0435-FO318 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 596.6 6 At 2_40.0 it 101 0mftted:22.e.2 ft TFA-Tap Factory Active Category Construction.Feadura At 55 1 R J i -,�. At 253.9 ft 120 TFC-Tap Factory Capped -- - — CL.Crack LoelglRieiinal Category Cnnsnucbon Feature Category.Structural At 2655it 15 A al,-In Active u'y ._ FM-Fracture mutdple 4 TBk-Tap Break-in Feature Category.Structural i Cate gory:Cons4vcUan Feature ..,... I At2a5 o tt2l_ y At270A it 101. TFC-Top Fa story Capped - TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Constructon Feature Category'.Construction Feature V'Al2g5,g it 111 A015.1 f:21. TBA-Tap Break-in Active TFC-Tap Factory C'appetl —.,, af: Category-Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature J,.At3OO-.O-ft 1CJ. At321.3 It 12J_,I 1✓ °— TFC-Tap Factory Capp.d FL-Fracture Longitudinal-- Category:Construction Feature C"goy:Structural At aD3.7 tt 11 J. At334 Off 121 ��-- FL-Fracture Longitudinal FL-Fracture Longitudinal — Category.Structural 6D Category.Struttura.Y � At329.9Riol_ ,y, I A044 8 ft'2l.b. s --. TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC•Tap Factory Capped ----- Category.Construction Feature Category Conshuctimr Feature +�At350 0 t 1211; °Y c At 350.0 ft 11 1. --_ -R64C-Roots Medium Connection TBA-Tap Btea,k-in Active _ •.;, Category.0&M Category Construction Feature At 358 7 ft 101. i to At 353.9 it I ZL TFA-Tap Factory Attye FL-Fracture Longitudinal — Categoty:Construction Feature Category:Structural A1385.5 ft M wL-Ware r Leve l Ay 4.8tte w); Category:Miscellaneous Feature TFC-Tap Factory Ceatur -- � ��,At3897ft10,- � Category:Co natruotion Feature �,` TFC Tap Factory Capped At3g7.5ft1J.,� mm: `, Cagory.Gnnshuchan Reakure TBf-Tap Break-in Intruding Category.Construction Feature At393.3 it MiNL-Mater Level At4D4.6 ft 2t Category:Miscellaneous Feature TFC.Tap Factory Capped Cate_gory:ConstrucbonFeature ^ ¢!°✓ At419.8tt 101. At 434 fist 21.W; _-' TFC-Tap Fact ry Capped TBA-Tap Break-in Active — Category Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature iy 4'At434,6 ft 1018 At 441.3 ft 12112 W, e KFL--Roots,Fine Lateral RFJ-Roo�sFrneJoint _ Category 0814 Category:L7&1,1 At 449.3 ft 101 Omitted 13328 .. w.,r, ,....� TFA-Tap Factory Active Category.Consbucbon Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7'.43 AM Page 2 of 3 City or Bozeman Water/Sewer Department oF Bo- 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 Project Name; Pipeline Segment Rer: Lorafity; Locarion(Street Name and Number); Bozeman F0435-FO318 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width: Height: Material; Location Code! 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather; Media Label: Downstream 596.6 6 Clmftted 464_^ft AFC--Tap Factory Capped --m— At479 4 tt 101 Ca"Ory Construction Feature TFA-Tap Factory Active Category Constructon Feature At493 6 ft 12; FL-Fracture Longitudinal At 493 6 ft 21. ralegoty Structural TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Const;Uctorl Feature At493.6 ft4� FL.-.fracture LongitudInal Category,Structural AT522 2 ft2) At5094ft101 Te-Tap Break TPA Tap Factory Active Category Consnuction Feature Category.construction Feature At514.4 Pk 21_11, At539 1 ft 101. TFC Tap Factory Capped TPA-Tap Factory Active Category Construction Feature Category Constimcbon Feature AtI540.3 ft6/10 AtS54 1 ft2l. PC-Fracture Circumferential TFC-Tap Factory Capped .......... Category Sbuctutal C.lbegoTy.Constructor,Feature At5663 ft 10; V TFC;-Tap Factory Capped At569 4 tt31. TBI-Tap Break-in lntruding Category:Construcbon Feature Category'Constructon FeaTpre Ai5ac 6 fto/10 FC Fra dru re Circumferential -. Category;StrUCtUF31 At596.6 ft AM H-Manhole Category Construction Feature At 596.6 ft FC318 STOP-inspection StDipped Category:Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25.2008 7:43 AM Page 3 Of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of BO 814 N Bozeman Ave '� P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 406.528'3200 Excrllenrr in PnMi Sr vtc i•Sl�>n `,'y IY�T/rv�i ll'l�Yfi f �i/�M/.L✓lC'".yr`9r :!!C.J,I Y"FlY1",id��l'T��i�'Cy11/LF�3�/ ,fd�yrlM/�,Va id+h^A/,r ir7 hh/„/tt"a.i/1�/"°l`'OJV;-�'" �” �r ll �mv.� � rr'� Yn ,jK. l91f/IJ�/� �� � l rd a d � 4� E r fi'YY)r � Fj w �M ,�,,� J s 1117 � N / / l//f�✓1 I Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0318-FO319 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width:. Height: Material: Location Code: 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 382.5 6 Fo 1a l - q° At 0.E71t STARTW ITHFLO W-Start Irepeebon'With the Flow _ 1 / Cateanr M�oella neo us Feature At 0,13 it ' - 1A'WL-WaterLevel Category lfisceilaneous Feature AtZ54 ft91'. ..:^--....._..--- T51-Tap Break-in Intruding Category Construcbon Feature A[36.0 ft 21 TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature v At 50..9 ft 101 TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category'.Constructon Feature At 66.0 ft21. TFA-Tap Factory Active -^� At 727ft 91 Category.Construction Feature b - TBA-Tap$reak-in Active Category:Construction Feature �:;, �At BD.Bft101 TFC Tap Factory Capper! Category:Construction Feature i At359R2! TFC-Tap Factory Cappeo ---.-,_. + A11083fi110F. Category:Construction Feature TBI-Tap Break-'in Intruding a 'e Category'Consbuction Feature n A t 111 Oft 10! w .._._....m.. TFC-Tap Factory Caplced At 125.71121 Category:Construcbon Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped - At 7114 t191 Category Constr ucbon Feature TSA-Tap Saddle Active At 731 a 11814 4. Category°Constructon Feature RFJ-Root Fine Joint Category.O&M �+At 137.6 ft t 2172 --- FC-Fracture Circurnlefenbal Al 147.1 it 121 �- Category Structural ' ..._ FL-Fro Leg Longitudinal — '✓ . Category Structural .. 1"At 140 61t 101 -..-.. TFC-Tap Factory Capped At 155.6 it-J 1�., Category Cnnsttuction FeatiJre TPA-Tap Factory Active ---- ! Category ConetrucbonFeature At 1 59.8'It 101. At 159.8 h 12!„4. ------ TBA-Tap Break-in Active FL-Fracture Longitudinal m l Category Construction Feature Category:Structural +, At 170,5 ft 10/ At 179.8 ft 111.^ pp ...._..�'.— TFC-To p Factory Ca.,ppe,d ' L.:,.ETar<taae_Li:UWtud luiJ .-.--- F tt Category Constumon Feature Grouted 2018 ft Category 6tuctu'al TV Inspection with Pipe-stun Graph. Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department [yF BQ B14 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 ; Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 `""""","^""."""• Project Name; Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0318-FO319 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/14/2008 10 VGP Direction; Length surveyed: Weather; Media Label: Downstream 382.5 6 Ornitied':486.7 R A t 186 0 R 2l .j. TFA Tap.Fackary-Active Category Construction Feature . +f At200 9 R 10f a TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature. A1:716.0 ft21.. TFC-Tap Factory Capped str --- Category.Construction Feature At 231 01t 161. At227 5 ft i 2/.�I� - TFC-Top Ficto,y Capped. J Category Construction Featue FL-Fracture Longitudinal — r Category Structural A1232.3 R91. FL-Fracture Longitudinal At 246 7ll[2d.W �� -,�.�-�� Category Structural TFC-Tap Factory Capped — yAt'»426ft9n Category.Construction Feature ,, — HSV-Hole Soil Visible At 248.28 Category.Structural 21.�� � dS,,, ' TBA-Tap Break-in Active — �At248.1It 10L Category Construction Feature �.. TEA-Tap Break-in Actve At257.9ftICI, Category Constructon Feature FL-Fracture Longitudinal At'47.2 tt315 Category.Structural _. -- FM-Fracture Multiple At2i5.8ft?l. Caiegoty'.Structural ,w - , TFC-Tap Factory Capped A1.260.9 R 10f. L. Ca"ory:Constructon Feature TFC-Tap Factory Gapped AY 290.782/ Category:Constructon Feature TBI-TapBreak-inintruding — r}AL2907ftIOI. N Category_CanatnGtgn Festu re TFC-Tap Factory Capped q 5 -,,`F„ „ „..�..... Caffigary:COnstruttgn Feature � At7445R 12l.�' FL-Fragtu to Longitudinal -----._. At300.5891 Category:Structural FL-Fracture Longitudinal �— At 29948810 Category:Structural i �; - RFJ-Roots Fine Joint ----- 44 At 316.1 it Catego ry:C$M ?' MWL-Water Le vet At 305.E it-i,ri Category Miscellaneous Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped At 320 ft 1C1. j Category Construction Feature _. .--. TFA-Tapp Factory Atltve Catuguly Construction Feature _ At 3.19.4 it 'w ---. MWL-Water Level At 359.9 R.21.'V TFA-Tap Factory Active ,y. Cate gory:M iseellaneous Feature -- Category Construction Feature V A1.335.9 ft7110 --. RFL-Roots Fine.Lateral Category:OR M. At 3507ft 101_ --_ TFA-Tap Factory Active Category:Construction Feature �'....... .._..__._ .. \`-.—. RSL-Roots Ball Lateral Orated'S281r Categtry OGM TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 2 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of 80 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 11 n=c� XG 406.526.3200 I--— Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality; Location(Street Name and Number); Bozeman F0318-FO319 Bozeman N. Bozeman! Start date/time: Width, Height: Material: Location Code: 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction; Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 3132.5 6 V AQ76 3 ti 12r Omitted.363.7 It FL,-Fracture Longitudinal Category structural At 375.3 t !F 7, At376 5ftl2m M VVL-Wate r Level 6-Broken CatagDTy MjsceOneousFealxjfe Z category.Structural At 382.5 it A M H-M 0 n no le �Jro 3 19 Category Ccristrucdon Feature At 5 ft STOP•Inspech.11 stopped Category.Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM P@98 3 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of 8 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 caa aeon r 406.528.3200 ExeeBrnre inP tfic ery cr Atli K�!��%'f�jf%4f��1:%11'1f ,r rFfllji;;Yp4c,V r:A%ij lfryfr�� /, I 7%,Y",r...i I;m'TLa ,2'•`K� Jr ilY,Ly"r rfi N, row ,�. .,� �"!�'�iYIT '�I;� J '�'& '°'��vA° kira 1. fi>/, ✓n� �r� �7'�11 r✓f%iJGjN,1Vij� d�.y �f �� .,1{iH a'i/ ��,,� 1 M Fr4J ".r yMl „9 i(vl i jl✓jj�o, d a r i� �ir�„ ?r�iXr✓r,�,�, �'"' h��,'%6 r i.�,,,Vi��L'I. �m,,p Project Name:.. Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Locatlon(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0319-FO320 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: location Code:: 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather Media Label: Downstream 362x4 1 rQ319 I F a At6.®ft i _.. R.FJ-Roots F6te Joint .,•� � START WITH FLOW.Start Inspection With the Flow Category,Miscellaneous Feature Category:of ld V �l A16D ft MWL-Water Levu Category::Miscellaneous Feature At'2 6.7 ft 1 a rl CL-C F ek Long it)dina l Category,Structural �, 9 At&9s R3i. - FL-Fracture L o ngitudrnaI Category StructUral - At 43.4 ft 10/. „� ~,.......- TFC-Tap Factory Capped At".1 rt^y,;o Cate4gary:Canstructon Feature TFA-Tap Factory Active _ Category.Construction Feature "� y` r�At72.4 tt2N. - FC-Fracture Circumferential At 76.2 11 Brnq- RFJ-Roots Fine Joint tu Category:Str ucral category.:D&M - 'v{At 73..".it 10/ TFA-Tap Factory Active rJ At8t33 ft^t Category Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature yAt 108 3 it 1t11 Al 9p5tt:y.W -- TFC-Tap Factory Capped . TO Tap Break-in — Category:Construction Feature Category,.Constructnri Feature a At133.1 h12r12 A.4113r9 tt y.F - RML-Roots Medium Lateral TFC-Tap Factory Capped --.. category:0&M Category Construcdon Feature A1.144,5tt i2y r CL-Crao longitudinal At 1331 ft2l V. �✓ Category.Structural TF•Tap Factory �Ai14:.9Ripd, Category Coil struction Feature TFA-Tap Factory Active At 147.2 tt lit,y, Category Construction Feature FL•Fracture Longitudinal - At 147.9 A 10/4 Category Siuctural T _RFL-Roots Fine-Lateral Category 084 At 162 711:2.,>]r �At184.3ft1C9 TFC-Tap Factory Capped .-.-..---= . -.. ,_,�...,._..., CL.CrackLongrtudinal Category Construction Feature Category Structural At186 3111,-I FL-Fracture Longitudinal �- Category.Structural R_-. ......_ ........ _-._ ......_.__- � �At 1i7i Ett101 5mIhid:177 9 it TFC-Tap Factory Ca pped Category.Construction Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25„2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department OF 804 814 N Bozeman Ave P.C.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406228.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0319-FO320 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start dateltime: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 362.4 C)"tinq 178,41 it At 178 7 ft 16 FC-Fria aura Circumferential At ISZ,P It 21 Ca"ory.Structural TFC-Tap Factofy Capped Category:Conseuctaq,Feature At 197 1 ft.-/. 7BA-Tap Break-in Active V V 0 At207 7 ftl 0/ Category Constructer Feature TFD-Tap Factory Defective Category-C011811LICIJ091 Feature I Ne At222.6 h21. TFC-Tap Factory Capped A1:37-5 11101 Category:Construction Feai TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature At252 5 ft 2r tAl:267.3ftl()l TFC-Top Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory capped Category:Constructor,Feature Category:Construction Feature At254.8 ft 1/ At269 7 ft 101 TBI-Tip Break-in Intruding TBA-Tap Break-in Active Category Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature g �At269 7PU10 F, RFC-Roots Fme Connection Category O&M 11:21. At297,1 lit I od TFC-Tap Factory Capped bd. TFC-Tap Factory Ca pped CalAgWy'Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature At 296.1 ft 121 A1303 It 7710 FL-Fracture Longitriddrial FC,FractureCircurnterentat Category Structural -71' Category Structural �^At3121tt6112 -- AtS12 1 RML-Rootokledium Lateral TFA-Tap Factory Active Category.C&M Category Construction Feature At3,G6 10 121, CIL-Craid,Lo"girtudinal Category-Structural A t 3 2 7,1 It 10 J TFA-Tap FactoryAclive Category Construction Feature At 3�17 1 It iil,, RFL-ai Lateral Category OVA FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category stiucnital I ol) ),0320 7V Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7.43 AM Page 2 Of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of 60 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59747 406,528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Refu Locality: Location(Street Name and Number)! Bozeman F0319-FO320 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width: Height: Material; Location Code: 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 362.4 At346 0 ft 3d Omtwa 3"0 R F� FL- ,AcWre Longitudinal Category StTucwfal At362 A ft AMH-Manhole IJ Category C.risq.0mi Feature At 362.4 ft S70P-Inspection stopped Category.Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of B() 614 N Bozeman Aver` P.O. Box 1230 aa2 aso® Bozeman, MT 59757 406.528.3200 accuence in Fuoiic$entire /�HV�/� 1/ ��lJr�r ,� '1"" �r � /➢d'. i s � mr�'`�,if�r�,�i'` ��''JII����il �6�f E r oar ��i��i Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number):. Bozeman F0320-FO321 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction:: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 347.3 1 F03^0�, p At GA it 1 START WITH FLOW-Startlnspeetion With the Flow Category:Miscellaneous Feature At00ft -- HWL-VVatef Level Category Miscellaneous Feature - i I CC-Crack Circumferential Category Structural �}At 38.1 it 101 TFC=Tap FactAry Capped Category'Cvnatrucbon Feahire , r G At51 A ft Z1 , TFC-Tap Factory Capped --.- y At 57X It 41 Category Construction Feature _„— Fl-Fracture_Longituduial Category'Snuotural 4466.6 tt 101. -- — TFC.Tap.FactotyCaaped s category:Construction Feature a� �� 'v' At8L6tt101 '^ TBA•Tap Break-in Active TFC-Tap Factor �s Aty 51 ZttZ�Ca ppe d y Category.Construction.Feature .. Category.Construction Feature At9 5-3 11 101 6 --- TFC-Top Factory Capped Category,Comstructlart Feature At 167.5 tt 12112 , BSV-Bfoken Soil VisRt ie At 110.5 It ,j° '� Category,Structural TFC-Tap Pactory Capped — At 109.3 h10Y_' Category Construction Feature _, .,� - HSV-Hole Soil Visible At 111.5 ft 1121 r�,lhr+ Category:Structural FE-Fracture Longitudinal r'^ 141 Category Structural At 12fi.1 1t TFC="lap Factory Capped ,..'.- Category.Cop shucticn Te atu re At 142.8 it MWL-Water Level At 141.6ftt1.>, 1/ Gatz`gba•y:Miscellalne©us Fe ft re TFC-'Pap Factory Gapped ,.�...... �:"At14,A1I ''... Category Construction Feature .� MWL-Water Level _ C aiegory:M isce Ilan eo us Featu re q,At 1 Tao 3-ti 8712 B-Broken L..._.. .-- ,. ... -,-. Category'Structural Omoed:ICE.,4 TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 743 AM Page 1. of 3 City at Bozeman Water/Sewer Department C)F Bq}t. 814 N Bozeman Ave P.D.Box 1230y. e Bozeman,MT 59717 'XS 406,528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0320-FO321 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/14/2006 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 3473 1 I At 156A h 441. mtrad 151.2ft ._ TFC..-.T:ap Factory Capped --- - Category Construction Feature At 16R 4Nt2Y12 FM Fracture Multlple Al 171.0 ft:r, Category Structural TFC-Tap Factory Capped — tr,�.� '�At1675it 1A Category Consbuctan Feature "` --_-� B5V.Broken Suit visible At 174 8 ft 1,,14 Category'Structural I FM-Fracture rdultip9c — a�!At 186001 W. r, Cale.gory:Shuchorai ,N TFC-Teri Factory Capped Category:Cersstrurban Feature l _j At 190 a R 10t<..._ --�--. TBA-Tap Break-in Acttve -Category:Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped - Category.Construction Feature ^'At215 B ft 1f1./ — TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature 1� A1:224.0 it 101. TFA-Tap FactoryAchive L as ,, Category Construction Feature ... Alt-224.4 ft 31. ^w At230:Ci R2f �,• FL-Frar:wre Langfludlnal TFC-Tap Factory Capped -Category.Structural Category-Construction Feabue " i — FL-Fracture longitudinal Category:-Structural .._.. . ..., - , TFC-TapFactory Capped category:Construction Feature At261.0 tt21,y: TFC-Tap Fa ctoly Capped Category-.Construction Feature ,.. r�•_At2e67 it FL--Fra cure Lo no ltvdl naI Category:Structural At$i8.0 h il_e�� --,� At 271,�.4.tt 144 _ TBI-T.p B re a 6.in.Intruding --- TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Calrstruc7on Feature Category.Construction Feature At250.0 it TFC-Tap Factory Capped — Category.Construction Feature - i At 305.3 ft 101. TFC-7a p Fo cto ry Capped T,...- Category,Constr uction Feature -.,.- JAt308.7it1pi. FL•Fracture Longnudinal Crrnitted 33.6 ft ....-- ,_,... .....,, _-__ .._...._. - -Category-structural . TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 2 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of Ro 814 N Bozeman Ave =h" P.C�Box 1no Bozeman,MT 59717 —M 406,528.3200 Pro)ect Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number) Bozeman F0320-P0321 Bozeman N. Bozeman Start date/hme7 Width: Height: material! Location Code: 3/14/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 347.3 1 Onlrtted 317 tt TBA-Tap Break-kn Atbve Category Construction Feature At330 0 M FAVVL-Watei Leve I Category t3,.+scellaneous Feature �At 334 3 t.Bi FL-1=racnrra LDrigMdUrnal Category:Structural A047,3 ft AMH�M.nhole Category.CoMtLlCtlorl Feature At 347.3 It STOP-Inspection Stopped Category Misce Ila nexus Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Ron Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 ©# 3 City of Baxeman Water/Sewer Department 05 8(J4 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717' X� 406.528.3200 OBSERVATIONS xrr..y r<,.�µt�� vwn '�"7 pT.',ti rd! k.�G croW� %?�a�l�aFn i'Y4ob',Xu 1� ,1�,, i iaA�JI�(�i'"�1, 'Iw""��' zru,ri ,.��(�,Ark,✓�rll��,:.,wr����ru��s��'��M��irrt!rf!�r"..�yr!�(a ��2d��ra.a1/rirk° r�u 148.4 Yes 2 TF 109.1 Yes 3 6 FM 120.3 Yes 2 TFC 134.1 Yes 2 TB 134.9 Yes 10 TFC 146'6 Yes 2 TFC 147.5 Yes 12 CL 149.0 Yes 12 TFC 160.7 Yes 2 TFC. 161,3 Yes 10 TB 174.9 Yes to _ TFC 187.0 Yes 2 TF 191,1 Yes 2 TB 201.2 Yes 10 TFC 2 21.3.5 Yes TFC _ _ 213.9 Yes 10 TBI 226.0 Yes 4 9 FM 227,5 Yes 10 TFC 228.6 Yes 3 9 FM 229,7 Yes 2 TF 230.5 Yes 7 9 HVV 230.7 Yes 3 6 FM 239.7 Yes 2 _. TFC . 253.9 Yes 10 TFC 254.2 Yes 2 TB _.,. 256.1 Yes 2 TSA 262.1 Yes 12 RPP 264.7 Yes 9 BSV 264.7 Yes 5 FL 266.2 Yes 1d TF 266.9 Yes 7 9. HVV 266.9 Yes 10 1... BSV 279.0 Yes 9 FL 280.1 Yes 10 TFC 292.2 Yes 2 TFC 295.0 Yes 6 12 CC Observations By Inspections Wednesday,April 30,2008 10,24 AM Page 2 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department .t OF 8�w 814 N Bozeman Ave fir . P.C.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 ri OBSERVATION'S � /i i 1 � '� 304.5 Yes 2 TFA 305.4 Yes 5 9 HVV 305.8 Yes 3 FL 306.0 Yes 10 TBI 306.0 Yes. MSA 306.0 Yes STOP Observations By Inspections Wednesday,April 30,2008 10:24 AM Page 3 of 3 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue RA t--A -IF E Orlando, FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 ✓ rlkk p Auy ° � 4�m � ✓✓ �'� ' r 6 iii ,a� /, d//���. c� nz„a ✓�! „d ��� � �✓ „e,�„1/;,. F/ Project Marne: Mainline SD: City: Address: Bozeman F0422 F0423 Bozeman E. Mendenhall Start date/time: Pipe width: Pipe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 315/2013 6 VCP B Direction:. Surveyed Footage.: weather: Tape/Media number: UPSTREAM 339.4 3-5-2013 F0422 i, At^.s-an F.i F`A-'t=am cionad Sw.er y V I TFr V �.t:,I nw� TIC 7 p F. 1.,Y:,rT,p ad 1 I 1F`9 fl lu 'i __ iF-To FE,,I r, TFr.Tai F try C,a{Irr! At FwC 1 hq/' 8 ETake➢ { 6"gw EtrAffMCllal I r µ TF-.7 FFackor�r:�p}?et1 -1-10lr� at-FI tt sr 1F T Y:Fr tll, ; Fn—Fri rwer..iK7o1+r1, �,n r'rtcrruo, ttl uctTrv.p n V At 25 0 7 7t FY.-Ft�rtiuc Ano nc7ihtnuta! v- � `�T C.atr.,�tiC .liuchir.�1 At-,4 0 97J U) HT ! Flule 4uld 'islbde a1 4'. Yt Otflr P G'atemLorp 5t7V1tb.a1 TFD iar,FIc k" Der r IIl-"— L-t i'�e6 Lranrafhrclnanl C 'tegorty 5-111 rM Al=',', 17 s t- i��1 C.on5raR1"Unttl k I 'a'I26 � ,I1lIGlTlra¢ 141�3 uft TVA T 0e'¢1 70 r E� 4c4w IF Ar., T F"_ct"'k rh,­ 5711'" Fta-Frartme Td7uiW1`ie 1.0t @gKI'Y`�KI'IlG9U rat tt TFC Tu7t F'¢�rknl rFlrea a7 iu_o�tl lal; i � IF IaFFet,r,T ,-� fit- r1cl L[•or{oitucktrial �At�,tr7 "S it l'dC7ut r.l Gmlhed°184 4 tt Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Thursday,March 14,2013 8:461 AM Page i of 3 CUES,Inc, 3600 Rio Vista Avenue _ RA t-4 r,,TE Orlando,FL 32805 Phone:407.849-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 Project Name: Mainline ID: City: Address: Bozeman F0422_FO423 Bozeman E. Mendenhall Start date/time: Pie width: Pipe height: Pipe P p 9 P type. Surface condition: 3/5/2013 6 VCP B Direction;. Surveyed footage: Weather;: Tape/Media number: U'PS'TREAM 339.4 3-5-2013 Attar9aft�al C7ntitlttd'.1414 tl -. .A-C ch.Ltun2a!1irrAl L t' ,� canal _. "1fti14 -C!er(:&.�II CROII�h.+lpntr:i.R .. I refap'my Siruetu¢ol r;A'f t 7t;7 ft.^7 ilA .... iF.Tit,'Fr;cto r, . ..� it Fii)e�egru'aeerr ,1-At1- C n TFF T, RFr, F in, tirwr,Capp,, _... . ', dieplaten rAtE73Clt°f At cos I rt 12l i . t1L-f,rack Cangib.idsnal .... TF%-Tat,F.C;,,ly Capoecl W,� _... _Cate C,i6IVStrkAtlldal fl At 150.6 Rai . .TFC.-.Ta p Fa dory r:ap{,ecl h'1'b! ! TFA-Tat Facte!y Achim 'TFA% l a{:�Fa.etwy AQOyt e, r M 'I:.°h16! d At iori4 r m TFC.-lap F,,�p rv_'a �j TF��-T'ah Paraor'r Gatimed _ _` f'i' n 4 16 tt 96 IC" TE-TapBreak-in —.. iAt65 Ito , 1 H3v Hwe Soil Visihre !,ate gar;sb"Ctrl.ral L n At E.4 ft --RPR F!pc Replaced _.. _ .. AtL=�;s ft t6? " .'I.Ate4 E,ft:' - j TFC-Tip Factoiy,Copped -- I TFd T Factory 1,c ftve. ---... t a f AI$31 a5? __ TS-Top;,-!rldlz !Arlo I ? IN;>vl Gena sul Uhraerva pru r, !t L t 8 1-tt. �. RFR-t'rpa Re t?1ureo h t,:t i4 DA-1 TFC-Tal,Eacnaty C'pp�d kt5�''7 R IDr 4 p i,t5c,I r. TF-7,,r,Fe dopy CL-GItCt Longltudlnal. Catlepoty StruCturap - FL FIDCtLire Long tidmal ; %zteg�ry Sbuedurad Grnitted,41.9% Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Thursday,March 14,2013 8:46 AM Page 2 of 3 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue E Orlando,FL 32805 4= Phone:407-849-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 Project Name: Mainline TD: City: Address: Bozeman F0422FO423 Bozeman E. Mendenhall Start date/time: Pipe width: Pipe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 3/5/2013 6 VCP 13 Direction; Surveyed footage: Weather: Tape/Media number: UPSTREAM 339.4 3-5-2013 6A 4,J Pmfted,184,8 it ;:i airtu-&1AUJUVI, A,iJ7 TF----Tril,Fj=i,Lap pea AA,7 2 'A C1. it r"'I siou'tcfal h if M1112LEF- Le,,eJSzr,.1 t tz�f,ft Pr1r Pip,R J.)["'ced ;IV, RPF-Pipe Rfl',looed PJPWL-4Vate,Levee I F0423 F.NIH vianhoic Alp 0 fl Main inspection with Pipe-Run Thursday,March 14,2013 BA6 AM Page 3 Of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department � OF RQ& 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 '. Bozeman, MT 59717 406,526.3200 Fscelhncr in Public Service �J�yl/"tr/�g0!rt r�i✓h���.a��.P/a u �,�� �r��li; %�r�u'i 4�^�i'�'wGi"/7�� ,nl ils�ii PiYG IY �I�I��I��,^4,m r�/�I ,'dy�,yf �l�fr' °��,��"�`, 1 ira �"'Jal'l',�yji'i1,��,�j°r;>GfVY°r. yt P�r; ii%��?�%'%�d��il p/��!1i,'� �J�i J l� � �d� I""�i�ii-N.�itr"il�t�"::!�'�3� ����+�N y��, ';,rra� °��mr�✓G'r N� ,y� t�."'� I�!,�iG���f�i�t�,/�4���i iJ�! rJ, ? Project Name: Ptpetine Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0423-FO431 Bozeman E. Mendenhali Start date/time: Width; Height: Material: Location Code: 3/18/2008 6 VGP plrectow Length surveyed; Weather: Media Label: Downstream 373.0 1 y.. A1G.pft STAR'S WITH FLON-Startinspection Vilth.the Flow Fo4:3 j Category,MlscetlaneouS Feature � rywAt6,Dh i f— MWL-Water Level Cate gory Miscellaneous Feature f At l4 i it J' MVVL5-Wa Ter Label Sag Category..M lane Ila nexus,Feature y At 279 ft MWL Watai Level ....-' ..Category:.Misceltaneous Feature- �/ vlr At 27.9 It.5f, FL-Ftacture Langhilthl)al Category:Structural. FM»Fracture Muttiple - Category_Structural +At39.0ft1Dl. --- -TPC-Tap Factory Capped Category::Co nas talon.Feature RRfi Rc ft 11 '..At 39-ft -Rep Y- h7WL-Water Level eo Paii Paint -- v Category:Miscellaneous Feature Category,structural n ;y At 42.0 ft'12P. FL- Fracturel.ongitudioal_ At52 h2u.y. �•, - -Category,Structura lI 's EP F a. TFC-Tap Factory Capped o Categcry,Cc nstructon Feature At 48.8 tr � � '� MVVL-Water Level Category:Mtsceuaneous Feature �'^✓ At 49.2 It 1 x112 FC-Feacture Circuntilerential Category-Structural �--- TFC-Tap Factory Capped i Category:Construction Feature At 7S 7tt^.r At 74.8h111 TF-Tap Factory ---..— --. FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category:Constr uciion Feature Category,Structural: At74.6 R MWL-'Water'Level Category:Miscellaneous Feature At76.9 ft t;/ V --- FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category.Strucrural C?tnhted.25cu.5 h TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:44 AM Page 1 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department pF 00 614 N Bozeman Ave , P.D,Box 1230 $. ' Bozeman„MT 59717 .ee.>•*s. XB 466.526.3204 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Reef: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0423-FO431 Bozeman E. Mendenhall Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/16/2006 5 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 373.0 1 At 60:9 ft316 Ccnritted,Gg.�fi --.. FC-Fracture Circumferential _.—.-_. .. 4 iCa.tegery Struc9nal �.At83.2 ft 316 FG-Fracorre Cirwnaferential 6 Category_Structural VAt93.O R1Q! - - - - TFA-Tap Factory Actve Category Construction Feature J A1540 ft 1211: FC-Fracture Circumferential At97_1 Vi, �,,,�,_ � �ategary,StruuAUral - FL-Fracture Longitudinal A1:99.5 h121tc>. Category.Structural RPR-Repair Point or y- .. Category.Sbuetural �� 97 3 It 31. FL FL-Fracture Longitudinal 19 Cateyory Structural- �At1077H81 CL.Crack Longitudinal + Category Structural At 113.6 fl i<Ai2 n CC.Crack Circuni(erenGal Ca4e gory.Structura l y' At'13.9 It MVVL-Water Level v n,, Categaty Miscellaneous Feature At 13361t 2f. � y4 A.t1-189 it 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature TF-Tap Faetur e " Category construction Feature ---. - - f I V I At 145.5 ft IOf. V"� - --- TFC-Tap Factory Defective _ Camgory:Construudon Feature 1111 , At 149.7 ft -- MWL-Water Level ---Caltegory Mrscellaneoius Feature At 159.9 pe At154.etl9JiZ II TFC-Tap Facua ry Capped — h�. _ Category.Construction Feature FC-Fracture Circumferential Catagory:Structural e}At'172-0 It l OF. -- TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Const lc6an Feature At17371t12f °— TFC=Tap Firta-ryCa Aped Category:Construction Feature OrnfIlecr 193 6 It TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:44 AM Page 2 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department tl of aci& 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406,528.3200 ProjeLt Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0423-FO431 Bozeman E. Mendenhall Start dateltime: Width: Keight: Material: Location Code: 3/18/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 373.0 1 At 177 3 ft2� pNtted 177.1 it I'L-Fracture i-ringitudinal Category:Structural At 18.6.3 it TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature — TFC-TapFacWryGapped Category:Construction Feature �;At,-12,21ftlll — CL-Crack Longitudinal Gatagury Structural At 2 13.9 it 21. A1212.&R24.tj FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category:Structural TF-Tap Factory Category Connitrocton Feature At 224.0 ft 121. CL-Crack Longitudinal Category Structural +AU25.oftlol TF-Tap Fattory C tion Feature Category COMIT uc ktZU,O tt 12tJ FC-Fracture Circuniferentual Category.Structural At'23a9ft2? At 236.1 It 31 TF,lop FaMry FL-Fracture l_onglludinal Category.Construction Feature i "Category'Structural At,244 1 ft 12i FL-Fracture Longittiamal Category,SftwCWM� A12502 It 010 DSV-Broken Scul Visible Category!,Structural At 250.9 n 101 TFC=Tap Factory Capped At265.1421 Category Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory capped —7 Category L Con5trucoon Feature At266..ft I FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category Structural At.166�-it 5✓ CL-Craci,Longitudinal Category.Structural A1:7T5 it 101 TF-Tairl'aclory Calegoty.Ccnstructon Feature Orrmect 65. it TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7:44 AM Page 3 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department CjT Bp S14 N Bozeman Ave P.C.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 5471,7 406.520.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Lacation(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0423-FO431 Bozeman E. Mendenhall Start date/time: Width; Height:: Material: Location Cade: 3/18/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label:. Downstream 373.0 1 Omitted,X1,1 St At291.1It ,i....—_...... __ -TFL'-•..Tap�arxo ry Ca peed-= w..,�...,,�:.�, CGotegory ConStr U0011 Feature -+�A13037 ftY6/ TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category�Construchon Feature +At 369.1 It 31 -' --FL-Fracture L-Dngitudinal IV Category.Structural At 318.1 ft2i TFA-Tap Factory Active �I. Category:Construetion Feature .. �o At327.81t 51: PL-Fracture Longitudinal Cafagory'9tructural At320-5't 1117. _{ -- TF-Tap Factory p Category.-Construction Feature a w a � tAt339.9ft21 , -- CL-Crack Longitudinal. C'a.teOOFY Structural V A435 8.4 ft 12113 w RPR-Repair Point -- Category:Structural �yAt387,t It , AMH-Manhole - Category:Construction Feature At 373.01t ---�— -AMH-fAanhcle .__ V _._ _... ____ -✓ Category:Construction Feature J'At 3i3.Olt F0431 . STOP-Inspection stopped Category Mdsreilaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:44 AM Page 4 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of- � 814 N Bozeman Aver nq6 P,C. Box 1230 e Bozeman, MIT 59717 406.528 3200 Free] P_in Public 5arrice Project Namet Niaelune Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0402-FO403 Bozeman N. Grand Start date/time: Width r Height. Material Location Code: 3/17/2008 10 VCP Direction:. Length surveyed: Weather: Mediae.Label:. Upstream 363,4 1 FLV4q«. r.e a _rf 7te+'wlti IAuac�Plnn ou.F°-ahn+. a 11 aPIFY-Manhuir '� Ca+1+=aor, Gorva91uu4nn F�a#Allc At_'&3a fl I^_I CL-CtlaO L-00g1Lu C1111al CaCbL,aGr9'5h4iGtf3kal ` Ak 2644tt 10F 1' _... TFC Fop Factwrl -appetl T:etecao'y colvatucticoreaauee Gat-aQry f.ronstfVCGO re F-fl kll r!?. fi1266.2n 401 TFC--Tap Faetollf_apped -. .,,� C:a12Ani-:bnsrtruc�nn Fea MtrF Cnttpoli Constru-tlon Faatule 'y At:h0vR 11' " TFA 7a1FzCt—i-tle+ ].L-r raCY,Lon�Inl tir4lal — Calegr I V�.O Ci Gt,,KLon Featul? �� w-a1a 0pr1 wSh nctbiial Ati 14 it'_', I ' "07 A t 3+6 1t 16 i ' _... TFi= i,p Fa CYOay ippa�0 vy rc? TFi-Tip Fa Gtu.6'4 C'111'i)�;I .,_ CAT'41Urc/ .+o 4S5[rUCtlofa Feat,o L � J at-taoiq constructor FeatulC acto ryC,.a ppe,J — _ Ctit. oir[:anreirv..hnnFsndarE- q a ;ale pwrr C.cnsbuctum Feature 4t 15t 6 tt_' TF-Tap Facto]v Categaty C.n6t,uCtnl,FeahlYe At tat r,M2' Atiakti it 10J " T=C To[IFacto]b-apged TE-Tap Er veh-nr �ategcl, Corasv"ctotn Feature °Y � rtito lo';Cwrtstruction F,;ature V tot n it r� TF0 Tap F-actitvr 1ppecl i At to-,211101 = C�Te JO!'r i..01YSti4tpp11 F9 aYi.l4� TFC'-Tiap Factory Caea 11 ,pp - "a,t940 .;.1 �t-tlwry Canauict—iFtatuiE Trav Tap Far,toy Capprd At 105 ft 36' _ C'ategory,Construction Feature PavtgFln Joint __„_ F•'_., ', 64 h' OSLI MWWN-'Vv,t„r tu;arl nt7;r f n bp^ J' _ Gah+]oi IAlacb lla rueoui Fear'], TF:-Tal Fa tcry:aup2[t � ✓ �I Ft 7 Aft ,aY+gory sonslrutiton Feratu]e _ _._-_..__. FL-F]actuaa L.wo 911L MAI ca'1e GGr� G14tICM1'JP'Ial Urrtided'57 3 9 TV'inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:44 AM Page 1 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of BOLZ'F' 614 N Bozeman Ave A P.O.Box 1230 C?,' Bozeman,MT 59717 'IRPM X6 406.526,3200 11---- Project Name; Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Straiet Name and Number): Bozeman F0402-FO403 Bozeman N. Grand Start date/time: Width; Height: Material: Location Code: 3/17/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label'. Upstream 363.4 1 4 t 0NttPd 292 C,tt I F' r�F a rrw r.c A p I 4t42 I A 10 1 l34 ft ml TF- 7"J F.", I'0;L-V'at"1, jsC 11'a ne,,,Lis Pe rw,i, Category 111 LellaneousFeatol' At6ciq G 4 0 1 - s-ri..F.-A GA It J,7 I FL X,-It,,t w lire F6 C3t.S.JCTJ PaM., TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7 44 AM Page 2 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department ., 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 . — cez aznn Bozeman, MT 59717 406.528.3200 ERCedenceM Public 5-re zt! irr Yr� wriyi ry rtip jl".uw,t tvS `7'. i`I'I'"rV Qh` 7Jk. rry / mlr" r 'd4 ',M,�S u1orm r.�I�p11 9 1T'„"3��,'���' 1'INkpr�'����7�ti9��r�i��+� ��p�ll6'. rr�y1 '171' �ti"i � r 4 !� , r ltmdyr '•f !' I �d+t$< f Ai k r�* '1,,M Ir ra! a Yr 6„;�` y/y r, '�j + lrf�ri:%�i'ir�"'i; /f, ,;;���rp,�y��!Cr��iJ%j��ar+ura��S�P,`L,Tr i �,�s<s u��;i ;Hue ���uP,Uu �,�,„ F,Y„�iL'! r 7,uh/Fr�Ul��li�r�Y�i�,✓",p^9 ,,,ht,,:yr.�2iercf�,(Ir^„,l ryir`�ri+�t: Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref; Locality: Location(Street Name and Nurnber): Bozeman F0403-FO404 Bozeman N. Grand Start date/time: Width: Height: Material.: Location code: 3/17/2008 10 VCP Direction, Length surveyed: Weather:, Media Label: Downstream 255.8 1 1 At G.Ut J >START WITH FLCW-5tartinspecton.With the Flow F0403 Category:IAmcelianeous Feature /';1 AtE-Ott tdwL-Water Level category tdiscelYaneous Feature ✓ �At147ft - MWL-Walter Level I Category:Miscellaneous Feature At t83 it iW2 FM-Fracture Multlple Category Structural ' Rt35.5 ft10f. CL-Crack Longitudinal Cakegory:Stuctural At39.G tt NIWL.-water Level .Category:.Miscellaneous Feature 4At4b7ft1V At5D.0 tt 21 'w �-- TFC 7aFFaptQ"Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped ---- Category Construction Featuoe Category Construction Feature 'y At72 2 ti 11 CL-Crack Longitudinal Caoigory.Structural At75.8 tt 101 �,. TFC;-Tap Factory Gapped ,_ At9C+6tt2t Category:Construction Feature TF-Tap Factory -� Category:Con0ocoon Feature 4 yAt4asaitlol - - TFC-Tap Facmry Capped Category Construction.Feature V At120.,it 21, TFC_Tap Factory Capped Category Constucton Feature L At 4350 it 3J6 --- FC�Fracture Circumferential Category Structural q At 1354 ft 101 At 148.5 it 3) r� �'.,,...,.,..," TFA-Tap Factory A:ctFle TBA-Tap Break-m Active - Category.Construction Feature Category Con'structon Feature AH98.7-it- i At1505ft2J �- — MvvL-WaterLevel TFC-Tap Factory Capped - Category Miscellaneous Feature li Category Construction Feature m-° yL At 165.5 R 101. i TFC-TapFactoryCappee Category Construction Feature Orrutred W.5 ft TV Inspection with!Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of gQ 814 N Bozeman Ave P.D.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 55717 XB 406.528,3200 Project Name; Pipeline,Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number); Bozeman F0403-F0404 Bozeman N. Grand Startdate/time: Width: Height:9 Material. Location Code: 3/1712008 10 VCP Direction: Length Surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 256.8 1 Onll.tteo. 17:14 ft Al 172 7 it At18041121 y. Category Misce Planeous Feature TF-Tap Factory Category Constructiur Feature ,i At196.5 it 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped art✓ Category construction Feature At20661t 121. t. CrackL7ongih+dlnal °p 1° Category Structural At 210.2 A 21. �i TFC-Tap Factory Capped At207r7 ft61'9 ¢� Category:Construction Feature — FC-Fracture Circumferential - Category:Structural At22ra.r t to; ¢ TFA-Tap Factory Active Catagory.C:onstrucpon Feature At'.40 1.ft518 -_ CC-Crack Circumferentiau Category;Structural At256.6 it AMt1-Manhole Category Construction Feature �„JF0404 STOP-inspection stopped Category Misce Ila.neous Feature TV inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 257 2008 7:43 Adel Page 2 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of RO 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1.230 / Bozeman, MT 59717 Xb ErcefYrucr fn Public Service 406.528.3200 i,m.:'�'i r/ry�i YaY/�F' Y,. > J,;', / ?:'I�'F,,�ra,trrr�nl rfii �Y,r l9l rf� I>"W s.., „Ji",:; / o r�;,,".y, r,Ir �2.ryr r r�,.r y��..., ,�?��'.�/oi � /�,/�rJ.r� „l�!!r ��,+yy,,1l.,fi�/ i7�l�f :/��/:�, /I� IP��I/f,.!,�lP�(7�� ,ail,%„? rrr�'�/ieriirr rAr ,/Y,rr,',l'�/J ,"1'�, Yr�,/✓JU,�1 �r/t1�4%. ,;,/1�J J��jy/r r�i�, �%� '.ry p��/i uk,, /..lay ti rl %,,�wr!�i P',� �,. ,p di{'��i G: � ,�.kc„.11C! a,���,/«r��rru9/%r G'�r���i�f�rr ✓r fir, �lr(rl/ ��� iJj� /���i/rjr,�7���/rr /1/� Ir/I�i/�/r;;i6 �, �rkwr„ u s `�N „iYd'�t�"q,I�+�,��`rf �"u �i/t�`�& hm�fFr YC"1C �[�r";� Yw %ryr' //(�l��r%����1'�i��;i��" /�I1 �f/l;, -r�'/%,'�,,,.-,iH,„+ r1p,a>r �,�.nr U u✓o,, ;�drJ/e,19 �i-z li�'wiU r';Iil..r,�”,v.^�,N'"h,. r�fi5.r?k¢ .,,,r,a, t "�,i�, /,/ ,/',v r „lrfr�lr,r � ,. �A„��r�ri .. SITE DATA Site ID C€ty Address F0409-FO410 Bozeman Willson Upstream Node Downstream Node Pipe Type Pipe Shape Pipe Height Pipe Width F0409 F0410 VCP C 8 INSPECTION DATA Planned Elate Start Hate End Date 3/24/2008 3:05:34 PM 3/24/2008 3:06:37 PM 3/24/2008 3:43:50 PM Surveyed Footage Status operator Work Order Np. 364.2 Stopped Pat Simon Reason Weather Condition D 1 Comments OBSERVATIONS Aw'ce�s n nro�.. mf�7"i�"J x^m�✓ i isrr s? �r , ^^.,r "i x ep o- ,o w�u r rrett aces u�!F glrhr w� rr a. �'/ 1 ' G'im,W�&”�� a�O�ici',af�.�l/'ru a ibr r!'� .�rr l luu?!n�„F9.d'o.Vi�;/�}°.,�.'t f,„w,�fi d r 'm,z;.�Pr �r✓/��. �Q,.r.r a r''/ UJ'�„l]��,�,a;u��a,�4e !!,��"rM „ �e1 ��,u f � AA,Yr.,n,ce „ram 1'+r r X uw r sr w- J x r F ,. 6.0 No START WITH FLOW 6.0 No MWL 54.5 No 10 TFA 69.1 No 2 TF 81.1 No 10 TFC 93.5 No 2 TFC 94.5 No 3 CL 108.1 No 10 TFC 120.4 No 2 TFC 134.7 No 10 TFC 147.3 No 2 TFC 161.8 No 10 TFC 165.0 No 7 9 CM Observations By Inspections Wednesday,April 30„2008 10:24 AM Page 1 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department [1f B04, 813 N Bozeman Ave P.C.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 ". �•� � OBSERVATIONS �wi��r,�r"�rw.,�k�",�Gmd,9nY��r�'��",��Gh'���>GYP'tr"r';2,m�ndN;:�7C"%',"��.rrr��d�wrw2'iw�r, �.,ar�✓1rri�>i1�� wr�Y���Ala��i,���ur.�H�,'"'!r�%F✓. � c�.,! re.�aalt��l,Y''ford':�drr'f�.,T'��.���o�"'ar:��i�r,Yr�'sr�.rr%+�- 173.7 No 2 TFC 175.0 No 4 FL 175.3 No 3 6 FC 186.3 No 12 TFC 198.4 No 10 TFC 210.6 No 2 TFC 223.1 No 10 TFC 235.6 No 2 TFA 244.9 No 12 CL 249.9 No 10 TF 260.2 No 2 TFC 276.5 No 10 TFA 288.7 No 2 TFA 302.7 No 10 TFC 315.1 No 2 TFC 329.4 No 10 TFC 354.9 No 12 12 RPR 364.2 No AMH 364.2 No STOP Observations By Inspections Wednesday,April 30,2008 10:24 AM Page 2 of 2 Gity of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of 614 N Bozeman Ave n Fe . P.O. Box 1230 ; ;a:-�Zrio ,Bozeman, MT 59717 !� ��,...�.�,• `.X� 406.55 226,3 20'O' E[ceGCnce eP Public rx'f4'!LE' nl%;�J�ll 7 r ral(�r�lli(mrG^r^7ffaC4, �lulat l ;tie�f§f/��I� l l;"i�Hr � r�tHTLrrINI y✓r�✓1,'"Rf aR r?u�r� ��p�a�n',fLd�f:rf11Jt� v,.y°�C, 7 �P�",I�r f /16 ri r/9 //$ '�77 r ,,;aqi f�f��r ;!it.°rl�!'JJ����H!e+r'n°�'�q,.� 1%' w�` �k ,. I�l lij r. w4 G��.; G"I�Po.`s���f l 7°2�r<:,a�s,✓� 'iix���:YIH�,y� 1 / %r %J"/ �a. ,,,,ri"",ri rt/�/'f ,'va,f.�>lo�n'' �L%�,IV�r+.�l�'•r7`x;:i`/m, �';;,�" PFr'F.h! �u%f�,V�t7�„� P, ,1"7%li',J; k ICY„W"ilb,�,,:",�,a„¢, ,i �y�ur”/`ti"F�,'��F�G!���1/��� % ���7/ir H�%I'(dV�i i��rfi Project Name; Pipeline.Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0410-FO411 Bozeman N.Wilson Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code; 3/17/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed; Weather: Media..Label; Downstream 61.6.6 1 H Ate.a n F04 10 p�y. --- y START WITH FLCWU-Start Inspcctinn Mtn the Flow �I/ Category'Miscellaneous Feature A t 6.4 it -- - MWL-water Level '�✓ Category Miscellaneous Feature 'y'•At 69 it - MGC•Genera[Obsevvation kny CategoryMrscadlanaous Feature I V I At72.'rt2r.Y' �'At88.0 fait! TFC-Tap Factory Capped -- TFC.Tap Factory Capped Category COnSt LICtinn Feature .__ Category,Construction Feature •�At8g.3 ft3P -e f �---- FL-Fracture Loncirrtuddnal Category.Structural 't At 1023 112 M97,0 ft 12l r TPC-Tap Pacta ry Capped CL-Creek-t:cllghULltriaG Category Construction Feature Category:Structurai _ y At 141,4 ft it \ - - CC-Crack Circumterential . At 127_1 R2f.>� Category,structural TFC-Ta p Factory Capped M. ty Ak1148tt101, e� category'Construction Feature WS TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature --” At 1413It 101 yr TFC.Tap Factory Capped TFA•Tap Factory Arrive AS156.6tv ,�- � Category:Construction Feature ----�-— Cotegory Construction Feature a At 167.1 R t2f FL»Fracture Longitudinal j - Category°Struc1oraI �.At 170't fr 141. At 1844ftit,1 - TFC.Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category,Construction Feature Category Construction Feature At1794 tt6110 b-broken Category.sTruclural. At 212,8 ft V. At 198$11101 TFA-lap Factory Active TFC-To p Factory Capped Category Cc mstruction Feature Category.Construction Feature �+At2119it1 J •— —. FL-Fracture Longitudinal _..._-__..-_ �._.._......-- ....._. -._. -_.. Category"Uchrral rJmitraci�3°..4 tt TV Inspection with Pipe-Fan Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 3 Ctty of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of 60 614 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 ,r Bozeman MT 59717 Xb Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0410-FO411 Bozeman N. Wilson Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/17/2006 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 516.6 1 'I A,t.2.5.0 it lot. CJnlltted:2 911 TFC-Tap Facbary Capped _ Category Cortsouction Feature A1225.0 h MWM-Water Mark Category,Mtsce[lanepus Feature At 254.5 tt 12 12 tr- _ RPR-Repau Ppint Category structural ,.,. V i I . J At'3RO.a ftiOL TFC-Tap Factory Gapped Category_Construction Feature .• r�At 326.8 ft 1.01. At314.Eft21..y: TF-Tap Factory TFC-Tap Factory Capped - Category Construction Feature Category_Construction Feature At3268 1113f, RML.Roots Medium Lateral e At3390it2C Category O&M !V!V _ Cat?TFC-Ta Factory Capped _ At337.9tt3L "fi gory Construction Feature — CL-Craci,Longitudlnat Category Structural Ui C At363.4 ft2f. �'Ai 3511.1 ftlol. `r TF-Tap Factory — — TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature 1W At375.2 ft 10J At389:6 ft2l,,l, V --- TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped —, ."�'._ Category-Construot'snn Feature Category Cnstructon Feature At386 2 it At39^_.9ft1.2✓1:24' ---- MWL-WaterLeml RPR-Repair Point - J Category'Misdellaheous Feature Category Structural > '`' ft A.t396,1 tt31 4' -- MVVL-Water LeveI TBA-Tap Break-in Active — Category MEscetlaneo us Feature Category Construction Feature I K6 W`----.- y;A140_^t It 101. At4141fttl.off, -- TF-TopFactory TF-Tap FaoOary Category.Construction Feature Category.Construction Feature 4,At426 3 R tor. i At438.5 tt:2I TFC Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factcly Capped Category Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature At 450 3 it t Of- V _ OnVtrect 158.7 it ----- ,..'—.. ---.°-.._... .... TFB-Tap Fa ttoty Abandoned Category.Construction Feature TV inspection with Wipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7;43 AM Wage 2 of 3 City of Bozeman WafeOSewer Department of 8()2z 814 N Bozeman Ave P.C.Box 1230 Bozeman,MIT 59717 X6 406.526.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number) Bozeman F0410-FO411 Bozeman N. Wilson Start dateltime: Width; Height: Material: Location Code: 3/17/20016 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label; Downstream 616,6 1 At455 Oft 10� prlittrard 461.7 tt Ak464.8 tt_� TF-Tap Factory I TFC�Tap-Factory C�amped Category Constructor Feature Category COIIStUlction Feanne At493.8 TI 1'1 At462.9fti2d,-1, APR.Repair Point Calisoory Construction Feature Category Strl.lilllral Ar[5075ftiOr. A1:495.29t21. TFC-Tap Faclp,vCapped TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category'Construction Feature Category Construction Feature At 535.9 it 101 At 509 4 Rat. TF-Tap Factory TBA-Top Break-ill Active Category:Construction Feature Category Construction Feature At548 I ft IV. At5111.5 ft2f TFC-Tap Factory Copped TF-Tap Factory Category.Constructor,Feature Category Construction Feature At658 3 tt lot C TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature MWL Water Level At 566.8 It 8A y rt C atego r ir.M isce Ila ire o us rese ruts RFJ-Roots Fine Joint tr Category�O&IN A1$54,15 11 10ir TF-Tap Factory At6712 4 ft2P. Category:Construction Feature TF-Tap FactDry Category Construction Feature At 984.69t 319 RML-Root Medium Lateral I Category O&M At."5 6 it MAIL..Water.Level Category Miscellaneous Feature AuSIOLO 8814 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category:O&M At 616.8 It AMH•Manhole Category:Constiuctor,Feature A1616 6 ft STOP-nrispechan stopped Category Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 of 3 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue 1.-4 _F E Orlando, FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 ""Xmy yr VAT )7'""7,w�➢i���'' J Jnj r°,N„�'',`"% 'rhT�r�'"✓or�nf� Fr%/6{'�'°i 4,;ry l ferlyawd f i✓rF,'��I wY .r/nY,��i(�6Ni V9' �'vi ryry:BE nitYr r��"rr °' Py�'r -° �i�% :y X/r� v r/:iV'/,J ,/ /�iV „�fhVi � <rrvfi'.,✓lrfiu,�"rd`ii�il"<" I�F�,�,Ji yvl " "% ;r:i)%�e°:��V",>;�/N,r,i ,:''��'Ylr �&r`HFF/G'7111' Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: City: Street: Bozeman G0466 GO467 Bozeman N.Third Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location code: 11/15/2012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label: UPSTREAM 128.0 1 11/15/2012 GO �I I �I I �I o m � pi y } I i i ,..... 14 S.e.Aca u r:er; i At125411 10! A,1126N it,iv TF.7a ri F,1 r, ."°_"y, a RFt Floats FiirF LA*al TE;-Ta ire '-m t,.T1&T Eri_/ At7ry d it 100 'I r 0 IPL _. 9'7F-7ah Far.eroig ikt 6:S k _,�� �F{k 6'_ fl �l TFF_7ar,Fa rtafy'�_'+a e" TF-I op Far,lrxr}. i A641.7 f11 O! At nif Tb-Tap E,ea6-u'. fANJL WWa ket Level \ �r°G04G7 _ a �fCC ST'P'RT A.G:A fNS7 FLUO-Start Insoerhon LgJIJIel tl>•e Fb Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,December 14,2012 1:20 PM Page 1 of 1 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue RAI r__1 TI T E Orlando, FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 „Pi /� ��' Sj/ff r�[ t,"°ra4r����r` a li��-�U,�adra�c�N lu"w fir"�ua✓�✓4 kart;,,1a�,ii ru ru ,,tu»M� �°„ �1 ! t�°�t�J � � ?�'' r(F��,�da61 a � Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: City; Street: Bozeman G0467 G0468 Bozeman S 3rd&Short Start date/time: Width: Meinht;; Material: Location code: 11,/15/2012 6 VCP , Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Iabei: Downstream 223.6 1 11-15-2012 k Ata.o n START WITH FLM-S3WOn5p.dtor With the Flow 4 Ato Oft AMH-Manhuie Ca0d67 f: — AID Dft MWL-WaterLevel 4',At 161.3 it]2l_ _ RPP-Repair Patch At 27.4 h 1 — MNWLS-Wa ter Level Sag At 37.717/4 Category:Structural 'i y — S01 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint — t�At37.1itIW, Category.O&M - �. TS-Tap ere-km At51.11t 2J.rj: At.62 4 ft41. ! TFC-Tap Factory Capped DS2-rJepnsits"Settled Udiei Category O&M At77Jft2l.f ,u �,J,At6741t101, TBI-Tap.Break-in intruding TFC-Tap Fa cto ry Cappdd C:a"dry Ca„"SY — At?1.9ft 1:JP II At 61.9 It 21,r4�_. ... RAP-Repair Patch TFC-Tap Factory Capped A,t74 o ift 101 T13 Tapbreak,in At11a6121.� �At962a101. TF-Tap Factory TFC-Tap Factory Capped 4 HA Qd, At 1309 ftJ� w�At 11511121. N'5 502:h1CU-Camera Underwater --- _ RPP-Repa it Paull ` Category O&M AtY20.91 Ea =' At 150-2 ft 1i MWLS-Water Levei Sau F02 PACU-Camera Underwater Categdry.Strucural ¢� Category:0&I0 i l V'At 125.0 ft 11P. At 1666 it 2) __...— TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped �..._ ,At 151_3 it 10/, TF-7ap Factory R�1'+ J,At 1&1.51121 --- FL-Fracture Longltrfdinal At 197 4 ft 21.� � 1�\ Category.'Structural TFC:-Tap Fadrory Capped At 177 4 ft III RPP-Repair Patch At 16111101 TFC-Tap Factory Gapped rJ At 196.4 tt 315 -- DAZ-Deposits Attached Other Category Dam Omlted.72.2 It ..� Main inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,December 14,2012 1:22 PM Page i of 2 CUFS,Inc. 3600 Rid Vista Avenue Orlando,FL.32805 Phone:407-849-0190 Pax:407-125-1569 Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: City; Street: Bozeman G0467GO468 Bozeman 5 3rd &Short Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location code: 11/15/2012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label! Downstream 223.6 1 11-15-2012 At 21 .1%t iW. O,rOo 2W 4 fl TFC-Tap Fartary Capped At223 r It 714 At222 8 ItY7 C ategor HEN-Hole Soi V F01 RFJ-Roots rine Joif)t Category SlTucl tw isible al y O&M MSA% Abandoned Survey F rrr 00468 Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,December 14,2012 1:22 PM Page 2 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer department Of RQ4 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230? CH2-3290 Bozeman, MT 54717 406.528.3200 Exccu�nrc r Pubrr srr�ce n���it7,/�'`r �i�Lw r6///�r�i,/(�r�urrP� sir �ylv j'•l+�p;J/4i r�l, ,�'�J° ��,o�;,a,'�; I. YI ii laa.d!'G Irl!/Y�,",1i ,1 +iii r ,: � (r ,/r�r� 4,1�� ry,Uf���,'y ray/� ✓�)�' ;��.'�. ✓/� r L CryL l ml r ur Project Name: pipeline Segment Re(: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman G0449-GO450 Bozeman W.Lamme Start date/time: Wldth: Height: Material: Location Code: 4/14/2006 6 VCP Direction: Length,surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Upstream 302.4 1 �•At30--4 it ......... STOP-Inspection slyppµcl - CaTagory MIBCSIBanewus'Faature at;101 4 tt 1.r G4449 ry'/'I 4 it TFC—Tap FartoryCap ped � ,�"i - AMH.Manhole CAFro rfy ur'nrnStruCtlRn Featul< ralegoly ConallucbCJ'11 FZandre J. At 2585 ft1Uf P _. g�-- ^ - � r.,41301'r YI Zf TF Tap FacYnrp '� -.._. -}{g-y_i oie Scii Vis'ihle +-staliory Construction Fcatine G;atepory Sttur.1ura1 At2 `a1ItIL91r ..,. � -.��4.13(01 4 H1�^,1t1" - TG-Tap break-In _... F __.. F:"-Fracture Cilct+mterentlM C,ate✓pory Construcil Feature '�' ,... C,a te!)0 shurKiitaJ .- .. TFp-Tap Factory DafGarc!e Cowgory CorlsiiucVon Feature ....._h At o-7:^ft 366 ...._ .. .'.''.' W V-He l Soil Vislbic cMeclnry.sktictUra?I At^64 t ft-] __- TFC-Tap.Factor,Capped ' ,,.,..category.C.uiistrtitVUn.Featuic 24?9 ft 101 At v ca ;G Cate CJQH CC rb StruGtio n Fe atn2 At24671t3! CL-C racy,Ln nLn itudinal Category Structural 4 ...... TFA-Tap,Factory Ach,Cr At 226 fr tt 12! 4. - categhry+.C struch.'l Featuj' . TPf-_l'rp Freak.+n Actn.e ... C,at�ciprp C.®rtstrtrnricn F_aiur�- F.At- ;C CV 1271: ° �...__`. FFt:-For�tsFneCc+nnectior+ At2-C 5pt 10/ Csteslnlv'rJSP�Y TFF-Tap Facture AGlannoned ;Iat�ciury C,,m*ucttlon Fealute P it2l-' r'tp2.' q _.m........-.,_, TF(,r-Tap Factory Gapped Category Construcbon Feature At^.C1 stt 10! 'I TFC-Tap Factoryrapp­] ._- Caacgoru:.0nSVLMt0nFea1ue - Atf°£,v TS-Tap Sa Unle - _IF,rcrry Gnnstlt t.rcnnn F 9tpr: Ornittect'15„.5 Yt TV Inspection with Pipe-Pun Graph Monday,.dune 16.,2008 2:06 PM Page 1 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of Ro 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O,Box 1230 Xfi Bozeman,MT 59717 406,528.3200 Project Name; Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Loration(Street Name and Number); Bozeman G0449-GO450 Bozeman W.Lamme Start date/time: Width; Height: Material: Location Code; 4/14/2006 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Upstream 302.4 Ornifted,108 9 It TF( Tap Factory(' 0'� apped 4.t IF 1 3 it-t/ TF-A-T D re" in A Ove- it iij, Al 177 1 ft 1 O1 NFJ-Roots,Fine kjr,t 7F Tap:Factory Ca pA-rj Category'op k" Ujt-UO,y Cc st—hon Feature At 164.7,ft 2� 2222 Category Construction Fe.W,e 1 0- At 15t 6 It 3/5 RFJ-Rea tsFl—Jo int 0&M- At 15-"-,It lm A Al 155 G ftS,13 TF,C-T Factory Cappeci RFJ-R..ts I'me Joint C-qte,gary Fonstt ocbo,,F..tvie At 142.9 ft 12/1' Ali 42 1,it 10! 'jal EEL-Roots Ball Lai, TF�Tap Factory 2222 catsq.ly O&M Catsqmy Construction Feztwe At 138.6 it 2L At 14 D 9 It I Q TF-Taip Foclon TS-Top Saddle consiluctDo Feattre Ca�PorV ConstructlonFeatw i At 131 6 ft 4; GL Cracl,Lonpit-idinal At I IF,5 Cat'gwy StruftL"31 T]Fr.:-IA;,Factory "Aped Catdgory C-011SVILIC110r,Feature Ail T4 fl,1110 RML-Ro.ols joedom Lat,,oO- At l 14_A-2+.-._ 2222 .ad TF-Tap factory At I i o� CL Cricki-onaftudina; At ll 2 tt tf)! 4 C2taqOFY StTklctural Caje7F.lajpFaLtjti At 106 7 li,TOY gory CU1 ISULIctup Fc,,Ojf-, CL-Cl—h LOT)giiriidiom Category Strucnlral P.At 100'-,it V MWL�natal L(VO A*n 0 tt2V TFC.Tap Factor y La.ppeck At 77 7 tt IQ Cltegw' y Constuctioll Feature TFC Tat)Factory C:s opej OrTItfted 74.3 It TV Inspection with Pipe Run Graph Monday,June 16,2008 2:06 PM Page 2 Of 3 Clty of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of BoZ 814 N Bozeman Ave P,O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528,3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref! Locality: Location(Street Name and Number)! Bozeman G0449-GO450 Bozeman W.Lamme Start date/time: Width; Height: MateriaT: Location Code: 4/14/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed; Weather Media Label; Upstream 302.4 Qmtted.221.8@ T F C-I F 10 IAWL-VIJT(a,L-1 At5l D it ILAVJL VViV.-I 1,4vF,J Sag CatP—r, Q At4E.4 ft Al 52 V,I JACU-Cameras A141 4 ft V C'atego y mitueflarjeuu rp�etUTL TFc-Tap-rom-,y Cateq-y ConstmbDI,Feato,e At 40 5 it MWIL-Waie r L—al AtZ7,7 it MWI-S Water Level Say TF-Tap Factory At 3S I fi 14V&-,Water Level Cctl�utjctton Fekkllt Cateciory V, MWLS-,/Vlte[L—I S�)g CoWgoryi Hiscelaneous FeatUll., At 17 D ft 2! TF-Tap F"vj,y LEveV 17at(gvi, lAisceljaneoo5 Fa.tuiE At G C f, iVIVVL-4.1er Level At C Cj fL 9T0-'R7 A CA,I N ST,PL 00,-Start losp v cto i i A a in st the Fl. C,tag,j,hj,Cjje,",j,Featly TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Monday,June 16,2008 2:06 PM Page 3 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of BIB} 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 ` Bozeman, MT 59717e ° 4061 528,3200 flortence is Public Serrire ➢ t P 1�"r i , v S.'1 k ✓ f � ly i/. Project Name, Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman G0451-GO452 Bozeman W. Lamme Start date/time: Width: height: Material: Location Cade: 4/14/2008 6 VCP ]Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 334.5 1 +30451 1 }' I' AtGOft - 00>START WITH FLOW,Startlnspechon Wrhathe Flow Category.Miscellaneous Feature f At 6,0 it -- Mt.WL•Watel Level Category Miscellaneous Feature 1P di A t 40 4 it 10x12 BSV-Broken Soil V isible Category Structural At 41 3 ft I D0 TF Tap Factory Category.Construction Feature At 534,11 21; 1 TFA-TapFactoryActive - Cateyary:Construction.Feature � V At67.G it 101. M TFC-Tap Factory Copped Category'.Construction Feature Rl 1�' I At79 9 ft^1. 4 NTF-Tap Factory ...�. .....,.r.,,..,�., Category'Construction Feau.ne 14101. ---- TFA-Tap Factory Aclive J Category:Construction Feature Q1 At1041it 2r. TFC-Tap Factory Capped. AL 116.3 it 101. Category Construction Fuature TFC:Tap Factory Capped Categoty_Constr ucto n Feature YAt 429,5 It 214-- - ---- ..' -.,... B Broken-- Category.Stuctural At128.3tt21 __.� w.r At 140.5 It 12/t2 TF-Tap Factory ----- rte FC-Fracture CircunrterentlaI Category Constuction Feature category- „� yA.t14gS1t1D/ TF Tap Factory Category Construchon Feature .....� 4L'At 143.2 it 12L on,ttod '1885 H ...._ ......_ CL-Crack Longitudinal Category Structural TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Monday,June 16,2008 2;07 PM Page 1 of 3 City of 13ozeman Water/Sewer Department of.uq& 614 N Bozeman Ave �=sF k P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 ­X6 406,526.32co Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref°: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman G0451-GO452 Bozeman W. Lamme Start date/time: WWth: Height: Material: Location Code: 4/14/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed; Weather; Media Label: Downstream 334.5 1 At 14 3,8 it Ai, Crafted 138,Oft C�;Ciarck rongitudinat Category.Structural ':7 At 152.5 ft 21. At 1 648 it ioj; TFA-Tap Facto iyActive -TrCI-Tapractorycapped C81egofy Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature At 169.0 it 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped —Calegury-Lonstrucitton"Featurre- At 177.0 tt2l TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construcboll Feature ft CC-Crack Circunnfeieohai -210 ygwr.strutulm V At-213-.5 ft I OL TF-Tap Factory Categury:ConstructiorrPearture At201.3 ft 2), TFC-Tap Factnry Capped At213 5 n3Q- Category:Cc hstrucbo n Feature C&M- RFL�Category'ROQt5 Fine ateTal . r, At 226'7 ft7/9 FC-RactureCircuraterentiol Category:structural At225_6 t2l- CIL-Crac k LonQjtUdinal TF-Tap Factory Cntng_ory:,��truqnurai- Category.Construction Feature hA TFC--Taw Fa6foryCapTied Ai aS.S nEf4 Category Construction Feature RFJ-Rapt Fln�JQ01t category"O&M At 241.1 it 104 'TB'-"Tap Break-in Category.Construcben Feature At249 8 ft2I, At248.4 f1:12 112 TF-Top Factory FC-Fra ctute Gincurriterenbal category.Cc nstrucbon Feature 0 0 te go r Y:S tr U Ctu ra I At249.8 ft219 -RML-RootsMOdkinn Lateral Cate 9 o ry:06 M A t 2 50,5 ft NIVVL-Nater Level Category:Miscellaneous Feature At 264.9 it MWL-WaterLevel Category"Miscellaneous Feature CAT.ine,dr 49.5 ft TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Monday,June 16,2008 2:07 PM Page 2 Of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department 614 N Bozeman Ave P.C.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 X6 406.528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality; Location(Street Name and Nurnber): Bozeman G0451-GO452 Bozeman W. Lamme Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 4/14/2008 6 VCP Direction; Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 334.5 --------------- ------- At261 9 tt 101 Omitted^57:3 it 'TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category,Construction Feature At2863 ft 101 At"740ft'� TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC-7a1,Factory Capped Category:Cons atsgoiy Cvn�buctonFeatute tr C: Ucton Feature At'_903 ft 101; TB.Tap Break-in '12 Cate pory:-Constructon Feature J At 310-3 It 101 Tap Factory At296,-�fI2( TF-Tap Factory Caleqory:Constructor Feature Category CohStruCtitn Feature AtSiO 3 lt2fl I RML-Roots Medire.Lateral _category:O&M At 320.0 ft MWL-water Level Gategory:M iscellaneous Feature At �-.-I ft,1 At 328.3 t 1p TFC-7aFacrollycalppad MWL-WarterLevel Ca"oTy Construction Feature Gategory-M lscellaneous Feature yi A031.6 tt1211'. RPR-Repair Point Category Structural 1 . At 334.5 It ✓�CD 4t'� ..... AMH-Manhole Category,construction Feature At 334.6 ft STOP-Inspection stopped Category:Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Monday,June 16,2008 2:07 PM Page 3 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer department of BQ4 814 N Bozeman Ave ' P.O. Box 1230 ceti azoo Bozeman, MT 59717 406.528.3200 fxceNence in Public Servicc r s!ll+w i� 'YY/✓%'��r 9i„yrrm wr�,a CC, r, � rl"�.r�/�1!±r,(Ir ri Ns+F ,riylt�/'�-<u d a#i;.�:�frf�y.y�n»yr ii�r7g 4z�G U+b9 f ',fy9l^x' ,�rv�p�rvra r�rY"b'iy r, ;Y C� Y l"� e; 'r/r?hk��, ✓�'�>nr�yr/��//r� �F� N i"�r ",� " h ,I Y F" L"��°`"Y � t< ! �k�itr� q. �'1,i M� 1 � %/��t�i� ��y'��;y,,'/y�H �%+�"Yljy���;.�/ ly �, I rk ��.�+�r)f�lrlfy r�Y�!'+%y„,�t�'(d I��”�.,,��'� 4��',i� ,jar V `;,i✓» q�w°.a'. I.���"i�'%J`;�. /���il �� v/i�ri,:/��/fi��;, ;;"rr1(!iY','ly�„ (-:;: ����%��✓ri'�r1�//�i :,;.�k� ��,NwbWir;�':'r�i;�/dl,%�1' a"(�,I1.61/i �'r�, ��1 PhlY,,,:.�C�,",���i�%�'Y� �ftll�+'��r��2 ��a li%i�;�r„N�Fi/�>»��a�s ��//„%'fy'Af11 Project Name: pipeline Segment Ref; Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman G0452-GO453 trozeman W. Lamme Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 4/14/20108 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 308.1 1 AtU ft START WITH FLOW-Start lnspacs'on Wtth the Flow - .— Category.Miscellaneous Feature At4.5.R. j At 1248-'r — MWL-Water Levol 4' Category,wscellaneousFeature - TF-Tap Faetary - Cate®o'ry-Const uctioll Featul'e ..__.__...._ 2'S.J ft 1 b1 TF-Te..pFaetory- �,,J _—Catagary CRnStraehan Feature ..... .. At 25 D 8215 RFL Roots Fine Lateral At368ft21 Category 08 TF..Tap Factery Category,Construction Feature I h/ At-48:8-t 101. :.- TFC-Tap Fa ctmry Capped_-- ;. add Category At56 /9e Caory Construction Feature TS-Tap Sadtl -- Category Construction Feature At609 ft2f TFC-Tap Factory Capped -="`-. �+At 73.28101. t° Category:Construction Feature TF-Tap Factory a,o -.. Category:Construction Feature ` A 73.2812112 `�- RML-Roots Medium Lateral m; At 862827. a w TFC-Tap Famry Capped — �Tr-Tap Fad' Q k Category-CurlsVuctio n.Feature - 7r-Tap Fa dory C tagory:Construction reatuta At07.7 h2111 RBI--Roots Sall Lateral. - { Category.C?S.M At 110,0821. At 1052ft7Ji0 , TFC-Tap Factory Capped -- 'F.lZr REJ-Roots.Fine Joint Category Construction Feature Category MU TF-Tap Fa story Category,Construction Feature At 121.8 8116 At 134.0 ft2/ I,, ---RM'L-.Roots MedlurmLateral_. TF-Tap Factory --.- .-. ...: Category:09M Category:Construction Feahue `- ` "' �Al 134.0 8715 �— RML-Roofs lrte blunt Lateral Categoty�C7&M r tl' At 146 ft 141,- TFC-'tap Facto ry Capped C'.. _..._.._-..... ...... ....—..... .............. ._m-....-. -- CategoI TCoast-action Feature 0m41ed.15'6.2 ft TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Monday,.tune 16,2008 2:07 PM Page 1 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of 8@ 814 N Bozeman Ave '4 M)XIS P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528..3286 Project Name: Pipeline Segment:Ref: Locality: Location(Street.Name and Number): Bozeman G0452-GO453 bozeman W. Lamme Start date/time: Width; Height: Material: Location Cede, 4/14/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed^ Weather: Media Label: Downstream 308.1 1 At158.5ft2f At151.8 ft814 Omitted 157.1.ft TFC-Tap Fa�ctary Capped .- --- RFJ-Roots Fine Joint 1 .....----... Categata CunstztictiociFe.tir; Category O&M ,. �At1711tt701_ At 1738ft814�w �"� TFC Top Factory Capped RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category-ConstiuttRon Feature Cakrgary O&M +�At 172..2.ft 10f1 At181.Oft:P RTd-Roots Trap Joint .. TS-Tap Saddle .- Categavy'Oam Categary Construction Feature Al 182.9 ft27,y, i- ?�At 195.3 it 10I _ TFC-To p Fa ctDiy Ca ppe d TF-Tap Factory - Category:Constuction Feature Category.Gonstructioo Feature RFJ Roots Fine Joint - — . -category:O&M . At207 0 it2t. AtU 3 tt3r5 TFC-Tap Factory Capped _--,— "•.� Y RFJ-Roots Fine Joint { Category:Construction Feature i!, Category: °J 0a-M =' 1 At2204it3m At2193It-IOK - RFJ-Rddls Fore Joint -- -- .--'- TF.Tap FsM,y . .n ,t M v CaEogory,Oonstructlan Feature ' Category 08M At 215:7 ft 92112 .. 9 At 231.5 R21.k RBL.Roots BalPLateial _.-. . TF-Tap FaetWY -Catogbryy Cem ... Category:Construction Feature . .. -- ... .. At243.8ft.f a TFC-To p Factory Capped ------ Category.Construction Feature - A125$.4 ft 101. „ .— .TrA-Tap Factory Active "d Category:-Canstivction.F.eatul:e - J 7 r At 257.9tt12111 9, ' �+AtZ81.0 t-101- RPR-Repair Point — ...--- TFC Tap Facpary Capped Category Structural a -- ,i"°.......__— . _..... ! Category Constuction Feature i�A t290.I It 1215 J _RFC-Roots Fine Connection- Category C&M. -. At2901 ftlY. i 'F6.-Top Break-in �.�-- --.MwL-Wate L1JoYeJ _-. Category'Construction Feature Category.Miscellaneous Feature At 301,3 ft 418 4 1r At298.4 tr RAGS-Deposits Attached Grease -- r -'-.. -MWL,Water Level.... _._ Category:GS I0 m' Category Miscellaneous Feature At303 1 ft21, FL-Fracture Longitudsnal �i J W453 Category.Structural TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Noonday,June 16,2008 2:07 PM Page 2 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of 80 $11 N Bozeman Ave P.0,Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 X6 406.526.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Localjtyr Location(Streat Name and Number): Bozeman G0452-GO453 bozeman W. Lamme Start date/time: Width: Height! Material; Location Code: 4/14/2008 6 Vcp Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 308.1 A1:302 I ft v.:9 OrNted ft .- AtAkd-k-0'anhola E p(7-- T" Cslegory Construction Featwe At 30t,1 ft 4 5 3 STOP-Inspection stopped C@"oTy!AisceWneoosliearote cn TV Inspection with Rpe-Run Graph Monday,June 16,2008 2!07 PM Page 3 of 3 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue RA, T E Orlando, FL 32805 ` Ih gene r<a bl� 6 ilnnoe Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 " � S "y1 l l < E �"r 7 ix G'."`.v ✓d um l�0 'o' T 9 Project Name: pipeline segment ref: City: Street: Bozeman G0453_FO403 Bozeman W. La.mme Start date/time: Width! Hei ht: g Makerial: Location cede: 11/8/2012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label: Downstream 332.6 At0.0'Pt C?QA53 l y`I! _ START WITHFLC'JV-Start Inspection With the Fla,, Atb0it AMH-MWIllole AtO.Oft yQfj MwL-Water Level I A t 53.4 it 101. At431 ft2l.�, TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped ' .y At 69.9 it t,AWLS-water Level Sag Category:Structural Atiss:ft2J At71.5it TFC-Tap ractorF Capped RPR-Pipe Replaced A1.75.13tY12f2 ` - - -- CC-Crack C iTcuroterenhal Category Structura l At 91 Acty `W-.....,.., +At78.7 it.10i TFA.-Tap Factory ACdv6 `°.- TF-Tap Factory t u A196.1 it5r na -- DAGS-Deposits.Attached Grease m .C53h1 � At 115' ftw f_w �� Category ;m' TF-Ta r,Fa cto ry At 103 4 ft 1 D1 TFC-Tap Factory Capped _...._ ..._.� �� �'At 126.3 n IO.r At Cap d ry. TFC-lap Factorm y Capped TF-TapFactory At 153.0 ft 10i TFC-Tap Factory Capped TF-Top Factory .- -- At 4778 ft 101 TF-Tap Factory AtI90 41 TFC-Tap Factory Capped --� ......_. y+At202.9ft 101 TFC-Tap Factory Capped Al2 I 5.'ft 21.>j TF-Tap Factory ... �.At2^E..Ott 101 f _ - TF-TapFactory . At 234.9 It Orntled'37.2ft _. -- ® RPR-Pipe Replaeea Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,December 14,2012 1:18 PM Page I of 2 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue R,4,.t-4 T E Orlando,FL 32805 Phone:407-849-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 Protect Name! Pipeline segment ref: City: street: Bozeman G0453FO403 Bozeman W. Lamme Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location code: 11/8/2012 6 Vcp Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label; Downstream 332.6 4 At 251.8 ft OMANI 23301 f RPR.Pipe Replaced At 239 4 ft 21 At 260.9 it 101 Saddle Actve TSA Tap TFA-Tap F.ct,,y Acti- At 26C 9 it 12{12 ----- R�=Ftoots8a11Cbnnacfion pIp Category'O&M At'79.7 it 101, ro nib TFC-Tap Factory Capped 7F-Tap Factory ro At279,7 ft 12112 RBC-Roois Ball connection Category O&M At 292.0 ft'i. At 296_1 it 1213 TFC-Tap Factory Cap Poor CM-Crack Multiple Category:Structural TFC-TapPactoryiZoppad At3la.8 it RPR-Pipe Replaced A1:327 6 it 1.111. CC-Crack Gircuwnferenpal Category Structural F0403 F 12 At3297fl DO>STOP-hisp.cila.stopped A 2,6 ft t= AMH-Manhole Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,December 14,2012 118 PM Page 2 Of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of B04 81.4 N Bozeman Ave °twat W P.O. Box 1230 , Bozeman, MT 59717 406.528.3200 e��eue��e;a ramr rre /f1 irF% 11rDl r��i�fl '��jr�A+ik fir" 'j�l ll�w,�r��,ra'/1�� ��- rTr�v�7��y�e t/���rFv,,�^?�ur,�ld ;�hvrklr�i„��t ,�1F+r4",ui�Alrkr,�1f� '���l�rr>yg7 oar,✓y�"��Ji"�'T, ir7ri�, ���. ��a�°�r�,,`���1n��Y l'� if,t rf: 1�, � 1 �t•...�,a,�rj'r��g tl ,.it�'' �`� �y: ' 4j�� � 1H p.�;y��Jf l°1,�""''�y�rh,rl� , '/�y�1 q-� r �1'���//il�l�n����",�."i�« ;,,Y�,;huyr2��� ���,uti'/�������yr�;��y`�I T,�";,����Nr,''��K;.;��.,/���ll�'�� n '�;��,,;a�� ,��� �I��Ir�i/����,����1nJrW>• ��' /����'�` Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0416-FO424 Bozeman Lamme St. Start dateftime: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/1.3/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 369.6 1 - y, AtE.ott --- �START WITH FLt:7VU-Start InsiJecpon 11110,the Flon• F041@ I� 'Category:Miscellaneous Feature y J�;"*^"�� �At50it --. MtNL-Water Level Category Miscellaneous Feature �+At6.0 p5R DSF-Deposits Settled Fine Category C8M At 28.1 It 121 —-RPP-Repair-Parch ! Category.Structural .... At 62.2 it 1.21E RFJ.Roars Fine Joint . Category..0&M At 41.3 M2(.`# ',+V,r TFC•Tap Factory Cappe cl _.. _.._ " +k At 55.7 it 10! Category:Construction Feature �� TFA-Tap Factory Active a Cate gory-Construction Feature At 55.7 It CL-Crack,Longitudinal _ Category Structural At 58A 11:101 CL-Crank Longitudinal At67.9 It 21.y -Category:Structural TFC-Tap Factory Capped — 4. F+ Category Construction Feature At 68A It.^.d, ?v FL Fracture Longitudihal Category.Structural - w At-77.0 k21.._ CL•Crack Longitudinal Category Stuctura4 At 94,1 ft 2,° At 811.0 Ili o1,. TFC-lap Factory Capped TF-Tap Factory --. .Category Construction Feature Category.Canshuction Feature ` 41� `-- FL-Fracture Longitudinal y Catagary.structural Att08.5 ffitOY. TFC-7a p Factory Capped ` a=:• Category.Construction Feature At 120.6ft21. �... TFC-Tap Factory Capped At 115.51t-3Ce .. Category-Construction Feature ° — FM-Fracture MUluple -Category.Structural- _ VAt116.9It 12V_ TFC:-Tap Factory Capped @Vy Qategory Constructor Feature 4rrdtted'.2'..'S 91t .. ._...._._._..._ TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of BO& 814 N Bozeman Ave P.D.Box 1230 r Bozeman,MT 59717 X Project Name; Pipeline Segment Ref; Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0416-FO424 Bozeman Lamme St. Start date/time: Width: Height; Material: Location Code: 3/13/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather,; Media Label; Downstream 369.6 1 At 127 r t21 omitted:121,3 ft -_.- CL-Crack.Longftudital -.. Category St.uctural At^In1 8 R9i FL-Fracts.rre Longitudinal i Category Structural 1...r ...; r�•At 134,7 R 1W TFC Tap Factory Copped Category Canstruo4on Feature At 1474 ft^l. , . At 450 Bt'J TFC P Y Capped Gaieg Y Con tru 4on Fe "�..-„' FL-Fracture Longitudinal Ca tegoryStructura l At 161.8 ft 141. TFG-Tap Factory Capped 'V --•''' _.Category:Ctrnstrur6u�n Feature. .. -- +-At 165.5 RtWD TB-Tap Brea k.in At173:7ft<_l Category:Construction Feature TF-Tap Factory f - .._-_ Categnry:ConstuctronFeature - - At-176,aft { RFJ-Room Flne Joint _Cate gory.ogrtA ..... ,.,. r +.At i 801 ft 7.19 - +n� RFJ-Roots Fine Joint n At-100 4 ft 2P.,` Gategory'a&kA TFC p Y pp 0 T, Top V - a actor Capped 5 T, Category.Constructor)Feature Cate or CoTB-Tton Feature TFA-lap FactoryACBve At.Ow Rol. .Category:Construction Feature TB-Ta.Break-iii — - �- url g yAt."137ft116 _. .. . At205.311314 y' ._. -CC•Crack-GRcumferentiat RFJ-Roots.Fine Joint Category-structural Category:o&t4 + At214.71t1Or. ----TFG Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature ' At i.26:9 ft27. .., TFC-Tap Factory Capped . Category Construction Feature }At241-R101. ----- TFC-Tap Factory Capped- Category:Constructon Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped -.._... Category.Consvuction Feature �r At 284 4 ft 3r -.-.- FL--Fracture Longitudinal Category'.Svuctutal y__.._. .__..., ...._ � 'y At 267 A It 101 Orntttad 9a.B tt '_. --- TJr'C-Tap Factory Capped Category,Construction Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7 43 AM Page 2 Of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department L'f BQ'_4 814 N Bozeman Ave '5'�=-MrUN P.O.Box 1230 , �cv Bozeman,MT 59717 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref; Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0416-FO424 Bozeman Lamme St. Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/13/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 369.6 1 T AUP25 1126 Oroltred 275�7 ft RFJ-Hoots Fine Joint At 2:7"6 It-21 1. Category MM TFC-Tap Factory Capped At289 I ft-�/ Category C,an6buction Feature FL-Fracture I.Dngltudinai Categbiy'Stru Chiral At291 Oft 101. CL-Crack Longftudirni Catetl6ry'Structural At 293 7 It 101, At306.0 tt21 TFC-Tap Factory Capped TF-Tap Factory Category:Consaucbc,n Feature Category,Construction Feature 4 At 3-_O I it 101. TRIF-,Tap Factory Active W.jw Category:Construction Feature ft21. ;V At3al�3 fir 101 V TFC-Tap FaA Peccary Capped _' I 1 11 FL-Fractria L6`6glEja il Category Constructor n Feature Category Structural At350.3trl wy 161-Tap EreaWrr Intruding Category.Construction Feature Atg53.-ft1--14 At355 5 fl.64 i HSV-Hole Soil Visible FM-Fracture multiple Category,Structural Category:Structural AA357 A ��Q it J I� At 69 5 It 6-Broker y AMH-Manhole Category Structural Category.Con Si Feature At369.6 ft �P)14424 STOP-Inspeci stopped _ Category:Miscellarre.usf`eatope TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer department Of Bol 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 ty, Bozeman, MT 59717 406.528.3200 1 p/i'1&r 1 sr r Is"1rr1 l7kr,r (F+ n rye r//1��hr,�ry��w ry r j'Y�(�l'�i��,u,�,,ir,�r r11�IJ,�,x4�rkr�i,a n n �'s"�yp✓''J��'�''F' r%"`!�'`a�a'l�'`�'I.l"rlt t oi t r9j`�SC ix it . ��r lYN�„k�M1%'`;'j T> "�� 11 r A� x f Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0421-FO423 Bozeman N Black Start dateAime: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 6/11/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 171.0 4 >s»>Ate.or START WITH FLOW-Star Inspection With the Flaw Galegory:Miscellaneous Feature At 6.0 I.," Fg,S2t /'-' - Cat lap Factory = Category:Construction Feature �±A17.2 tE 101. At 6.0%4d, TSA-Tap Saddle Active TF-Tap Factory Category:Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature At 9.3 It 1.01. 10011 TSA Tap Saddle Active Category;Construction Feature tGUti At 11.9 ft MWL-Water Level Category:Miscellaneous Feature 'At21Ait1216 At39Zft21. r -- CC-Crack Circumferential TS•Tap Break-in Category:Structural 40.0 ft Category:Construction Feature At21.8 It 121. HSV-Hole Soil.Visible Category:Structural :yl 0 fi' �+At41.1 ft 60.0f MWL-Water Level Category:Miscellaneous Feature r� r s +At64:8 ft 101. 7C,Or s TFC-Tap Factory Capped '— Category:Construction Feature H -y 80 0 r. 4 m MWL-Water Label Category:Miseelllaneous Feature IR1a41 licnrl At121.3ft Q0`1r; MWL.Water Level Category:Miscellaneous Feature vJ?r. �r At 143-6 It 140 0 t1 MWL-water Level. (... Category:Miscellaneous Feature ominad 2z.61ii. TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Monday,June 16,2008 11:04 AM Page 1 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department p6 80 814 N Bozeman Ave t,��m' rxa R P.O.Box 1230 t, Bozeman,MT 59717 .muv�Xs 406.528,3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0421-FO423 Bozeman N Black. Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 6/1.1/2008 6 VCP Direction; Length surveyed; Weather: Media Label: Downstream 171.0 4 At 150.3 n c Orritted:147.0 ft MWL-Water Level - ._ '� Category:Miscellaneous Feature 15008 r �r At 18'8.4 R 12!12. ,F-- CC-Crack Circumfaranhal 160.0 fi Category.Structurai 5 At171.0ft °rn'V .- AMH-Manhole ri00fi Category:Construction Feature �F0428 �At171.81L 5T©P-Inspection stopped Category:Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Monday,June 16,2008 11:04 AM rage 2 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of Bpi $14 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717ar�:°° X 406.52$.3200 ft-awe in Fu4dre service �/ ���4` �" J)l 1 ��%"".�� 7 �`D I I o l�µd� �t �.� jr4J� µ✓!, 4 y l! ��y�"p�N!^'a. 4 �'y w,�W/ !.�. ,;w,J�1��/' ,�✓C�t�!1 ?Y9'� ��/ / +!�„�)�/1�/ r/(/,�/r ��j��% / ��F/r� 9/1ri 0., �rT... in,/�- � 1/ ;I,U,K, d'�1,,�Nih,�.. i U39 �N"y t� �' .r�.9"/i� ✓,// �r�� �l Y�IJ�i/a,s� �r�.�K��z�,/t/,.��r f.�,,,,,:�, ,.,�Iwf�ii?ff'���r//�7@�" !%/�'F�'i f� '��,,2fo��7��hi� !,1;y9�%,�,?;�'�G� ,T!'%°r,,��1�' G,'r ',�1,r✓r ����r�i� y/��t, ��1��`�'�f�!, Project Name! pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number'), Bozeman F0425-FO426 Bozeman N Black. Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Loration Code: 2/19/200$ 6 VCF Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 326.4 ¢ U1,�5 At6ort F =' h START WITH FLOW-StViiinsnectionWith the Flaw Category_Miscellaneous Feature V At 18:0 h1.^1 %.— CL-Crack Longitudinal ! Category,Structural At 15,3 ft 31 1i; 4/ At27Z tt7r12 TF-Tap Factory - - ---. -/ —fC Fra ctuwe Citeum fare hpaI Category'Construction Feature Category:Structural Y' At-24Rt91. / �-- TFC-TopFactoryCapped Category:Construction Feature A01.6 It 1U .TS-Tap Saddle _ Category:Construction Feature i At33 2It.101, — TS-TapSaddle At41.6 ft 3.w yl Category Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped yh At 37.0 tt 12112 c Category Construction Feature ..._.m FM-Fracture Multiple catigoty.structural '6 r`+ ) Vy AL39.31t4L ' ^ FL-Fractl.ueLongindinal Category,Structural At55.9h91. ti TFC....Tap Factory Capped rn Category Construction Feature At631 ft'2l AYSi,2.t[41&' TFC-Tap Factory Cappedy- HVV-110e Void Visible Category Co nskrucC c an Feature Cateo Structural A1,67 2ft12112 -- FM-Fracture Multple V Category Structural At71 3 tt$1. CL-Crack Longitudinal Category.Structural rl+At 82-6 it 9! TF-Tap-Fadbry At562ft3f, 4' %10 Category Construction Feature TF-Tap Facbry Category Construction Feature CM-Crack MUt4.phe y, Gate gory:Structural t�At 97.9 ft T21 CL-Crack:LongitudinM k___._...-, _....... Category_Structural DrAtted<12.2.h TV inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of 804 614 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 xs 406.526.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality. Location(Street Name and Nurnber): Bozeman F0425-FO426 Bozeman N Black Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 2/19/2006 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather; Media Label: Downstream 326.4 AtlCi 0 it 1M -1Otted;101,6A — TS-Tap Saddle Category Construction Fsa..to re �•' ry At 107.3 tl 101. At110-1it1„'di •a !w/ TS-TapSaddl'e Category C4nstnXon r Feature RPR-Repair Point -Y_ _. _... .. Category:Structural 'w At 109 1 n91. V' T_FC-Tap_Factpry Capped Category Construction Feature At 1'dt 4 431.�d TF-Tap Factory At'*2 5 i 31. Category Construction Feature FL-Fr re Longitudinal F - ryt r chal I �rAtt356A91 TF•Tar,Fattoty ---. Category:Construction Feature V -- CL-Crack Longitudinal ---.'"- ._.._Category.Structural At 1487 Al2, At 147.6 it 31.•Y FL.Fracluie.Longitudinal TFC.Tap Fa ctory Capped ---r _ Category.Structural Category:Construction Feature o At 159 1 it 12 M' `v FL-Fracture Longitudinal fi� Category.Struck.rral a 4At162.1A91. ___,� TF-Tap Factory Category:Construction Feature -- = t Ai 154.4 A-M - CC-Crack Ctrcurrgerential -Category_Structur_af At 174.2 ft 31 At 175.3 A 3t. TF-Tap Factory .M. ..-_._ ... FL-Fro cture Longitudinal t atogory:Cans&ructlan Feature Category:Structural , At176;3A91_ . -- FL-Fracture Longitudinal i Category.Structural TFC-Ta p Factory Capped Category Construction Feature At Ctl03 A3!,V ��At 197.6A121 . vim. J TFC Tap Factory Capped ---- CL--Crack Longitudinal Category Construction Feature Category'Structural Chnr#ed:115 8 A TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7A3 AM Page 2 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department 'i Of BOZO. Y, 614 N Bozeman Ave P.C.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528,3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number)! Bozeman F0425-FO426 Bozeman N Black Start dateltime: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 2/19/2006 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 326.4 At:1--.1 it 121 OnNtted.210 3 ft FL-FgoCtrir.Longitudinal Category StflUlula[ fff A t 2.14 S)ft 9f TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature %.00 At-.26 4 tr 12! At.227 1 rt3i FL-Fracture Longitudinal TFC-Top Factory Category Structural Category'Construction Feature At230 6 it I V CL-Crack Longitudinal Category Structural At241 6ft9J TF-Tap Factory Category Conetucbon Feature At25G 21t 7814 CM-Crack MuNP)a Category Structural TFC-Tap Fa story Capped ___7 Category Construction Feature At::67.8 101 TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Future 14 I %V At271.1 It7A z CAA_Crack Muttiple Category Structural CL-Crack Longitudinal COTEgOry'StrucUrld At"80 1 ft3l. At It 101 TFC;-Tap Factory Capped TS-Tap Saddle category Construction Featule Category:Construction Feature At286.5 ft141 TS-Tajo Saddle Category.Construction Feature At 293 P ft 91 FL.Fracture Longitudinal Category Structural At294.5fl9f TFC-Tppfar.tDry Capped Category Collsvocholl Feature At 208 8 it 31 Y t At�97 a 119T TF-Top Factory FL.Fracture Longitudinal nstuctirm FeAtme category:SpuAtural YAo07'8 it 1213.. FM-Fracture tAlAtipie Category Co Category Structural 0mitrod 7 1 it TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 Of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department C?P 8q 814 N Bozeman.Ave �4 P.O.Box 1230 Bateman,MT 59717 406.SZ8.3200 Project Name:: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0425-FO426 Bozeman N Black Start date/time: Width: Height: Materiai: Location Code: 2/19/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 326.4 At3264ft F.Chniteo.32451 AMH-Manhol6 RN - -Y'�+ f,ategory Co,10fucton Feature p— r_..... .� At 3264 it l"•..+.,F — :STOP-Inspecton stopped 5 Category?miscellaneous Feature W TV Inspection With Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,Larch 25„2008 7:43 AM Page 4 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of QQZ 614 N Bozeman Ave C.r P.O. Box 1230 t Bozeman, MT 59717 �®z."°�• Xot 406.528.3200 E.­&­in pnta.er ;r �(l � r r�l,;-� J��Ij/-!i,,i f s l,�d'Ni��.u�!,yea,;,(. r.C!�,r/( l h -�,'�xm'd��u-�, ?„,m'N�y 3�¢rU ,�rr7;l�,u✓,,rrc,�.""Z�'r,�' u!rlyr ��l un y�u,TlLy.,,,,;.r,r,�)+,�, /;,,�;;f�/i,%°lr,�:flY'///i'�(C��1:/errs& G�r�1 �u r� �r��,!/L:,�ta��� l�Yif�//�✓!� ,,�,� ri�lr�l���ll'�F1:.�a�”,�%„��,'%I''�Irrr/!,'y).Jr"„(ui,,�lai,��c�n„ iii��tiUVJ�:���,>;,�+��,�T'��J"����, Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0426-FO427 Bozeman N Black Start date/time: Width:. Height: Material: Location Code: 3/10/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: weather: Media Label: Downstream 360,6 1 At 6 o it START WITH FLOW-Start lnspecton With the Flaw Category:kitscellaneous Featthre F04"5 AtI6 1)tt MVVL-waterLevel Cate garyMlscallaneousFeature i i CL-Crack Longitudinal Category,structural I N" ti At32.5it10f. 'Y Fl.—sacture-LPngitu(IinaI Category:Structural „ �A0E5tf37. f` Ct-Crack Longrh.duri �. Category Structural At44:2n&P_ At43.0 tt^r r — FL-Fracture Langitudirla6 _. TFC-Tarp Factory Capped Category StrucWra.I..' .. Category Construction Feature A154 E'lt 10/ FL-Fracture Longttudinai, Category.St ucturap... At57,5 , -- ------------"=” At ft)M1 Tr- ~ Y Capped category Feature CM-Crack Multiple Ca Category-StrucuraI M _ At69.3-1t'101 TFC-Tap Factory Capped -Category Construstton-Feature �. At 74:8.tt 21. -- FL-Fracture LonglWdlnal ¢� AtI339tt2l.y - -Category_Structural__ ._ TFC-Tap Factory Capped —... .-- .,k At342 ft24 Category'Construction Feature J w— FL'Fracture Longftudlnai eatugory Structural - i At95.._1 R.101. ,�"`---- TFA-Tap Factory A..ctiue category.Construction Feature V At.97 0 it tot, li CL-Crack Longitudinal TFC-Tap Factory Capped: ---_ `4 -Category Structural Category Construction Feature �� \ At99,0 rI CL-Crackl_ongftudina6 Ca'tegory.Strucwral r�At1073Yk 111_ V FL-Fracture LonglIIrdinal Category.Structural OnMlxed:2:0.:tt . TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer department pF B0 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O..Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 55717 406.528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Locat on(Street Name and Number):. Bozeman F0426-FO427 Bozeman N Black Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/10/2006 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 360.6 1 At 111.22 R9{ Omitted,107A t -- FL-Fracture LongltudioaI ._ ..... - -�� m Category Shuctuml AttG1.9It1oV- I` — TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature �At12r 91tD — FL-Fractme Longitudinal . Category.StructuraI At 13'6.'5822/. ` yr At 1279 ft 17 TFC-To p Factory Capped --- .' - DACS-deposits Attached Crease, Category:Construction Feature Category.QBtd At 139.4 ft 111. CL Cra Gk Longitudinal { _ Category Structural y r �Ak1-09.2 8141. At 162,3 ft:l>� - TFC.Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature Category.Construction Feature -,..,....-..-�; At 172A ft%411:t� c RPR-Repair Point — ,P+n Category Structural At 174.9R21.�. TFA-Tap Factory Active Category_Construction Feature s ( At 198.5It a 1229.TFC-Ta Factory Cap ped — : Category Const uction Feature t(At 997.8 R cL-Crack t_angtnedhla! _. calegoi­Y7 Structural �At 242.6_It 1-0/ � TFC-Tap Factory Capped__.__ Category:Construction Feature At«14 B TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feahlre At 2129.0 it 101 _TFA Tap Factoryy Active. ..._ I N Category,Construchon Feature rk At 241 4 it 101 .. — TFC•Tap Factory Capped Category'Constructon Feature �f i j At;,55.6 ft2r.vl: .Y TFC-Tap Factory Capped „. rirniaea 143.6ft �aYe gory,Constructor Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25„2008 7:43 AM Page 2 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of BOZ4 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 tt Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment ReN Locahty: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0426-FO427 Bozeman IN Black Start date/time: Width: Height: Materlat: Location Code; 3/10/200B 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream, 360.6 1 At261 7 ft 1W Cntredr-_W 4 4 TFC-7'r"'c'n rl G 0 pre, Category coll-firucholl Feature At269 I ft7* BSV-Broken Soil Visible 6-- Category,Structura I 4 C)At271 I ft416 At292.0ft) H'v v-Hole void VisIble TFC-Tap Factory Gapped -- Category Structural Qat6Voly Construction reaftce At 2d6.0 ft 101 TEA-'Tap Break-in Arrive Category:Constructon Feature A 1:229A.0 ft104 TFC-Tap Factory Capped ra Ooteqcuy,Colistrucbon Feature At3O8 3 ft2l� At297,5 ft 10✓L TFC-Tap Factory Capped CL-Crack toriftudinal E; Category.Construction Feature Category:st'ucluml Z w. -At311 4 ftlOi. FL-FiacWle,LongMidnal a to Category Structural 4,At320Aft10l TFC-Tap Factory Capped A1:3345tt2l Coolegory"Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped A045 9 f1i0i TFA-Tap Facry Attrva Category Construction Feature yi Colegory.Constructor FeatuFactory At 355 a rt Bf-, DAGS.Deposit Attached Grease Category 081,1 At 96068 AMH-Manhole Category.Construction Ftatufe YF04..17- At360 6 ft STOP-Inspection stopped Category.Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department OF BO 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 1 t Bozeman, NIT 59717 406.528.3200 E—euen ee ra ruble 3,e—, ll J ri/'. m�, ill A4�� i r;ia3y 1121'l, , " gya a9nr't7 r,YFr » !% := H hLy r r y or P9yT?i jwJ /yy ;glf .�/ r .c1,y,., wf�Jr is /a /< �i��� i q ) r Rs� / ✓ �� ,,1�y fl� /yr rwli 'rl / /r�'' na ,p 1p 4u�➢� r wk.. a.IMr „Jfryj rr �rv"7ifA'% .fff4 p iG„Clrl�/Y,rd/,a„ rrF, lr �+fii.:17i/�,L,adT!/ �t�/� s;tvl�Jtr�na'1 Project Name: pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number); Bozeman F0427-FO314 Bozeman Black &Short Start date/time,: Width.: Height: Material.: Location Codes 3/10/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 576.9 1 START WITH FLOW-Start inspection With the Flow it Category:Miscellaneous Feature i(• A16.0 tl. f --- MVVL-*ate,Level I Category Miscellaneous Feature >I'At i28ft19/. F17427 TFC-Tap Factory Capped ry' Cat+'9 o Construction Feature --"--' ' . 'y 1131 FL-Fr yf FL-Fracture Longitudinal -„- Category:Structural At 32.6 It 12/5 At253rt.Z1. �: rC-Fracture Ciecurnferentlial TFC-Tap Factory Capped - - category:structure I Category:Construction Feature y.At38.7 it 191. TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature At51. ft ! V` �AtG5.8 It 101. G 7FA-Tap Factury Active TFC-Tap Factory Capped ----- Category ComteuCtiolr Feature Category°Construction Feature Y` At78.3 It 101. TSA-Tap Saddle Acti - Category:Constructon Feature At77 8 n.".1. yt At7e.2R 901. TVA Factory Active Active r - _ -- TSA..Tap..Saddle Active m Category:Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature "-' V A179,0 1t31 ar — CL-Crack'Longitudlnal �., Category:Structural ; At 104:2 it2J."tip �1�`. At 89A Q 1-W d 5 TFC-Tap Factory Capped CL-'C to ck LonghdinaI Category Constructien Feature =� Category'.Structural At 59.4 ft21. '} FL-Fracture Longitudinal At13[l6ft7l 11 1 w. Category structural TFC-Tap Factory Capped -- r J-At919ftt0l. Category'cunsiruMri Feature rte. TFC-Tap Factory Capped `•t Category.Construction.Feature At 158 1 1t 12112 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint .. ,�, r At 91E.5 ft 101, Category:Dam TFC•Tap Factory Capped At15G-51121.; .r• Category Construction Feature TFA-Tap Factory Active ,,1 Category,Construction Feature v = w�At144.9hYol TFC-Tap Factrrry Capped Cate gory'Constructron Feature frinittect.39:8 ft TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department pF 80 814 N Bozeman Ave ka P,O.Box 1230 _o Bozeman.MT 59717 . . X8 4105.528 3200 dui°"••"^"*'"""' Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref.: Locality: Loration(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0427-FO314 bozeman Black&Short Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/10/2008 5 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: 'Weather: Media Label! Downstream 578,9 1 ',�-At 46q.�✓ft 117 011"Itted:I%Oft --- TBA-Ta..p Brea F•in Active CategarN GnnalrnCtron.Feature i T'FC-TapFattaryCapped ` w.A¢1T3.art 10r. Category,Cons4ucton Featrrea TFC-Tap Factory Capped At 190.6 R 1,^.112 V _ Category Construction Feature RPR-Repair Point Category_Structural �At 19g5tt10l. At1924 ft31.,, TFC-Tap Factory Capped - TFA-lap Factory Active — Category.Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature VIII -- '�"` TFC-Tap Factory Capped —� Category'.Consaucton.Feature At240.0821 '✓ TFA-Tap Factory Active Category:Construction Feature At254.7 ft2J.+r c TFC-Tap Factory Capped -- Category.CnnstruttionFeature At 266 4 12 101 � TFC-lap Fa cm ry Capped R'I v. Category.Construction Feature At 278.7 ft 2/.t♦. TFA-Tap Factory Active --.-- „'' CaTOgory.Construction Feature m a'w >�i A4,242,6 it 101- 7FC.Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped ----�_. Category:Constructon Feature 1 - At 314.0 t11 Dl. At3«4.2iti_-n TFC-Tap Factory Capped RPR-Repair Point — Category Construction Fearore Categovy,Structural At3304ft2t.+�� ,' yAt 345.5 It 101 TFA-Tap Factory Acto,:e -- -- TFA-Tap Factory Active Category.Constructor,Feature Category Construction Feature At344.4 ft121r'I RPR-Re pair Potnt Category.Struphir'al At 373 7 ft 10k TFA-Tap Factory Active At 3593tl:2l : Category:,Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped -- r Category:Constructon Feature CnrirtMrS 14£r 9 fl TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25, 2008 7:43 AM Page 2 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department pF so 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 '4iik X5 406.528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref:. Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0427-FO314 bozeman Black&Short Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/10/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather! Media Label: Downstream, 578.9 1 A1386 9 4 1 11 P"Ited 352 1 It CL,0voci,Longitudinal Category stuctUral 101 TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Constructon Feature A(365.6 it III. At417 7 U/ TFA-Tap Factory Active FL-Fracture Longrhidihal Caragory:Constuchon F.alii,e Category,Structural At 41771891 FL., Fracure Longitudinal co"ory Structural At412.21`12i At426 I tit 101 TPA-Top Factory Active TFA-I a p Fa ctc ry A Clive Category Construction.Feature Calagoty Construction Feature At 440.1 11 11. FL.Fracture Lanoitudina I v.At4 3F 3 1121 Categuly.Structural TFC-Tap Factory Capped A1440 I It 121 Coruscucbon Feature RPP-R.p,,lr P.t�h I Se Category.Structural At 462A ft 101 TFC-Tap FaMry Capped v, At454 6 Rif Category Construction Feature TFA-Tap Factory Active —_;r At 466 8821 Category:Construction Feature FIL•Fracture LongtjdfnaV Category Structural 4 At478 6 it 101. TFC-Up Facta4 Ca Aped A14g0'5 ft2i Category:ConstruziJon Feature TIC-Tap Factory Capped A1485.4 it 10i. Category Construction Feature TBA-Tap Break-in Active Category;Construction Feature At 494.1 it I Z1. FL-Fracture Longutudinai At516.9 It2r, TFA-Top Factory Active Category Structural t 500 1 it lfl� Category:Construction Feature AFL-Fracture Longitudinal Category Structure) j,At$0481t10J M542 9 tt2r TF-Tap Factory TFA-7,ap Factory Active Category Construction Feature Category Const riciton Feature At 5310840/. TFC.-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature it2l. FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category:Structural Otiftned 7 9 it TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 Of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department 't Of BO 814 N Bozeman Ave sad ?die„ P.O.Box 1230 ?` Bozeman,MT 59717 ..Nn,, 6 Project Name: Pipelme Segment Ref: Lotakty: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0427-FO314 Bozeman Black&Short . ..........._._... Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/10/2006 6 VCP Direction« Length.surveyed° Weather: Media Label: Downstream 578,9 1 m pnuttod:556.Eft TFC-Tap Factory Gapped Category Gonsb ucton Feature At 57 C�ft S_ AhAH-Manhold t x` Category Consiructcn Feature .......... ff,,ww�� -CI ,J,rFO31 a STOP,ynspecton,stopped Category Mixeiianeous Feature Tv Inspection with Pipe-tun Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 4 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of Bpi 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 X82 acre 6 cam, 406.528,3200 Exceft .e 1.P,rnr.Se—ri, 7 111% +..�, � // %if trlj 1g p.�q A pi I m rah ,11 ar'ILa�@hlf-v/ dJOng pl p� � ! rl, i6 /�l..a,�r2%. �i�%(/rr /if, eri%!!iM1 //��I/,r,, ✓t F (r., > /I4%: Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref. Locality: Locabon(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0314-FO315 Bozeman Black and Peach Start date/time: Width: Height;. Material: Location.Code:. 3/11/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Labek: Downstream 386.8 1 r0314 1� h Alsar< . _.. .--.l VO START WfTH FL CM start Inspection WO the Flon ,:....:` Category:Miscellaneous Feature y AtS,n n — MWL,-WaterLevel Category Miscellaneous Feature At 12.7 ft 141.. CL-Crack Longitudinal Category:strumiral �.At�9,8ft91. .�— TFC-Tap Factory Capped .Category:.Construction Feature ,l At 41.5 tt tC7 At43.8 it 3i.>7 RFP.Repar Patch TFC-Tap Capped —. Category!Structural _. Category Construction Feature �At471 n1 11_ At446ft911 "f'SA-Tap Sedate Active d RFJ-Roots Fine Joint --- w Category Construction Feature ,. m..n Caegory:0&M +*G At 55A it 101 TPC-Tap Factory Capped °i Category Const'ucton Feature 4 ,+ �✓ 4)f At70.1 t121 ti! TFC-Tap Factory Capped ..— - Categoiy:Construction Feature At82.2 It 101 — TFC-Tap Factory Capped At 98.2 ftV Yi Y -Category Construction Feature TBA-.Tap Break-In Active --- .. Category Construction Feature 1,Atgn.t nsr_ �---.. FL---Fracture Longitudinal r Category-Structural A1:108 1 ft'}0:r. A196.:n2l TFA-Tap Factory Active TFC-Tap F'actary Gapped Jy Category.Conshucbon Feature ./ Category-Construction.Feature J� 1 at.At 108 4 fit'+V FL-Fracture tongntudinaI Category,Sructural OmYnec 273 4 ft -_ __...... .__...._....... TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 4 Ciy of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department OF Boat 814 N Bozeman Ave IP.o.Box 1230de._ Bozeman,MT 59717 X6 406.5283200 a ,. k,-,, Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality; Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0314-FO315 Bozeman Black and Peach Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/11/2008 6 VCP Dlrecton: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label; Downstream 386,8 1 �At 115 41121 OnAtted__45.6 it - FL-Fracture Longitudinai C_ - - :._r�,,. / Category SkrticWial ' FL-Fracture Longitudinal i Category.Structural �At11 3ft21. .. FL-Fracture D_ongrtudinal ff Category Structural �i �+A[117 3ft101. FL-Fra chi re Lonq itud...inaI At 122A ft 2Y. Category.Structural .V -. -.. '.. TFA-Tap Factory Active -.-----_; At1. 55rt108. Categety Construction Feature _ _ FL•Fracture Longitudinal -^-. ..Category.-Shubiura4'_.. JAt 127.5 E 101. cL-Grack Longitudinal Category:Structural rr At134.5 tt1W AFC-Tap Factory capped At 1448ft21 tni. __. Category.Construction Feature TRA-Tap Break-in Active — �� �" Via? Category.CrOnSULLCdOn Feature At 1354ft11Y._ .. m1 r P �, �-- CL-Crack Longitudinal At'14'84.ft21.�: 1 ti Category 5auctural TFC-Tap Factory Capped — -- - ---- category ConstructionFeature _ Fl�` "y A0.139.3 it 8/. ?, 1i�- FL Fracture Longitudinal u At1344 tt 12,+ Ft.�Fracture LanuioadinaI Category:Structural At175.01121. ,� �'�At 16071t.101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC Tap Factory Capped Category..Consttuction Feature Category Construction Feature � +At'165.8ft9J1O At 1834812112,1 \ x FC-Fracture Circumde rert6ai RPR-Repair Point Category Structural Category structural _ - \r Sg At 1760 It 3Y !\ — FL-Fracture LongltudinaI \/ Category'Structural �rAt186.1rt1or. _ _.... -- TFA_Tap Factory Active At201 2 ft2V, Category:Consouction Feature TFC'-Tap Factory Capped 1 At187A it 121 Category'Construction Feature — FL-Fracture Longibtdinal Category.Structural --_.w..� _.. _. __ .___ ......._......__.._--.._..,_ Omitted'176911 TV Inspection with Pipe-Faun Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 2 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department �k Of B!Zzk 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 VWX6 406,526.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref; Locality: Location(Street Name and Number)! Bozeman F0314-FO315 Bozeman Black and Peach Start date/time: Width: Height; Material: Location Code: 3/11/2008 6 VCP Direction; Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 386,8 1 At' .04:It 3/ C'mrHtaU:19'.0 tt -- CL-Crack long itudinal Category Shuctural At 204,?ft 117. CL-Cyar,P Longitudinal i i Category structural yl,Atl,1,5 I Itl0i TFA-Tap Factory Aruve Category,Construction Feature AUaC5 ft 10Y. FL-FraChjreLonOKUdIhal Category:Structural At227,3k21 At24 1,6 It 101. TFA-Tap Factory ACbVe S" f TFC_.Tap Capped_ Ca"Ory'ConShucton Feature ­,_�octpry 11 1 Category'Conshuction Feature At227 3 It2l. TFD-Tap Factory Detective %o� At.244.7 f:21, CL-Crack Lcnqrwd#,aI Category:Construction Feature Category.Stfuctiral At245 7ftl Jr. FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category.Structural At2463 ft 1,7 FL-Fracture Longhudinal Category:Structural At--53.5ft21.y. At 50,9 ft W TFC-To p Fa cto ry Ca ppen FL-Fracture Longftudinai Category.Construction Feature Category;"rictural At254.2 ft41. }4 -- FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category:Structural A1250 9 it 12! Cl,-Crack Longitudinal CategoTy:StructuTal At.-Zo..-it y Cateqoiy.Structurao 7FA-To P Factory Active Catei At267 8 ft 101. gory Construction Feature Trr-Tap Factory Capped Category constructon Feature CL-Crack Longitudinal EF Category Structura9 At282 r,h8m DAZ-Dep"ItsAtjchedother Category O&M - Cmued,80 5 t A TV InsperLion with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7A3 AM Page 3 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department k Of go't 814 N Bozeman Ave Cr/ P.O.sum 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 =16 106.528.3200 Project Name; Pipeline Segment Ref; Locality! Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0314-FO315 Bozeman Black and Peach Start date/time; Width: Height: Material, Location Code: 3/11/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed! Weather: Media Label: Downstream 386.8 1 At294 I 11 10; TIFC,Top rectory Capped Ca'-'gr"Yr Constructor Feature At 306 1 ft.',' yA005 4 t12P� TFC-Top Factori Cappeci .............. tF FC-FraMne CirturrIererroa Category'Constructon Feature Category.structural At320 4 ft-I 7FA-Tap Factory Active Category;Constiucton Feature At337 7 ftli. --FL Fracture Longitudinal Category:structural At343.8-tt9f TFC-Tap Factory Capped ------- FL-Fro ctuns Lo ngitidina I Category-Construction Feature Category:Structural At346.P ft 10r TFC-Tap Factory Gapped Category.Constucton Feature At348 81t 11 FL-Fracture Longitudmali Category'.strudAlrd[ At349-6 tU/6 6-BrGken At358 7 n7l. TFA-Tap Factor y Acbve Category Structural Category constructon Featir(, At349(eft 719 1`7C-Fracture CUCUrnfetentai Category:StruaLval AI'S61-8 Ott 101. At 378.5 ft 2A FL-Fracture Longtrudinal TBA.Tar,BreaWrriActve Go to g o ry7 6 tr u ctu to Category:Construction Feature At380A ft319 DAG5 Deposrt�Attached Grease At386 a tt Category OP'M AMH-tAanhole-..-. ...... Category,Construction Feature 1 At38 s.f,q FO 3 1 STOP-10specton stopped Category'Miscellaneous Feature TV inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 4 Of 4 CUES, Inc, 3600 Rio Vista Avenue pR I`� T E Orlando, FL 32805 Wroew i riu-"iwnrl tl��gicloiSUi.lwug Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 Sr1'Oo fiy�Y"r;.,!�Nr �i dl°rlw1�t/ v 1r �rr tio-^�Il i"jI % '1if +1!1,.. AR"o {ry t J J u t /lj�n o l: 7 ; � r,.X4E.,,, /, &, d, / ,lG, r✓,'- 11'1,!r ;a'%,% r�i, �� ��1 ✓r,,r cl,x (Glr t Project Name: Mainline ID: City: Address: Bozeman G0440-GO441 Bozeman W Main Start date/time: Pie width: Pipe height: Pipe P p g p type: Surface condition! 9/6/2008 6 VCP A Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: MediaLabet. Towards Downstream 450.9 1 A1.6.0ft -- YMl START WTH FLOW-Start Inspection With the Flow r Category:Miscellaneous Feature G0 ' / 4 At6'.Dh ( � ..-- MGC1-Geneeal C)b9ervatian / ....... ..___........ ____ _... ,: C'.ategary:Miscellaneous Feature AtIJ1ftZ/ ... �_ ��At9.1ft14). TFF-Tap Factory Active TFA-Tap Factory Active Category:Con shuChon Feature Category:Construction Feature At 14.8 It 91. At 31_fi 82l. --- TS-Tap Break-in TFC-Tap Factory Capped ----+ �,, Category:Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature At 16 4 ft g/. FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category:Structural At59:8 tt2J t�At45.7 It 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature Category Construction Feature 9 Y At 54.6117!_ r' HSV-Hole Soil Visible At 88:5 it 2F :l '' Category:5huctu4 TF-Tap Factory ---. c Category,Construetrort Feature At7?.:3 h 101. p, TF-Top Factory 0 0 -- Category Construction Feature '..w u� v At 112.&ft2L d Q,.y TFC-Tap FaWryCapped - t At986ft10?. s Category Construction Feature TF-Top Factory r Category.:Con5tructioll Feature � ,�At 125 31t 10f_ At 139.5ft2!.J — TF Tap Factory TFG-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature jl �a 15161(-1©1., FC Tap Factory Capped At 168.2 it 2/. ,. Category Construction Feature TFA-TapFar;toryACbWe -------�;�:. Category.Con..struChon Feature 'j•03186.2 ft 101. _-_....,....._. TFC:-Tap Factory Capped At 192.3 ft2/. ^Nf Category:Construction.Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature At 206.911?f."d' - -_. - At hCF 2111'0'l2 TF-Tap Factory -- - .m--.. FC-Fracture Circumferential Cat'egor y.Construction Feature Category.Structural I A1219.71121 Omitted:228.0 It Category'.Construction Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,September 16,2008 10:33 AM Page 1 of 3 CUES,Inc. 3600 Ric Vista Avenue Orlando,FL 32805 112 Phone:407-849-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 Projlect Name: Mainline 11): City: Address: Bozeman G0440-GO441 Bozeman W Main Start date/time: Pipe width: Pi.pe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 9/8/2008 6 VCP A Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: Media Labe) Towards Downstream 450.9 1 At 234.011101. CITItted-119 6 ft TF.Tap Factory CatLpory:Construction Feature A4243.3 it 121 H-Broken Category Structural At 245 9 tt 2i. At 244.1 It 10( TFC-Tap Fa,.toiv Capped Y Category Constructio' TFA-'rap Factory Active Feature Category-C66sti u cton"realu re At 25313 ft 12112 V CM-Crack Multiple At272.6 ft 21 Category:structurat TF-Tap Factory At 260 4 ft I OJ. Category Construction Feature TF-Tap Factory Category:Consp ucbon Feature At299.1 h2/,4 At 287,0 lt 10) TF,Tap Factory L TFC-Tap Factory Capped aitune Category Construction Feature Category:Construction Fe At 299.1 It 1212 REL-Roots Sall Later At 325,4 It 21. Category O&M TFC-Tap Factory Capped At 313.4 It I Of, Category,Construction Feature TF-Tap Factory Car"oTy:Construction Feature At 352.0 It 2)2 4 At 339 8 it 101. TFC-Tap Factory Ca pped _TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature category.Construction Feature At$54A ft101 TFC-Tap Factory Capped AA378.9ft2f Category:Construction Feature TF-Tap Factory Category Construction Feature 1 V At 390.6 ft 101 TF-Tap Factory Category Constiucilon Feature At40531121 TFA-Tap Factory Active At417-28101 Category:Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:COn5tlucton Feature At429,5 ft 2f, At441.9 ft JC)� TFC-'Tap Factory Capped TFC Category.Construction Feature -Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature At 450.881012 PVV-Broken Word Visible Cat-gc;ty-Structural 77� At 450.9 it G0441 AMH-Mail hole Category Construction Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-RUn Graph Tuesday,September 16,2008 10:33 AM Page 2 of 3 CUES,Tnc, 3600 Rio Vista Avenue N _T E Orlando,rL 32805 Phone:407-849-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 Project Name: Mainline ID: City: Address: Bozeman G0440-GO441 Bozeman W Main Start date/time: Pipe width: Pipe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 9/812008 6 VCP A Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: MediaLabel Towards Downstream 450,9 Ig F"Prnttecd 450.1, 1 At 450;9 ft STOP-Inspection stopped Category Miscellaneous Featwe Irlo A4'f. TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, September 16,2008 10.-33 AM Page 3 of 3 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue "_F E Orlando FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax; 407-425-1569 Gri;��frl/i J" r�I'v'�dj rf• I�i!pPwA ,'y%'t%r/`s" %9 frlJcT '>7kr.CC,¢ha`�' J�rlfpir lksf, ,iY,'„sdu-'.%7iol y,r."-'.f r ItsfCow r' 1 ,1Ci r/7T av P ?Cr!irr,�.r n1. ,,. igpm a N 1!1ilFl uF r0 IrGa, r Iuw� % f„fir V frati �RN l �B�� i�Pw�ryupm&'r �n , n - f r i�• � FI �d� y; %di,�!'”^l 9J i1lr!fy� l.Urlc,,%a�yl/u°d !um'!'r r „aFy ii.,, 1r,�ir j y`�,1451,%�,���;r, ,'1 Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: Locality: Location(street name and number'): Bozeman G0442_GO443 Bozeman W Main Start date/timer Wadth.: Heiahtr Material:'. Location code: 11/1/2012 6 VCP A Direction: Length surveyed': 'Heather; Media label: UPSTREAM 258.0 1.1/1/12 G 0442 d V Arz:P a fl ©`] l�1tiA-At;andnnr cl curve"; m �q Catecsurr Ivtis+.e lla neo u�'Feaivar< ag VAtw51�•ft Si _ _.. TF'•::-Tap Fnctnry Capped Category CP nSnuc9-7 rr P��ttirp TFC. Inp Ft 1trrC Aped d A4""d.K fi._, +� C,1teo"v Const W.1,Fea¢tilde �� 4� - -....... TFC-Tap Fact�r'a Gc.pCera k Latejoq C on,uwcroan Featui2 At71'-:1 h 1C+ a TrC-Tap Fa Atcry Capped — m- IAt 167 4 ti 2r Catcq©r°r TFC•701,Faclnty i:appsn Atkp�1 ttt",✓,y Cstbpni•o i~unsvucuzJn FrP¢uu TF-TapFacto') At181 Gft:! / Cat:crory CernsnIu Gaon Featn(e ... TF-Tap Factdr¢r 4tt1p--0810. ,y ...>- Categofv Co4truEt,,a Fed NJr<_ TF -'fn±FaCCn f+C.i 1 1zq r �0t)AWCt1Cn Feituic - GtA-C.ra hT?'Uhnie At Ip5 G h41r "; C:elecrrn.v S4'uc1wr�riV CYA GS-Gepuert-Etta Cn Md Grease ..- i'.A,t 17=6 ft�J jcategr"r'MkI .-. TF�--Tap Far.U.rr (; Iq>e!I 1 C',ategor, Caastructron Fewture At ft to, At 1483 tt3Pn 1 P'C,-Tap Failtrl5'ral)1y2ti ....... w.,.._ —.� _ CC.rCra C k C ifC0n]N lI16aI catego'a'Goustuclrnn F atuis c'nt€,gory Struatutal „ A•I.14 &1 wi H l7 "1t 1a TFC-Tap Facerry Cnli{,eci TFC-Tar Facto,v,•rpf 'd - ahesl r', ..;o nYSr uerdo❑Ftrs Ql�re �Qmttea 171.911 Ear a+,e^, (;c,irsp ucnn n-FcFlturs......,. --+mow Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,November 02,2012 2:28 PM Page 1 of 2 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue Orlando,FL 3260 5 Phone:407-13,19-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 ---------- Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: Locality: Location(street name and number): Bozeman G0442GO443 Bozeman W Main Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location rode: 11/1/2012 6 VCR A Direction: Length surveyed, Weather: Media label! UPSTREAM 258.0 11/1/12 emitted.235.2 It TFC %p Fack,,r;C,appeo C ate;D'y C,nsuu'hro"r Feptu" At I, TF-Tip Factory CdtetlorY r—Murbrin Featue J1.1 7 T 4 ft 3 TFC r't,p F.i cto i,C a p pe of C 21zpc,% e:,cn&vurb,­Feattu� 8 At-, ",It =STOP-Inspection stopl TFC lap FI,.tw,, ,capped Gn ie o q -1 FoaItute qiy Atc-"8 tIL3� TF,--Tap Fa clv,v Gapped A 17 9 2 it I Di Y category -IonstuAvji F—tw, 1! TF-Tap F�i dury ...... 1 y.,413731t 418 ratpfy C_oirslluct...i F�,atw� DAGS-DeposmAttacl)adGr­, Category 0�1 w A A07 0 11 1 11' CC-cfadv cacVPA-PeM,51 TFC--Tap FA clo'Y CA pped cateyor/ tural 4.At 35 1 it,-? TFA-Tap F­l lcr,- At—,2 It q� TR,-­rap Fi - , - _- I At 14 Oft 31�' CzN-cjoly('C.'nstwton Feature HVV-Hole Void VisilAE Gnleqory Al.& ft3' TF—Tap Fa mogV 7Z C��,K�jmy(�anslsuction Feature 6'�443 4tQott MWL-bVat0i Levi Cal".wN lAisceflaneom Feature Atbbt AMH-Manhole Cltc,4-9y coostrucliol,Fealme AtOOft Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,November 02,20 12 2:28 PM Page 2 of 2 CUES, Inc, 3600 Rio Vista Avenue } Orlando, FL 32805 RA ,! T Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407x-425^-1569 �r",j"��is tx��4��� �'1r�'y�"I/ su�ili'^r,l� "5t`�7f3',�"i1��d';�irt�,1�',ji"s»t�'���L�l'�., �,rvw�1�4��.L;n/,�r,:lut,'M;v�l�ll��j,/�yt�„� '�i��v rJY:�ar�X��r'd�%�r,+t 7�✓ f(T�,y7%i %d uli.e'(T���i, /�Y,i�� � twi����y �-�d�^ti GG, � bs;�1'�,,,"� "lY rT?, �xi !�� o fr;'b'r t""� �,�,Bt..iti t � w; « �.kw.dWr✓J� 1/ l j�' '%'�g1 ;v�'+✓ �lh„ii%.,1>�iCf��fC'�,���v-,� i��rn, � �fNpl��,r���mr”,, � i% Lek c.�.��/l.;rpH„ /��i?fr N�>4nivr,�+�3f i�,�7,�',�i i��l,/����;�,�f/(i�r/,/��(/�1///���I� �;;; Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: Locality: Location(street name and number): Bozeman G0442_GO443 Bozeman W Main Start date/tame, Width: Height: Material: Location code: 11/1/2012 6 VCP A Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label: UPSTREAM 394,2 11/1/12 Ti'>>7 T10- hi*q rrixn.,tntrP•,G GO44Y + ( 11 L rt of I'A ItiS II I:nnSFratur< 1 , tut sip tl i 'M15A 4L to 1r�r1 elSuv y Cate ulor PAi ccvVVA nw tt F.attne kt 54''ftfrl C9 SAC G fl TFc T,p Fadtcr�e,.nppe,t TFI: Yap Fad.WrY Lip pad r'3 t.gorq Con,FY airbcn Feahne Caz.;goiY vc0.1'stru�de,r�Feature L=:i 5fttt � '^At31'183, n TFt, Lap Facts riacda e C.ak t9 pry C[I IA'6ttnfri4gn FEahfle "....`* {aagC'f9Nry�„p g7 S'tl llC,tYGn Feature At e', A.1^_74 I ft Z' TR Tap Factory Capped �r TF.Ttip Facrery [:at9yl�i t.nn5l4 uC4an Feature j Cateacvty rctn5t"""t'_P_, kl't . At2e,02Tt At^_7"4 It3, fACIJ..1amnSa Undematei ,....... ....— _ -CL-C",aa}LongttUC,p 1 C..t.grt.,h9,s ellaneons Feaiur�- ". �- Catep[tV 5trUCtUra1 AI.Fc Fh 10 @9 At 2512tt ale1H>> -T,p 1'huctiol".F �'—' �.... — Trc-Tap Flaa,y C.pn ea I y�u�Pr_n� Catepary Cunshucnon 6=eatuiE C, Ile ..... _TARy A 17,411,[P.7 FL.rxe.S",t 51?etClpn A naunstt c�� Gate�IPay t.E14ZS+&la od!GNti Feak4RW {a I I I 1 i I .' MAIL-VJata1 La,,et k Ca9p�ary I¢liscelia ioeaur•Feal4fl�e ... At r n k 1� "J G0448_ 4 IAH klanhohs ratE_,oiy_,onstnrcuc=n Feature 1Vlain Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,November 02,2012 2:28 PM Page 1 of 1 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue RA t--J �TE Orlando FL 32605 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569�/'�1r���,i��l��ii��r"i,/�"�i ✓fui�rr� r x � � �d,�J�rr��Y'��'�!�? ��>%t'�t�(..Jruy -r,��� �!!� ��a�� ����✓;ria���iC��,ift ;r lr6�� �� ,fir ,�,ir�„ �N�'r��.������.7n�"�✓r,:�;���<�.,'�'rJ�m/�r/li r,.,xw�!,���,�i,s<)�rl"u��ml7��,��//��/r, (i%J,IV e�,',r,-"61d1Y'rcb,:;./,lr(r�(�l!G}��nbf�»r��a: ,�i�e��? ,11� r�rrm rime � J�II Project Name: Mainline ID: City: Address:. Bozeman G0443-GO444 Bozeman W Main Start datettime: Pipe width: Pipe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 9/9/2008 6 VCP A Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: Media Label Towards Downstream 239.8 1 h A15 0 ft G0443 - -- W START WITH FLOW-Start InspeCton With.the Flpvo �r �} Category:Miscellaneous Feature At'6'0'11 MWL-Water Level Category M:iscellaitenusfeature y At 12.0 11619 _ FC--Fracture Circumferential Catagory Stet+ctu ral Wit 3.9 it lot.. TF--rap Factory y� Category:Constructor'Feature ... U Ail 5..4h3l. FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category:Structural I L V A t 44.8 ft 111 _Tap Factory Factory.Capped....__ . ,. 414 Category,Conatructton Feature ee n1 a� n r� A157.Dtt2r TFC-Tap Fa dory Capped Category:Construction Feature At65.4 ft 5112 ----- FM-Fracture MuftplE Category Structural At 75.4 ti 141. ... ._.._.._.__. TFC Tap'Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature At83 8 ft 2i TFC-Tap Factory Cappee. ..-.- Category Construction Feature W At!91:2 it 4410 ... _. PC.-Fracture Circumferential Category 5ttuctural i� A494.0 it 1171. °— TFC-Tap Factory Capped category.C'onstructon Feature A1116.4 It MVvLS-Water Level Sag V Category.Miscellaneous Feature i At 114.4 It 21, - TFC-Tap Factory Capped --- ` Omtt.d 1:'!3 gtt -Category onsfru ouesture TV Inspection with Pipe-Rhin Graph Tuesday,September 16,2008 10:33 AM Page 1 of 3 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista,Avenue N"T'E Orlando,FL 32805 F Phone:407-849-0190 uA Fax;407-425-1569 Project Name: Mainline 1D: City: Address: Bozeman G0443-GO444 Bozeman W Main Start date/time: Pipe width: Pipe height; Pipe P P 9 R type: Surface condition: 9/9/2008 6 VCp A Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: Media Label Towards Downstream 239.8 1 i'At117.6tt l7nttted_119.2ft — MWL-VVBter Level 1. _-- Category,Nliscd<llaheoUS Featrr=_ CL Crack Longitudinal f" Caterory,Structural At 1 187 ft 147E TFC Tap Factory Capped Category.Clohsh ucton Feature At 1,30.1 ft 31 ,yk — CL-Crack Longitudinal Categot y..Structu ra l ra At 148 7 ft 21. AT143.2 ft21.J, -,FL-Fracture Longitudinal TFC-Tap Facory Capped .._......___,.,..' i Category:Structural Category.Constructed Feature At156,SA 121 / ----- FL-Fracture Longitudinal vr... Category.SO uctural. At 157.3 It 10! v.- TFA- Tap Factory Atltive Category Construction Feature c At 175.1 ft 419 B-Broken__- i At 169..5 ft 21 Category.Structural ' '.. TFC-Tap Factory Capped ' Category Construction Feature -. :f, .>{',..At-Tap Facto .._.. TF-TapFadWry — Category:ConstrucndnFeature FC FraMfe Cireumfi rental . Category.Structural At 201.6 It A - MWL-Water Level At1962 it 2I W^ / Category.Miscellaneous Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped - r _ `r' Category:Constructed Feature "�At 2036 ft 121. At 1979 tt 31T+ii. uKi Fl.-Fracture Longitudinal 1 „Category:.Structural DADS-Deposits Attached Grease .._/ Category•OWA At2052 ftl2ll7 ._........._....--..-- BSV-Stoken Soil Visible At2082tt 2) - Category:Structural TF-TapFactcfv Category Construction Feature ;. -At.16i:4 n 1211:- .. --- B-Broken r -category.-..Structural At 207.8 It 101 TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Consbucbon Feature '_......� .......-. ----_ .... `r ' At 219 4 ft 91 Gariltdrt i06 ft .........----- FL•Fracture Longitudinal Category:SbvCtural TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,September 16,2008 10:33 AM Page 2 of 3 CUES,lnc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue al Orlando,FL 32805 lPhone:407-849-0190 Fax:407-42S-1569 Project Name: Mainline ID! City Address: Bozeman G0443-GO444 Bozeman IN Main Start date/time: Pipe width; Pipe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 9/9/2008 6 VCP A Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: Medial.-ahel Towards Downstream 239.8 At 223 41t M S552-SLfftaCe Spilling Cftei Category StvucturaE At236 1 A 121 TFC�Tap FaMty Capped Category:Construction Feature At-_39 AMFI-Manhole Category:con'trucluon Feature G0444 I rV At 239 8 ft S'rop-lrispecbonstrpped Category,Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, September 16,2008 10:33 AM Page 3 Of 3 CUES, Inc. 3600 Elio Vista Avenue Orlando, FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-'0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 Project Name: Mainline ID: City: Address: Bozeman G0444-F0401 Bozeman Main and Third Start date/time: Pipe width: Pipe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 9/8/2008 6 VCP A Direction: Surveyed footage; Weather: MediaLabel. Towards Downstream 75.8 1 k AtS.D ft f— Df7.r'r START WITH FLOW-Startlnspecton Wrlh the Flow Category Msacellaneous Feature 1 At6Dft y�-- MWL-Writer Level Category.Miscellaneous Feature At 16.7 8305 l�a-.... B-Broken !+ Category,5hucturaV f At 41?8121 r"t CL-Crack Longitudinal Category Structural G,pyg4 �f J 'd+A146.1 ft 1 tll. TFC Tap Factory Capped Category Constucion Feature �.At51 6831. ' CL-Crack Longitudinal r or Cate Category Structural At 63.7 it 3r, ---+/ CL-Crack Longitudinal Structural At58:5ft2� ^ Category,, TFG-Tap Factory Capped — .-----.-< r At 6rJ,Qfl1rI Category.Construction Feature - — CC•Grad:Circt7mfe ran6al Category:Structural wj At72.211. MWLS.Water Level 5" t+✓ Category:Miscellaneous Feature - '`GF-Tap Factory r,. r✓r ,h� Category Construction Feature -Z �1'l f, At75,8 ft21Q HVV-Hole Vold Visible 5 Category°strucfirral-- yl At 75 8 ft yr— MSA-Abandoned Survey ,+ Category Miscellaneous Feature { A1.75.6 ft STOF-Inspection stopped Category,Misce Ilaneou s Featu re V ,.,,... ..._.............. _.._.. ...._,, Cnittwl.46.18 TV Inspection with Pipe-thin Graph Tuesday,September 16,2008 10:27 AM Page 1 of 2 CUES,Inc, 3600 Rio Vista Avenue R✓` .r,+i TE Orlando,FL 32805 Phone.:407-845-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 Project Name.; Mainline ID: City: Address:. Bozeman G0444-FO401 Bozeman Main and Third Start date/time: Pope width: Pipe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 91$/2008 6 VCP A Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: Mediatahel Towards Downstream 75.8 1 Onced&34 3 ft ry w~ V 'iF0401 TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,September 16,2008 10:27 AM Page 2 of 2 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue P"6"r-,J I `� Orlando, Ft.32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax; 407-425-1569 7��Ay�/it pr%f�7 �/a�✓ire/id Pf% rc� y ut '�i�w "" P �,� ¢aY` ,t"ib%m� �fd4" ly"�j��,i� ! ",u;A`� O a(r;�"�ci✓a�W �h",/G, /,/���%�p! �,,, ,/ �rri�i` Project Name: Mainline ID: City: Address: Bozeman G0444-F0401 Bozeman Main and Third Start date/time: Pipe width: Pipe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 9/8/2008 b VGP A Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: Medialahel Towards upstream 1 Ne a. �I At 1w,a2! y -- 7r= Taira ractoit, 'vaislhory Cora6tructac,n Fr ahrrk ,W TFC Tap Fsctrs n�.a pp.o,:ci CaEegory C;uastr uct000t F�evil,rrr, P.Y 14'"tt 10' r "i rF TF F r; !"t,, ..� .Tao d�U?r TF Ta Fa .-'ttr+"I�rt �arYShuefan F�ahrrs Caiagan C-r7r,Vrurtaon Featut: .,�p-.,,,. F!�.FiaCCiuie l.�ruoiMrGimal Ratutg A 1'.'i_^1 TM'I C)1 @ C:,,ison Stru�tti tml TF-Tap F+toi, tnr cry Cnneu url3eDn F_atur fi5k H, 500 F:il'•I'c' r carermi'ti Snucrcu7ai AtE,4,it 9+ TFC.Tar,Pastor y Gad:ped C C crnr rcnctwu,ton FeAturp . Cmittc:rl:�'Btt TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,September 16,2008 10:25 AM Page 1 of 2 CUES,Inc. 360D Rio Vista Avenue P-^1", -�-E Orlando,FL 32805 Phone:407-849-0190 Fax:407-425.1569 Project Name: Mainline ID: City: Address: Bozeman G0444-FO401 Bozeman Main and Third Start date/time: Pipe width: Pi height: Pipe P P e 9 P type: Surface condition; 9/8/2008 6 VGp A Direction:: Surveyed footage; Weather; Media Label Towards Upstream 1 i la,FFL Gnilted.l_.b4.G. ft - TF Thy'F :[ory r..atra9a .....__. ..__.. __}'+i.r �3t�!Inra("r�oveG UCtia�a"r�at4ua ' Brr�F F p air o-otc'I� ^ Cat gol 'b e:cAtar�el 'V At 53 C ft _ Ritw9a � dT CIC� SYl d.li[[ural i At 63 G It Mr TF Tar Facto i.1 �"+ I W GPGt Cat t l:On 511 tl CI1GI}Fr_Stu�:. M V AA?,7 4 ft 4F, I s CL Cracl:Lc,ngn,,dln;li �� At SR_ff 7F]1 t rlFr Rating 1�C lap Fado,y Cupped ... GatepOfyr Structure ��{GrloFr Coo,buctcn Feai,e Ir�� a At 5'ff 4� ... F,IVuL.'+Nalea Lewd cot g.."I q cell u�'F<•aiU r2 Atar➢G(tim ^ iAt26c'R TFa .l al,Fa cFUOy Gytyi'..;cG — TFC T q F aM,v C_opp.J lategnr,+C 7�wstrucbon F ahub .. .-Ca"or.CcnstuFben Fe;nttue At 6 v fl 71'' e,.Broken Rating Cat nvFr�buctc¢raf t of ac At 4 f8 F" fll U�usMuit F.atlng0 sbucural At 1 ft si �y C .GMIA,,1-01191hKiM.1 R attrtg i Catopoi, q^fauctural s At"")h1a1: c-G ro ctl•c o cu mfe"'t"I GatS ory Structure)] j Ft?GP C.atFgoey A41sceflanecus Featui_ l b b Ai'Oft 1-._ 't$'T.W tFT aCn UJ°:TF'LCr7,�.Mart dm!=pccrroar A.gaatst the Ff. C:a1egor} RA�sC�6angG US Featu Ye TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,September 16,2008 10:29 AM Page 2 of 2 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue R t-4 � -"" E Orlando, FL 32.805 ,,,„{ �' Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 Project Mamie: Mainline ID: city; Address: Bozeman G0444-FO401 Bozeman Main and Third Start date/time: Pipe width: Pipe height; pipe type: Surface condition: 9/8/2008 6 VCP A Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: MeddaLabel Towards Upstream 261.5 1 - �kt2rak 7,r ;:bt�ar iy 1`.AI5CE91a��.:r7u5 FeatixfE i pn��.-:.I�andc nen Sun-�s C.ata,trt�ty 611aCellla nraU5l F��ahrr� W", Hnda vuk i VrallYla Cate rtcrr S'b actural TFC -nr.(=.rtort opp-o At"5C^r it 10, t ....� Cntegorti dnSUU hoM��Featura TFC-T p FnSoi',C i,ppe.l — C.Ieurry Cou&nuccCinry Featufe 'AL_2 4lS 91 .. FL-Fmcture Lonoltu Aril aN 22C Y tt�' ? T Clteneil S'truo:wrn� 7i=.7-a.PF story .. ='.1? 2 h,�r r-aree�ury C.un truGGort Peatlir2 F 6rolen H1 tai-fttm ' Cdtvn y Sts a::n+rei TFC Ta p Fallon Car:pee94C-t-346b�i1 Cateticry C Cr151b'tJCI'O r Feature F Emkera C �vt At7u It t?, .p '..,.� C.ategury `»;,h rrtiYr.lr[O m� TFr.-9'�r'Fs�G;canlCuTtpFJ -- _ ems'" ',. #L.f L.'kf fif"•�I�_ r'°N Ga6agon G€'�n6Muc6arr F._atuue .. C CI i,C i r,-unifarertnal kt'972.E,ft1d' CatFOOiy SYr UGtrl�Fl TFC-Tai F3ryorf Capper clwegcry Construction Fezwc ...._.. TFf Tar FaGWry } Cal�gory :tinSh uCtiulr Featur}4t1°B1fl21 -- TFC-.lap Fut-hsry.C.ai�peu Categnnr Construraon Feau E v 4ttksslr I FI'A-FN ICPUxe ANUIYople Catzadiv Stru cttua.! ...._. 46GCG T,A..rT A,d 11157 FLC7..Y� Mart ins{F-tfnry araxin�i Ylse Fb Catecint, Filature 1r/ TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,September 16,2008 107:30 AM Page 1 of 1 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue m,—1-E Orlando FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax. 407-425-1569 WON n5r+rr F�� %I'll✓rrr'li �'� '!�^'i I %r�, '•7(�r7� y" � 1y^ +c F" , ft��., :.� rg th,X,} �.:''Wres �i,> u` ��'MN g✓ii %? Grl,,.�1���+ ,���s��jlD++i��J1c+FIr7�6d�? 11 .,1( � �y, i�,/"1�� �(�� ����;� �.; �rGU ?� ✓,'� ��r!n!�?r �� � �+ii" ,rJ� % !t„°:, � 1,�'� Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: City: 'Street: Bozeman D0527_DO528 Bozeman East Main Start date/time: Width: Height; Material; Location code: 12/11/2012 10 VCP O Direction; Length surveyed: Weather. Media label: Downstream 122.2 4 12-11-12 M Atfl,u n D0527 =>START WITH FLOW-Start Inspection With It*Flaw \mm AMl ,Manhole C� ?1DI]258— Atoott MAIL-Water Level 'At'IT.&fl'1211 B-Broken Stuc..0.4d31 �:tit4f:Etki�ll. B-Broken �+ Category.StructurM �+At 45.5 It 316 CC—Cra ckcircumferentta o. - -. Category:Structural At 47.5't[12Y CL-crack Longitudinal Category,Structural ^^”— At55.1ftJ5 - FC-Fractmecircumferential Categ..,ory'.Structural MWLS.Water Level sag Category:.Shuchlral w✓+At69,8 x417 -- -FC-.FracWre-Circumferental Categoty'Stut:WraV V At66.9 tt 1 117 CM-Crack Multiple \`.. Categwy:Slructural At n`q_51Y3r6 � -- BSV-Broken Sail V'laible Category y.Siructural 1 .A1.73.2 ft 61C �-- B-Broken category:structural ... �•At 95.6 n 3r6 ,. FC-Fracture Cutumfe?ential Category:Structural Main Inspection With Pipe-Run Friday,December 14,2012 2.06 PM Page 1 of 2 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue Orlando,FL 32805 J'.TE Phone:407-849-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: City: Street: Bozeman D0527 D0528 Bozeman East Main Start date/time. Width: HeighU Material: Location code: 12/11/2012 10 VCP G Dtrectian: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label: Downstream 122.2 4 12-11-12 Al Ion?412492. B-Broken Category.Structural At 920.7 ft JOL-JoirtCfteiLtr e Cate go ry"S tructura I At 122.2 ft MSA-Abandoned Survey Main inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,December 14,2012 2:06 PM Page 2 of 2 CUES, Inc. 3600 Itlo Vista Avenue —� Orlando, FL 32805 ' PI-H-hw fi neM Twp ftriS.- Phone; 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 r Project.Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality:. Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman G0464-GO465 Bozeman Beall and East of 5th Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 4/14/2009 8 VCP Direction:. Length surveyed: Weather: Media Lobel: Towards Downstream 528.1 4 G6464 �~ 1- w y Ats�n .,....... _..n. _0))>START WITH FLDVN-.Startinspectior With Ine.Flaw Category:Miscellaneous Feature At311ft.( r�At25.6 it 101. TEA-TapBreak-in Active TEA-Tap Break-in Active Category:Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature �+At85.3 tt 101_ T— TBC-Tap Break-tin Capped At 10®..8 R2/. Category:Construction Feature TEA-Tap Break-in Active ... _.. .. _ .� Category:Construction Feature �AC141,.2ft901. TEA-Tsp Break-in Active Catagary:Construction Feature At 153.3 ft-1gd. At 162.0 ft 21, TEA-Tap Break-in Active TEA-Tap Break-in Active Category-Construction Feature Category:Construolian Feature �. �A 192.5 ft 10f I..,. At2080ft31. - aTSA-Tap Saddle Active Category:Construction _... .r Feature Category:Co nstruction Fe ture :. <a +vt At2653ftiv _ _-yI+At260.0ft 171..... .. . ... ig TBA-Tap Bxea k-tn Active - TEA-TapBreak-tin Active Category:Construction Feature �'_ d� Category:Constuction Feature Atat11Oft2l.1t V ¢ TEA-TapBreak-in Active Category:Construction Feature ^tit +�A33247 hipJ. TEA-Tap Break-in Active At3516t[21 Cate gory'.Corrstructun Feature TEA-Tap Break-in Active Category:Construction Feature V ^ _ .. ..... . .............. ........_............... ..._._.._... .__._........ � �at517.e ft 41a RAGS-DeposltsAttached Grease Category O&F.h.... Rt528 1 1k AMH-Manhole category:Construction Feature • G0465'� v�!At 528.1.It STOP-Inspection stopped Category Miscellaneous Feature TV inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,Aprfl 28, 2009 10:38 AM Page 1 of 1 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of BrC�,'?,�r 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 e XFI 406.528.3200 ,x—firm—r�tvr�x ri« 'r (w po iT i Jm IM, r `eINV m' rurwwr" it ri Tu n, "" ' �11111' x �,r���''�tlHili1 ,r� f'r � r I'S"t dw `' Io w'r J +, ai 1l/'l21 c r lr,"� F, 9�1! �yl��t'il, Irlp>rr> �f Jln� 11),e Bay.�l% all p"Iu'w r iyuu' ���i, �f �,ail�,r :wr iY i Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0417-FO418 Bozeman N Tracy Av ................... .... Start date/tome: Width: Height: Material. Location Code: 3/10/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed. Weather: Media Label: Downstream 326,5 1 Pg417 1S ,I START WITH FLOW-Start Inspection With the Flow Cateyory:Mscella neous Feature Alb.9 st 31.4 +y At it 12(3 TFC-Tap Factory Capped - .. CC Crack Circuirferential I Category,Construction Feature Category.Structural y At 14.9 it 101. -TFC Tap-FaatoryCapped- _ Category:Constructor)Featuure — FL-Fracture Longitudinal Categor}r:.5ffiuctura V yA43&3tt91..,. v. Ai 34.8ftwd +� FL-Fracture Longitud anal w 7FC-Tap Factory Capped tu category:Structu ra l ------� _.,<. ...._.._ Category:Construction Feare At38.3 ft 31, - -- FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category'StrUcturat 'v At 49.0 it 10f V ,......._ "TF-TapTactdry Category:Construction Feature u- w is rrA' At 50:5 ft j1 <?g CL-Crack.Longitudinal .....Caegory:Structura l At61.4'cbv y _ TFA-Tap Factory Active "y At 1 Oy. ? Category.Construction Feature TF-Tap Factory Category:Construction Feature y'At79.8ft3R -Cc-Crack Ciraumterentol Category:Structural At801 tt91._,.. TFA-Tap Factory Active Category:.Construction Feature At$53ft31 y'At SO,7 h 1tr,'_ TFC-Tap Factory Capped _.__ �,\\_ -. CIA-Crack Muttiple Category'Construction Feature I "'r+� �..` Category.Structural P't6,',54t 106 --- CL-Crack Longitudinal Category:5tructural 3 _ At994 it 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped _- Category Construction Feature C7rrtitted: 15 B ft TV Inspection With Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:44 Alva Page 1 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department OF BO 814 N Bozeman Ave P.D.Box 1230 Aln% Bozeman,MT 59717 X6 406.528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0417-FO418 Bozeman N Tracy Av Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Cordes 3/1012008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed:, Weather: Media Label: Downstream 326.5 Atli 1,5 it 31 ;'l i Art iz,9nair .__TFA_ FM- Fracture Multiple Category Construction Feature Category:sit ictural At 1255 lt9/ TFC-Tap Factory CWFp4a Category,Construction Feature AtI2681112/. CL-Crack Longitudinal Category:Structural At Qr2.a tt 11, Atla75ft21 FL=FrmttureLongftudlhai TF.TapFaCiory Category-Structural Category.Constiurbon Feature AFIA 3.0 it 81- FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category:Structural... i TFC--Top Factory Clipped- Category,Constiuchco Feature At 158,2 ft21 ry At 153.2'ft-1 2A TSA-Tap Saddle ACU,e CM-Crack M,uMple & Category Construction Feature Category.Structural '6 At t638 tt21. TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction.Feature At 176.1 ft714 — CG Crook Clacuntiarential < At 17$rl ftj2 CL-Crack Longitudinal Category Structural At 1 ri 7-ft 10 TFC-Ta p Fa cto ry Go ppea Category-Construction Feature At 190L0 it 21'. TFA-Tap Factory Active —5bA At I P3.1 ft913 Category.Construction Feature --CM--Cr8Ftk Multiple Category:Structural At20 t13). CL-Crack Longitudinal Category structural At2043 ft 101, v TF-Tap Factory Category:Construction Feature At207.4 it 121. CL-Crack Longitudinal TFC-Tap Factory Capped Ciitepofy'51luotrnai Category:Construction Feature AtZl 7 A ft 12) CL-Crack Longitudinail Clifted 103 7 ft Cale go ry.Sy. ucWra! TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:44 AM Page 2 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department A F HO 814 N Bozeman Ave rawc P.D.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.526.3200 Project Narrl Pipeline Segment Ref; Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0417-FO418 Bozeman N Tracy Av Start date/time: Width; Height: Material: Location Code: 3/10/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label; Downstream 326.5 At:25 6 tt 12f On Z19.3ft FL-Fracture Longitudinal T.- category,Sl AtZaO 411101 TFC-Tap Factory Gapped Category Construction Feature At231 Oft 2J TCA-Tap Saddle Active At 2 3 7 r6 ft 111. Category Construction Feature CL-Crack Longitudinal C'tegory.structural At2494 ItI21. At 242 ft'J CL-Crack Lungil TFA-Tap Factory Active Category Structural Category.construction Feature ;y'kt it 117 CL-Crack Longitudinal Caagory:SrruCtUra yL At 256.0 ftl 01 TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature At 263:5-t41- CL-Crack Longitudinal category:Situctura TFC-Tap Factory Capped At 271 5 it 121 FL�Fracture Longitudrial P Category.Construction Feature imm category Structural At 271.9 ftSr2 - CC-Crack Circurnterel Category'Stium'al It8/1 CM..Crack Multiple cainStructural cryL Structural At282 4 If 101 TFC-Tap Fact TFC-Tap Factory Capped Atn4.6 ft2l,Capped Category�con structon Feature ory Category Construction Feature V At309,'JtJOJ.- TF-Tap FaWfy Category Constrl Feature A022 6 11a16 CC-Cracl,ClTcurriferenhal -Category:Structural At323 5 ft 7/1 CC-Crack Circumferential Category structural A026 5 ft (LO)"'F04 ll' AMH-V.rihole Category,construction Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7:44 AM Page 3 of 4 City of Bozeman WatWS8wer Department OP BO 914 N Bozeman Ave P.Q.Box 1230 em Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 Project Name Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0417-FO418 Bozeman N Tracy Av Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code; 3/10/2008 6 VCP Direction: length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 326.5 1 ,4.1 326.5 id STOP.lospecbonstopped Category Wsce4anooasFeame IF04 1b < TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:44 AM Page 4 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department 814 N Bozeman Ave P.C. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 g':•'.'°° 406,528,3 200 kxc'jkme;,,rub&svmw Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0418-FO419 Bozeman N. Tracy Ave, Start date/time: Width: Freight: Material: Location Code: 3/10/2006 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed:. Weather: Media Label: Downstream 570.1 1 AI n It -- START WITH FLC`VV-Startlnspecton With the Flow F0418 i'"�`�\ Category:Mlecatianeous Feature l �At 2.4 ft 715 CC-Crack CliCrJmfefiential Category Structural i J'A17.5ft 31- CL-Crack Loltgthld±nal '., Category'Structural li "�✓ At25,9 M91. FL.Fracture Loncitud..inal Category.Structural V At 25.9 tt 31. FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category Structural �A07 4 R1o1 S/ TFC-Tap Factory Capped CategoryrConstructon Feature At50.5 fI — CiL-Crack Longitudinal Catagory:Structural >� At 59.6 tt.1 W e At73.911121 �; TFC-Tap Factory Capped - co TFC-Tap Factory Capped Categoay.Constructon Feature r-v Category.'Construction Feature �� y AtB63 tl 10l. °' - --- TFA-Tap Factory Active Category Construction Feature `t riy At 100.5 ft 21.r� TFC-Tap Factoty Capped -------- '.. Category°.Csrnstructo rl Feartrre At 11.19ft 101. I - TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction FeaWre o At 127.4 ft 21.�r TFA-Tap Far'1Ary Active -----......._! i Category GonstructionFeature At 441.9ft II _...._ TFA-Tap Facory Active Category.Construction Feature �+.At 152.1 ft IOL --°--- TFC-TapFactary Capped Category'Construction Feature At 4..64.4 rt 2f. TFC-.Tap Factory Capped OrrAttau-402.d it TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of 60- 614 IN Bozeman Ave P.D.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 X6 406.526.3200 Project Name; Pipetine Segment Ref: Locality: LocatWn(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0418-FO419 Bozeman N. Tracy Ave. Start date/time: Width: Height: Materiali: Location Code: 3/10/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed; Weather: Media Label: Downstream 570.1 1 �'A4778A 8714 Fmc" 156.8 ft R FJ-Roots Fine Joint Category O&M At 178.6 ft 141 TFO-7ap Factory Capped Category Constucfip'Feature At 191 4 At 190.11171.y RFL-Ca of Ro Cate oC&M ts Fine Lateral RFJ-Roots Joint y Category MM At 204 7 ft 71 At 1514821 --- RFJ-Roots Fine Joint TFA-7ap FactwyActive ca"cly O&M Category'.Constructor Feature At 105.5-ft 101 TF-Ta p Fact.Ty Category.constructor Feature 06,7 it M 7 I At 217.9821. At.- TFC-Tap Factory Capped RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category.Construction Feature Category.0&M At 225.2 ItSA At 2321 ft I W. RFJ-Roots Fine Joint TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.0i Category:Constructed Feature At234.1 82? At 233.58 TSA -Tsp Saddle Active - MrAr'-Material Change Category.Construction Feature Category:Miscelaneous Feature r. AtZ44.3 82!.V At 234.5 ft TFC-Ta p Fa cto ry Ca Aped MMC-Malerla[Change Category:Construction Feature Category,Miscellaneous Feature 1%10 AI:258.9ft7 Qi. TFA-Tiap Factory Actve Calteqory:Cnnstnuctcnleeiture At271 1 ft,-i. At 258.986112 TFA-Tap Factory Active RML-Rents Medium Lateral Case pory-Comstiucton Feature Category:O&I'A At 260 1 ft 31 CL-Crack Longitudinal Category sfiuctufai �,At271 I ft6MI 6 ft 1J. Sle RML-Roots Medium Lateral TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:O&M Category:Construction Feature ! TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category,Construction Feature At 307A It W CL-Crack Longftudlrpi Category structural AL307,8 11714 CC-Crack Circumferential Category Structural Oretted ft TV[inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM page 2 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department F 80, 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 I n"Z�� Bozeman,MT 59717 406,528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Local4; Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0418-FO419 Bozeman N.Tracy Ave. Start date/Ume: Width: Height: Material! Location Code: 3/10/2008 10 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 570.1 At309 6 tt 5& Onlitted 307.8 It CC-Crack ck Citcu nfe re nfia I Category Structural At 3111 Q 11 Oir TFC-Tn p Factory Capped At 324 3 It-,; e Category Construction Feature TF•Tap Factory A t 324,3 ft 12112 Category'.ConSVII0011 Feature RBL-Roots Ball.Lateral Category O&M 4�At3 38 7,it 1 Qf 7FA-Tap Factory Active Catec At351 1 ft2,, lory Construction Feature TFC Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature A0634 ff101. TFA-TOpFaMryActv& Category construction Feature RML-Roota Medium t.8tafal At 37 7.9 ft 21. C.t8qofy'O&tA TFC-Tap Factory Capped CAlragol Construction Feature, At38-,6 it 91, FL-Fracture Longitudinal Category.Structural At ftlo!. E TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature At 404$ft^/ TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature 'J'Al 417.4 ft 1 W TFC-Ta p Factory Capped Category.Constucton Feature At432.3 ift-k 101. TFA-Tap Factory Active! ___-Z RBL-Roots B.0 Lateral Category.Construction Feature category O&ll At 444.3 f(101. At 4 5 0 7 ft 11 TFC-Ta p Factory Ca peed TBA-Tap Break-in Acuvt Category Cc"structon Feature Category Connucbon Feature A1455:9 ft2l. TFC-Tap Factory Capped C2Wq0ry-Constucton Feature yl At471 2 ft 101 TFA"Tip Factory Active Category Construction Feature Cl 87 1 tt TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 of 4 City of Bozeman Watet/Sewer Department cif B04 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Localtion(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0418-FO419 Bozeman N.Tracy Ave. Start date time. Width: Height! Material: Location Code: 3/10/2008 10 VCR Direction: Length surveyed: Weather, Media Label: Downstream 570.1 At497.0 ft2l. Onlitted.484 8 it A1.485 8 ft 21 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint TF=Tar,Facor} 211t Category,08 Iti At,198.0 It lul. TFC-Tap Factory Capped category Ccn0ucton Feature Category Construction Feature At S 11.8 ft 9n A1499 11 tt9Y RFJ-Roots Fine jol�it RFJ-Roots Fine Joint O&M Cale gory Cam At 512.8 lt21 At510 4 it 9Y TFC-Ta p Factory Ca pped FL-Fracture Longitudinal In CAtegory.Construction Feature Category:stiuctuTai 101, TFC-Tap Factory{tapped Category:Constructor,Feature At543.0n9l. t At 54 1 r9 ft 21 U) TFA-Ta p Factory Actve CL-Crack Longitudinal Caregory:Construction Feature Category:Structural TrA-Tap Factory Active CsL-gciy Construction Feature At 567r4 ft 715 CM-Crack munipie Category,Structural .... .......... At 570 1 it AMH-Manhole IFD,rl 10, Category. Feature At 670,1 ft STOP-Inspection stopped Category.Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspecticin wb Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 4 Of 4 City of Bozeman Water/'Sewer Department � Of BQZ 614 N Bozeman Ave P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 682-320 X6 406,526.3200 Eccdkiice in PaW 5emc( r/1J1�',:'.,yyrmr�✓�a�r,'J'/ jl (A%'r!>PNr�� �➢i?Jt< 'n4„�i'n�i',°,rr✓���?F �i„�Ji''�r:1'�i� '���f 1/% 1''CIFzGrB,✓,ri,7i✓I� ,� � �ct'r r ^rn r'-,4 t'?`pJrt, 7, /"y,, rl ��� ��i f ✓ia y � !�',,. � ml �� a ,�. '�r,��(.. .�C'��/ .:✓ d i, tl � "��tu� .u(�Vr�^�if�//16 ✓� 1 !' Fly jr ✓�"{��lJ/���f�i:,;'1��/r"0����%�r�a �'y'!,. � i„'""dw"..�ra.ant��k:�`��"n"t',pj ''S'uir1�,Lr f','����<.#•' ��' 6a,. { F )'"p �„ a,t �r� ��/j/!/��r' !�i�� � �5f^J,G��i, a�� � �n- � �t � � I !I t � t ��l� ub�� �.� ,G (u9 i� �,���i Project Name. Pipeline segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0419-FO310 Bozeman N. Tracy Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/11/2006 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed, Weather. Media Label: Downstream 355.2 1 F0419 (4 ,� >00 87AR7r vT s eLI1CerWSt Featu eChQn WV1h the Floe, W At 6.O ft I - MWL-Water Level Cale gory:-Misceilaneous:Fea Lure -+..At-12:8t16111 -. 1 V FC Fracture Circurnterenlal Category-Shuc4utaf At41.6 ft8110 ...._RFJ-Ro its-Fine joint i Cate9cry:CB,M � -'At4Q0ft1gP F r FL7F acture LntigltjairT l 1 - - Categaryy:6tructural TFC-Tap Factory Capped Ats7.2 ix 2f categoryt Gon37Uctl Fe on- ature ('( TFA-Tap Factory Active -..--...- t i Category.Construction Feature' At 66.7 it 95 11 -- ACM»Cia Ck muthple _.. ,.. Ca.. gory:Structural.... . +�At71.71tt(IJ. 4 TFA-Top Factory Active Category.Constructon Feature . At64,0ft2r_y burr g TFC-Tap Factory C.a,pped ft11l, Category Construction Fealuire. -TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature ch � At i Q Q,3 tt t ql,. TBA Tap BreaR In Active category-Coll steuetlon Feature U :fy At100-31t6l11-. --- A't111 Cft2f,� �',., ` RFC-Roofs Fine Connection TFC-Tap Factory Capped LL �\ Category'O&M- Category.Construction Feature �At 106.1 It 41. RFJ-Roots Fine,k nt Category 09M . � At12661t 101, -. At 1381 tt 2l.y ---. TFC Tap Factory Capped... TPA-Tap Factory Active, Category:Construction Feature Category Construction Feature , At 138,1 02,8 --ft FC Roots Fine Connection ay—,,. Category:OVA ....+�At 149.0 it 12Y TBA--Tap Break-jr Active Category_Construction Feature w Omitted 190.8 ft TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 ANA Page 1 of 3 CO of Bozeman Water/sewer Department of KC)44% 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.320o Project Name: pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0419-FO310 Bozeman N. Tracy Start date/time: Width: Height; MaterlaE Location code; 3/11/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveye& Weather; Media Label: Downstream 355.2 At 149-6 if 9_4 DnOtte6 147 2 It Rh4J-Roots Medium Joint Category:O&M At 1505 ft 101. TFC=Ta rp Facto ry Ca Ape Category:Can structon Feature At 1ff.7 ft21 TFA-Te 1)Facto Fy Active Category,Construction Feature RFL-Roots Fine,Lateral Category'08to 4AI17781'tlo; TFA-,,TapFaM,yAcbve_ Category Constructran Feature At 192.0 it At 196 6 ft 1215 TFC:-Tap Factory Capped ---Z fiv-Fracture-murtiple- Category:Construction Feature Caltegory:S[TucturaV At 204.31t 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:constructoll Feature 4At213.8h1_-t' SZ-Stria ceOtpa, Cate qory�-Strudural '41-16 8 ft2 TFA-Tap Factory Active caten At 2.23.9 ft2(4 ory�Construction Feature ri RFJ-ROOM Fine Joint Cabaqm y cia M A t 22 9.3 ft 101._ Z At 2 4 3.7 tt TFC-Talp.Foaoty Capped Ctoegory-Construclon Feature v TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature 2,15.5ft It TBA-Top Break-in Active Category:Construction Feature At 256.1 it 101. TFC-7apFactofyCapped Category.Construction Feature At.7016 tit^/. TFA-Tap Factory Active '_ategory„Construction Feature At 283.0 h 101, TFA-Tap Factery Active Caleg'oty Construction Feature At 2 P 3-0 It 12112 RPL-ROOM Fine Lateral C a te g 0 ty.cra M At 295,E Pt 2t TFC-Tap Facto(y Capped Category Construction Feature At312,A ft 10,',, TFA-Tap Factory Active ....... Category-Ccw*uchori-Feature Ornittad 42 4 tt TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 2 Of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department cf 604, 814 N Bozeman Ave 't P.0,Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528,3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0419-FO310 Bozeman N. Tracy Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 3/11/2008 6 VCP 01rection: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 355.2 Untitled.313 1 tt At 31.3 4 ft-H i I .. FL-Fracture I.Drigiludinal A 13.52111r q CZteqDfY'StFUCtUTaJ TSA-Tap Saddle Active dZ I Category.constructor F—ime rri M^ At 326.6 It 31 TFC-Tap F,,ckD,y Capped At 348 4 ift 10�. ci Cateelry GunOoctror Feature FL--Fracture Longiluduval Category.Strucl _At 35..1 It8I4 Fr_-_FranireCftcuniferentai Cava o ry:Stu ctu ra I At 355-ft AMH-Mznhole category Consruution Feature y.At 355 1 ft STOP-truspectDr,stDpped Category Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 3 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department ( 'r Bid, 814 N Bozeman Ave �� � P.C. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59717 Bola aco ,el 406,528.3200 Exeeyezce in 1§bbc Service yy„%(/ ?�l >ii/�� i..,✓, ,Gfr'� 4' r �n" ,.,�.f �4"'.. y �y 1�"4 )b"": � "e'(,�w ,� y,.Y i��v� l�gl iJl�%�/�Jd�I!/J�,I�'��/%,,. F%-,II-..<luLi.i�,f,.�,�rirf,�Ai�,'r,,,����irt�l��wY �d/%ihr,.�ir��ii�PI,/!il`&,�i�✓�y/J�fariG,. PY, ���!w;ld��/.;,,��N,!1�1�y�/ail�v9��'^r,�3 �.,.,!��,�i�r ".�i���/ W, o.,,�P���v."fu4 Project Name:. Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0310-FO311 Bozeman N.Tracy and Peach Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code; 3/11/2008 5 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 317.5 1 At 9 u rt _ 'START WITH FLOW-Start Inspector With the Flo. -� Category M iscelloneous Feataire il-At 9.0 tl MWL-water Level Category Miscellaneous Feature F0310 JOM Joint Offset Medium � J Category.Stuctural w At47 P R I W. TFC-Tap Faotorp Capped J Category bonstuetml Feature At 32.1 1112112 W V / �'A174.5 ft 101 RPR-Repair Point — !/ TFA-Tap Factory Active Categouy Structural Category.Cotetueto,,Feamo At 40 tt2Y.,N. £ y A174."a It 12112 TSA.-Tap Saddle Active -- j RML,-Roots Medium Lateral Category Construction Feature f !� Category.O&M 1 At7f,6ft 71iI At62.1It'l ',� . RFJ-Roots Fine Joint TFC-Tap Factory Capped — J Categary_OSM Calegary.Consouchen Feature �, r✓^� Y At75 7 8814 m �+�,+ J CC-Crack Circumferential L / Category'Structural o r At8821i719 a .. ___ RFJ-Roots Fine Joint cc . b At89.1 rt2r. SA :.. 4' Category:.OBf.I _ TFA-Top Fa<ta ry Active ^_° Category'Construction Feature .._-. ���Af .88 2 tt51. . .Y FL-Fracture Longitudinal a Category Structural At89.1 819,N.°. AtIr56tt21 't yt�� -- RML Rots Medium Lateral TFC-Tap Factory Capped _-_.. M1 Category, Category.Cr,nstructnn Feature „- ,i At 101 4111W' TFA-TO p Fa story Active w l Category Constuction Feature I i yy.4t 101drt715 ii ii At142.4 R^i.�, �i ---� RME-Roots Medium Lateral TFA-To p Factory A.cove -- -.- l! Category O&M Category:Construction Feature _ ` h �'At 1104,41 t1 61,2 _.RFJ-Roots Fine Joint -- --- Category'C&M k V At 127.8 tit 10J'. .— TFC-Tap Fa=TV Ca pre Catepary'Construction.Feature Omitted 4..48.5 tt TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department OF 814 N Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 ,106,5283200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Looa 14: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0310-FO311 Bozeman N. Tracy and Peach Start date/time: Width: Height: Material; Location Code: 3/11/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: weather. Media Labei: Downstream 317.5 1 At 154 6 1110L priAtIM, 8 tr TFC-Ta p Fa cto ry Ca rope d Category Constfuebon Feature A t 17 8 4 it I FL-Fracture LoaplDuclulSi At 168.7 ft 21 C-teguty.S ti ucto to I 7FC-7@p Factory Capped At 161A it 101 Cgtaclory Construction.Feature TFA-Tap Factory Active Category.Co nst ucbori Feature At 181 4 lt I,-15 RFL-Roots Fine Lateral At 105-7 ft2l Category O&M TFC-Tap Factory Capped At 208.0 ft I OW. Category.Construction Feature .......TFA=Top FactoryALtrye. Category:construction Feature At 1­'2,9 ft 715 RML-Room Medium Lateral At",ZZ 9 4 2l Category:O&M TFA-Tap Factory ACbve 22.9 ft gig Category:Constructon Feature At— ID-Infil Drplpe� Cateyory:O&M At235.2 f1101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped At2491 ft21 Category Ccustructon Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category CorustrUctonFealture At26 1-R it 101-- TPC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature A t Z 7 a,6 M51. FL-Fracture Longrajoinal TFC-Tap FaAt.'yC9prued category Structural CCategory.Constructon Feature At286 5 ft-101 TFA-Tap Facto ryActive Category:Constriction Feature At 302.8 It ail 2 RFL•Roots Fine Lateral At302 6 f2i. TFA-Tip Factory Active CttegOFY CvIlsOuction Feature At317.11[ MSA-Abandoned Survey Category Miscellaneous Feature At 317 1 it STOP_JaSpei,fiotl Stopped Category Wscelaneoas Feature At317 5ft 101. TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construction Feature C,aitted 61.6 it TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 2 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department 0?BO 814 K Bozeman Ave P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.5283200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0310-F0311 Bozeman N.Tracy and Peach Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code! 3/11/2008 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather; Media Label: Downstream 317.5 r Omdied:401.5ft IF0311 TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7.43 AM Page 3 of 3 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department 01 BQ 814 N Bozeman Ave A' P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59717 Xi6 406.526.320 EYCe1lcntr in AuMiC SeYrire yiyy lfi� ,G�roi aa`,M�''J,�. « d��,�1,�",Ji�� i+i:+ i- r'/�rd�'�/✓ti f�4',a<il��,�"'�.,'"',r,�;'��'rti,r.-",'i ''�,,;F.,: �;;u>A�� 7..sir,�ti�'�/�'ilk�ly ;F�� �, ,%� ,/�r�r,�yn'�.,,,"r. Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Locabcm(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0315-FO316 Bozeman N Black Start date/time: Width: Height; hlaterfat: Location Code; 2/19/2008 8 VCP Direction: Length surveyed; Weather: Media Label: Downstream 360.8 M At6.trft START WITH FLQftJ-Startinspection Willi the Flow Category:Miscellaneous Feature F0315 A t 21.3 ft 1216 CC-Crackcircumletenual \ ' / Category Structural At71A Ital �- RFJ-Roots Fine Joint { Calegory0&M r y�,At 55,7 f 5t 1 - RFJ-Roots Fine Joint 1 - Category:08M gri-Dox ftz/:-.... .. _.. 'RFJ-Roots Fine Joint fi Category-Cr&M At754115r, 1, a it At 1154 i1:619 DSZ-De posits Settled other —...., r �j; t— RFC-Roots Fine Connector. Category'C&M ;. / i Category 0&M A1:5171t2! , At1180ft719 TB-Tap 8._- �a r � r RFJ-Roots Fine Joint t+m Category Construct}on Feature f Category 0&149 l/ 'V f +�At 121.6 ft3/5 RFJ—RootsFirre Joint ... ..... _. Category.09M At 1154 ft2/-,l _-.,� j� / At 12&4ft315 TBI-Tap Break-in lntruding ---- 1 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category:C.onstructon Feature �✓ cntegory:0&04 vl At 128 411160 - RFJ-Roots Fine.Joint -:'•-., category 0&M At 532.0 It V6 -~' — RFJ.Roots Fine Joint Category:0&I," t s]<At 135.41t 101 TB-TapBreak-in Calegory Construction Feature At176Th21.�, 1� 1, At 144.3 ft 101. r TBI-Tap Break-in ti ucl Intruding TS-Tap Saddle Category Consd ucdon Feature ._;,.V ,t Category:Construction Feature k} VAt146.2ft 71 '�-- RFJ-Roots Ftne Joint category...MM 0mittad:U-7—Fir -.-- TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7.43 AM Page 1 of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department �4g gq 814 N Bozeman Ave ' P.O.Box.1230 'MLo Bozeman,MT'59717 g6 406.528,3200 a ..,. . Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0315-FO316 Bozeman N Black Start dateltBme: Width: Height. Material Location Code: 2/19/2008 8 VCp Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label:. Downstream 360.8 At 194.9 ft 10' OrrRted 1716ik -" TB-Tap Break.-in P.........._.._.___.. __. _. Category Canstiuctian Feature •� u�.At 7949 ft IQi5 RFC Foots Fine Connection Category'C8 M '�.�• At 196 3 it 715 REJ.-R oots.Fine Joint _ At215.1 t2l.d, —�, Category:09M TS-Tap Saddle - \ ,pt2o0,Oft-l5 Category.consti"uetion Feature At 2-Roots Fine Joint At2228ft^21.ti _ �r Category O&M TS-Tap Saddle -- At 203.FSft7r5 Category:.Construction Feature RFJ.-FOOEe Fine Jaunt At226.8 ft2/,ty '\+°. Ca"0 ry:08 M. TS-TapSaddle Category.Construction Feature A1240.1)It 70f.,. At 256 4 ft27:wr.: -- T81-Tap Break-nr Intruding TS-Tap Break-in -- Category Construction Feature Category:Construction Feature w At286 91t 10). ---..—.— TS-TaiuBreak-in Category:Construction Feature. I I At 323.0 ft 2l.,• TB-TapBisak-€n -- Category construction Feature At 326.O fir 12112,'; !' .: t�At333.7 R 101. RFF-Repair Point .,�__._-_......._ TBA-Tap Break.in Active category Structural _ Category.Constructron Feature -_4 At36O_8tt _. - H-Manhole i Category ConstrucdonFeature At 350.&1t STOP-Inspection stopped '-- Category:Miscollaneoues Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM page 2 Of 2 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer[Department Of Q�� 614 N Bozeman Ave ��' P.O. BOX 1230 :? Bozeman, MT 59717 ras az°° �Qm4:..M., AD 406.528.3200 asear�r:e r,wl�serr re `i J% �J1,/ 1 rtI& YNJ ,J%/1J rV,; ll/%ry ILr" r;,J jrAAa / a irrnJIA r"t`J ,Jrl, tlY 1 9/ ti ry�f� ' j167 2mp j'Iii j, .tf'�r� .t i # e.re 'tf�a.' glr,.i II tli /y� r ��"�1,� ii r�fr��,"�;rwyhd`,�„u ,r%�Ei� r-ryi� r'il �✓ °���,°„�a�/��� .,. ii�i /��" �.,�,ii���" ��d ��,r�riii�ri�y(I� �rrf���" ,.e„ Project Name: pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0316-FO317 Bozeman N BL.ack Start date/time: 'Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 2/19/2006 8 VCP Direction. Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 349.7 t AtOOtt >STARTW7H FLOW-Starlinspect4on with the Floe' Category:Miscellaneous Feature At3.8 ft 215 f F-- RFJ-'Roots Fine Joint 1 Caietloay 08m :g'A13.8 ft 5f5 RFJ.Roots Fine Joint r�r Category-c&M F0818 / iyAt38ftrl �� ✓f CL Crack'Longitudinal '...category.Structural ._._.. '.At 7.A it V5 'RFJ«Roots Fine Joint I At 10.7 it 7110 Category:0&M RFJ-Roots Fuse Joint .............-.W.. .At741t7M0 Category;0&M RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category:OVA .. 0J At 17.8 ft 205 k�e RFJ-RooffFioe Joint �i. category.O&M. �r A.t24.8 tt 314 RFJ-RoatsFine Joint Cate gory:cast It.At 2$582/5 k n RF'J-Roois�Firs Join' � ._. t ,.- Cate gory.O&M - fl e:m w)+At 892 it 36 n •— RFJ-Roots Fine Joint g Categwy:0&M s�AtSO.D R?15_... RFJ-Roots Fine Joint ++ 4 Categbry�d&M c At 50.0 ftW1'0 RFJ-Rant5 Fine Joint c�a Pega ry7o&051d � y AtS3.4 n7rA RFJ-Roots Fine Joint u Category.cxsm I y At 57.0 it 114 RFJ-Roots Finv J4irit Category,;OS.M ..�At574A17,N-- -- .. . ._..... RFJ-Roots Fine Joint t category:-o&M TV Inspection with Pipe-Tun Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 1 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department Of ROZPI 814 N Bozeman Ave P.D.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 )(6 Project Name: Pipeline Segment fief: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0316-FO317 Bozeman N Black Start date/time; Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 2/19/2008 8 VCp Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label; Downstream 349.7 At60 6 ft7110 Omitted 48 a ti RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category O&M AUCI f:915 RPAJ•Roots Medium Joint Category O&M At 71 4 ft.)f5 RFJ-Root;Fine Joint Category:0&10 At7l.4 UJ9 --RFJ-"Roots Fine Joint Category QBM At 79.1 It 21. TB-Top Break-in. ii At74-4-ft216 Category:,Construction FealUre RMJ-Roots Medium Joint C.1.9.ry,0&M A t 8 1 7 It 7 A �AX7&38914 RFJ-Roots Fine Joint -RFJ--Roots Fine Joint catq.ry'O$M Category:O&M At7gl it 1711^ RFC-Roots Fine Connection yi At 9 7,0,tt I OJ_ TB-Tap Break-in Category.Construction Feature lip Category:0910 TB-Tap Break-in GalzgOTY:construction Feature- At 131.0#1211 RFC_-RootsFFn-.Urmftt166 Cate gory:0&M At in 6"ft 316 RMJ-Roots Medium joint Category:O&M— J At 136.6 it 7A 0 RhiJ-Roots Medium Joint Category,O&M At 1516 ft 2f. At I.5Z aft 121 TB Tap Break-in CL-Crank Longtindinal Category_Constructon Feature RFC-Roots Fine Connection Category.CA M Oftittitad:184 1 ft TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 2 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department of BQZ. 614 N Bozeman Ave P,O,BDX 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 406.528.3200 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Ocation(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0316-FO317 Bozeman N Black Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location Code: 2/19/2008 8 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 349.7 Ornitt-0 169 4 TB Tap Break-in Category Gc5rnau,,Oon Feature A1171 9ft5r RFC-Roots Fmic Connection Category.O&M At2058 itiol, TB-Tap Break-w Category:constlucliall Feature At:D6.8 ti.1 RFC-Roots Fine connection Category:O&M At2063 ft 10�, CL-Crack Longitudinal At2112, ft'.L Category:structu'al T6-To p break-in AI:211-,tt44 Category:Cicnsbuchon Feature T R O-R—tsTapConnection Category 0910 tAt12-2 flIV12 RFC-Routs Fine Connection At224 4 U14 Category:Structural % RMJ-Roots Medium joint Category O&M "Ile At235.8 116M I CM-Crack Multiple Category:structural At 2fi6.34t.-/. At 266.3 It aP TB-Tap Brea Win RFC-Root,Fine Connechon Category Constodon Feature No� Category O&M Oraitted&&4 n TV Inspection with Rpe-Run Graph Tuesday,March 25,2008 7A3 AM Page 3 of 4 City of Bozeman Water/Sewer Department OF BO B14 N Bozeman Ave or P.D.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59717 xs 446.526.3264 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman F0316-FO317 Bozeman N BLack Start datelrime: width:. Height; Materiat: Location Code; 2/19/2008 8 Vcp Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Downstream 349.7 At3161 it 10J_ 0 Wee,313.1h T6-Tap SreaWn Category Construction Fe;itute At3151 ft I2)12 RFC-Roots Fine Coll ne Coon At328.8ft2l S." 32E 3ft2i6 TB-Tar Break-in ......... E LP Feature RFC-RootsF.ine Connector Category O&PA 4! At$49.7 ft M �hlanh6e Category Construction Feature V A1,349 7 ft STOP-Inspection stopped Category,Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Tuesday, March 25,2008 7:43 AM Page 4 of 4 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue _T E Orlando, FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 9r t,; r 'S 7� r/ " Gy/ k t m/ / r✓ /iA i// ip, �o � iii ty1�P br"r t: i. Arl trif r, / rA m A fi� �i��. � �:,,,rr :� " ��ir, Progect Name: pipeline segment ref; Locality: Location(street name and number): Bozeman G0465 GO466 Bozeman N 3rd &W Beal Start dateltime: Width: Height:. Material:. Location code: 6120/2012 6 VCP C Direction: Length surveyed: Weather; Media label: Downstream 362.6 1 6-20-2012 Y Atr,o h -- )=START WITH FL,4'JJ-StainnspecWn With the Flcv+ GDQS5 r` Category kliscellaneous Feature A.MH-Manhole Category.Construction Feature � yl,At 0.0 it ...-:_ --MWL=water Level At tg:tk3r. Category'MisceWneous Feature RFJ-Roots Fire Joint ---- CAte9ory,0&M I' { i i At 5'9.91t 101 y -.-- Ct-Crack Longitudinal —, Category StrucWraJ ' v�A.t 68.3.tt97, �r SSS-surtace Spallulg ��, -Cata,gory-Strncturai w� At 74.9 it 21 £ .t4 At.7Q.3 ft1DY... `:.°. TFC.lap Factory Gapped - -- TFC-Tap Factory Capped ..: j Category'.Construction Feature category:Construction Feature s WtWoft10i. - 'TFA-Tap Factory Active N _j Category.Construction Feature --- J,-A190.7 it 12A CM-Crack to ulople Category Structural - TF-Tap Factory — .— _ M1 At 1094 ft 6'I Category Consb uct1an Feature -- -RML-Roota Madrum Lateral Category.4&AA At 1179 rio/ TFC-Tap Factvy Capped -= 78ta90ry Construction Featuae I I At 192.6 it 2) �,•At 1472 it 10/. TFC-Tap Factory Capped --- - TFC-To Factory Capped 1 Gategary:Gansoucdon Feature Category:Construction Feature At 150:8 DAZ-Geposlts-A teach ad OM or Category O&M >}At1S2.1 8101 '----. _ . . :.r-- ..... TRA Tap Swat-In Aot4e Crrtlded 86 Category.Construction Feature Main inspection with Pope-Run Wednesday,July 18,2012 10:56 AM Pape 1 of 3 CUES,Inc. 3600 Ric Vista Avenue R T E Orlando,FL 32805 Phone::407-849-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: Locality: Location(street name and number) Bozeman G0465GO466 Bozeman N 3rd&W Beafl Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location code: 6/20/2012 6 VCP C Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label: Downstream 362.6 1 6-20-2012 Onritted 1518 A RFC-Roots Fine ccnn8chon IF- Category 0&1,1 At 161.6 R21-V' TK:-Top Factory Capped Ce teclory Construction Feature At 173.6 A316 V Category Structural At 161.1 ft27. At 17r,,4 it I AP. TB-Tap Brea k-in TFC-Top Factory Capped "-_. Categwy!Construrbon Feature Catepuy;Construction Feature At 1,91.2 ft 2 f. TFC. TA p Fa clo ry Cap pe d Categoty Construction Feature A1205.9 h 101, TFC-Tap Factory Capped Cataqory:Construction Feature At 220 5 ft If 9it4/8 TFA-Tap Factory Active RAGS-Deposits Attached Grease Category:Constucbon Feature Category:MM eq -_TFA..Tap-F.Mry Ao.e- Category:constructon Feature At241 7 ftv All 2-4-2.6..-ii.t 6-1__— - TS-Tap Saddle —OL-Crack Longilu6nal Category Structural Category 20mtrUfton Feature ry Al ft 21. TF-TarfFactory ----—----- M244.5 it Oil 1 Category.Constructor Feature ,_category.Structural MWLS-W"rLevelSag Category-Miscellaneous Feawre CL-Crack L 0 n 9 b d irl a I CategDry'Stiructurai V A t 2 7 2,2 ft 104- At286.8 ftV TrC-TapFocbory Capped TF-Tap FaCtory —Z Category:Construction Feature At299A R-101, TF-TapFamry CBtegdiy.GansUuctoriFealure -- At 31 Y.r A to WLS-Water LevIiii Sag__ TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category�miscelb I neous Feature -Cole.", _ConsbUcb0n Feature Ornitted 46 8 ft Main Inspection with P pe-Run Wednesday,July 1 8,2012 10:56 AM Page 2 of 3 Ues'Inc. 3600 Ric,Vista Avenue RN -,l -IF E Orfando,FL 32805 PhurieT 407-849-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: Locality: Location(street name and number): Bozeman G0465G0466 Bozeman N 3rd &W Beall Start datelUme: Width: Height! Material: Location code: 6/20/2012 6 VCP C Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Mediae label: Downstream 362.6 1 6-20-2012 --—--------—— Cmillect 3105 ft TFC-To p Fa ctDry CH ppi,d Cat4gcry Construction Feature A1335.7 ItWIO FC-1'rachoo Cl,conifoteotoj Category shucturil A1341 I ft 101. TBA-Tap Brea is-in Active ra Categ,yr Construction Feat", A045 0 ftB1 SSS SpAllolq Galegoty Structural a) PA0497ft LR,AlIgnmentRiatirt Category,Construction Featui& At 354.7 it 81. RFJ-Roots Fine Joint Category.MM G�4r.6 At361.5Jt AMH-Mani-1. Category Construction Feature V>>STOP-Inspection stopped Category MiscallaneousFeatuTe Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Wednesday,JuBy 18,2012 10:56 AM Page 3 of 3 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue R.A t F-IF E C7rlando FL 32805 ,ss ! nq+.�mu Rf;YV' u;b Mitp I SNIVUiV Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 r Ta /M lrol ffy ih1✓ l , Muir t /'' w u J 'r.;Giij„t ;C.,et ✓ 'r ^W' 1 W Y JitJr t s i °1t+ '�/ r /� �r N` /.r9fljr ” &Y, ; 'tl^ P) CM kph /%VaVb; q/ I atLlvwp%� p rfa` R twi,fr' y✓iiJ //fr � i�!��;„i /�ii r�/;', '?�R�J�1�JJ/7r1' t!/r"/f✓wf;, �"..�t��l,�i,r%1 � "G2i,. l;rgn»�/ir/� 9 /t,�'I H,. �,,,il/�,,� 'wrrf'%rrl�o,�l � r;>i Project Name: pipeline segment ref: City: Street. Bozeman G0466 GO467 Bozeman N.Third Start date/time: Width. Height: Material; Location code:. 11/13/2012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed. 'Heather; Media label; Downstream 431.9 4 f° AtO:Oft Ar.. 7')S>3 START WITH FLOW-Start Inspe ck ri With the Flo,, Atli 211:IW1 . I At00It SO RFJ-Roots Fine Joint -- 1 Category�O&M AMH-Man hoYe "�" �;At 0.0 it At 1&0 it9rr.w , �', .�.. MWL Wale,Level sot.RMJ-Roots Medium.Point �.At263 it Category:Y Q&M MWLS Water Leuel5ag ! -At 66:1-11 K rl: ! Category,Structural .�. . ._._ TFC-Tap Factory Capped) `� - �At°.5.'8 it 31? \ DSZ-Deposits Settled 0[he r 1 At 95.6 ft.P •�, i '; Category:O&M TF i Tap Factory - +At516It 101 ld At'97.3ftwi,..�. TFC-Tap Factory Capped S03:RPR-Pipe Replaces} 'y.At8.t0 ft101. Att00.5ft;1.•lr 4 P� 7F-Tap Facet ry T'S-Tap Saddle i Att5941tt0i. TFC-Tap Factory Capped At 901 Ott.V'� \ F03 RPR-Ptlpe Replaced �� vAt t3$.0 it 101 At102:3h1013 r4 '\.:.. TS-Tap Saddle ✓ 1 F 01:RFJ-Roots Fine Joint At 146 7 I .. Category O&M "" t /' IVWLS-Watai Level Sag At1..c:3 tt913 category Structural. I F02:RMJ-Roots Medium Joint -- y At 152,6 it IDri o Fe Joint m Category 0&b Cate oly,O&M Att2341121 u�$ TFC-Tap Factory Ca peed At 153511"1. S RFL Roots Firoa Lateral . L� r.. Att38 Bft�'._.. r ,. .�..� Category 0 9M SO4:RPR-Pine Replaced ._i�Ati6 < r 9it 101 At 14-.+fty _ 1 °° TFC-Tap Facto ey Capped �, F04:RPR-Pipe Repplace d / ^-.1��--, At 153,5 ft 21 A't 177,6 it 11C � e 'R.Fd-RooC5 Frne Joint i TF_Tap Factor ,`/`i ;`.'�,'�`4 CaTegory0&M t Atl7l8tt2i',�. 1' � l�At781.1117110 1 TI3-Tap Break-in r r" �__. CM-Crack M trltYple At 183.0 it 21 4_ Category Structural i r TFC-Tap Factory Capped . 1. ''\ At 1902It 7i3 Att887 ftrtl 1. —. RFJ-Roots Fine Joint TB-Tap Break-in ty Category:o&M .....,, At 197,1 ft 101 TFC-Tap Factory Capped i 1 Omitted 255 9 it _... . . ..._..._...�„ Main inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,December 14,2012 1:19 PM Page 1 of 3 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue RAN TE Orlando,FL 32805 Phone:401-1349-0190 Fax:407-46-1569 Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: City: Street: Bozeman G0466GO467 Bozeman N.Third Start date/time: Widths Height: Material: Encathen code: 11/13/2012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label: Downstream 431.9 4 A1211 4 ft2, TFC-Tap Factory Capped It 1W. SO� RPR-Pipe Replaced Al At2297 Ity TB-Tap Brea k-in FO5 RPK-Pipe Replaced At240.4 ft /. TFO-Tap Factwy Capped At� At270 0 Q21. fA F -Fracture MultpTe Category Structural- TF,Tap Factory A0..277.6 It ft 10P S" RPR-PipeReplactd TFC-TapFictorycapipad A1281,D fL At284.3 lt9/ FOG.RPr-Pipe Replaced 4 TF-Tap Factory It i TFC Tap Factory capped At 3199 TS-Tap W� Saddle At3 12.0 ft S07 RPR-P9pe Replaced At 342.p ft91 At316 6 0 TF-Ta p Factory F07,RPR-Flipe Replaced At 3,58 3 ft7l. wra At 3'7.7 ft21 -RFJ-Roats Fine Joint 7F-lap Factory q.ry:0&M TFC-Tap Factory capped A1356.6tt� p-2 TFC-'Tap Factory Capped At 46c9 ft 101- At:377,,tt3l TP-Tap Factory T6-Tap Break-in At416.4 ft 7/9 At U515 t'2'r TFC-Tap Factory Capped HSV-Hole Soil Visible Category:Sl At415.1 ft21. At427 3 R 2/ TFC-Tap Factory Capped RPP-Repair Patch MSA-Abandoned Survey ii %4 Ornitted 68 R Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,December 14,2012 1:19 PM Page 2 of 3 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue P-A,f--4 E Orlando,FL 32005 Phone:407-849-0190 Fax:407-425-1569 Project Name. Pipeline segment ref: City: Street: Bozeman G0466GO467 Bozeman N.Third Start date/time; Width: Height: Material; Location code: 11/13/2012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label: Downstream 431.9 4 :E Orritted 5623fl G0467 < Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,December 14,2912 1:19 PM Page 3 of 3 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue R141 N ,a T E Orlando, FL 32605 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 lo", t'rrr,'y�,P,'itlf1iWr%`rrdTlaMi'Til+r„' f"i r+ r+ .Tyr'jTl�.p,` !r pn'11,i+n✓�"T,ei f rtY�4 �i f tr""y9reG iFy� r f ! VT ///i IrruJ N .uiETr t'f61 W ,a9 y y �+ ra�lvi+ I/�I N//GI{/ i� „,n,///r%rp•Mf-,wT%,F,/r, r,�b�,J�1� k,,,,-r��f,'%1!<i�Nh+ fP,'% 1� �'rW � ,i� /",'��liin Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman G0445-GO446A Bozeman 7th/Mendenhall Start date/time: width:. Height: Material: Location Code! 3123/2010 6 BR Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Towards Downstream 309.2 6 Gfr4CFi �, o� At6ott A.t6 2 ft 2J,y �� dr --- M5 START WITH FLOW-Startinspection witlu the Flaw ..-.._...--TF-a",ap-Fa story..- Category:Mlscaelaneous Feature Cat'•pory^Cansiructlon Feature - At 9,5111 o1 __. Att 1.Gft?J..�y '"'".. .� `--�- TPA-Tap Facto ry ACave TF-Tap Fa,otcry Category-Construction Feature Category.Construction Feature y,At 33.2 ft 121, . _.._-,.-_-.---- CL-Crack Longitudinal C.-I. Category'Structurai At 48.2 it21, At35.8 it 101 TFC-Tap Factory Ce Aped �„r,,, _.' _T$-�Tep 2ddte- ..---....-.. .. ..._ .. Category..Construction Feature Category.Construction Feature y At 66.6 ft 10Y �.._,.— Tr-Tap Factory At85.3 ft 27.V Catagory:Construction Feature TFA-Ta p Factory Active -- Category:Constructon Feature At 99.5 ft 10! ,A^ ------�-- - TF•Tap.Factory... Category..Construction Feature At 115.5ft21.i TF-Tap Factory '+••+ Category'Construction Feature ny ate,' •p At 129.8 it 1o1. c„r TFC-Tap Factcty Gapped Category.Construction Feat re :E R1 At144.7 ft1 !1"}l RPR-R".pair Point ----- n, •. Category structural y!At 160.6 M l!W. TF-Tap Factory Category'ConsSUCtion Feature At176.4 It2i t�r yLAt19'0.8it'kOl- I 7F-Tap Factory Category:Construction Feature -- TFC Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature y'At216,7 tt l 21. At2068ft21 - y--. TFC-Tap-Fsctolw Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category:Construction Feature Category Construction Feature At 221.1 it 101. -. - TFA-TapFactoryActwe At235 3 ft21.V Cawgory:Conatruction Feature TF-Tap Factory y'At 22I III 71 Cate port'Construaon Feature •— B-Broken At246.6 ft 12112 4 Ca tegoty.Structura II RPR-Repair Point Category Strucaa.ral �. y,At249.6 ft9l At263.9 ft21.4 -- TFA-Tap Facory Actava TFC-Tap Factory Capped — Category,C'.onstructon Feature Category.Construction Feature m Oitted':30 aft _._ -.._ ..... TV Inspection with Pipe-Faun Graph Friday,March 26,2010 1:32 PM Page 1 of 2 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue R,^,1-4.i-FE Orlando,FL 32805 Phone:407-849-0190 FaX�407-425-1569 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Per: Locality; Location(Street Name and Number)! Bozeman G0445-GO446A Bozeman 7th/Mendenhall Start dateltime; Width: Height; Material: Location Code: 3/23/2010 6 BR Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Towards Downstream 309.2 6 At 2765 it 101 011"eul 209.7 Il TFC-Top Factory Capped (,0hsg0rY COnslilurtion Feature L At303 4$10t TF-Tap Factory TFA-Tap Fa ctoly Active Category:Construction Feature Category Const'ucton I'sotuile At304.3 fti2ti-, At3O9 2 ft RPR.Repair Point 15 AMH-Marlhale "' Category Structural Category'Construebon Feature (Oi-)).4 4 A At309-ft STOP-Inspection stopped Category Miscellaneous Feature TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Friday,March 26,2010 1:32 PM Page 2 of 2 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue Orlando FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax. 407-425-1564 "ia„si r� ”✓''n t i r, i a' ( i1y am, ry, a 1yw� %a 4 -n ``I e j,ry! plo rIgg, i r✓/Ilf/r��,i'i��/l� ���., �9 e r� `✓ " �'ilr�:,i tlt�i.., y r ? „ G`�s mai i Sri I r P1 "W�ii � ir f Lil % 5 ���� � d(a✓r r„r.,, W/t✓✓ acrd,,�; Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: Locality: Location(Street name and number): Bozeman G0446A G0446 Bozeman Mendenhall e of7th Start date/time: Width: Helght: Material: Location code: 11/1/2012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label; Downstream 312.4 11/1/2012 l^ AL0.0 R )*>STARTWITH FLO*-Startlnspection Wilk the Flour r Category Mlscedaneous Feature At O.0 it -- AMH-Manhole Category_C.onstruceon Feature AL0.0 it Gp445A ((( ! MWL-waterLe e,l ��Y Catagory:M iscellaneous Feature \ yAt21.6ftIW, TF-'rap Facory At67ftU 'w• rte.. Category:Constructor)Feature TFG-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature "7 CC--Cra ck oircunalferentiaV : Structural Category:S r - r At U.6 It 12f CL-Crack Longitudinal I / / Catagory:structural f � �At4a.oit9i TFC-Top Factory Capped At35.5ftW /r / Category Construction Feature TFC-Tap Fa...ctery Capped f' 1,l At 49.2 _ - _.. Category.Construe'tian Feature i° F - CL-Craok Longitudlnai Category.Structural--- , R� ,I y_ 4.:_........ CL-Crack Longitudinal Category:Structural At67 4 ft 12/6 .n C'm—Cra..ck Multiple E' Category:Structural aAt624 ft3/. 1 i�A.t 575R5f i TF-Tap Factory _-�,,...-....� Category.Construc1run Feature �.4+dr —_ CL-Crack Longitudinal (n Category'Structural I r..�_ ....._.y At-72.9 ft9/3...,,,... ..... CC-Crack Citcurnferentlal _.. —\ Category.Strumaal >''At 73.7 it 121 i -- CL-Cradk Longitudinal �k Category,StrUttutal ,J^A t 74 5 ft 9d TFC-TapFa=ryCappeo Category:Construcbon Feature CL-Crack Longitudinal Category:Structural orrAtted:148.9 ft Main inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,November 02,2012 2:32 PM Page 1 of 3 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue Orlando,FL 32805 Phone!407-849-0190 Fax::407-425-1569 Protect Name; Pipeline segment ref: Locality: Location(street name and number); Bozeman G0446A_G0414.6 Bozeman Mendenhall e of7th Start dateltirne: Width; Height: Material: Location code: 11/1/2012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label: Downstream 312.4 11/1/2012 l A175,7 It l2fi; OrIfted 691 it Chi-Crack Multiple Category.sibumisl At7t,9 tjW 3-13 roken Cat.001Y StILICtUral At75,9ft6/ HSV r Hole Sail.Visible A Category Structural 7FA-Top Factory Active TF-Tap Factory Category:construction Feature CalegOry Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped M7 Tn_ At 115-7 ft3l, C78 qTty rffurb6fi Feature TF-Tap Factory At 1 16.9 ft 122J. Categoty,Construction Feature CL-Crack Lohgftudinat category Structural. AtIZ80881 TFC,-Tap FactorY-Cappedl j 7F Category:Construction Feature At 137.2 it 01, CL m Crack LonQitudina I At 14:!3 it 3£"i ——------ Category'StfUCtUTa I TFC--rap Factory Capped d, y Cate jNo, Category Construction Feature At 145.6 It 41 CL-Crack Longitudinal rn At 146.8 ft61, Category,Structural FL-Fracture 1-nnoltudinal' Category Structural At 154.6 it gi. TF-Tap Factory Categary.,Construction Feature CL-Crack Longitudinal Category Structural It At 166.4 li 3i9 TF-lap Facltory DAGS:Depestts Attached Grease Category:Constructor,Feature Category O&M At 181 1"1 TF-Tap.Factoiy Category:ContstrU3011 Feature At 127..086P , FL-Fracture Longiti,dinai categaty Structural At 1'95 5 tt 3Y TF-Tap Factory Caleacry:Construction Feature .. ........ Orriftw 108 4 it Mann Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,November 02,2012 2:32 PM Page 2 Of 3 CUES,Inc, 3600 Rio Vista Avenue FZA�114 1_IFE Orlando,FL 32805 Phone:407-849-0190 Fax:407-42$-1$69 Project Name: Pipeline segment ref. Locality: Location(street name and number): Bozeman 130446A�G0446 Bozeman Mendenhall e of7th Start date/time: Width. Height: Material: Location code: 11/1/2012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label: Downstream 312.4 11/1/2012 At21 1.5 tt9A Omttecl 209.9 R TPA-Tap Factory Acb,e category:Construction Feature At2129tt6i CL-Crack Longnuonw Category:Structural rl Al:221,9 ft51 TP_To p-Fa=rf Category Construction Feature At 248 Q ft 3f Tr-TapFamiy Category.Construction Feature At263 yogi. At266.5 ft TFC.Tip Factory Capped N. RPR-Pipe Repiaced Cgtagirrty-CobstalCftn'Feature < Category Structural (o At285.8 fl 3t. TFC-Tap Factory capped Category:Ccirst ucticrn Feature At 3©3611 RPR--Pip.l cod Category Structural A1:311A 41t AMH-Manhole J Category,Construction Feature 0 At31 2 4ft =)STOP-inspection stopped G04 Cotegory,Miscellaneous Feature Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,November 02,2012 2:32 PM Page 3 of 3 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue R kt�-J T T E Orlando, FL 32805 v Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 wm!i � ✓�✓/to,n,A u�w mym c�✓n➢rnrx �rllru�wJ rc�r y rctl,,"f'�Ih�k ry ��,r 2;t� r o r,a:F/ar r yy�e�rN Lr n,�r �!ra r� Nid �r;r(Gel wee >!ror� �f1 f / J �// % �' '� �% I ti Y� ♦Pr/ u� ��� t`�� 4WN d0f, � V$�/'�+� ,��/�h'�r�l�N��l���4 ,.. U✓�ti �r/���d�f L F✓r/e'i,���+,r",�+, LhrG,fir,/111,!YV"Gt�w 11„'✓�/�✓l9r � c�rI%�;�,,ti i�,.�:Lr rfit^ir�-lru,/�,, iLi�G//aAr.,N �,r Iml✓�%1��/rp Project Name: Pipeline segment ref: Locality: Location.(street name and number): Bozeman G0446 G0447 BOZEMAN MENDENHALL AND 5TH Start dateltime! Width: Height: Material: Location code: 1,1/1/2012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media label: Downstream 320.2 11/1/12 V F At O.O h STA RT WITH FL 01,J-Sta it Inspe ct*r,With the Flow G0446 ;r/, \, Category:Miscellaneous Psalms AMH-Manhole Category:,Construction Feature At O.Oft At.-Q,0 It MWL-Water Level RPR-Pipe Replaced --- Category:Miscellaneous Feature category Structural ^^ > At 02 fr9l. TFC-Tap Factory Capped Caregory:Construction Feature At 16,6 ft3f tI TFC-Tap Factory Capped At 59 3 n 1 u!. Category:Construction Feature -TF_-Tap Factory Category:Construction Feature At 71.1 It f'I P - GC-Crack,Circumtferentlal A1:73.3 ft3P Category Structural TP-Tap Factory — At 733 It 61. Category:Construction Feature RFC-Roots Fine Connection At 92.2 it 31 rc category: . M TSA-Top Saddle Active At85 8 ft1 Category CFeature TFC-To p Factory Capped At 100,5 ftOJ..W -„.. Category'Construction Feature TFC-Tap Factory Ca pp ed .At10i.3ft9f3 w Category.Construction Feature ------ CM.-Cra Ck tA'ultiple °-' Category.structural Ati' 3.gft + At11&.1It10Y. d id RPR-Pipe Repdaceov.........-_.... TFA-Tap Factory Active Category:Structural ° Category:Construction Feature yl�At 140.9 ft 91 TFC-Tap Factory Capped " Category Construction Feature At 154.11t 3/ At 146.2 it 416_ TP-Tap Factory — BSV-Broken Sall Visible category:Construction Feature Gategory.structural I +At 165.5 ft l0.l. At1E1.0 R3r — TFC-'Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory Capped — Carte gory Constuction Feature Category.Construction Feature 1 At 190.4 It ,l.At 194 4 M 91. RPF-Pipe Replaced -- .-----� TFA-Tap Factory Active Category Structural "' Category:Construction Feature _ At207.9 It Zi.rl. G TFC-Tap Factory Copped ---- 1____,Y Category:Construction_Feature Chtrttted 107.2 ft ,...- Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,November 02,2012 2:31 PM Page 1 of 2 CUES,Inc. 3500 Rio Vista Avenue - - Orlando,FL 32805 Phone:407-849-4190 Fax:407-425-1569 Project Name; Pipeline segment ref: Locality: Location(street name and number). Bozeman G0446_G0447 BOZEMAN MENDENHALL AND 5TH Start date/time: Width: Height: Material: Location code: 11/112012 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed; Weather: Media label: Downstream 320.2 11/1/12 0mited.219,5 R At 216.91t 4 Category.Structural =I�i 'Y At2361 tt 3r6 9 -- CC-Crack Circulnferenhal At234 ft31.r), Category:Stuctural TFA-Tap Factory Active --_ d'At24 i 1 1191. Category C60etrueter n Feature — TFC-Tap Factory Capped. Category Construction Featuire ry �At w5 2.8 tt 31 rr At2G1.3 U1. -- CL-Cra ck L o ngitud roar �mf TFC-Tap Factory Cappedj— ._ t Ca'teg0,y StrACtura[ ra Category_ConstralGriollFeaRtre At281.rJtt9]. �,3r --- TEA-Tap Break-rn Active v ., Category:Construction Feature 11,At.^.73.6 ft 101. At2382 Rif.4: TF-Tap Factory. TFA-Tap Factory Active - Category'Constructian Feature Category:,Construction Feature W At 300.5 R9d ...,�:,�....—__. TFG-TaP Faotory.Copped .. . .At308.0 ft ro Category Canstruction Feature RPR-P 1pe Repdaced -----. Category Structural >f'At31SP It AMH-Mdanhole Category Comotrurtion Feature G0447-._ !7»75TCF-inxvettionstopped Category Mmoo lle neo us Feature Main inspection with Pipe-Run Friday,November 02,2012 2.31 PM Page 2 of 2 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue P-4. 11-FE Orlando, FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 Y1/)i"h"i y//' u.✓"/,, `m_MIN 'i6,Hir H 1��GPH t loi%6w16 �jY 1§i/rr" is Kai Ld!p/�'z +�V n+r Try ":U!m ti'•'. .!�`7 �`j�� 11 /„�,." %I:�i/��FW"�. 11d �i4;,'r�//^� (�i;1✓erl.ai lbWON, Project Name: Mainline ID: City: Address: Bozeman G0447 G0448 Bozeman Mendenhall &4th Start dateltime; pipe width: Pipe height: Pipe type; Surface condition. 3/23/2010 6 VCP Direction: Surveyed footage: 'Feather. Tape/Media number: Downstream 324.0 6 3/23/2010 G0447 ........ _. _.. START WETH FLOVv-Start lnspecton.Witty this Floe-, At 5.0 it MWL-Water Laval �. Ata 1 ft 101. At 2.5tt21 - TFC-Tap Factory Capped TFC-Tap Factory Cappedi�"'-' _ �+At34,9 ft 10 TF•Tap Factory At 4D:6 ft21. l; At TSA-Tap Saddle Activey— �- CL-C6racklLongitudinal At 476tt 21.•Y_.._- Category.Structural. jT6-Tap Break-in ... �At547 tt21 At4a.9 ft2l J' FL'= CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue Orlando,FL 32805 Phone:407-849-0190 Fax!407-425-1569 Project Name; Mainline ID: City: Address: Bozeman G0447 G0448 Bozeman Mendenhall &4th Start date/tune: Pipe width: Pipe height: Pipe type: Surface condition: 3/23/2010 61 VCP Direction: Surveyed footage: Weather: Tape/Media number: Downstream 324.0 6 3/23/2010 Orritted"208,0 At208 4 It 21 ("L--Crick L ongftclinvI TIZZ-_Tap_Facto_rycappdd_ "wy.Structural At21 6_1 it I 27. C" CL-Crack Longitudinal Category,structural At 2329152/. At220 6 ft 10; TF Tap Factory TFC-lap Factory Capped it TF-TapFactnry 4 -667ftIJ, AU CL-Crack Longitudinal Category structura I �At299 4 111 01 TRA-Tap Break-in Acbve At 2883x1.21. 4 At$00 4 Ul. TFC-Tap Factory capped DAGS-Deposits Attached Crease Category:O&M At 310.34t 12117 RPR-Pipe Replaced 4,At a15.0 it 12117 RPR-P ipe Replaced At324LIt7i . ............. ........ tl DAGS.Deposdts Attached Grease Category:08 M At324 0 It AMH-Manhole At 324.0 ft STOP-inspection stopped Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Thursday,March 21,2013 9.13 AM Page 2 Of 2 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue RA,P-4 T E Orlando FL 32605 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 �r1ra/r�I(,r'�t 'FT`a �6Y1 @ �I1Tbyt�w 71 4, 4 /r�✓Y,w %1% .m k �rW .adl aarrv9lr A9 i? ,,!,dd,�u�r„�i o,; T,r/(!k)//r1/r1,T/r„ra(%,:%y0t1�1��Y"�G<?,�'�li.��i��r��� r r�,?✓�t ,� ���,1r/,.,,,�„fir(wii 7�a r s a n r��" 1 �,i,1:�°I,r�%�r�f ,,.�r��i�yrrl!�,.;� W Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality:: Location(Street Name and Number):. Bozeman G0448 F0402 Bozeman Mendenhall &3rd Start date/time: Width:, Height: Material: Location Code: 7/6/2010 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label:. Towards Downstream 334.6 1 7-6-10 ti At40 it AMH-Manho9e CiD4A8�1��} Catagary Construotiatll Feature -' At 0.0tt M1hL-Water Level Category.Miscellaneous Feature M At 6.O ft -- Wb)START WITH FLOW-Start Inspection With the Flow Calegor'y:Miscellaneous Feature At34-4 ft 2'r V TFC-Tap Factory Capped — I Catego ry'.Construction Feature Ak41,5ft 101. At 39.4 11418 y _, °---- TFC-Tap Factory Capped V RAGS�Deposits Attached Grease — r ` Category:Construction Feature Category:C&M At56.1 fl 21, TFC-Tap Factory Capped —�, tV At 68..6 ft 1001, 3 Category:Construction Feature j ,..__. .— TF-Tap Factory Category.Constructor,Feature At82.9ft2d.>5 TFC-Tap Factory Capped At93,5 ft Category:Construction Feature SCtd-Joint Chet Medium. 4 At93.5 tt 12112 q Category Structural v r7 RPR-Pie Replaced �--- rn�' p p .., t At 96.7 ft 95 +^_ Category:Structural ! "-.— -CC--°CracR Circumferentah At 949.3 112 1. Ca tag Dry:structural Y` TFA-Tap Factory Active _...--- At 1187 ft4f k Category.Construction Feature FL-Fracture Longitudinal a r e:.'..' — Category:structural At 121..6 ft 101 •..... -..... 7F-Tap Factory a At 136 1 ft21 Il Category:Conan LiCtlen Feature TFC-Tap Factory Capped [� Category Construction Feature —__ J At 1484 ft 101. --- TF-Tap Factory E Category:Construction Feature At 162 5 ft 21 1 TFC-TapFactory Capped ......................_..._ 'Category Constructron Feature V �At174.81t101 __._..-- TFC-Tap Factory Capped Catego€y:C0nStlLcton Feature At 1u9.2 ft2ir y: TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category.Construchon...Feature 4 At201 6 it 101. - TFC-Tap Factory Capped'. Category Construction Feature Y. ...... _ Clrrnnte(t 127 61t Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Thursday,August 12,2010 2:39 PM Page 1 of 2 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue RAN _1FE Orlando,FL 32803 Phl)w 407-849-0190 Fax;A07-425-1569 Project Name: Pipeline Segment Ref: Locality: Location(Street Name and Number): Bozeman G0448FO402 Bozeman Mendenhall Urd Start date/time: width: Weight. Material; Location Code: 7/6/2010 6 VCP Direction: Length surveyed: Weather: Media Label: Towards Downstream 334.6 1 7-6-10 At228 4 ft 10Y Ornifte-1.<07.7 ft TFC-'Tap Factory Capped At215 9 ft2l, Category ConsttuctionFeatuie TF -Tap Factory At 1,3211 Eu, Category Construction Feature TEA-Tap Break in Active Category ConsbucbonFealur6 At233 6 tt 121. FL-FraeWre Longitudinal At 242.4 fL23.4 CategDFY'StulCtUral TFC-Tap Factory CappeLl At255 1 11 101. tegOly CohStrucbonFeairre --- TF-Tap Factory rl -Catepory CDnstucbon Feature-- A t«6,-.1 V 6r'9 FM-Fraitire Muthicle Category StTuctural 49 P, At2280.91t1j. CL-Crack Longitudinal Category:Structural 5 At303.$it 1�f TFC-Tap Factory Capped Category Construction Feature At307.9-5ft 101. TFA-Tap Factory Active At 3 10.1 fl 21_ —(T— Cate gory Consh uotron Feature TFA-Tap Fa ctory Active -- Category.Construction Feature W At 313.3 ft 81 FL-Fra,our re L ong itud ina Category:Structural At3,-1 4 it Q/ CL-Crack Longitudinal Category:Structural At"4 6 T1 F0402-- AMH-Manhole Category:Constructon Feature At 334-6 It STOP-inspection stopped Category Miscellaneous Feature Main Inspection with Pipe-Run Thursday,August 12,2010 2:39 PM Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX B LATERALS FOR REHABILITATION IN NEW HYALITE SUBDIVISION New Hyalite Subdivision Tap Hat Installations r' 1., r 1115 S Spruce Dr 1.jpg 1115 S Spruce Dr 2.jpg rir'6/r� r �uull�ill P �� try li,���� S✓/��J rfir /� i » � l��i � Off)lln L i 'l/%i�f�� y i`� v(s and %/ � �y�l ' � � % � 1121 S Spruce Dr 1 jpg 1121 S Spruce Dr 2.jpg gy 1121 S Spruce Dr 3.jpg 11'27 Kagy Blvd 1.jpg New Hyalite Subdivision Top Hat Installations G d l 1127 Kagy Blvd 2 jpg 1127 Kagy Blvd 3.jpg to r / 1127 S Cedarview Dr 1.jpg 1127 S Cedarview Dr 2.jpg 10A 6' +�14 I y c ' f i u f 1'127 S Cedarview Dr 3.jpg 1133 S Cedarview Dr 1.jpg New Hyalite Subdivision Top Hat Installations yu% 1133 S Cedarview Dr 2.jpg 1933 S Cedarview Dr 3.jpg I+ tiiiii� i i r yyy� /r r y�v y 1133 S Spruce Dr 1.jpg 1133 S Spruce Dr 2.jpg yrfr� ��r v riy, ry f``IYliil�tj r i j, ., rj 1134 Cherry Dr 1.jpg 1134 Cherry Dr 2.jpg New Hyalite Subdivision Top Hat Installations fill a � r r J f I l' 4 1134 Cherry Dr 3.jpg 1134 Cherry Dr 4.jpg rr * p 1139 S Cedarview Dr 1.jpg 1139 S Cedarview Dr 2.jpg AM r / r ' ` f 1139 S Cedarview Dr 3.jpg 1140 Cherry Dr 1,jpg New Hyalite Subdivision Tap Nat installations Vf r a l 1140 Cherry Dr 2,jpg 1140 Cherry Dr 3.jpg t ' G�/�Uf rl r r 1140 Cherry Dr 4.jpg 1140 N Cedarview Dr 1.jpg f- N l y 1140 N Cedarview Dr 2.jpg 1140 N Cedarview Dr 3.jpg New Hyalite Subdivision Top Hat Installations l/ / L' if 1140 N Cedarview Drapg 1203(Cagy Blvd 1.jpg i,,, /' / i, ✓'/ i / is 1203 Kagy Blvd 2.Jpg 1204 Cherry Dr 1.jpg 0 l ' ' !I y 4 h �v r J " !1 i 1204 Cherry Dr 2.jpg 1204 Cherry Dr 3.apg New Hyalite Subdivision Top Hat Installations / //A / �j��/�/ //%/ llffi 0/ lflllx j, OF j% %KI J' 1209 Kagy Blvd 1.jpg 1209 Kagy Blvd 2,jpg J / N or �y 1 Jr o 1209 Kagy Blvd 3.jpg 1209 Kagy Blvd 4.jpg ! i I 1K, , 1450'Cherry Dir 1.jpg 1450 Cherry Dr 2.jpg APPENDIX C CIPP INSPECTION FORMS E u° a� i� C]: O � � u � i 1 � " p ra mi will `[ / % 11"055, gfq %- / / i i U^ LJ E m 21� J engineering Wet Out Request Diameter,in Date Thickness,mm Project No. Measured Length,ft Basin No. Wet Out Length,ft Install No. Dry Length,ft MH No.'s Total Length,ft Liner Liner No. Dia, Liner Thickness Resin Type Lot No. Wet Out Lgth ft X Lbs/Ft= Total ibs of Resin Roller Gap Setting(T2+2mm) rnm Totals Total Resin Used Lbs Total Styrene Used Lbs Total Perkadox Used Lbs Total Acetone Used Lbs Total Trig KSM Used Lbs Liner Footaoe 0 350 700 1050 50 400 750 1100 100 450 800 1150 150 500 850 1200 200 550 900 1250 250 600 950 1300 300 650 1000 1350 Wet Out Time Prep Hrs Conveyer Hrs Mixing&Filling Hrs Clean Up Hrs Total Hours to Wet Out Hrs Supervisor: Grew: (Signature) Date: Recommended "Neat" Resin Saturation Rates Pipe Diameter, 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10,5 12.0 13.5 15,0 16.5 18.0 19.5 inches 6.0 1.0 1.5 8.0 13 2.0 2.6 3.2 3.8 0.0 2.5 3,3 ,4.0, 4.8 '0.0'' 3.0 3.9 15.0 3.7 4.9 61 7.3 18.0 4.5 5,9 7.4 8.8 10.2 W.r r,,s;./r/I////�.�iF/�%/li%�!,„,,// „i e, „ �.,,,.i,.,. r �,..r./ i/"�,/r,u/rG'f i/li�%/!�'!�/l%G�-�dr' r�%��r!//f/i�j%fir%i',.,,, � /ti;�'r✓r r„ i-�.r „i u,,,,✓,;:,,,„ c,,.'; 27.0 11.1 13.3 15.5 17.7 19.8 22.0 30.0 12.4 14.8 17.2 19.7 22.1 24.5 '3111/011 // / / ,</,,r/.r,...r,./✓,//.,r r.rr/r r fi./�O/c,,�/,,/.r r r/,i,i.,r,..�r�/r�//i D/,r//,i%r r.%//_.�rj/,I ia.%r i/r,,.J r i/rrrr//.-/.r/////i/�/I r r�,r//r/r'/��.�,�r,,r.r,.+3/„//,///U%r/////�1/„t//1 r r.9/:,/.�+„r 9 Xr r!/,�r r,r///'„fi,rr.t.,/r/r/«e/,.�../;r/�/%f,///jr/////�,,1,2./_/4 6 J,.//i„,�/, ii ir ., 42.0 24.2 27.7 311 34.5 37.9 41.2 44.6 Pipe Diameter, 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5 21.0 22.5 24.0 25.5 27.0 28.5 inches 48.0 31.6 35.6 39.5 43.4 47.2 51.1 55.0 58.8 62.7 54.0 40.1 44.5 48.8 53,2 57.6 62.0 66.3 70.7 75.0 r%</„�r..,//i.,,�r��l��w,,rr�/�,/�I�✓� �IP,� f6�� ld�' ,��i11��1N1,�i E��''��r�,�r�(r%��1'/!�'I%�! ,� /ii/G r/%rl/ �i�/i 72.0 71.2 77.1 82,9 88.8 94.6 100.5 106.3 112.1 Recommended "Filled" Resin Saturation Rates Pipe Diameter, 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15,0 16.5 18.0 19.5 inches 6.0 1.1 1.6 8.0 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.6 4.3 iO:fJ 0.0 2;8 3.7 4:5 5:4 12 0.0 3 3„�' 4A 5.5 6 15.0 4.2 5.5 6.9 8'.2 18.0 5.0 6.7 83 9.9 11.5 21 0 7 8 9-7, 1a 4 r b,,," /%l f,v/'.r. /.;; „r �.,. {/r,,, iii., %rrr�i/!G%✓,✓ii/r,,,/.✓,r��i%d d/!/ref l rr /l �ii%,v � .r,, r %„fir✓,�, 27.0 12.5 15,0 17.4 19,9 22.3 24.8 30.0 13.9 16.7 19.4 221 24.9 27.6 ....... ,:, /✓.,e ,,,,, .., r i� / i 1. / or /, /�//..,/ .,.w //O ar% ,,, ,,., ,,, ,,,,,. ,,,i „Ii/ :, r //i///,r r///�.. �:. / p ii�;-r, D .:/ iii/%/.✓/n c:,n, r //�,,.( r�//,,f�" // r,vr,/Ilw..vv.. u l r,lr% / Sri�u%dreG,,: �/��/rl!%//rte/,;',o i✓, ,:,, 42.0 273 31.1 35.0 38.8 42.6 46.4 50.2 Pipe Diameter, 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5 21.0 22.5 24.0 25.5 27.0 28.5 inches 48.0 35.6 40.0 44.4 48.8 53.2 57.6 61.9 66.2 70.6 54.0 45.1 50.1 55.0 59.9 64.9 69.8 74.7 79.6 84.5 l, /'t�3QJ � /%;,//ii///, , r,/5 �, ,. J ., �, / .✓ � r, ✓ /r,. < ,' ,/ l ///i„ � ii �///iii;... ��G,/1,r/��✓.rl%i/�!//,������r��J(�i!�G���, �l. I� rlr � 11�1�!JJ1�1 u����NNll1l' ,� � � 72.0 80.2 86.8 93.4 100.0 106.6 113.1 11'9.7 126.2 u� c w O M1J m? i� JC 6 4!y CO IL G W �- fl 2 " 1 �` E Zvi 1// � ONS Fly" c Coll r O /� c ' 4J ?` p✓iii H ND ' � WIT / Ila /�O f%//� IF / lii/���� psi PNi y�1� � i`� a r s r y 4+ v C ++ 47 c c n.."° ❑ c E I a ar. y CL u J- ; C L l PA / mo y W) rn Q E cr pw CL r Ti fl � rte '/'�i�iiaG,� dc+ , r/ ri u,ir / fi// g✓rjr'�7 r i�sm. r; gall j �� / �,/ fi t/ f�N /� / Uric ��r /r/ OB it M o�"/r, irr /ii B r i 1, „ j / •- '� rr r I tr ' rill i C7. C C �, a E 0 .. V C, ..... �w � I d E E O V W' �e G3 Q �� irr�r�g irr rrr r v/�r �i/ � r r r�/ Oi �r Iri r/% � ✓rr�� ra of ///, o i / ri PSI VVIVI 4 �n c �- Vl{.. ',. w `y2 C N E- E CF tp 1. w CC 3 ///..':. � a m r„ r o'er r r, v/ / Sri r " // , i ; . 'm j ' a i fi 0 '%igi/ �1,�/r i/1 FL ;% �, g a ii fja j ii/r %/ i /%/iii f ri t r //' NEE E° A � C7s Z3 �w d e O V is Z u1 .6 a u rti r� Cl rr r FL a r C r � J Cq - 1 �„<, E".(` /rr ri r r r r 5W, i ��/ri'irr�r a 9 TL IF O/'fir� � // %%rC� V ,t c r/ Ii i l rrr t//r //ir Jl i%� a 'E c0 C d E E a u ui m: C� a a Yc V W U C H I ca„ Vd _ x %"„; GC /Ali � /; � p C] %% / r/ CL % oil / MOVIE i /� i Fr cr // ,%i iiA/ iiIs r 1 b>!, ARMMS m to L,Y a E E V a SQ M: Z a� O U. Cs vw u C7 v a cr '. cr L z ,E Z7 , rx + �7c L v S �{ C N_ d a al u 0v w , 3 a n : u � E a Ca C3 Maintain complete and accurate records of every step of the curing process and record all thermocouple temperatures from the start of the process to complete cool down of the liner WATER CURING LOG NOTE:Continue to log pressure and temperature every 15 minutes through warm ,lob Name: Date: full water temperature and cool-down Sec.No.; phase. .lab No.: Diameter: WEATHER Length: Thickness: Normal Boiler#: operator Hot From MH# To MH# Rain Cold Direction of water flow: Upstream:.. Snow Downstream: THERMOCOUPLES BOILER TUBE TUBE TIME115 min fnterval PRESSURE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE T14ERMO*1 THERMO#2 WARM UP EXOTHERM I 'COOL DOWN Reviewed By: Date: Maintain complete and accurate records of every step of the curing process and record all thermocouple temperatures from the start of the process to complete cool down of the liner. //G=*-W7t engirleed n,g Date: STEAD CURING LOG NOTE:Continue to log pressure and Job Name: temperature every 15 minutes through warm ,Sec.No.: up,full steam and cool-down phase. Job No.: Diameter: WEATHER Length. Thickness: Normal Boiler#: operator Hot From MH# To MH# Rain Gold Direction of steam flow: Upstream: Snow Downstream: THERMOCOUPLES BOILER TUBE TUBE TIME115 min interval PRESSURE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE THERMO#1 THERMO#2 WARM UP 1 Full Steam COOL DOWN Reviewed By: Date: 9�J E E c m ZO- — I° a; v a Q 4 OA Q o O o/i ej C . / o yi//� ' �i OL i�� l /i �i�tlai/%/, � /i t IC,) /ii j �/�! ii / ��/ %//�i J i/ I1 l�� i a N i in CL ro ° ro Ln v E v°°' ca 0 ca fD U) On �0. "0, -C -0 to C C CM, 10, co 0 CD 4) i 0) .2 (D t CL w 0 0 ILI 0 c CL 0 0 0 C 0 CL 0 E ay 'E o o 0 co (D CL N 0 LT 0 (D aD CL E CO a) m m E 0 2 Ca 46 4. 0 0 LU CL — -0 CL 6 cf) M 0 E co E E 0 m -E -0 (D a 0 L- 4.. ?ti as E -cL o To C: 0 E (D Co 0 (D EL CD -a Q) -C 0 E E W _a CL OL (D E L9 M CU m (D CL .r- .1e E �Oc -�Old a) — fi .0 0 00 CL m IL W co ran E E N E o ,Lm toy of M U) Z 0 r r- m CD rU = P z L) u U) L) z o uj 6 40- E -0 0) W (D "0 C c "0 (D le a) - LU > 0 E r- -1 CL 0. m U) E 4 Q) z 0 Q vii Z > to (D E 0 = CL U) T C M 0 0 Q. CL —a) E cu c LIB 4) m - —CL V) :3 16 E Co m 0 cn RS tTj p -0 z a)U) W 0 CL w Q 0 0 7a 'a CD 0 ch E LU w E m E m = µ v E O o; 3 E � �° O a, , i ai CL 9 d .�"ri/�/��/%/� /%/ / fir/iii1 j� s Lu ILf ° y mv gfklj j / ;i i OIN r r c (� U N d E E 0 a S CL LL , ul f t IL f �/"4 J i 1 •�. 1�a" � �/i�/�%P �, V7 iii/i/ ��/i W rii 1 f/ CY gm IN 1 Di /r l� /G //// / /%� Af�f / //% i /% /iii/ / r//ii/i / / jj//f j/ z// / ea /ii/ fi 'A'' / 8 � 00 N C 5! U N> N ' 7'' 4 C LL O G it Ej E CL U Ul 1/ �Vi•' [7� r � ;;' V G WWAR "',mil,s yy�G�iy� N •G�/ / // rir TO// //� pp, a„ �;i r /%/ii r / / - � r s i 2r s„ 3, N �f u O N C r m FL a E �, u° c 1 Y �cC G a �Q •ar �r G C � G7 � O C ;iii%� %i �j 1 R t t / ✓/ a tli�/iiir n'� r� d r , MYI /i � /tf//� �// 1 111 N i i /i NOi �, !r ; E El io d o. c c G c OE 0 L z m �a �' Z5 .E u �- o o as 5 0 CD c Rn cs -C `o , w m OL J RU a) w.+ U� a = 0- U.. C E Q Rif ro ✓ CL o RD w an G) L Q cm I I I I I I I w CL .� E rt+ N dh U) FC a.7' 'p C K w U .0 va O F� ti tr) dU 4- a�i U) C + CD RV Ca C� 1- R] a) o U) N s F- U- n2 cu p Z m -a t3 w c to Ecu tz mn LL' y. 0 U) Ru 0=3 00 asp W CD , tL 4 m Z § c t- a) 0 w 0 CL CO .al > E OL o "' D w c`a. f4i s 72 � � � � E R`a RA Q L) UJ 'CS az crs O k Qom?co f E L APPENDIX D MDT UTILITY OCCUPANCY PERMITS Work- UTILITY OCCUPANCY AND LOCATION AGREEMENT Route:Highway 191,,P-50(Main Street) Date Submitted: Agreement No,: Date Approved: Highway Project No.: Designation: Control No.: Applicant/Utility:city of Bozeman Address:EQ)Box 1230 Telephone:406-582-2280 City:Bozeman_ State:MT Zip,59771-1230 1) Overhead facilities: Size: Type: 2) Underground facilities: Size: 6".8".and 10" Type:Clay Sewer Main 3) Other: CIPF Rehabilitation of e,with some services open cut Location: 1) Longitudinal:Approximately N.1!Avenue Intersection to Grand Avenue center of road and a Main approximately 775 feet from the LV Bozeman Interchange NE edge of ROW Milepost(Station)088+0.833&090+0.115 to Milepost(Station)089+0.097&090+0.4510 2) Centerline crossing(s)at Milepost(Station)088+0.833 through 089+0.0970, 3) Downguys not in parallel with the roadway at Milepost(s)n/a 4) Section 12,7&B,Township 2 South,Range 5 East,6 East,County Gallatin This installation is subject to compliance with the Administrative Rules of Montana 18.7,201 through 18.7.232,the Utility Occupancy Guidelines,the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the following requirements: Construction Prints: Prints are attached and incorporated by this reference, (Highway prints preferred)Distances from R/W line,centerline and existing utilities,to the proposed installation must be provided. The utility will notify in -phone at least 48 hours in advance?any work detailed in_this Agreement,except for-emergency situations.After_completing the work, the applicant must submit a Form Utl 968(attached)for approval, 1) The State shall not be liable to the general public for any injury to or death of any person whomsoever belonging when such injury,death,loss or damage arises out of or results from the construction,maintenance,or repair o existing or future utility facilities located within the highway right-of-way,or the installation or operation of such utility facilities within the highway right-of-way,regardless of whether or not the Department has expressed or im plied approval of the construction, maintenance,repair,installation or operation of such facilities within the highway right-of- way, 2) This approval is granted with the understanding the installation will be made according to the plans as submitted. Field revisions may only be made with the approval of the District Administrator or designee. If the installation is not made as shown on the plans or approved amendment,the Department,at its discretion,may require the removal of the installation. 3) Any attachments to this agreement,including but not limited to Right-of-Way Form Utl 968 and Utl 969,are hereby incorporated by reference. 4) All workers within the right-of-way of a Federal-aid highway who are exposed either to traffic(vehicles using the highway for purposes of travel)or to construction equipment shall wear high-visibility class 2 or 3 safety apparel.For nighttime activit the flagger shall wear class 3 safety appare-1-7'e re rmittee shalt provide fiaggers who are curntiy certified by the activity, flagger training program;the ATSSA flagger program;or the Idaho,Oregon,or Washington state flagger training programs. 5) Additional Requirements: The average turn-around time for a completed Ud 967 permit application is 30 working days.A permit application will be considered complete when all impacts associated with the requested action have been reviewed and approved by all agencies affected by this action.The applicant is responsible for obtaining these necessary approvals. Utility/Permittee: Ci ty of Bozeman By: Print Name: Title: Approved: Disapproved: State of Montana Department of Transportation (DateF_ (Date) By: Title: (Date) Page 1 of 4 Control No. Project ld No. Name/Location Description RoutetCorr. Fed,Funds Involved? Yes El No IJ rl Utility work order No.: (T For MDT Use Only) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FOR: ❑Approach Permit Z Encroachment/Occupancy(incl. Utility) [:]Maintenance Projects(wt No Right-Of-Way Acquisition,Sale or Transfer) Location: Highway or Route No Highway 191:P-50 Milepost(s)088+0.833 to 089±0.0970&090+0.115 to 030+0 451 Physical Address Highwav 191;P-50 _TL Ave..to.Church Ave&1401E Main St. City Bozeman Legal Description:County Gallatin Township 2 South Range 5.6 East Section(s)12,7 Applicant Information: Name City of Bozeman Phone L4061 582-2280 CompanylUtikty Business Phone(406)582-2280 Mailing Address;Street or Box PO Box 1230 City_Bozeman State MT Zip Code 59771-1230 Impact Questions - Based on ARM 18.2.261&23 CFR 771.117-Actions that qualify for Comment or Explanation Categorical Exclusion under MEPA or NEPA Yes No (Use attachments if necessary) 1. Will the proposed action impact any historical sites? Z 2, Will the proposed action impact any publicly owned parklands, Z recreation areas,wildlife or waterfowl refuges? Ld 3. Will the proposed action impact prime farmlands? 4, a.Will the proposed action.have an impact on the human environment that may result from relocations of persons or ❑ businesses,changes In traffic patterns,changes in grade,or other Z types of changes? b.Has the proposed action received any preliminary or final approval Z from the local land use authority? For the proposed action,is there documented controversy on 5. environment"]grounds?(i.e.-has the applicant received a letter of petition from an enwfronmentai organization?) 6. Will the proposed action require work in,across or adjacent to listed or proposed Wild or Scenic River?(See listing on page 2) L1 X 7. Will the proposed action impact air quality or increase noise? ❑ Potential. for minimal impact to air qvaiity and/or 6� Will the proposed project involve hazardous waste sites? ircreased noise during,coratru2t0� (Superund,spills,underground storage tanks,old mines etc,) Will the proposed action affect water quality,wetlands,streams or 9 other water bodies?If the answer is YES,an environment-related permit or authorization may be required(See Attached"Stream F Permittin Gul-1-11---"I 10. a, Are there any listed or proposed threatened or endangered A search on the Natural Heritage Website indicates es species,or critical habitat in the vicinity of the proposed action. El 1 species of concern 1 the area: however, adverse b.Will the proposed action adversely affect listed or proposed impacts are not anlicipled as work widl be done in a j threatened or endangered species,or adversely modify critical El Z previously developed area. See attached for the i habitat? report. Will the proposed action require an environment•related permit or 111. authortzation? If the answer is"yes,"P1003e list the specific permits or authorizations, 12. Is the proposed action on or within approximately I mile of an Indian Reservatlon7 a.If Yes-Wilt a Tribal Water Permit be required Z 13. is the proposed action in a"Class I Air Shed"(Some Indian Reservations)? ❑ N Will the proposed action result in increased traffic volumes, Potential traffic delays during construction onfy. It is 14. increased wait or delays on state highways,or have adverse Impacts anticipated that work on these mains wild Occur at on other forms of trans ortation rail,1—sa-raft­--arri night. Is the proposed action part of a project that may require other 15, governmental permits,licenses or easements? 11"Yes"than describe the full extent of the project and any other permits,licenses DEQ Approval-Approval I etter wil be forthcoming. or easements that may be necessary for the applicant to acquire. action would be implemented. 16. Attache representative photos of the sites where the proposed 17. Attach maps)showing the location(s6 of the proposed al (a),Township,Range,Section,highway or route number and approximate milepost(s). 18..Describe Magnitude!importance of potential impacts:(To be The project will be taking place in a previously distu bed and developed area The completed by Applicant)(Use Attached Sheets) de of potential impacts is small due to the nature of cured-in- 4 ppl cahf, Title J Date Reviewed for completeness by: MDT District Representative Title Date Approved by; Environmental Services Title Date (When any of the items 1 through 13 are chocked"Yes") ,4,p moved by: Transportation Planning Title Date (When items 14 or 15 are checked"Yes") Page 2 of 4 Checklist Conditions&.Required Approvals A. Applicant Is NOT authorized to proceed with the proposed work until ALL ofmw Checklist Conditions have been met and the required approvals have been obtained. B, Completes the checklist indicating nlmm^n,^wo~for each amn� C. When a~Yeo^Is indicated mm any of the u,mv except 12 or 13,the Applicant must explain the Impacts,and m,uamoI through 10 describe any appropriate mitigation measures thatwill be taken.Use attachments If necessary. If the applicant checks"No"and the District feels there may be potential Impacts,the Environmental Checklist must be forwarded to Environmental Services, D. na''Yes~/s checked In item mm.(threatened o,endangered species),please provide information naming the particular species and the expected location,distribution and habitat use m the proposed action La.within the immediate areaoxmm proposed action and possible direct affects tv the species;or,mthe general area un occasion(seasonally passes through) a mu� oewnmmm*t,ueno,occunvmwmreoformvremanvfewuays-ua,rmrmmectsare very unlikely, E. n the applicant checks"Yes"for any Item the approach parTnit,occupancy u mamon�mwwoma��xhm"hacu/m and Apn/m^mrmmm uuvnpmnvmu/.unoumen�u^m.rwJummvnaomvrnonni��muatuesuum/oedmMor Environmental Services for review and monrovaL F. When the applicant checks'voo^m any item,the Applicant cannot uo authorized m proceed with the proposed work until the MDT Environmental Services andfor Transportation Planning,as appropriate,reviews the Information and signs the checklist, G, Applicant must obtain all necessary permits or authorizatlons from other entitles with jurisdiction prior m beginning the proposed action vractivity. WIN V Stream Permft7iine mes To be used for informational purposes when filling out the Environmental Checklist for MDT approach permits, encroachmentfoccupancy permits or Maintenance projects, The most commonly required permits or authorizations are listed below.Other permits or authorizations may be required,and other laws may apply depending on the type and the location of the proposed activity. For more information please refer hm~A Guide tnStream Permitting in Montana"available on the|n*amot at hUp:8w^ww.dmm,mLgov/permits/ur from your local conservation district office. (The Information provided belowwas adapted from"A Guide to Stream Permitting in Montana") Montana Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act(310 Permit) Any private,nongovernmental individual or entity that proposes any activity that physically alters or modifies the bed or banks of a perennially flowing stream must obtain a 310 permit before beginning work. Contact the Conservation district office to obtain a permit application,fill the application out and submit it to the JocaI conservation district prior to any activity in or near a perennial-flowing stream, Once an application is accepted,a team that consists of a conservation district representative� a Department of Fish,Wildlife and Parks biologist; and the applicant may conduct an on site inspection.The team makes recommendations to the conservation district board,which has sV days from the time the application is accepted:to appnv"o,modify,or deny the permit. Local rules apply.There iuno charge for u31Opermit. For more information,contact your local conservation district or the Conservation District$Buroou—MT Department of Natural Resources and Conservation ot(4V6)444-O887. urthe Montana Association nf Conservation Districts(4V0)443-5711 Montana Stream Protection Act(SPA 124 Permit) Any agency pr subdivision qr federal,state,county, city government proposing a project that may affect the natural existing shape and form of any stream or its banks or tributaries must obtain a SPA 124 permit before beginning work. Any agency or unit of government planning a project must submit a Notice of Construction(application)to the Department of Fish,Wildlife and Parks,which has up to 60 days to review the application,perform an on-site investigation,and approve,modify,or deny the application,There is no application fee. For more Information contact the Habitat Protection Bureau-IVIT Fish,Wildlife and Parks(406)444-2"9. Anyone planning new construction within a designated mo year nomop/m/n must obtain ar|uudplain development permit before beginning work. New construction includes,but is not limited to,placement offill, roads,bridges, culverts,transmission lines,irrigation facilities,storage of equipment or materials,and excavation; new construction,placement,or replacement of manufactured homes;and new construction, additions,or substantial improvements to residential and commercial buildings,Check with local planning officials or the F|nuoplain Management 8octionof/he Department or Natural Resources and Conservation m determine whether a I 00-year floodplain has been designated for the stream of interest. Page sof^ Floodplain Development Permits are available from the local#oodplain administrator,who may he the city/county planner,sanitarian,building inspector,town clerk,or county commissioner, Permit applications are available from the local floodplain administrator or from the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation.Application fees are established by the local government and vary widely throughout the state.The application process may take up to 60 days.Joint application perUcipant-see � Permitting Tips section, For more Information contact the epmdpmm Management Section-nn Department of Natural Resources and Conservation(4n6)44*o860. � Anyone Federal Clean Water Act(404 Authorization or Permit) _ proposing a project that will result n,the discharge m,placement nv dredged or fill material into waters o*the United States must obtain e4O4 authorization ur permit before begi ."Waters Uni�d8�tas^|ndudolakes, �eru^otmemn�nnYud/ngperennial,in�nn,1�nu.and ~' obann�xwith an/ on1�oryh�hwater muddwagandsen���eruquabooi�s ephemeral ' ' � | Anyone planning a project must submit an application to the U.S,Army Corps of Engineers(Corps).The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also has regulatory review and enforcement functions under the law.Permit ! authorization varies depending on the size and scope of the intended project. Activities that meet the conditions for a Nationwide or Regional General Permit may be approved in 10 to 45 days. Individual Permits require more extensive review and require a public notice period, Permit approval may take 0O&o120 days.Application fees for Individual Permits may vary from 'n �10fo,phvmvaindividuo|ato$/Oo for commercial applicants.Do not send money with the application.Applicants will be notified ifa fee applies. Formers Information=tautheu�Army Corps of Engineemmwest t5th Street,Suits m200,Helena,MT 59626,Phone(406)wwms Short-term Water!2uarity Standard for Turbidity(318 Authorization) Anyone initiating construction activity that will cause short term or-temporary violations of state surface water quality standards bn turbidity in any"State water"must obtain a 318 Authndzatiom before beginning ..-... ~~^..,~^~^ "ncludes any body v,water,irrigation system,nr drainage system,either surface or / underground,including wetlands,except for irrigation water where the water is used up within the irrigation | system and the water io not returned m other state water, A 318 Authorization must be obtained prior to initiating a project.The authorization may be obtained from the | Department o[Environmental Quality,ormsybewaivod by the Department of Fish,Wildlife and Parks during its review process under the Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act(310 Permit)or the Stream | Protection Act(SPA l24PanmiV. individual applications submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality are normally processed within 3O � to 60 days.Authorizations waived under the 310 or SPA 124 permit processes correspond to the time frame under each permit system,usually 3gto#V days.There isan application fee of*150,0O(make check ur money order payable to Water Protection Bureau,Department of Environmental Quality), For more Information contact the Water Protection Bureau-wr Department a Environmental Quality Humw*-3oou proposing Storm Water DischaEge General Permits Anyone a construction activity that will-disturb—one-^ more acres,"defined industrial activity:* mining i|and gas activity in which storm water will come into contact vW|hoverburden, raw material, � intermediate products,finished products,or waste products located on the site of such operations(including active and inactive mine sitesy or other defined activity that has a discharge of storm water into surface waters.Permit authorization inhmioa|ty obtained under a Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination Gyn�m (K0PDES)^Gmnena/Permi�. / For storm water discharges associated with construction activity, U authorization im effective upon Department recei'°'� � � ,-��. the '" = m m (SW PPP), &,e.Thiomuntba � date. discharges, �xco�for�n M84s),and fee must be received for other regulated~ ^�~' �^ ' � review at least JQdays prior N the discharge of storm water from the facility or onthehmeofpa,mi�Con�m�aDepamnvntm�u�(hawebniAa|��xbe�w�x-�'Fees vary~~"~^~'^� various storm water discharge "General PeonM».^App|icaUon/N0 Forms,fee nc hedula.and o thorp� nittingfonnannform a¢icm. ! For more information contact the Water Protection Bureau_MT Department a Environmental Quality,(406)444-3080,hMpmWWWdeq.mt,mw. ! Page 4m4 ! •� �n S �Q� � M I c'� i� � ( � .G�,,; aF R ° � z- - h +n: c„ I tl d/U�r / h� .r...r .aw y� ° ���� (i� e � �:" � /fir/� �,�rj r'u:p z ✓: c ��� I �%�� �i r': � � � � � G'i� r � � �� � � �, �� l(Il��„ ifl � ��' � c• c. 8 �Gmr e�- �. '( t�i ♦' �. ...... ci F-1 % 4�d I.a ra y��: 1. y t q /%°.0 F A c. A an %l� aa� / Ia,O�LW an,,,,= /i / D / Zfo! ' c � j (i6v.t O, m � I� ' 1//O d W p; ti� ^c a EWA A a• rr �7 t V d rr t z Z� W I1 r l l� ux W J N t'� u � Y.W 4� M j c rn 1 G�j A Z p u v / O E 3 I/ . j al f dI 1 (d G tl7 r, ._. a .. 4 us Ln s L7 vi p L m � m w � m 4~� • � N C a em+ amp «a 41 `v si ;o r M0 sm uj Imi a d Lr ' U� p� i� ✓� l � � t�J" L W � f I va � [. 11 / rr ar a Ij `` . 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A IR Main-5th intersection.JPG Main-5th looking E.JPG "I I MAN wi ...... Ig" U mw Main-5th looking east.JPG Main-5th looking W.JPG 1 Main-6th looking E.JPG Main-6th looking W.JPG Main Street r , �f %/j %9y/ 1 rTv � ", r� /✓ / /iii/i�iY%i%�f� I /�� f Main-7th intersection(looking S).JPG Main-7th intersection E sid'e.JPG wx .r , r ''.f!d/�A�r M, � i >rm r�i�l✓�»fill t r i r , Main-7th looking E.JPG Main-Grand intersection.JPG �1 iGYu Main-Grand looking W.J'PG Work brderYNo. Reused 11,2010 UTILITY OCCUPANCY AND LOCATION AGREEMENT Route:E-1207(7"'Ave Date Submitted: Agreement No.: Date Approved: Highway Project No.: Designation: Control No.: ApplicanUUtility:City of llozeman _ Address:PO Sox 1230 Telephone:406-582-228 City:Bozeman State:MT Zip,54771-1230 1) Overhead facilities: Size: Type: 2) Underground facilities; Size: 8" Type:QaY Sewer Main 3) Other: CIPP Rehabilitation of Pipe with some services o en cut Location: 1) Longitudinal:Intersection of 7ih Ave and Mendenhall St and the Intersection of 7 t Ave and Lamme Milepost(Station)000+0.071 to Milepost(Station)000+0.100(a2prox) 2) Centerline crossing(s)at Milepost(Station) 3) Downguys not in parallel with the roadway at Mileposts)n/a 4) Section 12 ,Township 2 South,flange 5 East,County Gallatin This installation is subject to compliance with the Administrative Rules of Montana 18.7.201 through 18.7,232,the Utility Occupancy Guidelines,the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the following requirements: Construction Prints: Prints are attached and incorporated by this reference, (Highway prints preferred)Distances from R=line,centerline and existing utilities,to the proposed installation must be provided, The utility will notify In phone at least 48 hours in advance of any work detailed in this Agreement,except for emergency situations.After completing the work, the applicant must submit a Form Utl 968(attached)for approval. 1) The State shall not be liable to the general public for any injury to or death of any person whomsoever belonging when such injury,death,loss or damage arises out of or results from the construction„maintenance,or repair of existing or future utility facilities located within the highway right-of-way,or the installation or operation of such utility facilities within the highway right-of-way,regardless of whether or not the Department has expressed or implied approval of the construction,maintenance,repair,installation or operation of such facilities within the highway right-cf- way. 2) This approval is granted with the understanding the installation will be made according to the plans as submitted. Field revisions may only be made with the approval of the District Administrator or designee. If the installation is not made as shown on the plans or approved amendment,the Department,at its discretion,may require the removal of the installation. 3) Any attachments to this agreement,including but not limited to Right-of-Way Form Ull 968 and Utl 969,are hereby incorporated by reference. 4) All workers within the right-of-way of a Federal-aid highway who are exposed either to traffic(vehicles using the highway for purposes of travel)or to construction equipment shall wear high-visibility class 2 or 3 safety apparel.For nighttime activity,the gagger shall wear class 3 safety appparel.Permittee shall provide flaggers who are currently certified by the Montana gagger training program;the ATM gagger program;or the Idaho,Oregon,or Washington state tugger training programs. 5) Additional Requirements: The average turn-around time fora completed Utl 967 permit application is 30 working days.A permit application will be considered complete when all impacts associated with the requested action have been reviewed and approved by all agencies affected by this action.The applicant is responsible for obtaining these necessary approvals. Utility/Permittee: t'itvoFBozeman By: Print Name: Title: Approved: Disapproved: State of Montana Department of Transportation (Date) (Date) By: Title: (N-te) Page 1 of 4 Control No. Project Id No. Name!Location Description RouletCorr, Fed.Funds Involved? Utility work order No.: (T For MDT Use Only) Yes 11 No D ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FOR: EJ Approach Permit 2 Encroachment/Occupancy (iri Utility) ❑Maintenance Projects(w/No Right-Of-Way Acquisition,Sale or Transfer) Location:Highway or Route No U-1207 7`'Ave Milepost(s)000+0.0711 to 000+0.100 Physical Address Intersection of 71'Ave and Mendenhall SIVIntersection of 7ih Ave and Lamme St. City Bozeman Legal Description:County Gallatin Township 2 South Range 5 East 12 Applicant Information;Name City of Bozeman Phone f406)582-2280 Company/Utility Cit of Bozeman Business Phone(406)5822280 Mailing Address:Street or Box PO Box 1230 --City Bozeman State MT Zip Code_59771-1230 Impact Questions Based on ARM%Z261&23 CFR 771.117-Actions that qualify for Comment or Explanation 'a .; "I Categorical Exclusion under MEPA or NEPA Yes No (Use attachments if necessary) ".I Will t 1, Will the proposed action impact any historical sites? 2. Will the proposed action Impact any Publicly owned parklands, Z recreation areas,wildlife orwaterrowl refuges? Will I .pro" 3, Will the proposed action impact prime farmlands? Z 4. a. ill the proposed action have an impact on the human environment that may result from relocations of persons or businesses,changes In traffic patterns,changes in grade,or other EJ N types of changes? b.Has the proposed action received any preliminary or final approval from the local land use authority? 0 Z -proposed action,is there documented controversy on 15 1 environmental grounds?(i.9,-has the applicant received a letter of petition from an environmental organization?) 6. Will the proposed action require work in,across or adjacent to listed or proposed Wild or Scenic River?(See listing on page 2) El Z J1 7. Will the proposed action impact air quality or increase noise? Potential for minimal impact to air quality and/or'Z increased noise during construction onl y. 8, Will the proposed project Involve hazardous waste sites? (Superfund,spills,underground storage tanks,old mines etc.) Lip 9. =III he proposed action affect water quality,wetlands,streams Zw_ -J .raleir bodies?If the answer is YES,an environment-related t-7 permit or authorization may be required(See Attached"Stream Permitting Guidelines" 10• a. Are there any listed or proposed threatened or endangered A search on the Natural Heritage Website indicates e area; however,n i th species,or critical habitat in the vicinity of the proposed action? species of concern adverse b,Will the proposed action adversely affect listed or proposed impacts are not anticipated as work will be done in a threatened or endangered species,or adversely modify critical previously developed area. See attached for the habitat? report. Will the proposed action require an environment-related permit or authorization? If the answer is"Yes,"please list the specific permits or authorizations. 12, Is the proposed action an or within approximately 1 mite of an Indian Reservation? Z a.If Yes-will a Tribal Water Permit be required 13. Is the proposed action in a"Class I Air Shed"(Some Indian Reservations)? ❑ Z Will th a proposed action result in increased traffic volumes, 14, increased wait or delays on stele highways,or have adverse [:] r impacts Z Potential traffic delays during construction only, on other forms of transportation(rail,transit or air movements)? Is the proposed action part of a project that may require other 15. governmental permits,licenses or easements? If"Yes"than describe the full extent of the project and any other permits,licenses I Z 0 DEQ Approval-Approval etter will be forthcoming. or easements that may be necessary for the applicant to acquire. 16 F7 Attach representative photos of the sites where the proposed action would be implemented. 17.Z Attach map(s)showing the location(s)of the proposed action(s),Township,Range,Section,highway or route number and approximate milepost(s). 18.Describe Magnitude I Importance of potential impacts:(To be completed by Applicant)(Use Attached Sheets) The project will be taking place in a previously disturbed and developed area. The magnitude of potential Impacts is small due to the nature of cured-in- Place-pipe(CIPP)trenchless t clogy(s4 attached ,7 e information o?ivCIPP). l Checklist prepared by: ',I 6:1,( )J o,4r, Aponca—hr'— Title J DAe Reviewed for Completeness by, MDT District Representative Title Date Approved by: Environmental Services Title Date (When any of the items I through 13 are checked"Yes") Approved by: Transportation Planning Title Date (When items 14 or 15 are checked"Yes") Page 2 of 4 Checklist Conditions&Reuuired Approvals A, Applicant Is NOT authorized to proceed with the proposed work until ALL of the Checklist Conditions have been met and the required approvals have been obtained. B. Completes the checklist indicating a"Yes"or"No'for each Item,. C< When a"Yes"Is indicated on any of the items except 12 or 13,the Applicant must explain the Impacts,and for Items 1 through 10 describe any appropriate mitigation measures that will be taken.Use attachments If necessary, If the applicant checks"No"and the district feels there may be potential impacts,the Environmental Checklist must be forwarded to Environmental Services, D. If a"Yes"Is checked In item 10 a.(threatened or endangered species),please provide Information naming the particular species and the expected location,distribution and habitat use in the proposed action area,Le,within the Immediate area of the proposed action and possible direct affects to the species;or,in the general area on occasion(seasonally passes through)but does not nest,den or occupy the area for more than a few days—adverse affects are very unlikely. E. Ifthe applicant checks"Yes"for any Item,the approach permit,occupancy agreement or permit along with the checklist and Applicant°s mitigation proposal,documentation,evaluation andlor penults must be submitted to MDT Environmental Services for review and approval. F, when the applicant checks"Yes"to any item,the Applicant cannot be authorized to proceed'with the proposed work until the MDT Environmental Services and/or Transportation Planning,as appropriate,reviews the information and signs the checklist. G. Applicant must obtain all necessary permits or authorizations from other entitles with jurisdiction prior to beginning the proposed action or activity. pj� � �tf�ri'fir d/U 3 fl��Slrbnen oti�e.Wirlo 1 Fq� da f , y Stream Permitting Guidelines To be used for Informational purposes when filling out the Environmental Checklist for MDT approach permits, encroachmentloccupancy permits or Maintenance projects. The most commonly required permits or authorizations are listed below.Other permits or authorizations may be required,and other laws may apply depending on the type and the location of the proposed activity. For more information please refer to"A Guide to Stream Permitting in Montana"available on the Internet at http:://www.dnrr,.Mt.gov/permits/or from your local conservation district office. (The information provided belowwas adapted from"A Guide to Stream Permitting in Montana") Montana Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act 310 Permit Any private,nongovernmental individual or entity that proposes any activity that physically alters or modifies the bed or banks of a perennially flowing stream must obtain a 310 permit before beginning work. Contact the conservation district office to obtain a permit application,fill the application out and submit it to the local conservation district prior to any activity i'n or near a perennial-flowing stream. Once an application is accepted,a team that consists of a conservation district representative;a Department of Fish,Wildlife and Parks biologist; and the applicant may conduct an on site Inspection.The team makes recommendations to the conservation district board,which has 60 days from the time the application is accepted to approve,modify,or deny the permit.Local rules apply.There is no charge for a 310 permit. For more information,contact your local conservation district or the Conservation Districts Bureau-MT Department of Natural Resources and Conservation at(406)444-6667,or the Montana Association of Conservation Districts(406)443-5711 Montana Stream Protection Act SPA 124 Per Any agency or subdivision of federal,state,county,or city government proposing a project that may affect the natural existing shape and form of any stream or its banks or tributaries must obtain a SPA 124 permit before beginning work. Any agency or unit of government planning a project must submit a Notice of Construction(application)to the Department of Fish,Wildlife and Parks,which has up to 60 days to review the application,perform an on-site investigation,and approve,modify,or deny the application.There is no application fee. For more Information contact the Habitat Protection Bureau-MT Fish,Wildlife and Parks(406),444-2449, Montana Flood lain and Floodwav Mane ement Act Flood lain Development Permit Anyone planning new construction within a designated 100 year floodplain must obtain a floodplain development permit before beginning work. New construction includes,but is not limited to,placement of fill, roads, bridges,culverts,transmission fines, irrigation facilities,storage of equipment or materials, and excavation,new construction,placement,or replacement of manufactured homes;and new construcllon„ additions, or substantial improvements to residential and commercial buildings.Check with local planning officials or the Floodplain Management Section of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation to determine whether a 100-year floodplain has been designated for the stream of interest. Page 3 of 4 Floodplain Development Permits are available from the local floodplain administrator,who may be the city/county planner,sanitarian, building inspector,town clerk,or county commissioner. Permit applications are available from the local floodplain administrator or from the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation.Application fees are established by the local government and vary widely throughout the state.The application process may take up to 60 days.Joint application participant-see Permitting Tips section. For more Information contact the Floodplain Management Section—MT Department of Natural Resources and Conservation(406)444-0860. Federal Clean Water Act f404 Authorization or Permit) Anyone proposing a project that will result in the discharge or placement of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States must obtain a 404 authorization or permit before beginning work.'Waters of the United States"include lakes,rivers,streams(including perennial, intermittent,and ephemeral channels with an ordinary high water mark),wetlands,and other aquatic sites. Anyone planning a project must submit an application to the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers(Corps),The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also has regulatory review and enforcement functions under the law,Permit authorization varies depending on the size and scope of the intended project. Activities that meet the conditions for a Nationwide or Regional General Permit may be approved in 10 to 45 days. Individual Permits require more extensive review and require a public notice period.Permit approval may take 90 to 120 days.Applioation fees for Individual Permits may vary from$10 for private individuals to$100 for commercial applicants. Do not send money with the application.Applicants will be notified if a fee applies. For more Information contact the W.S.Army Corps of Engineers,10 West 151h street,Suite 2200,Helena,MT 59626,Phone(406)441-137S. Short-term Water Qualitv Standard for TurbidityJ318 Authorization Anyone initiating construction activity that will cause short term or temporary violations of state surface water quality standards for turbidity in any"State water"must obtain a 318 Authorization before beginning work."State water"includes any body of water, irrigation system,or drainage system,either surface or underground,including wetlands,except for irrigation water where the water is used up within the irrigation system and the water is not returned to other state water. A 318 Authorization must be obtained prior to initiating a project.The authorization may be obtained from the Department of Environmental Quality,or may be waived by the Department of Fish,Wildlife and Parks during its review process under the Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act(310 Permit)or the Stream Protection Act(SPA 124 Permit). Individual applications submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality are normally processed within 30 to 60 days.Authorizations waived under the 310 or SPA 124 permit processes correspond to the time frame under each permit system,usually 30 to 60 days.There is an application fee of$150,00(make check or money order payable to Water Protection Bureau,Department of Environmental Quality). For more information contact the water Protection Bureau—MT Department of Environmental Quality(406)444-3080. Storm Water Discharge General Permits Anyone proposing a construction activity that will disturb one or more acres,a defined industrial activity;a mining or oil and gas activity in which storm water will come into contact with overburden,raw material, intermediate products, finished products,or waste products located on the site of such operations(including active and inactive mine sites);or other defined activity that has a discharge of storm water into surface waters.Permit authorization is typically obtained under a Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES)"General Permit". For storm water discharges associated with construction activity, permit authorization is effective upon Department receipt of a complete Notice of Intent(N01),Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP),and fee.This must be received no later than the construction activity start date. For other regulated storm water discharges,a complete Application Form,SWPPP(except for Small MS4s),and fee must be received for review at least 30 days prior to the discharge of storm water from the facility or activity. Fees vary depending on the type of permit.Contact the Department or visit the website listed below for various storm water discharge"General Permits,"Application/NO[ Forms,fee schedule,and other permitting forms/information. For more information contact the Water Protection Bureau—MT Department of Environmental Quality,(406)444.3080,httptlfWWw.deq.mt.gov. Page 4 of 4 CC� / +�^'" � sC I cc, �✓� y„ /� // ....... Y �v iii// � ,. _.l c C, �, � � �/ a. ry+✓y C i' ./ /r r/ l f', t.r /�/� •f7 u ' I r m %/ 1 / '. Z W " c� a �D/iii Iill�/ N)2�'W I, c ,i 1I� •I�l j l/r��r9 pie Y. m a r O .'K t rr yam. r /;c 47, 2 o F/l��p���%iji CS � ._ r _ //���%�� .r /�//��/,, .�,,,.., �U /���/ ......».� .....,, ro�� © � '...,..,,.,, n v, � //��j; tip•' lz W 44 Ili/✓���j/ ....�V...,.....„. 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Asset length: E0512 E0514 409,0 Comments Observations 382.4 TFC No 9 /,, "I—gella,.r Z A tM Ili 4102 1 `I/ EM 1191 START� 11H, STOP: E0514, Observations with Large Images Tuesday,March 19,2013 8:40 AM Page 1 of 1 G0432 to G0433 / r (�%%�/rrii/ / o�/���J�� << ,i,-•p��l���(i//�///li�,// riiO:pj�%ia „ �, ,✓,,/��J i / rl(6e,/r� r %% i% i /! G0432 to G0433(1),jpg G0432 to G0433(2),jpg u, nw �; y r/nd Guy• , r 1////d� r �i�✓/�G G0432 to G0433(3).jpg CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue —�- ' Orlando, EL 32805 .wg �� a ,�g Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax; 407-425-1569 Mainline]D: Project Name: Start date/time: Weather: Operator:. (30653 .(30539 Bozeman 2/18/2010 1, Steve Purkiss 2:12:43 PM Upstream node: Downstream nude: Asset length: G0653 G0539 391,3 Comments Observations �IJ/, ,J9G/IJ(/ll�r/✓/U/�i/ %///%//�/�l�'l(� !/ � ,:q11( .rru�iI,iii rr rr r+I// ara ai+ I n, t�, + , 66.9 TBA No 3 / ja w' I f,r' �j f Observations with Large Images Wednesday, March 13,201'3 11:50 AM Page 1 of 1 CUES, Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue Orlando, FL 32805 Np�Yno 1�e.--7gan untl kise!pelmn fMlror® Phone. 407-849-0190 Fax 407-425-1569 Malnline ID:. Project Name. Start datelkdme: Weather: Operator: G0653_GO539 Bozeman 2/18/2010 1 Steve Purkiss 2:12:43 PM upstream node: Downstream node: Asset fength.:. G0653 G0539 391.3 Comments Observations 52.4 TFC No 10 / ff y irr it l � �f J i Observations with Large Images Wednesday,March 13,2013 11:35 AM Page 1 of 1 CUES,Inc. 3600 Rio Vista Avenue Orlando, FL 32805 Phone: 407-849-0190 Fax: 407-425-1569 SEEM 010 Mainline TD; Project Name: start datOtime: Weather: Operator' G0653GO539 Bozeman 2/18/2010 1 Steve Purkiss 2:12:43 PM Upstream node: Downstream node: Asset length: G0653 G0539 3913 Comments Observations 52,4 TFC No 10 .................................. I.................... Observations with Large Images Wednesday,March 13,2013 11:50 AM Page 1 of 1